The Jeffersonian. (Atlanta, Ga.) 1907-1917, October 22, 1908, Page PAGE FIVE, Image 5

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ummary of Tdrents as They Happen By Tom Dolan iSenator La Follette, the radical Republican, and his wife are about- to begin the publication of a weekly pa per -advocating a government by the people. In the labor injunction case rela tive to the Allis-Chalmers company, of Milwaukee, “peaceful picketing” has been held lawful, but the injunc tion was sustained as to “threats, in timidation, force, or violence” on the part of the picketers, or as to their in anywise, directly or indirectly, in terfering with an employer’s busi ness. Pickets will kindly note that, under these terms, they may engage in silent prayer, with the full approv al and sanction of the courts. The drinking fount in Atlanta, -at the intersection of the Peachtrees, bids fair to become as famous as was the “gal” at the Piedmont bar. Kindly people rejoiced when this con venient spot was chosen for giving drink to thirsty horses and the order from the Park Board for its removal, for no good reason, has not struck a popular chord. The agitation will produce some good results, however, as the incident will not be purely lo cal in its effect. Far too little is said and done toward making existence bearable for the patient beasts of burden. They suffer, not because of the positive cruelty of the public, but because of mere apathy on such sub jects. After some eleven years at the helm, Roosevelt is worried over a daily deficit in the treasury of $3,000,000. Singular that with all his “corking’ time” he could not have stopped up some of the leaks. A large part of this enormous government expendi ture is raked in by the railroads for carrying mail. How can he expect his, or any other, administration that is standing pat against the govern ment ownership of railroads; against an inheritance or an income tax — against any and every provision for economical and equitable expendi tures and receipts to do anything but pile up a mountain of woeful extrav agance that will result in a landslide of revolution? The Pullman Company has volun tarily reduced its seat rates a frac tion —and yet they say the age of miracles is not past! Under the bank guarantee provis ions of the State of Oklahoma,'Sf a bank failed, it is stated that deposi tors would have to accept whiskey warrants. In buying the last car load of whiskey for the State dispen sary system, the bank guaranty fund was checked on to pay for it. This opens up a new line of speculation calculated to bring the bank guaran ty into even more doubtful status than before. It having been held, in the South Carolina dispensary case, that a sovereign state has no right to traffic in a commodity in compete tion with the citizens thereof, the dis pensary system itself offers a poor guarantee to its own creditors and in consequence the whole question ap pears to be a jumble of many errors. Three or four important witnesses in the Hains murder case have been transferred to points outside the ju risdiction of the New York, where the trial is to be had, which looks very peculiar to District Attorney Darrin, who claims that they are es sential in proving the State’s conten tion that the murder of Annis was the deliberate work of sane men. Lieu tenant Colonel Ludlow claims that the Department’s action has any con nection whatever with the case. In the monthly report of the re ceipts and disbursements of the Unit ed States Treasury Department for the first year ending June 30, 1908, appears the item of over three and a half million dollars for the Indians. It is about time to call a halt. The red man has been and is basely used, in a multitude of instances, but where the justice lies in a government grant for every pappoose that chances to be added to the swarm of some -anti race suicide Creek, Cherokee or other copper-skinned family, while thous ands of our own children are starv ing in the cities, going hungry to school, slaving their tiny lives away in mills and mines, familiar to the coarsest uses of the slums, is beyond comprehension. The lineal descend ants of Great-Pie-Face might, but for the intervention of a contrite govern ment, be in the sorry case of having to grow up to make his own living; which would be terrible. But the small Caucasian, who is the victim of every sort of ancestral injustice, is left to fight his battles as best he can —which means that Infant Mor tality scoops him in early, or he sur vives to be buffeted by every adverse fate. There is always Northern phil anthropy for the pickaninnies and grants for the Indian child and there is provision for the old soldier, hos pitals for the sick —but God help the orphaned babe or the unfortunate child of the submerged tenth. A beautiful little four-year-old, crippled by tuberculous bones, was strapped all day long to a board. He had been cared for awhile by a pri vate charity that found him, too late. So they talked to the dying baby of Heaven and asked him if he were not glad to be going there? Turning his