The Savannah museum. (Savannah, Ga.) 182?-1822, January 30, 1822, Image 2

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THE MUSEUM, SALAMAGUNIM: • n u th*’ Whim Whrmi and Opinion* of U L*uneelot Langstatt', Esq. and others. In hoe ‘at hou*, 11m quiz eljokrsez, Hi air.'.lem, lonstem, roustemfolkesez, Fee, fuiv, sum. I’salmunazab ‘With baked, and broiled, and Fteweti, and toasted. And fried,'arid broiled, and smoked, and roasted, We treat the town. Anew edition, with plates, in 2 vol*.—§2 50 The Histury of New-York, from the begin ning of the world to the end of the Dutch l)y nasty, by Diedrick Knickerbocker—2 volumes, elates — : §3 50. - The Works of f.ord Byron, anew edi’ion, containing all the Poems hitherto published, in 4vola. plates—§s. y Moore’s Melodies and Songs, anew edition, containing the Melodies lately published—§L For sale by THOS. LONG WORTH, jan 28 23 Johnston'a square. English and Classical School. JT. JORDAN respectfully proposes to the 0) citizens of Savannah, and its vicinity, to open a School, as soon as sufficient encourage ment may offer for the tuition of pupils, in the various branches, of Arithmetic, Reading, Wri ting, English Grammar, Geography. Latin, and Rudiments ofthe Greek Language, at the fol lowing reduced prices. Writing, Reading, and Arithmetic §5 per qr English Grammar, Geography, fife. §6 do do Latin, Greek, E. Grammar, Btc §7 do do. He pledges himself that every, attention shall be paid to the advancement ofthe morals, as well as other education of his pupils; and that he vill use his utmost endeavours to give general satis faction to those who may honour him wil h their patronage. As he is an entire stranger in Sa vannah, and his arrival here merel- for tuitions, he can give no external pledges ofthe rectitude of his character, but hopes that he has within him, what may entitle him to the good opinions of all, who become thoroughly acquainted with liis principles. Those who are pleased to honour him with their patronage, may find him at Mrs Unity’s Hoarding House, Johnston’s Squ ire, jan 22 18fc Loaf Sugar. 30 bbls Baltimore Refined Loaf SUGAII, just received and foi sale by jan 23 19 GUMMING A GWATHMEV _ Landing from Schr. Reporter, 1000 Bushels Corn 40 Itbls Navy, and Pilot Bread 20 Kegs Crackers 19 do Lard For Sale by jan 22 18 1.. H. SAGE li Cos. . cony 1200 bushels white Maryland Corn For sale bv PALMES & HOE. jau 26 23 Fresh Hoots. One Trunk Gehtlemerfs thick Soal Boots suitable for wet weather, Just received per Geres, from Boston, nd for sale by R L MILLING, jan 26 c§ 22 Mackerel, 100 Bbls No 8, Boston Inspection, Land ing and for Sale by jan 25 d2l MITI HEL & BARTLETT. f-’ 1 1 **” ————— 1 “*'* New-Orleans Sugar. 40 Hluls prime New-Orleaus Sugar, For Sale bv ja n 25 21 HALL & HOYT. N. E. Ram. 50 Bbls N. E. Rum 6 hhds 3d proof do For Sale by jan 25 21 JOHN LATHRGP & Cos. Pepper. 10 Bags heavy Sumatra I’cpppfcr, Lauding from Sclir. Pilgrim, For Sale by jan 25 21 E WILLIAMS & Cos. Spring Goods, XnilE subscribers have just received by the UL ship Ulucber and other recent arrivals from Lilekpuol a variety of Seasonable Dry Goods, Which with those on board the ships Emily and ltromo, now on their way fiom England will make their assortment not only complete, but extensive ANDREW LOW & CO. Now nr stove —Cotton Bagging, Porter, Crockery, casks ot Glaze and (Jliina. jan 23 *lm 21 —• —7 “ “” William Inglis & Cos. rpAVE received by the ship ULUCHER from 4£i Liverpool, an assortment of flounced MUSLIN ROUES, flounces and trimmings, some of which are veiy elegant, also, a variety of other seasonable goods, jan 23 dl9 J Vegro Pipes, 106 gross negro Pipes, landing from sebr, ZEMBUCA, and for sale by R. A. PALMER fc Cos. jan 24. c2O Butter , I'lonr £5 Cm 20 firkins fresh Goshen Butter 50 l>bls superfine l’iotir 15 Mills and 10 pipes Smilhfield Gin For sale by BAKER Si, MINTON. >n SI 18 __ Linseeu Oil. 14 Bbls pure Linseed Oil just