The Savannah museum. (Savannah, Ga.) 182?-1822, January 03, 1822, Image 2

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Thursday, Jan. 3, <BB2.
Let it be impressed upon your numb, let it be in
stilled into.your children, that the libE*tt oz the
PthtsS it the palladium of all the civil, political, and
rslgiow rights of wmw. .Iphi us.
Original Address at the formation of the “Sa
’ vannah .Missionary Society,” i written by the late j
,Jtcv. Hksbt Ko clock, 1). D. in founder and fret .
President. ;
“A spirit has gone forth through the whole i
Christian world which has excited the wonder of
the enemies of religion, and < he joy of its friends.
Tn a degree unprecedented in former ages, insti
tutions have been established throughout Christ
endom, for enlightening the ignorant, for reform
ing the vicious, for diffusing the knowledge ot
the holy scriptites, and for extending t)e reli
gion of the redeemer. All denominations of
Christians, and all ranks of society, have, with
holy emulation, concurred in these benevolent
designs. The Bible and Tract Societies, the
Free ami Sunday Schools, which we have estab
lished, prove that we have not been inattentive
‘to the aspect of providence, and that we have i
Caught some of the spirit that is felt througoutj
: the civilized world. But a Missionary Society, 1
liu* hitherto been wanting among us. The des
titute condition (with njapect to spiritual advan-;
tagcs)sf so many parts of our state—the jad sit- 1
nation of the uninstructed Indians—the wretch-j
edness of the heathen world, imperiously re
quire us to unite with the ten thousands of our
, brethren throughout the world, who are actively
engaged in promoting the success of missions, i
and who feel t hatful attention to them is obliga
tory upon us, and oue of the sacred duties of the j
Christian life. We thank God for the readiness J
and cordiality with which so many came forward.
to become members of such a society, as soon}
as it was proposed tothem; and ive too well:
know the ir.hubitiuilf of Savannah to doubt fora:
moment that the list of subscribers will be large
and respectable.'. Who among us will forego the
exalted privilege df assisting in the conversion
of the world? Os uniting with the whole of the! 1
church militant now upon earth, in preparing j \
the way for die millennial and triumphant char- j
iot of the redeemer ?” i !
J {
r> The annual meeting of the “Savannah!
Yuahmary Society/’ is to Oe held this evening—
It is hoped there may be a general attendance,
■and an increase of subscribers.
Proceedings of Congress.
Monday, December 19.
The president of the senate ommuuica- :
ted a memoiial from the state of Alabama,
relative to the orgitorzalion of the federal
courts in tlmt slate, and urging the expe
diency of completing the fortifications
commented at Mooile und discontinued
some time ago tor want ot thb necessary
Mr. Thomas laid before the senate a re
solution of the assembly of the state ufllli, requesting their senators and repre
sedatives m cougiess to us their best en
deavors to obtain the passage of a law to
enable the state of Illinois to construct a
canal to connect the waters of the lake
Michigan with Illinois river, und to obtain
a donation to the state from the general
government of a quantity of public land,
one township in width, and extending from
the Chicago to the Illinois river. The re
solution was referred to the'committe on
roads and canals.
Mr, Morrill laid before the senate a pre
amble and sundry resolutions, passed by
die legislature of Newbampshire, declaring
tii^right of all the ‘fates to grants of the
public lands for the purpose of education,
ill just proportion to the g- ants made fur
that object to the new states • and reques
ting the efforts of (lie senators and repre
sentatives fium that state in congress to
obtain the passage of an act fur that pur
pose. The document was read add order
ed to lie on the table. Mr. Dickinson in
troduced a re*limc>n proposing ar. amend
ment to the constitution of the’U. States.
s<> as to establish an uniform mode of elec
ting electors of president and vice presi
dent of the United States, and repre>enta
.tives to congress ; and the resolution pas
sed to a second reading.
Mr. King of Alabama, presented a peti
ti- nos sundry inhabitants of the town
of lflakely in Alabama, praying that to'wn
may be erected into a port of entry.
