The Savannah museum. (Savannah, Ga.) 182?-1822, January 10, 1822, Image 1

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|I>!J£LISIIKD DAILY BY COSAM EMIR BAIITLET- Ale , 21 bbls ALE, landing from brig Native, or sale by CC GUIS WOLD & CO. In Stare for sale as above, 00 bbls prime !!eef 200 do superfine Flour 50 kegs Richmond Tobacco 50 boxes Soap 50 do Candles 8 firkins Goshen Butter 20 bbls Loaf Sugar 3 Marble Chimney Pieces dec 27 Flour, Oil Xc. .200 bbls superfine Howard Street Flour J3 bbls Linseed Oil 50 Firkins Goshen Butter 100 Boxes Muscatel Raisins 100 Kegs white Lead ground in Oil 10 do black Paint 5 do Spanish Brown 2 bbls Putty Landing and for sale by j an i 3 HALL & HOYT. L. 11. Sage § Cos. -a OFFER FOR SALE, * IFTY chests and half chests Ilyson lea 50 bags Coffee 20 pipes India Point Gin 150 bbls tness and prime Beof 50 do prime Pork 50 bbls Sugar, superior quality I <0 kegs No L and 2 manufactured Tobacco 120 M superior Spanish Segars 100 M American do I 50 bbls Cider 100 boxes mould Candles 50 do Soap .20 firkins Butter 1000 bushels Corn 20 boxes fresh Raisins ■ ith a general assortment of GROCERIES, dec 27 43 Hale Ko\)d. ■ 50 coils patent Bale Rone of superior quality ■r sale by MITCHELL. 8: BARTLETT. ■ dec 22 401 uDearbnrn's Patent fialnnces , ■ kF ail sizes, constantly for sale bv ■J TO lUYWAtII). ■ nov 15 § 0 J Prime Molasses, iron <^c. 50 hints Re tailing Molasses ■ 200 Bags double boiled Kail India Sugars 10 Tons Ax Bar Irdn 20 hh'ds Muscovado utgar. B.nndi''ig this dav from Sloop Susan, and for ■ale by E. WILLIAMS Cos. ■"'dec’ 17 35 r _ Corn. 100 Euslicls Corn afloat, For SabPwy I dee 2-2 40 L. 11. S VGR Cos. K.. Boots and rfUoes, ■gftflE subscriber has just received by the late KB. arrivals from Netv-York and Boston a large ISssortment of Boots ft Shoes selected particu llui ly for Com in Market, Viz: R l'oOO pair Ladies’black Morocco Slips j SOU do do , o do Walking 500 do do I’oasis 300 do do Leather welted 300 do do do Bumps ■ 200 do do col’d English Kid 100 do do white do do 100 do ilo black Morocco Boots ■ 120 Q. do Gent’s, fine wax’d calfskin Shoes, sewed, nailed and pegg’d 500 do do do do Bootees nail’d | 300 do do Morocco Shoes do 300 dp common lin’d & bound do do ■ 200 do do Booiees do 200 do Negro biioes do 200 do Misses black Morocco Slips 100 do do do do Walking 100 do do Leather Pumps 300 do Childrens cnl’d .More. Shoes ■ 200 do do do Bootees 100 do do \ nlo do Shoes Black amlicoloroK Morocco Skins Hsir Trunks and nay Sr Martins Blacking ■Which will be sold low by the package.or doz- B n. for cash or city acceptances only. E. \\ ITHINGTON, I dec 22 • 40 fJVortb -side the Market. I 70 kegs > POWDEIJ, received from the E 300 camtisters 5 Vulcan ami lied Stone Vlilis, PV.iirch we warrant to be equal to any in ibis Flniirkef—f >r sale by L. 11. SAG I'. & CO. | (lee J 7 43 Er — —’■ *—— To Rent , The store recently occupied by the HlpL'JlJ subscribers in BuPooh’s. buildings. Ap pplyto MITCHELL & B \ HTLKTT, | jnn 4 e 3 “ Jon,'-’ Building. HE-—a- - Corn Afloat, 1500 bushels Maryland Corn.float, fo’ - sale I by B.UTLKR A SC KANTON, jart S 6 NEW GOOIJV Jmnei Jinderson ej Cos. BlY®l just received by tiie inte arrivals, a large assortment of IjJrUish, French 8j India Dr? Goods, .lutoftg -alack we, White and black Merino scarfs 4 4, 6-4 and 8-4 Merino shawls, and lead col oured borders * { S-4 fancy silk Ifdkfs ud Collaret bands iilcjjant black, white and coi’d French Crape Dresses Super bik, wiiite and coPd Paris-made Kid Gloves Wo