The Savannah museum. (Savannah, Ga.) 182?-1822, January 21, 1822, Image 2

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IHB MUSEUM. OUR ‘OWN AFFAIRS. Since tlio present proprietor lias been’ inter acted in the Musevm, accounts for advertising ami subscriptions have been ncosmulating, year after y ear, with no good prospect of their being speedily liquidated. Having undertaken the es tablishment without funds, and at a high valua t ion, we became involved for a considerable a mount, while the actual receipts have been scarce, ly sufficient to meet the current expcnces of the business. Our subscription list has continued to increase; our advertising patronage has swelled to an aironnt beyond our warmest expectations. Hut still we found ourselves incumbered with demands whieb it was difficult to satisfy. Under this view of affairs, we came to the resolution of closing the concern of Kappel & Bartlet; and t hbt we might be able to meet the demands a gainst. ourselves, we determined to insist upon a speedy settlement with every person indebted to the establishment. ‘I bis course will appear the more reasonable ’whenitis'eonsidered dial many of these debits have been standing for five years. During which period, even many wealthy gentlemen of tlirfeity, and most of our country subscribers, have been receiving tlie Museum without ever remembering to make the least payment. AY e shall, therefore, without the least reserve, place every demand of tins nature in the hands of a le gal agent, for summary collection. To those of our friends who have patronized our establishment, and paid us for our labor, we return our wan est and sincere thanks, llut to these who have boasted of bestowing their pat ronage, for the purpose of giving us their coun tenance'ahd support, but who have never paid us a'fartlimg— although we feel grateful, as in duty bound to do, for their good will—yet we must add, that necessity compels us to decline tlieir fa vors in future. Those jj'ho may be in arrears to us, and are unable to pay, without realty distressing themselves nr theirjamiiics, it is not our intention to press. We are*disposed to wait better fortunes and bet ter times. It is an indulgence which we ask for ourselves, and which we are perfectly willing to grant to others. Hut those who have money, and put off our just claims, from a spirit of parsi mony or from inattention, can expect no such delay. COSAM EMIR BARTLET. January 3,1822. A Situation Wanttd, RN the Country or Town, any kind of Wer ■_ catitile business, apply to the Editor <>l this paper, and appbcation ‘"ill be attended to. jan 5 s 4 Notice, i LL Persons are cant mi rd sgainat crediting any of the crew nf thr British Brig *■>’ ed. well, as neither the Captain nr the Consignees will lie responsible for their debts, jan 9 \,7 Wanted, Tp 1 ’ 0 pood .vessels to had atSt Mary’s, with sJL Lulliher, one for Boston,the other for Ncvv- York—for term# apply to jan 7 5 C. C. GIItSWOI.D & CO Foi* Hale. 30 Rblfr pilot Bread 30 do Boston Crackers 111 do messlleif , . 30 do No 1 Maefceael 300 Hushels lush Potatoes 40 qts Codfish Super quality Onions by the barrel or hunch Butter in half barrtMs, Tubs or Kegs 15 bids full strain'd Lamp Oil 20 boxes >perm Candles No 4 5 St 6 10 do Soap JO bbls Train Oil Cider by the Barrel Vinegar do - Apples do 2 lihds Whiting Leaf Tobacco t>v the ewt or hlul -ALSO,— 1 Trunk of Gentlemens Fine Boots very low by ISAAC It. GIFFORD C Cos. jan 17 nl4 J'< ‘fair’s Wharf. Suva Coff> e, 20 hags this rm.