Newspaper Page Text
to say, Th© World has no
ay whatever with the editorial
e toward the war and the Gov
it of the various Socialist,
iSt and pro-German periodicals
have been excluded from the
j for their semi-seditious utter
fl. Yet we can think of no more
Jcious method of dealing with
i offenses than to leave the
xshment to the judgment of the
eaucrats in the Post Office Depart
Either the writers and publishers
these articles are guilty of a spe-
Lic offense under the law or they are
jfc. If they are guilty, there are
juries and district attorneys
u.nd courts and juries to deal with
them. If they are not guilty, it is an
offense against free institutions to
deny them the use of the mails.
What could be more ridiculous or
inadequate than to permit a so-called
seditious periodical to have unlimited
circulation through the news agents
in a great*, city like New York and
then arbitrarily cut off a few hundred
copies that may be circulated through
the mails byway of making the
punishment fit the crime? But wholly
aside from any question of pains and
penalties imposed upon a section of
the press that is published for the
crackbrains of the country is the in
creasing use of the Post Office Depart
ment as a means of regulating the
nabits, morals and political opinions
of the American people.
The practice began with the lottery
legislation and has been extended by
leaps and bounds. The Post Office
Department today is the most Irrc-
. |-c mi iTir-»« ■>-
- -
“Yes, blond, th'*, tife*b|ood of mis
erable men wkc ecr»l<| Lot see with
the Pope's could bow down
to the PbjpcG feet, not
sender their re-, •son to vfis foulest
imposture ever itself
upon feupcFStifion, Old
Night.. The LTxxl stains i: •••<■• there in
the Pope’s Avijjsie.r, last as
they are to . seen liars? .hf' the
Vatican at everlasting luemo-
rials pt m iptol?ra wc of
the Borno
From imbw ejifUa r»f Usf
Relation to Crime and Religion* Lib
erty/’ by Thomas £. Wstsuu.
paid 1C e.
Want to know how the country is
being governed? Read Watson s po
litical Handbook: fifth edition just oft
the press. Paper, $1.00: Cloth $1.50,
Jeffersonian Publishing Co.,- Thom
son, Ga.
Don’t Suffer Any More
Good health is Nature’s birthright
for yob. All physicians agree that
gastritis dyspepsia, indigestion and
similar stomach disorders, diabetes,
Bright’s disease, gall stones, rheu
matism, gravel, gout and uric acid
poisoning are directly caused by im
perfect digestion and alinfination. By
drinking freely of Grey Rock Mineral
Water you increase your appetite,
improve your digestion, tone up your
system and recover your good health.
This water is recommended by mem
bers of the medical profession and is
sola on an guarantee
to benefit or you get your money
back. Could any offer be fairer?
Our guarantee applies only to first
order and a report in 30 days. Fill
out the coupon and send it to us at
Grey Rock Spring,
105 Summei'land Station,
BatCsburg, S. C.
Enclosed fin<\ $2 for 10 gallons Grey
Rock Water. I will use as directed,
return the bottles to you at YOUR ex
pense in 30 days and report what
benefit I receive. Igm suffering witH
Address .
Express Office
sponsible despotism known to free
government. There is not a citizen
of the United States, there is not a
business or industry in the country,
that cannot be deprived of the use of
the mails on the ipse dixit of a dene
volent bureaucrat of the post office.
No legal evidence is necessary. No
court proceeding is'required. A writ
ten order duly signed and counter
signed, and the thing is done.
The original function of the post
office was to collect, transport and
deliver th© mails. That function has
almost been forgotten. The mails are
becoming merely a by-product of a
nationwide system of regulating
everything from political opinions to
the sale of patent corkscrews in pro
hibition territory. Nothing human
is too great or too small to escape the
scrutiny of this bureaucracy.
The principle under which the So
cialist and pacifist periodicals are
excluded from the mails can be ex
tended to every publication whose
opinions are objectionable to the
mandarins of the postal service.
Either this is a government by law
or it is not A and if it is to be a gov
ernment of law the Post Office can
not remain much longer an irrespon
sible prosecuting attorney, judge and
jury cdt&Ssned. —New York World.
- | Q
Deer Bro. Watson: I have just
completed a list of 14 names to be
placed on the mailing list for the
Jeff for one year. Please note the
P, S. at the bottom of the list. This
makes.S9 yearly subs, in the last
few weeks. To Dr. Higgins belongs
r ar I .credit.
Tlv; of Aug, Ist, we had
called w of the citizens in
and alittle village to talk
over to our hearts, that
of through our
i to support the Ma
son amendmdht to the Conscription
Act, also the raising of a fund to
bring a test lease in the courts to
determine whether the Act is consti
tutional. Evidently some one got
busy as there arrived in our midst
too sheriff, a secret service agent and
a stenographer. Pet "jigs of resent
ment pan high, for ' the people fflt
that iJttey had a constitutional right
to thug maet' They were all well
known md respectable people, and
had always been law abiding. They
simply.-felt' that they were outraged.