Mr. C Men submitted for consideration
the following resolve—-
Res'iloed, That the commissioners of
tiie navy fund be requested to report to this
’ house whether all the sick and disabled
f seamen of the United States who have con
tributed to the sums received under the
“acts fur the relief of sick and disabled sea
nmn, have,'during the years 1817,1818.
lf*y, and 1820 been relieved when they
appiied for relief; vqpl if not, why relief
i:i sm li r.v es has been refused.
Lesolved. That the said commissioners
he irqueated also to rcpoi t what are the
evsting rules and orders to the agents of
government whieh regulate the admission
of sick* and disabled seamen into the hospi
tals of the ■* 1
Planters’ Hank ,
J\ DjiMend of Three per*: nt. for the last
ix months, on the capital! stock of the Bank,
l.ts neeff declared titis day; and wilt be paid to
Stockholders on and after Thursday next.
* J. marsuall,
,lec 4 rj'23
atj a nn at)j
rnUnsrtAY MOTLYLYC, Jan. 3,1822.
Since the present prbprietor has been inter
j ested in the Museum, accounts for advertising
and subscriptions have been accumulating, year
after year, with no good prospect of their being
speedily liquidated. Having undertaken the es
. tablishment without funds, and at a high valua
tion, we became involved for a considerable fH
I mount, while the actual receipts have been scarce-J
|y sufficient to meet the currenHexpences of the ,
’ business. Our subscription list has continued to j
increase; our advertising patronage h„s swelled
to an amount beyond our warmest expectations.
Hut still we found ourselves incumbered with
demands which it was difficult to satisfy. Under
this view of affairs, we came to the resolution of
■ closing the concern ot Kuppel & IJartlct; and
that we might he able to meet the demands a
! gainst ourselves, we determined to insist upon a
speedy settlement with every person indebted
to the establishment.
This course will appear the more reasonaolc ■;
when it’is considered tlmt many of these debits -
I have been standing for five years. During :,
j which period, even many wealthy gentlemen of
’ this city, and most of our country subscribers, I
I have been receiving the Museum without ever i
i remembering to make the least payment. We I
j shall, therefore, without the least reserve, place }
every demand of this nature in the hands of a lc- ’
gal agent, for summary collection.
To those of our friends who have
i our establishment, and paid us for our labor, wcjjl
! return our warmest and sincere thanks. Rut to j “
j those who have boasted of bestowing their pat-q
j ronage, for the purpose of giving us their cour.- ■
I tenaice and support, but who have never paid us
Ia farthing—although we feel grateful, as in duty ,
i| bound to do, for their good will—yet we must ,
I add, that necessity compels us to decline their fa
vors hi “future.
Those who may be in arrears to us, and are ,
l unable to pay-, without really distressing them selves t
ior their families, it is not our intention to press.
j We are disposed to wait better fortunes and bet-} j
[ter times, it is an indulgence which we isk for ]
ourselves, and which we are perfectly willing to
i grant to others. Rut those who have money, ‘
and put off our just claims, from a spirit of parsi
mony or from inattention, can expect no such i
January 3, 1821.
f Charleston, J<n 1. (
ooner Jane, dates from Hava- 1
na are brought to the 19th. /
The election in Havana, &c. fir depu
ties to the national cortex, and fur mem
bers of the colonial government of Cuba,
have tormina ed, it would appear, in favor
of the party friendly to the constitutional
system, and in opposition to the wishes of
the creoles ot the island.
The Havana papers abound in extracts
from Mexican gaieties, d..tes to the 11th
October. The independence of that inter
esting section o! Spanish America, appears
fixed upon n firm founda ion ; cities of
Guatemala and Ciemlad Real, in the prov
ince of Chiapa, were amor/’ the last iri
which the declaration of independence was
His excellency sen. don Juan O’Donoju,
lielit. gen. of the Spanish armies, and one
of the regent* of the new empire of Mexi
co, died on the Bth octcber. He was-as
our readers will remember, the principal
leader in the revolution which separated
Mexico from Spain, and appears to hae
been as much lamented as he had been de
! semdlj esteemed.
