The Jeffersonian. (Atlanta, Ga.) 1907-1917, August 30, 1917, Page PAGE SEVEN, Image 7
Thursday, August 30,1917. < To Contest the New Conscrip tion Law in the Federal Courts Let Us Try to Save the Lives of a Million Men I ?' addition to contributions previously ac imuwledged, we have received the follow ing: From Macon County, Ga. G. F. Brooks ......... 1.00 C. E. Hambrick ...... 1.00 J. T. Hambrick 1.00 G. W. Poole 3,00 S. O. Jones 1.00 T. E. Williams 1.00 J. W. Turner 1.50 G. G. Warsham .25 C. L. McCarty 1.00 W. H. Layfield ... .25 J. L. Nelson ............ 1.00 ,G. W. Hambrick 5.00 R. McGlamery 1.00 D. A. Jones 1.00 W. L. Edwards ......... 1.00 W. W. Hambrick 1.00 Euland McCarty 1.00 ,<G. U. Taunton .. .50 C. F. Felcher 1.00 T. V. Simmons • •••••• Mta •50 A. R. Hambrick 41.00 Charlie Miliram - 1.00 Ray Oliver I.QO J. H. McCarty - 1.00 Friend 1.00 W. T. Davis 1.010 E. G. Windham 1.00 X W. Archer 5.00 C M. Oliver $37/00 Citizens of Many Counties Go on Record for Free Speech and Free Press HARALSON COUNTY CITIZENS MEET. We the citizens of Haralson County, Ga.» in mass meeting at Bre men, Ga., with all sections of the county well represented, assemble for the purpose of discussing our rights as citizens of the United States of America, hereby demand to know of our Postmaster General the following facts. Since he is not elected by a vote of the vote of the*- people ther'e does does not fear the vetoing power of same. , ... ; Jlis term of office being fbiV4 years without fear of recall, by the people. We therefore demand to know what right he has to dictate to any American citizen what kind of litera ture said citizen should read, by ex cluding from the mails, such litera ture as he deems inflamatory, or such class as will cause in judg ment,* the commission of crime- * Since we as American citizens en <dowed with at least common horse sense; therefore know there are plenty of laws and officers to en force same. These laws if not suffi cient, and if not enough officers with the whole army and navy to back them up. We are willing as citizens, to volunteer our services to assist in helping to uphold all constitutional just laws. Who is to judge what literature will cause crime and will not? If one man arbitrarily taking our blood bought rights in what we shall read, or that we shall give up a million of our best young men’s lives without their consent or the least idea of what they must give up their «ves for. We say if such arbitrary rubb ings as these will not cause crimes to be committed we fail to see where in the reading of any kind of litera ture will cause such. We therefore demand the election of the Postmaster General and all other officers by popular vote of the citizens of the United States; also .the election of local postmasters by the patrons of the various offices. We further commend our Cover- THE JEFFERSONIAN nor, Hugh M. Dorsey, and ask him to do all in his power to help all citizens in their struggles in uphold ing the Constitution of the State of Georgia, and the United States. We further condemn the editors of all papers who have not the man hood to stand for the rights off the people, and who will give 'but one side of the question and thus mis lead the people. We especially condemn the Haral son County Tribune being published at Buchanan, Ga., edited by Floyd Robberson, for copying suck tarings as the Macon Telegraphs rank edito rials, and we ask all loyal (Jitlens to settle for and discontinue the same. Signed, W. T?. Head, Jr., J. C. Mcßrayer, L. P. Alien, H. N. Easter wood, L. fFacksen, <J. I. Allen, W. R. Dean, J. A. Rowell, Taylor Smith, •attorney; J. W. -Green, F. PP. Smith, E. W. Harrison, J. S. Dean, R. A. Sanders, J. H. Hammel, W. A. Gol