Newspaper Page Text
Mr. Cooper's Third Night.
THIS EVENING, Thursday, January 3d.
Will be performed the t-agedy of the
Stoke v “ Pemberton
Lew son . / ’ Robertson
■,!:ivvis *’ liOivOn
Dawson . Kenyon
Jsate3 l!\att
Waiter Marshall,.
Servant - Lyons
- Mrs. Bcvcriy Mrs. Gilfert
Charlotte “ Miss Placide
Lticv Mrs* Faulkner T
After which, for the Second time-in Savannah,
tl^enew Comic.Opera of-*
John of Paris ’ Mr. Koene
(In which character, in addition to tire Songs in
cidental to the piece, he will introduce—“ 7 V
(Jem of the Soul,” “vVo Flow can compare to Hit of the Valley” and “ Home ! Love / and Li
berty !
tfj’Tor remainder of characters sec. small bills.
* i tiLiiON, Brothers $ co.
THE subscribers in .-der to carry on their
Dray age business mOre extensively, hate asso
ciated themselves under the firm <>l Dillon,
JirothersL* Cos. and offer their .services to their
friends autl the public-they have furnished
themselves with a number of excellent Drays
and Hnr's which, with careful drivers, will en
able them io give satisfaction to all those who
may favor them with their patronage. Mi chael
Dilion will attend on the Bay,’ opposite Mon
gin’s stores to receive orders in the Eastren di
vision of the citv, and John DillorLaud Daniel
-Lynch will attend at the Sffeam-boflf wliai f
. j" S 2 -
Just Landing
lOClAags prim- green Utß-FEE —for sale on
accommodating terms
Jan 3 2 • JR HERBERT & CO.
Rags and old ft ope.
I FAMILIES and country-nier chants are infor
. med that cash w ill be paid for any quantity
of clean linen Hags and ohl Rope, at the store
Congress-si. oji/iosite Francis J. Lay.
jan 1 1 wa
Butter, Beef, &jc.
25 firkins Goshen Butter
20 hills prime Beef
l? half bbis Fly-market do ~
30 bbls No 3 Mackerel
25 half bbls No 2do
10 bbls superior Cherry Brandy
l!hds old Whiskey, 8010 Cordial &c.
Together with an extensive assortment of
GROCERIES, for sale by UA PA LMEK 6c Cos.
dec 31 s) 45 Taylor’ f-wharf.
Landing, -
FOR sale from the ship .itnca, John Johnston
Jr .Master, at Bolton’s i hard.
100 \1 Laths --
20 do seasonable Merchantable Beards
12 do 3 by 4- Joist
2f-i do large allied Cricks
dec 3t - 46 n ’
Nankin ami Canton Crapes.
2 cases blk and coimec’-Nankm Crapes, in ps
.2 do -do Canton do do
1 “do do silk Handkerchiefs
With a great many other Goods, just received
pership Aliuuski, from Nev-York, and for sale
by. F. GILLKT & Cos.
’ jan 1 nl , Johnston's square.
Loaf feugar.
30 bbls Loaf Sugar (small loaves) from Pen
nington rclinerv. jnr.trecd and for --ale by
dec 31 36 JOHN I.ATH'tOP fa Go.
The Last Week !
off YMt> 10 eEIIFOI! JIA NC E
Ml? W BLANCHARD begs Leave to in
form the l adies and Gentlemen of Savan
nalC’diat his Coo pany Will play every evening
tliis w- ek, on which occasion they will hrir-g
forwaad the greatest variety of performances
ever exhibited injhis city—consisting of Math
ematical and Philosophical Fxpei-iments by.
Mr. BiAXcn vun.
Olympic Exercises,
By Master GEOBGE.
Aliss ELIZABETH, the flying phenomenon,
will perform on the slack wire anil conclude on
the ’l'itfht Hope.
A variety of Sentimental and Comic Songs
Grand Feats es Activity,
. By Mr. WELSH.
