The Savannah museum. (Savannah, Ga.) 182?-1822, January 07, 1822, Image 4

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’ Drugs, medicines AMD GARDEN SEEDS. OEMLER § POSEY, Coiner of B million U Jefferson streets, nmu ruH SALK, A General assortment of Drugs , Medicines & Seeds Warrington, *) Refugee, and SUusli DEANS W hite J Marrow fl I’EAS Salmon aml ? RADDISU Short to|> ) SNAPBEANS Drumhead, *t hurl) York, I Sugar-loaf, f-CABBAGE SEED Yellow Savoy, / Flat Dutch and j lied J Flat white Turnip (Cauliflower Asparagus Dark Derange Carrot Woody Ueet Solid Celery White Endive Early curled “1 * Imperial j l* 0 ** 1 VLETTUCB Hardy green ( Cabbage Hatursea J Hound seeded broad leavd Spin.igc Prickly do Parsley Also, the following HOOTS: Young white seed Unions . Tulips, double and single Italian Narcissus, double & sing, fine for forcing Jonquils Pine, double mixed Ranunculus & Anemones Purple, Pale blue, j * Striped, )-CUOCUS While and I Yellow J Salmons Radish Scat let short top do An assortment of FLOWER SEEDS • CANARY SEEDS and FLOWER POTS. * _jlec_24 41 Joseph Kopman, H Johns!on’s square, AS just received per ships Georgia and I’alla*, from Liverpool, 10 Sales white Plains, sdo mutt do 1 ‘do tartan Plaids J cases blue am! red Onion Stripes 2 d<> *%-4 llandke. chiefs 3-4 ami 6-4 cotton Checks With a variety of other things, which will be Bold on accommodating terms. 26 dec. a I*. M’Uermott, , TJ AS received by recent arrivals, a general II assortment of HARDWARE and CU l LEUY, wbicb he offer* on moderate terms ALSO, IN STORE, S pipes 4th prool genuine cognac Dranc'y 2 do do imitation do 3 puncheons Irish Whiskey, sth proof, six years old and warranted genuine 40 bbls Loaf Sugar 20 do Wine 10 do Lisbon do 6 qr chests hyson Tea 10 half bbls Reef, put up expressly for family use 4 half bhls Tongues 10 Whittemore’s cotton and wool Cards 3 ton assorted Shot 3 do Shear Moulds 400 straws Tumblers Blacksmith's Hollows, from 24 to 34 inch A general assortment of Wooden Ware 12 doz market and clothes Baskets l case elegant Fow ling Pieces 50 doz Red Cords 50 doz Plnughliltes A general assortment of Carpenters’ Planes A supply of fresh GARDEN SEEDS, from lr Mahon's Seed House, warranted. dec 6 ts 27 Landing from sloop * aoket, A Ml for sale by M()SKS VI. MORGAN, Xm. Market square, 2 pipe* lll'Hand Gilt 3 lllid* Jamaica Rum 2 pipes first quality Cognac Brandy 9 hhds 1 pipe and 2 bbls Rye Gin 5 bags Coll'ee 5 barrels Sugar 5 do smoked Beef 7 boxes men’s Hats 4 firkins best Goshen Rutter —also— A general assortment oj Saddlery, made in New-York, warranted Ail orders ex ecuted here. Apply as above. g$ dec3’ ILigs and. old Rope. FAMILIES and country merchants are infor med that cash w ill be paid for any quantity of clean linen Rags and old Rope, at the store of WILLIAM FREE. Congress si. opposite Francis J. Lay. j'an 1 1 ua Butter, Beef, he. 25 firkins Goshen Butter 20 hbls prime Beef 12 half bbls Fly-market do 30 bbls No 3 Mackerel 25 half bills No 2do 10 bbis superior Cherry Brandy Iftids i.UI Whiskey, Holo Cordial &c. Together with an extensive assortment of GROCERIES, for salt- !