The Savannah museum. (Savannah, Ga.) 182?-1822, January 17, 1822, Image 2

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the museum.” From the Liverpool Me miry, JY - tv. 9. TIIE BARD OF GREECE, TO HIS COUN THY MEN. The mountains look on Marathon? And Marathon looks on the sea; And musing there, an hour alone, Alethought that Greece might still be free; ■ For, standing on the Persian’s grave, • I could not deem myself a slave.”- -Brnox. Away ! frotn the masque and’the midnight ball, Where the dancers move so lightly; The vine crown’d board of the festival, Where the lamps are burning brightly. * Meetcr, by far, to the free born soul, U the watch light’s gleam on the muster roll. G tarry not by pleasure’s side, Midst blandishments enslaving; Steep tjot thy soul in her Lethian tide, When freedom’s Hag ir waving, Away with the wreath and its circling bloom, ” For the sheeny casque and themorioiiplume. ■ A thousand chargera champ the bit; W’c have arms of nerve to lead ’em; And if-thousand swords, for conquest, fit To path a r&ad to freedom; And a host of Greeks have the hearts put on, That their fathers bore at Marathon. Awake ! awake ! ’tis freedom calls;- The moslcra throne is shaken; The turbau’d robber’s empire falls, The bondsman’s bands are breaking; And the olive grove, frqm the spoiler free, Is rife with Uie hvmn of liberty. . G.R E. f> QUll OWN AFFAIRS. Since Hie present proprietor has been inter ’estedin the Museum, accounts for advertising and subscriptions have been accumulating, y ear .*■ tter year, with no good prospect of their being liquidated. 1 laving undertaken the cs tablishment without funds, and at a high valua tion, we became involved lor a considerable a mount, while the actual receipts have been scarce ’ lv sufficient to meet the current expcnces ot the business. Our subscription list has continued to increase ; our advertising patronage has swelled ’ to an amount beyond our warmest expectations. Hut still we found ourselves incumbered with demands which it was difficult to satisfy. Undcr this view of affairs, we came to the resolution ,o closing the concern ot Rappel & Bavtlet; and that we might be able to meet the demands a gainst ourselves, we determined to insist upon a speedy settlement with every person indebted to the establishment. . This course will appear the marc reasonable when it is considered that many ol these debits have been standing for five years. During which period, even many wealthy gentlemen of this citv, and most of ouv country subscribers, have been receiving the Museum without ever remembering to make the least payment. Me shall, therefore, without the least reserve, place every demand of this nature in the bands of ale . patronized our establishment, and paid us for our labor, wc return our warmest and sincere thanks. But,to those who have boasted of bestowing ronage, for the purpose of giving us tenance and support, but who have a farthing—although we feel grateful, as in duty hound to do, for their good will —yet we must add, that necessity compels us to decline their fa vors in future. Those who may be in arrears to us, and are unable to pav, without really dislfressing themse’vet or their families, it is not our intention to press. We are disposed to wait better fortunes and bet ter times. It is im indulgence which we ask for ’ ourselves, and which we are perfectly willing to grant to others, lint those who have money, and put off our just claims, from a spirit ot parsi mony or from inattention, can expect no such delay. COSAM EMIB JJARTLET. January 3, 18-2. i (fj-AVe arc authorised, to an ■ uotmee Capt. Hukxbt llimua as a candidate, •T,r Major to conm and the COtli IVdtahon Is* ltcgt. Georgia Militia. jau9 7 Kollocks Sermons. TJERfOJS’S hpWil'B subscription papers for A7 this work, wiil please Imrd them to the Publishers on or before the 1-th trsi. ’I hose who desire it may yet have ail opp. l-tunity to subscribe to the work. The price immediately o i publication will be advanced two dollars on each set. SC Si J SCHENK. >.