The Savannah museum. (Savannah, Ga.) 182?-1822, January 19, 1822, Image 2

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The museum. ■m “’ ‘."■■■ ~~ 1 ■ From the Russian Anthology. THE KICH AND THE POOK MAN. Ro goes the worldlf wealthy you may call Tfiu- friend, That brother: friends and brothers all: 1 Hough you arc worthless —witless—nevermind it: Yon tflay have been a stable-boy—wliat then. ’Tis wealth, good sir, makes honorable men, You seek respect, no doubt, and you will find it. But if you are poor, heaven help you ! though your sire Had royal blood within him, and though you Possess the intellect of angels too ’Tis all in vain i the world will ne’er inquire On such a score ;-Why should I take the pains? ’Tis easier to weigh purses, sure, than brains. I once saw a poor devil, keen and clever, Witty and w isehe paid a man a visit, And no one noticed him, and no one ever Gave him a welcome. “Strange,” cried I, “whence is it f” He walked on this side, then on that, He tried to introduce a social chat; Now’ here now there,—in vain he tried; Some formally and freezingly replied, And some Said by their silence—“ Better stay at Home.” A rich man burst the door, As Creeses rich ; I’m sure He could not pride himself upon his wit Nor wisdom—for he had not a hit; He had what’s better—he had w ealth. Wligt a confusion! all stand up erect— These crowd around to ask him his health; These bow in honest duty and respect; And these arrange a so.a or a chair, And these tonduct liim there, “Allow me, sir, the honor;” then a bow Down to the earth—ls’t possible to show Meet gratitude for such kind condescension ? The poor man hung his head, And to himself he said “This is indeed beyond my comprehension Their looking round One friendly face he found, And said—“l’ray tell me why is wealth preferred To wisdom ?”—“That’s a silly question friend!” Heplied the other—“have you never heard, A man may lend his store Os gold or silver, ore, But wisdom none can borrow, none can lend?” 01 It OWN AFFAIRS. Since the present proprietor has been inter ested in the Museum, accounts for advertising and subscriptions have been, year after year, with no good prospect of then being speedily liquidated. Having undertaken the es tablishment without funds, and at a high valua tion, we became involved (or a considerable a mount. while he actual receipts have been scarce ly sufficient to meet the current expebces of the business. Our subscription list has continued to increase; our advertising patronage has swe ted to an amount beyond our wannest expects ,ons. But still we found oursilus incumbered demands which it was difficult to satisfy. In‘i ,■ this view of affairs, we came to the resolution of Closing the concern of Rappel &. Bartiet; and that we might be able to meet the demands a gainst ourselves, w e determined to insist upon a speedy settlement with every person indebted to the establishment. This course will appear the more reasonable when it is considered that many of these debits have been standing for live years. During j which period, even many wealthy gentle*n of | this city, and most of our country sub sc timers, j have been receiving the Museum without even remembering to make the least payment. We | shall, therefore, without the least reserve, place’ every demand of this nature in the hands of a le gal agent, for summary collection. To those of our friends who have patronized our establishment, and paid us for our labor, we return cur warmest and sincere thanks. But to those who have boasted of bestowing their pat ronage, for the purpose of giving us their couu , tenuncc and