The Savannah museum. (Savannah, Ga.) 182?-1822, January 03, 1822, Image 4

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DRUGS, MEDICINES AUtt GARDEN SEEDS. OEMLER V OSET, Corner of li ovghtm (J Jefferson streets, • UTTER FOB SALE, \ General assortment of Drugs, Medicines & Seeds —Gs tlhe lattler they har e now on hand — Warrington, “ Refugee, *n(l,’ BEANS White / J Marrow fat/I’F.AS Salmon ar.d ? BADDiSfI Short top / 5 SNAPBEANS Drumhe/d, “1 Early York, Sugar V>af, IcABBAGE SEED 1 ellow Savoy, Fl*t Dutch and Did Mat white Turnip f?uiliflower ’ Asparagus Dark Orrange Carrdt Jtloody Beet Solid Celery White Endive * 4 / Kariy ctirled ,/ Imperial 1 , ■ Duy* l Uetiuce IHardy green • ( Cabbage I Buttersca J Bound seeded broad leavd Spmage Prickly do Parsin’ Wllso, the following BOOTS: Young white seed Onions Tulips, double and single Italian Narcissus, double & smg. fine for forcing Jonquils line, double mixed fiununculus U Anemones Purple, T Pule blue, I Striped; vCROCUS White ar.d I 1 I Yellow J Salmons Radish Scarlet shot l top do An assortment of FLOWER SEEDS CANARY SEEDS and w FLOW'ER, POTS. .lec 24 41 Lamp Oil. THE subscriber has now on hand, and will be con'antly supplied with the best Spermaceti Lamp Oil, from Samuel Kodman's well known Oil Manu factory, Newbedfiml, and is enabled to furnish his costumers, ii ■ Mediately from the manufacto ry, with genuine perrtiaceti OIL, of a quality equal to any ever sold in this city. 1 his OIL in a Lamp properly trimmed, is warranted to bum ’ until the Oil is exhausted, without snuffing or picking up, produces no more smoke than Can dles, is left* Liable to gmtse sboyt house, safer on account off he. not subject to watte by being placed in a current of air, and by actual experi ment proves as cheap * Candies at ten cents per pounds Alto for tale. Japanned Lamp si ja panned socket Wl Class do Lamp wick, Uc. AUGUSTUS CORN VV ALL, WhittOctr S.'. near Ctrl Shell man's Munsionllouse dec 21 39 —n-. .... - , ■—— • • ■ ■ “■’ Feather Beds. A Few very choice live geese Feather Beds, of various sb'es, which are warranted to be of the very best quality—Landing from ship Gen. Carrington, from New-York, for sale by J. W. MOUHALL, dec 24 41 Church UuiliHvgt Elegant Furniture, •J. TI. OLDKRSH AW,; RESPECTFULLY Informs,his Wends and the public that he lias removed his Furniture If are-IJnuse, on the Bay next door west of the City Hotel, Where be has on hand Elegant Sideboards of various patterns Secretary A Book Cases do do Grecian Sofas, of do do Setts of pillar A claw feet Diui ng Tables Setts of Tea & Card Tables Dining Tables, Gentlemes writing Tables Si Book Cases Elegant French Press with doors at the ends High pest curled maple, patent joint Bed steads “>*■ Plain High post Bedsteads , ’Willi a general assortment of elegant fancy and plain Chairs, Alto Cor Sale, A general assortment of Mahogany Board o , Plank aid Yt-nierS. N. B.—Furniture repaired and Upholsterirg done as above. dec 22 n4O Joseph Kopman, H Johnston’s square, AS just received per ships Georgia and Pallas, from Livelfponl, 10 bales white Plains, sdo mixt do 1 do tartan Plaids 3 cases blue and red Union Stripes 2’do 4*4 Ilandke.chiefs A 3-4 and 6-4 cotton Checks With a variety of ether things, which will be soW on accommodating terms. 