< 10 8s ■ Wanted, jjjptVO pood vessels to luifyl at St. Mary’s, with Lumber,'onefor Boston,the other for New- Yoi k-*for terms apply to jan 7 5 CC. GRISWOLD St CO. A Situation IVantid, , IX the Country or Tow u, any kind of .Mer cantile business, apply to the Editor of ■ this paper, and application wjll be attended to. jan 5 s 4 s 1 1 Notice, A LI. Persons are cautioned against crediting an y of the Clew of the British Brig Speed well, as neither the Captain or the Consignees will he responsible for their debts, jan 9 i 7 r >’ Notice. Al.l. persons are cautioned from crediting a uy of the crew of the Be brig Knmavouh, P ’ MCartan, master, as no debts <if their contrac ting will tie paid by either the Captain or Con signees. b a jso 3 looking-Glasses. ‘ JW. MDRRELI-, offers for sale at his Fur uitrre repository fChurch bffildings,) an • elegant assortment of lltutle and ih-r Clas ses of the latest fashions. Orders wiil be received for Classes and for warded to the manufacturer at N ew-Yorfc. ian 7 ’ ; Insurance against Fire. The .Etna Insurance Company, Hartford, wH insure houses and buildings, merchandize, nij* niture and other property, including vessels in port, their cargoes, Ac. against loss or damage by Fire, for any term from one month to one or more years. The conditions, which are moderate, may be known on application to the subscribe.*, who is authorized agent, and is empowered to issue policies without the delay incident to other a gencies of this nature. The Company undertake in all cases to pay the full amount of the actual loss, provided it does not exceed the amount insured. The pre miums are reasonable, and should offer a strong inducement to any person having property at hazard to place it in security. jan 7 5 * S. M ANTON. Dancing School, Mr. DOUDF.T., jr. professor of Dancing, for merly from Paris and lately from New- Vork, has t|ie honor to inform his friends and the public that he has arrived in this city with his family, uitfttheintention of becoming a per manent resident, ,ml that he will open his Dan cing School here This Evening 14th inst in the Long Room under Solomon’s Lodge Room, near the Old Presbyterian Church, the room having been fitted up for the reception of Ladies where he will introduce the most fashionable Cotillions and other Dances now in vogue in Paris, and in live most popular cities in the union and the greatest attention paid to the carriage and de portment of Pupils entrusted to his care. Days of Tuition, Monday, Wednesday, and . Friday Evenings. , Hours of tuition, viz. for young Ladies from 5 , o’clock until 7, and from 7 o’clock until 9 for young Gentlemen. ‘ jan 14 Wants a Situation, AS Teacher in an Academy or Private Fami ly, in anv part of this state, a gentleman who has had the best of education, of which, and of his moral character, lie can produce sat isfactory testimonials. Le’ters addressed H. 1.. L. M. to the care of the Editors, wH meet with attention. jan 10 n8 To Lent. And possession given i mm'ediately. TIIAT elegant three story brick tene ment Dwelling house and Store, corner of Barnard st. and Bay Lane, the Dwelling-house contains seven lai ge and spacious rooms, Cellar Kitchen Ac, the store is large, and an excellent stand for any kind of business, the rent w ill be very moderate until the first of Nov next. Also —a Brick Dwelling House in Bryan-st. containing five rooms and Cellar Kitchen, new, and in complete order. Also —a Dwelling House and Store, corner of Jefferson and St Julian-st. a good stand fora Grocery