The Savannah museum. (Savannah, Ga.) 182?-1822, January 08, 1822, Image 1

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PUBLISHED DAILY DY COSAM EMIB BARTLET- Ale, 21 bbls ALE, landing ri>om bri K N **' ve ’ lor gale by C C GRIS WOLD & CO. In Store for sale as above, 90 bbls prime Beef I 280 do superline Flour 50 kegs Richmond Tobacco 50 boxes Soap 50 do Candles 8 firkins Goshen Butter 20 bbls Loaf Sugar 3 Marble Chimney Pieces dec ~t Planters’ Bank , I. DivinEsn ho. 18. W Dividend of Three per cent, for the lasi |ix months, on the capital stock of the Bank, lias been declared this day, and will be paid to Stockholders on and after Thursday next. f J. MARSHALL, | dec 4 n§2s Cashier. Flour, Oil sjc. 200 bbls superfine Howard Street Flour I 13 bbls Linseed Oil I ‘ 50 Firkins Goshen Butter 100 Boxes Muscatel Bait ins 100 Kegs white Lead ground in Oil 10 do ‘ black Paint 5 do Spanish Brown 2 bbls Putty Lauding and for sale by ; an 4 3 HALL fr lIOVT. L. H. Sage % Cos. Kp OFFF.K FOB SALE, Br IFTY chests and half chests Hyson Tea 50 bags Coffee 20 pipes India Point Gin ■ 150 bbls mess and prime Beef I 50 do prime Pork I 50 bbls Sugar, superior quality 50 kegs No 1 and 2 manufactured Tobacco I 20 M superior Spanish Segars 100 M American do 50 bbls Cider 1 100 boxes mould Can lies 50 do Snap 20 firkins Butter 1000 bushels Corn I 20 boxes fresh. Raisins BiVith a general assortment of GROCERIES. f .leu 37 40 , Bale /iopc. MF 50 coils patent Bale Hope of superior quality Biorsale hv AUrCHELL &. iIABOLfc.I l. [ dec 22 41 >i’ , ‘ / Just Received 80 Boxes Muscatel Baisins 40 do Bloom do I 40 do first quality Goshen Cheese 6 do Pine Apple do I 10 do English Mustard 9 40 bbls NO Sugar 30 do St Croix do 50 kegs fresh Crackers, 20 halt bbls do I 12 pipes Cognac Brandy, first quality 10 puncheons genuine oh? Jam Bum B 40 bbls Loaf Sugar B 15 qr cask Malaga Wine | 20 do do Teneriffe do B 10 do do \Vrtiie Wine Vinegar ■3O casks London Porter, 30 bags Coffee Currants, Almonds, Cordials assorted Fruit, preserved in syrup Brandy Mess Pork, prime do Mess Beef, prime do Fly-rnSrket Beef, kitts of round do Kitts of Salmon, Candles, Soap R| And a general assortment of Groceries. GAUDIIY Si DUFaURE. B dec 24 41n§ - _ B Dearborn's Patent Balances. B/\F all sizes, constantly for sale by MJ tc h ayward. I i nov 15 (. 9 _ I Pl •ime Vlolasses, iron <!se. 50 hh ‘.3 Retiiiiing Molasses 200 Bags double boiled East India Sugars 10 Tons Ax F>ar Iron 20 hhds Muscovado Sugar. Landing this day from Sloop Susan, and for sale by E. WILLIAMS k Cos. dec 17 35 . Corn. 400 Bushels Com afloat, For Sale by dec 22 40 L. H. SAGE ff Cos. Boots and Shoes, Ks BIIIE subscriber nns just received by tlie late E .O. arrivals iron. New- York anil Boston a large ■assortment of il*’ot<s & Slices selected purticu- Kaiiy for Country Market, Viz: re lUUG pair Ladies’ black Morocco Slips 30b do do do do Walking 500 do do Roans >OO do do Leather welted 300 do do do Pumps 000 do uo col’il English Kid joodo ’ do white do do 100 do do black Morocco Hoots lUCii)'do Gent’s. fine wax’d calfskin Shoes, sewed, nailed and pegg’il • 500 ilo Ho do do Bootees nail’d 3bo do do Morocco Shoes do 300 do common lin’d & bound do do 200 do do Bootee* do 2CO do A Ne gro Shoes do 200 do Misses black Morocco Slips ” TOO do do do do Walking tOb do do Leather llamps 300 do Childrens col’J More. Shot s ‘(*00 do do .do do Bootees iOO do do do do Shoes Black and colored .Morocco Skins Hair Trunks and Day &. Martins Blacking Which will be sold low bv the package or doz n. for cash or city acceptances only. E. UYTHINGTON, dec 22 40 iw It ■side the Market. 