From the Havana Noticioso of the 16tli ult.
Report of actual sales for the week past, Sugar
White, first qulity, 17 reals per aroba ; middling
quality,ls al6; do ordinary, 12 al3 ; brown,
first quality, 8a 8} reals; middling quality, 8
reals j ordinary quality,. a 7 -cals ; Coffee first
quality, 21) a $22 per Avt. ; middling g2l ; Or
dinary, 20 a 20),; Mobsses 4 a 4 J reals per keg.;
Wax, gl3 pertet.. Rum, g 22 per pipe; Flour
16 a 16) per bbl. Rice, 5) a 5J per cwt.
Chawivston, D c. SI.
COTTON.— The sales of the week ’may be
said to have been extensi. e, when we c nsidcr
tnat it has been a week of holidays, Sea Island
have gonr off’a’ from 2.5 ot 28 cents : the best are .
held ftGMk Santecs at from 2-, to 25, and Stained
Sea U.IRMs at 16 a 20. Most of the Uplands, of
bestquwftv.' been soldat lr) a 7J; a few
parcels o: favorite marks, have ranged as high as
IS cents—and the de and fir the articles, ge >-
erally, may be said to he good. Much Cotton
was neccs arily stored, in the early part of the
week, on account of the wet state in which it
came to market.
RICE. —There has been some improvement,
both in price and deman t, for this article, since
our last: and our quotations will be found p. lit
tle above those of last week.
CORN A FLOUR.- There has been no mate
rial change in the prices of these articles since
our last; the prospect of a speedy close of the
Delaware and Chesapeake, tends to keep them
up *
GROCERIES?. &c. —Coffee has declined in
prices since last week. A small cargo of jYew-
Orleans Sugar, (new crop) brought frem 9 to 10
do’lars at public sale. Other Sugars remain
much the same.; a parcel of Havana whites, of
fair qualit', have been sold at gl4). Molasses
is a shade lower than our last week’s quotation.
Brandy and Gin sell slowly ar quoted. Liver
pool Stilt goes off at 50 cents by the quantity.
Whiskey ami A'. E. Bum have experienced a
trilling decline. A small lot of good fla? ared Ja
maica Rum, brought 125 cts.
- %
JBmdgeport, (Con.) Dec. 12.
Stratford Point Light, —The new Light
House lately erected on Stratford Point is
now completed, ami was first lighted on
j Saturday night last. The light.i fitted up
[in the best manner, with Lemarm’s patent
illuminator, and b*ars from
Light W. S-W. distant about J 4 miles ,
and from the present temporary light at
Black Rock, E. N. E. about 4 mires.
The following istlie mariner of using the
new rocket in the Vhafe fisher*: I he man
ner in which the rocket is dtscharged is by
pissing it through an Iron tube, •Consider
able length of it at both tnds|pnd furnished
with a species of gun lock, fixed so that tie
detonating powder now used instead ot
J priming, communicates with the fuse of the
engine- 0 This tu*e is fixed on a rest, and
, is tired like firer taking as steady
an aim on solid ground as any sportsman
1 can do. On being fired, the rocket leisurely
passes through the, tube so the mark, with a
continually increasing velocity, and one
instance was observed at Greenland where
it went “entirely through the fish and explo
ded on the other side! There is no diffic
ulty whatever in using this instrument; two
gentlemen, on Wednesday, fired it wit.: as
correct an aim as the rocketeer himself;
and what deserves particular mention is,
that it passes through the water without
impediment dr injury to the explosion. —
Some of tiie fish at Greenland were struck
j several feet under water, ‘ihe only diffi
culty with us on this suhjec t the
buoyancy of the fish after death, but when
it is considered what an explosion of gas
must take place ia the inside of the animal,
added to the fact that the fish struck did
not sink, we think the objection will be
quite removed in the mind ot every think
ing man. —Hull Advertiser.
