The Savannah museum. (Savannah, Ga.) 182?-1822, January 12, 1822, Image 3

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MO.VDAY MORtoXG, JanM', 1822. The editor of the: Charleston City Gazette ontrndicts the reporfjjjpiislied some time since 1 the Republican nndi copied into other papers, Wt Mr. Lowndes had declined the nomination f the legislature of South Carolina, for the pres- j tericy. We have seen, says he, a letter from Jr. Lowndes to a- gentleman in this city, from ’hich we make the following’ extract. “I have never taken a step and never shall, a draw the public eye upon me as competitor >r the high place of which you speak. I have o reason think that there is any wish out of our n state, to raise me to it; however this may c, the presidency of the United States is not, in ,y opinion, an office to be either solicited or eclined ” The corporation of Charleston in a body v.-ait d on gen. Scott, on Friday last, and invited him a public dinner, to be given the next day. The Nctvyork Com. Advertiser remarks, up n what authority is hotsfated, that it has been imposed in the British government, to admit ie importation of grain from all foreign couli nes, into Great Britain, upon terms as uch countries admit British manufactures ; o that the countrl’ which will take British man factures at the lowest Kites of duty, will secure o themselves tlie highest price for their grain, nd a preference in the British market. Chcrav, *9. C.j Jan. 2.—Arrived yesterday the teamboat Commerce, after a passage of 40 dais rom Philadelphia ; she brought a very heavy argo from Georgetown, which produced a val able freight. The arrival of the: Commerce is •rceted with the most lively joy by the citizens C Che raw, t’ne move especially on account of her png passage, during the latter part of which she rasbelieved by many to have been lost. A late Charleston paper mentions that half a ozen mails were then due. This irregularity lowing to the impassable state of the swamps J high freshes, at all the ferries below Cheraw. Vhen a bridge shall be erected here, and the win line made to cross it, the Southern States •ill be ensured a regular mail. The Citv of lharieslon is peculiarly interested on this sub set, and it it fondly hoped will co-operate in ef ective measures to accomplish this object. ExcMagz Transactions. Baltimore Jzn. 1. Vlonr and Wheat remained stationary at ves. titlark quotations. ‘ { In the course of the morning, Messrs. Harrison * Sterett sold at auction, 100 boxes brown Ha-j ana Sugars at gIOJ ; 20 hhds N Orleans do | t96oa Slo* ; 100 bags St. Domingo Coffee (in j urt) at 20 cts; 24doCuba green do at c:sj| Oboxes Imperial Tea at £1 13 ; XApidow Glass, by 10, box §5 50; 5 seroons fiotant Indigo, per ). S3 25—and Messrs. Van Wyck &. Morgan, 14 bds. Mokisses’ from 294 a 304 cents. IIVKXOS JIYREB PHILADELPHIA, Dec. 51. We hnve received some letters ami pa irs Iroui Buenos Ayies, some *o tlie lOth ictober. The Government G.,z. contains copy of an tifficai (taper, bein'; the cre (‘octal letter of a Portuguese Charge das ‘ffaivs, adtli esseii to the Governor of tiie epublic o! La Plate, wherein that govern u*nt is notified ofthe acknowledgment ot if independence of that State, ami of the ‘her States of South America, which have stablished governments and are reco"- i/fd by the several people. J lie aft iirs of Buenos Ayres were very rosperous, and the public'affaii s cor.duci :,tb sagacity moderation and liberal it}'. Military operations had ceased, in conse uence of a ‘decisive