The Jeffersonian. (Atlanta, Ga.) 1907-1917, February 15, 1917, Image 1

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S I JH |L L ♦ Vol. 14, No. 6 Is This the Way Arthur Brisbane Writes History ? 'T' HE editor of the Hearst periodicals is the best paid member of our profession—l being the worst paid, and therefore the most independent. A big salary is in many respects a desirable thing, but it often exerts a restraining, or coercive influence over the individual who draws it. When you are not paid anything, you can take it out in saying what you please. Brisbane is one of the greatest of editors, but, when he undertakes to write history, he impairs my appetite, disturbs my digestion, harrows my feelings, makes water and my hair stand up. Not long ago, he wrote a piece for Hearst’s New York paper in which he alleged that all the popes had been the strongest men of their day; and of course I had to inquire about Pope Joan, the lady pope who had bad luck during a papal street parade; and also about the boys who had been made Popes, and about the various times when there were two Popes,, and even three Popes at a time, each one hurling pontifical thunderbolts at the other. Mankind never realized how one human being could curse another, until they saw and heard three popes simultaneous at it. In the Atlanta Georgian, my brother Bris bane recently said: . “FATHER” PARK SAYS THAT THE “CATHOLICS ARE THE FOUNDERS OF THE UNITED STATES.” 'T'HE Fort Worth Record, Tex., joyfully 1 prints a string of lies told by “Father” Frank Park, in a recent spiel to she pope’s band of American footkissers, the Knights of Columbus. Said string of lies follows, as an'exhibit of Roman mendacity, and of the willingness of our daily papers to publish the output of mendacious papal propaganda: That America’s liberty today is directly due to Catholics, and that ever since there has been such a country as the United States Catholics have always been patriotic, loyal and true, was the contention of the speaker. The life of Co ulmbus was reviewed from his birth in Italy down to the discovery of America, the saving of the liberty of the country by Lafayette and other Catholics; the financing of Washington’s army by four Irishmen of Philadelphia, all Catholics, when starvation and exposure had almost ruined it, and other deeds of valor of direct bearing upon the formation and establishment of the United States as a country, were referred to. “It was a Catholic who discovered this country; it was a Catholic queen who financed the expedi tion that gave this country to the world as a civilized nation; it was soldiers who saved it from the iron hand of oppression, and it was Catholic money that financed it in its darlTbst hour and clothed and fed its army in time of distress, and yet we, as Catholics, are charged with disloyalty,” declared Father Park. “I often wonder why wo Catholics, we Knights of Co lumbus, are questioned as to our loyalty when these facts show that America is our country.” Every one of those statements is a most Thomson, Ga., Thursday, February 15, 191 / Caesar s wife, we are told, was above suspicion. But Caesar’s wife had a despot for a husband, and it w’as extremely dangerous for anybody to suspect her publicly. That’s a fair specimen of historical writing which makes me continue to taste the shad, next day after eating it. Caesar’s wife was not above suspicion. That’s what ailed her. She had behaved very suspiciously, indeed, by allowing a dissipitated young, Roman, named Clodius, to enter Caesar's palace, unknown to Caesar, and dis guised as a woman. In this disguise, the dissolute Clodius had been present at the sacred mysteries of the goddess of births, violating the law which permitted none but matrons to attend, and violating the sanctity of Caesar's home. Y hen Caesar learned of this unprecedented escapade, which made a great noise in Rome, he divorced his wife, saying, in substance, that she might be innocent of any wrong doing with Clodius, but that her conduct had brought suspicion upon her, and that “Caesar's wife must be above suspicion.” He would not continue to live with her, be cause she was not above suspicion. At that time, he was a private citizen, and not “a despot.” I sincerely trust that my friend and brother, Brisbane, will employ some diligent student unblushing, premeditated, inexcusable, un scrupulous falsehood. The several discoveries of this continent, the first of which was by Scandinavian pagans, did not become important, so far as our national existence is concerned, until suc cessful colonization took irtace; and that was accomplished by the Protestants of England and the Huguenots of France. This is a historical fact which no honest scholar will deny, and if “Father” Park is ignorant of it, he is unfit to discuss the sub ject. Catholic colony thrived’, no good to this country is traceable to Columbus. On the contrary, he introduced slavery, and thus be came morally responsible for the extermina tion of the Indians of St. Domingo and other West Indian Islands. The Puritans of New England and the Episcopalians of Virginia, together with the Scotch-Irish Presbyterians, the French Huguenots of the Carolinas, founded the Democratic Republic of the United States. The Catholic church is the historic foe of Democracies and Republics, because her law and her system is monarchical, anti-demo cratic, and anti-liberal. None blit a tyro in history can be ignorant of this. A church which laid its official curse upon the Great Charier of our liberties, takes you to look up this matter for him, and verify my correction. The youth of the Gate City and other cities should not have their historical information given to them in reversals of facts. The subject of Bro. Brisbane’s Sunday Ser mon is ‘"Slander.” He appears to have had m mind somebody who has been wofully dis abled by scandal-mongers; yet I can hardly believe he was thinking about me. If he was, I can tell him right now to at tend to his own business. Scandal-mongers don’t worry me. The only reports that per manently hurt, are the truth’, lies don’t kill. Weak people may go down under lies, but their own weakness is most to blame. No man can be permanently whipped, until he himself gives up. Slander didn’t give Nero a bad name: the truth did it. Scandal-mongers did not blacken the char acter of Messalina and Agrippina: the facts did it. So it was with the Duke of Alva, Torque mada, Pope Alexander VI., and scores of other putrid Papas. The facts made the reputation of Benedict Arnold; and the facts are what destroyed the political life of a certain man who now con-' (continued on page four.) for an ignoramus, when it claims to be the founder of this Government, whose Supreme Laws embrace the principles of the Great Charter. A church which has for 20 years fought and scotched an Immigration bill, because its reading. test would expose the fact that, in Catholic countries the people are.not taught to read, displays amazing effrontery, when it claims credit for our Government, based as it is, upon free education, free thought, free speech, free vote, and people’s rule. How asinine it is the gabble about La- Fayette saving the liberties of our country! In the first place, La Fayette was not a Catholic, and I have published the evidence, again and again. He hated priests especially. He helped to overthrow them, and to con fiscate the huge loot which they had got to gether in France. He utterly detested, loathed, and despised the popish system, because it is a Pagan affair, imposed upon Christians who don’t know its true nature, and who are never allowed to learn. Such priests as “Father” Park keep the eyes of papal dupes securely sealed. In the second place, LaFayette’s share in Washington’s success was almost negligible, not to compare with that of John Laurens, John Paul Jones, and the obscure Southern (CONTINUED ON PAGE FOUR.) Price, Five Cents