The Savannah museum. (Savannah, Ga.) 182?-1822, January 01, 1822, Image 1

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PUBLISHED DAILY BY KAPPEL Sc BARTLET. (O*jon T. Bolles is a can didate fir ihf office of Cierk of the Superior and Inferior Courts, at the election on the 7th Janua v next. 97 dec 6 Z „ +- ; ‘ Friends and Fellow citizens I of Chatham County CRAVE y our suffrages at the Election in .1 ami ary for the appointment ot Receiver ot Tax Itcturns. WILLIAM BELCH Kit. nov 13 9m To the Elect ors of Chatham, I OFFER you my servers again for receiver of Tax Returns, at the January Election Should I meet your suffrages, my exertions will he to satisfy. . octSO 96 ADAM COPE. HARMON is a can didate for Sherilf at the “.Election in January next. lf> r ■’ ov ... |Cj*The Subscriber respectfully inforiua liia fellow citizens of Chatham, that he will be a candidate for County Sherilf, at the ensuing election, and solicits their support nov is ABU All \M IVLYON. Qj* Notice. —Mr.. Geo. Mil i.ex is a candidate for Sheriff of Chatham Coun ty, at the election in January - exf 1 c 1 To the Electors of Chatham County. subscriber is a candidate for the office il of CORON ER, at (lie election onttte first Monday in January next, and solicits the suffra ges of the electors. HENRY J. \ ALLEAU. ■ jlcca 26_ (£3* We ai'e authorised to an nounce Mr. Icmnoi) Wetmoue a candidate for CORONER at the next election. 29 cite 8 Subscriber respectful ly informs the voters of Chatham county, that he is a Candidate for the Office of Coroner, at the approaching Election. dec 19 §36 WILLIAM GII.BERT. Bills on New-York For sale by J FIANMEU. Nov. 23 ‘Joii leis bttiltU gs. Hills on Netv-Vork, At 69 days sight—for sale ;>v nov 30 _ BAKER # MINTON. Exchange on Providence, For sale by MANTON. nov 1“ 17 Hiti’ L - r Drafts on Piston and 5 hihi delpi.-io utfltart sight, in-sums to suit purchas ers, for s.he by JOHNS I ON St UILI.S dec IS 56 e 1 iills on New-York, For C. C. GRISWOLD &. CO. • dec 18 Taylor’s stores. Coffee. 100 Bn?s landing ~ r> and tor Sale hv L. 11. SAGE Sc Cos, dec 22 4') Bulloch t It'harf Bale //ope. 50 coifs patent Bale Rope of superior oualitv 1 f. r sale by MITCHELL Sc BARTLETT. ‘ dec 22 4- i _ ■■ ■ . White and’Bliie Plains and FLANNELS. WILLIAM mO IS $ CO. HAVE just received and are now opening. White and blue Chuns and Flannels lauidon Dufiil and Rose Blankets I.ovv priced Cloths, assorted colors Together with a very general assortment of Staple and Fancy Goods, which they offer for sale on accommodating terms, at No. 16, Gib bons’ lenenient. 11 nov 17 - Gumming Gwathmey, O Bulloch's Building, TEEU for sale- Manufactured Tobacco, of Ist quality and ap proved brand Richmond superfine Flour Eight cases Linens, brown and white, jnst re moved per Georgia. dec 1 23 Just Received 30 Roses Muscatel Raisins 40 do llioom do -10 do first quality Goshen Cheese 6 do Bine Apple do 13 do English Mustard 43 bbls KoSugar 3(. do fit Croix do 50 kegs fresh Crackers, 20 half bids do 12 pipes Cognac Brandy, first quality 70 l uncheons genuine old Jam Rum 40 !,Ms I.o?