The Jeffersonian. (Atlanta, Ga.) 1907-1917, February 22, 1917, Image 1

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FFursoitidti Vol. 14, No. 7 THE GERMAN SOCIALIST AND THE AMERICAN s< DEMOCRAT.” AFTER the death of the great and good Herr Bebel, the German Socialists were led by Dr. Liebknecht. At the beginning of this Great War. Dr. L. was a member of the German Govern ment, being a member of the Congress—the Reiclffctag. Like all sensible Socialists, Dr. L. was opposed to the War. He realized that it was began for Papal and Dynastic purposes, and could not possibly result in benefit to the German people. Dr. L. gave intense offense to the TTohen zollern despot, by this anti-war attitude, and it was even reported in this country that the Socialist leader of Congress had been shot. In fact, many Socialists believed it, and their papers denounced the crime. But it transpired, later, that the Doctor had not been murdered, outright, by the dy nastic tyrant who mentally occupies the 4th place in the Godhead. Instead, the Socialist member of Congress was arraigned liefore a squad of army-officers, picked by the Kaiser, and these officers, sitting in judgment upon the Congressman, con demned him to five years of torture and slow ''death, at hard labor in a German dungeon. To have been shot, would have been the' easiest way out. When you think of that episode in Ger- Where Will You Go to Find the Law of Roman Catholicism? \I7HEN a foreigner wishes to know the character of our State and Federal Gov ernments. he would be>illy if he did not read the Supreme Laws. The Constitutions are there in plain view, accessible to everybody, and easily under stood. They form, as it were, the A. B. C. of our system, and the Codes 6f statutory law com plete the subject. In like manner, when you want to know what are the peculiar doctrines of any church, you must consult the highest authority. You can’t afford to pass by the books, offi cially sanctioned and published, which set forth the creed. For example, when the Presbyterians, or Methodists, or Baptists, issue a declaration of doctrines, under the approval of the offi cial representatives of the church, you go by this book, instead of the mere word of mouth of some lay member of the church, who may not himself know the creed. / ask you to apply that rule to the Roman Catholic Ch urch. The rule is simple, it is just, it is easy, it is unerring, and it is final. When a lot of lay members of this foreign church employ lecturers, like Joe Scott and Pete Collins, to travel over the country, peddling soothing-syrup to gullible Protest ants, it ought to occur to those Protestants that the purpose of the lecturers is, to deceive. Thomson, Ga>, Thursday, February 22, 1917 Dr. Leibknecht and Dr. Bryan. many, and contrast it with the American way, you begin to realize the difference between a so-called Me-and-God government, and a gov ernment by the people. The Chief Executive of the United States prepares an official paper notifying the Ger man Kaisers that any violation of our neutral rights upon the seas will be considered a hos tile act, and that the aggressor in such a case will be held to strict accountability. Mr. Bryan signs this paper, as Secretary of State. Then what does he do? He goes in privacy and secrecy to the offi cial representative of one of the German Kai sers. and tips it off to him that the paper does not mean what it says. Bryan, our Secretary o f State, visits Dr. Dumba, Austrias ambassador, and informs him that the paper signed by Bryan, for our Government; was intended for home-effect, and must not be taken at its face value by the Central Powers. In other words, William J. Bryan assured Dr. Dumba that he and Wilson had cooked up a solemn and dangerous piece of deception, for the purpose of satisfying public opinion in this country. It was deceitful--according to Bryan—be cause it said one thing while meaning an other, and it was dangerous—on the face of If it wasn't, the lecturer would read the Roman creed to his audience, and leave the audience to judge the church by its creed. Is it not so?, When a lot of laymen, like J. J. Farrell, Jack Spalding, A. j. Long, P. A. Callahan, and John Burke busy themselves to pacify, conciliate, soft-soap, and side-track awaken ing Protestants, the purpose is, to deceive. If it wasn't, Jack Spalding, John Burke, P. 11. Callahan, J. J. Farrell, and A. J. Long would content themselves with circularising the country with the Roman Catholic creed. If they could prove to-you, 6// the church's creed, that there is no menace to our laws, liberties, and institutions in their foreign church, THEY WOULD DO IT. Why don’t they publish creed, and let their foreign church be judged by it? They dare not ! They are afraid. They will never do it, unless they get the upper hand of us and feel secure in their power to drop the mask. Where will you find that creed? It is contained in the Revised Code of Ro man Catholicism, carefully prepared by the highest Roman prelates at the Vatican, and officially sanctioned. by Pope Pius IX. Can there be any higher authority? Isn’t it the height of impudence for any Catholic lecturer, writer, or talker, to ask it —because the Central Powers might take it seriously. What effect'did Bryan's conduct have? It had the effect which Bryan, as an intel ligent man, must it would have. The Central Powers practically ignored our warning, treating it as perfunctory, and con tinued to do the very things which they had been warned not to do. These farts have never been denied. Dr, Dumba gave them out, and Bryan had to admit them. Now, suppose that Dr. Liebknecht's offense had taken the form that Bryan's did, what would have been his fate, after the confes sion of his treason? But Bryan’s peculiar conduct did not cease when he resigned from the Cabinet: he has recently been implicated in an intrigue even more treasonable. When he betrayed the Government to Am bassador Dumba, our President had not cut loose from Germany. It was still permissi ble for Bryan to hold private conferences with German representatives. After President Wilson cut loose, however, the situation was altogether different. To hold parleys and conferences with Ger man officials, then; was dangerously like de serting to the enemy. (continued on page five.) you to take his word for the Roman creed, in preference to the Pope's? Isn't it supremely ridiculous for J. J. Far rell, P. J. Rice, Jack Spalding, A. J. Long, A. I). Daly, et al. to advertise their willing ness to post you on what Roman Catholicism means? You don't have to depend upon such a very questionable source of information as J. J. Fa rrell. You don't have to bail wisdom out of so shallow a pate as A. J. Long's. Jack Spalding, the Atlanta corporation lawyer, understands that business well enough, but I doubt whether he ever read the Law of his foreign church. * The Revised "Statutes of the Italian Papacy were proclaimed in 1864, and referred to in Roman Catholic lingo as The Syllabus. In effect, The Syllabus is nothing more nor less than the Code which contains the re vised STATUTES OF ROMANISM. In that volume, you can read the laws of the Catholic Church, just as you can learn the laws of Georgia from the latest Code put out by the State’s authority. Mr. Gladstone copied these Revised Statutes of the Catholic Church in his book on “The Vatican Decrees.” The great English statesman was so wrought up by this renewed evidence that the Italian church was the same old devilish affair (CONTINUED ON PAGE FOUR.) Price, Five Gents