70 kegs ? I’OWDEd, received from the 3tK) cannisters 5 Vulcan and Ited Stone Mills, which we warrant to be equal to any in this market—for sale by L. U. SAGE £sf 4 CO. . dec 27 43 I To Renty *;jS3gi The store recently occupied by thfe ! Linal subscribers in BuPorh’s buildings. Ap gly to MITCHELL & lI.VItTU.T I’, jap 4 e 3 Janet’ Building.. THE SAVANNAH MUSEUM. Frederic Sclleck, , fTAS just received and offers for sale, Low n tor cash, produce, or town paper only, 30 bbls prime Muscovado Sugar 80 ‘ do Howard st Balt superfine Flour 20 do Bye Whiskey 20 do No 3 Mackerel 10 do N Gin 5 hhds Bye Whiskey 2 hhds imitation Jamaica Bum 15 bags prime Havana Coffee 1000 bush. Liverp. Ground Salt 5 tons Swedes Iron assorted 5 do Hollow Ware. Eng. and American 50 ps Cotton Bagging 10 casks Cheese 1000 pounds Share Moulds l 40 small boxes No 1 Soap 40 doz Carolina Weeding Hoes I 100 reams Wrapping Paper 16 doz American Axes § 20 kegs Dupont’s Powder Shot assorted 1500 wt prune new BaCon, sa’tpelved Brown Shining, Plaids and Stripes Plains, Calico, Shoes, flats And almost every article suitable for town or country. €& To Kent— a large and convenient ell Store amt Cellar fronting Barnard street, in C Gildon’s new brick Building, reut very Low. BILLS OF EXCHANGE, On New York and Providence, for sale as a bove. 35 ‘ ’'Cl l .. .j. —.—. — < “iffi i- * - —■ Whiskey, Brandy, Teas, vc. IMIK subscribers having entered into copart . nership, under the firm of RICH A ill )S 8 BANKS, inform their friends and the public, thut they have taken the Stores, BoltwPs Cen tral wharf, Where they now offer Jor Sale, 103 b ,1s superfine Flour, Philad. tnspec. 40 hlids Philad Ist quality Bye Whisk.y 50 bbls do do 20 pipes Domestic Brandy 50 bbls do Gin 3 pipes superior 4tb proof Cog Brandy 3 lihds Jamaica Spirits 5 do Holland Gin • Jjttff . 200 boxes Ale, Porter and Cflfcr 30 bbls PbiladStrong Beer 50 boxes mould Candles 50 do Muscatel Baisins ICOO wt Lump and Loaf Sugar Gunpowder, Imperial, Hyson, and Young Ily- i son Teas, in chests, and half chests, Late importations Nutmegs, Cloves and Ginger, in kegs 50 reams Letter Paper 10 do blue medium do 10 do Writing do ais6— An invoice superior black Leghorn Hats ■ 1 case Boots and Shoes. JOSEPH BICIIAUDS, dec 21 39 sss P. M BANKS. Plays. THOMAS LONG WORTH fY AS iost received an extensive assortment U of SINGLE PLAIIS, making his present collection of Tragedies, Comedies, Operas, Me lo-Dramas, Farces, Stz. eqmttto any in America, among which are the following-new ones : Mrandola, a Tragedy, by Barry Cornwall— piice37Jcts Damon of Pythias, a Tragedy, by (Richard Sin :1, F.sq. author of the ‘Apostate,”—2s cts. The Ftrest of /lozeinvalde, or Travellers Be niff’,ted, a Meh.-Drama, by J. Stokes—l 9 cts. The Warloclc “J the dlen, a Melo-Drama— —12 cents 1 The lady and the Devil, a Mu sical Drama, by VV. Dim ’fid—-7.9 cents. The Dr imisso'y Note, an Operatta—l2,} cts. dec ! 