The Savannah museum. (Savannah, Ga.) 182?-1822, January 24, 1822, Image 2

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THE MUSEUM. Just Received. 10 puncheons Jamaica Hum, imported direct -25 bin's N F. Rum, and JO bills do 20 qp casks Malaga Wine .10 . 0 boxes Candles— 12 chests Hyson Tea 100 do Windsor Soap. - ALSO— -2 bales blue l’lains 1 case Chop; a ltomals 1 bale broad Cloths 1 do Cissimeres. fancy colors 1 do bordered Handkerchiefs 1 bale Russia Sheeting 1 do Virginia Kerseymeres V’or sale on accommodating terms, bv J. B. HERBERT & CO. jan 11 18 For Sale. 50 Bbls pilot Bread 30 do Boston Crackers 111 do mess Reef 30 do No 1 Mackeael SOO bushels Irish Potatoes 40 qts Codfish Super quality Onions by the barrel or bunch Butter in half barrels, Tubs or Kegs 15 bids fall strain'd Camp Oil VO boxes sperm Candles No 4 5 & 6 10 do Soap JO bbls Train Oil Cider by the Barrel Vinegar do Apples do 2 hh'ds Whiting Leaf Tobacco bv the cwt or bhd - ALSO,— 1 Trunk of Gentlemens Tine Hoots very low by ISAAC R. GIFFORD & Cos. jan 17 nl4 To fait** Wharf Java Cojfse, 20 bags this superior nude. now laodbg frun. ong Sereno, frnn Boston, and particularly recommended to the attention of fain Ties bv 14 n 12 ‘TUFTS fc RE! V, C’ut Nails. 55 casks Cut Nails, assoi ttd sizes, lauding from sehr Phoebe, For sale bv jan 14. 11 K WILLIAMS & Cm *|BVbM I Y baits Waltham Cottons at redu- JL ced prices 10 pipes Holland Gin, Chathains cargo 15 tbinijohus do Thus Fowler’s do 28 bbls Sugar, 4 hlitls :lo 20 Dimijohns Cognac Brandy 7 vears old 20 hags Almonds, Harris’s Tobacco 40 boxes fresh Muscatel Raisins 100 bbls Hye Whiskey A few pieces Cotton Ragging suitable for mending 30 casks 2d quality Uicc, For sale by S R"ARKMAN jan 10 n|9 //'<■•■** wharf. FHA JN ih .1. LAV, SU ,Sjust receivid by brig Hope, captain .A Champiin—and for sale Cologne V ater Coburg Sti Hiuts Fancy Soaps SHF Fees New London Uillious Lills, di rect from l.ccs Dispensatory. ALSO — Duct PEBrandins Anti Rheumatic Salve, for the Rheumatics. Tool achfsc ■•hicii is or thy the attention of any .one afflicted with these complaints. On baud, •y Lynch and Clark’s superior Soda Powders tlo do Congress Water Put up m the most perfect state by tile doz or single bottle. English Seidleiz Powders >. Henry’s Calcined Magnesia &c At his Drugg and Chemical ware house, cor ner of Congress and Whitaker-streess, Sliadd’s buildings 4 jan 17 I For time, A Gang of NEGROES, consisting of about 80 of 90, uho have been accustomed to the cultivation of Rice For terms apply to THOMAS OGIKK, Charleston. If not diset ud of at private sale before Tues day, 12th February next, they will on that day I tic sold in Charleston at Public Auction, by Mr. Drier. Py order of the executors of Doctor Win. Walley. §wwt 14 For Private Sale , A PLANTATION upon Savannah River, ill the Parish of St. Luke, known by the name of tin Jtecesr —lately belonging to Mr. William Wilson, deceased, and .vijoing the plantation of Mr. H. Ancrum. For particulars ap ply to WM. DRAYTON, 1 JAMES FERGUSON, U Charleston. C C. I’lNt KN'KY, Jr V Or to TUFTS & REED, Savannah. jan 17 §l4 Wants a Situation, \S Teacher in an Academy or Private Fami ly, in am part of this state, a gentleman who has had the best of education, of which, and of his jt.c at character, lie can produce sat isfactory testimonials. Letters addressed It. L L. M. to the care of the Editors, will meet with attention. jan 