26 dec .4 ■ Mahogany Boards, Tlank and , Yenoriers. CTTJIIF. subscriber has received by the ship A ii. sia from New York, a general assortment of seasonable Mahogany, consisting of the fol lowing. articles—Dining Table Stuff, Mahogany Plank, suitable tor handrails 5-8 and 3-8 boards, Crotch and Shaded VennrieTS, Sattimvood do. All of which will be sold low on implication to J. W. MORRELL, dec 19 37 C’mrch Buildings. Ml.'**- - —ill ■’ li. - A . .li;.’ L- - - ... , Hall fcj Hoyt offelr for sale, 75 bagtprime Green Coffee 59 tierces prime ‘{ice 300 bb Mipeiir.e Howard street Flour 3000 bushels Corn 29 qr casks Teoetiffe Wine I pipe’ Madeira do 5 pipes Cognac Brandy, 4do H Gin 6 do N E Gin, 10 hhds Jam Rum 10 bhds N E Bum, sdo Whiskey 100- boxes Muscatel l,uisins ; 50 do mold Candles 50 bb prime Pork, N Y city inspec’ion 50. bis N tirleans do 20 Beef SO c ’ii° Bale Hope, 20 firkins G Butter 5 tons square Iron 300 Grindstone*. SO dec 10 Staffordshire Ware-House. rfXHE subscriber having taken those extensive % premises and stand, comer of Whitaker- Dreet and the Bay, w Inch have for many years past been employed m the Crockery line of bu siness, and lateiy so by Col. Shellmon, oilers to the attention of the Pubhck and the Trade, his full supply of CHINA GLASS and EARTHEN WARE comprising the following assortment: — CREAM colored ware. 9 crates Busins every size known in this mar ket 6 do Ewers do do 12 do Chamber* do do 10 do Bowls, 4 quarts, 3 qls, 2 qts, 3 pints, 1 qt, 3§ pints, pint and half pints 5 do Pitchers do do 4 do Muos, usual size, 4 do BaKers, oval and round with and without Kps for Milkpans, principally large 1 do Jans for Druggists and Conserves 1 hhd FnoTPAXfi and Win* Coolers, various sizes 3 crates Cups and Saucers, Bedard Stoolpans, Peppers, Salts tic. 1 crate Better Stamps and Bj.amoxge Molds 3 do Dining Ware, Dishes Ac FAINTED,MOCHA $ BLACK WARE 5 crates Enamelled London Curs and Salters, good patterns, principally blue, large si zes, unhanuled 3 do Irish do do do t 2 do Bowls and Saucers do do 6 do all the sizes as above, handled 2 d<? Teapots to match, several sizes l do fine Black Glaze Teapots, 3 sizes 1 lilid Coffee Pots, 2 sizes 1 do Sugar and Creams 10 crates Enamelled, Mocha and Engraved Bowls, every’ size made in the Potteries 5 do do da Jugs and Mcos from i pt. to Gallon EDGE WARE. ’ Two crates Oyster and Muffin Plates’ Thiee do large , do do Mve* do Breakfast full 8 inch do Twenty do Green and blue full size Dinner do Ten do Edge Dimif.s from 9to 20 incites Five hhds edge Tviieens, Cover Dishes, Sauce Tureens, Sauce Boats, and square and scolloped Sallao Bowls Twocrates edge Oval Bakers or Pudding Disn . es, 6 sizes BLUE PRIN FED W'ARE. Six tfhds Cup, Tea, Dessert, Breakfast, Cake and Dinner Plates, Soups and Flats of 10 patterns One do Water Plates with stoppars Five do Sauce Boats, Sauce Tureens, Bowl* and Bakers Two do soup Tureens, stands and Ladles com plete Six do Double Diking Sets latest patterns, two hundred pieces to each set Three do sets da British Views, patterns nearly all different and the engravings ex ecuted in a very superior style Six do blue printed ’ .wEns & Basins usual sizes ’t hree do do Chambeus, assorted sizes Tlrfee do bowls varied sizes Two do Pncrif.Rn gallon lie with and without covers Two do Muos with and without covers Fancy Fruit Baskets cut out with diamonds Ititusii Trais with and without covers, Soat Boxes, Egc Cups, Foot Pans, Wine Cool- ERSj SIC Children's lor Tea Sets Blue printed Breakfast Ware. Two hhds line blue Printed Breakfast War* in long sets, two patterns One do oval and roundlluTTca Tubs with and withoubfixed stands Six crates London Irish and Bowl