Georgia republican & state intelligencer. (Savannah, Ga.) 1802-1805, December 20, 1805, Image 4

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iVi EDLEY. lii:- NOSEGAY, AN IDYL, ‘Tra.rfi.ued frcm the German cj Solent on C'Jjncr. I HAVI* seen Daphne. Per* haps, aLs! pci ha sit would have been happy lor me if I fad n- t fetn her. IS v:r before did (he ap| car charmir g. I reclined, | < u ing the noonday feivor, un- I t'er r e fnade of the willows, \ wiitie th bro k puris fi iwly'o vr us ptbhicdbe ;. The tbf tcrin. b ws hung over my head and hf-ead their peaceful shade * * , i U ( on the water. I tl.e/e c: j yed j lvvt ct icpofe •, but .since ttu flow, ataS, there is no repoie Nr me. Not far from the ban 1 ’ wheie I f;t, I beared a roll ling of the leaves: and j relent v law Defi ne, the beaut ous Daphne ! She walked in the (hade, by the fide ot t!*e dream.— I here, with char ming grace, she took up her biue robe, and difcuvtred her lovely feet, entered the limpid it team. Then, her body gently inclining with her right hand, she laved her lovely face, while, with the other, five held the flowing robe. She then awaited t.ll noc a drop fell from her hand, to agitate the lurface of the Itream. “\ be water, became tranquil, prdenccd the articls semblance of her eh. fining features. Daphne fnuled at her own beauty, and her fluxed trdfes, bound up in a lovely knot. For whom, 1 sighing said, for whom are all thde cares 1 Who is the happy mortal that employs her thoughts while the plealure to fee herlclf fi; Jovely, thus deepends the roseate hue of .*:r r lips i While she milk'd, inclining o* ver the brook, she dropped the nosegay that adorned her boloni; anu the Arcam brought it to where l fat. Daphne retired, and I seized the nosegay. How ] killed it!—How i held it to my panting heart 1 No, l would no. have parted with it fur a whok flock. Hut, alas 1 it fades, tus lovely nulegav ; and yet it is but two cays flute 1 firft poflelled it. With what care iuve 1 noc pie ferved u! 1 have ttill kept it in the prize cup, winch, in Ipring I won by my tinging. On it is seen, curiously engraved, t c form of love, JeattU in a bowel of myrtles. With the upsoi his fingers, he, fi; ding _tics the ftiarpnels ot his arrows. Ac his feet appear two doves,"s their wings embracing, while they ten derly join their bills. Three times each day, in this cup, have 1 retrefhed my nolegay with the pureil water; and, by night, ex posed it at my window to the falling dew. How often, lean ing over these flowers, have 1 breathed their fwcct fragrance ! Their order leans to me more delicious, and their colors more brilliant, than thofc of all the flowers of the ipring. It wa on Daphne’s boioin their blooms were fully blown. Then, in an ecfiacy, I view the cup, and I sighing fay, “O love, how fatal are thy arrows 1 how forcibly I feel thy fling ! Ah ! make Daphne feel for me, but half what 1 lecl for her, and I will cor.iecrace to thee this cup. 1 will place it on their altar. Every morning will I surround it w ith a garianuof ihefrclhelt dow ns; and when winter lhali de- Ipoil our gardens, I will adorn it with a branch of myrtle. O may you, charming doves! may you be the happy omen of my future bids! Bur, alas! fpic* of all my cares, the nosegay fades. \Vichenng, fading, the Rowers hang their heads around the tup. —No longer they exhale perfumes, but their drooping leaves fail eft'. O love ! grant that the fate of thele flowers, mat not prove a direful prcl'agc tout) tender pailion!” HUMOR. The Amcucan papers fay, that a lady was lately taKtn up oy the wind during a flour., and lias not (nice been heard cf. If It be ondfe eflablilhed that Mr. bolus c.,-1 rapes in this man, we- lh:. l hra*- lorre very plaufi !e excuses for the accidents that happen to light women. London paper’ FOM THE EVENING POST. AS die time is fad approach ing, when we mull expert to lee much distress am.onft our fj iow citizens, perhaps the follow ing anecdote of Franklin will noc be unapproprarc ; i mean as rdpefts the severity of winter. Why fhouU not rhofe v.h have it in their power, attempt in the molt prompt and de ermined manner to follow the advice and council of thac great and good man, Franklin. “ I fend you herewith a bill of ten louis d’ors ; l do not pre cend to give such alum.