£Sugar 15 qr cask Malaga Wine 20 <!o do l’eneriffe do 10 do do White Wire Vinegar 30 casks London Forter, 30 hag? Coffee , ‘Currants, Almonds, Cordials assorted Fruit, preserved in syrup Brandy Mess Pork, prime do M ess llccf, prime do Fly-market Beef, kilts of round do Kilts of Salmon, Candles, Soap And a general assortment of Groceries. GAUDUY Sc D UFA CUE. dec 24- 41 n§ - Dearborn's Patent Balances , OF all sizes, constantly for sale bv TC HAYWARD. nov 15 5 9 _____ Prime Molasses, Iron fije. 50 hhds Retailing Molasses 200 Bags double boiled East India Sugars 10 Tons Ax Bar Iron 20 hhds Muscovado Sugar. Landing this day from Sloop dusan, and for sale by E. WILLIAMS Si Cos. dec 17 25 1 ik . * 1 THE; .8 AY ANN AH MUSEUM. Frederic iielleck, HAS just received and offers for sale, Low for cash, produce, or town paper only, 30 bbls prime Muscovado Sugar 30 do Howard st Halt superfine Flour 20 do Rye Whiskey 20 and) No” Mackerel 10 do N Girt 5 hhds Rye Whiskey . 2 hhds imitation Jamaica” Rpm 15 bags prime Havana Coffee 1000 bush. Liverfr. Ground Salt 5 tons Swedes Iron” assorted 5 do Hollow Ware, Eng. and American 30 ps Cotton Bagging 10 casks Cheese 1060 pounds Share Moulds 40 small boxes No 1 Soap 40 doz Carolina Weeding Hoes 100 reams Wrapping Paper 16 doz American Axes 20 kegS Dupont’s Powder Shot assorted 1500 wt prime new Bacon, saltpetred Brown Shirting, Plaids and Stripes Plains, Calico, Shoes, Hats . And almost fctery article suitable for town or country. To Bent —a Uit-go and convenient ‘ t WJS! Store find Cellar fronting Barnard street, ut C Gildon’s new brick Building, rent very Low. BIp.S OF EXCHANGE, On New Yiik and Providence, for sale jii'a br-ve j 35 dec 17 William 11. Crane, tlTjAff jusfrecei ved a handsome assortment o UU STAPLE AND FANCY GOODS, among which are—i White, blue and mix’d Plains -J'ufP.e and rose Blankets ■fcvlutp, red and blue Flannels blue and black Cloths Do do do Cassiihei'f s Cassintere Shawls, Sattinets Black and colored Uombazetts Irish Linen and Sheeting Russji. Diaper, Long Lawns * Union Stripes, Cotton Checks White and colored Homespun Flagiiiandkerchiefs, Silk Umbrellas Na"Hin and Canton Crapes 4-4 rieri o Shawls, Linen Cambric ficuljt p’d and inserting Trimmings * Crap; Shawls and Scarfs Line i cambric l!at.dVet'clii"(V V Kit icia do Tori lise shell Combs Calii oes antlGingliams Tort oeit and Valencia Vestings Mull i hook and jaconet. Muslins Ladi is’ (■ gentlemen’s blk and white silk Hose Do ilo cotton and worsted do Kid ad beuver Gloves Together with a variety of other articles— nr sale out e most accommodating terms, at die corner 4 Hrongtpn and Barnard-streets, opposite M Geo. VV. Coe’s, dec 11 e 31 Whisk y, Brandy, Teas, THE subii ribers having entered into copart nership under the firm of RICHARDS & BANKS, infirm their friends and the pub ic, that they baye taken the Stores, Bolton’s Cen tral wharf, j Where they no-w offer Joe Sale, 100 b-ds superfine’ Flour, t’hilsd. mspec. 40 hhds. Piiilad Ist quality Rye \V'liistc_y ’ 50 bbls * do do 20 pipei Domestic Brandy 5 - bbls i do Gin • 3 pipes superior 4th proof Cog Brandy 3 lihdsdaoiaica Spirits * 5 do jloitand Gin 200 h >xe Ale, Porter and Cider 30 bbls Fliilad Strong Beer 50 boxds mould Candles 50 do I Muscatel Raisins ICOO wt ijump and Loaf Sugar Gunpowdet’j Imperial, Hyson, and Young Hy son Tcsn. in chests, and half chests, Late importakions Nutmegs, (ioves and Ginger,” in kegs 50 reams Letter Paper 10 do blue medium do 