The Savannah museum. (Savannah, Ga.) 182?-1822, June 23, 1821, Image 3

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0 U.VI.YG, June 23, 1821.
The Young Brutus, arrive<l this morning in 7
davstrom flavana, has despatches for Govern
ment, relative, it is presumed* to the Florida ces
sion. It was veiy sickly at Havana and the mar
ket much depressed.— Baltimore Pat . 14 th ins;.
The brig Ann, from Canton, arrived at Bos
ton, spoke on the 4th May, ship Amiable Matilda,
from Monte-Video for Gibraltar, and was inform
ed that Lord Cochran had taken Lima.
Mr. Wm. Grares, said to be a native of the
United States, has been long in confinement in
Upper Canada, on a charge of treason, Itseems
he resided in Canada at the commencement of
the late war and had taken the oath of allegiance.
During the war he was taken prisoner bv the
U. S. forces. Afterwards enlisted on our ‘side,
and was taken by the British.
. , The Legislature of Connecticut adjourned on
the sth inst. *
Exchange. In pursuance of a resolution ;
of the Philadelphia Chamber of Commerce, a
meeting of the Merchants and Traders of that l
place was to have been held on the 11th inst. to
. take into consideration the propriety of erecting
p an EXCHANGE in that city.
Great Sport. Three persons caugh*. a few
days past, in Severn river, near Annapolis, Md.
forty-one dozen and three soft crabs, and twenty
five dozen and three hard crabs, ..making in the
“w ft ole seven hundred and ninety eight crabs,
caught in the course of six hours.
Mr. CimswirK, an uigenlous Cutler of the city
of New-York, has made a contract with the A
gents of the government, to supply the United
States’ Navy wv',* brass buttons, of a peculiar
stamp; on the 9th inst. in presence of seveval
Gentlemen, he struck off two dozen in the space
of Im. 2 sec. This he effected by a newly in
vented stamping machine, the only' one in Ame
Census of Vermont —The population of
Vermont ;ny .he census of 1820. 241,.
736 Increase in 10 year- 17,835.
distressing Casualty. —We are informed, that
on tne night between Sundav and Mondav last, a
A Mr. Himes and, a Mr, Hathaway went in a boat|
* from Warwick to die shores of Pospwum, for Ihe l
purpose of catching the shellfish called horse-!
foot, which swarm on those shores in the night!
season. Having succeeded in loading their
boat, theyse* out'on their return and about two;
in.tiie mornuig fotind the boat filling with water,
which soon after upset.
The unfortunate occupants gained the bot
tom of the boat, and clenched their hands over
it, and in this situation rem lined until about day
light, when Mr. Hathaway discovered that his
companion was dead. The survivor and the
body 6f the deceased were soon after taken up
by a boat from ast-G eenwich. Mr. Mimes was!
a worthy school-mast c of Warwick, and has a
wife and one child to deolore his untimely fate.
Pmilence Patriot. 9th i H. I
A sound sleeper.— A few nights ago, one of ae!
students in Yale College, in his sleep, 1 c ? it ftuitt
a window in the rh‘-d s ory to he ground, with
out injuring himself or b caking his slumbers.
.V. Haven ft eg ,
Green Peas have made their a 1 >
market. Strawberries also, but bo h dear and
scarce. Butter is improving in quality owing to
the late premiums, and to particular attention
bestowed upon dairies. ,V. V. Advoc te.
. Unfortunate Casuattv.— Mr. R<b’ Wtison, a pi
lot of this port, accidentally fell -overboard fi'otn
ihe pjlot boat Grand Caiud, on Saturday, at die
foot of Dove r-street, and was dro’ .ted. His bo
dy hat; not been found, but in searching for it the
body of another man was discovered, also suppo
sed to be drowned. .V. Ik American.
Distressing tshipwretk, The ship Essex. Pol
,lard, of Nantucke , has been lost iu the Pacific
Ocean by. being struck by a whale.—The Crety
Were compelled to leave he” suddenly m their
boats, (three in number) with a scanty supply
of provisions shortly after, in a gale, the boat .n
which the Captain was, separated from the other
two, which have not since been heard of. file
Captain’s'boat soqn get ing out of provisions, thej
survivors were compell-d to subsist upon the
carcases of such as per shed, until their number
was reduced to three, when they were at length
driven .0 he dreadful alternative of casting lots,
which should the to subsist he others. —In this
manner the two lived until they; were fortunately
picked up.—The Captain was one of the persons
saved.— Charleston Cour.