size Curs and Haulers, without handles Six . do do do with handles, bold pattern's Porringer ami other saleable shapes Two hhds Wat Ta a pots, 4 sizes Two do yound do 4 sizes, with Sugar and creams to match One do Grecian Coffee Pots 2 sizes LUSTKE DEI.F WARE. Turn hhds Silver and Gold Lustre and Lustre landscape Pitchers raised figures and plain,‘Brunswick shape, Salts, Peppers, Butter tubs Ike. I’HINA. Sets ofcommon China, assorted patterns, grape Vine, Hose iic 54 pieces at low prices Do do Packed in Boxes for the convenience oftbecouiury trade _ Long Sns of Lustre anil entmelled. China 48 cups and Saucers with Coffee Pot com plete ar.d excellent patterns Sets of Fine China, Landscape and Gold Lines 68 Pieces Do do Purple Landscape and Gold Lines 68 Pieces . Do do while and Gold Lines same quantity Du (j° leaf and gold lines and sprigg do do Do do Nursery pattern in colors and gojd lines Do do burKa*Diir.sDKsr embossed, green and purple, in colors, gold lines, band and sprig, one hundred and ten pieces Ur each set — Double Sets. Lilac and brown pearl figures, hunting pattern, Brunswick and Dutch shape Fitcbebs, 3 jgk Do do aHMfclines and bands A greatof Fi owrn Urns, Caisntsr Cr bronzed, painted landscape in gold, of various quantities in tlie sets Puxcr. Bowls, tine chiua, gold lines and band. GLASS. A full assortment of Straw Tumblers, Gi rmax Decaxteus, flint English do. Wixes, Cla rets, and Chaxpwisr Glasses—Butter Tubs, Water Mottles, Ac. Do do do in molded glass Cruets, Peppers, Mustards, and Oils, for eas- tors Cordials, Wises, Lemojtadks, Jellies, Tux* rlkrs, Decasteus, Butter Tuns, Ceice nt Glasses, Dishes, Sallad Bowls, Pyr amids, &c offcut glass and of various pat , terns Sets op Cut Glass complete, ornamented with Diamonds, flutes and nitches Rich expensively cut with diamonds large Sal ud Bowls Faxct Trasspaßext Lamps, ornamented with , flowers and landscape paintings, with charts, &c. In regard to qualities, patterns, size j, and pri ce* of tlie foregoing articles, the public will un doubtedly compare and judge for themselves, and they are respectfully requested to do so. The ostokibg branch of this concern is conduct ed by bands whose skill has been for many years ascertained by experience. Assorted crates for tlie country trade will be always kept on hand, and sold. rtrt|noderate advance. As the price list is upon the principle of or town acceptances, the rule wfij|ptnficxiblv maintained, and it is hop ed nq exception can possibly be taken to its ob servance,either by retail or wholesale custom ers. JOHN THOMAS, dec 28 2w 44 Notice. i*v THR’ subscribeis having connected than selves in business under the firm of GIBBS & ALEXANDF.R, offer for rale on good terms ALBANY AI.E, GOSHEN GUTTER, Ac. Just landing from brig Levant, at Jones’ upper f wharf, 40 bbls Albany double Ale, expressly prepar edfor this climate 10 firkins superior Goc.ien Buttpr 10 bbls Corn Meal “ * 10 do buck wheat do euSC, 13 casks best kind Goshen Cheese 10 boxes bloom Raisins 25 M Spanish Sugars 12 kegs sweet scented Virginia, Tobacco 3 do ladies’ twist do 5 bags Cofiee ; Mustard by the box pr ooz. 14 bbls country Gin ; Cognac Brandy Jamaica, St Croix and N 2 Hum, by the hhd. or barrel Holland Gin ; Young Hyson Ten, in ten catty boxes ; Sugar by die hhd. or bbl.; Leaf and Lump do ; and in store, a gen eral assortment of Groceries JOSEPH Gfc'HßS* ROBERT ALEX ANDER, Taylor's wharf. They would also inform their Iriends that they are sole agents for this citv for two of the most celebrated Brewing establishments inth* state of New-York, namely. Law Si Purridge’s New Burgh and It Dur.lop’s’ Albany, a supply of whose Ale will be kept constantly on band ana warranted good. Also, Boyd LM’Culloch’s AlbanjftAle. 