The Jeffersonian. (Atlanta, Ga.) 1907-1917, April 19, 1917, Image 1

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Che JJefrersonian Vol. 14, No. 15 zx. . The Great War, the Gold Standard, and Prices After the War 'TTIE whole world does not contain as much as eight billion dollars in gold. ($8,000,- 000,000.) -John I). Rockefeller is worth one of these eight billions. He made it by going to church every Sab bath, working hard, doing right, eating light, and fasting during Lent. His son is a chip or two off the old block, and ho is now a faithful attendant on Billy Sunday’s New York Military Revival. Young John doesn’t go to the Sunday gym nasium to get religion, because he got the same sort his father has, many, many years ago. Aoung John attends the Billy Sunday re vival as an example to other younger, and less holy bipeds I ’However, what I started out to sav was this: We are on the Gold Standard, up until now, but we are finding it ticklish ground. Europe is dumping her gold on us. It makes me laugh, even yet, to remember how the rock-ribbed Democrat—who had walked into town to trade a pound of butter THE ROMAN BISHOP AND THE CONFEDERATE VETS. Mr. Oglesby’s Defense of the Catholic Prelate Who Defies the Law of Georgia IN the daily papers, any amount of space can 1 be secured, any time, for the publication of anything favorable to Popery. If you request the. space to publish a reply, you are curtly refused. In that manner, Protestantism is handi capped, and the foreign papal system given a free course. Pou need not doubt that this jug-handled arrangement is having the desired effect. It is becoming popular to advocate Popery in the daily press, and it is becoming impossi ble to defend Protestantism. How much money this sort of missionary costs the Pope’s Congregation of the Propa ganda, can only be surmised, but the annual sum invested in the silence and one-sided ness of the daily papers must be prodigious. In 1908, the American Catholics were com manded by the Pope to'set up the Inquisition in the United States, and to enforce the papal marriage and divorce laws, notwithstanding the fact that papal law and American law differed. Did any daily paper protest against this disloyal, treasonous introduction of •alle giance TO A FOREIGN POTENTATE? No! When the 4th Degree Knights of Colum bus began to carry out the decrees of the secret papal Inquisition of 1908, did any daily paper take notice? Not the slightest. Free speech was stamped out, where the Catholics were strong enough to do it, as in New Jersey, Massachusetts, Colorado, and parts of several mid-Westeru States. Thomson, Ga., Thursday, April 19, 1917 and a dozen eggs, for some “store” goods— would walk out of the store, take his stand on the side-walk, and begin to cuss the d —d Populists who were about to let Europe dump her silver on us. These patriots insisted on Sound Money—a medium that would be good in Jerusalem, Jericho, Kamschatka, Terra Del Fuego, and other towns mentioned in the daily Gold-bug. Well, they got what they wanted. They put us old Pops out of business. They prevented Europe from dumping silver on us. They got a currency that was good in Mecca and Anti och and Pekin and Tokio and Paris and Lon don. We never saw any of it down at Sweetwater Creek, or in Billville, or at the Cross-roads, or even in the town where we still traded but ter and eggs, but still we knew that gold dol lars were "good in Europe,” and that fact was some consolation for the lessening amount of the stuff we could trade our butter and eggs for. at the store. Mental comfort is a great thing, even if ybur belly isn't full of good victuals. For 20 odd vears. we have been educated bv Rev. Otis L. Spurgeon was dragged out of lis hotel in Denver, forcibly carried 20-odd The S. 0. S. Call! Remember that Our $5.00 Offer Remains Open Until May 1 Then carefully read and consider the following S. O. S. Call, which is my last word : “ God help me, I can do no other ! ” The war gave the Paper Trust an excuse to run its prices up three-fold. The government said it had con quered the Trust, but The Jefferson ian cannot see it. We are heavily in debt, and we fear for the immediate future. T. E. W. cannot bear the brunt alone. He needs your help. Will you come ? Join our Volunteer Club of agents who will get us 5 sub scribers at full price, and send the money without commissions. Can’t you get 5 ? If not, get ONE ! Join my Co-operative Club, and help your comrade out of the hole ! Come along and let us march to gether. W Give one day to the Cause to which your friend has given 7 years. the daily and the religious and the agricultu ral press upon the intrinsic virtues of the Gold Standard. Then, when we were ready to graduate and completely surrender to the Democratic National Banks—renamed, to soften the hard facts—the Great War came on, and our Gold Standard was like a feather caugnt m a cyclone. How far could eight billions in gold travel, in the financing of the War ? It isn't a drop in the bucket. Europe had to resold to paper, as the world always does, at a crisis. Nerer is gold and silver the salvation of the people: always, paper is. Fiat money and bends! .Gold is the banker's weapon, against the producer, and the mercantile exchanger, and the developer. Gold is the chib with which the Rockefellers beat down the industrial competitor, and rob him of bis property. Gold is the bludgeon with which the white handed Morgans, Vanderbilts, Bakers, Schills, (continued on page three.) miles, brutally beaten by the Knights of Co lumbus, and left to die in the ditch by the roadside. Ex-priest Joseph Slattery was hounded out of New Jersey by the Knights of Columbus, the executive viUians of Itome's secret In quisition. Thos. E. Leyden was riotously prevented in Massachusetts from speaking against the ap propriation of the State’s monpy to the teach ing of Popery in the State's public schools. There is every reason to believe that Car dinal O'Connell incited those Haverhill riots in which the public buildings were stoned, and Protestant ministers brutallv assaulted. Did the daily papers condemn these Cath olic outrages against free speech? They did not. ’Would they have been equally silent if the Protestants had dragged Bishop Keiley out of Savannah, carried him 20 miles up the Central Railroad, beaten him to insensibility, and left him in the ditch, covered with blood ? No, indeed! If any Protestants, driven to desperation and retaliation by these villain ous 4th Degree Knights of Columbus, over seize a Catholic priest, and give him exactly what the Catholic Inquisitors gave Rev. Spur geon. you will hear a fine old howl about it. Suppose the Guardians of Liberty should go4o the room of Joe Scott, or Pete Collins and shoot him to death because of his Cath olic lectures, do you-suppose a Galveston judge would tell the jury that the Protesatnts had the right to do it—as the Galveston (CONTINUED ON PAGE TWO.) J fc 7TT-- - Price, Five Gents