At May liiver, S. C. on Tuesday last, by the
Pev. Mr. ir.gee, Mr. Geoiige W. Coe to Aliss
Ann Agnes Baldwin, of South Carolina.
tit!) Tort of Savannah.
wSesaUae •’
a hrivj:d.
Ship Westmorrland,Smith, Liverpool, 50 ds
with a cargo of suit, to A L Molyneaux, consign-
Sioop Favorite, Anderson, 2 da frm ‘i .irtle
River and Sappelo,Tpth cotton to Miller and
Fort, J M’Nisli, J P mliamson and Bulloch &
Sloop Spartan, Gibb, “ ds from Sa 1 ilia, with
cotton for Miller 5c Fort, Johnston and Hills and
J M’Nisli.
The Jfchr Eliza, Sherburn, from this port ar
rived at Baltimore on the 24th ult.
For New-Orleans.
>it ,4V THE fast sailing sloop SUSAN, \V. 1
TBB-F Rogers, master; will positively sail on
Tuesday next, weather permitting, for Freight
or passage, apply on board or to
jan 3 2 _ E WILUAMS £■? Co._
For Liverpool.
dkj|y TtiF. Brig HURu.N, It. Hi Tucker,
m:tsier; lias commenced Loading, For
Frtigut of 150 Bales Cotton, Apply to
For JS etc-Orleans.
THE fast Sailing Schooner F.TVX
:f Finney, master; will positively sail on
bu, ...ij the Sill- inst—For Freight or passage
apply to the master on bohrd at the Exchange
\\ barf, or to
jan 8 s 2 ISAAC COHEN.
For Charleston.
THE packet sloop ESSEX, Rogers,
master, will meet with-dispatch, for
Freight or passage,—Apply to the master on
board at the V. -change VVhat f, <.r to
■M 3 s ‘? ISAAC COHEN.
Crtffee § Flour.
9 Hiids prime green Coffee
4i)o supertine Balt. Howaru street Flour
For sale by
jan 3 2 E WfUUIAMS t! Cos
Whiskey, Wine Bjc.
JUST receiv.'d per ship Augusta and gchr.
25 bbls VVhiskev
5 qr Casks Samos M’inC
3 half -ipes Malaga do
10 fioxes Soap
isQU*fev nches Onions
In Store, *
Gin. Rum, Fran ly, Tobacco, Soap, Candles,
Potatoes* Apples, Butter. Herrings ad a gener
al assortment at Groceries For -ah- by
jut 3 id li‘ices’ Wharf.
i J
JUST t.andii g *m schr. Ljuira, one F.le
gant, Philadelphia Built, and will
. be sold low for Cash or town aecentance
Corner of llryan cj West Kread streets.
1 jen 3 §s 3
700 Bushels prime white Corn,
For Sale by
- . . P L. WICKS,
jan 3 S 2 JojICS* lower Thnrf
Strayid or Stolen,
_ A v<! y ‘ikely while HORSE,
-*s l?©gSS*®*i-ch tail, nicked, foreton cropt
1 close, with no particular marks
SViClLii Aho— A sorrel HOUSE, yellow
i maneanU rail, a few white spots on his back
tile letter lv branded o.n his left thigh,
i Ten Dcilars reward will be given to any per
i son who will take up the above Horses and leave
them at Air. Adam’s stables, Savannah.
- jan 3 2
Saddlery Ware-House.
[ the suhstribers haVe just received’ per re
, cent arrivals, a general anil large assortment of
SADDLERY WARE—among wlrch are highly
approved patent Spring Saddles, ladies’ and
gentlemen’s plain and quilted Saddles, Bridies,
coach anti gig Harnesses, common waggon do.
t Vetieces, Trooks, Al
‘ j aL ’
I Dissoluliou. .
-rytHE copartnership ht-reiofore
! X between Michael J X<,p!*'lii ***
el is dissolved by mutual consent. Alt those
S who have anv (leminds against the concern
witt present them toC.'E- Bari let, to tlmse
indebted are authorised to make
THE Savannah Mnseuni will hencefiirlli be
published by Cosam E. Bartlet on lib individual
account, who returns his thanks to thejipatrons
of the establishment for their former encourage:
ment and solicits a continuance of tiieir favors,
jan 1, 1822:
i|:. Notice to FmniUcs.