Support, but who have never paid us a farthing—although we feel gratchil, as in duty bound to do, for their good will—yet we must add, that necessity compels us to decline their fa vors in future. Those who may be it) arrears to us, and are tillable to pay, without really distressing ih nselves or their families, it is not ouv intention to press, AVe are disposed to wait better tortunes a. <: hot ter times. It is an indulgence which we ash for oil'selv es, nhd which we are perfectly willing to grant to others. But those who have mom v , and put oft'our just claims, from a spirit of pavsi meny or from inattention, can expect no such delay, CUSAM EMIR BARTtET. January 3,1822. are authorised to an nounce <lapt. Rorzrt Raifoiib .is a caudii.i.e, lbr Major to contn and the OOlli Bittah u Is* liegt. Georgia Militia. jan 9 7 A Situation Wanted, IN the Country or Town, any kind ofMer cantiie business, apply to the Editor of this paper, and application will bel attended to. jan 5 s 4 Notice, AIT. Porsbns are cautioned against crediting any of the crew of the British Brig Sp* oil well, as neither the Captain or the Consignees will be responsible lbr their debts, jan 9 i 7 Notice. A 1,1. persons are cautioned from crediting a tty of the rrewofthe brig Eniikavock, P M’Cavtan. nia*-ter, as no debts of their contrac ting will be paid bv either die Captain or Con signers. 6 a jan 8 Wanted, OTP'}’ O good vessels to load at St. Mary’s, with I sj, Cumber, one for Boston,the other for New- Votk—for terms apply to jtn 7 J C. C.GtfISWOLD &CO. [ i . ■ - ‘ t FRANCIS J LAY, nrjASjukt received by brig Hope, captain iSJ Champlin—and for sale Cologne AVater Coburg Stift'ners Fancy Soaps S II P F.ces New London Btlhous Ltlls, di rect from Lees Dispensatory. —atso — Doct P E Brandins Anti Rheumatic Salve, for the Rheumatics, Toot ach &c which is wor thy the attention of any one afflicted with these complaints. O' l hand, Lynch and Clark’s superior Soda Powders do do Congress AVater Put up in the most perfect state by the dez or single bottle. English Seidletz Powders Henry’s Calcined Magnesia &c At his Druggand Chemical ware house, cor ner of Congress and AVhitaker-streess, Shadd’s buildings ‘ j a n tor Sate, A Gang of NF.GUOES,’ consisting of about 80 or 90, who have been accustomed to the cultivation of Rice. For terms apply to THOMAS OGIFU, Charleston. If not disposed of at private sale before Tues dav, 12th February next., they will on that day lie"sold in Charleston at Public Auction, by Mr. Ogitr. By ouler of the executors of Doctor Win. Warley. §wwt 14 For Private Sale , A PLANTATION upon Savannah River, in the Parish of St Luke, known by the name of thejJKecess —lately belonging to Mr. William Wilson, deceased, and adjoing the plantation of Mr. James H. Ancrum For particulars ap ply to * WM. DRAYTON, Y JAMES FERGUSON, C Charleston. C C. PINCKNEY, Jr 3 Or to TUFTS it REED, Savannah. jan 17 414 Wants a hi tun t ion, AS Teacher in an Academy or Private Fami . ly,in anv part of this state, a gentleman who has had the best of education, of which, and of his moral character, he can produce sat isfactory testimonials. Letters addressed li. 1,1,. M. to the care of the Editors, will meet with attention. jan 10 n8 For Sole. TIIE house anti lot opposite the AliJ Court llouse, at present in the occupa ion of AV T Williams, Esq. The situation is ~ne of the most eligible, and the house among the most commodious in this city. Aprdy to C BOLTON, AVho offers also A second band Carriage and Harness, and a Horse of superior qualities either for the Saddle or Harness. 