do do beaver do Black flg’d silk,new patterns .Assorted braids and wide Velvet Uibbons Ginghams and Cambrics fjeweifcpamboavdand plain Muslins Tortoise shell, horn and bone Combs &c. Together with their former large supply of Woolen, Worsted, Linen and Colton GOODS, which makes their assortment general and com . pMc. Ch jan 8 THE SAVANNAH ‘MUSEUM. Frederic Sclleek, HAS just received and offers tor sale, Low tor cash, produce, or town [taper only; 30 bbls prime Muscovado Sugar 80 do Howard st Balt superfine Flour 20 do Rye Whiskey 20 do No 3 Mackerel 10 do N Gin 5 hints Rye Whiskey 2 hhds imitation Jamaica Rum 15 bags prime Havana Coffee 1000 bush. Liverp. Ground Salt 5 tons Swedes iron assorted 5 do Hollow Ware, Eng. and American 30 ps Cotton Bagging 10 casks Cheese 1000 pounds Share Moulds 40 sir-all boxes No l Soap 40 doz Carolina Weeding Hoes 100 reams Wrapping Paper 16 doz American Axes , 20 kegs Dupont’s Powder 8>:o. assorted 1500 *t pnftte new Bacon, sallpctrcd . “Mv/n Shirting, Plaids and Stripes Mains, Calico, Shoes, Hats And almost every article suitable for town or country. To llent — a large and convenient **4Ui3ts! Store and Cellar fronting Barnard street, in C Gildon’s new brick Building, rent very Low. RILLS OF EXCHANGE, On New York and Providence, for sale as a bove. 35 dec 17 Whiskey, Brandy, Teas, fcyc. THE subscribers having entered ia'o copart nership, under the firm of RICHARDS & BANKS, inform their friends and the public, that they have taken the Stores. Bolton’s Cen tral wharf, Where they now offer Jor Sale, 100 1..1s superfine Flour, Philad. wspec. 40 hhds Philad Ist quality Rye Whiskey 50 bbls do do 20 pities Domestic Brandy 50 bbls do Gin 3 pipes superior 4th proof Cog Brandy 3 hhds Jamaica Spirits 5 do Holland Gin 20(, b.ixes tie, Porter and Cider 30 bbls Philad Strong Beer 50 boxes mould Candles 50 ch: Muscatel Raisins ICOO wt Lump and Loaf Sugar Gunpowder, Imperial, Hyson, an * Young Hy son Teas, inchests, and half chests, Late, importations Nutmegs Cloves a"d Ginger, in kegs 50 reams Letter Paper 10 do blue medium do ► 10 do Writings do ALSO An invoice superior blank Leghorn Hats 1 case Bools and S|;:>es. .HkSE-PH •RICHARDS, dec 2t • 39 ssi K. at BANKS. Playw THOM AM .. t'. WORTH x SAP just .•< .A. • ■ v ..‘r.we” assortment 4 i of SI •OLi. PLAYS, eking Iris present collection of medics, Operas, Me io-Dran V, :■;<■ .-M< qu ; to any in America, among v .■ cb art; * ■■ t • .Rowing new ones : jm-uodolit, a i \ L fdy. by Barry Cornwall — price 3~i cts. Damon & Pythias, a Tragedy, by JRichard Shii l, Esq. author of tlte ‘ Anostate,”—2s cts. The Parent of Itoxernaalde, or Travellers lie nighteit, a Melo-Drama, by J. Stokes —19 cts. The Warlock of the Glen, a Melo-Drama—l2 cents. The I,aily aril the. Devil, a Musical Drama, by W. Dimond—l9 cents The Promissory Aide, an Operatta—l2-J cts. dec 18 36 I‘rices H educed. Boston Glass, Liverpool, India China dj* Earthen warehouse. N. H. HART. RESPECTFULLY informs the Citizens of S.wannah anil Country Merchants he has received pr. the late arrivals front Boston, New York and Charleston, in addition to his efcten. sive and general assortment, a replenishment of the following : Sandwich Breakfast and Suppersetts, with Ma hogany trays t-\ Hot water I’iates and Dishes Bathing and Oyster Tubs, Dairy Pars Jars with and without covers Childrens lea sets, India do do and Dinner services, Flower and Hyasynth Glasses Candle and socket shades Store, Hall, Entry anti safety Lamps, plain and Mv engraved, land Rich*uitt Goblets and Cellery Glasses MEsk covers, patent Cheese Toasters etttes wilh heaters and stands Tumbler and Wine Baskets, With a number of other articles which the subscriber invites the public in general to cab at his establishment, examine hts wares and judge whether his exertions are wanting to please tfinm, as to the quality and prices of them 3 jan 4 Coffee Flour. 