8 36 , . Potatoes, Butler , djc. 50 bbls Irish Potatoes 10 do Prime Becf£l 10 do Pilot Ulead; 15 firkins Butter 6 halt bbls l’ Gibbons Fly market BcefjSf 20 boxes Soap 10 do fresh Baisins 400 pair Negro Shoes Sounds and Tongues, Cranberries, etc. For Side by NEWMAN & BLAIR, dec 28 ‘ n 43 Ex change Wharf. I'WENTY-fire boxes Soap 20 do rose do 1 bale Russia Sheetings Hessians Oilcloth Carpeting 1 Grecian Soft 1 Gig and Harness For sale by dec 31 46 1. HANMEU. Powder. Prices L. educed. Boston Glass, Liverpool, India China Aj” Earthen Warehouse. N. H. JIAUT. Respectfully informs die cuisens of Savannah and he has received pr. the late arrivals ftomßoston, New York and Charleston, in addition’ to his exten sive and general assortment, a replenishment of the following: Sandwicli Breakfast and Supper setts, with Ma hogany t rat s Hot water l’lates and Dishes Bathing and Oyster Tubs, Dairy Pars Jars with and without covers Childrens Tea sets, India do do and Dinner services. Flower and Hyasynth Glasses Candle and socket shades Store, Hall, Entry and safety Lamps, plain and engraved, Plain and Kichbutt Goblets ami Ccllery Glasses Setts Desk covers, patent Cheese Toasters ‘Teakettles with heater* and stands Tumbler and Wine Baskets, With a number of oilier articles which the subscriber invites the public in general tp call at his establishment, examine Ins wares and judge whether bis cxeruont are wanting to please them, as to the quality and prices of therm 3 , .i* ll 4 Coffee § Flour. 9 Hhds prime green Coffee 400 superfine Balt. Howard street Flour For sale by j an 3 2 B: WILLIAMS i* Cos. TUESDAY MORN INGr-JANUARY 8, 1822. Gin, Buttei*, Pork, £sc. LANDING, ami for sale by the subscriber from schrs. Etna, and Plioebe, and slooj Hesper, this day, 7 pipes Holland Gin 6 do liutenburg do > 50 bbls do 50 do India Point do 50 do Dutch Point do 30 kegs Butter, for family use 25 bbls prime Pork 10 do cargo do 7 boxes currant Wine 3 hhd* high proof N. Burn 25 boxes Muscatel Baisins “5 do bloom do 50 bbls Potatoes Pipes Cognac Brandy 1 case brown Sheetings 15 boxes mould Candles 40 boxes Soap 10 bbls Greenings 20 do sweet Cider 5 do Vinegar In Store, 50 bbls Boston Bum 40 half boxes hyson Tea 4'; 10 pipes old Gin Wrapping Paper, PlaidgJ Pepper, Ginger, &c. 8. MAN! ON, dec 1 23 . Rice's isharf. .lust l?ecciva|f, 5(100 lbs Scotch Patent Collage 3.000 do common and all sizes to 5 inches round 10 bbls Burton Ale “ * 100 boxes No ISoap Hyson in chests, 13 ibs and 6 lbs boxes Young Hyson in 6 lb do Souchong do 40 boxes Imperial Gun Powder do Ana for sale by A. SMITH ft J TURNER. dec 20 38 j, Seasonable Goods, QTjp Cheap for cask ! ! ! 41 HE subscriber has for sale, at his Ware Loom, No. 7, Commerce Row, an assortment of the following Goods, which were purchased in New-York at auction by the package on the best terms, and which he will dispose of at a small advance: Extra superfine London Cloths, blues, blacks and drabs Middling do do Extra sup. Casrtij teres, drab mixtures, white and buff [lilies 4-4 Irish Linens in half pieces of various qua -7-8 Dowlas, 7-8 Drngheilas, and 34 Long Lawns, 10 qualities 84, 94, 104, 11-4 and 12-4 Bose Blankets Blue Plains, Vestings, and Wir©Cotton Irish Diaper Plain, pear! edge, striped, embroidered and pound Ribbons Floss Cotton Glass, Ivory, gilt find suspender Buttons Black and white plain and embroidered silk Hose, Silk Gloves Cotton and silk WcbbSnisrlf uJcrs Velvet Ribbons, Gingham* add Calicoes Book Mushns, Scotch Lawns Inserting Trimmings Blue, pink, and green fiirnred Silk Gauze While and black Lace Veil* Imitation .Merino and Dresses Elegant striped Silks Cravats, worsted Trimmings, fancy Luce Ilkfs Sisterfiov Ilkfs Sooty Romals Striped Lenos, Figured Book Muslins Britannia Ilkfs, Linen Cambric do Purple Shawls, Carlisle Giiighanls Needle Work Ruffles, Bc. Bvc. —Also— -6 bbls of Cherry Brandy C do Columbian Ci'See, and 4 patent Balance Beams and Weights com plete. Tfie subscriber’s arrangements will enable him to receive from New-Vork by every arrival, such other articles in the Dry Good line as the market may need. dec 5 .n —tlfJO FRANCIS 8H A\ ■ Fishing Seines. ? tPHE subscribers oiler for sale, Four Fishing I. Seines, 80 to 109 yards in Length, 18 feet ir t'e middle and 12 at the ent s. dec 25 1 42 WM T • Y1.0.R k SON. Mahogany Furniture, Piano Fortes, Curie i Hair Matrasses Feather Beds, Chairs, dfc. fIMJE subscriber, agent for the well known 1 Factory of D PHYFE>, in the city of N .