_• -• •
W From the Albany Daily Advertiser .
The progress nvtd-’ m tins stupendous;
undertaking su r pn et and ■tatonislies its!
advocates ami f iemls —euemiesl it has,
none. It aiUauces with giant strides to
wards the Hudson, and to unite its waters
with those of CFtiifhplain. Already it ap
proaches the city of Schenectady,—and thej
excavations are no-v carrying on within*
five miles of that city, and progressing f<> -
ward; A few weeks, anti lie citizens of
Albany will witness this wrk coiumemci g !
and*progressing in theii own neighborhomi,
probably within the limits df toe city.
From the Portsmouth %. 11. Oracle of Tune 9.
We learn by a tishii'g vessel from th -
Bay of Fundy, that on the 27 th May ei^ht
sail of Americart fisHiermen were j
‘lin the Bay by a British gmib h u'-tl sloop;
>f war tYnjn Halifax, and o r s the t>!t (uto
others were captured—said to be lor i: • tray -
tion of the treaty. I’ v > of the vessels
belonged in ,thir river, viz., the (sen. J \< k
son and Polly— the former a now and val
uable schooner.
Reported Loss of the French ship Maria-
By a French seaman (named David) who;
arrived in town on Sunday last, we Jiavc
following particul rs. -
The French ship M iria-Therese, Capt.
Lafite, of 400 tons, laden with coffee and
su*;ar, ov. ned bv Baguerie Sarge & Cos. of
Bordeaux, from Guadeloupe, whence she
saded 45 days ago. h-und back to France,
after being at sea 22 days, proving leaky,
the naster rjeternut'ed to make the ti'st
port, am! on Thnr<isy night of last week
(M y 31 ) in the* rain storm, when within
pistol shut of Wood-Island, near Saco, 1
navmgjust before lost her fore-topmast, 1
suddenly filled and sunk. David the sea
man, threw himself into the water and
swain to the shore, being,as he believes, the i
only person, out of twelve on board,saved.!
He could discover nothing of the ship next ;
morning, except the studding sail boom,!
floating near the island ; from which place
lie was taken by a fisherman and carried to
Portland. The crew consisted in part of
the following persons, viz. Lafite, master,
Durand, mate, David, Dubois, Christian,
Jossaumr, seamen ; Francois, boy. [There
are .some circumstances tending to the be
lief that !,nis stcry is false. We consider ‘
it proper however to give publicity to the
statement of the sailor.}
Nantucket, June 4.
“.The ship Ganges has a. n veil here, full
jdf ‘"’ll*—l iie list of whale ships left, is not
Iso late as by the George. Th, Ganges took
:he.r last whale on the 4th of Jan. 1 821, and
left the g onnd immediate!) —d-d not touch
00 the coast of Chili, but was under the
necessity of nu ring in 10 Pernambuco on
account of rite scurvy on board —ln sail
i'£ mar the Isle, of Trinidad,'the smell of
tile land had such an ette’et on one of the
men, that he dropped dead on the deck.
Letters were received yesteiday from the
jship Maro, Capt. Joseph Alien; one us
‘which, to the owners, informs, that after
recruiting his ship in May, 18t!0 r ihe
•Sandwich Islands, he proceeded for the
c *a*t f Jana ; and in lat 36 N. and lon
160 f > 170 E he to 3 months look 1100
h hls. oil., Allen, ‘tab s, that in fat
25 3, N and lon 167 46 W. he made an
Island; arid in lat 25 28, ! m 170 20. he
disc vered a dangerous Reef, neither
’>l which are laid down in any of Ids char ts.
He gave the name of Gardner to the Li
te and, arid the reef he called Maro; —after
the owner and ship’s names. Capt Allen’s
ship was in good order, and crew all well.
! He had one uoat stove; and a young man,
Uon of Mr. Grafton Gardner, had a leg anil
arm broken, but had recovered.”
Extract from Capt jos. Allen, of the ship Marco,
• to her owner in Nantucket.