Store, rent low, anplv to jan 14 It FREDERIC SELLBCK. For Sole. T!IR ‘.o jse and lot opposite the til nail Court Mi use, at present in the occupa tion of W T Williams, Esq. The situation is one of the most eligible, and the house among the most commodious in this city Apply to C BOLTON, Who offers also A secondhand Carriage and Harness, and a Horse of superior qualities either for the Saddle nr Harness -2a —-- fan 15. I'IiTEK 1)U EG K, Three doors south of the City Hotel, fJIIIANKS his friends and the public in gener- I al for the large s- pport he hrs received in this city since he commenced business. lie takes this opportunity to offer 105 P ACKAGES JU9t received from England and the north, of the most fashionable HATB.AND CLOTHING, cncaran than rvtii. Extra superfine boys’ Wa'erloo Coats, full silk trimmings, at tile low rate of sls Fine and exira fine black Dress Coals, from sl6 upwards Extra blue Saxony do. S2O, and upwards Extra fine and superfine double milt’d fashiona ble P.ti taloons, ofa>* colors, from $4 to 12 i First rale gentlemen’s line while linen Shirts, fri in $1 75 to 4 French I iorentir.e Waistcoats, $-j Extra qualify English do. new pattern, $ > Blue and other colors Surtouts, sl2 A upwards Extra fine Waterloo Gnats, full trimm’d with silk. $22 Gentlemen’s knit Drawers, from 62J eta. to §2 Merino do. Shins, from §1 to 1 $ Superfine lamb’ wool Socks, 3 pair for gl Little boys’ Gieat Coats of all colors, §3s Misses’ Petices from g 4 to 6. scarlet, colors Fearnaught Great Coats, go 4 and upwards Warranted t xtra fine water proof Hats, 558 Imitation heavers, go Boy’s Mats, gl-, 1 Blue, black, huff and white fashionable Waist coats Large size silk Umbrellas, from to 3.4 Extra large size tartan plaid Cloaks, with two capes Gentlemen’s silk Stockings at §IJ Ladies’ and gentlemen’s patent clastic .silk Stockings at g 2 per pair Cases fine and extra fine Irish Linen, from 25 to 87 J cents Ca .slmere Pantaloons at g3 AX.SO — A great quantity cf * NEGRO CLOTHING. Consisting of Jackets and Trowsers, from S'lj to 6 a suit Superfine gentlemen’s Beaver Gloves, 75 cts nov 30 22 * Corn Afloat. 20 000 bushels white Maryland corn afloat, For sale by JOHN LATHROP & Cos. jan 4 3s Nails, etc. 72 casks Nails. Brads, and Tacks 100 kegs no. 1&2 I'oSacco approv’d brands 20 tubs sweet Butter .• Printing, Sheathing & \Vraping Paper boxes of Currant \t ine in bottles kegs of fresh Crackers Now landing and for sale bv jan 8 h 6 W. UTPITSiCo. 10 casks Shot assorted, Landing and for sair in A. MORGAN, jan 7 tis * Jems’ upper wharf. Tor Baltimore, jitx THE Schooner Sally, Matthews mas ter, will sail in a few days, for freight or pussatre apply on board at Rices W harf, or to L. H. SAGE A Cos. jan 15 12 .For Charleston, .££** THE regularpacket sloop EXPRESS, JgjUjHamett, master, will meet with dispatch —tor tretglit or passage apply to the master on board at tne Exchange wharf or to ISAAC COIIEN. Jan. 15. si 2 - Tor Liverpool. fcjSlx The barque SPAR FAN, capt Coles- Joss**.,! worthy, will commence loading imme diately', having part of Iter cargo engaged. For freight of the remainder, apply to CUMMING A GWATHMEY. Landing from the above vessel, 10 bbis Cider, the consignee is requested to call and take them away. jan 1 . For Havre , The fine British brig SPEEDWELL, £a#&> capt. Bathgate, a first ctas3 vessel, will meet with despatch. For freight of 400 bales Cotton, apply to dec 27 JOHNSTON if HILLS. For Liverpool. fcHx The slop MARY ALMY. Hudson, master, has part of her cargo on board, and will meet with dispatch. For freight of one ot* two hundred bales of Cotton, apply to capt 11. on boatd. at Williamson’s wharf, or to jan 7 5n ANDW. LOW A < O. For Liverpool. r,FJr The welt known regular trading ship M?l> .TANK. James Drummond, master, has