-w- York, respectfully informs the citizens of Sa vannah, that lie has brought to this city n large v fi,lf assortment of C AIIINET FURNITURE, consisting of the following articles : Side Boards, with and without Liquor Cases Sets of Dining Tables, single do. Sofas and Couches, Rosewood and Mahogany Pier Tables, with marble tops, Card Tables Tea Tables, Breakfast Tables, Dressing Ta bles, with and without glasses Rosewood and Mahogany Work Tables do do Writing do Secretaries, Bonk Cases, Bureaus Double and single Wash Stunds, Ward Robes Butlers’ Trays and Stands, Piano Sti-ols Music Bookcases, Mahoginy Chairs . Curled Maple do, Rose woof do. High post Rosewood Bedsteads, Fieldjdo do do Mahogany do. Feld do. do do Curled Maple dt field do Dressing Glasses, of every |lescriptioo Piano Fortes, the newest .wsic, &c. Double and single curled hai Matrasses do do feather Beds iU he best quality A large assortment of Chaiii. * All the above articles will|be arranted to stand the climate, and the subscribe, invites the public generally to call and view fort *uiselves at Iris Repository, \ Church Building*, eflwsite Gibbon, n, Hidings. J. W.jViOHKALL. N. B. Tlie subscriber has In night out one of the best workmen, and wiR al end to those who wish their Furniture repairedwr varnished, nov 12 6 ‘ .‘2® The Subscriber offers for sale, fUHRF.E Humsaiidjuisfieb of heavy rough | KICK. dec 20- • ,45 JO EPH STILES. lirng Chemical Warehouse. ’ jit the Comer of ’ Whitaker and Congress streets, Shades Buildings. FRANCIS J. LAY, OFFERS AT WHOLESALE. OH RETAIL, Genuine Urugs, Medicines, Perfumery, etc. XXf r'-REANTED Fresh, and of the first qua- T v lily, at the Lowest prices. Amongst which are Antimony crude Rhubarb root . Alcohol do powdered A lues soct. do hepat Beil Percipitate Arrowroot, Amis seed Ross water, Busin’ \ssafqtida, Alum Unfit cflron Angelica root Gum elastic, Spatulas Angostura bark Scales and weights Aqua fortis Marble mortars Ahtimouia! wine Composition do Iron do Arsenic Ivory rejection pipe* Acid muriatic, do nitric do syringes do nitrous, do tariaric Syringin quads inboxs do sulphuric do pints, do i pints Bark yellow, do red do male and female do pale, do in quill Congress 8c spring wait Balls Capeva Lemon acid do Canada, do Peru Soda powders do Tolu Salts of Lemon Barbados tar Cologne water Borax ref and Wash balls Burgundy Pitch Windsor soap Bole Armenia Transparent do Beeswax yellow Liquid do do white _ Lows perfumed do Brimstone roll Naples do do refid Pomatum in sticks Caster Oil American do in pots assorted do do VV India Rosewater Castor Russia Lavender do Camphor rt-f and Fancy vials Calomel ppt Essences as6\l Cantharides, do pulv Sal Ammoniac Cammomile Hewers do Volatile Canella alb. do soda Caraway seed do Rochelle Cardamon seed do Tarter C'ascarilla bark do Epsom Cassia, Cinnamon do Glauber Casiile soap while do Niter refined do colored Solut Arsenic fli.iira Cloves, Cochineal Spts Ammonia Colfimbo root, do powd do hartshorn Chalk prepared do’d Coriander seed do Wine Cream Tartar pulv do camphor Corrosive sublimate do Nit. I c'c Carmine Sassafras b.wk Conserve rqses Sarsaparilla Caustic Lunar Spo.