” Oil the 22d May we took mii anchors
at M wee, and steered VV by A—On the
-2d Jil t discovered a newt Island or Rocks,
nor I rid down in any of our charts; lat 25
3, ‘and oy 1 good lunar, we found the long;-
it-i l*\ when within 3 miles of the Island,
to be 167 40, W —judged it to be 150 feet
)nigii, and about on** mile in circumference,
j L has two detitched lumps, one on the N
|E arid the other on the S \V—called Gard
ner’s Island. We h<> whales until we
!got in lat 30, N. and lon ‘75 XV. — We got
in 1 die c..a*,t *'f Japan (he latter pact of
J mim* —had thick foggy weather foi about
■ V o weeks -21 of July liad 250 bids—took
10 • of ,0’ od ip lat 36. N and lon 163,
E. riaw uo -hips while on the coast, but
1 :i!>* .tv .f w l j -. Left the coast Sept 17,
f> Sand-iico l lands; arrived at Mowee
TU ? 27- Shall proceed to the coat of
Mexico [probably Californio} to spend
i) i of die winter, and return to the Sand
• ‘.vie!i Islands to recruit. ‘Die chance is
iood to fill the ship in another season on
• the const of Japan.”
nr at,
In Russia, Admiral Tatk, of the Russian
navy, a native of Westbrooke, Maine.
| Port of Savannah
A HP TV F n,
Schr Sarah-Francos. Bradley, New-Vork, 6 ds,
to G F & O Palmes. .1 Stone & co, and the master.
19th inst oflf'EdisH), spokesclir Lucy,Rich,from
N York, bound to Darien, out 12 days. On Wed
nesday evening, saw a ship off the Gaskin Bank,
Standing in for Savannah.
Sloop Mary. Curtis, Charleston, 2 days, to I.
Cohen—with sundries to Pouvat ft. Halland, W.
Inglis & Cos. F. G'fietr ft Cos. Robert Worrell, P.
Ilervlant, Gaitdrv ft Defaure, J. Bertlielott, Pet
tit De Tillers, A. B. Fannin &. Cos. W. Scarbo
! rourrli, J. H. Loomis, IT. Tupper, S. Stodder, G.
!F.& O. Palmes, Miller & Fort, and order. Pas
• sengers— .Mrs. A. Shfoall, Child and Servant,
.Miss De Tai Motta , Mr. P. Hynes, Wis- and
Child, Air. fCirkhatrick and Servant, Messrs.
Hunter, Wallace, Simes, h. J.athebeandiere, and
Air. JVhite. Saw several vessels off the bar.
Willev’s boat. Paragon, Augusta, 5 days, with
352 bales cotton, to Humming & Gwathmev, J
Humming & Son. S B Parkman, I I.athrop & co.
C C Griswold & co. and A Mitchell & S Clark.
Ship Pantagenet, Petrie, Liverpool
G fVotherspoon
Ship Georgia, Varnum, Liverpool
• A Low& co.
Brie George, Uns worth, Liverpool
Aficholpn Xeff
Sloop Fafne, Barton, St. Augustine
l II Sage & co.
■ \
| The ship Rising States, Pearce, sailed yester
day for Providence. \
The schr Millennium, Clark, from this port,
was at St Georges, Ber. on the 6th inst.
’ The brig Hope, Porter, for this port, cleared
at N York on ‘he 12th inst.
i The sloop Express, from Providence, (report
ed on Thursday,) left the brig Rolla, to sail for
; this port in 3 days; and on the 9th inst. off’ Mon-
Itaug, spoke Gen. Hawes, from this port for
I Providence.
The ship Vulcan, Reed, from this port, was
I spoken May 11, off Mobile bar, bound in.
j The sloop Olive Branch, Ellis, from this port,,
bound to Boston, arrived at N York on the 11th
inst. v
The ship Cotton Plant,’ Fash, from tins port,
arrived at N York on the 12'h.”
At Liverpool, the Gen. Kempt, Bourne, from
this port.
At Clyde, the Roger Stewart, Cooper, from
this port, in 26 days.
New-York. June 13.
Arrived —Slops Gov-Griswold, Smith, Havana,
13 days, sugar and coffee ; Woodbine, Chase, N
Orleans, 18 from .the Balize ; brigs Catharine,
Barnard, St Croix, 13, rum and sugar; CTtarte s
Fawcett, I.cmott, N Oi’eans, 44; Aueonr, Nidi-1
olas, do 24 ; Oldenburg’ 111% Harmony, Oren, I
Bremen, 77, glassware, silks, specie, &c; schts |
Illinois. Grice, Aux Caves. 13, coffee, logwood
and lime ; A. Jackson, Gould, St Thomas, lS.mrn, j
sugar and wine ; Emerald, Fitch? N Orleans, 16 ;,
Betsey, Spicer, St Marys, 11.