and sanguinary action inch took place between the followers ofi ic ttnlurtuontegenera! Joseph Miguei Car-| !r * and Pie army of tlie province ofMen-l “z:i. The action* took place the latter! ul of August, the rallying word of Carrera I 88 victory and extermination—and so’ tiperate was the conflict, that not one nos the troops under Carrera survived’ ■excepting himself and some officers who eie made prisoners, only to be made si'r -1 examples of—they were shot in the fat square of Mend o7.l a few days after! e battle. The whole of Smith America. | ith tiio exception of a f<?\v ot the proviu (’ in the Upper Andes, where the disaf cted !iad retired, but whose numbers are other organized nor formidable, was in net. * . | —- SOUTH AMERICA. I rout the fft-ji-Knven Ihrrcttl. Pile following confirmation of the impor r,t ru, ‘*s bom Lima, &c. lately publish in this paper, has been furnished 11s by n IhvnxC, Be Forest, Consul Gener -0 ,* ,ie Republic ot Buenos Avres, resi nt Hi this city. “New-ILwen, Dec, 29,1821# “ (teriflemen— 1 have’just received?’(for irueil to me Irom Buenos Avres,) Nt. f the Government. Gazette, if Lima. pub-! lied after the entry of Gen. San Martin, : | ‘ the Liberating Army, giving* detailed count of the pmceetlings’ of tlie people lecity of Kings, by which it appears, 1 a gieat number of the most respecta f citizens, including some eight or ten “temen of greath wealth, and the Arch 'l,np, had assembled in Congress, as •presentalivMof tlie city and province* 0/ | C aret , brabsolute Independence. * i:lve a ' sn received, (published in the J’ tes of Buenos Ay.e?,) the official aimunications from G,*h. San Martin, to ‘ ‘“'wniing them that the I iberating iy. under his command, entered the cap -5 ,4 ’ 1 cra n the 10th July; that the Vies Roy, with the European troops, had previ ously retired in the direction of the moun tains, and were followed by his cavalry and light troops ; and that the Castle ot Cal -130, (the fort, a Tew miles From Lima,) was held by about 800 of the enemy’s troops— was closely beseiged by land'and wafer; and was expected to surrender in a few days , The reports respecting the state of j things in fern, being now confirmed, there jdoes not remain a doubt in my mind, but all the Spanish part of this vast continent, from the southern boundary of the U- S. to Cape Horn, being at this time under the control of its native innabt'aqtg. “Verv respectfully, etc. * DAVID O.DE FOREST. Messrs. Grat] Il witt. Lima Intelligence received in the coun try from Mnn’e Video, states, that official information had been received there of tiie fall of Lima, by a letter from Gen San Martin to the Directors of Chili and Bue nos Aytes. The date of the evacuation is’ stated to be early in Jul y. The [loyalists in Monte Video think tiic account ruse Je guerre. * Unsettled Accounts —Wo do not know (says the National Intelligencer oi the 3d mst.) when we have been more pleased with the facts contained in an offidjjMpapcr, than we have been by tliose contained in the letter of the Third Auditor of the TYeasury. From this document, it appears that the “ accounts , unsettled, or on which balances appear tube due to the ‘United States, iri the office of the Third Auditor,” which, on the establishment of that office, amounted to upwards of forty] three millions of dollars, and which last’ year had been-reduced to fifteen millions, I has now been reduced to five millions 1 seven hundred thousand dollars. A meeting was held at Mon’real on the IStli inst. of importers and