Georgia republican & state intelligencer. (Savannah, Ga.) 1802-1805, December 20, 1805, Image 3

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m-.-i’ £•**’.-v <•**•*• ij ’aS from ; l -nf ) qu_rter, from which 1 fiuin, that an . - tempt la? been made, luafift by • *’ ■ trepv.l i fhctr in perfm, tn fi-e <• • ffi'PS tn the <n ward fiabc.rof BoY.;ic*r.e, “ M infty tv <ht, being very itaik two lo g yn, with feme oihe 1 <a f f, ouily manned ya uu uher of volunteers from (be Utrecht,’- fhtp, tiie Ant ’ope, and fume other ft j -* intend the harbor urpe-teived, am’ had let tivo of tliefe fire machines, called car caff s, adrift, which ran ale nj file with ‘ the tide, among the (hipping ; these were filled with a quantity of romhulli- He maHer, and were to exp’ode ai a g’ven time (15 minutes ;) in tub they succeeded ; but from the powder being two wen!;, or fome unknown c: ti e, they had not the desired effti, although a very confiderabie conflagration ci.iued. The men in the boats were unfortunately > difeovertd at the fame moment, by the { iotdiers at the batteries, who commenced a heavy fire of mulketiy upon tiiem ; the (hot flew about them like bail, and t great quantity went through the boats; one man fad no kfs tl .1 three (hots through the crown of his hat ; fome ae counts slate. that two men were killed; hut from every thing that 1 have been able to learn, only one man was badly wounded, and the rest Heaped unhurt. Item tins attempt, great expeditions entertained that the dcitruction of tlie enemy’s flotilla is inevitable, under the undefati'gable and fpi riled talents of 1 inch an t llicer as Sir Sidney Smith. *1 he late affair may be coufidcreU as a mere experiment.” Wash! nctcn City, December 3. 11:3 excellency Soiimnn Mficinelli, srr.taflador of his highr.efs the Bey of Tunis, arrived at this city in the Con g efs frigate, on Friday last ; and on Saturday morning landed at the navy yard. On his leaving the snip she fired a fahite, and on his approach to the nta line barracks, he was received with mi lurry honors by the marine corps under the ccmmsi dos colonel Wharton. Fence he proceeded with bis two Tuvkifh fte tr< taricaand two bla. k dorncftics to the beufc provided on the capitol Hill. Af ter remaining thereabout an hour, he went with the attendants to the depart ment of (fate, and had an audience of the Secretaiy. We tiirderfbind that on this day he will beprefeuted to the Preiident. The leng agitated bill, amendatory of the Constitution of Maryland, to provide for the trial ftf fafla in the fevtral coun tries of that (late, and to alter, change and r.boiilh a!! fuelt parts of the tlonlti tutii u as relate to the general conn and court of appt aU, puffed the Iloufe of Delegates on the 30th ult. Yeas 42 — Nays 37 ; Having previouffv puffed the Senate it new forms a part cf the Cor>- ffitution. CONGRESS. MONDAY, DECEMBER 2,1805, This being the conflitutional day for the meeting of Congress, the two Iftoufes convened at the Capitol. SENATE. Twenty membcis took their feats, whereupon, the Vice president cf the U nited States not being prefect, the Senate proceeded by ba’lot to the choice of a President ps o tempore. The ballots hav inr been taken, it appeared that SAM UEL SMITH of Maryland, having 15 votes, was duly el (died. It was then ordered that Messrs Sum ter and Mitchell be a committee, to join such committee as may be appointed by the He.ufe of Rcprefentatives, to inform tbe Prefidenl of the United States that the two Hotifes have formed quorums and are ready to receive any communica