The Savannah museum. (Savannah, Ga.) 182?-1822, January 28, 1822, Image 2

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THE MUSEUM. FiiANCIS J. LAY, \ftf AS just received by brig Hope, captain Champlin—and for sale Cologne Water , Coburg Stifi'uers Fancy Soaps S H P Fees New London liillious Lills, di j vect from Lees Dispensatory. , —also — Doct I* E Branding Anti Rheumatic Salve, for the Rheumatics, Tool ach &c w Licit is wor thy the attention of any one afflicted with these complaints. On hand, Lynch and Clark’s superior Soda Powders do do Congress Water Put up in the most perfect slate by the doz or single bottle. , Knglish Seidletz Powders Henry’s Calcined Magnesia &c At his Drtigganil Chemical ware house, cor ner of Congress and Whitaker-stress, Shadd’s buildings *4 jail 17 For Sat e, A Gang of NRG ROES, consisting of about 80 or 90, who have been accustomed to tie cultivation of Rice For terms apply to THOMAS OGII- R, Charleston. If not <lis osed.of at private sale before Toe day, 12tb February next, they will on that da; be sold in Charleston at Public Auction, by Mr Ogier. By order of the executors of Doct. Wm. Warley. swwt!4 For Private Sale, A PLANTATION upon Savalinah River, it . the Parish of St I ,uke, known by the naun of tbe.jßecess—lately belonging to Mr. Willi .e Wilson, deceased, and adjoing the plantain jT Mr. James H. Ancrutn. For particulars uj ply to W.M. DRAYTON, Y JAMES FERGUSON, C Charleston _ C C. PIN( KNK.Y, Ji 3 Or to TUFTS& RRRI), Savannah. jan 17 414 Corn Afloat. 20 000 bushels while Mar) laud corn afloat For sale by JOHN LATH HO I* St Cos. jan 4 3s Nails, etc. 72 casks Nails, Brads, and Tar.ks 100 kegs no 1&.2 I'obacco approv’d branth 20 tubs swee.’ Butter Printing, Sheathing & Wraping Pape, boxes of Currant H ine in buttles kegs of fresh Crackers Now landing and for sale by jan 8 116 W I IPPIT&Co. Cut Nails. 55 casks Cut Nads, assorted sizes, landim from SH’f Phoebe, Per Side by ... a> 14 1 1 Wit C|\V &, Cn Loaf Sugar 30 bbls Bult imo -w Refined 1 oat SUG vU. jv* ■■ received and for s;de t>v jan 33 19 (''"'Ml’ G*. GW ATi MEY . Witntod: . . A White or c-’* 1 >• *1 ‘ irl to do the work •fa sma'l family “ her her wt.r would be light—one that c uld conic 1. ■ is omn.eiuf’ <1 and willing to devote her whole attention .0 . employer would meet good wag.-s by topi in o the Printers. jau 26 2 ‘ Landing from Sclir. Reporter 10v0 Bushels Corn 40 tfbls Navy, and Pilot Bread 20 K--gs Crackers 19 do Lard For Sale bv .-/an 92 18 L If a S.AGF U Cos. _____ 1200 bushels white Maryland Corn For sale bv PALMES &. ROB. jan 26 22 Fresh Boots. One Trunk Genth mens thick Soal Boot” -'e lot wet weather, .1 ■ ived per Ceres, finm Boston, sm! fin . 11 L MILLING .j_ 26 c* 22 Mackerel, 100 B is No 8, Bosto;. Inspection, Land ing ♦if fbr dp bv ja'. 25 u2l MITCHKLI& BART* F.TT. New-Orleans Sugar. 40 Ulida prime e Oricuin Sugar, For ral ny jan 25 21 HALL ft HOVT N. K. JSum. 50 Bbls N. K. Rum % 6 hlids 3d pK'H.f do For Sale bv jan ?5 21 J OIN’ LATMROP ft Cos. Pepper. 