9 Hhds printe greensCoffec 400 superfine R Jt. Howard street Flour For sale by ;„ n 1 i K. WILLI AMS (g Cos. New Goods. JOSEPH KOFM tN, e Johnston’s Square, AS received by the latest arrivals Extra fine and 2d quality Bombazines Figured French Crape Dresses do Nankin do do Merino Mantles 34, 4-4 and 8-4 Merino Shawls l’liiin and silk Bdkfs,/r Turbans XV liite and black Crapes Plaid Ribbons Gentleman’3 silk Cravats Super Ficnch cloths and Cassimeres do Shepherds blue and oik do Blue ball Twist lie lie. \Vhicli with an t • ensive assortment & Sta. (lie and Fancy Gooils, are offered on accommo dating terms it wholesale or retail. N. B. The remaining stock of Plains, will be disposed of as c'lpattJfcjniy i market. 4 THURSDAY MORNING—JANUARY \6, 1822. Gin, Butter, Pork, LANDING, and for sale by (be subscriber, from sclira. Etna, and and sloop Hesper. this day, 7 pipes Holland Gin 6 do Itutcuburg do 50 Vila do 50 do India Point do 50 do Dutch Point do 30 kegs Butter, for family usej 25 bbls prime Pork 10 do cargo do 7 boxe- currant Wine j 3 hhds high proof N. Rum 25 boxes Muscatel Raisins “5 do bloom doj 50 bids Potatoes * Pipes Cognac Brandy] 1 case brown Sheetings _ 15 boxes mould Candles , 40 boxes Soap 10 bbls Greenings 20 do sweet Cider -i 5 do A'inegar In Store, ■so bbls Boston Rum 40 half boxes hyson Tea 10 pipes old Gin vVrapping Paper, Plaids, Pepper, Ginger, Lc. & MAN TON, doc 1 23 D.'cr'i vohnrf Just Received, 5.000 lbs Scotch Patent Cordage 3.000 do common do all sizes to 5 inches found 10 bbls Burton Ale 100 boxes No 1 Soap Hyson in chests, 13 lbs and 6 lbs boxes Young Hyson in 6 lb do Souchong * do 40 boxes Imperial Gun Powder do And for sale by - As SMITH & J TURNER, dec 20 38 Seasonable Dry Goods, SHI Cheap ft>r each ! ! ! ii HE subscriber has for sale, at his Ware Loom, No. 7, Commerce Row, an assortment of the following Goods, which were purchased in New-York at auction by the package on the best terms, and which he will dispose of at a small advance : Exlfmjperiine London Cloths, blues, blacks HP and drabs Middling do do Extra sup. Cassimeres, drab mixtures, white and bulf [lities 4-4 Irish Linens in half pieces of vanousqua -- Dowlas, 7-8 DrogheAas, and 3-4 Long l.uwns, 10 qualities 8- 0-4, 10-4, 11-4 and 12-4 Rose Blankets ■ Blue Plains, Vestings, aiid Wire Cotton ‘ Irish lhaper Plain, pearl edge, striped, embroidered and pound Ribbons Floss Cotton „ . Ot“s, leoh', gUt’and ste pander Buttons Black and white plain and embroidered silk Ifrßß, Silk Gloves * ‘ Cotton and silk Webb Suspenders Velvet ILhbons, Ginghams add Calicoes Bonk Muslins, Scotch Lawns Inserting Trimmings Blue, pink and green figured Silk Gauze Wni’ennd black Lace Veils Imitation .Merino and Dresses Elegant striped Silks Cravais, worsted Trimmings, fancy Lace Hkfs Sislersoy Hkfs Sooty Roma's Striped Leoos, Figured Book Muslins Britannia Hkfs, Linen Cambric do Purple Shawls, Carlisle Ginghams Needle Work Ruffles, &c. &c. —— bbls of Cherry Brandy 6 do Columbian Coffee, and 4 patent Balance Beams and Weights com plete. The subscriber’s arrangements will enable him to receive from New-\oik by every arrival, such other articles