0 dec 3 Chairs. THE subscriber has received by the sloop Fulton,an additional snpply ofFANCY CHAIRS of various patterns, which’ will be sold cheap at his Repository, Church Buildings. J. VV. MORRELL. dec 1 23 Savannah Poor-Housc and Hospital Society . AN election will be held at the Court-House, on Monday the 7th January next, from 9 till two o’clock, for Twelve Mimagers for the government of the Poor-House and Hospital, for the ensuing year. Thefollowing gentlemen are appointed tosu perintend said election Joseph Gumming Edward Voppee, Vhatßks Jllelntire, mttiam T. Williams, William N. Waring, James Morrison, “ i Joseph S. Felot, Lemuel Kollodc, Gallon Baker, The generous and hulhane, who have not yet ‘ are solicited to come forward and ‘ contribute to the support of this useful and be nevolent institution, in order that its interest ing objects may be effectually carried into exe- I cution. The accounts for the present year will be published in the Gazettes of this city, for the information of the members of the Society. Oy order of the Hoard of Jtlanagers, dec 5 26 JOHN, Src’rj. Safe Wire. ~ 11HE Subicribcr has for Sale, a qantity of Safe Wire, of various sises and of a Superi or quality, at his Furniture Ware House, J. VV. MORRELL, nov 16 10 Church Buildings. John C. Micliel, IN FORMS his friends and the public generally, that he has removed from Mr. Stouf Surveil ler’s to liryan-atreet, opposite the Merchant’s Hotel, where he will attend those gentlemen who are desirous of learning the Violin, Flute, or Vocal Music . He will give lessons on the Pianno and also lessons accompaniments to those Ladies who are so far advanced a9 to play Sonatas or pieces requiring accompaniment of Violin, Flute or ; !'*' s Apply to Paul P. VVio;nute?i, Ksq. nr to i ; hiiiore Stouff, Surveyor. i, FOR SALE—An excellent new PIANO, i (Ciementini’s make) from London, nov 9 4 Tlie Library, TS open for the delivery of Books, Mondav, X W ednesday and Friday, from 4 to 6 o’clock, lv Vl “.30 dedlO Planters Kanfe. AN Election for thirteen Directors on the part of the Stockholders of this Bank, w ill be held at the Banking-House, on’the first Mo.i day tn Janunfa, being (lie 7th day of the month. Poll will bgHjaed at 9 o’clock, A. M. be clos ed ,*i 2 fT’ be re-opentd at 3 o’clock and finally clMed st 5 o’clock. As no business can be done in consequence of the election, paper falling due on that day must be taken up on the Saturday previous, dec 29 38 J MARSHALL, Cashier. Factorage and Commission Business. THE undersigned have this Kay entered Into copartnership in the above line, under the firm of fitu-ges £f Hunter, A solicit from theirfriends a share of business. Their counting-room 13 in the west end of BtlUoch’s Building, ‘ft- ey will be enabled to make suitable advances on pro duce deposited for sale. OLIVER STURGES, dec 1 WM. p. HUN TER. —4a~ - J - Picked Up , adrift, A Small Boat, wfcrieh the owner can have by * proving property and paying for this ad'- vertiseinent, 0 n applying to cant. Tucker on board the brig Huron. <iec 27 43 Mahogany Furniture , THF. subscriber has rece.ved per ships Gu vonnea-d Asia, from Netv-Ycy k, an addi tional supply of FURNITURE, consisting of Elegant Sofas with pillows, Couches , Pier Tables v. ith nimble columns Mahogany and rose .wood Chairs *4 F,as_v Chairs and-hair Matrasses Which together with his former stock render his assortment very complete For sale by J. W MORRELL, dec 17 35 Chit’ ch Buildings. Homegpims. 