Mr. CflAßLEsjwill perform his surprising
; feat of .
Swallowing Three Swords.
Tin- whole to conclude with Mrs. BLAN
GUARD’S Grand on the Tight’
Hope, and conclude with Dancing a Pas Sea!,
In Fellers.
Clown to the Tight Hope, Master U'TARLES.
Tickets at ihe reduced price of 5 0 Centk. Chil-i
dren half price. Performance to commence at |
7 o’clock. Tickets to be had at the Bar.
dec 31 46 •
Nitrous Oxyrte,
Common in (Allied
‘LS) ILL be exhibited by Mr. CHARLES, at
7 y the Exchange, on Tuesday, (the Ist of
January,) and on Wednesday, Thursday, Friday
and Saturday following, for the Cast time. ,4
A grand ranoramn of the town
and Environs of
An Explanatory Key Panorama is to
lie had at the place of l'.xh®tio*i. .
The hours of Exhibition ti e, from 9 o’clock
in the morning, till 5 in the evening.
Admittance to the Cias and Panorama, 50 cts.
Children half price. 46 dec 31
■ ■ For Liverpool. .
The barque S^ARTAII, capt Cples
worthy, will commence loading inlme
diatety, having part of her'eargo engaged. For
freight of the remainder, applv to
Landing from the above vessel,
10 bbls Cider, the consignee is rs questilyp
cal! and take them away. juni
—— ~ -I
For New-York)
, Tlie fast sailing packet ship AUGTi’S
TA; D Wood master, will have imme
diate dispatch, having part of her cargo tap
ped. For the residue or passage, having sitpe
rior accommodations apply to capt W on board
al Jons’s upper wliariK or io
f ,ian 1 1 _ HAUyy HOYT.
For Charleston,
ff-foCT THE.regularpacketsloop EXPRESS,
SfrOft Hammett, master, will meet with dis
patch Fur Freight or passage, having good
accommod itions apply to the master on board
at Exchange whail, or to
jin 1 “ Is ISAAtf COHEN.
For Charleston.
TME sloop SUSAN. Z Bradley, mas-
Sfcie.w: ter. Will sail with dispatch. For freight
or passage, having.good accommodations, apply
to tile master on board at the Exchange wharf,
or to J It HERBERT & co
jan 1 Is
Flour, Corn, Bins key, to.
?4.i0 bushels {Name white Maryland Corn
300 Lbls Howarh-street superfine Flour
- 30 do Whiskey
10 do Apple Brandy
Now landing from sell*- Time, and for sale by
Hunter's Jiuilairigs.
For Freight or Charter ,
The fist sailing new scHt Tl ME, Cap-
F.-iA tain Tu :ker, burthen 7 or 800 bhis
win lake a freight coastwise or to any port in
the West Indies. Apply as above,
jan 1 §1;47
For sale , Freight or Charter,
ji The substaijjial fast sailing sloop
PACKET, Peebt, master, three years
ohl. ninety-six tons burilnin. For terms, apply
to the captain on board, or to
A. MORI. VN, Jones's upper -wharf
Landing f otn said Sloop ami for Sale as above,
IU liltds Jamaica Rum
4 pipes Holland Gin
4 do Cognac Brandy
30 boxes Bloom Raisins
20 firkins Goshen Blitter
12 barrels (Jranherries * ♦
1000 wt Hams
s'o do Smoksd Beef
10 lif bbis fly market Beef.