10 Bags heavy Sumatra Peppper, Lauding from Schr Pilgrim, For Sale by jan 25 21 K Wi* lIAMS k Cos. Spring Goods, Uj-pnR subscribers have ju-t received by tii ship lUuchfcc and tlier recent arrivals fror Lilerpool a variety <>f Seasonable Dr\ Goods , Which w ith tliose on board the ships Emily and Dromb, now on their way Horn England wii ‘ttnWte their assortment not only complete, bn. extensive ANDREW LOW & £0 Now IK store —C tton Ragging, Porter, Crockery, casks of Glaze and tea China, jan 25 §lm 21 William Inglis & Cos. TF tV M on >y the ship BLUCHLR from t-T i ■ .veipool an a-soitment of flounced Mi.Sl.lN KUBPS, flounces and trimming', some of which art very elegant, aiso, a variety of other seasonable goods. jan 23 dl9 Negro I’ipes, 106 gi oss neg'o Pipes, landing from schr ZEMUUCA, and for sale by R. A. PALMER & Cos. t -an 24 c2O a PETER DREGK, Three doors south of the City Hotel, THANKS his friends and the public in gener al for the large support he lias received in his city since he commenced business. He takes tills opportunity to oiler 105 PACKAGES lust received from England and the north, of the most fashionable HATS ANT) CLOTHING, CHEAPER THAN KVETI. Extra superfine boys’ Waterloo Coats, full silk trimmings, at the low rate of gts l ine and extra fine black Dress Coals, from gl6 upwards Fxtra blue Saxony do. §2O, and upwards “'.xtra fine and superfine double mill’d fashiona ble Pantaloons, of a” colors, from §4 to 12 First rate gentlemen’s fine white linen Shirts, from gl 75 to 4 French Florentine Waistcoats, g2J Extra qualiiy English do. new pattern, §5 ”>lue and other colors Surtouts, gl2 &. upwards .'xtra fi"“ Waterloo Coats, full trimm’d with silk., $22 ■ .entlemen’s knit Drawers, from 6?4 els. to g 2 Merino do. Shirts, from gl to 1J Superfine lamb’s wool Socks, 3 pair for gl Little boys’ Great Coats of all colors, g"4 Misses’ Pelices from g 4 to 6 scarlet, colors ‘•'earnaugbt Great Coats, g-5 J and upwards arranted extra fine water proof Hats, g 8 i Ration Beavers, g3 oy’s Hats, glt ■llue, black, bull’and white fashionable Waist- j coats ! .urge size silk Umbrellas, from g 2 j to 3 j xtra large size tartan plaid Cloaks, with two capes .•ntlemen’a silk Stockings at glj .dies’ and gentlemen’s patent elastic silk Sto< kings at g 2 per pair ‘ ases fine and extra fine Irish Linen, from 25 to 87J cents assinicre Pantaloons at g 8 ALSO — A great quantity of NEGRO CLOTHING, Consisting of Jackets and ‘Browsers, from g 44 to 6 a suit Superfine gentlemen’s Beaver Gloves, 75 ctg. nov 30 22 10 casks Shot assorted, I ‘ANDING and for sab by J A. MORGAN, jan 7 n5 Janet’ upper wharf. R. A. Calmer ij Cos. Have for sale, now landing, 3u bins best Uv t, >, Vlso—6 do Pickles jan 15 12s’ Larue Office, Matthew hall \kallistbr, offers . Ins prole , na •11 > .ces to bis friends anil lie public. Lis Hie 1 on Wtst Broad-street, lirecily in front us tin old M.vvket. jan 12 vva§ 10 N. it. Rum and llallast. 9 bids N L Runt 0 ton. exet ; li nt st<ufe Ballast Apply to ciipl llardu g on board brig Sereno, r to WILLIAMS tSt Cos Who have for sale, A few piec- s low priced Plains and Choppas jan 17 14 This Day Published, ■ i Y THOMAS LONCWORTH, 1 Johnson square, LACON; Or niany things in lew words, addressed to hose who think, by the Rev C C Colton, •'The noblest study of mankind is man. ’ I'liis wOl kis most Jiighly recommended by ill the Literary Reviews, having within a short .'trioj gone through tight editions in Loudon, ana is a book th,.l ought to be in the hands ewry one w be i t rds. The edition now offered for sale is but ha! be price ot the former American copy, neaa printed on a small type, in a large tb mo. v nit , handsomely done up in boards. av7s cent jan 7 “ 5 Prime * tton Laud. I*WO hundred I.'