din, A. *N. Johnson. o TATTNALL, LIBERTY AND EVANS BOUNTIES SPEAK OUT. Dear Sir: Tattnall, Liberty and Evans counties are speaking right out in large mass meetings. The colons are in handsome majorities at every turn, and it seems only a question of time until we have the entire machinery of old Draco and his Bureaucratic Monks looking upon us as the true and tried patriots of these United States. If the Demo dratfc-Wllson-C'atholic pap suckers continue to refuse to haul the Jeffs simply express them to Hagan, and I will endeavor to consorigptt one mule and buggy into the service of route ene from Hagan, Ga., to the Jeffer sonian subscribers. ' Your friend, ? < ■ JAS. M. ELDERS. ’ 0 , .• Ever ffwlize just what a strangle hold theJsaoney powers have on the U. S.? Read Watson’s Political Handbook;. Fifth edty&m Just off the press. Paper, 91.40: Cbrtb, $1.50. Jeffersonian Publitftfog CAv Thom son, Ga> From Wyatt, La. • 145.00 C. Joergensen, Wash. ..V 23.00 W. E. Bor, Ala. ........-..... .“. 10.00 Mrs. T. R. Ivie and' others, Ga. . 3.45 Hiram Hays, Texas ✓ SJQ John Doukas, N. Dak. 3.00 Some negro Jeff friends at Gough, Ga... 3.00 J. W. Stem, Texas ........ 7.50 W. A. Estes, 41a. ................... 11.010 A few citizens of Dooley Co. 12.00 N. J. Evans, Va „ ........ 2.00 Svans Bros, Va f 12.00 Walter H. Ward, Va. .... .50 W. N. Little, Ga. 2.15 C. W. Ware, Ga. 5.00 Through Dr. T. J. Taylor, Texas 45.00 J. W. Montgomery, L. B. Ray, T. W. Featherstone, Ark 33.53 From Grove Oak, Ala. m « 23.70 J. T. Moncus, J. H. Steward, Ga 5.00 A. J. Self and wife, Ga ... 3.00 A. F. McWaters, Okla 5.00 Citizens of Tazewell, Ga. 37.60 Laurel Miss. Mass Meeting 15.00 B. A. Long, Fla. „... 1.10 W. E Ohio 5.00 Lake Arthur, La ...... ’ 6.75 L. F. James, Ga. 7:75 V. F. Ergle, Ga. 3.00 J. W. Potts, Ga. 1.00 E. E* Hunter, La. ................. ’ 3.00 Jeff Grantham, Texas 7 7.00 From Whitesburg, Ga. .. k - 7.25 From Coffee Springs, Ala. . ........... 12.50 From Whitewright, Texas 24.00 From Stone Mountain, Ga. .. 9.25 Additional from Lincoln County, Ga. ..; 46.25 Meeting at DeLeon, Texas —... 17.55 Inous G. Clark, Ga. I.QO From Standing Rock, Ala .. * ' 7.00 W. H. Grover and others .. « ......... 4.00 Cash “H.” Key West, Fla 5.00? Mhss Meeting at Pine Grove School House, Ga 25/00 S. W. Teague, Ala. 14.00 W. L. White, H. W. Jones, Ala 10.00 OTZEN9 OF CARROLL COUNTY, GEORGIA, IN MASS MEETING ASSEMBLED DECLARED. First —-That our government is a government of law and hot of men. Second —That this government was founded by our fathers on the eternal truths and principles of the Declara tion of Independence as vouchsafed tons by the Constitution of the United States; and that we declare our unswerving loyalty to this gov ernment, and denounce as the slack best kind of slackers and the meanest kind of traitors any and all persons who would nullify our Constitutional government and build on the ruins thereof an autocracy or a despotism. Third —We very earnestly declare that freedom of press and freedom of speech and the right to pea(?eably assemble are among the most essen tial principles of a pure democracy, and we deplane/the appearance of an autocratic and Roman Catholic spirit which, seeks to destroy these sacred rights. Fourth—We deprecate and deplore the manifest approach of the spirit of the Dark Ages which seeks to perse cute and penalize citizens for speak ing and publishing the truth. Therefore, be it resolved: That we pledge ourselves to try to fit! each office from the highest to the lowest with men who would preserve our Constitutional rights, an dto use all lawful means to defeat for office all candidates who favor autocracy. The following telegram was sent to the Postmaster General: J< We are directed by a 'citizens mass meeting representing the views of 3,000 voters of this county to re quest you to revoke the order of your departmnt xcludlng Watson’s Jeff er* sonian from the mail.” J. R. MORGAN, •• H. F. PEEK,' & MCLENDON, Committee on resolutions. J. J. HOLLOWAY, T, S. McLENDON, Secretary. J. T. Duncan, Moultrie, Ga., will receive subscriptions for The Jeffer. sonian and Watson’s Magazine. J. E. Hyde, AIS. .. : . E 1.00 From Union City, Ga. .............. 