25 bbls Flour.
dec 31 45
For freight or. Charter.
ir.ffg-. The staunch schr VISITOR, capt Sil
vester, burthen 700 laurels Apply <>n
board, <>V to MITCUEL d.4CAIiJ LEI T.
dec 31- 46 s’
For Liverpool,
200 Bales are wanted to fill the fine
ship WILHELM IN A, capt. Wilson, to
sail in a few dais. Atpplv .o
dec 28 ‘ A'FfCHELL& BARTLETT, j
For Providence,
jjl-TX’ The’ regular packet aefu. GK.NF.TtAL
Kief. - HAWES, J Paine, master, will sail on
Ist January. For freight on deck, or passage,
apply to S Ai ANTON, Dice's wharf
Who has for sale. Landing f-6m said schooner,
io bbls No t Mackerel
20 do t) 3 do
20 casks Lime
15 do Poi.i-oes. dec 23
For Havre,
I The fine -British brig SPEEDWELL.
capt. Bathgate, a first class vessel, will
meet v.itii desputeii. For freight of 400 bales
Cotton, apply to
For New Fork,
£- t iV\ The regular packet brig NATIVE,
C. Cole, “master, will meet with des
patch. For freight or passage, having good ac
commodations, apply to rapt. C. on board at
Jones’s upper wharf, or to HALL Si IIOYT.
dec 25 42’ ’
Fob Dos tori,
jT/Vir The regular packet brig FRANCES,
fcl&Oe capt Foster-—for freight of 50 bales un
’ Her deck, cr 100 on deck, apply to the subscii-’
her on Williamson’s wharf.
E CRANE, jr.
landing from mid brig , ami for sale,
KJ Large hltds Croix Sugars
100 bags green Coffee
6 tons Swedes wagon tire Iron, 1 j, If &
■ 2 inches
5( bbls Boston mess Beef, put up for fam
ilies use
. 200 reams Wrapping Paper
.150 boxes Soap
iMpli/0 do Can lies
Wk 50 do Cod Fish
’ 50 do MUscattl Raisins ?50 days from
20 .jars fresh Malaga Grapes 5 Malaga.
For Neif-Fork.
The n>.w packet Ship GEN. CAR-
RfNGTON, Thomas Wood Mas D-r,
Will iiave immediale despatch, having one half
| Lep freight engaged, for the'residue or passage
having good accommodations, xppl]( to Capt.
W. on hoard, at Jones’ upper was. otto
dec 22 HAI-L wjHOYT.
For Liverpool,,
‘Elm superior fast sailing -hipAMEU
f ■ vSiiGA,IVa 1lace, master, will oe despatch
ed immediately. For freight ofsoo hales cotton,
apply t 0( JOHNS TO N h HiI.LS. •
fi’ko have for sale,
60 hhds first quality New-Orleans Sugar
200 bbls Superfine Flour
■; do prime N York new lleef
pipes Cognac Brandy
‘pipes superior old Madeira Wine
Goils Bale Rope, Vverness and Dun ’ee
, Tea, Green Coffee
100 tons flint .stone Ballast
The Subscriber offers for sale,
rfIHREE thousand bushels of heavy rough
I RICE. ‘ -
dec 29 45 JOSEPH STILES.
Gin, Raisins £>c.
Just received per schr Gen Hawes,
50 bbls RiUenlmrgh Gin
25 do Clarke’s do
85 iKixe* Muscatel Raisins sup quality
60 do bloom do
10 bbls Greenings in prime order \
1 ••••For sale by 46 ,S M ANTON.
* i -tv ivix J \ -hc boxes uoap
5. 20 do rose * ,do
1 bale Russia Sheetings
Oilcloth Carpeting
* 1 Gieclan Sofa
1 i.ig and Harness For rale bv
-dec 31 __46 111 aNMER.
rOfcegs . ? POWDER, from the
300 cunnisrers 5 Vuican and Red Stone Mills,
which we warrant to be equal to ally in thiSj
market—forsaleby L. H. SAGE. erf CO. j
i dec 27 43 u 1
i Spjrm Oil, Candles &c.
15 15!>ls best Strain’d Oil,
Boxes Sperm Candles
Half bbls Pickled. Tongues & Smok’d do
and Fly*.market Beef, Kegs Butter, mess Beef:
■ and Fork, together with a full assortment of
Groceries Provisions
, For-Skie at No. 23 Bolton’s Range by *
A > %
Now Landing ,
FROVr on board thfc schr Cos. Hawes, from
20 bids Gin. 10 do NF, Rum ;
30 tubs Butter, put up expressly forjaniily j
60 bbls Potatoes - [use
30 do Apples. For sale bv
dreqj . i.4-f ‘ Hire's il7inrf
21 bids ALE, landing from brig Native,
Pin- sale by % C C GRISVVI.ILD Zc Us).