>y R A PALMER & Cos. dec 31 s<j 46 Taylor's wharf N. JOCELYN, Portrait Painter ; \S returned to Savannah, and will engage iTJin tlie tine of Ui> profession during the Sea son, at his former apa l tment, in the dwelling house east of the State flank, Joimston’s square, dec 29 i 45 . , Non) Landing, I? ROM on board the schr Gen. Hawes, from Providence, 2-J bb#Cin, 10 do K K Rum od tubs llutter, put up expressly for family 60 bbls Potatoes £ use 30 do Apples. For sale by U. F. TAYLOR, dec 28 i 44 Jiice't Wharf. Staffordshire Ware-House . THE subscriber having taken those extensive premises and stand, corner of Whitaker street and the Bay, v hich have for many years past been employed in the Crockery line of bu siness, and lateiy so by Col. offers to the attention of the Pobhck and the Trade, his full supply of CHINA GLASS and EARTHEN WARE comprising the following assortment: — CREAM COLORED WARE -9 crates Rasims every size known in this mar ket 6 do Ewers do do 12, do Chambers do do 10 do Rowes, 4 quarts, 3 qts, 2 qfs, 3 pints, 1 qt, 3J pints, pint and half pints 5 do Pitchers do do 4 do Muus, usual size, 4 do Hauers, oval and round with and without lips for Milkpans, principally large 1 do Jars for Druggists and Conserves 1 hhd Footpams and Wire Coolers, various sizes 3 crates Cups and Saucers, Bed and Stoolpans, Peppers, Salts &c. 1 crate Hotter Stamps and IJlamonge Moons 3 do Dining Ware, Dishes Ac PAINTED,MOCHA # BLACK WARE 5 crates Enamelled London Curs and Saucers, good patterns, principally blue, large si zes, unban ded 3 do Irish do do do 2 do Howes and Saucer* do do 6 do all the sizes as above, handled 2 do ’I'EAroTs to match, several sizes 1 do fine Black Glaze Teapots, 3 sizes 1 hhd Coffee Pots, 2 sizes I do Sugar and Creams 10 crates Enamelled, Mocha and Engraved Bowes, eveiy size made in the Potteries 5 do do do Jugs and Muss from $ pt. to Gallon EDGE WARE, Two crates Oyster and Muffin I’eates Three do large do do Five do Uriah fast full 8 inch do Twenty do Green and blue full size Dinner do Ten do Edge Dishes from 9to 20-inches Five hhds edge Tcueess, Cover Disuf.s, sauce Tureens, Saucl Boats, and square and scolloped Saiuji Howls Twocrates edge Oval Rakers or Fuddibo Dish es, 6 sizes BLUE PRIN lEDpVARE. bix hhds Cup, Tea, Dessert, Rreakfast, Cake anu Dinner Plates, Soups and Flats of 10 patterns One do Water Plates with stoppers Fjwe do Sauce Boats, Sauce Tureens, Sallad ®P Bowl and Bakers Two do Sour Tureens, stands and Ladles com plete Six do Double Diming Sets latest patterns, two hundred pieces to each set Three do sets do British Views, patterns nearly all different and the engravings ex * ecuted in a very superior sly Ic Six do blueprinted! wi.ks&i Basins usual-sizes Three do do Cuambeiis, assorted sizes Three do bowls varied sizes Iwo do Pi cchliis gadon Ac with and without covers Two do Mugs with and without covers Fancy Fruit Baskets cut out with diamonds Brush TRats with ami without covers. Soap Boxes, Got Curs, Foot Pass, Wise Coql- XBs, &C CbiliUtai’,-. Tot Tea *kts blueprinted Uveakfast (Fare Two hhds fine blue Primed Biieakvxst .Vaheoi long sets, tw o patterns One do oval and round ButtihTubs with and w ithout fiXc stands Six crates London Irish and Bowl size Curs and ~ SAuetns, without handles Six do do do w ith handles, bold patterns Porringer and other saleable stupes Two hhds Oval Tkai’uts, 4 sizes Two do round do 4 sizer, with Sugar and creams to match One do Grecian Coffee Pots 2 sizes LUSTRE : ELF WARE, Two hhds Silver and Gold Lustre out Lustre Landscape Pitciieus raiseu figures and plain, Brunswick .