12a jan 15 PFTER DU KGK, Three doors south of the City Hotel, HpHANKS his fiien ;s and the public in gener- I al for the huge s pport he has received in this city since he commenced business. He lakes this opportunity to offer ios packages j Just received from England and the north, of tin- most fashionable | HATS ANI) CLOTHING, CUEAIKH THAN F.VKH. i Extra superfine boys’ Waterloo Coats, full silk trimmings, at the low rate of §ls ; Fine and extra line black DryssCoats, from Sl6 upwards j Extra blue Saxony do. §2O, and upwards 1 Extra tine and superfine double mill’ll fashiona ble Pantaloons, of aft colors, from Sf to 12 j First rate gentlemen’s fine white linen Shirts, from §1 75 to 4 J French Florentine Waistcoats, s2s | Extra quality. English do. new pattern, §5 i Blue and other colors Surtouls, §l2 £e upwards I Extra fine Waterloo Coats, full trimm’vl yyith silk 522 ’ Gentlemen's knit Drawers, from fI”J cts. to §2 Merino do Sturts, from §1 to 1| I -iiperlint*mb’s yvoo’ Socks, 3 pair for §1 : I i* tie boys’Cieat Ciat-. of all colors g.lj Misses’ Felices from §4 to 6 scarlet, colors F’ airaught Great Coats, §5 J and upwards War rat ‘ and extra site water proof Hats, §3 Imitation Beaver* S3 Roy’s Hats. §l,? Blue, black, bul’ end white fashionable Waist coats Large size si!’- Umbrellas, from g'.’A to 34 Extra large size tartan plaid Cloaks, with tyvo cape* Gentlemen’s silk t ti ckings at §ls Ladies’ a: gentlemen's patent elastic silk Stocking;: al §2 per pair, t'ases fine ami exbafine Irish Linen, from 25 to 874 reins Cassimere Futualoons at S3 —also— A great quantity of NKGRO CLOTHING, Consisting of Jackets and ‘Browsers, from S-M to 6 a suit Superline gentlemen’s Beaver Gloves, 75 cts. nov 30 22 Corn Afloat. 20.000 bushels white Maryland corn afloat, For sale by JOHN L.ATIIROP & Cos. jan4 3s Nails, etc. 72 casks Nails, Brads, and Tacks lbO kegs no. 1 & 2 Tobacco approv’d brands 20 tubs sweet Butter Printing, Sheathing & Wraping Paper I oxes of ('urrant Wine in bottles kegs ol fresh Crackers Now landing and for 3aleby j"” 8 I' B W. LIPPIT&Co. 40 casks Shot assorted, TAN DING and for salt bv J _ A. MORGAN, j‘ n 7 n > Jones’ upper wharf li. L. MILLING, Jit the sign of the bio; Hoot, .Vorth side Market Square. HAS just received per Sereno, one trunk Childrens Kid Roots vety fine, all colors, ‘ogethcr with a complete assortment of Ladies’, Gentlemens and Childrens B its and Shoes. In Store, a few dozen Morocco rkins, all colors. jau 1(3 13 For New-Orleans. KSjtr The brig FAME, Capt T L Adams, fj! will sail on Sunday the 27th inst. For passage only, having elegant accommodations, apply on board, or to „ _ jan 17 14 E. WILLIAMS & Cos. For Boston, •fctE The schr. MARCIA, Nason, master, will meet with dispatch—for freight or pas sage apply to the muster on beard at M Cre dit's xvharf or to ISAAC COHEN. Jan 15 12 For Baltimore, JkS§\ THE Schooner Sally, Matthews mas ter, will sail in a few days, lor treight or passage apply on board at Wharf, or l 0 L. 11. SAGE &. Cos. jan 15 12 For Charleston, r£*r THE regular packet sloop EXPRESS, master, will meet with dispatcli —tur freight or passage apply to the master on board at the Exchange wharf or to ISAAC COHEN. Jan. 15. sl2 For Havre, The fine British brig SPEEDWELL, frg/jj capt. Bathgate, a first class vessel, will meet svith despatch. For lreight of 400 bales Cotton, apply to dec 27 JOHNSTON & HILLS. For Liverpool. rASt* The well known regular trading ship P#J l> .TANK. James Drummond, master, ha commence loading, and will be despa’ched without delay. For freight, apply to captain D on board, at Bolton’s yvllarforto jan 9 7 JAMES DICKSON & Cos. For