In Store for sale as above,
90 bbls prime Beef
280 do superfine Flour
50 kegs Richmond . obacco
50 fluxes Soap
50 do Candies
8 firkins Goshen Butter
20 bbls 1 .oaf Sugar
3 Marble Chimney Pieces dec 27
N. JOC/ .FYiV, “ •
Portrait Painter;
BRAS returned to Savannah, and will engage
wllin the line of his the Sr-a
son, at liis former apkttn.ent, in the dw elling
holts’- east of the State II ink, Johnston’s square,
dr* 29 i45
\GF.NTI.EM AN (well’ known’in this city)
intends going to New-Orleans in the schr.
Etna, Gaft Finney, to sail the lasi of next week,
and will attend to the sale of Negro’s that may
be shipped by her, therefore, persons having
any to ship will do well to profit by this opportu
nity, Fur further inf.amnion apply at the
Counting-room of VVA i!’ (J SMETS, or
dec 29 s If AAC COHEN.
Found —a bag of Coffee, on
Saturday Last, which the owner can obtain jy
giving the real mark and paying the. expense of
advertising A,jp!y at Duffy’s Inteligence of
!fire, corner of ilon*gomery and Wi st llroud
streets, opposite the Steamboat wharf,
dec 31 •<6 Lb A AliD DUFFY.
Cheese, Ale £sc.
“JUST Landing, from Barque Spartan, .
v.f 29 chsks Superior Ciieese •
• 20 bbls Lav. Ik Uf-vredges Ale
20 do \\ hiskey
1()0 bags l -'tutnes
And in Store, Bucku-hcat and Corn Mferd,
Goshen Butter, a general assortment of Gmce
rieti and Provisions, for Sale on l iberal, terms
6 ilizpn Fthictf Chairs, for sale as above,
dec 2 ” 542 Taylors O ba-. f
Roots s.’id Shoes, ‘
subscrj -iT l as just received by the late
1 ar iv'a’s Iron. New-Yurk and Boston a large
assortn.ent of Boots & Shoes selected particu
larly for Country V .rk< t, Viz :
1000 pair i/uf .’ id; ck -Morocco Slips
SOD do do do do Walking
500 do do Uo-i is t
300 do do J uadier welted
300 do do do I’lMßk
200 do do col’d EflplWi Kid
100 do do white no 6 do
100 do do W'.-k Morocco Boots.. .
- 1200 do Gent’s, fire wax’d calf kin Shoes,
s-v and, nailed and
T'O do do do do Bootees nail'd
300 db do orrreo Shoes do
SCO do coum.on lin’d & bound do do
200 do ”do llootec. do
200 do Negro Shoes do
200 do *Ti es black Morocco Slips
100 do il;. uo do Walking
100 do do Leather Pumps
SCO Jo . Childrens col'd More. Shoes
2Cu do do -c'o do Bootees *
lt-0 do do no do Shoes
Black and eo'ered Morocco Sinus
Hair Trunks and Day N Martins Blacking
Which will h r sold low by the package Or doz
en. for Cash or ciu uhcpi mees only-
1 dec 22 40 AljfA side the Market.
\ _ : JfmL
Douglass & Sorrel ,
HA-VE for sale —New Muryhuid white flint
B<o barrels nr me 1! rcovado Sugit
10 hhcls do N O . do
V bbls'*.oafSuger atl,oiv prices
19 ‘pipes Cplr.iu ar Wine
A few hhds of prime Havana green Coffee
200 bbls ff u tT.rd street flour, selected for fam
ily use
120 do Br.'-imore Rye Whiskey
6 took ’ ar Iron
Hollo Ware
‘ Spanish Segars
Several very Fulsome Oil C’oth Carpets, dif
ferent sire* .