others interest ed in the trade of the Province, t<> take into* coniideiation* the means of preventing i smuggling. An article in Montreal Gaz ette, mentions that the evil complained of is of gTOat eitent, arid that on account of} the great number of by-roads on the- Ik. J States’frontier, it will be extremely diiii.j cult to prevent it. It suggests that the only j mode of .effecting a remedy will be to put \ the trade with tiie United States on such a ! fco ieg that there shall be no temptation to smuggling. Freemans Journal. GRAlN.—There has Iwen a great defi ciency in the supply of Southern Wheat here this season, owing to the shoi t and in ferior crop. The quantity received from thence since the last cr .1 came in, ia esti mated at about 210,000 bushels, of which about 50,000 have been received from N. Gardliaa, and the residue witlf some titb it:;; exception, from Virginia.— Ihe quan tify is not mure than sue third of that re ceived here up to this time last year. SPLENDID Li HILARIES. The 20th volume of the Classical Jour nal contains an account of tiie Libraries tin the Continent of Europe. The Libra ry at Gottingen consists of 200,000 vol umes, and id-distinguished for its utility, as (veil from it completeness in every branch of science and literature, as from ti e liber ality with which tiie use of the books is al lowed to all who desire it.* The University of Gottingen is in the Hanoverian dominions of George IV was founded by George 11. in 1764,and liascu ijoyed the patronage of his sucensors and the Hanoverian Minister”. When the ilonovqrian dominios were seized by Na j poleon and in cot pnruted with the kingdom of Westphalia under Jerome, particular good fortune attended Gottingen, its Uni versity and its Lib'ary. They extended their favor and bounty to tiie establish ments at Gottingen, and enriched them by the plunder of books and manuscripts from the libraries of Wolienbutti-l and Htdmstadt; these have since been-restor jed to their lawful owner the Duke ol I Brunswick. Since the overthrow of the 1 French power, George IV. has made a inti nificent donation of all the standard En glish publications, which had appeared dur | iog the usurpation. This Library enjoyed the advantage of being under the direction and manage ment of the celebrated lleyne, who was its Librarian The reading public at Gottingen are es timated at 1500 students, professors and other privileged persons, who have in circu lation at the same time 7000 vols. The Alphabetic Catalogue consists of 150 large folio volumes, which were Oegun by Hcvnc in 1777, after tea years assi duous abor. The Librarv at Dresden contains 200, : 000 volumes; though it is a magnificent cot ! lecliob, it is not so comjUte in the vari ous departments. The Library at Prague consists of 100,000 ; the Public Library at Leiden, of G(J, 000 : the llovai Library at Hanover, of 80 000 ; the Library oi Gnthe, belonging to the Duke of Saxe Gotha, of 100,000 : tlte Library of Jena, of 40,000: and two large Libraries at Leipzig. Salem Gax. Domestic Manufactures. — A piece of j “White Flannel, manufactured in the State j of New-York, which had been sent there as i a sample, was soid yestc-day, at One Dol lar per yard. pronounced by judges, to be equal to the best Welsh flannel usual ly brought to this tnnrlffet A civil action was determined in (he Supreme Judicial Uourfyestenhiy, jigaiost one Knights*The master of a ship, lor a busing a bov, by the most wanton, acts of cruelty and oppression, when on a voyage to the East-In