Liverpool. fcjfty THE Staunch Ship AFRICA, Jnn. Ayh-uai. Johnston jr. master, has commenced loading, and will meet with despatch, having 700 Bales Cotton engaged; for freight of2st) to 300 Bides, apply to the master on board at John stons* upper wharf or to jan 9 e 7 JOHNSTON St HILLS. For Liverpool. jr/iyCr The coppered and fast sailing ship iTihifr HARMONY, S Woodward master, has ! ait of her cargo engaged and AYill not. be de layed in loading. For freight, apply on board at Telfair’s wharf or to jan 10 8 MITCHELL St BARTLETT. tor Greenock. The copper lasteml ship HARRIET, aID Capt Reed, has half her cargo engaged. F t treight, apply on hoard or to jan 10 8i MITCHELL &. BARTLETT. For Port au Prince. f The new Staunch Brig Orion, Capt Smith, will sail on Sunday next—for treigtit of 1 ( '0 bbls. apply on board, or to K. WILLIAMS, St Cos. jan 11 For Freight or Charter, -ISW {To any Heat-India Island,) The stanch schr PIIEBY, Cummings, master, laying at Rice’s wharf. For terms apply . to the Capt. on board, or to S .WANTON, Rice's wharf tVho has for sale, landing from said schr. 100 bb!s lies* india point Gin 10 hhds N E Rum 20 bbls Apples 20 kegs Butter, for family use 20 bbls Ale 10 qr. casks current Wine, jan 12 10 For Freight or Charter, The substantial brig LEONIDAS, C. Lord, master, burthen 243 tons, will be re.i.iy to receive a cargo immediately. Fur terms, apply on board, or to jan 12 ‘ 10 E WILLIAMS & Cos. For New-York, THE regular packet Brig HOPE, capt i 2-i>Tx? Champlin, will sail on the lfith inst. saving the principal part of her Cargo engaged. For freight of the remainder or passage, hav ing good accommodations, Apply to Capt. Champlin on board at Tav lors Wharf or to jan 14 12 C. C. GRISWOLD & Cos. For Freight or Charter. (To the Hist- Indies or New-Orleans) The new fust sailing brig F \ME, T L Adams, master, 150 tons burthen, will be in rea diness to receive a cargo on Tuesday next. For terms applv to capt Adams or an 12 ‘ 10 E WILLIAMS &f Cos. For A ere-York. THF. elegant fast sailing Coppered JSSsfeiL and Copper fastened packet ship Cor. sair, U. L Porter will meet with despatch, for freight or passage having very superior accom modations, apply to capt. P. on board at Tay lors Wharf, or (o OC. GRISWOLD & Cos. jan 16 13 !__ - For Liverpool, To sail on the 20lh inst. The ship J&evfc BRIN, Day, master, having the princi- P a * of her freight engaged, can take from Ito 200 bales Cotton. Applv to jan 15 121 SAMUEL WRIGHT. ’ “ | For Havre or Liverpool, As freight Hia i offer. tsifcsC ‘ ri,c superior ship RLUCHER, Robt. Potter, master. Apply on board at Jones’ low er wharf, or to , A. RICHARDS. ” ho J w * received per said shf and offers for sale, 000 tons Liverpool Ground Salt 16 casks first quality Porter jgnl3 el 5 Family Flour. 2CO bbls Ilovvard-street superfine flour, fresh ground, and suitable for families, for sale by DANL. CARNEY, jr, jan 3 7 14s Hunter's buildings. For Sale. SO Bbls pilot Bread 30 do Boston Crackers 111 do mess Beef 30 do No 1 Mackeael 300 Bushels Irish Potatoes 40 qts Codfish Super quality Onions by the ban el or bunch Butter in half barrel, ‘l libs or Iveg3 15 bbls fall strain’d l amp 20 boxes i perm Candles No 4 o a > 10 do Soap 10 bbls Train Oil Cider by the Barrel Vinegar do Apples do 2 hhds Whiting Leaf Tobacco by the cwt orhhd. —ALSO,— 1 Trunk of Gentlemens Fine Boots very low by ISAAC If. GIFFORD Cos. jan 17 nil Telfair's llhaf. Sugar, 137 Barrels and 2 hhds prime Sugar ■ Landing, and for sale by HALL & HOYT. jan 5 a 4 Java Cojf ‘ee, 20 bags this superior article, now landing from brig Sereno, from Boston, and p articularly recommended to the attention of families by 14 n 12 TUFTS & REED _ Cut Nails. 