eyes wistfully to the other child ren, he replied: “Yes —but I wish — I wish —I could play a little, first!” Thousands of creatures like him are perishing every year for lack of nourishment, which costs so little and for the air and sunshine, which are so free —to all but the children of the poor. / A delightful plan conceived in Aus tralia, is to have every school boy there attempt to find -a correspondent in some boy of England and America, 731) e Jeffersonian that they may write to each other in the spirit of friendliness about their respective countries and their inter esting selves. Why not get the girls interested? Then there would be something doing that would tax the postal facilities of all three nations to the utmost. Great Britain, Russia and France have already agreed upon a program to be presented at the conference of the European powers to settle the Balkan situation. Which is very nice, though the parties most con cerned therein haven’t made plain their intentions. And what Turkey is to get out of it does not appear to include even a passing breath of hot air. After a comparatively quiet and hopeful week, the Eastern question has suddenly presented a bloody phase. The unfortunate Armenians, who have been the hunted of all the races, are being butchered again aft er the same fashion with which the T o Those Who Guard the Sacred Tires of Topulism. Are you willing to make a small sacrifice for the sake of a great prin ciple? Os course you are. Not only willing, but anxious. Now is the time! Our campaign is almost at the close, hundreds of dollars are need ed to send out literature and speak- - ers, and our Committee is out of funds. They know the reason as well as you could tell them. They realize that the panic of last fall hit us all a hard blow; that the cotton we have made is yet unsold and the price proclematical; and that another win ter will soon be here with all its de mands upon every householder. Nevertheless —we are fighting for our lives now, against a repetition of such panics; for prices which will not be problematical, for a fair liv ing and a square deal for all. If you don’t register your protest against the evils which beset us — your children will never rise above the condition of the starving thous ands during the panic. In every other country on the globe where the radicals have regis tered their protest, it has been heed ed. It will be heeded by our govern ment today. Help us to rouse our neighbors, who are only lukewarm, to real en thusiasm. Give ns whatever talent you have. There is something each one can do. If you can speak, talk to the people. If you can write, send let ters to us and to your friends. If you can send some money, do so at oncd. Don’t hesitate because you can’t subscribe some big sum. Think press have made us sickeringly famil iar of late years. Turkey and Bulgaria are apt to clash at any moment and, from a peaceable adjustment through arbitration, of all the questions at is sue between Europeans and Otto mans, the situation now looks as though the least provocation would precipitate a war of unexampled sav agery. Forest fires continue in Michigan and the Northwest. The line between Canada and the United States has al most literally been traced by black ened streaks where fires have raged from Maine to the Pacific slope and in many places one can ride mile after mile through nothing but the ut ter desolation left by the flames. Atlanta is getting ready to wel come the old “boys in gray” and give them the time of their lives. If the ideal Indian Summer weather continues, there will be nothing fur ther to ask. (SSD it over. Can you afford NOT to do your part? Don’t wait for 1 ‘some body else to do something”! You can invite a speaker to your home and save him hotel bills. You can get together in little groups and ‘ ‘ chip in ’ ’ to help pay his expenses. You can send us a few postage stamps, if nothing else. Populism is not politics. It is the religion of good government, and its claims are as sacred as those of your church, your life insurance com pany, your lodge—any of the institu tions you uphold because you think they are RIGHT —because you be lieve they are doing GOOD. The American people were never yet appealed to on behalf of a prin ciple of right in vain. We do not be lieve they will show themselves self ish or indifferent to their cause now. You who have tickets, be sure to distribute them. Take a day or two and go about and work for Justice, Cleanliness, White Supremacy and the SOUTH. Is the spirit of the Sixties dead or sleeping? NO! Then, you, sons and daughters of those who gave their ALL for their cause and your rights as their children, will not fail to give SOMETHING for your cause and the thousands to come after you!. Send your contributions and en couragement to those who are work ing, day and night, at a loss to them selves, for the People’s Party and all that it means. Headquarters are at 709 Temple Court, Atlanta, Ga. Chairman J. J. Holloway and Secretary Bodenhamer will welcome you personally, and be grateful for your aid. PAGE FIVE