dies. The Jury returned a verdict of SLOQO damages. ‘l'he bov is now in the Lunatic Hospital, ini conse quence of a distraction produced as is sup posed, by the barbarous treatment he ex perienced. We have seldom beard of a case displaying such Ha-rant proofs of cru elty, without adequate inducement other than mere wantonness and bad temper. Boston Fair iot. STATUE OF WASHINGTON. We have great pleasure in announcing the arrival in our city, <n Monday last, ot tho Statue of Gen. G orge Washington, sculptured by the celebrated artist Cn iova. of Rome, and intendel for our Capitol. Tiie rcceptaii of this (real and splendid work at its place ofdesl nation, was attend ed with the most gene r >l and lively dis play oi feeling: and the |iterest of the occa as?&i-was much heightened by the ciicum ctance of the Legislature of the state be ing iri session.— [Raleigh Star. An inexhaustible bet) of Gypsum, #, Plaster of Paris, has b#n discovered on the United States lands, on the margin of Sandusky Bay. It is siid to be of the first quality. j|§ Port of Savannah. ARRIVED, Br. brig Finchett, Webster, New-York, 7 days in ballast- to W Gaston, consignee. Schr Mary St Hannah, Nickerson, Elizabeth- City, with corn anil lumber, to S Gardner. Pas senger, S Gardner. Sclir Washington, Mason, Darien, Xv'th cotter, and molasses, to E Williams co. and Johnston & Hills. Sloop Mercy, Holies, Riceborough, 4 days,with cotton and rice, to Bulloch is Duiu'.qoiiy, and R & J Habersham Sloop Regulator, Sturtevant, from :i surveying vo} ago to the southward. 1 ssengcr, captain .1 Le Count, U. S. surveyor. Steamboat Charleston, capt Bo.nne’l, via Beau fort and Kdisto 2 days Passengers, Mess Broad foot, Christie, Clough, Sandy, S M Perry, Mau ry, lion. Judge Montgomery, Burling, .1 \y Mott. Boat Pilot, 6 days from Vagus*- with 5*6 bales cotton, to Perry k XViiglii, Uu.irov, R Campbell, Geo Gordon, A Mein A R Scot!, Nich olas & Neff, and Jos Carutlicrs. Steam-boat Altamuha, Davis, from Arirusta with noats i N os. 5 and 10 in tow, wiin cctlon for E Williams k c-o. Taft &. Sibley.-;, XV Gaslon, tersen & r;o. Dubamel& Auze,’ Johnston & Hills, Cummingfk Gwathmey, S XX’right, XV Lippitt h <:o. S C Dunning, A Meintß It 3 ott, Peuy & V. right, t: H C ui.field aip J Mcig CIEJMF.I), fciitp Cotton-Plant, Fash, N:\y.Ybvk— f; Cordon. i _ The ship Tph:i & Falwani, XX ebb, cleared at j New-York for this port on the 3d inst. The ship Garonne, Mott, arrived at New York front this part on the 5d in i . CHARLESTON, Jan. 11. Arrived--schrs Gold limiter, Loveland, Now- Haven, via New-York, 10 dips; Two Brothers, Dough, from Plymouth ; U'll on, Fuller, fr Wil mington; Jane, Berry, Baltimore, 7 days ; sloop Harriet, Holies, do 7. A From Havana papers received at Charleston. HAVANA, Dec. 17. Arrived—Sloop Wasp, t buster, St. Augustine, 8 days. December 18. Arrived—sclir Oppose'm, M.irtinella, St. Au gustine, 9 days; French ship Henrietta, Route,, Havre, 59 and *y:;. •December 19. Arrived—Fr brig Leontine. Lasseur, Nantz. 52 days; Am schr Zeal, is, Saunders, Martel, 2 ds; Sp schr Iris. Rodriguez, B.dumarc, 5; Fr ship Venus, Lamarquc, Bordeaux, 55; brig An.eiope, Jai vi3, Providence,!! 1. 22 days. • December 20. Arrived—sclir Samoson, Powell, Baltimnre, 14 days; brig Robert-Read, Smith, Bath, Me. 21; Sailed —Sp schr l-’lata, for Baltimore; Fr brig Bonncllenriettu, Ghiape, for Havre ; bijig Hel met, Harrison, for Pllilauelpliia. . December 21. Arrived—Sp brig Orestes, Garcia, Baltimore. 