Cleared Brig Sopbronia, Harding, St Marys; !
sloop Darien, Savage, Curracoa,
Raltimorp. Juno 44.
Arrived— scliv Fcbpse, .tones’, 12 ds. fr. Poito
Rico. Left no American vessels.
At Quarantine, sobr Young Brutus, Smith. This
fr Havana, 120 hours to the Capes. Left brigs
President, Dustin, ot’ Philad ; Hall, just ar. from
Phiiad.; ship C;*m. Peny, Forks, for NY 9th
June ; brigs Francis, Foster,,of Boston, for Rot
terdam, unc. .capt. s : ck ; brig Struggle, Foss,
chartered by the Spanish government, to sail un
der convoy in a. few days for Carthagrna. The
British ship Hall was .driven ashore 29th April,
was got off the 3d June, and towed into harbor,
to be completely repaired by contract for SR 10,-
000. Markets at Havana extremely dull- Flour
nominated at §12 —supply immense ; Coffee
scarce at 20 a 23—a sale at 23 on 6th June.
lor Charleston ,
t ■The regular packet sloop MARY,
v-’V Capt John Brown, vvull sail nn Mon
day evening next For freight < r passage, up
pl> 011 board, at the Exchang* nliarf, vto
jnne 23 42
iffer fail Sale,
144 dozen I.mnlou Brown Stout Porter
1 h Dili I’mt Wine. ,
4 ijr. cunsftsixmdiH: Particular Teneriffe
5 cask) Cn. in l>ac’s
-0 doz ruth CjaKitina Hoes
15 cask 1 Cut Nails, issorted
l case German steel Hand Saws
1 do do do .Mill Saws
cross cut ami whip do do
50 bbls idiot and nivy Bread
40 kegs Londpa White Lead
30 do America \ dp d;>
black, Spanish brhwn, yellow and green
6 iibls bright Varnish, 4 black do
4 up Spirits Turpentine
2 do sperm Oil
i hint train bo
4 bins Linseed do
40 coils Cordage.. ..
English amt American Window Glass
16 gross \t me C f fks, 20 <lo porter do
\Y iu. so (.dry vthip Chandlery & Grocery Stores
juue i3 42
50 bbls prime Poijk
50 k;gs first qiiabiv Tobacco
5 * miS Iron, Sweets
R liaif qr casks Attdeira Wins
10 conks shot, assorted .viz s
1 ( o.Tchee, with elated harness complete
100 wool Hats • *
2 dozen Chairs— For sale hv
C.c. (fiIIsWOLD &Cos,
jnne 93 4
> ■ the li eces\ June 2o 5821
r i , HE differbnt Lodgts *(f this citv, are re-
I quested by the Gr: id Mastet, to’ join the
Grand Ledge precisely *t ll o’clock A M on
Monday next, for the purpose of in
time the Episcopal Church at 12 M —A ftis
course appropi iate to tie occasion, will be dr
ove red by the If W GranjChu.’ lain the Rev. \V
Cranston I
By onto- of die ft W G M
iune 23 42 i Grand SVm stunt.
4 —— _4_
Sofonum’sLodge\No. 1,,i. Y M.
tjAHF. Officers and Members of Solomon’s
J. Lodge are hereby notified to. convene at
their Hall, on Monday mining at 9 o’clock, t<>
organize and join the Granfl Lodge “in the Cek
bration of the Festival ol'jSt. John the Baptist
I'ransient Bret hi ei. are rispectfully invited to
join this Lodge in Procesfon.