commence loading, and will be despatched without delay. For freight, apply to capUin D on board, at lfalton’s wharf or to jan 9 7 JAMES HICKSON A Cos. For Liverpool. liflx THE Staunch Ship AFRICA, Jno. JgjgJk Johnston jr. master, has commenced loading, and will meet with despatch, having 700 Bales Cctton engaged ; for freight of 250 to 300 Bales, apply to the master on board at John stons’ upper wnaff or to jan 9 e 7 JOHNSTON & HILLS. For Liverpool. Jig*” The coppered and fast sailing ship ESi&zl HARMONY, S Woodward master, has pail ot her cargo engaged and Will not be de layed in loading. For freight, apply on board at Telfair’s wharf or to jan U) 8 MITCHELL A BARTLETT. For Greenock. tfiTr Tlle CO PP er ship HARRIET, E/ JIN Capt Reed, has half her cargo engaged. For freight, apply on board or to jan 10 8i MITCHELL A BARTLETT. For Fort au Prince. The new Staunch Prig Orion, Capt Smith, will-ad on Sunday next—for 1 freight of F.'O bills, apply on board, or to E. WILLIAMS, A Cos. J I . For Liverpool, |iKr The ship LICL'UGI S, .1 It Ilalev, n as ter, has made but one voyage, and is a first inte vessel, more than half her cargo is en gaged, and going on board. For freight apply on board or to MITCHELL A BARTLETT, jan 12 * 10 __ For Freight or Charter, . (To any H cst-India Island.) yffiyj The stanch schr PHEUY, Cummings, master, lay'ingat Rice’s wharf. For terms apply to the Capt. on board, or to S MANTON, Hire's -wharf Who has for sale, landing from said schr. 100 bbis best india point Gin 10 hlids N E Uum , 20 bbis Apples 20 kegs Butter, for family use 20 bbis Ale 10 qr. casks current Wine, jan 12 10 For Freight or Charter , . The substantial brig LEONIDAS, C. tS'Ajfr Lord, master, burthen 243 tons, will be ready to receive a cargo immediately. For terms, apply on board, or to jan 12 10 F. WILMAMS & Cos. For New-Fork, Aflk TflE re K"' ar packet Brig HOPE.capt wOuSl Champlin, will sail on the 16th inst. having the principal part of her Cargo engaged. For freight of the remainder or passage, hav ing good accommodations, Apply to Capt. Champlin on board at Tat lors Wharf or to jan 14 12 C. C. GRISWOLD 8c Cos. For Freight or Charter. y?Bß|\ (2 the 1 Vest-Indies or A'e-w-Orienns ) ! Skfelga The new fast sailing brig F \ MR, T L Adams, master, 150 tons burthen, v. ill be in rea diness to rece.ive a cargo on Tuesday next. For terms applv to capt Adams or an 12 ‘ 10 E WILLIAMS 6* Cos. For Darien. f The fast sailing stoop THREE PRO riXJs. TIIERS, ,1 Howland, master, to sail on Thursday next. For freight or passage having excellent accommodations, apply to thecaptain on board, or to HALL & HOYT jan 15 12 For J Sew-York. THE elegant fast sailing Coppered and Copper fastened packet ship Cor sair, D. L Porter will meet with despatch, for freight or passage having very superior accom modations. apply to capt. P. on board at Tay lors Wharf, or to C. C. GRISWOLD k Cos. jan 16 13 For Liverpool , To sail on the 20th inst. The ship ERIN, Day, master, having the princi |pal part ofher freight engaged, can take from jl to 200 bales Cotton. Apply to t jan t; 12i SAMUEL WRIGHT, Sugar, 137 Barrels and 2 hlids prime Sugar Landing, and for sale by HALL & HOY T. jan 5 4 • Saddlery YV are-House, THE subscribers lve just received per rc cent arrivals, a general and large assortment ot SADDLERY WARE—among which are iMguiv approved patent Spring Ssuldlea* ladies* and gentlemen’s plain and quilted Saddles, Bridles, coach and gig Harnesses, common waggon do. Velieces, Trunks, Portmantaus, Holsters. Al so, coach and gig Whips, Ac—all of which are offered at reduced prices, for cash or town ac ceptances. SANFORD JONSB A Cos. GiUlon's Buildings, north side Minktel square. jan 1 nl. . Java Ctff'ee, 20 bags this superior tide, now landing from brig Sereno. from Boston, and particularly recommended to the attention < f families by 14 n 12 TUF TS A WEED, Cut Mails. 