in the Dry Good line as the market may need. dec 5 n—nf2fi FRANCIS L SHAY. Fishing Seines. fllllE subscribers oiler for sale, Four Fishing I. Seines, 80 to 100 yards in Length, 18 feet in middle and 12 at the ends, dec 25 V 42 WM TAYLOR & SON. ....i . ■— —_— ■- ■ . ‘>■ Furniture , Piano Fortes , Curled Hair Matrasses Feather Beds, Chairs , <s\*c. THE subscriber, agent for the well known Factory of D. PHYFK, in the city of New- York, respectfully informs the citizens of Sa vannah, that he has brought to this city a large full assortment of CABINET FURNITURE, Consisting of the following articles : Side Boards, With and without Liquor Cases Sets of Dining Tables, single do. Sofas and Couches, Rosewood and Mahogany Pier Tables, with marble tops, Card Tallies Tea Tables. Breakfast Tables, Dressing Ta bles, with and without glasses Rosewood and Mahogany Work Tables do do Writing do Secretaries, Book Cases, Bureaus Double and single Wash Stands, Ward Robes Butlers’Trays and Stands, Piano St.-ols Music Book Cases, Mahogany Chairs Curled Maple do, Rosewood . do. High post Rosewood Bedsteads, Fieldjdo do do Mahogany do. Field do. do do Curled Maple do field do Dressing Glasses, of every description Piano Fortes, the newest Music, &.c.’ Double and single curled hai. Matrasses do do feather Beds oil be best quality A large assortment of Chairs. All tlie above articles will be arranted to stand the climate, and the subscribe, invites the public generally to call and view for t lem&elves at bis Repository, Church Buildings, opposite Gibbons’ Buildings. J. W. MOKRALL. N. B. The subscriber has brought out one of the best workmen, and will attend to those who wish their Furniture repaired or varnished, nov 12 6 The Subscribeoffers for sale. IiItRF.E thousand bushels of heavy rough KICK. dsd ?'! • 45 JOSEPH STILES. Drug Sj Chemical Warehouse: the Corner of W fdtnker and Congress sh eets, Shad's Buildings. •t i . FRANCIS 1 LAY, OFFERS JIT WHOLESALE i OR RETAIL, Genuine Drugs, Medicines, Perfumery, etc. U WARRANTED Fresh, and of the first ([uti lity, at the Lowest prices. Amongst I which are ■ Antimony crude Rhubarb root I Alcohol do powdered | Aloes soct. do licpat Red Percipitate i Arrowroot, Annissced Rose water, Rosin’ Assafctida, Alum Rust rflron Angelica root Gum elastic, Spa*ttlas Angostura bark Scales and weights Aquafortis Marble mortals jAntimonia! wine Composition do.lron do Arsenic ivory rejection pipes Acid muriatic, do nitric do syringes do nitrous, do tartaric Syringin quarts in Boss do sulphuric do pints, do i pints Bark yellow, do red do male and female do pale, do in quill Congress fc. spring watr Balls Capeva I.emon acid do Canada, do Peru Soda powders do Tolu Salts of I.emon Barbados tar Cologne water Borax refid Wasii balls Burgundy Pitch Windsor soap, Bole Armenia Transparent do Beeswax yellow Liquid do do white l.ovsperfumed do Brimstone roll Naples do do refid Pomatum in sticks Caster Oil American do in pots assorted do do W India Rose water Castor Russia Lavender do Camphor refid Fancy vials Calomel ppt -Essences ass’d Caulhai ides, do pttlv Sal Ammoniac Cammomile flowers do Volatile Canella alb. do soda Caraway seed do Rochelle Cardamon seed do Tarter Cascarilla bark do F.psom Cassia, Cinnamon do Glauber Castile soap white ’ do Niter refined do colored Solut Arsenic flours Cloves, Cochineal Spls Ammonia Columbo root, do powd do hartshorn Chalk prepared do Lavender compn’d Coriander seed do Wine Cream Tartar pulv do camphor • Corrosive sublimate do Nit. Dale