-s r-nne Cotton 1 \NL) near White ! d’ •■■■- -ung.hou.V r -.iu i>y GARDNER TCP. * jan It) tub Licked up ,i drift. IkN the 7* . ids month, etv* • o St. Join ” “ and A in. i-. island, a green painted clink to built boat, containing a sailors chest, with sun:, womens and childrens clothes, without o;us, mast or sails l'lo o tier may hear of her In ay |rt- ingon board the Smack Rainbow, at Ty. bee er. tk> jan 15 s* Khare Moulds, Pork, Clinic Lauding from ship Corsair, 3 toi slfjiaie Moulds .5” bbls uri : e Pork 7 • and j Union Gin In Store, 6 1 I blsprme Pork, 26 do Mess do L> ‘to mess Beef, 47 do prime do 20 do I o;.t.Sugar, 50 boxes Soap 50 ■ x-s Candles £6 l Obis superfine Flour 39 tii kills ~rime Goshen Rutter 15 r..sks -ihot, well Assorted 40 lif bbh fly market beef 8 bbs Cherry Brandy 3 marbli Chinnay Pieces 161 casks C . I’ oi.iuut Stone Lime 5'J k. gs manufat:iiied Tobacco 2 elegant Gigs at I Densltrs, for sale b jan 16 C (J GRISWOLD Ik Cos L. H. SATTeT Cos. Oliulhch's -v/iarf FFKR for sale 35 pipes > 50 bbls 5 Country Gin select brands 30 do super N O Sugar, 25 do Loaf do 40 chests and half chests Hyson Teas 10 do Hyson skin and Souchong .do 30 bags Havana and St Domingo Coffee .’0 Kegs Tobacco No 1 190 boxes Soap'and Caudles .0 kegs Putter, 15 do Lard * 10 bags Corks, 35 bbls Whiskey 50 bids Cider, 20 do double Ale Corn, flour, &c 1> jsn lr Java Coffee, 20 bags this superior ‘..tide, now land, from brig Serene, from Poston, and particuia recommended to the attention of families bv H n 12 TUFTS &. KEED. CITRON. / f|VHE subscriber has lately received clarified JL Citron, ofa very superior quality, also, Figs in Drums, which he offers for sale at rea sonable prices. THOMAS CAMPBELL. Marshals Buildings, Barnard street, jan 16 i 16 Received, Per Brig Sereno from Boston 3 cases Straw Bonnetts 2 do do Trimmings, very nice 2 do womens welted Shoes 1 do thick Boots, suitable for the season 3 do do cowhide Shoes 2 trunks morocco Shoes A few dozen pairs bonus-wool Socks 1 trunk fine wax calf-skin nail’d Shoes 1 do do do do sew’d do 1 do do do do do Boots 20,000 Spanish Cigars And a general assortment morocco and kid shoes, coarse and fine shoes, a general assort ment for sale low by ‘MORSE & S'IONE jan 16 • j* 13 Corn Afloat, 111 IF. cargo of Mary 8t Hannah lying at Rices* . YV liars, for sale by jan 16 13 L. H. S\GR & Cos. To Planters. I 4 Few sample Ploughs from the manufacto f\. ry of Robert Sinclair Baltimore, of various patterns, are just received and will be sold low, apply to DANIEL CARNEY, Jr. jan 16 ahs Hunters buildings. Valuable Lot. For sale—the lot No 4, first tyth- ing, Reynolds w r ard, on the Bay, with the improvements thereon; a capitalist would realize a handsome interest from the rents this property would yield. Apply to jan 17 14nt Wm. BELCHER. Looking-Glasses. J\V. MORRELL, offers for sale at his Fur niture repository (Church buildings,) an elegant assortment of Mantle and Pier Glas ses of the latest fashions. Orders will be received for Glasses and for warded to the