10 do Writing do also — An invoice superior black Leghorn Hals 1 Uttsej Boots and Shoes. JOSEPH RICHARDS, dec 21 ■!; s§s E M BANKS. Flays. TiI|)MAS LON G WORTH HAS just received an extensive assortment of SINGLE PLAYS, making his present collection of Tragedies, Comedies, Operas, Me lo-Dramas, Farces, &c equal to any in America, among which are the Tollowingi/ew ones : .Virand'dl , a Tragedy, by Barry Cornwall— price 37 i cis. Damon £J Pythias, a Tragedy, by Richard Slt'ul, Esq tuihorof the •'Aposlatc,”—25cts. The h'l.ritst of Koten-uahle, o<’ Travellers Be nighled, a Melo-Diarna, by J. Stokes—l 9 cts. The H'aifjc!: of the Clen, a Me 10-Drama—l2 cents. ! • The Burly and the Devil, a Musical Drama, by W. Dimond—l9 cents. The PrJfuisso y Note, an Operalla—l2J cts. dec 18 J 3fi Flour. 340 bbls superfine FLOUR —landing from ship Harmon), at Tavlot’s wharf, for sale by j it. C. GRISWOLD & CO. * Who have in store, for sale, 90 bills prime Beef f 50 kgs first tjuality Tobacco 50 boxes Candles 50 boxes Soap • 20 bills Loaf Sugar 9 firkins first quality Goshen Butter 3 (Ruble Chimney Pieces dec 18 Cor:?. 2000-bushels white flint Corn, for sale by HALL & HOYT. dec 24’ Hum and Gin. JUST received and now Lauding -from the Ship Rising States, )0 hhds N K Hum \ 50 bhis liutenburg Gin. For sale by 3 lUANTON, - dec|o ■_ -38, Dice's re heirs. TUESOAt MORNING-JANUARY 1, 1822. OLIVER PALMES)’ BAS taken the store one door east ofMessrs Taft & Sibleys, and offers for sale the fol lowing articles received by Late arrivals from New-York, 10 firkins best Goshen Butter 25 barrels large sound Apples 70 firkins new Lard 10 hf bbls (Seaman’s) flymavket Beef 5 do Connecticut mess Shad 5 do Butter Crackers 5 casks Goshen Cheese 5 whole and 10 hf boxes No 1 Chocolate . 25 boxes (Brown’s) mould Candles 10 do Speftn do 20 whole and 20 hf boxes No l Soap 20 boxes new Digby Herring 10 bags Java Coffee ~ Barrels prime N <S Sugar 25 half' 6 1 * jarre ' s Superfine Flour 50 hags mould Slut, assorted 500 Wt Bur-Lead 2 bbls basket Salt 5000 first quality Spaflish Segars I case (2 pound Canisters) Gunpowder 3 kegs bait Petre ‘ [Tea Mace, Cloves and Nutmegs 5 boxes Starcii 5 bbls Loaf Sugar 10 qr chests llyson.’fea i 2 cases l.orijard’s ct'JSTobacco 20 hf bills Buckwheat Meal, dec 29 45 a * Gin, Blitter,Fork, 6jc. LANDING, and for sale by the subscriber, from scltrs. Etna, and Phoebe, and sloop Hesper, this day, 7 pipes Holland Gin 6 do liutenburg do 50 bbls do 50 do India Point do _ 50 do Dutch Point do SO kegs Butter,Jbr family use 25 bbls prime Pork . 10 do Cargo do 7 boxes currant Wine 3 hhds high proofN Rmn 25 boxes Muscatel Raisins .75 do bloom do . 50 bbls Potatoes Pipes Cognac Btamly 1 case brown Sheetings 15 In xes mould Candles 40 boxes Soap 10 bbls Greenings 20 do sweet Cider 5 do Vinegar In i Store, 50 bbls Boston Rum 40 half boxes hyson Tea 10 p*es old Gin Wrapping Paper, l’luids, Pepper, Ginger, Nc. S. MANTON, ciocl 23 Dice's wharf. Corn C? Shingles. 