THE subscriber would respectfully inform the
public tliat-he has taV.en the store recently
occupied by Mr. O. Palmes, Bolton’s Range, Ex
-1 change wharf, where he has on hand and off ers
‘ for sale, low for cash, a general assortment of
?’ choice GROCERIES, received by the late nrri
■ vals from New-Yock, and are particularly calcu
. lated for family use—among which are
Hyson “j ‘ ‘
Young hyson j
Imperial” “ W EAS ‘
1 Souchong
Hyson skin !
Andbollea J
No. 1 Chocolate, in whole ardhalf boes
Do do at retail ,
Brown and loaf SujSirperbil or lb I
Coffee at retail . j
Fli -market Beef T
Pickled Tongues j
Do 1 silmoT 1 I,HI/bbl Tsr at rC ' ul! , j
Mess Shad
Do Pork J
Best Goshen Butter and 1 f.rd per keg or lb
Flour in whole and half bbls *• j
Do at retail
Buckwheat Meal in half bbls
Irisk.l‘otatoes per bbl or bushel
Rice and white Beans at retail
Smoked Beet ‘ do
Beit Goshen Cheese do
Curants 1
Raisins I j
London Mnstard
Black & Cayenne Pepper )-at retail
Spice i
Nutmegs 1 I
Cloves and Cinnamon J
Butter Crackers in small kegs
Pilot Bread per bbl
Soap in whole aiid half boxes
l)o per lb
Candles (Baldwin’s per box.orlb
. Starch and Saltpetre per lb
Deipind ‘)
Brown & fiScgars per qr boxes
Yeiiuw j
Martain’s do in boxes of 100 each
I.ortllard’s Y
i.adies Twist > Tobacco
And plug 3
Scotch and maccuboy Snuffinlb and half Jb
Powd : r, Shot and oar Lead (bottles I
1 Demijohns, Jars and Jugs
Sewing and wrapping Twine.
A choice cotticti-n of Liquors, consist uig of |
Cognac Brandy
Jamaica and W cstdr.dia Rum
, Holland Gin
r And Maiag-, and Tencriffe JVine
Sperm Oil, winter stra r.ed
Prime New-Orlcans MolasseS
Sweet Oii per bottle or tlask
And a small assortment of Crocker-.- Ware, coif
ggjstingofßiates, Cups anil Saucers,” Sugar
•>l)ishts, l ea i ; ot. ic.
List of etturs,
Reruaing-in the Post-Office at Savannah. Geo.j
on the Ist January, 1822. •■jM --’ }
(Aj'Persons wishing for letters, in this list, will
please ask for . tdverlised Letters.