manufacturer at New-York. jan 7 Kollocks Sermons. PERSONS holding subscription papers for this work, will please hand them to the publishers on or before the 12th inst. Those who desire it may yet have an opportunity to subscribe to the work. The price immediately on publication w ill be advanced two dollars on each set. b C & J SCHENK, jan 10 8s DRY GOODS. i4 pi IK subscriber has just rtceived per Ship si John Ik Edward from New York, a fresh supply of seasonable Dry Goods, Among which are , Extra super queens mixture Casimeres Gentlemens Cravats Kritlania Handkerchiefs Imitation Merino Dresses Green Baize Gentlemens super Buff & Drab Buckskin Gloves. ALSO, 1 Case mens low priced Chip Hats 5000 Quills Which will be sold low for Cash, at No. 7, Commerce Row. F. L. SHAY, jan 19 16 UST received and for sale by the subscriber, 80 drums fresh figs 20 qr casks Tfcneriffe Wine 10 pipes Holland Gin 10 do Cognac Brandy, first quality 8 puncheons old ,lam. Rum 12 b. xes w hite Havana Sugar 25 kegs Goshen Butler 20 boxes Negro Pil es 2o hhds N O Sugar, aO bids do do 50 boxes .Muscatel Raisins Willi a complete assortment of Groceries, jan 19 Hie GAUDRY & DUFAURE Seed Bye. £ J ,E Subscriber has a few bushels first nual * ity Seed Rye for Sale, Likewise ean furnish the citizens of Savannah with what Miik and Cream, they may want a: short notice. E.JENCKKS .i an 19 , *'l6 Jenckes. Title. Fresh Goslien Butter. Just rec'd per brig Hope, L'npt. Champlin, ten 10b lb kegs Goshen Rutter, which will e sfrtd low, by FRANCIS J LAY jan 17 Corner of Congress (J Stone Lime, oiding from ship Corsair, iSO casks, which will be sold low, if taken tn the wharf. Apply to jan 17 14s* JOHN B. CREEMKR. rOPPFI) from a Negro, supposed to have - been stolen, a blue cloth Coat, any person nig k,s’ such a one, may have the same, bi a )ig for this advertisement, and enquirintr , ‘t THOMAS Mb'ARTY- Tabby buildings li es! Bvuud street. an 19 c 16 Just Heeeived. 10 puncheons Jamaica Bum, imported direct 25 hhiis N BRum, and 50 bbls do 2*’ qr casks Malaga Wine 3 ; bags Collet.— 50 Sox -s Soap >0 boxes Candles—l ‘ chests Hyson Tea ldO do \V im'sor Soap. O-2 bales blue Plains ‘1 case (’hop a Rnmals 1 bale Bread Cloths 1 do Casi meres, fancy colore 1 do Bordered Handkerchiefs 1 bale Russia Sheeting l do Virginia Kerseymeres For sale on accommodating terms, by JB. HERBERT & CO. • jan 21 18 For Charleston. ATB\ THE regular packet sloop MARY, ■ Brown master, having been detained by head winds will leave here the first fair wind, for passage only apply on board at Boltons Wharf, or to ISAAC COHEN. Who has landing and for sale 20 bbls W hiskey 20 hags Coffee 50 bexes Soap 40 boxes Candies jan 26 c 22 Freight fur Liverpool. 50 to 70 Bales of Cotton only wanted to com lete the loading of the Ship MaRY ALMY, tobe and spatched immediately, Apply to Capt Hudson on uoard at \\ illiansons Wharf or to ANDREW LOW & Cos. jan 25 c 21 For New-Orleans. orf*- The brig FAME, Capt TL Adams, w ill sail on Sunday the 27th iust. For passage only, having elegant accommodations, apply on board, or to jan 17 14 E. WILLIAMS &, Cos. * For Haiti more, THE Schooner Sally, Matthews mas jgggj, ter, will saii in a few days, for freight or passage apply-on board at Wires W barf, or to 1. H. SAGE it Cos. jan 15 12 For Havre, €|Sr T!ie fl,)t >'n ish brig SPEEDWELL, tjHuK’ Capt. Bathgate first class vessel, will meet with despatch. F r freight of 400 bales Cotton, apply to dec 27 JO. V TON y HILLS. For IttVi rpool. The well known rcgnl.