tion 5 he may fee fit to mrkc. Tl t ulual orders with regard to the supply of members with newspaper* and the choice of Chaplains were then adopted. HOUSE or RE PR FS ENT ATIVES. At 12 o’clock an enumeration having been made, it appeared that one hun dred and four members were on the floor. The former Clerk (Mr. Beckley) having communicated this circumflance to the members, and that the number of members present formed a conflitutional quorum, fubrritting the queflion whether they were ready to proceed to business, which being decided in the affirmative, the Clerk' obferv and that the bufinr fr, usu- V ally firfl attinded to, was -rhe eleftion of a Speaker, and submitted whether they would then pro; red to fuen rkdlion, which being decided iri the affirmative, the Cl tk named Mes rs Nicholson, Crawningfhield and Thoma3 a committee to count the ballots ; which, being given and counted, Mr. Niclolion reported that tbe whole ballots given were ic6, which were given as follows : For Nathaniel Macon 51 Joftph B. Varnum 27 John C. Smith ij John Dawson 10 Andrew Gregg 2 Os which ballot* no gentleman having a Majority, there was no choice. Wlierciipou a fec.,nd ballot took place which issued as follows : VVhole number of ballots— ic6. For N. Macon 53 J B. Varnum 26 J. C. Smith 17 J. Daw ft. a 7 A. Gregg 3 i, Tsjuiity tret concurring in any one g*.‘hticr.<iu tocrc was to eJetuoa. A thi'd ballot was then taken, as fol levs \VhcV number cf ballots—ic6. For N Macon e 8 I B. V.irrum 28 j-C. Smith 18 J. Dawson 3 A. Gregg 2 Thom.'., Moore 1 D Holmes 1 Th ; s relult having been reported by Mr. Nicholson, a<id it appearing that NA PA \ IEL MACON had a majo rity ot the* ballots given, be was con ducted to the chair by Messrs. Ntchol ion and J. Randolph ; from which he made his acknowledgements to the Iloufe. The House proceeded to ele& a clerk by ballot, the Speaker having named the l.trrc gentlemen tefiers as were appointed on the choice of a Speaker. On counting the ballots, it appeared that of one hundred and three ballots given, John Beckley had 85, and William Lambert 18, and that conftquently John Beckley was duly elected Clerk. Mr. Nicholson having received the qualification of thr fptaker, the latter proceeded to qualify the members present in the geographical order of the States, beginning with New-Hampshire. Af ter which the Clerk was qualified. Mr. Otis delivered a tneifage from the Senate Te prefen ting that they had chosen Samuel Smith of Maryland, president pro tempo-e ; that they had appointed a com mittcetojoin a committee of the House to wait, on the President of the United States &c. and that they had agreed to a joint refutation for the choice of two chaplans of different denominations to in terchaige weekly. Ordtred, On motion of Mr. J. Ran dolph that * message be sent to the Se nate, informing them that the House have made a quorum, and have chosen Notbmiel Macon their Speaker. Oil motion of Mr. J. Randolph, Rest/veri, That a committee be ap pointed on the part of this House, to join with tie committee appointed on the part of the Senate, to wait on the President of the U’ S. and inform him that the two Houles have formed a quorum, and are ready to receive any communications he may bepleafed to make. On motion 1 f Mr. Thomas, Resd-ved, That the rules and orders of the ate House be coniidered as those ot the present Iloufe until altered or rc vi fed. On notion of Mr. Varnum, the House proccectc! to ballot, for a feijeant at Arms; Jofrpli Wheaton, Solomon Mey er and Rechard Stuart having been