Spanish Tobacco, &c. h 44 dec 28
- Jusi^eccivcil,
TIIE GeorgiauridSoulh Carolina Almanac,
for 1822, containing much useful informa
tion both of a private and public nature,—neat- ’
ly printed. For sale at the Mu -otiOflice coun- 1
ting room, by the gloss, dozen orWingle'. Ali- i
heral discount those by j
the wholesale. dec 19 1
Potatoes, Duller, fyc.
50 bbls liish Potatoes
10 do Prime Beef
10 do Pilot Bread
15 firkins Bolter
6 half bbls T Gibbons Fly market Beef
| 20 boxes Soap
10 do fresh Raisins
| 400 pair Negro Shoes
Sounds and Tongues, Cranberries, etc.
For Sal.: by KWVtWAN & BLAHI,
dec 28 n 43 F.xchavye fl lutrf
Plains , Flag Handkerchiefs fyc.
5 bales white Plains
2 cases superior Flag HandKFi.
Just received and for sale bv
dec 2B 4-5 PAKFB A MfNtoy.
FROM brig Eagle, and for sale by the under
i ’6O bb. Uirtenburg Gin. /
1 100 bb Gin various brands
j . 50 bb Potatoes, 3 pipes Cognac Brandy
15 bb Apple Brandy
15 bb Northern Hum
5 bales Plaids and Sti ipes
5 do Brown Shirting
15 barrels and 20 6-gallon kegs jperinr
j . Currant Wine, from the Manufactory o'.
Davis, Dyer Ei Cos. Providence
dec 14 S MAN'F<)N. Hie ‘s-wharf.
Whiskey, Fork, §c. .
220 bb's best Rye Whiskey • !
50 do prime Pork
20'casks Goshen Cheese
30 firkins do Butter, in double firkins
20 casks Shot, assorted sizes
20 lif bbls fly market Beef, warranted ,
2 C springs Leather top Gigs with pla
, ted Harness.
Lending from brig Belvidere at Taylor's wharf, |
for sale by O C GRISWOLD & Uo.
dec 27 _ 43
L. JL Sage %00.
’ JTTY chcstr and half chests Hyson Tea
50 bags Coffee
20 pipes India Point Gin
150 bbls mess and prime Beef
50 do prime Pork
50 bbls Sugar, superior quality
50 kegs No 1 and 2 manufactured Tobacco
20 M superior Spanish Segars
100 M American do
, 50 bids Cider
100 boxes mould Candles 50 do Soap
’ 20 firkins Butter 1000 bushels Corn
i 20 boxes fresh Raisins
With a general sssurtnient of GROCERIES.
; dec 27 43
. .
Three doors south of the City Hotel,
THANKS his friends and the pubi.cln gener
al for the large s pport he has received in
i litis city since he commeficetf ‘business. . He
i takes this opportunity to offer
Just received from England and the north, of
the most fashSonablp
, .. CIIEAFXK 3‘ IX EVBtt.