-pe fine, do course Dragons blood Saffron Spanish Digit,JtS do English Dovers powders do American F.psgm salts Eng. Savin, senna Alex Ether sulph. Ergot Spermaceti Elder blossoms Snake root Virg Emery fine do sencka, squills do No 1,2 and 3 Storex, salts hartshorn Elixir paragoric Sugar Lead do vitriol Syrup squills Extract eicuter do simple do gentian, do Lead Tart Emetic, Tapioca Flour sulphur Tinct Aloes compil’d do benzoin do Myrrh, Flaxseed, Fennel do do Valerian filings siecl, do Iron do snake root Frankincense do Assaicctida Glauber salts do Benzoin comp’d Galls Aleppo do Cantharides Galbanutn, Ginseng do senna Gold Thread do Rhubail) Gentian root do barkhuxhams Glass Antimony do Peruvian bark Ginger race do Opium, do castor do’ powdered do Muriat Iron Grains paradise do columbo rout Gum ammoniac do Kino, do Jalap _ do Senegal do guiac, do Valerian’ do arabic, do powd do Gentian comp’d do kino, do benzoin Vinegar distilled do tragacanlh do squills do Myrrh Vilerian root do sliellac, do Copa Vitriolataled Tartar do mastich Vitriol white, do blue do gamboge do green and . scameny. - Patent medicine Uc llelebore black Batemans drops do white British Oil Hiera Picra Essence peppermint Honey, do of squills Stoughtons bitter* Hoffmans anodyne Godfrey’s cordul Isinglass fiteers OpodeWoc Ipecacuanha or hippo Torlidgt-ms hal.s Jalap, Juniper berries Dalbeys carminative Laudanum Duffs Elixir Liquorice root Harlem oil or medeca do powdered, doball mentum do refined Oil Wormseed Lime water, Lead do Pills, Lees New London Magnesia Lump do do Windham do powdered do Anderson* do small square do Hoopers do calcined do Calomel Manna flake, do sorts . do Opium Mezereon, Musk Prussian Blue, l - & a Mustard seed, Mace Fig bine, Kings yellow Nutmegs, Nux vomica Drop Lake, No 1 £sf 2 Opium, Orange peel Flake white, Gsrmine Oxymel squills Ivory btacs, lamp do Oil pennyroyal Indigo Spanish do turpentine Black Lead, red do do tansey, do olive Litharge do peppermint 1 erri de senna do spearmint, do savinfCaster Oi', iu phials! do rosemary l’eragoric do do origamum Laudanum do do cinnamon Antimonial wine do do worm seed Tinct Rhubarb do do Lavender do Assafcetida do do wormwood Dais capevia do do anms seed Sweet Oil do do juniper SptsLaveiuL com, do do Cloves do-camphor do do almonds, doLetnonJ do hartshorn do do bergamot J do sweet Niter do do sassafras gdo Turpentine do do hemlock . Calomel do Oil Fennel . .lalap do ’ do Spruce Tartar Emetic do do Wintergreen . norTr.ES, v do Vitriol Winebittors 3’ Ointment mere Spts hartshorn do Balsicon do Sweet Niter do Cerate do Turpentine; do Simple Sweet Oil do Red percipitatc castor do do Spanish Flies American and W I root, Pearl Ashes Spanisn wh ting • J’earl Barley Button s'-iTe • owdered tin Pumice do • I faster mercurial Powdered blue do Burgundy pitch Copperas do Adhesive Vermillion, Chinese do strengthening do Eng. do Draclu lon Verdigris, Irish Glue do gum, do bfistering in viais. Quassia Ess cinnamon do rasp’d Quicksilver do Lavender Ess Lemon Clown, do. do Evans’s Calc’d .Magnesia BergamulJ Epsom salts, rhubarb Spring Lancets Pe;uvian bark Tooth instruments as’d Cheltenham salts Bougies, Gatla pot* / Her.rys culc’d magnesia.Macaboy stu ff’ Stomachic bitters Liquid blackhig Worm Lozenges French do / Aromatic Tooth paste Black Sealing wax Hinckley* remedy forßcd Wafers. aSs’d do the piles Tooth brushes com Fever Powders 01 0 silver wire 3 and 4 1 hompson’s c; e wafer, ion s large and small Cuppinpp.nd Trepatiing Patent Itch ointment instruments Kef’.J Liquorice Male ond female silver do in |>xes, do com catheters Patent spring Trusses White leather skins common do Eng. mustard by the lb. Durable Tide j„ canisters Med ink powder G't urtd Ginger, race do Islack do Pill l>o_xes Clovcf. cinnamon * Aha! corks, bottle do Rairr Quito Bax tapers * Churches cough drops do for coi?