The Jeffersonian. (Atlanta, Ga.) 1907-1917, August 30, 1917, Image 11

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rmi -- Citizens of Pike County Pass Resolutions and Appoint Delegation to Macon Meeting Be it resolved by the citizens of Pike County in mass meeting as sembled in the town of Zebulon on this August 18, IS 17, as follows; 1st —That we are unalterably op- to the Conscript .Law where ’'■by American citizens are called to take up arms and cross the Atlantic Ocean and engage in a war against their will in order to settle questions that primary concern the autocratic rulers of Europe. 2nd —That we condemn in unmis takable terms the newspapers, both daily and weekly, that advocate such a law, thus misrepresenting jthe sentiments of the people of Georgia; and that such papers are unworthy of the support and patronage of the freedom loving people of the Com- la fl a~bottle?lL Ml thru a jggk ■ ,g ilk rChero-Colal / -wtramn hi mi When in Atlanta stop 4 The Kimball House * ' J --H .1 I -I ■ ’ ■ l in the feeart of the tarfuess district T* ■ ■■■■ ■" I —■ 400 ROOMS La4*ee entraoce: Peachtree Street DINKLER HOTEL CO. I Some Excellent Books FOR SALE! Two volumes, slightly used, three-quarter Mo recco, subscription edition Standard Dictionary, {tegular price, new, $35.00; my price $12.50. THE PULPIT BIBLE, by Jos. Parker Full Morocco binding, gilt edge, edition de lux, new in every respect. My price SIO.OO. WOMENS GF ALL NATIONS—4 Volumes A record of their characteristics, habits, man ners, customs and influences. Edited by T. Athol Joyce. M. A., and N. W. Thomas, M. A. Regular price $25.00; my price $15.00. WE INDIGENOUS TREES OF THE HAWAIIAN ISLANDS, by Joseph F. Rook Two hundred and fifteen photo engravings. My price $4.00. All prices quoted are from my residence. Books sent C. O. D.. plus charges, subject to examina tion. All the books are new, except the diction aries, and they are perfect in contents, actually new. Address S. S.| Care The Jeffs, Thomson, Ga. 'TtIE jfcFFT .£4NlAn' i monwealth of Georgia, and of Pike County in particular. 3rd—That we approve and com mend in the highest terms those in Congress and out of Congress who have opposed the passage of such an un-American law; and we ask that they keep up their good work for Americanism until this law shall finally be repealed and the people given their ancient liberties. 4th—That those who are to test the Constitutionality of this law have our approval and best wishes for success and that we bid them oGd speed. sth—That we stand for the Con stitution and the principles as set forth by Thomas Jefferson in the Declaration of Independence and for which our forefathers fought and died; that we are still ready and willing to uphold those sacred princi ples as did our forefathers on many a battle field. 6th—Further resolved that we agree to send money in advance to pay postage at the first class rates on our Jeffersonian. List of delegates to Macon Con vention for Aug. 23, 1917. W. E. Colwell, Chairman; P. W. Carter, Secretary and Treasurer; J. W. Carter, B. O. Carter, G. P. Car den, J. B. Hunter, R. R. McLeroy, S. E. Clark, M. L. Brandenburg, Edgar Johnson, G. D. Russell, Joe Hunter, B. M. Hunter, H. H. Hunter. o AND THIS DEALER HAD TO STOP, WHEN THE PRIEST TOLD HIM TO! Dear Sir: I am enclosing one dollar. Please send me your Beacon Light of Freedom (The Jeffersonian) for a period of one year. The local dealer from whim I have been ob taining at weekly has been inter viewed by .the “Howly Daddy”—so I •son advise#—with the result that the Truth is no longer available from that source. I am one of the millions of young men of this country who have '‘volunteered” to have their names ■placed on “These rolls of honor” in order to escape a prison sentence, and your paper Is my greatest con solation in this time when the press under the Wilson Gag is so free and devoid of all truth. May God sustain you in your hoble and fearless