-eri'-r anicle. now landing from Hrig Sen no, from Boston, and p “ticularly recommended to tlie attention of families by 14 n 12 TUFTS & REFT) Cut IN ails. r 'j casks Cut Nails, assorted sizes, landing from schr Phoebe, For sale by jan 14 11 E WILLIAMS & Cos. Jiills on Boston, For sale by jan 7 be MI ICUF.LL h BAUTLF.TT. * bates Waltham Cottons at redu- I. • ced priqev Iff pipes itoilunil Gin, Chathains cargo 15 ‘liiiiijulins cfo Thus Fowler’s do - 8 btds Sugar, 4 lihds do -.3 Uimijohns Cognac Brandy 7 years old 20 haps AltPomls, Harris’s Tobacco 40 boXcs'freafi Muscatel Uuisins 100 bbls Bye Whiskey A few pieces Cotijii Bagging suitable for mending 30 casks 2d quality Bice, For sale by S E PARKMAN jail 10 U*9 Jiirite-'* wharf. ’'ricks Mackerel. 57,000 Hutith Carolina Bricks, lor Sale ve.y low if taken from the Wharf. —AISO Landing fix m Poston, 20 litas Nu 1 M:-„ckeiel 2 ) do Nu l do I jan \ ‘ Id L BALDWIN A Cos. Drafts on Baltimore, At any sight, lor sale bv an 15 13 * JAKE A M AGFii .V. ft. Rum , Whiskry, fyc. TJu: cif : of f'.e brig Fame— l Consisting.of : dyo bbls V O Whiskey 120 k-'gs K. ptnc.kv I-anl i 10 ldj'’s4i!iprc'>t'N O Rum ji l’i r sale i>y , rIV It LIAMS kCo ( iau V 19 ‘ : * ‘ ji FRANCIS J. LAY, ftf*AS just received hy brig Hope, caplain Ukl Chainplin*—and sr saje j j Cologne Water I . Coburg StilFners 1 Fancy Soaps S H I’-F-ees New London Bilbous Litis, di rect from Lees Dispensatory’. , —also — Doct P E Brandins Anti Rheumatic Salve, for the Rheumatics, Toot aoh &c which is wor thy the attention of any one afflicted with these complaints. On hand, , Lynch and Clark’s superior Soda Powders do do Congress Water Tut up in the most perfect state by the doz. or single bottle. English Seidletz Powders Henry’s Calcined Magnesia Ac At his Druggand Chemical ware house, cor ner of Congress and Whitaker-streess, Shadd’s buildings ja 17 For Sate, A Gang of NEGROES, consisting of about 80 or 90, who have been accustomed to tlic cultivation of Rice. For terms apply to THOMAS OGIER, Charleston. If not disposed of a private sale before Tues day, 12th February next, they will on that day he sold in Charleston at Public Auction, by Mr. Ogier. By order of the executors of Doctor Wm. Walley. §wwtl4 For Private Sale , A PLANTATION upon Savannah River, in tlie’ Parish of St. Luke, known by the name of tliejßecess—lately belonging to Mr. William Wilson, deceased, and adjoing the plantation of Mr. James 11. Ancrum. For particulars ap ply to WM. DRAYTON, Y JAMES FERGUSON, \ Charleston. C C. PINCKNEY, Jr. } Or to TUFTS & REED, Savannah. jan 17 %14 • Wants a Situation, AS Teacher in an Academy or Private Fami ly, in anv part of this state, a gentleman who has had the best of education, of which, and of his moral character, he can produce sat isfactory testimonials. Letters addressed K. L L. M. to the care of the Editors, will meet with attention. jan 10 n8 For Sole. ® THE house ami lot opposite the Court House, at present in the oecupa i tion of\V T William,,, Esq. The situation is one of the most eligible, and the house among the most commodious in this city. Apply to C BOLTON, tv ho oilers also A second hand Carriage and Harness, and a Horse of superior qualities either for the Saddle or Harness. l‘2a jan 15 PETER DREGE, Three doors south of the City Hotel, LjXH ■ MvS his friends and the public ill geuer t si for the large support he has received in tins city since he commenced business. He takes this importunity to ofi'er 105 PACKAGES Just received from England and the north, of the most fashionable HATS AND CLOTHING , CHKAPKIt THAI* EVStI. Extra superfine boys’ Waterloo Coats, full silk trimmings, at the low ra'e of sls Fine and extra fine black