Bi o der of ihe IV M. A. J f)’l t v
jnne 23 ‘42,
f'jPHE Copartnership if ti. F & 0 Palmes,
is by mutual consent ibis day* dissolved
Those indebted j-. y i.-sited lo make irnme
diite payment r,.'* F. I’a nies, who is authori
sed lo settle the business !'the concern
jane 23 n 4i
CONTINUES business in the store lately oc
copied by Messrs. Meigs & Heed, !ax
rmt.igtt.Oock. Ft liUU, COHN, and a general
assortment of GVOCLHIKS tnay be had at all
tones on accom n0,.-i. .. -lyU- pine 23
For -lialje, ,
ft ]!!%!&. A warranted Chair and’
lA|L/lk t(OKSK, free’ from
vice, wiili a fashionable (iig
lit and Harness, the Gig has a
top to >t, leather svpron in. and other con
veniences for travelling, it has been 1,8 months
in will be Sold a bargain, if applied
for immetliately—the owner having m. further
use for them. Apply at Mr. John Schroder’s,
Broughton street,
iune 23 s’ 42
~~~ ~To Hc nt. ~
And Possession given immediately,
the store lately occupied by B. Arnold &
Cos. in C Gi'doh’s new brick building South-wps't
corner of Market Sq,are-i-tlie rent will beat
the low rate of g2s ner month, until the first of
November next Apnlv‘o
jane 2.1 t
\\ anted,
A Sober, Honest, and industrious single mbn
is wanted on i£ Plantation near town—ap
ply to the subscriber . j
june 2.3* h , 43
Oats and Uifles.
THEjtubscriber lias received rom New-York
and offers for sale at reduced prices, a few
hundred bushel-* of very heavy OATS. •
A*,Bo -rA few superior Philadelphia manufac
tured ItlFLKSjJswarranted good workmanship,
3 doors Iklo-v Jefferson st . in St. Julian st.
jure 19 49
, Tor Nerv-York,
The tine new’ lung wStiOOD. Cant
Fosdick, will ri- it with despate!*
For ticgut of‘2ou bales cotton, or ua-suge, hav
ing rerpurkkbly pleasant accouunoylatiuiis, -ap
ply on hoard or to
Afo. 3, Commerce JIO-.0.
June 21 i 41
- ‘ Tor, Providence,
The regular packet sloop-EXPRESS,
If Small, Master, will sail.on Tuesday
next. For freight or passage, having good ac
commodations, apply to the. Captain on board,
at Moor’s whart, or to
Hire's udiu rs,
Who lias for sals, landing’ front said vessel,
Fifty Casks Lime.
jtine 21 41
Tor New York ,
flm regular packet brig TF.LE-
JmeSmv GRAPH, C. Clark, Master, will sail
on Sunday next. For freight or passage, having
good accommodations, apply to Capt Clark 01,
board, at Telfair’s wharf, or to
Who have landing from said vessel a id for
sale 100 bags prime Green Havana COFFEE.
jtine 19 40
For Neiv-York ,
ll,c iF-ft'Kiner DOLPHIN, Nutting,
-Master, will receive .quick dispatch
hr passage only, apply to the Master on board,
at Anderson's lower, wharf, or to
Under the lliichangi,
Who has for sale,
100 casks, Thomastown l.itne
50 bbls superfine Flour
50 boxes vdlnw Soup
jnne 19 ‘ 40 s
For Philadelphia ,
The fine fast sailing coppered brig
28AMERICA, J. Uockitts, Master, will
pos’tively sail on Wednesday, 27th inst. For
freight or passage apply to’ the Captain on
board, or to -
Oho have for sale, {willing from said trig,
A few half barrels superfine FLOUR.
In Store ,
Hyson Tea in Chests and 2 lb. Camusters
3 pip* s Cognac Brandy
2 pipes Madeira Wine
KlO coils Bale Rope
jnne 19, 40 t „ .
For St. Augustine,
tp'JpSk The sloop FAME, Barton, master,
vt ill meet with depatch, having good
accommodations. For freight’ or pafesage ap
ply on board at Bulloch's wharf, or to
L. 11. SAGE & CO.
june 1G , ■ 39
For Baltimore ,
Jpjj/E- The slooji FlltliT ATTEMPT, capt
Hale, will- meet with despatch. For
IrcMgni (which will be taken low,) or passage,
liavipg good accommodations, apply to
II ho have received per mnl vessel,ZJ ‘for for sale,
250 bbls sup. Howard street Flo)*.*
1050 bushels while flint Corn. >
■ji*i*! ."*"**** r>si 1 . <
■A }}■ New-York and Providence, for sale in
v / sums to suit purchasers by
april 17 90 .
Cliecks on New-York,
For sale by
jun*’ 8 35 t
Bills on Philadelphia,
june 1 29
i ■■-• • ■■ *
Exchange on New-York,
iaou SAIT BY •
june 6 33
iirafts on Boston,
A> sale by
june S , .” 32-
J s-v (mgs prime GiIEK • COFFEE, just re-
Vi/ ceivtd and for sale. In
June 19 “ 40 __
sell Carolina, lying at Jlice’awharl, tor sale l>y
pine 19’ 40
BALKS prime upland COTTON, fm
b C by W. INC LIS Sf CO.