^Jiß|Colds,cSoii- Patent Lint sumptions,, asthmas, I Immb Lancets &.c 8 c do cun.mon Cephalic snuff, for ca* do clewleys tarrhs. Shipmans Garden Seeds, assorted, inboxes. • —ALSO A general assortment of Surgical Instruments, Shop Funrilu'e, Phials, assorted, from half dram to 8 ox. #c. Aj'm * All those who wish to pttrehase, will please call and examine for themselves., j an I Paints, Oil, Window Glass, &c. THE subscriber keeps constantly for sale, at his store in Whitaker-streef, nearly opposite Coh Shellman’s Mto-non House, a large and general supply of Paints. PainicTs’ JrlicJes , Window Glass, Varnishes, Oils, djkv Which he offers at wholesale anil retail, at the lowest prices for cash, produce or approved paper-—viz. 409 kegs London ground white Lead, in 28, 56, and 112 lb kegs 100 kegs American do lO'J do Spanish Brown 100 do Yeilow Ochre 100 do Venetian Bed 50 do Black Pa'itit, 20 do Verdigris s'jO gallon.* Linseed Oil, in bbls anti tierces do spermaceti Lamp Oil 100 do Spirits Tlirp;;;*;,,- •60 do Copai Varnish ."SO jga(.jnM. fio Hi. W i gnnSp 29 packages Gold and Silver I.eaf 3 tons Whiting, 1 do Paris White 59 Ins Clm nir- Yellow, ihU do blue “malls 200 do Dutch Pink 50 do Chinese Vermillion, 5)0 do red Lead 300 do powdered Litharge 2 hhds English Lamp Black, in 1 lb £ lb and i ib papers 30 boxes 10 by 12 English Crown Window 6 do 11 ”16 do do . [Glass 6 do 11 ”18 do do o 6 do 12 ”15 do do do 2 do 12” ! 6 do do* do 4 do 12 ” 18 do do do 4 crates do do do 40 boxes 10” 12 French Glass 10 do 7 ” 9 American Glass, branded Bristol 10 do 7 ” 9 do do EllidKl & Cos. 10 do 8” 10 tlo do tiristol 10 do 8” 10 do do Elliot & Cos. TO do 8” 19 do do Peterborough 10 do 8” ill do .do Cincinnati • 5 do 9” 11 do do Bristol 5 do 9” 11 lo do Eiliot & Co -40 do 19 ”12 do do Bi isto 10 do 10” 12 do do * Elliot 8t Co.l 16 do 10 ”12 do do “Peterborough 20 do 10 ”14 do tlo ‘ Elliot 8a Cos. 1 do Large Picture Glass Flake White Stone Otlire White Lead, dry Spruce do White Chalk Yellow dopowd’d Kings Yellow , Gambago Patent do Carmine Orange Orpiment Prussian blue No.'l Englisc Vermdion Blue Paint Drop Lakes, Po>e pink do Verditter , Venetian Red, dry Powder blue Bed Chalk UistiUed Verdigris Ivory blat k, Blue do Blue Vitriol Black Lead Fench do dry ; Spanish Brown, dry Green Verdi!ter Purple Brown Mineral Green Terra de Sienna French do tlo do buret Olympian do Turkey Utnber Copperas English do Glue Bot'.en Stone Pumice Stone Gold Bronze Rosin Copper do Sand paper Dutch Metal Putty nisli Brusht* Paint ilrudies assorted Fine Camels Hair Yar- Sasll Tools do tlo Tools White-wash Brushes tlo tlo Pencils Scrubbin do Japan Gold size Sweeping do Oil tlo do Hearth fdo Pallet Knives Dust tlo Gum Copal Clothes | do do Shr llac Shoe do do Arabic Fine Roman Ochre Sugar of Lead Orders from the country will be thankfully received and punctually attended to AUGUSTUS CORNWALL. N. 11.- All sorts ot Colors prepared for use, and directions given for using them if required, jan 1 1 • ymaar Cora & lifird. 2500 Bushel Corn 29 Kee* Lord—on bnaa-l Schr. De lß,—ror Sale £ Ro ! dec 29 W liu>'n,J{A If r/. No. 6 ...Vol. 28,