1500 Bushels Corn 400,000 Cyprus Shingles on board schr. Ilrtitliers, for Sale by L H. SAGE & Cos. - dec 17 85 Bulloch's Wharf For Sale, On hoard ship Rising-State —At Rice's wharf, 59 casks Lime 30 barrels Apples 20 barrels Cider 15 hhds Molasses 3000 larthing Boards 10 bills c ugar - ■, 20 do ltum 2 tonssh atliing Paper 50 barrels Potatoes 50 do ship Bread Apply to TAI’T & SIBLEYS. iU-c-17 3.5 Oil, White Lead, Window Glass,'&?c. 20 bbls Spermaceti Lamp Oil 20 do Linseed do 260 kegs English white Lead in 28, 56 and 3 cwt.kegs 200 do American do 100 db French St Amer viudow Glass Bby 10 103 do do do do 10 by 1 1 10 do Boston do do 10 by 15 10 do do do do 12 by 14 20 do’ New York do do 12 by 16 &12by 18 Boxes Spermaceti Ca”<l!es 10 bbls Spirits Turpentine J ending from the ships Asia, Garonne and Thames. Together with a genera! assortment of PAIN t'S, OILS, VARNISifr.S &c. in-store, for sale on accommodating terms bv AUGUSTUS CORNWALL. di e 17 35 ________ Paper Hangings 6jc. THE Subscriber has received by the Scfcoon er Thames, from Ne v-Vork, a general as sortment of Paper Hangings with Borders to match, which will be sold low on application to J. W. MURRELL, dec 19 57 Church lluildings. Just .Received, 5.000 lbs Scotch Patent Cordage 3.000 do common do all sizes to 5 inches round ltd bbls Burton Ale led boxes No 1 Soap Hyson in chests, 13 lbs and 6 ibs boxes Young Hyson in 6 lb do .’Souchong do •49 boxes Imperial Gun Powder do Aik’ for sale by A. SMITH & J TURNER, dec 20 33 For. Sale, PEW No. 26, in the middle aisle in the Pres byterian Church—or would be exchanged for a pew in the Episcopal-Church. For terms apply to C. C. GRISWOLD & CO. dec 11 31 ‘Taylor’s stores. Corn. ’ 100 Bushels Com ahoat, For SsJe by tkf 22 40 J,. H. SAGE # Cos? Hall Hoyt offer for sale, | 75 bags prime Green Coffee tierces prin.e Rice nOO ob superline Howard street Flour 0000 bushels Corn £0 q r casks Teneriffe Wine 1 pipe Madeira do 5 pipes Cognac Brandy, 4do II Gin 6 do N E Gin, 10 hhds Jam Rum 10 hhds NIJ Hum, sdo Whi.-kcy 100 boxes .Muscatel Raisins 50 do mold Candles 50 bb prime Pork, N V'city inspection 50 bb N Orleans ilo 20 >b prime Beef , 50 coils Bale Rope, 20 firkins C Butter 5 tons square Iron 300 Grindstones. 30 dep 10 JOSEFH KO H Johnston's Square, AS received by the ship t oisail, and other late arrivals— -2000 yards unbleached Shirtings 2 bales mix’d an® drab S ntinets 1 case superior black Nankin Crape I do do in Jps Canton do 1 do nankin crape Dresses 5-5 Irish Shirtings, very fine utul .middling qualities 4-4 and 7-8 Irish Lineps and Golevains 3 4 Long Lawns FlagLandkereliicfs Blue, black and f<- ‘.ng Silks Tortoise, ivory and Ifnrh Combs Black Sipchews and Sarsenet* - Tartan Plaid Ribbons On Hand, 8-4 heavy LONDON DUFFLE BLANKETS White,-Cdl and blue Flannels Green Baizes * Worsted'c ition-aml silk Hosiery Plain ait f i corded Cambrics, With t vaiiefy of staple and fancy Goods, which will be sold on accoimnodat: >g tcrnis at whole sale or retail. , Also, g ist received, I case Umbrellas, and a lew case-, newest f'lsl.ioii.STßAtV DO; N El'S. nov .30 Carjicti^f*’, 4")1 20RGF. ‘V. COE has just received per La ” dy Gallatin, and offers for sale a handsome assortment of English Ingrain Carpeting Hearth Rug* Brussels and Venetian Carpeting Tail an Plaids • Coronation’'anil Queen’s mixt Cassimcre German Flag llaiidkcrch'efa With a variety of other goods, At the cornel- of Broughton and llanuird streets. nov 28 20 lin Seasonable Dry Goods, QTp Cheap for cash ! ! ! HE subscriber has for sale, at his Ware Room, No. 7, Commerce Bow, an r.ssortme..i of the following Goods, which Were purchased in New-York at auction by the package on the best terms, and which he will dispose of at a small advance: Extra supeifine Lnndon Cloths, bluer, blacks and drabs Middling do dp Extra sup. Cassinieres, drab mixtures, white and buff [lines 4 4 Irish Linens in hr.lYpieces of vanongqua -7-8 Dowlas, 7-3 Drogheda*, and 3-4 Long Lawns, 10 qualities 8-4, 9-4, 10-4. 