10 days; brig Philadelphia, Hull, Philadelphia, 14. Sailed—schr Opposition, Martinelia, St. Augustine. December 22. Arrived— Junius, Jones, Baltimore, 12 ds; Sp sclir Gallega, Maury, do 14; brig James, Tal bot, Bristol, H. !. 15. ba led—sloop Invincible, Turner, Mobile. ~ December 23. Arrived —Am ship Liverpool-l’acket, Richards, Rio Janeiro, 58 days; brig SAsnii Jane, Freeman, Portland, 26; sclir Sam, PHscpalnfc Baltimore, 10; Danish schr Vergetten, Jacobs, no 10; brig Ala bama, Hall, Philadelphia, 10. December 24. Arrived—Fr brig Eclipse, Negre, .Marseilles, 63 days; Hr ship Laforey, lloyde, Liverpool, 63. Sailed—brig James Monroe, Gibbs, Georgetown; brig'Margaret, Furlong, Gibraltar; schr Zealous, Saunders, Poston. , , December 25. Arrived—U. S. brig of war Spark, J. Perry, E- q. commander, from Jamaica. December 26. .\rrived—brig May Flower, Weston', Chai ies tOn, 11 days; schr Nile, Morrison, Hath, 20. , December 2". Arrived—brig Pegasus, Boyd, Providence, 13 days. • December 29, Arrived—sclir Romeo, Brazier, Portland, 22 days; Dutch brig Minerva,'Schfckcl, Amsterdam 57; brig Rapid, Richards, Hath, 29; ?chr Bethia St Betsey, Steel, N fork, 23. Sailed —brig Ma riner; Wilkins, N Orleans. December 30. | Arrived —sclir Recover, Taylor, Portland, 24 Idays, schr Mechanic, Forsyth, t Domingo, 20- bound to Charleston. December 31. Arrived —sloop* Edward, Wielden, Cherles- Ston, H dnvs. bound to Pensacpl; Mrs. GILFEIIT’S iienrjll. THIS EVENING, Monday, Jan. 14. ft ill be performed, Shakspeare'i Comedy of Much Ado about Nothing;. Don Ped o Mr. Pemberton Leonata Green Don John Kenvon Claudio Robertson’ Benedict, p. Brown Antonio ‘lurhall Borachio tlorton Conrade Sfcvenson Dogberry Spider Verges Mfc J’laciile Seacool ,J| Marshall Oatcake . ‘Mm Lyons v n; 'r * . ctP’ Brennan Hero. M>*h I'lacide Beatrice Mrs Gilfert Margarfct Miss Lewin Ursula Mrs Horton Between the play and farce Mr. Keene will sing. by particular desire, HVELEENiS BOXVKR. After which, for the last time in Savannah, the new pathetic Melo Drama from the French by Victor, freely translated, altered and adapt e l to the English stage by J. H. l'avne, Esq. called THEHESE: Oil -> The Orphan of Geneva. Canvin Mr. F. Brown Fontaine ‘ ■ Robertson ! Count de Mot Ville Kenyon Picard I’lacide I.avigne Faulkner Delpare Horton Countess de Morville Mrs Horton Bridget p. Brown Nannette Miss Lewin Marietta (the Orphan) Mrs Gilfert The popular Romantic Melo Drama of the lOU l i IlltV ES is in rehearsal and will spee dily be produced, with entire new Scenery, Dres ses, and Decorations. ‘..V. The Stea n Goal Charleston , Cai-t Bus sen,. will start for Ch rleston via Beaufort and K.disto, tomorrow Morning at 9 o’clock, precisely. For light freight or pas-age apply on board at Jackson’s wharf. jan 14 For Nerv-Vork, THE regular packc - Brig MOPE, capt Champlin, will sail on the 16th inst. having the principal part of her Cargo engaged. For fre ght of the remainder or passage, hav ing good accommodations, Anply to Capt. Cliampbn on board at Tailors Wharf or to jan 14 12 < C. GRISWOLD & Cos. Domestic*Drv Goods. r 20 packages’ domestic SattiAetis Plaid Ginghams. Stripes Brown and bleached Idrungs sad Sheet ings, will be sold at Auction this ua; &v 1! o’clk jms credit of9o davs, bv | jan 14 w ‘ BAKER 8t MINTON. Philadelphia Flour. 120 bbls fresh superfine Flour, landing This Morning from the schr Bai : y> at Rlre’s wharf and will be sold on n-:i4bnabl - terms if apf-dca tion is made before putting i’ in stote. I.nqniie on board, or to GM CU MING, ini 14 12 .Ht’.e Citi, Hotel. XVho wants to charter one or two vessels suita ble for eirrying Timber, to- load at fit Mary’s for New-X'ork Java Cojfi e. 20 b.