-ha[ e, Salts, Peppers, Butter tubs ‘ c. CHINA. Sets of common Chika, assorted patterns, grape \ in*-. Rote Ac 54 pieces at low prices Dp do Packed in Boxes for the convenience ofthe country trade Long Sets of Luttie and enamelled China 48 .V cues and Saucebs with C. Hee l’ot com tT plete and excellent patterns Sots of fiNE China, Landscape and Gold Lines 68 Pieces Do do Purple Landscape and Gold l ines 68 Pieces Do do white and (sold Lines same quantity Do do leaf and gold lines and sprigg do do Do do Nursery pattern in colors anu gold lines* Do do bui'Euii'DitLsiiKN enibosxfcd, green and purple, in colors, gold lines, hand and sprig, one hundred and ten pieces to each set— Duuble Sets. Lilac and brown pearl figures, hunting pattern, Bnmswick and Dutch shape Pitcukjis, 3 ffzes Do do lfgi’okl lines and bands* A great variety uLFloweh Uiiss, Chimney On NAxiENTs, bronzed, painted landscape in gold, of various quantities in the sets Puxcr Bowes, fine china, gold lines atul band. GLASS. A full assortment of Straw Tumblers, Gutman Decanters, flint English do. Wines, Cla rets, amt CuAMFinxK Glasses—ButteU Tubs; \\ ateh Bottles, &c. Do do do in molded glass Cruets, Pepeers, Mustaurs, and Oils, for cas tors Comiials, Winks, Lemokaoes, Jellies, Tcm- HLKIIS, UeCANTXHS, UCTTEH TciS, CILLK -111 (i LASSES, RIaUKS, SiI,LAH UoWLS, Pyn i *k's, &C of cut glass and of various pat terns Setsof Cut Glass complete, ornamented with OiAMuNns,flutes and hitches Rich expensively cut with diamonds large Sal 1-au Howls Fanct TtiAssrAiiENT Lamjs, ornamented with flowers and landscape paintings, with chains, i*c. In regard localities, pattern*, sizer, amt bri ces of thg foregoing articles, the public will un doubtedly compare and judge for themselves and they are respectful!) vequ -sted to do so The packing branch of this concern is conduct ed ly hands whose skill lias been formally vears ascertained by experience. Assorted crates for tite country trade will be always.kept on hand, and sold at a moderate advance. As the price list is made up exclusively upon the principle of cash payments or town acceptances, the rule will be inflexibly maintained, and it is hop ed no exception can possibly be taken to its ob servance, either by retail or wholesale custom e : „„ JOHN THOMAS. dec 23 5w 4$ Notice. / THE subscribers having coßr.ecLed them selves in business under the firm of * s ALFXANDF.R, ofTer for sale on good terms ALBANY AI.E, GOSHEN IiUTTEII, tec. Just landing from brig Levant, at Jones upper wharf, 40 bids Albany double Ale, expressly prepar ed for this climate 10 firkins superior Goshen Butter 10 bbls Corn -Veal 10 do buck wheat do 13 casks best kind Goshen Cheese 10 boxes bloom Babins 25 M Spanish Segars . 12 kegs sweet scented Virginia Tobacco 3 do ladies’ twist do 5 bags Coffee : Mustard by the box or doz. 14 bbls country Gin ; Cognac Brandy Jamaica, St Croix and N E Rum, By the hod. or barrel Holland Gin ; Y’oting Hyson Tea, in ten catty boxes ; Sugar by the hjjd. orbbl. ; Loaf and Lump do : and in store, a gen eial assortment of Groceries JOSEPH Gil BBS, ROBERT ALEXANDER, Taylor’s wharf. They would also inform their friends that they are sole agents for this city for two f the most celebrated Brewirtg establishments in the state of New-Y’ork, namely, Law A Burridge’s New Burgh and R Dunlop’s* Albany, a supply of whose Ale will be kept constantly on