stand for the preserva tion of American liberties. Very sincerely, Tff. C. A TELEGRAPH MAN. o ' Dear Sir: I see by all the dailies that the citizens of Georgia are de nied a place of meeting in the towns and cities. lam 78 years old and I ’have not seen the righteous forsaken nor his seed begging bread. I own a life time interest in 100 acres of Jand here and I am tendering the. whole 100 acres to the citizens of Georgia to meet and discuss the is sues of the day, which I consider all importan to arouse the people to bet ter legislation. You are no stranger to me, and I have known you since your childhood, and your family be fore you. My father’s house was often a home for Bob Toombs, Ranse Wright and Alex Stephens. I am well acquainted with their views 6f legislation and consider any man who is their follower right. They have my sympathy and I feel that I am doing what God would have me do in tendering to you a meeting place. We are 12 miles from Macon in Houston County. Trains stop here 12:05 a. m. going west and 9 a. m going east. Good roads from every where. May God bless and guide you. A friend of long ago, i MRS. FANNIE E. KING. ’ Echechomee, Ga. ’’ o - “The law of the Italian Pope de nies liberty of conscience, of worship, of speech, and of press: do these armed bands of American papists propose to enforce the Pope’s law in Ameriea?” - From “The Roman Catholic Church, Its Law and Its Literature,” by Thos. E. Watson. Priee 10c. Jeffersonian Publishing Company, Thomson, Ga. Don’t Trifle With Blood Disorders But Get Rid of TRem Quickly Cleanse the System of All Impurities Watch your blood supply closely, be ever oh the alert lest some im purity creep in which will make in roads upon your general health. For upon the condition of your blood depends largely whether or not you are to enjoy that robust and splendid vitality to which you are entitled. Some of the most painful and se rious ailments are diseases of the blood, and could be avoided by alert and prompt attention. Rheu matism comes from a tiny germ whitfh gets its foothold when the blood supply is impure and run down. Catarrh is another disease which science has shown is more easily contracted when the blood is in an ECZEMA Also called Tetter, Salt Rheum, Pruritus, Milk Crust, Water ||||||' Poison,'Weeping Skin, etc. For fifteen years I have been treating one disease A ' akaie, ECZEMA. I have handled over one million ZSsWyaa I do not pretead to know it all, but I am con riaeed the disease is due to an excess of acid in the nl Ifta&L and closely retorted to rheumatism and cancer. H This Mad must be renmiKd. /y Eczema is called by some people Itch, Tetter, Salt ;/l J I Rheum, Pruritus, Mile Crust, Weeping Skin, etc. I // fff & ■ Jr I am fully convinced Eczema is a curable and. c nr» XfiHMSnfiV S JBgSSBSREr KWH when I say it can be cured, I mean just what I say M C-U-R-E-D, asd net saerely patched up for a while to » mro return worse than before. It makes no difference 1 * what other doctors have told you, or what all you have tried, all I ask is just a Egg chance to prove to you that this vast experience has taught me a great deal that BBM | would help to you. If you will write lae today I will send you a free trial I of my mild, soothing, guaranteed treatment that will do more to convince you Bffi- I than lor anyone else could in a month’s preaching. It’s all up to you. If you I suffer any more with eczema and refuse to merely write to me for free trial, just Kgsa sm blame yourself. No matter where you live, I have treated your neighbors. Merely |aS» SraE dropping me a postal today is likely to give you wore real comfort in a week than Ssa you ever expected to enjoy again. Do it right now, your very life may be at stake. p|| H L E. CANNADAY, M. D, 1367 (tart BL, Sedalia, Mo. » Btfermet Third National Bank, Sedalia, aradkvour banker to find out about me. vv.-*.