Dress Coats, trom gl6 upwards Extra blue Saxony do. §2O, and upwards Extra line and superfine double mill’d fashiona ble Pantaloons, ofa' l colors, from §4 to 12 First rate gentlemen’s fine whiie linen Shirts, from Jsl ?5 to 4 French Florentine Waistcoats, S2£ Extra quality English do. new “utterti, g 5 nine and other colors Surtouts, gl‘2 Ik upwards Extra fine Waterloo Coals, full trinnn’d with silk $22 Gentlemen’s knit Drawers, from 6 cts. to $2 Merino do Shirts, from gl to 1J Superfine lamb’s wool Socks, 3 pair for gt l.itlle boys’ Gieat Coats ofall colors, g>J Misses* Polices from §4 to 6. scarlet, colors Fearnaught Great Coats, ssl and upwards Warranted extra fine water proof Hats, g 8 Imitation Beavers, S3 Boy’s Hats, SH Blue, black, buff and white fashionable Waist coats Large size silk Umbrellas, from g‘2J to 3} Extra large size tartan plaid Cloaks, with two capes Gentlemen’s silk Stockings at gif Ladies’ and gentlemen’s patent elastic silk Stockings at g 2 per pair Cases fine and extra tine Irish Linen, from 25 to 8 7% cents Cassimere Pantaloons at g 8 ALSU A great quantity of NEGRO CLOTHING, Consisting of Jackets and ‘browsers, from S H to 6 a suit Superfine gentlemen’s Beaver Gloves, 75 cts. nov 30 22 Corn Afloat. 20.000 bushels white Maryland corn afloat, For sale by JOHN LATHROP Si Cos. jan 4 3s Nails, etc. 72 casks Nails, Brads, and Tacks li'O kgs no. 1 Sc 2 Tobacco approv’d brands 20 tubs swee* Butter Printing, Sheathing & YV raping Paper boxes of Currant Wine in bottles kegs of fresh Crackers Now lauding and for sale by jan 8 li6 W. LIPPIT Sc Cos. 10 casks Shot assorted, TANDING and for sale bv l A. MORGAN, jan 7 n5 Jones’ upper -wharf. R. L. milling; 7 Jit the sign of the big Boot. North side Market Square. HAS just received’ per Sereno, one trunk Childrens Kid Boots very line, ail colors, together with a complete assortment of Lad'es, Gemlemejis and Childrens B <ots and Shoes. ! In Store, a few dozen Morocco Skins, a]] colors. jan 16 s!3 j *Fer New-Orleans. xfitr < The brig FAME, Capt. T L Adams, will sail on Sunday the 27tli inst. For passage only, having elegant accommodations, apply on board, or to jan 17 14 K. WILLIAMS Sc Cos. j For Baltimore , A&U THE Schooner Sally, Matthews mas ter, will sail in a few days, for freight or passage apply on board at Rices W half, or t 0 I. H. SAGE 8t Cos. jan 15 12 For Havre , . The fine British brig SPEEDWELL, gfP capt. Bathgate, a first class vessel, will meetwith despateh. For freight of 400 bales Cotton, apply to dec 27 JOHNSTON & HILLS. For Liverpool. The well known regular trading ship sjyk*c JANE, James Drummond, piaster, has commence ) loading, and will be despatched without delay. ■ For ‘reight, apply to captain D on board, at Bolton’s wharf or to . jan 9 7 JAMES DICKSON 8c Cos. For Liverpool. THE Staunch Ship AFRICA, Jno. jjyUjjg Johnston jr. master, has commenced loading, and will meet with despatch, having 700 Bales Cotton engaged; for freight of 250 to 1 300 Bales, apply to tlie master on board at John : stons’upper wharf oj to * ’ jan 9 c 7 JOHNSTON & HILLS. For Liverpool. The coppered and fast sailing ship HARMONY, S Woodward master, has part of her cargo engaged and Will not be de layed in loading. For freight, apply on board at Telfair’s wharf or to jan 10 8 MITCHELL 8c BARTLETT. ; For Greenock. < The copper fastend ship HARRIET, ■ Reed, has half her cargo engaged. For freight, apply on board or to [ jan 10 8i MITCHELL & BARTLETT. For ew-York. Jmi THE elegant fast sailing Coppered vjjffl ap and Copper fastened packet ship Oor • air. It. L I’orter will meet with despatch, for