10 n8 Corn Aflout, 20.000 bushel) white Alary land corn afloat, For sale by JOHN LATHROP & Cos. jan 4 3s K a'ls. etc. 7? ‘;.,sks Kails, II ‘ids, and Tacks L'O kegs no i 2 ‘’obacco approv’d brands 20 tubs sweet Putter Printing, She . lung & Wraping Paper boxes of Currant ‘t ine in bottles ke<r c ! tvesti Crackers Now landing anil for sale bv - 8 lis \V 1IPPlT&ro , iOlTmi lung; dt t ‘.e sign of the big Hoot, JVtirth side ■ Market dtjuare. TTASjrst receive*] per Sereno, one trunk J I tjn ! Irens K''l ItootS very fine, all coitus, together with a complete Assoriiuent of Ladies, Gentlemens and * hildrens 11 t>is and Shoes. In Store, a Itw dozen Morocco Skins, alii colors. jan 16 sl3 PETER DREGE, Three doors south of the City Hotel, THANKS his friends and the public in gener al for the large support he has received in this city since he commenced business. He takes this opportunity to offer iOS PACKAGES Just received from England and the north, of the most fashionable HATS AJW CLOTHING , CHEAPER THAW EVER. Extra superfine boys’ Waterloo Coats, full silk trimmings, at the low rate of gls j Fine and extra fine black Dress Coats, from §l6 | upwards ’ Extra blue Saxony do. g2O, and upwards ; Extra fine and superfine double mill’d fashiona ble Pantaloons, ofaP colors, from g>4 to 12 j First rate gentlemen’s fine white linen Shirts, from gl 75 to 4 i French Florentine W’aistcoats, §2 j Extra quality English do. new pattern, §5 Blue and other colors Surtouts, gT2 & upwards Extra fine Waterloo Coats, full trimm’d with silk, g 22 Gentlemen’s knit Drawers, from 62J cts. to 82 Merino do Shirts, from 81 to 14 Superfine lamb’s wool Socks, 3 pair for 81 Little boys’ Great Coats of all colors, 834 Misses’ Petices from 84 to 8, scarlet, colors Eearnanght Great Coats, and upwards Warranted extra fine water proof lists, 88 Imitation Beavers, 83 Roy’s Hats, 81£ Blue, black, buff and white fashionable Waist coats Large size silk Umbrellas, from 824 to 34 Extra large size tartan plaid Cloaks, with two capes Gentlemen’s silk Stockings at 8H Ladies’ and gentlemen’s patent elastic silk Stockings at g 2 per pair Cases fine and extra fine Irish Linen, from 25 to 874 cents Cassimere Pantaloons at g 8 —a cso— - A great quantity of KEG HO CLOTHING, Consisting of Jackets and Trowsers, from 844 to 6 a suit Superfine gentlemen’s Beaver Gloves, 75 cts. nov 30 22 10 casks Shot assorted, r AN DING and for sale by A A. MORGAN, jan 7 n5 Jones’ upper wharf 1L A. Palmer Cos. Have.for sale, now landing, 30 bbls best Rye Gin Also—6 do Cucumber Pickles ban 15 I2ss Law Office, Matthew hall, mcai.listkr, offers his professional services to his fi iends and the public. 11 is office is on \V< st Broad-street, directly in front of the old Market, jan 12 wa§ 10 N. tV Bum and Ballast. 39 bbls N E Rum 20 tons excellent stone Ballast Apjdy to capt Harding oi t- iard brig Sereno, or to I'. V\ 11.1,1 AMt> Ik Cos If 7 to have for sale, A few pieces low priced Plains and Choppas jan 17 14 This Day Fublishcd, BY THOMAS LONGWORTII, Johnson square, LACON; Or many things in few words, addressed to those who Ihii'k, by the Rev C C Colton, “The xiobiest study of mankind is man.'’ This work is most highly reconuiitniied by all the Literary Reviews, having within a short period gone thrvugh eight editions in London, and is a book that ought to be in the hands of every one who reads. The edition now offered for sale is but half the price of the former American copy, neatly printed on a small type, in a large 18 mo. vol ume, handsomely done up in boards,-at 75 cents jan 7 5 Prime Cotton Land. TWO hundred arres Prime Cotton LAND, near White Bluff Meeling-houst—ff.r sale by GARDNER TUFFS, ian 10 * n ß I Ticked up Ad ift. ON the 7h oi this nu n ii, bet\v eu St Johns, and Amelia Island, „ given painted clinker built boat, containing a sailors chest, with some womens and childrens clothes, without oars, mast or sails, liie o ner may hear of herb) apph mg on board the ‘-track Uai-.buw, at I'y"- bee creek. jan 15 ?* fell me Moulds, Pork, Gin &jc. Landing from ship Corsair, 3 tons Share Moulds S') bbls : rime Pot k 7? do Union Gin In Store, (id bbls prime Pork, 26 do Mess do 15 do mers Beef, 47 do prime do 20 do Loaf Sugar, 50 boxes Soap 50 boxes Candles 261 bbls superfine Flour 39 firkins prirhc Goshen Rutter 15 casks Shot, well assorted 40 hf bbls fly market beef 8 bbs Cherry Brandy 3 marble Chimney Pieces 161 casks Connecticut Stone Lime 50 kegs manufactured Tobacco ~ elegant Gigs at K Denslers, for sale by jan 16 C C GRISWOLD & Cos L. H. SAGE, f ’ Cos. O Bulloch's w/iaif FFFR for sale 25 pipes 7 50 bbls 5 Country Gin select brands SO do super N O S’ gar. 25 do Leaf do 40 chests and half chests Hyson Teas 10 do Hyson skin and Souchong do 30 bags Havana and St Domingo Coffee 20 Kegs Tobacco No 1 100 boxes Soap and Candles 20 kegs Putter, 15 do Lard 10 bags Corks, 25 bbls Whiskey 50 bbls Cider, 20 do double Ale Corn flour, Ac 13 jail 16 | QT A Wet Nurse Wanteil Apply at this office, jan 16 fl3 CITRON. THE subscriber has lately received clarified Citron, of a very superior quality, also, Figs in Drums, which he offers for sale at rea sonable prices. THOMAS CAMPBELL Marshals Buildings, Barnard street, jan 16 i 16 Received, Per Brig Sereno from Boston , 3 cases Straw lionnetjs 2 do do Trimmings, very nice 2 do womens welted Shoes 1 do thick Boots, suitable for the season 3 do do cowhide Shoes 2 trunks morocco Shoes A few dozen pairs lambs-wool Socks 1 trunk fine wax calf-skin nail’d Shoes 1 do do do do sew’d do 1 do do do do do Boots 20,000 Spanish Cigars And a general assortment morocco and kid shoes, coarse and fine shoes, a general assort ment for sale low by MORSE &. S'IONE jan 16 “ 13 State County Taxesfor (821 IjTKIHF. subscriber informs the citizens of Chat <UL bam county, that lie is prepared to receive the State and County Taxes fur 1821 ; which are to be paid in Bills receivable at the Ranks in this city, on or before the 16th of February next; after that day executions will be issued against alt defaulters His Office is kept at the northwest corner of Market square. Office hours from 10 to 2 o’ clock. JAMES FPFINGER Tax Collector, Chatham County. jan 16 §wal3 Corn Afloat, TVIE cargo of Mary & Hannah lying at Rices . Wharf, for Sale by jan 16 13 L. H. S AGE &Cos To Planters. 4 Few sample Plfughs from the manufacto- A ry of Robert Sinclair Baltimore, of various patterns, are just received and will beso’d low, apply to DANIEL CARNEY, Jr. jan 16 ah§ Hunters buildings. Valuable Lot. @ For sale—the lot No 4, first tytil ing, Reynolds ward, on the Bay, with l the improvements thereon; a capitalist would’ realize a handsome interest from the rents tni. property would yield. Ap. ly to jan 17 14at Wm. BELCHER. r Looking-Glasses. IW. MORRELL, offers for sale at his Fur niture repository (Church buildings,) an elegant