previ ously nominated. Tile ballots having been counted, it appealed that of 108 ballot* givin, Jo seph Wheaton bad 87 votes, and wa* confebuently duly elected Serjeant at Arms. Mi Dawson moved the following re solution : Resolved, That Thomas CJaxton be appointed Door-keeper, and Thomas Dunn Afliftaut Door-keeper, and that they give their attendance accordingly ; which resolution was agreed to neinine contradlcerle. Mr Dawson moved that 300 copies of the rules and regulations of the late Houle be printed for the use of the mem bers. Mr. Lieb suggested the propriety, in (lead of acceding to this motion, of ap pointing a committee to draw up a set of rules. The question was taken on the refuta tion offered by Mr. Da*fon, which was disagreed to —Ayes 38 —Noes 52. Mr Lei!) moved a resolution for the appointment of a committee to prepare and report Handing rules cf proceeding to be observed in this House ; which was agreed to, and -a committee of five ap pointed. On motion of Mr. Nicholson, Resolved, That a Committee of Ways ar.d Means be appointed agreeable to the (landing rules and order* of the House Ayes 86. On motion of Mr. Ltib, a Corr.nyittce of Commerce and Manufactures was ap pointed. On motion of Mr. Southard, a commit rriittce of Eleftions was appointed. On motion of Mr. Nicholson, a Com mittee of Claims was appointed. On motion of Mr. Thomas, a commit tee of Eevilal and Ur.finulled Bufinefa was appointed. On motion of Mr. Conrad, a Commit tee of Accounts was appointed. On motion of Mr. Newton, it was re solved that the Handing hour of meeting be 11 A. M. until otherwise ordered— Ayes 81. The Speaker laid before the Iloufe a ;ettei from the Clerk representing the measures taking by him in execution of she order of the House of Feb. 28,1805, .relative to the supply of J’rinting and Stationary for the House ; by which it appears that proposals for Printing had been received, from A. and G. Way, ooiomon Myer, R. Dinmore ; from Ifi.n fon and Fulton for paper ; and from Ed gar Patterson for the Stationary ; and that contracts had been made with A. and G. Way for ibe Printing, and with Edgar Patterson for the Stationary* Referred to the Committee of Ac count*. On motion of Mr. Thomas a commit tee confiding of fryenteen members war appointed to enquire and report whether any and what alterations are r:qoiftte in tht adb relative to poH officer* and polt road*. On motion of Mr. Newton refolvcd that the Clerk cause the members to be furnkhed with three newfpaper* ; or with r.ewfpapsrg not exceeding in price three daily papers. Mr. J Randolph, from the committee appointed on tbe part of the House. to wait on the President, in conjunAion with tbe committee appointed by the Senate, reported, that the committee had performed that, and had received, for answer that the President would m: ke a communication to the two Houses to-morrow at 12 o’clock by way of Mcff'ge. RE PUB LIC AN. SAVANNAH, DtCEMBEP. 20, 1805. THE 1 1th .Anniversary of the Micha nical Association was Celebrated on the 1 6th injl. and the following officers was eleSed for the next year. J. W. SHAFFER, re-elefled President. CHRISTIAN GUGEL, re-elefled Vice l’l'fiderr. JOHN KACHLER, Treasurer. JOHN F. EVERITT, Secretary. MICHAEL COPE, Stewarts. After which the Society fatdovvn to a din ner prepared for the ocealion, and (pent the day in mirth and harmony. Married, at Greenwich House, on the 1 Sth inllant, by the rev. Mr. Bed , Mr. PtNNFr, to Miss Jank Eliza BoirrN, both of this city. For the Georgia Republican. THE STRANGER. Rpneath the roof