The Jeffersonian. (Atlanta, Ga.) 1907-1917, March 29, 1917, Image 1

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Jej jtrsonian Vol. 14, No. 12 IJOW strange it is, that any citizen of the Carolinas should be doped into the de lusion that Popery is no foe to human liberty, ■when the Huguenot descendant furnishes the reminder of the death which his ancestor escaped, by fleeing from Catholic France! They tell us that Roman Catholics in the United States would never do what Roman Catholics did in France. How can any sane person say that? Roman Catholic law is the same that it was in the days when the Huguenots were butchered for thejr religion, and the streets of Paris, Avignon, and Bordeaux ran red Ivith Protestant blood. If Rome's spirit has changed, why have her laws remained unchanged? In the State of Georgia, the Salzburger is U living reminder of what Romanism does, yjhen it can : the Salzburgers had to flee from Austria, to escape death, and they naturally qhose a colony whose law forbade the residence of a papist. In the days of Oglethorpe, nobody doubted the blood-thirsty character of Popery: it had recently been committing too many atrocious inurders, in Holland, in Germany, in France, and in England, to leave any doubt as to its sanguinary intolerance when in power. Isn’t it a marvellous thing that neither the Jluguenct nor the Salzburger revives the ap prehensions of Protestants? Isn’t it a won der, that Rome can keep her laws and her What’s the Idea, in Placing the Church Flag Above the State Flag ? QOME of the most effective teaching, is that which appeals to the eye. The marble statue, the painted canvass, the displayed symbol can do quicker work than a book. Many a person will look., who will not read or listen. Many a person is influenced by a song, tWho can’t be touched by a sermon. The papal propagandists have always ap preciated the subtly power of color, of music, pf statues, of paintings, of symbols, of incense and illuminations: consequently, the papists took over from expiring Paganism all those Architectural, artistic, symbolic, theatrical, and ceremonial elaborations which captivate, ol overaWe the human mind. The continuous displays of images of the Virgin, statues of the Virgin, paintings of the Virgin, frescoes of the Virgin, and lighted Shrines to the Virgin, led insesibly to prayers to the Virgin, votive offerings to the Virgin, And worship of the Virgin. Virgin-worship was ihe direct and, natural Result of the persistent education, addressed Jo the eye. Jn no other way could Mary have been tnad,e, practically, a member of the God nead- Jfary plays no part in Christ’s ministry, •Wak not entrusted by hi iff with any mission, “LEST WE FORGET.” Thomson, Ga., Thursday, March 29, 1917 secret organizations, (the same that they were when she instigated massacres and operated the Inquisition,) without exciting suspicion of her real, ultimate designs? Because the volcano is not always belching fire and lava, we forget that it is alive. Protestant preachers leg it over the town, with Catholic solicitors, and aid them to raise the money to build a papist church, or a papist hospital, or a papist sweat-shop, piously named The House of the Good Shepherd. Then, having intrenched itself with Protest ant assistance, the papal system establishes its school, and its Juvenile Court; puts its teachers in the Protestant schools and col leges; and secures a place in the public library for its sly and active missionary. Then the papal machinery moves all-to gether, for the glory of the pope. The church becomes a god-factory, where theological cannibals create and eat their Creator. The hospital gives the nurse the best of opportunities to proselyte her patients. The Juvenile Court, with its. Catholic Police Matron, goes out into the streets, picks up Protestant boys, girls, young men, and young women, threatens them with the Stockade, and allures them into choosing the Good Shep herd hell-hole, in preference. The school insinuates its fingers into the municipal, or State treasury, and secures Protestant money for papal propaganda. was snubbed by him when she interrupted his teaching, and was left by him, as a charge upon John, just as any mother would be given to the care of any trusted friend. Virgin-worship—or adoration—has no place whatever in the New Testament, or in the writings of the Fathers; but the Pagan world had, for ages, been accustomed to wo man deities, and Christianity deferred to this antique, incorrigible practice. Hence, by eye-teaching, Mary gradually became the most beloved object of Catholic devotion; and iffany an ancient statue of Ve nus, Diana, Juno, and Minerva has done duty, for centuries, as “The Madonna” of modern Catholics. In the Pagan days, the church claimed a supremacy over State affairs; and the armies and fleets seldom moved until after the priests had gone through with their monkey-doings, and announced the “signs” which they had found inside the hen, or the heifer, or the nanny-goat sacrifice. Julius Caesar was the first heathen who put a stop to this nonsense; and even Caesar was so sensible of the danger of a supreme priesthood, that he united in hia person, the two offices of supreme head of the State, and supreme head ol the church. Caesar’s successors wepe all careful to do The Catholic Misses Riordan and Lovett, employed as teachers in the Public Schools, burn the Protestant New Testaments, and drill the pupils into the recitative formula, “The Catholic religion is the best.” In the public library, the Catholic assist ant will manage to put the strongly Protest ant books where they won't be seen; will give prominence to the works of Catholic authors; and will taboo such literature as J/cmzcz’, The New-Age Magazine, Liberty, and IF«£- son's, while zealously promoting such Cath olic periodicals as Collier's, the Llearst publi cations, and the Literary Digest. Lest we forget! What? That every distinctive principle of Ameri canism is a conquest over Romanism: That our forefathers won them by splendid antagonism to the popes and the kings, who arrogated to themselves a monopoly of power on earth: That Americanism is anti-papal, just as Protestantism is anti-papal. If itomanism had changed its creed or code, I could understand the preacher who allies himself with the priest. If Popery had renounced its claim of divine authority over all governments and all peo ples, I could understand the American who co-operates with the Romanist. But the pope of today stands where stood the popJof Luther’s day, Calvin's day, Knox’s (continued on page two.) the same thing, until long after the reign of Constantine the Great. When Roman bishops at last made Christi anity the State religion, and began to aspire to universal dominion over the churches, they were forced to usurp first one prerogative and then another, striving to evolve a central power which no separate church could with stand. The vast usurpation having been accomp lished, it was natural for the bishops, who had become popes, to aspire yet higher. They reached out for control of the State! Claiming to be Gods-on-earth, they asserted that their will was God’s will, their law, God’s law; and that, since God is supreme, the vice-gerents of God must be supreme, also. A pretty theory, you see! Grant the premises, and you’re lost. The kings granted the premises, and were lost. They became vassals to the popes. They put on, and took off their crowns, at the command of popes. The theqry grew to such a pitch of arro gance, that popes compelled kings and em perors to kiss their feet. Darkness fell upon Europe, as a conse quence of this monstrous perversion of Christ’s teachings; and, for 1,000 years, the layman, his son, his wife, and his daughter, Price, Five Gents