11-4 u.d l -4 Rose Blankets Blue Plains, Vestings, and Wire Couon Irish Diaper Plain, pearl edge, striped, embroidered and powad Ribbons Flos* Cotton Glass, Ivory, gilt and suspender Buttons Black and white plain and embroidered silk llose, kilk Gloves Cotton and silk Webb Suspenders Velvet Ribbons, Ginghams add Calicoes ♦Book Mush rift, Scotcli Lawns Insci'tirg Trimmings Blue, pink and green fnrured Silk Gauze White and black Lace Veils Imitation .Merino and Dresses Elegant Striped Silks Cravats, wovrved Trimmings, fancy Lace Hkfs Sistersoy llSi's Sooty Momats# Striped Figured Book. Muslins Britannia Hkjfs, l inen CamqHc do Purple Shatvis, Carlisle Ginghams Needle Work Unities, &c. &t. —/ — 6 bbls of Cliern Brandy 6 do (Columbian C-lVee, and 4 patent Balance Beams and Weights com plete. _ The subscriber’s arrangements will enable him to receive from New-York by eve y arrival, such other articlesriii the Dry Go -d fine a* the market may need. • v decs n—itt'26 FRANCIS L SHAY. St Croix sugars and raisins. <3 hhds very superior quality St Croix Su gars, in large hhds AT.SO Sj 120 boxes fresh Muscatel Raisins | 25 jars t.rapes Landing this flay from the. for . sa e by dec U# 30 E WILLIAMS St Cos. JjTllfl-'. subscriiier ha; now open aiukjor p <jL his store in Whitaker-st. near Col. Shcdl man’s Mansion House, a choice assortment of Spiritous Liquors, the nest of old “hues, Te*s of the lu.est importation, and double refined loa* Sugar, which are offered at reasonable terms. Cognac Brandy, J miaica Spirits St Croix do, PoitlamlTtuni Holla* and Gin. Brig Hojie’a cargo of 1819, Pierpcints Gin Madeira Wine, Gordon's brand Imported*)) the brig Oriental, in 1816, Lisbon Wine, Port do Betsey and llerthia cargo. Gun Powder, lion tress ca’-go'Y Imperial, Lrnid.oii Traders do ! Hyson, Ontario’s do f Yuui.g Hyson,-Huntress and > J AUGUSTUS CORNWALL. nov 28 20 .. ‘'l^- Coffee &c. * 100 bags green Coffee A 400 hsiTels Flour Landing from ship Harmony, and for sale by dec 17 35 E. WILLIAMS & Cos. No.. 1 VriiL. iB, Lamlittg FROM l,rig Eagle, and for sale by the under signed, f • 69 bb Lulenbiirg Gin 100 bb Gin various brand* , 50 hli Potatoes, 3 pipes Cognac Brandy 15 bb Apple Bi. tidy 15 bb Northern Rum 5 bales Plaids and Stripes 5 do Brown Shirting 15 barrels am! 20 G-gallon kegs superior Currant \V me, from the Manufactory of Davis, Dyer & Cos. Providence, dec 14 S MANTON, Dice's wharf Irish l awns, #je, JAMES MAGEE has just received 12 cases of the above, comprising 4-4, m whole pieces, line and low priced 4-4, in demi piecqg, do do 7*B, in whole piece*, do do Long Lawns, Brown Hollands And a few pieces Bh-k Linen V suitable far tailors which he will dispose of on ancon “>in flating terms. Williamson's H'ha r f. novls ■ sw 54 rgAHE.undersigned in aildition to his hirtuer fl. supplies, has received by recent itnpurta tions, a select assortment