A. .
Sami. Adar.ts Robert Alexander
Mrs Mary W Adams 2 Daniel mlrews 2
Otis Alien Capt Isaac Atwood
Robert Archer VV m T Arnold
1) C Ardc-n
John Bai-kcr P ml Briggs 2
Tliomas Baxter Stafford liryer
Capt. F.lkanah.Bray John Bignall
James Baxter “ .Toon Boujidy
Jolin Br-ambery Charles tlorineli 2
Hiss Sara!) Ann Baldwin Samuel Scott Brown
George Bailie 4 Mrs Rebecca Brown
Terence Brady Mrs Ann Brown
VV W Black Capt Thos Brown jr. 2
Mrs Elizabeth Bladen James Bonner
Wm Barose S J Bourgeaux
Miss M Bachlatte Mrs Lucretia Bunty
John Brandt Miss Jane Bark
Fatmo Banfiehl Isaiah Burton m
Benj Brantley Thomas Burbank
Edw. H Brannen V-s Hannah G B-atler
Mrs Ann Bell Mrs Ann Jane Burnes
Win Berrien 2 Wm C Butler
Capt William Biskey
Isaac Casselimess James Chris t- ic
Wm Clay Win VV Cox
Luois Clark Elias V Coe
Bity Campbell Leonard Cro-smun
Eli It Clark lsaag Course & Son ’
James Cat-ley Thomas Coder
M Cart in Martha E Cos. ■
M Clark Mrs Francis L Cox
JnoChesburrough, Ezra SaniiGroweli
Mervin, or, Dr Jnoßagg .Miss H. Cushing
Miss Mary-Ann Claucy Rev H Cumn.ingham
Alex Cleugh Jauies Gumming
Mrs Sarah Davis 2 Jas DelJeau
Mi s M H G Davidson 2Ni-:ho)as Dense
William I. Davis 3 Mrs. Ann Delauroy
Ddward Davis Gideon Devell
J Donnakl Alx. Drysdule
Col Bathuel Drake 3 Barnabas N Douglass
Frederic Dawson 2 Amos Douglass
Sami Davenport 2 James DuilV
Edward Drake Adam Duncan
Allen Denslow John Drommond
Thos Eden Mrs Esther Elliot
Mrs Rachel Elliott John A Ellis
Wm Enligh
Lemuel Fules Miss Helen Fleming
John Farr John Field
Peter Josef Fava Miss Maria Fitzsimons
VV m J Franklin William
Mrs Lucy Fairchild Miss Man- E C Fowler
Wm Fessenden James Fullerton
Miss Rebecca £ Glass 2 Mrs Marv Griffith
Wm Gaddy, Est} Jolm Gribbon 2
J II Galston Stewart Gibson -
Mrs Catharine GrajMTm Griffin
John Gindrat . Griffith
Peter D Green- - Charles M Goo!s’>v
Mrs-G'enor - * Svlvanm.s Groves
r v, r3 L B Greenfield Miss by roll Gqulumg
■ ‘. j t;i-een James Gova”
■ vpjjs Henrietta Gimlrat Messrs Jac Guew, v
Abraham Gieger and George bhamhuv
Mrs Jolm Ginhuartr t
Ross ITarneV Mi* .Tanc Hillis ..
Alfred Hazard - Capt Samuel T live
Wm I lavs “° ok ,
Robt Hanson. ‘.apt .lei-ru.esHodge-
Daniel B Hawes hamut-Hlowe
xMiss” M Harrison Albert Uoiko
A Hail . Lydia llo^xr
VI Hanlv Ann C .Mqioock
William Harsell Mr Hopkjip
Miss Eliza HenJjry MiMaiylevvar<!
James Henry ‘ Miss -Margaret (1 lloh. ;
diaries Ilennedv i>ln lUu'iiet Iltsward
dipt Amos Madly Thomas Humphrey
Harrison Hlnsen John L Humer
Joshua W Hvatt r dames Hubbert
Oliver IlyiKard Veter Hull
. M 1* irf ,
.Tames Jerman John Joujisr n
Bbcnezer Jancks Mrs. Trtfphafea I> Jone•
Mrs Caroline Jeittncr Elisha Johnson
Mrs Jane Irvine Tharlius Johnson
VVjjrtiam Irvine
Thos Jones Henry M Jordan
Itev Wm B Johnson Guy Johnson
Ross Kearney • Nathan King
! Daniel Keeshan Thos Kirk
) James Key ‘ Ann Kimbcll
i Mrs Elizabeth Kennedy. Mrs Martha Killey
S Michael Keane Wm Knoll
|Capt John Killey 2 John Kuglcy’
! Airs Mnrv Lawrence Mrs Martha Lyou
1 Miss Mary II Law rcnccDanl-Lynch
! John Land Itobt Linn
> Lemuel Lanier Sirs Catharine Limber.