55 casks Cut Nails, assorted sizes, landing from schr Pliuebe, For saie hy mn 14 11 E WILLIAMS Sc Cos. Bills on Boston, For sale by jan 7 5e MHTHBLL t> BARTLETT. * I'WENTY bales Waltham Cottons at redu- Iced prices 10 pipes Holland Gin, Chat hams cargo 15 Dimijnhns do Th'-s Fowler’s do 28 bbls Sugar, 4 hhds do 20 Dimijohns Cognac Brandy 7 years old 20 bags Almonds, Harris’s Tobacco 40 boxes fresh Muscatel Raisins 100 bbls Rye Whiskey A Few pieces Cotton Bagging suitable for mending 30 casks 2d quality Rice, For sale by S B PARKMAN jan 10 n;9 Hunter's whurf. Bricks £5 Mackerel. 57,000 Huuth Carolina 15 icks, for Sale very low if taken from the Wharf. —ALSO— Landing from Boston, 20 Bids No 1 Mackerel 20 do No 1 do jan 12 10 L. BALDWIN* & Cos. Drafts on Baltimore, At any sight, For sale bv jan 15 12 JAMES MAGEE. Paper Hangings. AN assort merit of elegant Paper Hangings, and fine Hoard Paper, just received and for sale by THOS LONGVVOKTH, jan 15 12 John*on bqnare. Salmon &c. Landing from lirig Sereno of Sloop liapid, 15 bb!s Salmon 75 kegs Pickled do 6 hluls pure Jamaica Bern 5 do bt. Croix do 100 boxes & half do No 1 Chocolate S £*&'! l'**<**. For sale by SAMUEL STODDF.It. jan 12 slO Taylors ‘Vital f. For Sale, TIIF, TYRO, aflat built bor.t well calculated for the navigation of the Savannah river in its lowest state, she is nearly new and the buil ding of her cost upwards of gßoo—Slie will be sold to close a concern at the low rate of glso, and would make an excellent river boat. A1 SO. The Augusta Boat Fairplay with poles.hocks and jamscomplete, as she now lies at William son’s wharf, is ready to receive freight, apply to CANTELOU &.LAMAR, jan 8 s6 Williamson's but tilings. i Combs, TIIIK subscribers keep constantly on hand a general assortment of Shell and imitation Combs, BUTLER & SCRANTON. janja 6 Corner of linjun £J Harnurd- Si. Notice , 4 Few bales Cotton has been by necessity im. thrown oil’ early yesterday morning, from on board the boat PILOT, from Augusta. Any person picking up the same, and informing the subscriber this week, will be liberally rewarded. JAMES CONROY, .tan 14 12 Jfailerson’s wharf. R- A. Palmer <ss Cos. Have for sale, now landing, 30 bbls best Rye Gin Also—6 do Cucumber Pickles jan IS 12s§ Law Office , Matthf.w hall McAllister, offers his professional services to his friends and! the public. His office is on West Broad-street directly in front of the old Market, jan 12 wa§ 10 N. E. Bum and Ballast. 39 bids N E Rum 20 tons excellent stone Ballast Apply to capt Harding on board brig Sereno orto . E WH.LIAMS & Co’ If ho have for sale, A few pieces low priced Plains and Choppas 1 jan 17 14 * 1 Kolloeks Sermons. PERSONS holding subscription papers for this work, will please hand them to the publishers on or before the 12th inst. Those who desire it may yet have an opportunity to subscribe to the work. The price immediately on publication will be advanced two dollars on eachs ft- SC fcj SCHENK, jan 10 S$ This Day Published. BY THOMAS LONGWOimi, Johnson square LACON; Or many things in few word o , addressed [ those who think, by the Rev C U Colton, noblest study ‘J mankind is mtm.