hand and warranted good. Also, Boyd AM’Culloch’s Albany Ale. dec 3 John C. Michel, INFORMS his friends ami the public generally, that he has removed from Mr. Slouf Surveil ler’s to Bryan-street, opposite the Merchant’s Hotel, where he will attend those gentlemen who are desirous of reaming the Violin, Flute, or Vocal Music. He will give lessons on the Pianno and also lessons accompaniments to those Ladies who are so far advanced as to play Sonatas or pieces requiring accompaniment of Violin, Flute or Bass. Apply to Fanl F. Thomas son, Esq. or to Isidore Stouff, Surveyor. FOR SaLE—An excellent new PIANO, (Ctementim’s make) from London, nov 9 4 The Library, IS open for the delivery of Hooks, Monday, Wednesday and Friday, from 4 to 6o’clock, 1* M 30 dec 10 . Planters Bank. AN Election for thirteen Directors on the part of the Stockholders of this Bank, w ill ne held at the Banking-House, on the first Mon day in January, being the 7th day of the month. Poll will be opened at 9 o’clock, A. M. be clos ed at 2P. M —will be re-opentd at 3 o’clock and finally closed at 5 o’clock. As no business cun be done in consequence of the election, paper falling due on that day must be taken up on the Saturday previous. dec 20 38 J MARSHALL, Cashier. Picked Up, adrift, * Small Boat, which the owner can have by proving, property ami paying .for this ad vertisement, on applying to capt. Tucker ua board the brig Huron dec 27 43 Ten Dollars Reward. I • ANAWaY irom ihc subsenber in Scriven 11. County, on the 16th Dec. his negro fellow Peter, about 47 years old, 6 feet high, and has one tooth out tr. front; ihe above reward will be paid lor the apprehension and securing him in any jail, so that I mavget him. dec 28 tH4 ‘ JNO JACKSON. Landing, 4 |tOU sale from the slop .tinea, John Johnston Jr. .Master, at Bolton’s wharf. 1W M Laths -6 do seasonable Merchantable Boards 12 do 3 by 4 Joist do large sized Bricks, dec oi 46n Nankin and Canton Crapes. 2 cases oix. and colored Nankin Crapts, ia J ps 2 do do Canton do uo 1 do do silk Handkerchiefs vV ith a gi eat many other Goods, just received per ship Augusta, from New-York, and for sale F. GL.i.C i & Cos. jan 1 nl Johnston’s square. **” ‘ ’ “” “ ■ ■■ - - * Pure Old Jamaica Rum, &c. 10 punenn’i, receiver direct fn, t Liverpool, per ship Jane, very high prool and well flavored 20 pipes very superior cognac Uranoy, 4th pf. 10 do Ilouanti Gin—unadulterated Madeira, Stcny Madeira, l>.nenl!e Malaga Wines Ruienoui'g Gm in bbls 20 bbls Balt, rye Whiskey, old and 4th pf. 20 hhds old is O Sugar, prime quality 1 20 bbls St. Croix do 20 do Loat and Lump do Hyson, gunpowder, imperial & black Teas iUO ooxes F. Doolittle’s aoap, Ist quality 50 uo Denver's l roy Candles ’ 50 do sperm do Patent bhot. Nos! 1, 2, 8, 4,5, 6,7, 8,9, 11, lily. Mould Shot, S. SG. SSG. and SS3. liar Lead Dupont’* Powder, direct from the mills— FF. and I FF. *0 boxes fresh Muscatel Raisins 30 haif bbls Buckwheat Meal JU bbls mess Fork 20 lit bbis T. Giobous’ Fly-mat ket Beef Fatuut Hoes, Nos. 1,2,3 and 4 Ileers’ Axes—best American Spades Richmond Tobacco, Nos. I and 2 Spanish Segars, Ist and 2d quality , r,lrn g and wrapping Paper ” 111 ulul, y other articles, comprising a gen eral assortment of Groceries, tor sale in large or small quantities oh accommodating terms by l 9J TUFtHTrejBD. dec 24 v4l Exchange Store*. Whiskey, W ine sc. JUST received per ship Augusta and schr V isiter, 25 bbls Whiskey 5 qr Casks Samos Wine * . 