—l only lend it to you fha.i ‘eturn to your country, you can nor fail of getting into fori.e bo finefs that will, in time, enable you to pay all your debts. In that case, when you meet wiih another honest man in li.nilar difirels, you mutt pay me by lending this sum to kirn, to d’S \chaigc the debt by a like opera | cion when he lnall be able, r.nd meet with such another opportu nity. I hope it may thus go through many b fore it meet with a knave to flop its pio grels. This is a trick of mint lor doing a deal of good with a little money- lam not rich e nough to afford much in good works, and lo am obliged io be cunning, and make the nioft oi a little. “ Your friend, “ 13. Franklin. ,c Paris, April 23 !, 17^4.” ANECDOTE Some time ago a sailer hap pened to be in a tavern in Lon don, when the bells w re ring ing for chu ch, asked what it was for? For church aniwertd the landlord. “I believe i’ll go replied the lador, but how muu i behave?”—You mult set down .1 the firth vacant feat you let, and not Ip ak until it is out, or they will turn you ou . H walked up the a.lie, leading to the pulpit, and feats hisTikit a iong fide of the clerk—who, as usual, wh n the firfl part of Irr vice was over, cried out cm *l. “Hush ! Ziulh ! shipmate,” whii pered Jack, “or they’ll tum us both out.” DARIEN, 6/a December, 18^5. DR. BARTLETT having been particularly invited to refidc i t Da* RIEN, fCieo.) informs his Fiends, and the | tthlic of his determination to eltablifli himfelf there, as Pnyiician, Sa'geon, and man Midwife. Dodti r Barf.eft as being a tcra’ stranger in this part of the world, •hirks it expedient to observe, mat he lias had a ftniflitd Education in Eu rope, he professes to pradl ce in every branch of Met i ine and Burgerv— and the operations in she Ltte.-j have been long familiar to him—pirticul <r. !y in cu/ting for the (tone in /he U unary Biadder—Couching and ex madhng the Cb.taract—removing films from the eyes—and hv been 2L years in/he practice of Midwifery. Dr. B. is a man of family ; ard can be found in Da ‘en by enquiring ot Mellrs. Viv'on Cl Howard. Dr. B. his ready tor publication a Medical Book, ( for the uie ot families— containing 700 pages— price 2 Dollars. bubicrip ions ;e. ccivedbythc printer, or himfelf cr Alcflrs. Vivion t3‘ Howard. Dec. 17 >w. 31 Removal, THE Subfcriter having taken a Gx years leale of Mr. John Pooler's whats and dock adjoining Mr. Bol tons Yamanaw wharf, has removed his lumber yard, and having procu red large and fate Itore toom, is hope u! of a continuance of palt favors. The dork he at przfen occupies is Urge laic pefesses the lame advanta ges as/j convenience as his former >ne dd. Hiso unting room will be fcep/at nis dwelling huufe adjoining VlJohn Caigs until one can tc fir zed up on he wharf. John Mead. Augufl 27 1 To PLANTERS; THE Subscriber finds it njcefL.ry to call, thus publickly, upon all thofc who are in arrears to him, to come forward, as dpeedily as possible, and pay up their ref | pedlive balances—as he is anxious to dis charge those claims, against himftlf, which has originated, principally, through the wantc of those, his debtors. He certainly has a right to calculate upon liberal payments this year, as Providence, has, in general, been very bountiful to tie cultivators of the foil. All defal ters on the ft: it day of March next, may er.neft to find their Ronds, Notes and Accounts in the hands of attorney’s at Law. The Subscriber, also thinks proper to give this public notice, that, being fully fcnfible of the numerous dif zdvantages refnlting f rom the praAice of making advances directly, rr becoming indirectly refpoofible for and on accout oi persons who iiave not,at the time inverted him with funds, or any property that will fp'rdily raise funds fufficient to conipenfate him for the amount he ad vances or becomes refporifible for ; he deebnet, for the future, (except ’in a few cases of ertates and individuals, who has in all t nfa&ions w,th him observed the ftnfteft pu- duality ) the observance of this pradice. 