assortment of Mantle and Pier Glas-j ses of the latest fashions. Orders will be received for Glasses and for warded to the manufacturer at New-Y’ork. jjan 7 Kcllocks Sermons. PERSONS lioidiiig subscription papers for this work, vid please hand them to the publishers on or before the 12th inst. Those who desire it may yet have an opp. rtunity to subscribe to the work. The price immediate ) on publication will be advanced two dollars on each set, S C &. J SCHENK, fan 10 8s BUY GOODS. Ul KIIIE subscriber has just received per Ship u John Ik Edward from New York, a fresh supply of seasonable Dry Goods, Among which are, Extra super queens mixture Casimeres Gentlemens Cravats Brittania Handkerchiefs Imitation Merino Dresses Green Baize Gentlemens super Buff’ & Drab Buckskin I Gloves. ALSO, 1 Case mer.s low priced Chip Hats 5000 Quills Which will be sold low for Cash, at No. 7, Commerce Bow. . F. L. SHAY, jan 19 16 0 *j> PST rcceivfd-and for sale by the subscriber, I 80 drums fresh figs 2u qr casks Tenewffe Wine 10 pipes Lolland Gin 10 do Cognac Brandy, first quality 8 pui cheons old Jam Rum 12 in \es white Havana Sugar 25 ki g-. Gosh* u Butter 20 b, x egro Bines 2o hubs N O .sugar, 0 bbls do do 5o b. xis Muscatel R usms Wub a complete sssoi ment of Groceries. * ■i- “ 16- i-AI’ORY &DUFAUKF. heed liije. ‘I HE Subscriber l.a~ a few bushels first qual f ity Seed Rye for Sale, Likewise ran furnish the citiz* ns of Savanna), with what link and Cream, thee r-ay want u; snort notice. • E. iENCKKS jan 1 9 i 16 Je act e - Viile Fresh Goshen Gutter. Just rec'd per brig Hope, ( apt. Champlin, Ten 100 lb kegs Goshen Butter, whicii will be sohl low,’ by FRANCIS ,1 LAY, jan 17 Corner of Congress &II hituker-st. Stone Lime, Landing from ship Corsair. 150 casks, which will be sold low, if taken from the wharf. Apply to jan 17 14s* JOHNS CRKF.MER. TOPPF.D fiom a N eg! o, supposed to have ’hren stolen, a blue clotn C > t, any person having l< s such a one, may hav- >lie same, bv i- iy ing for this Reiver’isement, and enq-f-ring of THOMAS M’t A3M y. Tubbii buiiihngs West H-o, and st-eet inn 19 c 16 W hiskey & 1 Gin. I’o barrels Whiskey 40 doNKtn 50 do Newark Cider Lamin g from Brig Gen. A Jackson, and for sa!H '>; Q „ HALL & HOYT, jan 18 15 For New‘-Orleans. The brig FAME, Capt T L Adams, will sail on Sunday the 27th inst. For pabsUge only, having elegant accommodations, apply on board, or to jan 17 14 E. WILLIAMS & Cos. For JJaltimore, THE Schooner Sally, Matthews mas ter, will sail in a few days, for freight or passage apply on board at Rices ‘V hart, or lo i I. 11. SAGE Ik Cos. jan 15 ‘ 12 For Havre, rJj-®* The fine British brig SPEEDW ELL, rfji’JP capt. Bathgate, a first class vessel, will meet with despatch. For freight of 400 bales Cotton, apply to dec 27 JOHNSTON fit HILLS. For Liverpool. jrJSgr The well known regular trading ship .1 ,\ XK. James Drummond, master, has commence loading, and will be despatched without delay. For freight, apply to captain D on board, at Bolton’s wharf or to jan 9 7 JAMES DICKSON & Cos. For Liverpool. The coppered and fast .sailing ship HARMONY, S Woodward master, has pait of her cargo engaged and W ill not be de layed in loading. For freight, apply on board at Telfair’s wharf or to jan 10 8 MITCHELL & BARTLETT. For Greenock. The copper fasttnd ship HARRIET, £jv Capt Reed, has half her cargo engaged. For freight, apply on board or to jan 10 8i Mil CHKIJL & BAHT LETT. For .V ew-York. TH elegant fast sailing Coppered I ’’ and C [ >;>- r fastened packet ship Cor sair. R. L Porter will meet with despatch, for freight or passage having very superior accom modations, apply to capt. P on boa rd at Tay lors Wharf, or o C C. GRISWOLD Si Cos. jan 16 13 _ For Liverpool, To sail on the 20*. h inst. The ship Jhmkt- EPI\, Day, master, having the princi- I pal part of her freight engaged, can take from Ito 200 bales Cotton. Apph <> jap 15 12i SAMUI L “ RIGHT. For Havre or Liverpool, Jhfeijhl max, offer HtjOs? The superior shit. LLUOHF.R, Robt. Potter, master. Apply on board at Jones’ low- I er wharf, or to A nr hards. Who has received p, ‘ snii! ■ h p and ‘ ffers for tale, •vjO tons I tvevpool t.rr Olid Sa t 16 casks first q lalitv P-.rter jan 13 15” for Chari* ston ■i4s> Tbe ’■ pack- 1 s: ,ot, MARY, Av&wa. Brown master, wil n eet dis patch For freight or passage, having good ac commodations, anply to <lie master on board at Exchange wharf, or to jan 19 c ItAAC COHEN. For Havre, The retnaka iy tine coppered British ship WES r .!()!H'.l,\\ Wm. Smid., master, has j 4lhs of lie - carp ■ now going on beard, and wi ! l be despa died ally. For freight of -00 bales, apoly to < apt. Smith on board at Frazer’s wharf, or to WILLI VM JF.NXF.R (C/'Neither master nor con-tgne. will be ac countable for any debt contracted bv die crew. jan 23 _ 1 / or ! ire: p ~<t j 300 bales are wanted to fill Ihe ship LYCURGI s, j )i Haley, master, apply on board, or to VII I'CHELL fk BARTLETT. ‘ _ Jim 22 o 18 For Isiiltiniore, 3HK scitr S ALLY Matiiews, master, will sail first wind- For Ireigi.t or | assagv,—apply on board at Rices Wimrf or to jan 22 18 L. H -AGE ii Cos Loaf Sugar 30 bills Baltimore Itetiued Loaf SUGAR, just received and for sale bv jan23 19 CU.AIMING kGW \THMEY For Hoston. THE schooner Ma cia M ason masterj! w ,11 sal ) on Sum lie, next, for ft eight or pas,age apply to the master on board at .Mc- Ci idles Wharf, or to . „„ ISAAC COHEN, tan c 19 For Liverpool. 200 bales are warned to complete the **££• of ship HARMONY, L woodward roaster, appiv on board, or io jan 22 018 MITCHELL k BARTLETT. For n ilmirgt rt .V C. ; tn: t as; son; i* i.jiK cap’, i ‘ unin tugs, having hat |,e i; n gaged, will sad for the above port o: Tiimsdav next, tor re ainder off eight or pa sage, aoi lv on board at Bices Wharf ur to Jan 22 is S M\ ’ ON For JS'ew-Kork, The fast sailing pack et Orig LI VANT l&F JWI ; ‘e master, wdl have immediate ■ For freight or passage, having sllpe . nor accommodations, apply t Cayt W on board Ht Joiits s upper wluif, ~r to J a ” 21 Id LAI L HOYT. For New-Orleans. >*J*) I be Schr E.Z A, Tiv.v bridge maa •_**e**i 1er > will m.-et with dispatch Fori h *igt>t or passage having excellent damn s, apply to capi T on board at Moores wharf, or to HALL & HOYT jan 21 18 For Si oston. Tf ? F ’ *big TOM, (apt. Barstow, will ***-'f wo m a few da ~ For freight - r pas s'ge, apply to DOUGLAS & SOaiREL. jan 22 clB (U° 100 bales of Cotton are wanted to complete the cargo of the sliq I'hq MAS FOWLER, for Liverpool. Apply p, c ‘ Candler on board, at Jones’ lower wharf, or.