-r i-ading slip JANIi, Jair.c : Drummor-d, master, has commence leading, and will be desp-i che without delay. For freight, apply to captain D on board, at 8.-ltcn,’s v.'.srt or to jan 9 - 7 J A MI'S ICKSO’ & o. For Liverpool. The coppered aid fast sailing ship yff'Ek HARMONY, S Woodward master, ha part of her cargo engaged and Will not he de layed in loading. Fo£frcight, apply on board at Telfair’s wharf or to ian 10 8 MITCHELL & BARTLETT. For Greenock. The copper fas!end slop HARRIET Capt Heed, has half her cargo engaged For treigiit, applv on board or to jan 10 Si MITCHELL fit BARTLETT. For JV etc-York. AffPCs THE elegant fast sailing Coppered and Copper fastened packet ship Cor sair, li. L. Porter will meet with despatch, for freight or passage having very superior accom modations, apply to capt. P on board at Tuv lors Wharf, or to C C. GRISWOLD St Cos. jan 16 13 For Havre or Liverpool , Jis freight may offer. The superior ship liLUCHER, Uobt Potter, master. Apply on bodrd at Jones’ low er wharf, dr to A. RICHARDS. Who has received per said ship and offers for sale, 300 tons Liverpool Ground Sait 16 casks first quality Porter jan 13 el 5 For Havre, The remakablv fine coppered British sue shi P WESTMORELAND, Wm. Smith, master, has 3 4ths of her cargo now going on beard, and will he despatched < ar!v. Fo. freight of 200 bales, apply to Cap-:. Smith on board at Frazer’s wharf, or to WILLIAM JENNEII gj'Neither master nor consignee will be ac countable for any debt contracted by the crew, jan 23 19 For Liverpool. J&Biy 300 bales are wanted to fill Ihe ship Sr'B®.- LYCUHGUS, J B Ilaiev, master, apply on board, or to MITCHELL & BARTLETT. “ jan 22 o 18 For Boston. s yM\ TUB schooner Marcia, Mason master, .kesriffe will sail on Sunday next, for freight or passage apply to the master on board at Me Credies Wharf, or to ISAAC COHEN. jan 23 c 19 For Liverpool. 200 bales are wanted to complete the sLL&f cargo of ship HARMONY, L woodward, master, apply on board, or to jan 22 018 MITCHELL & BARTLETT. For Wilmington JV*. C. THE fast sailing Schr PHEBE Capt. SM&o Cummings, having half her freight en gaged, will sail for the above port on Thursday next, for re ainder of freight or passage, apply on board at Rices Wharf or to ,/an 22 18 S. MANTON For New •York , The fast sailing packet biig LEVANT, S&SL 3 White master, will have immediate dispatch. For freight or passage, having supe rior accommodations, apply to capt W on board •l Jones’s upper wharf,, or to jan 21 18 HALL & HOYT. For New-Orleans. The Schr ELIZA, 1 row bridge m"- ajaS**-. ter, will meet with dispatch. Fot : vight or passage having excellent accommo ■atoms, apply to capt T onboard at Moores i'barf, or to HALL & HOYT jan 21 18 For Saie, Freight or Charter , ■ wljri THE Pilot Boat Schooner MARY M’- KoY ’ burthen 35 tons, three years oid built in North Carolina, of the best mate ,.a!s. For the terms apply to ■D' l 26 22 J n HERBERT &CO For Norfolk , | I T n C SiOop BKPOKI ER - c “Pt Lewis, | will sail in a few days. For freight or