freight or passage having very superior accotn i modal 'ons, apply to capt. P. on hoard at Tay ; lors Wharf, or to C.C. GRISWOLD 8c Cos. jan 16 13 i For Liverpool , : Jm\ To sail on the 20th inst. The ship ERIN, Day, master, having the princi pal part of her freight engaged, can take from Ito 200 bales Cotton. Apply to jan 15 12i SAMUEL WRIGHT. For Havre or Liverpool , -1* freight may offer. lug The superior ship BLUCfIER, Kobt. Potter, master. Apply on board at Jones’ low- Fer wharf, or to A. IU HARDS. Who has received per said ship and offersfbr sale, .300 tons Liver pool Ground Salt 16 casks first (pudity Porter jan 18 els For Charleston. le le tf u * ur sloop MARY, IhilLs Brown, master, will meet with dis ; patch For frtigbt or passage, having good ac co’ mtulations, apply to the master on board at Exchange wharf, or to Jan 19 c ISAAC COHEN. 100 bales of Cotton arc wanted to complete the cargo of the ship THO MAS KOWLER, for Liverpool. Apply to capt , Candler on hoard, at Jones’ lower wharf, or to jan 17 Hit • A RICHARDS {£7° 200 bales Cotton are wanted on freight to fill the bt rque SPARTAN, for Liverpool Apply to july 17 H GUMMING k GWATHMEY. For Sale, MpilF. TYRO, aflat built bor.t well tabulated; l foe the navigation of the Savannah river in | i's lowest state,.she is nearly new and the bull- j ding of her cost upwards of gSOO—She will be ’ sold to close a concern at tlie low’ rate of glso, j and would make an excellent river boat. ALSO. The Augusta B at Fair play with poles, heks and jams complete, as she now lies at William son’s wharf, is ready to receive fae*ghfaapplv to * CANTF.LOU &I.XMAR, jail 8 s6 Williamson's buildings. Combs, ‘9 MIE sijJiscribejis keep constantly on hand a 1. general assortment of Shell and imitation Combs, BUTLER SCRANTON, i jail,B 6 Come-ot IS yan U Barnard- St. Notice, A Few hale; Cotton has been by necessiu thrown nt; early yesterday morning, from on Board the boat PI I.H I” t rom Augusta. Any person picking up the same, and informing the subscriber this week, will be liberally rewarded JAMES CONROY, ; j ar t 14 12 .hide-son's wharf. R. A. Calmer § Cos. Have for sale, non’ landing, 3u bbls best Rye Gin Also—6 do Cucumber Pickles jan 15 12s§ Laic Office , MATTHEW HALL McALLISTER, offers Ins professional services to his friends and the public. His office is on West Broad-street, directly in front of the old Market, jan 12 wa§ 10 JV C. Rum and Ballast. 39 bbls N E Rum 20 tons excellent stone Ballast Apply to capt Harding on board br'g Sereno <>r to , K WILLIA MS & Cos Who have f r sale, A few pieces low priced Plains and Cboppas | jan 17 14 w ) This Way Published, BY THOMAS LONG WORTH, Johnson square, LACON; j Or many things in few w ords, addressed to j those who think, by the Rev (J C Colton,x “ The nolffest study of mank ind is man.' 1 This w ork is most highly recommended bv all the Literary Reviews, having within a short period gone through eight editions in London, and is a book that ought to be in the bands of every one who reads. . The edition now offered for sale is but ball the price of the former American copy, neatly printed on a small type, in a large 18 mo. vol ume, handsomely done up in boards, at 75 cents jan 7 5 Prime Cotton Land. TWO hundred acres Prime Cotton LAND, near White Bluff Meeting-house—for sale by GARDNER TUF FS, jan 10 Jnß ■ i .*■-.