John Larrabee 2 Mich! Long 2
Isaac Leister Isaac Koekv. optl
Bcnj Leach Miss S OJ Lbi'inp
iJenn Lent Natlinl Lockwood
: Mrs Martha W Leach VVm LuCas
f Lewis I.eland jr P Luhbocli
Gabriel Lewis 2
M - • •
Capt JoluyMandichi y Wm II Morrison
P Marlow James Morgan,
A Mace Mr Morgan (sadler)
Wm W Mason Richard Murphy
James Morrel J imes\teLean
John Madden A Mcllardv
John Magrah Robt McDow
Josiah K Macombcr Thomas McCartin 2
Robt Marling Miss Catherin McAllister
Johobad Mayson Arch. McLeran
John O Mcara Miss C McConnell
Dr S Mechani 2 Hugh McNeil
Mrs Judith Merrill Miss Isabella McKean
Terence Migham “ SMcClincli
Mrs Eliza J W Millcn Mrs R McKay
Francis E Miller E McCoigan
Miss Cornelia M Milieu UMvs M MeAlp'm 2
Mrs E Miller Murdoch McLeod
George Mi nurd Mr. McGuvv an
Mrs C Mighan John McKee
Jesse Mount
! Win Newchmb 2 Thos \yo
Wm.Neilsor Stephen Nye ,
John Newman Petr Noyeau
Lott Newell r , littanl Northrop
Richd B Nyc ‘ Abraham Nichul
I Norton 2
Caleb’Osteen mrsAnn M O’Reilly
James Oglcvie
Richd Perscany 2 Capt W T Pearce
R H Parker 2 AVm Pearce
I)ani I) Parmelc mrs Anna i> Pearce
Charles I’arloW mrsJPcto
< J Patterson Jt W Pon ■. r r-j
jLevt Patrich John Puller
iJohn Page John and Danl Pacceli
Dr W Parker
Nifhanl Randolph John 1 Roberts
John Ralls (Bulioch co.)J A Roselle
Charles Randall Hugh Ross
Win G Read nanl Rock
mrs Sarah L Robertson Danl Ross ,
Capt J Rodman Ilanary A Ross
A1 Roberts miss Mary Ross
Jacob Rodin miss N Rouchine
Wm Robertson Dr C Rogers
J W Roberts miss Margaret Rosie
J R Stanford mrs Ann Stibbs
Elisha Satterlee tMs Helen Smith
Jeremiah Swary rmss Mary-Ann B Smith
mrs Harriet N Shad Wm Scnvn
Capt EI Saltus James Simpson 2
Thos Swan - iienj Sims
Sol S Sliad. Jane Simmons
Mordica Shefatll sen 2 John Slorer
Charles Stevens mis Soilbrook
Wm Street * Jacob Shot
Nathnl Sars W Stouff
Ira Spear 3 mr StoutF, city surveyor
James Spear--- CaptJStudly
mrs Lucretia Spencer
j, . • T.
l-rancis Taylor Henrv Tyncs
JTacom CD thorp
M'm B G Taytyr Capt J J Tobry 2
S W Taylor MLThomnson
mrs H L Tebeau Capt E Trowbridge -
Abi-aham Tyler
u. •
M m K Underwood
John Varejen Benj Vam
Capt C Vamum John Vardcn
Josiah Watson J H Watson
Gedrge M Waters .Mrs Thos Wright 2
Ceorge Wyatt Archd Wilkins
R W ard Lamunt Williams
W Warner miss Ann Williamson |
Wm Walsh Capt c w ,ng
Robt Wall miss Polly P Williamsor.
Abraliam B WaßSfr Jermiah Wilson •
mrs Maiy Warren - J E White £f Cos
Andrew B Weeden W I Williams
Th os B Webb Thos II Williams
C W ells Sergt Wilson
Thos Williams miss Jane Wood
L Winkler * John Wood
Edward 11 ilscn Joseph Woodward
mrs C E Willy mrs M Woodberry
Elisha Wylly miss Almira Woodruff
J R Wyatt 2 miss H A Womock*
Capt A W Williams
- ¥.
J Voung (Bulloch co.) miss Jane Young
Jean B Gilbert 2 J B Vallee
madams. Einc Faynae AlonzaDay
Guttlieb Biehe mons Prospers I „ r o .
jan3 2 . *•