55 casks Cut Nails, assorted sizes, landing from schr Phoebe, For sale by', ,an 14 11 E WILLIAMS A Cos. Bills on Boston, For sale by jan 7 5e MITCHELL A BARTLETT. •jTwENT Y oaies Wait bam Cottons at redu- J. ced prices 10 pipes Holland Gin, Chathams cargo 15 Dimijohns do Thos Fowler’s do 28 bbis Sugar, 4 hhds do 20 Dimijohns Cognac Brandy 7 years old 20 bags Almonds, Harris’s Tobacco 40 boxes fresh Muscatel Raisins 100 bbis Rye Whiskey A few pieces-Cotton Bagging suitable for mending 30 casks 2d quality Rice, For sale by S B PAItKMAN jan 10 ni9 I/unter’s -wharf Bricks 2$ Mackerel. 37,000 South Carolina Bricks, for Sale very low if taken from the - Wharf. 0 — Larding from Boston, 20 Bbis No 1 Mackerel 20 do No 1 do jan 12 10 L. BALDWIN A Cos Drafts on Baltimore, At any sight, For sale bv jan 15 12 JAMES M VGEE Buffalo Holies. THREE bales superior quality Buffalo Robes, For sale by CANTELOU A LAMAR, jan 15 12a ICilliamsoii’s buildings. fPaper, Pork, Coffee, §c. - Landing, 4 cases, containing common, superfine hot pressed Letter Paper, Foolscap, and Folio Post Writing Paper, 3 tons sand Sheathing do 1 case account Books, 1 do Quills 20 bbis No 1 and Mess Pork 20 bags prime green Coffee 100 boxes Soap and Candles 50 bbis No 1 and 2 Mackerel 2 tons Cordage *+ r - r -~ p 1 Irtllatiii Fin F'* - ester I*m ROBERT S GOFF* jan 15 12 Ex change wharf Paper Hangings. AN assortment of elegant Paper Hangings, and fine Board Paper, just r-ceived and for sale by THUS LONG WORTH, jan 15 12 Johnson square. Salmon CJc. Landing from Brig Sereno IS Sloop Rapid, 15 bbis Salmon 75 kegs Pickled do 6 hhds pure Jamaica Rum 5 do ht. Croix do 100 boxes (S half do No 1 CliocolSte swSsi ?****, For sale by SAMUEL S FODDER, jan 12 slO Taylors Wharf. For Sale, THE TYRO, a flat built boat well calculated for the navigation of the Savannah river in its lowest state, she is nearly new and the buil ding of her cost upwards of §Boo She will be sold to close a concern at the low rate of Sl5O, and would make an excellent river boat. AISO. The Augusta Boat Fairplay with poles, hocks and jams complete, as she now lies at William- j son’s wharf, is ready to receive freight, apply to CAN TELOU & LAMAR, jan 8 s6 Williamson'sbuildings. Combs, THE subscribers keep constantly on hand a eeneral assortment of Shell and imitation Combs, BUTLER & SCRANTON. jan|B 6 Comer of Bryan U lir.mi.ird- Si. Notice , A Few bales Cotton has been by necessity thrown oIT early vesterday morning, from on board the boat PILOT, from Augnsta-AAnv person picking up the same, and inforiAiOthe subscriber this week, will be liberally rew*wled. JAMES CONROY, jan 14 12 Anderson's wharf. R. A. Palmer § Cos. Have for sale, note landing, 30 bblsbest Rye Gin Also—6 do Cucumber Pickles jan 15 12s§^ Law Office, Matthew hall McAllister, offers his professional services to his friends and the public. His office is on West Broad-street directly in front of the old Market, jan 12 wa§ 10 11. L. MILLING, Jit the sign of the big Boot, North side •Market Square. HAS just received per Sereno, one trunk Childrens Kid Boots veiy fine, all colors, together with u complete assortment of Gentlemens and Childrens Boots and Shoes. In Store, a few dozen Morocco Skins, allj colors. ian 16 sIS This Dr.y Published, T}Y THOMAS LONGWOUTH, IT Johnson square, LACON; Or many things in few words, addressedio those who think, by the Rev C C Colton, aThe wh'ert study of munk-indis man.” This work is most highly recommended b : all the Literary Reviews, having within a sliou period gone through eight editions in London, and is a bock that ought to be. in the hands of every one who reads. The edition now offered for sale is but 1K the price of the former