8 cases Plaids, StripJKnd Sl.irtings—for sale by w L. H. SAGE A CO. dec 20 . 33 No. 3 Mackerel. 100 bbuNo. 3 Mackerfcl—Landing from brig Adeline, fpr sale by # dec 20 38 JOHN LATHROP A CO. William Boss, fCVAS received by the Georgia from Liverpool 4&J and recent arrivals from bow-jorK, a Handsome assortment of FANCY am. S Al 1. COODS —among wliicii are: ~ , , Inserting Trimmings (veqL’*d c ij and Flounces * U'. Inserted and {l<Hcud Muslin Robes - ; W Sewed Tippe*;”oUavets and Book Mushn fi HHndkcrcbiets :• 4-4, 6-4 plain and figured Nansook, Mull & Book Muslin Corded and punted Muslins, Calicoes and | Ginghams ‘ Caroline and silk Plaids , Black Canton aiid Nankin Crapes Furniture narrow corded and eambi io Dimities Steam Loom Shirting and while Homespuns Irish Sheeting, Lineni, Diapers, & Long Laugp Black Bombazeen and figured Poplin Dlack, plain and figured Hombaaetts VV'hitc, green, red and bine Flannels Green and blue Baizes and Servants Cioih Superfine blue and black Cloths and Cassinseres Superfine Pelisse Cloths and Cassimere Shawls Carpetings and ready made Carpets White and mixt Plains and B’ankets Union Stripes, Den ies, Checks and Fkfh Linen Cambrics ami Cambric Handicerdhfs India, German and F.nglisii silk Hkfs 4-4 plain and figured bobinet Lace, very fine Bobinet aiid F.nglLsli double ground thread Lace Ladies and Gentlemen’! white and black silk do do cotton and worsted Hose (vib’d Hose do do siik, castor and beaver Gloves Hemming’s skver eyed Needles, and Holt’s cot ton Threads Together with a variety of other articles too numerous to mention, for sale on the most ac commodating terms, at the sign of the Golden Fleece, Gibbons Buildings. lm dec 0 Coffee. 150 bags prime COFFEE, Landing Si or sale by dec 17 s MITCIIF.LL Si BARTLETT. Killams, Hills 8$ Wells, H Merchant Tailors. AYE removed to the brick store on the Bay, next dpor below the Post.ofiice, where they have opened, an extensive assortment of Extra Super and Common Broadcloths, Cassinieres, Yes* tings, They have procured frbm New.York, and else wh"re, the latest fashions and the best of work men ; and flatter themsqlves that they will be able to give general satisfaction to all who favor them with their custom. Also, Beceived, A large assortment of Gentlemen’s ready made CLOTHING, of their oypi manufacture, and in the newest fafliion 96 oct 30 Cotton Curds. FBXF.N Boxes Fosters best No 10 Cotton Cards J. Just received & For Sale by dec 25 42 JOHN LATHROP Si Cos. Drug Chemical Warehouse, fVholesale and Retail FRANCIS J. L VY, Al the coiner of Congress and U’hiiaker-streets, Shadd's Building, ‘Offers for sale, a fresh assortment of DRUGS, MEDICINES, y c . all of which .kill be warrant ed genuine, and at theJowest pricey . Aniong%>hich are, Gum Opium Mace Do Camphor Cloves Do Assafcetida Nutmegs Cream of Tartar Cinnamun Tartar Emetic Ginger Calomel Starch Jalap Hair Powder Castor Oil of a superior qualify Fresh Sweet Oil for family use Henry’s calcined Magnesia English do do Common do All kinds of Patent .Medicines, Shop Furni ture, Surgical Instruments, Phials, assorted, Perfumery, &c. Cic. Also, Fresh Garden Seeds, dec 19 37 Wm. I Jar sell, SASH # FAM-LI HUT MAKER. HAS taken a stand on the corner of Market