• june l 9 40
Philadelphia Flour.
.btils. supet-fve Philadelphia Flour,
just landing from the brig Amer
ica, which will be sold on tV- wharf bv
june 71 41
„ (Late Spafford $ ’t urner,)
INFORMS hisfruhds.andtlns public, that he
has removed to Col Marshall’s Buildings,
op Broughton-street, next door Mr G W Coe,
where he offers for sale, age ,enl assortment of
f Seasonable Dry Goods.
june 21 41
Found by a Negro Man,
with blue homespun cloth; the owner can j
obtain the same by calling at this Office, and;
paying for this advertisement.
■june .’1 41 i <■ 1
The Library
DURING the summer inonth.i, will he kept
•pen on Mondays, Wednesdays and l-ri
j days, from 4 until 6 o’clock 1* M
, L. MASON, Librarian.
I june 21 41
at lutrton*
/>// ili one Schlep. .
I IT. liS DAY, at II o'clock pieciseljf f
In Ji out of his Auction Store,
One second band Barouche
Oireelegant Sad. Ur 13.,r->* jnne 23
By Joyner Fennu .
. THI>TLyY, at 11 o’clock, ‘
* Wi!l be sold, before our atovt > 9
Groceries, Liquors,
. - -AI.S;..
25 bbls Phibtdelpiii:* Porter
5 do sbed AlOronds j?ino
P>lf Joseph George.
Tills DAY, at 10 o’clock,
U ill be so d,n J unt f is Auc ion N'torg.
Groceries and Dry Goods,
Among which At e,
A few barrels superior Ale.
A substantia! second hand CAR. 1 VGE, bav
ipg btcn lately put i;i complete repair, rot used.—Sundry articles of'furniture, con
risting of Side Hoards, Bureaus, Chairs, Tables,
G<s. Abo,
, i * ase Saddles, Bridles,
jfine 23
. By Joyner & Fenno.
On TUESDAY, the 3d of J*ily,
\\J b*: sold at tin late residence: vF \f r.
Tv Daniel Reilishart, tlec fi,\t door rc VI r.
Adam Cope, at 1 1 o’clock, a pan ot I. j-e; 1 soual
property oLsaid deceased,-viz.
SS head of Cuttle, pniieipsil
ly Milch Coyvs, 3 Horses, stock o. (logs, l silve*
Watch and Chain, and the lions* hold a* tl L
en Furniture, cnnrisri.g if a numlitu <i •< sctlver
Bed, Matrasses, Bedsteads, bed F'urn tu*’**. > e
hoards, Tables, &c. 1 four wh* * 1 Ca. riagft*,. 1 *Io
Waggon, audsome F*antaiioa U eosils liy *r
‘dep of tiie Coud of Otdiuarv m*y 24-
By X 11. Herbert. *S’ Cos.
011 Monday, 16th July, bes ore *>*(■ tore?,
I Morse, double barrel 4ivir,
I’o wcler Flask, &c. Titol Chr-L Ice Suit-. I-A t -
ring .Stand, Writing Desks, Sis'tfomirv, .*
*t(iz,rasli<-rrv,an*t enrra’’ ) Vilic,ls.*ln Clar” jf ‘ f >;
ltarl: gammon Box. 1 .mintcrs In and and \nblS*-A *
eu; sundry article/ of V ripg A_*
belonging to the/^la’ l ) ‘ ( Jam* s <'airuViera
dec. and sold [ ot tfie .**lniii)isti4i.aC.
/•ale at 11 o’clock j
Terms Vpr: i foe 5
CourtAf Comma 1 Picks /
Ayer and ‘Fnniiwcr.
J . , .lU-M. TERM 1821.
rit FIS COURT MEET 1 on Monday next,
\j 3otli inst. at 10 o’clock am. a’ the Cour\
I Juse iu this city. The follmvii g persons nave 3
pfien drawn to serve as Juror*, v;iat
G and Juijy s
Wm. Gaston, Mos.-s cleiand, 1 1* >s Bourke*.
