The Jeffersonian. (Atlanta, Ga.) 1907-1917, March 01, 1917, Image 1

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Otyt JJerfersoniatt Vol. 14, No. 8 '’P HE annual report of Dr. H. K. Carroll on the status of Christian churches in the (United States, is well worth a few minutes of your attention. He gives the census of church-members at 40,000,000. In this count, the children and death-bed converts are included. Os course Dr. Carroll does not attempt to separate the active from the passive members. •He has to go by the books. During the last year, church-membership increased 747.000, which was a gain of 204,- 000 over 1915. The Baptists gained 132,000; the Methodists $.36,000; the Presbyterians and Reformed group 79,000; the Episcopalians 27,000; and the Lutherans 20,000. The of the Roman Catholics was about 'two-thirds of the number of the Immigrants. Their new members —just born and just dy ing—were counted at 216,000, of whom at least half were Italians, Irish, and Canadian Cath olics. The Disciples of Christ are debited with a loss of 185,000, but this is said to be due to inaccurate reports previously made. Who made these inaccurate reports? If the census of the one of the churches is ■admitted to have been so very erroneous, how Jio we know but that some of the others inaccurate ? I The Foot Kissers and God-Eaters Have a Strong Hold on Texas. I N San Antonio, the pope’s laundry makes * huge profits from the forced labor of Protestant girls, such as Laura Stone who was- railroaded into that hell-hole by the Gra ham woman, “Police Matron.’’ In Dallas, the pope’s sanitarium imprisons Ji Protestant girl, pending the payment of the bill presented by these consecrated holy-ones- Of-God. In the Houston Post, I find a sweetly pious pard from one S. P. Netardus, person who, Jfrhen he gets his chemise on, can talk Latin to a wafer and change it into the Almighty. Then Netardus drinks his Redeemer out of Lcup, while his asinine congregation eats the ord at the altar-rail, after which the God featers and the God-drinker go forth to look Jvith reproach upon the stupidity of the Protestants. This Netardus God-maker writes a fra grant card which the Houston Post was afraid hot to publish, so great is the power of a man Who can create his Creator, and then drink Him. ■ ; Netardus asserts that “mob law is holding its sway in Georgia.” evidently referring to she time when the Roman priests stirred up the Catholics of Macon, and W. E. Reed was phased out of the City, as a punishment for hot usurping the authority to grant them the ball-room of the Hotel Dempsey while the (President of the Company was down sick. Netardus, as usual with critics, couldn’t see THE EDITOR SLOSHES AROUND. Thomson, Ga., Thursday, March 1, 1917 In 1916, the gai*n in the number of churches was only 117. The Methodists lost 68 churches! Where? In this country of course. They are not losing any in Korea. They never will lose any on the other side of the pond, so long as they pay a man and his wife $1,200 a year, furnish them a palace to live in. and give them a baby-bounty of SIOO per baby, every year for every baby. Change “eend for end,” and let our home parsons live on the Ecclesiastical Pullman, a while. Then you'll see home churches in crease. Put the missionary on the same hard grind that the home pastor has been up against, and those Korean churches will all peter out. They live on your money, just as your luxuri ous missionary does. The Baptists lost only 33 churches. We got off light. Where did we lose these 33 Bethels and Antiochs? In this country, of course. We’re not losing any in China. We are not likely to lose any, as long as the missionary is housed in a mansion, sur-* rounded with servants, with elegancies of life supplied out of a steady salary af..51,200, sup plemented by SIOO for each baby that comes along. Test' those missionaries by the hag- any mob law in the action of the Texas Knights of Columbus, when they secured a polite invitation into William Black’s private room, at Marshall, and then shot him like a dog. because leave town as they demanded. Nor did Netardus recognize any mob law at Haverhill, Massachusetts, where the Knights of Columbus —no doubt instigated by the bloated brute. Cardinal O'Connell—rioted against the authorities and viciously assaulted peaceable citizens, to prevent Thos. E. Lev den from delivering his lecture against the use of State money by Catholic church schools. Netardus compares me to Nero, and alleges that I am the cause of the lynchings of ne groes. So? lam also the cause of “preju dice" against Catholic priests. Really? Negroes are usually swung up for assaults on women: does Netardus admit that the average priest, if caught up with, might get the same medicine? Netardus is better acquainted with his fel low goats than even I am; and if he classes them with negro rapists, he must have a good reason for it. Netardus says that Nero persecuted the Catholic church. This shows the ignorance of Netardus. In Nero’s time there was no such monstrosity as the Catholic church. , - There was a Christian church, and it was gard experiences of our home preachers, and you’d soon read dismal news from those for eign “fields.” The Presbj terians lost 97 churches. Tough on the Calvinists, wasn't it? These 97 extinct churches did not expire in Japan, India, or China. They pegged out here in this country. Why? The Roman Catholics gained 199 new churches, at the same time that those three Protestant denominations lost 247. Are the Catholics squandering $23,000,000 a year on cZc mission work in Korea ? .Vo. Are the Catholics payiiig their foreign mis sionaries the absurdly disproportioned sala ries which the Protestant missionaries de mand ? No ’ 7he Cat holies are concentrating their mis sion work and their mission money on this country. Therefore, while we annually the number of Chinks and Japs and low-caste Hindoos, who are eager to get missionary bounties, the Catholics are putting new churches in the eery towns where the Protest ant churches died. It is unspeakably sad and deplorable; but (continued on page four.) as different from the Catholic church of Ne tardus, as tlie New Testament is from the Canon law of Trent and the Svllabus of Pope Pius IX? Christianity existed under Nero, but pop ery didn't. The first Christians of Rome lived a few years after Christ, but the first pope did not come on deck until GOO years later. The Christian churches are 1,900 years old. but the Catholic church was not born more than 1.300 years ago. and it did not discover the Immaculate Conception of Mary's mama, and the Infallibility of the Catholic papa, until more than 1,850 years after Christ. Who knows what else the papists may di cover? If Mary's mother was sinlessly conceive h I don’t see why the same line of reasoning wouldn't carry immaculate conceptions clear on back to David, Bathsheeba, Lot, and Lot's daughters. Netardus alleges, affirms, asserts, declares and says, that if I had my way I “would have the negro race exterminated in one day.’’ It takes a Roman priest to publish a state ment like that: no decent negro would do it, because a respectable negro would be ashamed to father such an absurdity. The next time Netardus feels irresisibly in clined to make, an ass of himself, let him put (continued on page five.) Price, Five Cents