and Montgomery sts, where he continues to manufacture all kinds of articles in Ins line such as Sashes, Fanlights, Side Lights, &c which he warrants will be of the most fashiona ble workmanship, and at reduced prices to suit the times. Orders from the country wil'i be received and promptly attended to The Editors of the Augusta Herald, and Da rien Gazette, will please insert the above five limes and forwardthe bill to the Museum Office for ravin cut. 37 dec 17 Ingrained Carpeting. ffNHE subscribers have just received ati as -1 sortment of wide Ingrained Carpeting, of a superior quality, which they offer for sale on accommodating terms. BLANCHARD. BROTHERS & Cos. Andtrson's buildings, oil the Bay. . AISO 3 cases double and single barrel Guns 800 lb Sewing Twine , 3 6£. 9s. and 10 inch Cables jfe : 150 dozen Cologne Water. 26 d4g —————— . Hfmoval. COfPEE lias removed to the -LJ west corner of Warkr t square, in the store adjoining that of Messrs. Cleland & Fraser, where l.e offers at whplesale and retail, a com plete assortment of Fresh DRUGS and MED ICINES, on the Lowest terms, for cash or ap Notice. : 4 N Election will be held at the Independent a*. Presbyterian Church, on.tfie first Monday in January next, for Five Trustees for the en siling year. OLIVER S t URGES, dec 20 o 9 Chairman board of Trustees, Notice. : , THE subscribers are prepared to Dippunt promptly every day, approved Paßiiot having mure than ninety days to run, aPprSer cent, and pay the proceeds of such discount by : Checks oy Au. usta, if preferred bv the offerer. dec 13 36 GUMMING & GWATHMEY. Prime iM Orleans Sugar. ypWENTrY hlitla very prime dry N. Orleans • Sugar, Laiidingfrom-Brig Native, for sale by JOG* LATHROP. & Cos. dec 25 42 Valuable Real Estate for sale. Fix\VO LOTS fronting on Bay ami Jefferson-- I streets, with the improvements thereon— consisting of two ranges of Buildings, well con- Stiucted for a Public Boaiding House tin oni side, and uii the other iur Stores or Counting Rooms. *- These Buildings;from their sltustirtn, their and t heir const re ctipn, are well adapt - ed for a ITwel■. they were planned for this pur pose, and have been so used tinder the name of Washington Hall. * One Lot fronting on Jdachiiti-grcet, with tl,<j improv-'ments'thei'eotil, known as the ■ JJv.-rpool iJo'el. ‘There are two spaciousltwrlling I louses two stories each, with suitable hack buildings, .calculated for the accommodation ( ff. mikes, or for a house ofetitertainme’nt. as heretofore used. This Property wsfl be sold low'and on cc commodating terms, ’if early application be marietta. SCI I LEV, dec 20 IniSS Mo. Wpoirmerce-tlmr, To Rtint. i @ The welt known establishment call ed the Georgia Hotel, (now in the occu pation of Mr C. Bcyill.) The premises aJl'oi<l every convenience for a Tavern; and there is a dwelling_ where families c, quid be lodged, de tached from tlie public The -stable it very commodious, and the whole establishment warrants the belief of its enjoying a considera ble shaj*e of country tint! other c ustom, from its vicinity to the Steam-Boat Wharves, the princi pal Lumber Yards, and the market in F.ilis’s square. Possession can lie given on the Ist cf January. Fir terms apply to JOS. CUMMLXG. Fast end of Bulloch's building. dec 4 25 To Let, AND Ijpssession given immediately. The Store on the Bay formerly occupied by Mr. G W Martin. ALSO. The three two story Brick Buildings oil Bay Lane. Tile tipper part of the Store on .Tone’s upper wharf, occupied by Messrs Petty u Green. For terms apply to nov l . HALL & HOYT. For Kent , Those two fire-proof Stores, opposite An drew Low Ji Cos Johnson’s square, fitted ex pressly for Dry Good Stores, and deserve tha attention of such as arc connected in that busi ness. Rents moderate. For terms apply to CRANK & BAKER, 6r GARDNER TUFTS. nov 8 3 > . *lt ■ r ‘...1 ■- .