of yon resplendent tovv’r, Soft founds of music are melodious runs And fettive dancers ilrike the wine llain’d floor, With rapid moving feet.. Mirth on each face Her iuafive smile depicts, fare one alone I Amidlt the revel band, whole downcalt eye,’ Whole penfve ir.icn, and fweiling breait de 1 note I The inward warring* of a tortur’d heart. j A wealthy Lord to Hymens altar leads The Sorrowing virgin with reluAant llep, Her heart recoil’s, hut still ine’s urg’d to join, In holy wedlock’s ever lacred bond ; Her hand unwilling, by a fuiheis pow’r. Where is the Virtue of Peruvian lore, That thus it drives .a father else molt kind, T’ offer (where thirl! of wealth predomin ates) So dear a viflim as his cmlds felicity. Is mental peace by powr’ful wealth conferr’d Can riches bribe the heart already won To reiign, affeftion, or transfer its love ? The gen’rous paflions of the ipiman heart, Spontaneous riling, ever spun corruption. Not pageantry of Courts, nor gorgeous pomp Can love extmguifh in the virgin’s breail, VV Inch doats on Virtue, and which worth efleems. Unhappy maid; while inward pangs corrode And hnppeiefs love consume her hearts rc ])°l'r, With smiles deceptions mult those cheeks be deck’d, Tn hide her loathing from her wedded lord. Wrthout the lofty portals of the toyv’r A stranger Hands, to all around unknown: A cumbrous mantle o’er his form is call, The features of his face a viforl hides.— Now feltive fliouts throughout the cattle ring, And now the bridegroom leads the timid fair lief ire the pricll to tic the nuptial knot. With palpitating heart she inward prays, That the lov’d youth to whom flic vow’d a love Too flrong, for time or nbfence to impair, May in the conflicts of advent’ions war, Forfeit esiftance in his Country* caule. Her faithful heart abhors the dillant thought, That Fame fliould ever to the youth relate How she, forgetful of her plighted love, Prefer’d fubmiflion to a noble death.— With urgent Hep, the llrangtr rulhes on, Through crowds aitonifb’d to the pallid bride l or loon her eyes, (his vifornow remov’d) Ileheld the features of her well lov’d vouth. “Gome lovely bride,” he laid, as he approach ed, “Be thou my partner in the joyous dance. Let the loud choir {till increase its flrains, Let new libations higher season mirth, Till l'enfe he 101 l in rapturous excess.” The glittering sword loose hanging at his fide Forth from itsfeabbard, he impetuous d:ew, And ere a faying arm could intervene, It made its paluge to the virgins heart. The blade ail sanguine now tie wields aloft, And loudly with convulsive laugh he cries, “Now f rithlef; Laura thou again art mine, My life to Justice, and my Country's law. The viA m I resign.” Though Hie was true, And he in love lincere, a fattier:; pow r, Which thus exerted, ftiudderr. nature mild, Produc’d tins l'cenc of Horror, and dcTpair. Phi nos. NORFOLK, Dec. 4 Relations wttb Great Britain. We oblerved, upon very repu table authority, in our paper of I* rid ay, that all our differences wLh G. Britain were accomoda ted. Upon this fubjeft we have Len a letter from a member of Congress (a federal iff) Bating that me conduct lately adopted by Britain, would certainly meet an early and decided attention, and that the federalifts would give their fupporc to firm, but temperate measures. An embargo and solemn em balfy to that country arc, in the opinion of the writer, the moft prudent measures under existing circumstances. The fame letter adds, that the government of the United States, have it in their power to make a treaty at this no r.crtt, highly h norabie and advantageous to the U. States. Charleston, Dec. 17. The BILL for preventing the im portatton of Slaves into thi* Hale, was ta ken up in the Senate on Saturday Lit, ana loll.