John McQueen, M in. M Kelly, U-b’ Cainp
b.-11, John pTHciivv . A .la..*•, G W xn< lei
soll, John G. Holcombe. Abraham SheftoM, An*
thony li****r ‘vn''> n, ! eslie Xfi
~i. 1 ■■Hi n riroen. Jos Kopmali, Wn* XV Uiack,
S J Bryan. Mailhevv Mien :rl, -Ivim Morel, -rV £■&.
Fannin, Wm Craig, 1 and. ml Coppcc, VV m
Beers. 1 Petit Jttryrs!
G F Palmes, Kobt Sc.-lt, David A St* i>l>liaT*,
Dr Ge 1 Milieu, Davnl Binwii, iiz*iii>* t*c*ty,
Wni P Ola-k, John Womack, Jame I! Watson.
Jonathan Meigs, Elias Bliss, Calvin Frt nch,
Warren Lippitt, Wichliff Bruen,,Jnlm S Aciiord,
James 11. Jaudon, Isaac RGifford, Thus Waiton,
Edwin P, burr, John M*,rrail, John W inter, tS
X Douglass, Wm Williams, Paris Hill. ‘ ’
Punctual attendance is requested— ther*-f\X’o
Jurors, Suitors ami Witocs e - >vii| take * ice.
BEN. SHEF FALL, Vle*-fc.
june 21 41
Stop!!! Thief!!!
ON the niglii of tne iotli nisi villain or
villains entered the ICE HO(J.*>E, by f • rcmjg
tiie window—broke open tin do>s h* *1
therefrom about % 120, in-bills *4 tie
Banks of this stale and of the North Carolina
state Bank, ami also, about S •’ in cent-’ Ac< *r—
reel <l* cript -mi f rh->'hll s cannot ‘* -given
, A Reward of Fifty Dollars ,
Is offer o f r tnede tcuoo an s4cu’irt’'T*f the
thief in Savaon h Jail, Ik recovery ((fthe m ney 5
or'£'2s for either, by
At the Ice House.
june 19 49 .
OF S I JOHN I’ 11/ iiAi’TIST.
|jVF>.Y zealous Mison will nelieve, that a,
a\4 proper obkerw.c/ cf ilu>Festivals >• the
C aft. greatly co'tribtttia| to tlie preservatior* of
those social virtues,.and affectionate leeiing
winch havgiven uch’ permanency, througH
the rev .Lutiuos of ages, to oor innocent and
much respected in> iilution. These festivals ;iiui
•he greater and rhe U sser—'hat of St Joiix ths
EvASditlsTand >t J ‘UN thk Baptst—The cel—
el;ration of the fomter is v etu i’ of duty ; the
latter of discretion and ioclinatiin. It is a festi
val, however, coi.secraU and b) recoiic-Ctiuns ca!
cula'ed to awaken Masonic piety, 1 and ought,
tlierefory, to he Brethren in whose,
minds ever)’ tiling is important that in ay be con
nected with tlie interests of'the Fraternity.
Under these impr’ ssions, tin Gra-cl Baxter
invites and requests tlie several bodges ■ f tbisi
city, ml anti the Brethren who ma/ ii itl it
convenient) to meet and associate tyitn • he Gran cl
Lodge, on MOJfDAW NEXT, (the f suv H l cosr
ularh’ occtiring -on Sunday) he 25th i > at - tt ti.ex
Grand L .<tge Room, at lb o’clock, A M • >-’ that
duv, for the purpose >f attending ia procensi on,
divine service, and assisting in oilier duties a id
ceremonies, usual on t!i -. occasion.
As the funds of the Grand Lodge cannot be
appropriated f i the purpose <f this f-sti*■'?
tlieexoense of Refreshment must: ed -f iy and by
individual contribuiions The lauque.. wilt c**:
regulated by sihpdcitv and cm •ny ; and
Brethren desirous of ttartskitg it, will ! eivi;
the goodness to cal! upon he (iaasn >li,te,
the Grand rßEAsuiinn, *r Grand Sscaji-r* •* r,
with whimi subscription papers vr • <j rpunited -
OrJers fir refreshment wit: endrelv depen<i tire number of bubs vib-vs on ‘Ved l
next. O’ order of
Thus. U I* Cu vultos, (?■'*
J h ‘Oil OR L , 401’ FA,
Grand Secretary,
Grand Lodge of Georgia, 1
In he Recoss. >
June 18 th, 5821. y