American copy, neatly printed on a small type, in a large 18 mo. voL | ume, handsomely done up in boards, at 75 cents j jan 7 5 i Prinie Cotton Land. TWO hundred acres Prime Cotton LAM), near White Bluff Meeting-house—for sale by GARDNER TUifS. iao 10 ti'B Puked up Adrift. ON the 7th of this month, lietweeu St. John, and Amelia Island, a green painted clinker built boat, containing a sailors chest, with some womens and childrens clothes, without oars, mass or sails. , The owner may hear of her by applying on board the Smack Rainbow, at Ty. bee creek_ jan 15 t* N. 0. Rum, Whiskey, &c. . The cargo of the brig Fame—Consisting of 600 bbis N O Whiskey 120 kegs Kentucky Lard 10 proof N O Rum For sale by K WILLIAMS A Cos. jan 12 19 fell are Moulds, Fork, Gin £se. Landing from ship Corsair, 3 tons Share Moulds 59 lit Is prime Pork 73 do Union Gin In Store, 60 bbis prime Fork, 26 do Mess do 15 do mess Beef, 47 do prime do 20 do l.oaf Sugar, 50 boxes Snap 50 boxes Candles 203 bbis superfine Flour 59 firkins prime Goshen Butter 15 casks Shot, welt assorted 40 hf bbls fly market beef 8 bbs Cherry Brandy 3 marble Chimney Pieces IGI casks Connecticut Stone Lime 50 kegs manufactured Tobacco 2 elegant Gigs at F Denslers, foraalebj jail 15 C C GRISWOLD & Cos CITRON. IMIE subscribes has lately received clarified . Citron, ofa very superior quality, also, Figs in Drums, which he offers for salt at rea sonable prices. THOMAS CAMPBELL. ’ Marshals Buildings, Barnard stieet jan 16 i 16 L. H. SAGE, & Cos.. O Bulloch's wharf i FFER for sale 25 pipes > 50 bbls 5 Country Gin select brands 30 do super N O Sugar, 25 do Loaf do 40 chests and half chests Hyson Teas lO .1 - 1 Ijra-Jn -k::i JOUCLong iio 30 bags Havana and :it Domingo Coffee 20 Kegs Tobacco No 1 100 boxes Soap and Candles t 20 kegs Butter, 15 do Lard 10 bags Corks, 25 bbls Whiskey , 50 bbls Cider, 20 do double Ale Corn, Hour, Sic 13 jan 16 Received, Per Brig Sereno from Boston . 3 cases Straw llonnetts 2do do Trimmings, very nice 2 do womens welted Shoes 1 do thick Boots, suitable for the season 3 do do cowhide Shoes 2 trunks morocco Shoes • A few dozen pairs lambs-wool Socks 1 trunk fine wax calf-skin nail’d Shoes 1 do do do do sew’d do Ido do do do do Boots 20,006 Spanish Cigars And a general assortment morocco and kil shoes, course and fine shoes, a general assort ment for sale low by MOUSE &S I ONE jan 16 g 13 Stale County Taxes for 1821 iP 11 ”’ sul>scr,,3er informs the citizens ofChat “ ham county, tbtft he is prepared to receive the State and County Taxes for 1821; which are to he paid in Bills receivable at the Banki I >” this city, op or before the 16th of February next; after that day executions will be issued against all defaulters. His Office is kept at the northwest corner of .Market square. Office lunirs from 10 to 2o’ dock. JAMES FPPINGER. l\ix. Collector, Chatham Coimt'j. jan 16 §wal3 Corn Afloat, TI-IE cargo of .Mary & Hannah lying at Rica Wharf, for sale by jan.l6 13 L. H. SAGE & Cos. . To Planters. A Few sample Ploughs from the manu facto *T ry of Robert Sinclair Baltimore, of various patterns, are just received and will besoldlo’i apply to DANIEL CAIHIEY, Jr jan 16 ah§ Hunters buildings. Stone Cutting. MOORE & LYMAN, return their sincere thanks to those who have encouraged them, and the public in general; that they have leecived from the North, a laixje assortment, ia addition to their former stock — Building Stone, flagging, do. * Hearth do Door Steps fire Places, &c. Also — a large and elegantiarsoilmentof Mar keter Monuments, Tomb Tables •Orave Slones, Hearth stones, fee. Os a superior quality, which they offer for sale on reasonable terms and at the shortest notice, at their shop in Bull-st. At! orders will be thankfully received and promptly attended to. ian l'2 TO waj