—*yc* 15, Noes id. AUGUST A, Dre, 14. The Govetwr on t ’•* 6th inti, laid before both l, ratmhes of the iegijluture a copy cf the Joit’ nurg ht ‘r. IPJhington, Nov. 17. The Secretary at war, has concluded and signed a convention with the Creek Deputation, which accompanied nic to the fi at of Government, for the purchase of the Oemulgee fork, hound by the Ocmulgee tip to Ulcofauchatchs, and from thence to thr high flioals of Appe lachee, with a reserve to include the Ocnmlgee old fields for a trading rlHfr lifhment. This convention when ratified by the government of the United States will be forwarded to you by the Secreta ry at war j in the mean time, knowing as I do, the anxiety of my fellow citizens in Georgia, on this fnFjetl, I have tak en upon me. to make this communication to you. And have the honor to be, with sin cere esteem, and regard, fir, your Excellency’s moll obedient servant. BENJAMIN HAWKINS. Hi* Excellency J. Mii.leege, ) Governor of Georgia. 5 EPIGRAM. “ What 1 not know rr.y name !” an owl funk ier late cried ; “ My works, I allure you, are spread far and wide.” Sly Tonfon, who overheard all that was laid. Replied, with a smile and a (bake of the head, “ What you fay, Sir, is true ; but alas I'twixt ourselves, Their all spread far and w ije, but it is on my fhelvcs. Not long fin: c a ccitain quick was addrclTsd by one of his pati ents as follows: ‘ Do&or, how is it, that when we cat and drink, the meat is feperated from the drink ?’ * Why, I’ll tell you, (replies the quack) in the neck there are two pipes ; one of them is to receive the mete, the ether the drink; at the top of theie is a lid, or clapper, and when we ear, this clapper shuts up the drink pipe, and when we drinK, it turns back upon the meat \ ipc. ‘ But do&or (fays the patient) it seems to me, that the clapper inuft play d——~d sharp when we eat pudding and milk, PORT Ob SAVANNAH ENTERED. Brig Short Staple, Hodgkins, Etflon Schr. Adventure, Wood, Cbwirfian Sloop Po/ly, Not ns, do fentic, Beard do Planter, Hammond, do CLhAKIiD, Ship Falcon, Parrott, Sun bury Schr. Susan, Allen, St. Augustine Agenoria, Bennett, Baltimore, Slanp Fairhaven, Toy, St, Mary’s Ruth, Philips , do. RALPH MAY, Having taken the fore adjoining ’James Cnrrnthers, Commerce Ronu, fronting the Bay, now offers for Side, AN EXTENSIVE ASSORTMENT OR Dry Goods & Hardware, Confijling of Black, blue, corbeau, brown and nftxed fuperfine Broad Cloths Second Cloths, Plains, ELllic Cloth?, Caflimeres, knapt and common Coating* J’atent cords, Swanfdowns ft Toilinnts Blue Strouds, London duffllc and rofi- Blaakets Flannels of all colours A Variety of Velvets, Velvereta, Genoa Cords and Thickfetts Dimities, Crapes, Muffin* and Muffin Handkerchief* Crambray Muffins Plain, figured and checked cotton Cam bricks, Calicoes, Linens Dowlas, fluetings Diapers and Diaper Table Cloths Hedricks, Durants Duroys, Calimancos Bombazcttes and Boml>azin a Silk and Cotton Shawl*—Soofe Malabar, Pullicat & Konial Handkerchief* Silk, Cotton and worfled H.Fiery Silk, cambrick, Cotton & leather Gloves and Mitts, Lace and Edgings. Worßed and Cotton Taffils and Cords Silk and Cotton ILacea Apron Cheeks, knitting Cotton* Ladies fcarlct cloaks, Umbrellas and Parafoil Nuns, whited brown, all colours and O/.naburg Threads Needles, Knitting do. Tape*, Bobbins, Pin* Geritleman’B fine Hats Servants Glazed and common do. Gentleman’* and Ladies fine oboes Bra!