3 half pipes Malaga do 10 boxes Soap 1500 bunches Onions in Store, Gin. Rum, Brandy, Tobacco, Soap. Candles 1 otatoes, Apples, Butter, Herrings and a gener al assortment of Groceries, For sale by ° o -o BENJ.F. TAYUjR. J lu 3 *2 liices’ Wharf. William Bose, fgTAS received by the Georgia from Liverpool wLI ®nd recent arrivals from New-York, a handsome assortment of FANCY and STAPLE GOODS —among which are : Inserting Trimmings (very wide,) and Flounces Inserted and flounced Muslin Robes Sewed Tippets, Collarets and Hook Muslin Handkerchiefs 4-4, 6-4 plain and figured Nansook, Mull A * Book Muslin Corded and printed -Muslirs, Calicoes and Ginghams Caroline and silk Plaids ■ Black Canton and Nankin Crapes Furniture narrow corded and cambric Dimities Steam Loom Shirting and white Homespuns Irish Sheeting, Linena, Diapers, A Long Lawns Black Boinbazeen and figured Poplin Black, plain and figured ‘Jombazetts White, green, red and Woe Manuels Green and blue Baizes and Servants Cloih Superfine blue and black Cloths and Cassimeres Superfine Pelisse Cloths and Cas<imere Shawls Carpetings and ready made Cnrpe s White and mixt Plains and Blankets Union Stripes, Den ies, Checks amt Ilkfs Linen Cambrics ami Cambric llawlfcerchf* India, German and English silk Ilkfs 4-4 plain and figured bo’ainet Lace, very fine Bobinet ahd English double ground thread Lace Ladies and Gentlemen’s white and black silk do do cotton and worsted Hose [rib’d Hose do do silk, castor and beaver Gloves Hemming’s silver eyed Need I *. , and Holt’s cot ton Threads Together with a variety of other, articles too numerous to mention, for sale on the mast ac commodating terms, at the sign of the Golden Fleece, Gibbons Buildings. lm dec 10 Killams, Hills £5 Wells, H Merchant Tailors. AVE removed to the brick store on the Bay, next door below the Post-office, where they have opened, an extensive assortment of Extra Super and Common Broadcloths, Cassimeres, Ves tings, Bjc. They have procured from New-York, and else- 1 where, the latest fashions and the best of work men ; arid flatter themselves that they will be able to give general satisfaction to all who favor them with their custom. Also, Ilecdved, A large assortment of Gentlemen's ready made CLOTHING, of their otvn manufacture, and in the newest fasliion 96 oct 30 * W>l. M AItSELI-, SASH JJ* FAN-LIGHT MAKER. HAS taken a stand on liie corner of Market and Montgomery sts, where he continues ( to manufacture all kinds of articles in his line ‘such as Sashes, Fanlights, Side Lights, Ac which lie warrants will be of the most fashiona ble workmanship, and at reduced prices to suit the times. Orders from the country will be received and promptly attended to. The Editors of the Augusta Herald, and Da rien Gazette, will please insert the above five times and forward the bill to the Museum Office for payment. 37 dee 17 Ingrained Carpeting. AIMIE subscribers have just received an as- A sortment of wide Ingrained Carpeting, of a superior quality, which they oiler for sale on accommodating terms. BLANCHARD, BROTHERS A Cos. Anderson’s builtUngs. on the Bay. —also— -3 cases double and single barrel Guns 800 lb Sewing Twine 3 6j. and 10 inch Cables 150 dozen Cologne Water. 