1 hk Subl. rlber wifi, however, in ft'! cases, when produce is put in his ports fit m, make, if requ red, liberal ad vances, and will be gratefui to the plan ter s m general, and to his friends in par ticular, for any favors confered in his line of business-he aflures them, that no exertions Audi be spared to condud all bufuefs, they may confide to his care, luliy to their fatisfadion. He Itill conduds the Factorage & Commission bufinefs,on MOREL’S, wharf, atten ded by every advantage which the fame polTrfs J, when carried on under the firm of WILLIAMSON & MOREL. Jno. P. Williamson, D? l *- 3 tirtm. 27. Prime COILUIsJ O’ RJCE Lands, For sale, by the fubferiber 4.5 c acres on Colonels Island near Su bury well adopted to the cultivation of Cotton ; on the pren ifes one good dwelling house Cotton house and other suitable buildings neceflary on a planta tion ; fi mated on a iaitßiver,and in point of health and good water qual to any in the low country Due other tratft on Bull-town owamp fix miles from Riceboro’ idjoining lands lately bought by Meflfrs. Miller & Currie, contain ing one thousand acres a larye b *dv of the Trafl is of the firft quali v Rice land, one hundred nd fi‘tv acres has been cleared ind planted and may be again ktiled to advantage wit.h bui little trouble. Terms will be made easy topurchalers by apply uigm A. Maybank. Sunbury, Oftober j. iar>4m. 7 —— ■’ t LOST or MISLAID, THE following no:esofhand, all •iiadc payable to ihe lafc AMBROSE S ! )RDOJN, Ksqr. dec’d. One dr awn by Alexander Johnston, dated 7/h May 1804, payable lit. June, 1804, for 448 dollars and 47 cnts—One drawn by Green R. Duke da/ed 13th June, 1802, payable 90 days after di c, for 181 dollars 5 3-4 een/s. One drawn by Lemuel Kol roik, da/ed 6/h August, 1800, paya ble 10 days if ter dare, for 187 dollars 50 cer ts. One drawn by Hugh Ma. gee, dared 3d May, 1804, payable 60 Jays after dare, for 5 1 dollars 97 cents. One drawn by Charles Lindergreen, Jared 3d May, 1804, payable 30 days liter and re, for too dollars. One diawn >y Nathan Beal for 13-3 dollars, bur o whom payable I do not recoiled, est by Charles Goodwin, Esqr. for colleiiion. ALSO, A receipt signed by Sir, Thomas Bonfall o f England for 100 pounds iterling, to Mils Arm Davies, with se veral receipts on the back for the inte rest. All persons arc forbid trading for the above notes, and the drawers from paying them to any person but the fubfc'iber, if they should not be found before the next I. terror Court, replication will be made for a renew. *1 of them, any person finding and de liveting them to the fubfertber will be handfomcly rewarded. J JHN mead. Au ufl 2 if g FAINTING & GLAZING, THF. SuSfcdber has taken the Shop late ly occupied by Mr. Rice the Watch Maker in the Lane as a workfficp, and three or four doors to the Weftvrard of Messrs Duffy and Willloa’s; Where he carries on the, House- Sign, Painting, Gla zing Sc Paper Hanging, &c. S. H. KEEN. Nevemlsr 29 tj j$ j{o Calks London bottled BROJVN STOUT, ; Received on consignment, ar.d f’r faleby Andrew Knox, ( X'-v -n ts Pi- FDUCA i lON T ANARUS, Grateful for t!