* Wtre l ender*, with and without slope Ixjttorris Shovel and Tongs, B< l!ow* Ch.mntv hooks, Cloak pins Block Tin and japanned Coffee Biggins and Coffee Pot* Iron Pots, Dutch oven* Smith’s bench and hand Vice* Hand and fledge Hammer* Pliers and File* Carpenter* broad axes Hatchets, Adze*. Saw*, Screw Augurs Chiff ds, Rules, Iron squares Cotnpaffe*, Gimblets, Uil Hones, Hinges A variety of Carpenters P*aots aiu Plane Irons Brace with bitta, Wood ferev’* Club a fid Falling axes, Spade* f Broad and Carden Hoe® Scythes and Straw knives, Knives and fork?. Carvers, Fapanned Tea Trays, and Bread B„flc t* Candlcftirks, Snuffers pat. door fpring* Curry combs and Brushes Powder, Shot, and bar Lead I’otvd* r fhfks and (hot Pouches Gun (crews and Worms Plated Spurs Pen knives, Sciffar# Raifors, Combs, fpoona Coin and Coffee Mills W*rfie Irons, fpeftacle* Bricklayer’s Trowels Hair Brooms and Bruffies Morocco pocket and blank books Writing paper, Ink powder Pewter Bafons, Plates, candle moulds Iron rim’d chest?, cupboard, trunk, desk and Hock Locks SJIoc makers knives, hammers, pinchers, J a ’ v f blades, tacks Sec. Cpjrpcr and Iron Tea kettles Cjiid Irons Smoothing Irons, Chaffing ’ dirties, ALSO, ’ WhitejLead, Spanish brown yellow ochre \ at, d blue and green paints Pintei’a Bruffies and Painting tools 4 [ stl if*- and. Iod• i2d. 2od •8c jod. \ Nailft and ilooring Brads. 8 V 9by 11, and 10 by ,2 Win slow Glass, in wliole 6c half box.-s Together With a haudfome assortment of CROC HER 7’ and Gl. ,ISS IVARE\ all of which will be fold cheap. Dec. 20 t s 32 “AUCTION. THIS DAT at 10 o’clod will be sohj before the Subscribers Auction Stosm. 10 Hlids. Muscovado bunar, 3 Ripes Brandy, Bqr. Calks Madeira Wine, 1 Hhd. N. E„ Rum, 2 Boxes Cotton Cards, 10 Calks Mamifador’d Tobac co, 13 Barrels Philadelphia Beer, iz Barrels tuckers, 5 Kegs Cloves, :.1 Barrels Beef, 6 Chells Souchomr Tea, 1 7 Boxes Havannah Segars, f to Kegs Snuff) r:>. Boxes Malaga Raifons, 2 Boxs Shoes, 20 Pieces Coaile Cloth*', 30 Pieces Yot kilter Superfine, 32 pieces P anned pieces Brown Linen 1 do. Sw.inkiown 3? do Irilh Linens 10 do. Russia Duck With a number of other Arti cles. o. IJ. STACKHOUSE, A uttioneer. J)<C. 20- AUCTION. THIS DAI will be fold on ffamet johnjhn, junr’s wharf without reserve. Hale to commence at 10 o’clock. 50 Hlids. be Pipes Northward Rtirr, 20 pieces Ravens Duck, 20 do. Kuflia Jo. 2 libels. Martinique Sugar prime quality bcc: Conditions made known at the time of faic. NORMAN McLF.OD. Auctioneer. Dec. 20. “just received^’ 2 Cafe* 7 R liifh linens, colt front lad to 19ft. Itirling, I Bale drapery baize, 1 do. blue cloth, t do. white dowlas, 1 do. rose blankets, 6 4, 7.4, 8-4, and 9-4. 1 do ravens dm k, 3 do. blue Gilla htlkfs. “) Suita -2 do. do Gurralis, | b:e for 2 do. Gudj-po'-e Sannahs, {.theAfii -1 do. Judjea baftas, | can 2 do. Buretpore CofTas, j market, THE ABOVE WILE BE SOLD i V THE bale, or case onlv. ALSO, 17 Caffs London porter, do. do. brown flout, 1 2 N< (Is trunk 3 Cases London m ade hats. ON HAND 13 Hlids. N. E. Ru:n, 4 Pipes brandy, a quantity No. 10. co'ton cards, 10 Chert* Hyfon, and llyfon fkiu te*. For tale by Roberts Cf Cl irk, h bf Boor Let IVbarf, December 20. 32 ts Cl 1 Y SHERIFFS SALES. YViLL t>c .'old on the ft ft i ucfday u.ry i8( 5 a fre Court houlff ip this A v betvtCM the hoirrt cf to and 3 o’cD k, a bo, fe A bndte levi ed on 1* the prope-ty of D vf’Donald, pjLUzl out by the plain tiff. Conditions Cash. Jno. VViilianu, s. c. i. Dec. 2j, 3a