26 dec 5 Removal. EDWARD COPPER has removed lo the wrst corner of Markt t square, in the store adjoining that of Messrs. Clelaml A Fraser, where lie offers at wholesale and retail, a com plete assortment of Fresh DRUGS and MED ICINES, on the Lowest terms, for cash or ap proved paper. 39 dec 21 Notice. AN Election will be held at the Independent Presbyterian Church, on the first vfondav in January next, for Five Trustc-ns for the en suing year. OLIVER Si URGES, dec 20 39 Chairman board of Trustees. -dm , -■■ ■ - ‘ _ N oticc. Tnfc subscribers arc prepared to Discount promptly every day, approved Paper, not having more tlum ninety days to run, at 6 per cent, and pay the proceeds of such discount % Checks on-Au rusta, if preferred bvthe offerer, dec 18 36 CUMMING A G4VATHMKY Notice, ALL persons having demands against the es tate of G. 11. Richard, widow late of Cam den County, will hand them in properly attest ed, and those indebted to said estate are reques ted tcynake immediate pavment. - JOHN C. RICHARD, Executor. St. Mary’s, dec 23 s|* 48 .* Notice. JOSEPH BACON has formed a connection in business with Mr. A. DANFORTH, under the firm of HACO.V & IJ. t.VFOJtTIf, they offer their services to their fiends and the pub lie in the commission line, for the purchase of cotton and disposition of all kinds of merchan dise, on which they will make liberal advances if required. JOSEPH BACON. Augusta, Dec 24. ft A. DAN FORTH. Valuable Ileal Property fur Sale. PALERMO, in Bryan county, situated upon a navigable Salt Creek, tributary to the Med way River, and containing 680 acres ol land • of which 320 are goodpotton land, 80 of Swamp, capable of being easily drained, and rendered fit for Corn ( the residue of the land well Umber ed ; the buildings on Hie place are good, the situation healthy, and the Orchard one of the best in the lower country. For terms apply to RICHARDTUOUP KEATING, 7 Bryan county, or to , „ B.K.tfS. STILES, dec .5 n§ 41 Savannah. Old Irish Whiskey, A fewdemijohns superior Old Irish Whiskey —applyto JAMES MAGEE, l'.ov 20 SSB Valuable Beal Estate fv- 1 . B TWO LOT? fronting on Biv ami Jo'};., ,® streets, with the improvements the!,-,® consisting of two ranges t-f Buildings, v.ofl strocted for a Public Boarding House oi>® side, £nd on the other for Stores or Conn® Rooms. ® These Buildings, from their situation ® extent, and t heir construction, are well ‘;,(k®> ed for aihey were planned for this pose, and have beep so used under the Harr I Washington Hall. One’ Lot fronting on Jnachim-street, vv.t,® improvements thereon, known as the 7./„,..® Uo’el. There are two spacious Dwelling ll<,u® tv o stories each, w suitable back buildt® calculated for the accommodation of families ® for a house of'entertainnrent, as heretofore us® This Property will be sold low and on®, commodating terms, if early application ® made to * GEORGE SCJII.F.V, fl dec 20 ImSB ‘ Moil, Commerce. /,‘j,® To Rent. The well known establishment cs® ’*3lg22i ed the Georgia Hotel, (now in the occ® pation of Mr C lievilD The premises uiFo® every convenience for a Tavern; and there® a dwelling where families couhlbe Idßi-ed, .1 taclied from I lie-public house. The stable ® wry commodious, and; he whole estahiislim® warrants the belief of its enjoying a considei;M hie share of country and other custom, from® vicinity to the Steam-Boat Wharves, the t>rii® pal Lumber Yards, and the mark; t in Kl!i® square. Possession