-gs this superior a.-licie, now Irndtug fom bri:’ Serene, from lios’on, and particularly r -con.nuwded to the attention of families by 14 n 12 TUFT 6 .v rKt “ ‘ I’o LciitT And possession given inmedietely. , THAT elegant three story brick tene-j ment Dwelling house anAStor-;. earner of Barnard st. and Bay Lane, the Backing-house contain- seven huge and spacious rooms, Cellar Kitchen !kc, the store is large, and an excellent stand for any kind of bu* ir.ess. the rent wil 1 be verv moderate uotii Hie first of Nov m xf. Also—a Brick Dwelling House m Bryau-st. containing five rooms ana Oeibr Kitchen, new, and in.complete order. Also—a Dwelling House and Store, corner of Jeffernm and 3t Juiian-st. a good mid for a Grocery Store, rent low, apply to jan 14 11 FR KOI*: 111 ‘ -ELT.ECK. Xot Nails; 55 casks Cut Nails, assorted sizes, landing from schr I’iulebe, For sa'tvbv ~an 14 II E WILLIAMS s Cos. Notice , 4 Few bales Cotton lias been by necessity thrown off'early yesterday mofning, from *ui board’ he boat PILOT, from Augusta. Any person picking up the same, and informing the subscriber this week, wi*l be liberaPv rewndeil. JAMES CONR'.-y, jan 14- 12 .Inderßon't tvhn f. Dancing School , • BOUDET, Jr. pi ofessor of Dancing, for- TJ. merlytrom Paris and lately from New- Vork, has the honor to infbrnvlds friends and tiie public that Jie haa.arrived in this city with his family, with the intention of becoming If per m -r.ent resident, and ‘MR he will open bis Dan cing School here This Evening 14th inst in the Lon£ Room under Solomon’s Lodge Room, near the Oid Presbyterian ChuVcli, the room having been lilted up for the reception of.Ladies where he will introduce the most fashionable Cotillions and other Dances now in vogue in Paris, ami ii) the most popular cities in the union and the greatest attention paid to the carriage and de porimcut of Pupils entrusted to his care. Days of Tuition, Monday, Wednesday, and Friday. Evenings. Hours of tuition, via. for young Ladies from 5 o’clock until 7, and from 7 o’clock until 9 for young Gentlemen. jan 14 “job pointing ■Neatly executed at the Museum Office, My J- E. Herbert & Cos. this day, utii lost. _ mil be Bold on Urn. Taylor'* II hu f Landing from ling l'>re, 150 bids Whiskey, 10 l)hd 4th prf X O Rum 40 kegs Laid, 50 bags green Coffee Terms liberal and made known at time of ” jan 12 Hlj Maker § Minion , THIS 1/AY 14th insf, at half past iOo’clk, Inf ■uni of 1 heir Store. • An assoi tment of Groceries , 8 h’uls Srmtlifield Cinj. 10 bhls Clicrry Brandv 10 bbis Pol-ioer, 15 do Cider J 10 j do fly market Beef 19 lirkins fresh Butter. 30 bbls Whiskey 5 chests Hyson Tea, 13 boxes .Mustard ALSU 4 cases Ihts, 20 garden Tool Chests —atsd—* 2 Elegant GIG HOltisES, aJ at half past 11 o'clock, in store A valuable assortment .f Seasonab'e British and Indie j)RY GOODS. On a credit of 90 days. Among which are 1 case Irish Sheetings, 3 do Linens 1 and) Diapers, 1 do Long lawns 2 bales Sheetings, 1 do IJombazetts 1 case brown Linens , and do plain llotresptir.s 2 do spotted Hdkfs, ldo Calicoes •1 bale blue and black Caesimeres 1 jag'’* : ' per ' or Threads, 1 case Cotton bails 1 Nankin Crapes. 