Extra superfine boys’ Wa'erloo Goats, full silk
trimmings, at tl>e low rate of §1.5
: Fine and extra fine black Dress,Coats, Irom §l6
j upwarus -jM
j Extra blue Saxony dp. §3O, .and upwards
j I'xlra fine and superfine double unil’-l tashiona
oie Pantaloons, pi all tri>m iyl to 12
First rate senthijnch’s fine white Uii{u Shirts,
from gl 75 to .A
Fft’nch Florentine WafS'coots, §2 j
Extra quality English do new ugUcrn, §5
Blue and other colors Bnr.touts, S*2 & utnvbrds
Extra fine Waterloo Cuatsfi tub Wltviin’d with
silk. S2‘J
Geptlemeu’s knit Drawers,
Merino do Shirts, from gl to lj
Superfine lamb’s wool Socks, 3 pair fur SI
‘. .ill It- boys’ Great Coat* of .all color:, S>s
j .\iirse’ Felices from §4 to 6, scitrlct, colors
j Fearnaught Great Coals, gij and upwards,
i Warranted extni fine watel- proof Hals, §8
Imitation Beavers, §3
Boy’s Hats, gif *
Blue, black, buff and white fasl junable Waist
i Large size silk Umbrellas, from g2l to 3 j
Extra large size tartan plaiil Cloaks, with two
Gentlemen’s silk blockings at glj
Ladies’ and gentlemen's patent elastic silk
Stockings at g2’per pair
Cases fine and extra fine Irish Linen, from 25
to 87 j cents
Cassimere Pantaloons at gs
—also —
A great quanl'qp of
Consisting of Jackets aud Trowsers, from gl j
to 6 a suit
Superfine gentlemen’s Beaver Gloves, 75 cts
nny 39 __ 22
Piano Fortes, Curled * asses
Feather Beds, Chairs. >§¥.
TIIF, subscriber, agent for the well known
Factory of D. FHYFE, in the city of New-
York, respectfully informs the citizens of Sa
vannah. that he has brought io this citv a large
& full assortment of CABINET FURNITURE,
consisting of'he following articles :
Side Boards, with and without Liquor Cases
Sets of Dining Tables, single do.
Sofas and Couches, Rosewood and Mahogany
Pier Tables, with marble tops, Card ‘Fables
Tea Tables, lireakth-t Tables, Dressing Ta
bles, with and wi'hout glasses
Rosewood and Mahogany Work Table*
do , do Writing do “?
c ;ci-etaries, Bonk i asg, Bureaus
Double an<l single Wash Stands, Ward’ Robes
Butlers’ Trays and Stands, Piano SL ols
Music Book Cases, Mahogany Chairs
Curled Maple do, Rosewood do.
High post Rosewood Bedsteads. Field
do do Mahogany do. FieitLdo. ffifjj&fe
do do Curled Maple do fienVdo
Dressing Glasses, of every dcsciiptWrj
Piano Fortes, thu newest Music, &. *
Double and single curled hai Mat-asses
do do feather Beils >i he best quality
A large assortment of Chairs.
All the above articles will be•-. itrranted to
stand the climate, and Lies-, inscribe, invites the
public generally to call and viaifefert ‘emselvcs
i at his Repository,
i Chunk buildings, opposite Of^gtmJfcJUKrgt.
N.'B. The subscribe* haslmMßMit. one of
the bestAvt-rkmen, and Will who
wish their Furniture repaired orvArnished.
Jly Dakar Oj Minton -
THIS DAY Sd iftst. at huif pc 10.
In front cf their Store. .
A general assortment of’
find at 11 o'clock, in store,
A ■general assort ment of
Seasonable firif.ish and India
A L.SO.s-
A neat ligti‘ Carriage and Harness, on a credit
of 90 days for an approved indorsed note,
jail 3
Hy George Schley,
THIS DAY, 3d ipst. at 10 o’docfc,
In fi out of bis . Indio': ‘Store,
Sundry articles of’
Groceries Hardware and’
.Dry Goods,
jan 3
ikj J. B- Herbert $ Cos.
Tilts DAY, 31 :nsf at 11 o’clock,
VVill be. sold Oil Bolton’s Central AVliarf, s.ith
out clnati a consig^tiineni*
!.i0 liiids ‘prime N. O. Sugar,
| Suitable for retailing. Terms will be accom
modating j lll J
By J. fl. Herbert K Cos.
On MONDAY next. Till kft.
at Mongin’s Wharf (late Howards) *l2 o’clock
The fast sailing Sloop
| b.,vlhen, well Cli'ipuljtt-.l lor a Packet,
1 Itavi ,g for sometime beep ern; li> c-d in t’ a line
between here and Charliy-ton ; she is well found
and is now in order f. ra Yoygc.
jar. 3 terms at time of sale.