“ This work is most highly recommended b all the Literary Reviews, having within a 8 h 0R period gone through eight editions iu London’ and is a book that ought so he in the hands C f every one who reads. Tile edition now offered for saie is hut half the price ot the former American copy, prin-edon a small type, in a large 18 mo. >4 unte, handsomely duiio up in boards, at 75 cents jan 7 5 Prime Cotton Land. rR’WO hundred acres Prime Cotton LAXD J. near White Bluff Meeting-house—for sat by C.ARDXBR TUFTS, jan 10 inß Picked up Jldrift. OX the 7th of this month, between St. Johns and Amelia Island, a green painted clinker built boat, containing a sailors chest, with some womens and childrens clothes, without oars mast or saiis. The owner may hear of her by applying on board the Smack Rainbow, at Tv bee creek. _ _ _ ja 15 s* N. 0: Rum , Whiskey , fy. The cargo of the brig Fame—Consisting of COO bbls N O Whiskey 120 kegs Kentucky Lard 10 hhds 4th proof N O Rum For sale by K WILLIAMS Si Cos. jan 12 TO Share Moulds, Pork, Gin&c Landing from ship Corsair, 3 tons Share Moulds 50 bbls prime Pork 73 do Union Gin In Store, 60 bbls prime Pork. ?6 do Mess do 15 do mess Beef, 47 do prime do 20 do Loaf Sugar, 50 boxes Soap 50 boxes Cand >es 260 bbls superfine Flour 39 firkins prime Goshen Butter 15 casks Shot, well assorted 40 hf bbls fly market beef 8 bbs Cherry Brandy 3 marble Chimney Pieces 161 casks Connecticut Stone Lime 50 kegs manufactured Tobacco elegant Gigs at F Ilenslers, for sale by jan 16 C C GRISWOLD t; Cos CITRON. *TUIE subscriber has lately received clarified 1 Citron, of a very superior quality, also. Figs in Drums, which lie offers for sal” at rea sonable prices. THOMAS CAMPI’ELL. Marshals Buildings, Barnard street, jan 16 i 16 L. H. SAGE, Cos. O Bulloch's wharf. FI’ER for sale 25 pipesj 50 bbls 5 Country Gin select brands 30 do super N O Sugar, 25 do Loaf do 40 chests and half chests Hyson Tees 10 do Hyson skin and Souchong do 30 bags Havana and St Domingo CufFee 20 kegs Tobacco No 1 100 boxes Soap and Candles 20 kegs Butter, 15 do Lard 10 bags Corks, 25 bbls Whiskey 50 bbls Cider, 20 do double Ale Corn, flour, Sic 13 jan 16 Received, Per Prig Sereno from Boston S’ casts Straw Bonnetts 2do do Trimmings, very nice 2 do womens welted Shoes 1 do thick Boots, suitable for the season 3 do do cowhide Shoes 2 trunks morocco Shoes A few dozen pairs lambs-wool Socks 1 trunk fine wax calf-skin nail’d Shoes 1 do do do do sew’d do Ido do do do do Boots 20,000 Spanish Cigars And a general assortment ir.orocco ar.d k:J shoes, coarse and fine shoes, a general assort ment for sale low by MORSE &. S I ONE jan 16 g 1” Stale § County Taxes for 1821 IdTiHE subscriber informs the citizens of Chat county, that he is prepared to receive the State and County Taxes for 1821; which are to be paid in Bills receivable at the Hanks in this city, on or before tlie 16th of February next; after that day executions will be issued against all defaulters. His Office is kept at the northwest corner c” Market square. Office hours from 10 to 2o’ clock. JAMES FPPINGER. Tax Collector, Chatham County. jan 16 §wal3 Corn .fljloat, fffVIF, cargo of Mary & Hannah lying at Rices A. Wharf, for sale by jan 16 13 L. H. SAGE & Cos. To Planters. 4 Few sample Ploughs from the mamifacto .A ry of Robert. Sinclair Baltimore, of various patterns, are just received aid will besolJk*i apply to DANII L CARNEY, Jr. jan 16 ahs Hunters buildings. Valuable Lot. For sale—the lot No. 4, first tyth ■*dki! ing, Reynolds ward, on the Bay, wi'Jj the improvements thereou; a capitalist would realize a handsome interest from the rents tW property would yield. to jan 17 14nt Wm. BELCHER^, Looking-Glasses. JW. MORRELL, offers for sale at his Fur niture repository ('Church buildings,l > l; elegant assortment of Mantle and I’ier Gas ses of the latest fashions. Orders will be received for Glasses r-ml f° : ’ warded to the manufacturer at New-York. ‘ j an 7 5 (£J° .i Wet Nurse Wanted Apply at this office, jan 16 +l3