[ tt jan 17 14n A RICH\IU)S - (£T° 200 bales Cotton are wanted on freight tofill the barque Sl’Alil.v for Liverpool. Apply to july 17 14 GUMMING & GWAT !VKy Take Notice. NINE months afterdate, I shall apply to *J, e Hon. the Judge of the Inferior Court of Chatham County, for leave to sell the re;tl tate of \V. G. Knoe, and for the benefit vl tin heirs and creditors of said deceased. S. G. TUREADCRAFT, Mn’r aug 9 62 Notice. NINE months after date; application v.hi Ce made to the Don. Inferior Court of Chat ham County for leave to sell a Trait of in Jefferson County, about nine miles below Louisville, adjoining Lands of Baldwin Rail) rd estate of Ingrum deceased, and others; coni tabling 300 acres, more or! ess, as part of the Real Estate of Philip Kaiforil, deceased It. K ASFORI), ddm'r. may 29 f 9nT Butter, Chocolate, &c. 10 Firkins fresh Goshen Rutter 5 boxes Chocolate Bakers brand No. 1 said to be of a very superior quality 4 boxes do Dophams Brand No 1 2 boxes Catsup 3 do Mustard 3 half barrels Mutton Hams 2 barrels Connecticut mess Shad. Landing from the Ship Corsair, and lot sa e low if taken from the Wharf. AUGUSTUS CORNWALL jan 18 15 Taper Hangings. AN assortment < f elegant Paper Hanging?, and fine Board Paper, just received and for sale by _ THUS LONG WORTH, jail 15 12 Johnson square. Family Flour. 200 bbls Iloward-siri-et superfine flour, fresh ground, and suitable for families, for sale by DANE. CARNEY,jr, jan 17 14s //writer’s buildings. Salmon iff’e. Landing fom lii ig Sereno & Stoop Rapid, 15 bbls Salmon 75 kegs Pickled do 6 hhds pure Jamaica Ht:m 5 do St. Croix do 100 boxes & half do No 1 Chocolate ’ 25 halfdodo il $ MACKEREL, For sale by SAMUEL S IODDF.K, jan 12 slO Taylors Wharf. Cognac Brandy $ Ja. Rum. 18 pipes Cognac Brandy, (Qtard. Dupuv and Cos) 22hlids4tli proof Janiaim Km-, For sale bv BAKER & MINTON, jan 21 18” Whiskey: 76 barrels Whiskey Landing from brig Levant, for sa r e by L. 11. SAGE & Cos ,/an 21 18 Butter, Flour Gin I 20 firkins fresji Goshen Butter E 50 tibli superfine Flour E 15 lthds and 10 pipes Smithfield Gin P Ft sale by BAKER & MINTON’. I ,/an 2113’ ft Drafts on Baltimore, I ( At any sight, For sale by f jailS 12 JAMES M\f-EF,. ■ Whiskey § Apple Brandy. I 30 barrels of superior quality, receive!® and will be sold low Apply to Ih DANIEL CARNEY Jr ■ ,;an 21 hlB f Bills on Boston, Fur sale by jan 7 5e MI I’CHELL & BARTLETT. ■ | ■ Landing; from Sclir. Roporto Bi 1000 Bushels Corn 40 Bbls Navy, and Pilot Bread Ih’.i 20 Kr gs Crackers 19 do’ l.ard S,,f For Sale by H ?2 18 L. 11. SAGF. &Ca ■ Wanted, SITUATION in a Store or County louse, by a young Man who writes af® hand, has seme knowledge of accounts, t~ can be well recommended, apply to jan 22 dlB -C C GRISWOLD &Ca Notice. ‘A S> T IF. public are cautioned against trust’ 1 # 1 gA Charles Schmeith, on the account cftl* subscriber, or on account of the firm off ,yl> & Schmkith, of which he was formerly a jiartt® 1 as he lias left the place, jan 23 19c BARTHOLOMEW FURS& Valuable Lands for Sak- THE Subscriber offers for Sale his Plants* I ’, lying in Liberty Countv, adjoiningl* ( Gen. Daniel Stevvait, Dr. Samuel J. Ax. nn, •* others. The tract contains four Hundred : , sixty Acres : about two hundred of which is®’ ! der cultivation, and generally all well *P* !to culture of Corn anil Cotton. There are aW one hundred acres of good Cotton or Corn h l ™ uncultivated. The residue pine land, jaffbnnh timber for building and fencing. There s re j’ the premises a comfortable dwelling b" ll? fV other necessary outbuildings, Terms lisS ’ to the purchaser, will be made easy, and sold, previous to the First of January ne sl ’ 1 ’ be rented for the enduing year. rC CHARLTON HIK® 8, sept 6 f- ‘