- Hb . jfl S nd this notice to some poor sufferer from ecsema. It will be a kind act by you. Sending Out The Jeff It’s costing us just four times as much to send out The Jeffersonian by express, as it did to mail it. Several of our friends realize this, and £he letter below is one that shows hdw clearly the added cost is being noted: My Rear Sir: lam enclosing to you a for $5.00 to help you in getting your paper out to the people. Yours truly, j. Gibson, Ga. MRS. P. DIXON, ~ R. fe. Wooten, McAdoo, Texas, SIO.OO for express fund. W H Harper, Ga. B.oo< J. M. Christian, Ga. 10.00 P. W. Carter, Ga.. ? 50 E. M. Hughes, Ky; 15.00 M. L. Bond, Ga* 5.00 K. J. Todd, Ala. 6.00 M. E. Chastain, Ga 5.00 Homestead, Fla 5.0,0 H. W. Carter 1.00 This will help us keep The-Jef fersonian going. Do YOU want to help? A. L. ' o ** SHORT—BUT FINE! - Dear Sir: Find enclosed 12 names and six dollars, and you dan do the rest. D. G. SMITH. Texas. : c o , Ever realize just what a strangle heM the money powers have on the U. S.? Read Watson’s Political Handbook. Fifth edition just off the press. Paper, 91.OO: Cloth, $1.50. Jeffersonian Publishing Co. t Thorn* “«• - J. T. Duncan, Moultrie, Ga., will receive subscriptions for The Jeffer sonian and Watson’s Magezine. impoverished and disordered state. There are numerous other diseases which are due solely to an impure condition of the blood. Can you not see, therefore, the im portance of taking a blood purifier, so as to avoid these diseases? Just give the system a thorough cleans ing with S. S. S., that sterling blood remedy, and you will be in position to enjoy the blessings of good health. S. S. S. has been on the market for more than fifty years and is sold by druggists everywhere. Demand S. S. S. and don’t take a substitute. Free medical advice will be gladly given about your own case if you will write to our medical director. Address Swift Specific Co., 49-A, Swift Laboratory, Atlanta, Ga. CLASSIFIED WANTED. A location for a doctor. Apply Fred Williams, Watkinsville, Ga. FOR FALL PLANTING, -100 bushels' small Irish potatoes—now ready to go in ground. Mostly Oobblera—few Triumph. $2.50 per pushel; £. o. b. A. W. Holley & Go., Fort Gaines, Ga. SAVE YOUR SWEET POTATO VINES for spring setting. Our sure method for keep sag them green all winter only $2. Also millions cabbage nlants 1,000 for $1.50, 500 for 75 cents. J. T. & G. W. Clark, Thomasville, Ga. SUBSCRIBE FOR “NATIONAL RECALL MONTHLY,’’ Warren, Arkansas. * Official or gan of National Recall Leagues of America. Bopy, five cents ; fifty cents a Contains onstitution and By-laws for organizing local Recall Leagues. Get busy—organise. Help lib erate American citizens by electing new Con gress to repeal obnoxious laws. .J".". 1 .. ii —— .I «|.|. i , ' When in Atlanta, Stop at The Lasalle Hotel Annex Cor. N. Pryor Place and Ivy - Entrance: 98 Ivy St. ( Three minutes walk from 5-points, in down , town business center of city —a modern, home-llke. hotel. Electric lights, hot water. Ratos.- 50c to SI.OO per day; $2% to $5.00 a week Special rates to students and families. Meals in restaurant in hotel, if desired. liTS OMLyJwI Wo Pay or Parcol Poet Chargas W Zv; 'IkA SW Marfo as you i£ke» them. No extra W I'jiAl® charge for tunnel belt, loops, cuffs on g \ .li|i y.,)W pants, etc. Your own initials embroid- B \> ered in colors on the left tunnel pocket. ■ / I Pjl See our“ Alligator” trimmings on pants. I | n iiwr B ■ See all our latest original B | 'IB W| I Agents novelties. Get acquainted B vlj\ Wanted with this Alliance—order B J. || 1 At Once lour own clothes at less K jjj I nil | ? ■ than wholesale price. We gl Kii \ ■ make suite to measure from $7.50 up. pl |W Jw M Joel mail ns your name and address and re- est | M cave FREE our agency outfit and all sample. BJa it! ri \ 4 H You will want to bo our agent. Make hig EMIFj Li M money. Satisfaction guaranteed. Our] ref. HflreJ J i.J erancea will convince you. V’tW PRODUCERS & CONSUMERS ALLIANCE C-rt 4j q Wtalasalo Tailor*, Chleagc