Carmine Sassafras bark Conserve roses Sassaparillu Caustic Lunar Sponge fine, do course Dragons blood Saffron Spanish Digitales do English Dovers powders do American Epsom salts Eng. Savin, senna Alex Ether sulph. Ergot .Spermaceti. Elder blossoms Sr.ake root Virg Emery fine do sencka, squills do No 1, 2 and 3 Stores, salts hartshorn Elixir paragoric Sugar Lead do vitriol Syrup squills Extract cicuter do simple do gentian, do Lead Tart Emetic, Tapioca Flour sulphur Tinct Aloes compil’d do benzoin do Myrrh, Flaxseed, Fennel do do Valerian Filings steel, do Iron do snake root Frankincense do Assafcctida Glauber salts do Benzoin comp’d Gallß Aleppo do Cantharides Galbanum, Ginseng do senna Gold Thread do Rhubarb Gentian root do bark huxhams Glass Antimony do Peruvian bark Ginger race do Opium, do castor,, do powdered do Muriat Iron Grains paradise do columbo rout Gum ammoniac do Kino, dn.lalap do Senegal do guiac, do Valerian do arable, do powd do Gentian comp’d do kino, do benzoin Vinegar distilled do tragacanth do squills do guac, do Myrrh Vilerian root do shellac, do Cdpa Vitriolatated Tartar do mastich Vitriol white, do blue do gamboge do green do scamony Patent medicine lie Helebore black Batemans drops do whits British Oil Hiera l’icra Essence peppermint Honey, do of squills Stoiightons bitters Hoffmans anodyne Godfrey’s cordial Isinglass Steers Opodeldoc ipecacuanha or hippo Turlingtons trails Jalap, Juniper berries Danieys carminative Laudanum Datts Elixir Liquorice root Harlem oil or medeca do powdered, do ball mentum do refined Oil Worinseed Lime' water. Lead do Pills, Lees New London Magnesia Lump * do do Windham do powdered do Atidersmis do small square do Hoopers do calcined dd CJomel Manna flake, do sorts do Opium Mezereon, Musk Prussian Blue, 12 & 3 Mustard seed, Mace tig blue, Kings yellow Nutmegs, Nux vomica Drop Lake, No 1 li 2 Opium, Orange peel Flake white, Carmine Oxymel squills Ivory blacic, lamp do Oil pennyroyal Indigo Spanish do turpentine Black Lead, red do do tansey, do olive Litharge do peppermint Terri de senna do spearmint, do savinfCaster Oi>, in phials do rosemary Perago'ric do do origamum Laudanum do do cinnamon Antimonial wine do do worm seed Tinct Rhubarb do * do Lavender do Assafcctida do do wormwood Pals capevia do ilu'aniiis seed Sweet Oil do do juniper SptsLavend, com. do do Cloves do camphor do do almonds, do Lemon do hartshorn dq do bergamot do sweet Niter do do sassafras do Turpentine do do hemlock Calomel “do Oil Fennel Jalap do do Spruce Tartar Emetic do do Wintergveen is hottlks, do Vitriol AVinc bitters Ointment m'ere Sots hartshorn do ltalsicon do Sweet Niter do Cerate do Turpentine do Simple Sweet Oil do Bed pcrcipitate castor do do Spanish Flies American and W I rink root, Pearl Ashes Spaifisn voting Pearl Barley Holton cto'iTe Powdered tin Pumice do Plaster mercurial Powdered bW do Burgundy pitch Copfetas - do Adhesive Vermilhoh, Chinese do strengthening do Eng. do Drachyln* Verdigris, Irish Glue do gum,.do BPstcring it: Fiai.s. Quassia Ess cinnamon do rasp’d Quicksilver do Lavender Lemon Clown do do Evans’s Calc’d Mvgnesia Berganiott<alts, rhubarb Spring I.ancrfs Peruvian baik Tooth instruments as’d Cheltenham salts Bougies, Gaha pots Henry s calc’d magnesiaMacaboy snuff “ w ’ Stomachic bitters I Jqmd Blacking Worm Lozenges French do Aromatic Tooth paste Black sealing wax Hi nek leys refffedy for Red wafers, ass’d do the [)i;> s Tooth brushes com Fever Powders Uo silver wire 3 and 4 Thom),son’s eye water, rows large