-Jo. ‘-‘Tilyfl ’ Liaiboru Bevill, INFORMS his friends that he has leased tlie. Georgia Hotel, and that he will undertake the superintendence of the same from the 15th. He hopes that his arrangements will be such as to meet the approbation of the nld friends of the Establishment, and ensure him a portion of public patronage 87 oct 9 Livery Stables. GIDEON DALY and JOHN W A MACK have ta ken the Stables attached to thfe Georgia Hotel, aiid have made such ar rangements that their customers may rest as sured that the greatest attention will ’continue to be paid to Horses placed under their care. Carriages, Chairs and Gigs* with good Hors es well broken ta the harness and saddle, will always be furnished the public on reasonable hire. H Expresses will be despatched at short notice to any part of the country. 87 ott 9 Dissolution of Copartnership. , 'l'*HE firm “of Taylor £<f Kelley has this clay 1. dissolved, in consequence of the death of tlie latter. All persons having demands against the Said firm, wiil please’present them for pay ment, and those indebted are ’particularly re quest’d to make-‘immediate payment to the subscriber, who Will settle the business of the said firm. ROBERT TAYLOR. The business of the above concern will in future be carried on by Robukt Tailor and Thomas W, Davihs, under the firm of Taylor fj Davies, who tender their services in the Factorage and General Commission Bu siness to the friends of Taylor & Kelley, and tlie public. ROBERT TAYLOR; THOMAS \V. DAVIES, novß 3 • Twiggs wharf. Education. •TnHE subscriber takes the opportunity of ex .l. pressing his thanks to those who have hith- j erto been pleased to encourage him, and, of :n ----forming them, and the public in general, that ho ! will re-commence Teaching on Thursday the ; first day of November next, at his residence ‘ York-street, in rear of the Methodist Church, j Every attention will be paid towards the ini- j provement of those committed to his care. j An hour or two per day will be devoted to j private Teaching, either at his own residence. ! or elsewhere, as may be agreed on. N. B. Ledgers brought up and accounts i made out on moderate teaau. ALEX. PETTIGREW, M. A. ’ oct 25 93 JS’otice. tl EORGE NFAVHALL has removed to the f new Store in Whitaker street, opposite Josiah Per,field’s, where lie has for sale an ex tensive assortment of ‘ ■ Boots and Shoes, at lew prices, for cash or city acceptances, wjjjjjjjl 2m nov P3 uTS) HE Subscriber has now open ;u.u lor sate -it ; his store in Whitaktr-st. near Col. Sheil-j ■ man’s Mansion House, a choice assortment oh . Spiritous Liquors, the best of old ‘Vines, Tea? of the latest importation, and double refined loaf Sugar, w hich are offered at reasonable terra? Gognac Brandy, Jamaica Spirits St Croix do, Portland Uum Holland Cin. P Brig Hope’s cargo 0F1319, : Pierpoints Gin(' ’ • Madeira Wine, Gordon’s brand r Imported in the brig Oriental* in 1816’. . Lisbon Wine, Port do Betsey and Berthia cargo. Gun Powder, Huntress cargoY Imperial, Mndon Traders do l TPII , S . Hyson, Onfario’s do ( ‘ Ji - ’ Young Hyson, Huntress do J AUGUSTUS CORNWALL nov 28 20