Passage, apply 0 n board at Bulloch’s Wharf o i 1 jan 25 21 to L. 11, SAGE Si Cos! | For New Orleans. j Jr£ir The fast sailing brig ORloy, y j hew master, will sail on Tuesday 1 J (wind and weather permitting) for puss :t f., ’ having good accommodations, apply t 0 ter or beard or to ISAAC COTtrv 5 jan 26 i22 For Liverpool. The well known coppered shin cm MMf MERCK, capt Gardner, will im mediate dispatch, having part of her ready to go on board. For freight u;n JOHN LATHUOP jta For sale, landing from said ship , 15 coils Coir Cordage, assorted 50 bhls Potatoes lbO tons Shingle Ballast 80. boxes Mould Candles 20 j M Freight for Neio- York. bound to Nen yYork can have Cotton on Freight by annU to SAMUEL WBIGHT jan 24 2.0 QT 200 bales* Cotton ap wanted or. freight to fill the barque SPARTA; tor Liverpool. Applv to july 17 14 CUM M ING St GWATHMft T. C. H.IYWARiJ Has for Sale, Just received, 25 half bbls No l Mackerel 26 Jo No 2 do 4 pipes Holland Gin 3 hhds Jamaica Rum ALSO,—SO packages Boots and Shoes, wii ( will he Sold low jan 24 and 20 Bills on New-York, For side by C C. GRISWOLD. jan 23 19 Cut Nails. ONE Hundred and iilty Ca ks Cut Nails an Brads, assorted, —Landing from Brig Chat haiii,—Fur Sale by ja i24 20 E. WILLIAMS & Cos. Landing from Brig Chatham 3 >0 Casks ‘Thorcastowu Lime 100 M Lath 4 pipes pure Sclieidam Gin For Sale by S. U. PARK.MAY, jan 24 c2O Unit let’s Wharf Butter. Chocolate , &c. 10 Firkins fresh Goshen Butter 5 boxes Chocolate B ikers brand No. lsai to be of a very superior quality 4 boxes do Dopliams Brand No 1 2 boxes Catsup 3 do Miptard 3 half barrels Mutton Hams 2 barrels Connecticut mess Shad. | 1 andi g from the Ship Corsair, and fs sa e low if taken'fn rt. the Wharf. AUGUSTUS CORNWALL jan 18 15 Paper Hangings. AN assortment f elegant Paper llanptjjj alld fine Board Paper, just received and fiitak by THOS LON GW ORTH, jan 15 12 Johnson squart. Family Flour. w 200 bbis Howarit-sireet superfine Hour, foil ground, ana suitable for families, for sale ty IMNL. CARNEY', ir, jan 17 14s Hunter’s buitikup. Salmon &c. Landing from Brig Sereno (J Shop Rapil, 15 bbls Salmon 75 kegs Pickled do 6 hluls pure Jamaica Rum 5 do St. Croix do 100 boxes & half do No 1 Chocolate bo bbls No 3 ? mackVr'fi 25 half do do 2 * MACKEREL, For sale by SAMUEL S VODDEK. jan 12 slO Taylors Hi art’ ‘ Cognac Brandy § Ja. Bum. 18 pipes Cognac Brandy, (Otard, Dupuj and Cos) 22 hiids 4th proof Jamaica Rum j For sale by BAKER SJ MINTON, jan 21 18 Whiskey. 76 barrels Whiskey Landing from brig Levant, for $ by L. H. SACEStCo jan 21 18 Butter , Flour fy Gin \ 20 firkins fresh Goshen Butter 50 bbls superfine Flour 15 hlids and 10 pipes Smithfiehl Gin For sale by BAKER is 1 MINTON, jan 21 18 Drafts on Baltimore, At any sight, For sale by jan 15 12 JAMES MAG® - Whiskey § Jlpple Brantlp 30 barrels of superior quality, recei teu and will be sold low.—Apply to r . DANIEL CARN'E’’ Jr jan2l hIS J Bills on Boston, Fof sale by jan 7 5e MITCHELL & BARTLE* 1 R. L. MILLING, Jit the sign of the big 8001, North Market Square. HAS -just received per Sereno, one ts“” Childrens Kid Boots very fine, alt c 0 [ together with a complete assortment of ‘" ll Gentlemens and Childrens Boots and Shf) e InStore, a few dozen Morocco Sku* colors. jan 15 5 ,* ’