The Jeffersonian. (Atlanta, Ga.) 1907-1917, March 08, 1917, Image 1

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Cl)e Jeffersonian Vol. 14, No. 9 ROME BEGINS ATTACK UPON BIBLE-RELIGION. Popery Cannot be Found in Scriptures, Therefore Scriptures Must Go. # T'HE Philadelphia Standard and Times is the organ of Archbishop Prendergast, Sind publishes the most approved Catholic doctrines. In other words, The Catholic Standard and Times is an official mouthpiece of the foreign Papacy which seeks to subvert our laws and establish Popery upon the ruins of democracy. Whatever appears in The Catholic Standard and Times must be accepted as authoritative &nd final, so far as Protestants and Catholic laymen are concerned. Its voice is the voice of the Roman Catholic Hierarchy. For some years. Cardinal Gibbons has been cautiously putting forth statements to the effect that the Bible is not the only rule of faith. The Jesuitical assertions were made for a purpose. They prepared the Catholic mind to depend upon the Roman clergy, rather than upon Holy Writ. If the Catholic mind accepts the statement that the Bible is not the only guide to faith, it logically and necessarily follows that Cath olic laymen must look somewhere else for a And where else can the Catholic layman go, save to his priest? Hence, the priestly warning against trust ing to tlie “Word of God,” inevitably leads the Catholic to trust to the word of the pope. Forcing Romanism and Incipient Treason Upon the Confederate Vets! Withdraw That Invitation to the Rebellious Papist, Bishop Keiley! pVERYWHERE in the United States, the agents and plotters of the Italian pope, .working actively to carry out |iis orders to Make America Catholic, are pushing them selves forward to seize upon those celebrations and anniversaries that are peculiarly Ameri can and patriotic. They are not satisfied with monopolizing their own St, Patrick's Day celebrations, and their Columbus Day parades and glorifica tions, but they now reach out, aggressively and encroachingly to take forcible possession of all American functions. Thus the Knights of Columbus ‘ appro priated the Washington Birthday, just as though Washington had not lived a Mason, detesting the Roman Hierarchy. In our First President’s response to the Address of the Virginia Baptists. he em phatically expressed his horror of the perse cuting, bloodthirsty church of Rome. Nevertheless, the pope's murderous secret Societies, whose garments reek with the blood of William Black, William Gaynor, Jose Ilizal, Francisco Ferrer, President Madero, and Vice-President Suarez of Mexico, forcibly took charge of Washington’s Birthday, and £o completely monopolized the programme, that a foreigner might have supposed George Thomson, Ga., Thursday, March 8, 1917 So far as I know, this anti-Christian doc trine was never proclaimed in America, with defiant fullness and boldness, before this year 1917. In Buffalo, New York, a lecture was de livered, week before last, by the Rev. Walter Drum, Jesuit, — a. teacher in Woodstock Col lege—on the amazing subject of— “ The Church first, and the Bible last.” In order that you may not be left in doubt as to the orthodox doctrine of Roman Cath olicism on this vital point, I lay before you the report of Drum’s lecture as reported in the Archbishop’s paper: I give headlines, and all: PROAES BIBLE-BUILT RELIGION ILLOGICAL Scholarly Jesuit Declares Reason Revolts Against Christianity Reared on Such an Insecure Foundation. EMPHASIZES EXISTENCE OF CHURCH 200 YEARS BEFORE NEW TESTAMENT. Rev. Walter Drum, S. J., Sounds Note of Warn ing to Parents Against .Scripture Taught Students in Protestant Universities. Logically showing how hopelessly impossible it was to build up Christianity as a reasonably se cure religion, if the foundation were the Bible, the whole Bible and nothing but the Bible, the Rev. Walter Drum, S. J., of Woodstock College, lectured on “The Church First, the Book Last,” in Academy Hall, Buffalo N. ¥., last Sunday un- Washington to be a twin-brother to St. Al fonsus Liguori, whose filthv ‘’Moral The ology” carries its sewage into every Catholic community on earth. In like manner, these secret societies of the Italian potentate, whose triple crown symbo lizes his claim to be Supreme Lord-of Heaven? Earth, and Hell, have taken charge of Fourth of-July celebrations, Custom-House dedica tions, Lincoln-Day functions —even having the effrontery to put a priest on deck when the Lincoln Mausoleum was formally dedi cated, regardless of the fact that the Roman hierarchy had him murdered, and that Pope Pius IX. received into his personal Body- Guard the fugitive John Surratt, one of THE ASSASSINS ! Following up their policy of identifying themselves ostentatiously with our patriotic observances, in order that we may remain in a supine state of false security, these agents and plotters of the Italian potentate have in vaded the one day in the year that is especially sacred to the South. They desecrate the Memorial Services by thrusting themselves forward to the speaker’s stand, to mouthe patriotism, loyalty to American ideals, allegiance to American gov ernment —and all the yest of it—at the very der the auspices of the Nardin Acadamy Alumnae. That the reverend speaker was greeted by a capacity audience was no surprise to many who recalled how the late Bishop Colton became so enthusiastic over a lecture given by Father Drum on “The Christ Theories of Today’’ that at the end of the discourse he arose and asked the big audience to give the speaker a rising vote of thanks. Father Drum pointed out last Sunday that reason revolts against such an infallible rule of faith as the Bible unless obliged by a logical pro cess to the acceptance thereof. And, lie added, there is no logical process of Catholic apologetic, if one begin with the Bible. Continuing,.he said. “There was no Bible when Christianity was up builded. The beginning of Christianity was about 29 A. D., the probable date of. Christ’s death and resurrection. And when the beginning of the Bible? About two hundred years later! Not till then were these books gathered together into one sacred book as a Code of faith. And where was the teaching of Christ meantime? There where Christ put it —in the infallible teaching body, the Church. Who gave us the Bible some two hundred years after Christ gave us Christianity? Was it the Christ? No, the Church’ “An infallible book could not possibly be a rule of faith, unless every reader of the book were inspired to read one and the same meaning into the book. See what Protestantism has developed into! And yet all Protestants say that they start with the Bible.’’ It is a very shocking thing to see a Jesuit .college-teacher circulating such monstrous untruths, in a great national Catholic paper, the personal organ of a Catholic high-priest. (continued on page four.) time that they are doing their utmost to re frame our most cherished laws upon the Papal model, subvert our democratic institu tions with the pope’s monarchical teachings, subjugate our Civil laws beneath the pope's despotic canons, and thus gradually “Make America CatholicX Among these Roman prelates none is more aggressively insolent and defiant than Benja min Keily, the pope’s Savannah subject. Benjamin did not wait for any American State to enact a statute distasteful to his Italian sovereign. No I Ben jamin was so eager to let us know where his allegiance and loyal belonged, that he jumped into the news papers, several years ago, when the French Republic was divorcing the Roman church, and virtually saying that, thereafter the priests should not keep nun-brothels without a State license. Benjamin Keiley and James Gibbons both rushed into print to say, that if the Civil power in this country should ever make laws which the Roman church considered infringe ments on its rights, the Catholics would re fuse to obey those laws. Who was to be the judge, in such a case? Gibbons and Keiley. of course. (continued on page five.) Price, Five Cents