-e diilingu fbed patronnge lie ha:, experienced fmee his eftabliflimeut in Savannah, Mr Green with deference informs his friends and the public, that the Ladies Literarv fchool, and the Grammar and Math ematical schools, are lti'l ccnduftcd by him on the fame exterdive plan, as attlieir com mencement. The course of -he (chocls, includes Read ing, Grammar, Elictition ar.d Rhetoric, Writing in alt the sfeftil ornamental hands, Arithme ic, Book keeping, according to ie veral systems, Geography and the use, drawingccpying of Maps in different pro jeftions, tha elements of Aftroncmy, ami the use of the Globes and Te lurian History and Chronolngv. In the Mathematical deparimen*, the pupils wi 1 be carefully niltrufted m Algebra Geometry, Trigonometry, Conic Seflions and Fluxions, with their application to the business of life and the invelegation of sci ence. Sixteen years experience in his profeflion, and a fiicred and u: remitting attention to the morals ancl real improvement of his pu piis will, he hopes, continue to him front a liberal and enlightened public, a (hare of that favor which he has hitherto experienced Pupils admitted without Entrance, till the tit of the ensuing January. „%A TRincing Master of eminence will attend the Schools. November 5 ?o SUPERIOR COURT Chatham County. January Term, ißof. D.vvid John Aon, ~1 Pedtion vs. }- r Robert Woodhoufe; J h'treflesun UPON the petition of David Johnston praying the Foreclosure o! the Equity of redemption of ail that lot of land, in the City of Savannah, known by the number two [2] in Jt kyl Tything, Llerby Ward, c.yrtair itiß hxty feet in front, ana ninety set * in deprh, mortgaged by she said Hoberf Woodhoufe to the said David JoSrtflor for securing ttic payment of two seve ral sums of money menfloned ii twe several Bonds or obligations, hearing even date with the said mortgap? ; th. one given by the said Pobert house to the said David Jchnfl >n, and the o’her given by the said Rnbeii Woodhoufe and one George Wood houfe to the said David Johnfloi, and upon motion of IVlcllis. Davits and Berrien of counlel for the petitioner, It is Ordered, That the principal, interelis and costs due upon the said two Bonds or obligations be paij into court wi/hin twelve months fro:? th ir day, and that unlcfs the fame fit 111 bf so paid toe equity of redemption if the iaid mortgaged premifles will tr< ir thenceforth be foreclofed, and other proceedings fake place pursuant the ait of the general allembly, in ucit case made and provided Pniit is further Ordered, In pursu ance of the (aid that this ru'c be publifaed in one of the public Gazette of this state at least once in even month, un/il the time fur the payment if the money aforefaid into court, o; terved on the mortgager or his fpecia’ agent at leaf! fix months previous tc che time of payment as aforefaiti. Extras from the minutae 3 ijl Jan. 1805. J. Bulloch, elk. Tam. t\rr 100 DULLnKiitE WAKD. BROKE Union goal on the night of the 311! Oflober, John Whitlock and Jeff. Cobb. Whitlock is about 30 years of age, spare made, 5 feet 9or 10 inches high, has black eyes, th r visage, fair skin, sh rt black hair, and quite thin before j he had on a itriped homtfpun coat with black cape and buttons ; the ba lance of his Orel's is not accurate, ly recollected, but moltlv home spun cl th. He is under Jen tence of death for tburder. Cobb is fuppoiedto be about 35 years of age, Rout made, about 5 feet 10 or 11 inches high, black ha:r, and confiJeraoly curled, and quite long before, rather llow spoken. He had on a big coat made of what is * ai led bear-skin cloth, a dole coat of black cloth, nankeen panta loons, waillcoat of i potted vel vet or Lilian, and half boots. He was committed for Healing or trading a fiolen negro in Charieflon diftriCt fome time i aft spring. The above reward will be pa:d to any person delivering chert, to the fubferiber, or figu ring them in any goal in this (late or the United S ates, so that they may be brought to jus tice, or fifty dollars for either cf them. Vftt. RICE, t, a. and. N overr.ber