Jiist Landing from brig Nhtivc
Sqyv lirkins choice Butter
csj 15 bbls do Cider
j. 12 bbls Apples
15 boxes Muscatel Raisins
25 do Digby fieri j-g
4 casks Cheese,for - ale bv
Frishirc at the Store of J l'cnfieldCS Cos.
(tec 27 1:43 J
* ”To l lantcps*
ipilF, Subscriber has on hand & will continue
vJL to kr-ep a constant Supidv of
With a.general Assortment of such articles as
are req-ured for Planters. The Goods’ will be
-sold at Sav innan prices, and Prod me taken in
payment- —He Solicits tlie Patronage of those
Planters in the vicinity of St. Mary’s.
In Stare,
2000 Bushels Prime Flint. Corn,
300 bbis Superfine Flour,
With a general assortment of Dry Goods, Hard
ware and Groceries.
St Man/t. AW 17 17
The Subscriber
nr| VYING ivr.L erf’n Store m 0r,.-of those two
ili story buildings west of the Market, known
I, (Inog’s Lot, unoFr the stiper-ntendapee of
Mr. Wx C. Yftixs, offers for sale, a general as
.lioi'tment of
Consisting in part of Sugar, t offee. Tea, Cng.
Brandy, Jam. Rum, W I. and N. E. fio. Holland
Gin, Whiskey, Flour in whole'arid half barrels,
Soap, Sait, anil a lot prime Georgia Bacon
ALSO—Homespun, Cutler/, C-ockyW, Btc:
dec 29 U 45 THOMAS McKEEEI,E.
Coffee find Sugar.
50 bagj prune green Coffee
30 hhas prime New Orleans Sugar
Landing from urig Belvitlere, for sale-hy ;
deo 27 ‘ JOHN LATHFCP Cos j
HJa/tn i’on'g Square, f.
AS received by the ship Corsair, and othemr
late arrivals— , s
2jOo yards unbleached Shirtings G
2 bales mix’d and drab Salt met” ‘
1 case superior hintk Nankin Grape
1 do do •in jps Cameh do
1 do nankin crape Dresses ‘ , a
5-5 Irish Shirtings, very fine and middling
4-4 and 7-8 Irish I.inens and Coletains
3-4 Long Lawns
Flag Handkerchiefs
Mine, black and sss -rted It Ji m sewing Silks
Tortoise, ivory gri'i hvr < CrmibS
Black Smclicws and s Sgrigj|t;u> ‘ i
Tartan Plaid Ribbns“ ,
Jin Hand,* kISKy
8-4 heavy LONDON.. DUf F 81. VNUETB
While, red and biped
Green Baizes
Worsted cotton uyi silk ILyricfj
#Piain anil r,fn ! ’
ffiilt a variety ofatu,<io Vd fancy Goods, which
will l>c soiu on ateon.ino.i.iis.ig ‘ern;.- at whole
sale or retail.
SK Dho,iusl received,
1 caw tlmbrefias, ar. • a few cf9s nev. e4£
fashion STRAW BONN EPS. - not ST
Valuable Lands for SrJeg j
r|MIE Suesc. j': r off. isii,.- miebi Pia.-oaiion. •
1 lying ip I.ff.rG C'btnt , l ; - up;--v
Gen, Daniel Siev. .ut. Dv. Samuel J.Jxnc.n, ami
others. The tract contains four .hundred and
.sixty Acres; about two hundred of which is un
der cultivation, and generally jdi w ’iHtd-.iited
; to>ctdture of Corn ajifflSottbri ’i'hcre are about
■one hundred aercsjnf good Cotton or Corn Wild,
‘uncultivated.• Thetvsklue* j.Tue land, uflorumgi
timber for Lujlding and fVneiog. ‘l’hcre are on;
the premises a ccnibrfuMe dwelling house .ami
other necessio-y out futiiuitq;: Term iof tale,
to the purchaser, will be ifiadp easy, and if not
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