2 do Canton do I®‘ WWW Landscape Paper Hangings —ALSO— -100 bbls Whiskey Also—Forappr'oved endorsed notes at three months, a cotisr'iinie* ol iO bales and casr l)i mestic DRY GOoDS, consisting of M xi ami drab Sauinetts, of superior^.,alitv f'uie plait] G?:£iiiio)B stripes Hrnwn and bleached Shirting Sut erline tVaUham bleached obeelinirs &c •jan 14 b C * toy George Schley, lOMORKOtV, 15th inst. at 10 o’clock, It ill be sold fit b/j ature, SUNDRY ARTICLES OF Groceries Hardware and Dry Goods, .inn 15 % J. 11. Herbert (jf Cos. (in Ihe first Tuesday in March next. W lUl l,c so!d in front of ‘ the ia 7 T tins city, betv eeu the usual hours of 10 and 2 o’clock, At! that valuable Lo/ No. 2, lleatbcote fything Decker War.l, fronting on Market-square, be lilitginglothe estate ofWm.C'leland, dec. ’ Also, half of that valuable Lot No. 1, Tower tything. Dicker ward, fronting on Markct sqnarr and Djrnaid-s'reet, together with tin improvements (hereon Also, one t ract of I .and No- iki, J ones’ court’-', containing 2024 acres. The above property belonging to the estate oi'.ias. defend, dec -8 ,hl by permission of ihe honorable tl.e Infe rior Court if Chatham ciuint.v, for ihe benelit or the jti. s Tei ms cash, bankable nnnity. By order of th; admitiis:rat>r j.,,, ; j Vv F.htis a hitufition, \ i’ in hi* Academy or Private F..mi -7 iy> hi ant part of this sLite, wlio has had the best of education, of which, and of his moral character, lie cab produce sal isfactnry testimonials. Letters addressed R. L L. M to the care of the' Editors, will meet with attention. . j ar , 10 n g Looking’ G Lasses. JW. MORRELL, offers for sale at his Fur niture repository (Church buildings,) an eiegant assortment of Mantle and Pier Glas ses ot the latest fashions. Orders will be received for Glasses and for warded to the manufacturer at New-York jan 7 5 Saddlery Ware- House. JHE subscribers have just received per re nt arrivals, a general and large assort meht of SADDLERY \VARF*—among which are Righlv apyrovtd patent Spring Saddles, ladies’ W gentlemen’s plain and quilted Saddles, Bridles, coach and gig Harnesses, common waggon tin., VYlieces, Trunks, Porlmantaus, Holst rs. Al- - so, coach and trig Whips, Ac —ad of which are offered at reduced prices, for cash or town so ceptances. SAN FORD JUNKS L Cos. (.iltlofi B Ituih'irg", north side .Market square. , . Notice. months afterdate, I shall apply to the s Hon. the Judge of tlie Inferior Court ot* Chatham County, tor leave to sell the real es tate 01 XV. G Knoe, and for the benefit of the b'-’ rsanil creditors of said deceased *S G. Til It EADCRAPT, Mm'-. aug 9 62 Nfilice. VTINE months after ct.ue application will be LX made,to the Hon. litfevior Court of Chat .bam Ciiuntv for leave * > r.ell a Tract o’ (.and in Jcffprson County, about nine miles e-nty Louisville, adjoining Ijjuds of Baldwin Kiiift rd, estate of lugrurn,deceased, and cchitrs ■, con taining JUu acres, mure crl ess, as part eiftke Real Estate of Philip Raiford. deceased. . R. UA'FOIUL dJm’r. may 39 j 9n Valuable Lands for Sale. fat!lE Subscriber offers lor Sale bis Plantation. 8 iyinffijn Liberty County, adjoining binds of Gcn.Daiuel Stewart, Dr. Samuel J. iVx.-.on, and i tilers. The tract contains four hundred and sixty Acres; about two hundred of which is un tier cultication, and generally all veil adapted to culture of Corn and Cottoii. There arp about one Iv.i. mired acres of good Cotton or Corn land, uncultivated. ‘lUe residue pine bind, affording timber for building and‘fencing. Theie su e on the premises a comfortable dwelling Infuse amt ifber necessary ooLbwidirtfes, Terms of sale, to the purchaser, will be- made easy, and if opt. sold, previous to tl>< Fi-st of January i • •• will be vented for the eivuing ‘ •d>r. CHAT MON K'N’KS. eept6 f