Ist 1805. jfcj 3 Printers in alt parts of the United States are rtqudled to insert tut above in the;r Gaz ettes. GRAND LODGE. Notice is hereby given, thut the Cvanil At-r.vcrfa—■ and communication < V the nivit crcieut urd houorab e Society of free and acceprcd Masons in Georgia, will be held in he Grand Lodge Room lit the Eilato-e, on Friday, the ny.h init. eni'u'rg, where the members of the Grand Lodge, and the k - fpeftive City Lodges are notified, to attend at o o,c!cck in the morning, percifely, m order to p:- i c dto church, where aifermcn suitable to the occafton, will be preatheJ by the Reverend Lrothek Best, Grand Chap lain. All transient Bretheren wi(lungto celebrate the eiay, are re quelled to join feme of the Ledges in this city. Tickets, (without which none can be admitted) may e had of Brothers Thomas Baymt.y ar.d Ricxal N. Groves, Grand Stewards. Bv order c f the Crand Lodge. WILLIAM DAVIES. Dec. 1 50. Grand fec'i v. FoR Srtl a. THE house at present ocru pied :.s the Republican Printing Cfp.ce i Lumber cr the labour ‘ ot a Carpenter will be received in payment, for particulars ap piy to F.DW. L. DAVIEs. Nov. 17 24. ts. (jEGZ.GIA, LuiLKl'i, superior Court , March form, 1805, On the petition ot John Bol ton, executor of Robert /Jolton, praying the foreciofure of the en quiry of redemption of all thac lot of land fituare in the town of Sunbiiry, containing fevenry feet front, and one hundred ami thir ty feet deep, known in the ori ginal plan by the number seven ty-eight (78) which It;.:* lot of and, with the improvement, chereon, was mortgaged on th twentieth day of June, one chouf and seven hundred and ninety five, by William Hunter Tor rans to the said Robert Bolton, for securing the payment of the sum of forty-two pounds flerlirng equA in value co one hunded and eighty dollars; with inter est thereon, due upon a certain bond or obligation from the said Wil liam to the said Robert bearing even date with che laid mort gage, ii is ordered, That the princi pal, intercil and cost due on the said bond be paid into court with in twelve months from this time and unid's the principal, intertrlV and colt be so paid the equity of redemption of the said mortga ged preu ilfes Thai! from thence Ir-rth be forecloled, and such other proceedings take place as the law directs. And it is fun her ordered\ That a copv of this rule be publilhed in one of the Public Gazettes of this date at k-ast once in evety month until the time af pointed for payment, or l'erved on the mortgagee, at least fix months previous to such time of pay ment. Extrasl from the Minutes „ This 26 th March *BOS. A. Forest elk. c. s. c. l. c. March a8 lam iat 6r For Stile ?.r this Office. . J variety of BLANKS among which are 9 Foreign and Coating Manifelis, Merchants Entries, Liijuor do. Bi Dos Exchange, do. of Lading, do of Sale; Powers of Attorney. Checks, Apprentices Indentures, Deeds of, Bonds; Notes of Hand, Writs for the Superior, Inferior &. Mayor’* Courts, Mayor’s Ccurt Executions St Supboent.s, Notices to crediioi* of Infoiver.t debtors, Military Summons, lit Executions, &c ; CD* Cards , Handbills fs’e. &e. Printed at a fh*rt A dice on rcnfonablt et ms. BILLS ON LONDON, tOK SALE BY R. oJ. BOLTON .• ‘ July 8. Bonavenlu; e. THIS elegant retreat about 4 miles from Savannah, on Waffaw river, is offered on aleafe for fix or seven years, for the Irene fit of the heir, a minor, on terms that will suit those inclinable topoflefs so valuable a piece of ground, as well calcinated for health at for pleasure and profit. Apply to W. STEPHENS, ) ‘ _ N. TURNBULL, 3 GtARBIAI ' s - August 9 96 \VAi\TEU immediate y, A Negro woman who is a good Cook, waflter &c. Her ivrges will be paid and the will receive good treat ment. Apply to th* printers. Nov. 29. zb Tor sale, AT the PRINTING OFFICE ofth- Gt.ORGI a REPUBLICAN, ALMANACS, for i306. Decen.ier C ~