of tVA Til II EH, CLOCKS, JEIVEUIY, miUTAiiY cV fjijvcy goods, well adapted to the fashionable circle, among which are £ • Rich Gold and Silver Lever and plain Watches Fine Gold Chains, Seals anti ornaments ( nld and Corallßeeds, miniature Sellings Diamond, Ruby, Pearl, Topaz, Coral and6th er Settiirgs for Broaches, Finger and Ear Rpigs ‘ ‘ ‘ Real Coronation Ear Rings f Morocco work cases. Elegant full sets of variegated Waiters Shell Combs and Boxes Real M.,gnum Bonum Razors am! Paincrovit inedimable Razor Sarop anjj Paste “ * Rogers Pen and Pocket Knives Set(f of Knives and Forks Plated Candlesticks, snuffers end trays Spurs, extra gilt and plated, mounted Sword*’ and Epaulet!s, I’iun es; Pocket Sc Her c mans Pistols, Sword Canes. Dirks Cold and silver Lace Tassels, Cord, Bullion and Spangles, silver !dles Table, Desert, Graty, Tea and Salt Spoons Sugar Bowles, Thimbles, Pencils, Whips Brass Ar.rlirons, Shovel.* anti Tongs Superior go and yod silver e\ ed Needles Cloth, Head and T ioth Brusltes -. Une ‘ ery superior second hand case’ of Sum gieal Instrn ments for Trepanning, which wilt be sold a bargain. 1). B. NICHOLE. ** % arches anti f ioc-tes--sepaired as uttialj anu warranted. t 35 dec IT Mahogany Furniture, ‘SXCF, subscriber ha* received per ships Ga- I yonue a> and Asia, from Ntw-York, an addi- supply of FI NITURE, consisting ot Elegant ofas with pillows, Couches Tier Tables with marble tttdiimns Mating iny and rose wood Chairs Easy Chairs and tiair Matrasses Which together will*, bis ftirmer stock render his assortment very complete ;r ’ ‘ For sa t-by j. \y MORIfF.LL, _ j 7 35 Cher, ch Bn- ’dings. For Sale, k IMUUE NEGRO FELLOW, a first ra . caulker—apply to J. B. HERBERT Jc CO. dec 18 36 , liOH’espwis. 8 cases Plains Stripes und Snirti'ngs—tor sale by x L. U. &\GK ;* CO. _ 38 _ No. 3 Mackerel. 1 )0 bols No. 3 iiackerel—Landing from brig ■ \ •lehne, for sale by dtc JOHN LATHROP 8t CO. Mahogany Boards, Flank and . Venoi iers. BTIIIK suKscipber iveti* dby the ship A <kV sia trom New York, a general assortment ‘ if seasonable Mih gany, consisting of the fol lowing articles—Dining Tabic Stuff, Mahogany Plank, suitaijle for handrails 5-8 and 3-8 boards, .-Crotch and Shaded Venoriers, Sattin'.vocd do. All of winch will be sold low on an t lic.ttion to .1 W. MORRri.l, dec 19 -37 Chu~ch Ri ildings. Gin. • 100 bbls GlN—Landing from sloop Good In tent, ant! for saJo-by L. 11. SAGE <J CO. dec. 18 36’ Negro Pipes. ONF.llufidtcd boxes Negro Pipes, 6 gru.* each. Just received and for Sale bv dec IS’ 36 J. I).-HERBERT & 00. LACON: OR Many Tilings in Few Words, addressed . to those who think—by the Rev. C. C Cul ton—Price gl 50. For sale bv dec K 32 TD LONG WORTH. Joseph Kopman, 2 T Johnston’s square, If AS just received per ships Georgia and. Pallas, from Liverpool, 10 bales white Plains, sdo mixt.dv 1 do . tartan Plaids 2 cases blue and red Union Stripes 2 and .4-4 Handfceichiefs 3-4and 6-1 cotton Checks With a variety of other things, which wilf be sold on areomtpodatn'g terms. 26 dec 5 Notice. PA EORGE NFAVDALL ha* removed to the TANARUS; S ,evv Rtnre in \\hit;)ker street, opposite J.i.iah I’..•■•.field’s, wl ere l.e haS for sale an ex tenatvc assortment -es , • Boon Shoos, at low rrsces. fur cash ok ‘w.y acceptances: - 2m nuv 10