• i ■ ii ■ .... ■ ‘ Picked, up Adrift. ON the 7th of this month, betweeu St Johns and Amelia Island, a green painted clinker built boat, containing a sailors chest, with some w omens and childrens clothes, without oars, mast or sails. Tlie owner may hear of her by applying on board the Smack Rainbow, at Ty bee creek. jan 15 s* ; Share Moulds, Pork, Gin Landing from ship Corsair, 3 tons Share Moulds 50 bbls prime Pork 73 do Union Gin In Store, 60 bbls prime Pork, 26 do Mess do 1 15 do mess Beef, 47 do prime do ! 20 do Loaf Sugar, 50 boxes Soap 50 boxes Candles I 260 bbls superfine Flour 39 firkins prime Goshen Butter 15 casks Shot, well assorted 40 hf bbls fly market beef 8 bbs Cherry Brandy 3 marble Chimney’ Pieces 1 161 casks Connecticut Stone Lime 50 kegs manufactured Tobacco 2 elegant Gigs at F Denslers, for sale by jan 16 C C GRISWOLD 84 Cos CITRON. ‘JWIH subscriber has lately received clarified 1 Citron, ofa very superior quality, also, Figs in Drums, which he offers for sale at rea sonable prices THOMAS CAMPBELL. Marshals Buildings, Barnard street, janl6 i 16 L. 11. SAG K, & Cos. O Bulloch's wharf FFER for sale 25 pipes £ 50 bbls 3 Country Gin scdect brands 30 do super NOS gar, 25 do Loaf do 40 chests and half chests Hyson Teas 10 do Hyson ski” and Souchong do 30 bags Havana and Si D mingo Coffee 20 Kegs Tobarc No 1 10U boxes Soap and ’ a dies 20 kegs Putter, 15 do Lard 10 bags Corks, s5 bbls Whiskey 50 . ds Cider, 20 do double Aie Corn, flmti, &c 13 jan 16 I * Received, Per Brig Sereno from Boston 3 cases xiraw lionnetts 2do do Trimmings, very nice 2 do womens welti and Shoes 1 do thick Boots, suitable for the season 3 do do cowhide Shoes 2 trunks moroc< o Sliu^i A few dozen pairs lumhs-wool Socks 1 trunk fine wax calf-skin nail’d Shoes 1 do do do do sew’d do 1 do. do do do do Boots 20,000 Spanish Cigars And a general assortment morocco and kid riloes, coarse and fine shoes, a general assort ment for sale low by MOUSE & STONE jan 16 “ 13 State & County Taxes for iß2t H iF. subscriber informs the citizens ofChat -41 bam county, that he is prepared to receive the State and County lasts for 1821 ; winch are to be paid in Bills receivable at the Packs in this city, on or before the 16th of February j next; after that day executions will be issued ; against all defaulters His Office is kept at tlje northwest corner of ! Market square. Office hours from 10 to 2o’ clock. JAMES FPPINGKR Tar Collector, Chatham County. j jan 16 §wal3 Corn Afloat , rpilE cargo of Mary 81 Hannah lying at luces JL Wharf, for sale by jan 16 13 L. H. S AGE 8t Cos. To Planters. \Fevv sample Pl- ughs trom the manufact ry of Robert Sinclair Baltimore, of various patterns, are just received and will be so’ w, apply to * DANIEL CARNEY, Jr. jan 16 ah§ Hunters buiiu . Valuable Lot. For sale—the lot No 4, firsttyih-; ‘ifrj.d ing, Reynolds ward, on the Bay, wm. 1 the improvements thereon; a capitalist wouli realize a handsome inieretst from the rents tiff property would yield. Apply to jan 17 14nt ‘ Wm. BELCHER. Looking-Glasses. JAV. MORRELL, offers for sale at his Fur niture repository ("Church buildings,) an elegant assortment of Mantle and Pier Glas > ses of the latest fashions. * Orders will be received for Glasses and l'or ■ warded to the manufacturer at New-York, jail 7 j kc] locks Sermons. PERSONS holding subscription papers for this work, will please hand them to the 1 publishers on or before the 12th inst. Those who desire it may yet have an opportunity to subscribe to the work. The price immediately on publication will be advanced tw o dolla-s on each set. SC & J SCHENK , | jan 10 Rs DBT GOODS. j UTpIIE subscriber has just rect id per “H 4JL John &. Edward from Nev.’ York, a pH supply of seasonable Dry Goods, M Among which are , I Extra super queens mixture Casimer s ■ Gentlemens Cravats B llrittania Handkerchiefs I Imitation Merino Dresses B Green Ra'ze H Gentlemens super Bull’ Si Drab Ruciaß Cloves. B ALSO, ■ 1 Case mens low’ priced Chip Ilats H 5000 Quills ■ Which will be sold low for Cash, a tyl 7, Commerce Row. F. L. jan 19 16 B J UST received and for sale by the sub*:-J 80 drums fresh figs ■ 20 qr casks Tenerifle Wine I 10 pipes Holland Giti ‘H 10 do Cognac Brandy, first quality 1 3 puncheons old Jam. Rum 1 12 boxes wliite Havana Sugar 1 25 kegs Goshen Butter 1 20 boxes Negro Pipes 1 20 hhds N O Sugar, 50 bbls do do 1 50 boxes Muscatel Raisins 1 With a complete assortment of Groceries B jan 19 16c GAUURY &DUFAI.'keI Seed Rye. I THE Subscriber lias a few bushels first n | ity Seed Rye for Sale, * Likewise can furnish the citizens of Savann J with what Milk and Cream, they may wantß short notice. E. JENGKES ‘■ jau 19 *i 16 Jenckes Vilh I Fresh Goshen Butter. 1 Just rec'd per brig Hope, Copt. ChampllM Ten 100 lb kegs Goshen Butter, which u.B be sold low, by FRANCIS J LAY. ■ jan 17 Corner of Congress & Whitaker-u. ■ Stone Lime , I Landing from ship Corsair, I 150 casks, which will be sold low, if take-1 from the wharf. Apply to I jan 17 14sf JOHN B CREEMER. I H TOPPED from a Negro, supposed to hvJ been stolen, a blue cloth Coat, any pe-wl having lost such a one, may have the same, bl paying for this advertisement, and enquiring j| THOMAS M’CAKIY I Tabby buildings Ifest Broad street. I jan 19 cl 6 I Whiskey &* Gin. 150 barrels Whiskey ] 40 do N E Gin ’ 50 do Newark Cider ] Landing from Brig Gen. A Jackson, and fj sale by HALL & HOYT. I jan 18 15 Hams, Smok’d Tongues, Ap ples, sc. Rec'd Tier ship John df Edward. 900 smallNize Burlington Hams 50 smokd Tongues 10 hblg (pippins) Apples 10 smalt kegs superior Goshen Rutter 8 bags old Java Coffee 10 hf bbls Fly Mar ket Beef 10 do Buckwheat Meal 25 kegs fresh Butter Crackers Apply t<> O PALMES Next door East to Mess Taft St Sibleys’ jan 18 15 w Butter , Chocolate , &"c. 10 Firkins fresh Goshen Butter 5 boxes Chocolate Bakers brand No. 1 said to be of a vtrv superior quality 4 boxes do Dophams Brand No 1 2 boxes Catsup 3 do Mustard 3 half barrels Mutton Hams 2 barrels Connecticut mess Shad. Landing from the Ship Corsair, and fur sa elovv if taken from the AV’harf. AUGUSTUS CORNWALL jan 13 15 , Paper Hangings. AN assortment <-f elegant Paper Hanging;, and fine Board Paper, just received and Jbr sale by. _ TilOS LONGWOUTH, J a l I ’ 13 Johnson square. . (D* A Wd riV* urse Wanted. Apply at this office, jan 16 -j-13 Family Flour. 200 bbls lloward-street superfine flour, fresh ground, and for fanrsiiies, for sale by DA ML CARNEY, jr, jan 17 14s ffunter*s building* Salmon &c. Landing from Brig Sereno U Sloop Rapid. 15 bbls Salmon 75 kegs Pickled do 6 lihds pure Jamaica Rum 5 do St. Croix do 100 boxes ii half do No 1 Chocolate 00 bbls Ho3L. „ 25 half do do 2 S MAtKfcR EL > Fur sale by SAMUEL STODDKR jan 12 slO Taylors Wharf. Take Notice. NINE months after date, I shall apply to the Hon. the Judge of the Inferior Court and Chatham County, tor leave to sell the rea*es tate ot \V. G K.noe, and for the benefit oi tlie heirs and creditors of said deceased S. G. THUEADCRAFT, Adm'r aug 9 62 Notice. NINE months after U.ite application will bf made to the Hon. Inferior Court of Chat ham County for leave to sell a Tract of Lend in Jefferson County, about nine miles bek" 1 Louisville, adjoining Lands of Baldwin Railed’ estate t f Ingrum deceased, and others ; c"’'’ taining 300 acres, more orl ess, as part of the Real Estate of Philip Uaiford, deceased. R. RaIFORD, Mm'r. may 29 f 9nt JO B~PIUNrjNG Neatly executed at the Museum t iffttc