10.00 J. B. Stephenson, Texas ...... . 10 00 Grover a Rowe, Ala i.*no Jno. P. Worley, Ga. 12.25 Three Ladies, Carlon, Texas .........3.00 R. T. Guin, Ga .. .. Z 2.00 W. J. Danner, Ga I’oo B. L. Danner, Ga. 1 010 ■B. F. Danner, Ga. .. ...... 2.00 W. A. Thurmond, Jr., Ga LOO D. S. Danner, Ga. . 1,00 J. P. Lindsey, Ga .. 1.00 J. S. Wheatley, Ga 2*oo R. E. Freeman, Ga. ........ .25 W. T. Lindsey, Ga 1.00 T. W. Andrews, Ga 1.00 R. M. Saggus, Ga. 1,00 J. H. Standard, Ga. 1.00 W. N. Brown, Ga ’.50 H. H. Key, Ga .50 G. W. Lindsey, Ga. 2.0.0 R. A. Guin, Ga .. .50 G. W. Bunch, Ga ,25 J. M. Smith, Ga. ....... 2.00 ,W. L. Standard, Ga 1.00 ■■ $22.00 New Edition of “The Story of France.” by Thos. E. Watson. Just off the press. Two volumes, $3.50 the set. Handsomely bound, gilt tops, gilt lettered. This book is regarded as standard by the French readers and schol ars. The Jeffersonian Publishing Company, Thomson, Ga. • “Socialists and Socialism” by Thos. E. Watson, has a vast amount of information of interest and value to those who think they know what Socialism stands for. Price 25c. LAURENS COUNTY, GEORGIA, Whereas, the Congress of the United States of America have un der the pretense of war necessity en acted autocratic laws depriving the eitiens of Free America of their God given, inalienable and indefeasable rights, and have sought to place its cltiens and under said enactments have placed, i t(?sitiens in a state of Involuntary servitude without hav ing been convicted of crime, and has sought to feed the hoarded popula tion in the large cities at the cost of the producers, and,. Whereas, the press offsets no objec tions to the flagrant wrongs being imposed on the people of Free America, and have surrendered their independence to the foes of democ racy, and have become the subser vient tools of the autocratic powers of the “moral effect” Congress, Therefore, be it resolved, that we most heartily disapprove of the course of the newspapers, and pledge ourselves to discontinue any patron age to any newspaper that refuses the voice of the people to be her alAed. * ■ Be It further resolved, that we ap prove of the manly stand that su<*h American patriots as Vardaman, Reed and Hardwick have made in Congress of the United States, and we condemn to political obesurity the political traitors that have sur rendered our rights to the enemies of democracy, the military powers that are now beclouding our horion and the damnable Catholic Hierarchy throngs the Nation’s capital. Done in mass meeting, peaceably assemble®, at Peace school house, Lowery District, Laurens County, Georgia. J. D. McLENDON, Chairman. J. H. BARKV/ELL, Secretary. o FROM BANKS, JACKSON AND MADISON COUNTIES. *We the citizens of Lord’s Academy met in a peaceful mass meeting and adopted the following resolutions. First—We the undersigned sitizens of Banks, Jackson and Madison counties, State of Georgia, hereby respectfully urge upon Congress the immediate passage of H. R. 5181, in troduced June 24th, 1917, by Hon. William E. Mason, of Illinois. Signed by 75 citizens. Second—We also heartily indorse the stand that Hon. Tom Hardwick PAGE SEVEN