and small Cupping and Trepaning Patent Itch ointment instruments Ref’tl Liquorice Male ond female silver and in boxes, do com catheters Patent spiirig I’russes White, leather skihs common do Eng. mustard by the lb. Durable Ink ji- canisters Red ink powder Ground Ginger, race do Black do Pillboxes Cloves, cinnamon Vial corks, bottle do Ban Quito Wax tapers Churches cough drops for coughs', colds, ccn- I’atent Lint - sumptions, asthmas; Thumb Lancets &c l. c do common Cephalic snuff, for ca do clew leys . tarrhs. Shipmans Garden Seeds, assorted, Intaxei. ALSO A general assortment of Surgical Instruments, Shop Furniture, Chials, assorted, from half dram to 8 ox, tfc. djv. All those who wish to purchase, will please call and examine for themselves. jan 1 Faints. Oil , fVindozc Gfa&s, £rc. fPHE sub-criboir keeps constantly for M sale, at Itis store in Whitaker-streef, nearly opposite Col. Shellro.Ws Mansion House, a large and general eury ly ol Paints. Painters ’ Articles, Window Glass, Varnishes, Vils, §c. Which lie offers at wholesale and retail, a! the lowest prices for cash', produce or approved paper—viz. 400 kegs London ground wliite Lead, in 2s, 56, aiid 112 lb kegs 100 kegs American do 100 do Spanish Brown 100 do Yellow Ochre 100 do Venetian Red 50 do Black l’aint, 20 do Verdigris 500 gallons Linseed Oi', in bbls and tierces i< 0 do spermaceti Lamp Oil 100 do Spirits Turpentine tiO do Copal Varnish 50 da Japap do 60 do Ros'n do 20 packages Gold and Silver Leaf 3 ions Whiting, 1 do Paris While 50 lbs Clirotii; Yellow, IcO do blue Smalts 200 do Dutch Fink 50 do Chinese Vermillion, 500 do red Lead 300 do powdered Litharge 2 hluls English Lamp Black, in 1 lb $ lit and J ib papers 30 boxes 10 by 12 English Crown Window 6 do 11 ”16 do do (Glass 6 do II ”18 do do Vo 6 do 12 ”15 do do do 2 do 12 ”16 do do do 4 do 12 ”18 do do do 4 crates do do do 40 boxes 10” 12 French Glass 10 do 7 ” 9 American Class, branded Bristol 10 do 7 ” 9 do do Elliott li Cos. 10 ilo 8” 10 do do Jristul 10 do 8” 10 do do Elliot & Cos. 20 tlo 8” 10 do do Pete rboroughr 10 do -8” 10 do do , Cincinnati 5 do 9” 11 do do Bristol 5 do 9” 11 do do Elliot fifno. 40 do 10 ”12 do do Bristol 10 do 10” 12 do do Elliot & Cos. 16 do 10 ”12 do do Peterborough 20 do 10 ”14 do do Elliot & Col 1 do Large Picture Glass Flake White St> ne Ochre Wliite Lead, dry Spruce do White Chalk Yellow dopowd’d Kings Yellow Gainbago Patent do Carmine Orange Orpinient Prussian blue No. 1 Engiisc Vermilion Blue *’aint Drop Lakes, Pose pink do Verditter Venetian Red, dry Powder blue Red Chalk Distilled Verdigris] Ivory blur k, Blue do ‘Blue Vitriol , Black Lead Fetich do dry Spanish Brown, dry Green Verdi - <er Purple Brown Mineral Green Terra de Sienna French do F do do buret Olympian do Turkey Umber Copperas English do Glue Rotten Stone Pumice Slone Gold Bronze Rosin Copper do Sand paper Diltch Metal Putty nish Brushed Paint Brushes assorted Fine Camels Hair Var Sash Tools do do Tools White-wash Brushes do do Peucils Scrqbbin do Japan Gold size Sleeping do Oil. db do Hearth do Pallet Knive3 Dust do Gum Copal Clothes do do Shellac Shoe do do Arabic Fine Roman Ochre Sugar of Lead Orders Jfrom the country will be thankfu y received and punctually atteimed to AUGUSTUS CORNWALL. N. B. All sorts ol Colon prepared for use, and directions givelFfor using them if required, ian 1 l Com & Lard. ; 6500 Bushel Corn .jfc..;, 20 krjt 1 .aril—on board Schrj Dr lieht-in-Peace, —for Sale hy L. U .5 \GE A Cos. dee 29 4*5 Kidhth't IVhniK No. 8 Voi. 28