The speaker not being able to be
present for the occasion, it was de
cided that the object of the meeting
would be dispensed with for the
time. Dr was chosen chair-
man for the evening. The doctor
made a short but very interesting ad
dress, making no mention whatever
of the obects for which the . meeting
was called. At the close of the ad
dress, the meeting was dismissed.
There was such evident disappoint
ment on the part of the people that
they continued to linger until the
high browed officials were well on
their way in the county seat, then
they proceeded under the broad,
canopy of heaven and by the light
of the moon to outline our plans
for future action.
REV. .
Want to know how the country is
being governed? Read Watson’s Po
litical Handbook: fifth edition just off
the press. Paper, $1.00: Cloth $1.50.
Jeffersonian Publishing Co,, Thom
son, Ga.
o— —■»
“What text in the Bible tells us to
seek salvation through Mary? No
such idea is in the Scriptures, old or
new. No such idea wag in the Cath
olic creed, until more than a thou
sand years after Christ. In fact, the
dogma of the immaculate conception
of this Jewish woman was not
adopted by the Roman Church, until
1870.”—From “The Roman Cath
olic Church, Its Law and Its Litera
ture,” by Thog. E. Watson. Price
#,Oc. The Jeffersonian Publishing
Company, Thomson, Ga,
Higher Pricts Paid for 1—
=—u= .... I
Everything in My Line
WATCH THIS SPACE, nd compare my prices I
with any other dealers, and you will find that I pay the |
market prices, and guarantee a check on return mail I
for every pound that I receive:
Green fresh hides 17c per lb Mixed babbett 5c per ib S
Green salt cured hides 20c per lb Lead 5c per lb B
Dry salt cured hides 30c per lb A? t° casings 51c per lb
m Mixed inner tubes 10c per lb i
Dry flint cured hick 32c per lb g 0 ru bb er t j res 3 C p er
Goat hides 30 to 60c each Bicycle tires 3c per lb j
Sheep hides 25c to 75c each Rubber boots and shoes 6c per lb g
Sule hides* $2 to $5 e’h Mixed country rags lie per lb 1
allow 12c per lb Second-hand burlap bgs. 2to 7c e’h
allow 11c per lb Hens 10c per lb
20c to 30c per lb Fryers 15c per lb |
14c per ib Stags' 10c per ib g
loc per ib Old roosters 6c per ib g
r 21c per lb Choice wa’ed white wool 50c per lb i
18c per lb Choice white wool 45c per lb g
6c per lb Medium white wool 40c per lb H
25c per lb Black wool 30c per lb ffi
25c per lb Burry wool 20 to 30c per lb g
ices made on large lots of C. S. Hides on application B
UNCAN, The Hide and Chicken Man, I
Uli 1,1— '!■!■■ ■!■ I I 11l ■■■ ■—.■i.—r II i mum
I’ ■ 'EM Sclent anc>- ReU<a%»le • I
~ Height i
Ample Train-Service and good connections.
Elegant road bed and superb equipment.
Special rates for special occasions very often in effect. I
Ask the Georgia Railroad Agent fo‘r rates and schedules.
General Passenger Agent,
Atlanta, Ga.
iJSSSIiRT W men)
Frost Proof Early Fall and Winter
Prompt 'shipments. Satisfaction guaranteed.
Charles Wakefield, Jersey Wakefield, Early Flat
Dutch, Succession. Parcel post paid—soo, $1.25;
1,000, $2,00. Express, collect—l,ooo, $1.50; 5,000
and over, $1.25. Sure shipments. Good plants.
J. T. and C. W. CLARK, Thomasville, Ca.
rnn o*i r 72-acre farm
run uHLL 3 Miles Moultrie
On clayed public road. 60 in cultivation. Dark
loam soil—clay sub-soil. Good 5-room bungalow.
One tenant house; two-story barn and shelters.
Easy terms. Few more farms for sale. Only $42
per acre.
L. M. BURNS, Moultrie, Ga.
Just Write to Me
and Write at Onee
Send addressed, stamped envelope, Yon will
receive something that you will always he glad
of, but you must write now to get it.
G. W. JENKINS, M.B t , Dublin, 6a.
When writing fp advertisers, pleaae
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Thursday, August
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The Truth About the Bible
—•"> 111 ————•— «—»■——••fill -I I ■ —B— ; r ——
We have 400 copies of this, the world's
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regular price in book stores $3.00. Order now
if you wish to be oja? of the 400 to secure the
book at this reduced price. In many respects
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