can be given on the Ist ® January. For term* apply to JOS. GUMMING, Fast end of Bulloch’s buildinc dec 4 25 For Rent, . Those two fire-proof Mores, opposite As drew Low ACo Johnson’s square, * fitted ts preskly for Dry Good btorea, and deserve attention of such as are connected in that busi ness. Rents moderate. For terms apply to CRANE & BARER, 0 ;t GARDNER TUFTS. ■V 8 - Inborn Bevill, INFORMS Ins friends that he has leased t! ie Georgia Hotel, and that be will undertake the superintendence of the same from the 15th. He hopes that his arrangements will be such as to meet the approbation of the aid friends of the Establishment, and ensure him a portion of nnhbr. patrnnaee *B7 ~,.t y Livery Stables. GIDEON DALY ami JOHN WAMACK have ta ken the Stables attached to the Georgia Hotel, and have made such ar rangements that their customers may rest as suied that the greatest attemion will'continue to he paid to Horses placed under theircare. Carriages, Chairs and Gigs, with good liors. es well broken to the harness and saddle, will always be furnished the public on reasonable hire. Expresses will be despatched at short notice to any part of the country. 87 oct 9 Notice. GF.ORGE NEW HALL has removed to the new Store in Whitaker street, opposite Jusiah Penfielll’s, where he lias fur sale an ex tensive assort meat of Boots and Slioes, at low prices, for cash or city acceptances. 2m nov 10 yfpHE subscriber lias nuw open and tor un; at his store in Whitaker-st. near Col Shell man’s Mansion House, a choice assortment of Spiritous Liquors, the best of old Wines, Teas of the latest importation, and double refined loaf Sugar, wltidh are ottered at reasonable terms'. Cognac Brandy, Jamaica Spirits St. Croix do, Portland Rum Holland Cin. Brig Hope’s cargo of 1819, Pierpoints Gin Madeira Wine, Gordon’s brand Imported in the brig Oriental, in 1815. Lisbon Wine, Port do Betsey and Uerthia cargo. e Gun Powder, Huntress cargo") Imperial, London Traders do l „ Hyson, Ontario’s do f 1 fc *Ys. Young Hyson, Huntress dJ AUGUSTUS CORNWALL. nov 23 20 Whiskey , Fork, &c. 220 bbls best Rye Whiskey 50 do prime Pork 20 casks Goshen Cheese 30 firkins do Butter, in double firkins 20 casks Shot, assorted sizes 20 hf bbls flymarket Bets, warranted 2 C springs Leather top Gigs with pla ted Harness. Landing from brig Belvidere at Taylor’s wbarlj for sale by C C GRISWOLD fc Cos. dec 27 43 JUST Landing from schr. Laura, one Ele gant Coachee, Philadelphia Built, and will be sold low for Cash or town acceptance. ZIT.OTES DAY, Corner of Bryan U'est Broad streets. jan 3 §s 2 Corn. 700 Busheh primg white Corn, For £ ale by . „ „ P L. WICKS, jan 3 s Jones’ lower Ifhnrf. A most choice assortment of Newly imported FRENCH GOODS, S"pHF, subscribers have just received eftw 4A from France, by the ship Imperial, via N. York, an extensive assortment of Marino Shawls and Scarves, Linen Cambrics, French Lawn, Cambric Hdkfs, all descriptions of silk Goods, Embroidered Muslin bands, Plain Figured anil plaid Ribbons, Bombazine, Gloves, Capers, Bobbins, Floss Cotton, extra super blue cloth and Perfumery, which they offer, wholesale, a! a moderate advance. BLANCHARD BROTHERS & Cos. Anderson’* Buildings on the Bay. —ALSO— 10 cases Paper Hangings 1 do double and single barrel Guns, stipe lior quality 3 do 6s, 9$ and 10 inch Cables An invoice ol Ingrai ne Carpeting, jan 4 3t