received and for Side by jin 24 20 la. WILLIAMS & Cos. Loaf i.nd Lump Sugar. FIFTY bbls for sale by J MFIGS, jan24 Bulloch’t buUdinge. I Leo DREGE, tors south oftb City Hotel, ■4 1 svf) bis fi set is and the public in geuer 1 a tr the support lie has • eceived in this coy since i:c commenced business. He takes this opportunity to offer 105 PACKAGES Just received from England and tfie north, of the toos* fashionable HATS AND CLOTHING , CUEAPEU THAW EVER. Extra superfine boys’ Waterloo Coats, full silk trimmings, at the low rate of §ls Fine and extra fine black Dress Coats, from §l6 upwards ‘ Extra blue Saxony do. §2O, and upwards Extra fine and superfine double mill’d fashiona ble Pantaloons, of a’ 1 colors, from §4 to 12 First rate gentlemen’s fine white linen Shirts, from §1 75 to 4 French Florentine Waistcoats, §2s Extra quality English do. new pattern, §5 Rlue and other colors Surtouts, §l2 St upwards Extra fine Waterloo Coats, full trimm'd with silk, §22 Gentlemen’s knit Drawers, from 62j cts. to §2 Merino do. Shirts, from §1 to li Superfine lamb’s wool Socks, 3 pair for §1 Little boys’ Great Coats of all colors, §3J Misses’ Felices from §4 to 6, scarlet, colors Fearnaught Great Coats, §si and upwards Warranted extra fine water proof Hats, §8 Imitation Beavers, §3 Hoy’s Hats, glj Blue, black, buff and white fashionable Waist coats Large size silk Umbrellas, from §2s to 3$ Extra large size tartan plaid Cloaks, with two capes Gentlemen’s silk Stockings at §ls Ladies’ and gentlemen’s patent elastic silk Stockings ft §2 per pair Cases fine and extra fine Irish Linen, from 25 to 87i cents Cassimcre Pantaloons at §8 —also— A great quantity of NEGRO CLOTHING, Consisting of Jackets and Trowsers, from §4l to 6 a suit Superfine gentlemen’s Beaver Gloves, 75 cts. nov 30 22 10 casks Shot assorted, r AN DING and for sale by J A. MORGAN, jan 7 n5 Jones’ upper -wharf. R. A. Palmer £$ Cos. Hove for sale, now landing, 30 bbls best Rye Gin Also—6 do Cucumber Pickles jan IS 12s§ Law■ Office, Matthew hall McAllister, offers liis professional services to bis friends and the public. His office is on West Broad-street, directly in front of the old Market, jan 12 wa§ 10 N. E. Rum and Ballast. 39 bbls N E Rum 20 tons excellent stone Ballast Apply’to capt Harding on board brig Sereno, or to E WILLIAMS 8a Cos Who have for sale, A few pieces low priced Plains and Clioppas jan 17 14 This Day Published, BY THOMAS LONGWORTH, Johnson square, LACON; Or many things in few words, addressed to those who think, by the Rev U C Colton, ‘•The noblest study of mankind is man This work is most highly recommended by all the Literary Reviews, having within a short period gone through eight editions in London, and is a book that ought to be in the hands of every one who reads. The edition now offered for sale is but half the price of the former American copy, neatly printed on a small type, in a large 18 mo. voi cin', handsomely done up in boards, at 75 cents jan 7 5 Prime Cotton Laud. fPWO hundred acres Prime Cotton LAND, A near White Bluff’ Meeting-house—for sale by GARDNER TUFTS, jan 10 tnß Ticked up Adrift. ON the 7th of this month, between St. Johns and Amelia island, a green painted clinker built boat, containing a sailors chest, with some womens and childrens clothes, without mast or sails. The owner may hear of her by applying on board the Smack Rainbow, at Ty bee creek. jan 15 s* Share Moulds, Pork, Gin §c. Landing from ship Corsair, 3 tons Share Moulds 50 bbls prime Pork 73 do Union Gin In Store, 60 bbls prime Pork, 26 do Mess do 15 do mess Beef, 47 do prime do 20 do Loaf Sugar, 50 boxes Soap 50 boxes Candies 260 bbls superfine Flour 39 firkins prime Goshen Butter 15 casks Shot, well assorted 40 hf bbls flv market beef 8 bbs Cherry Brandy 3 marble Chimney Pieces 161 casks Connecticut Stone Lime 50 kegs manufactured Tobacco . 2 elegant Gigs at F Denslers, for sale by jan 16 C C GRISWOLD & Cos L. H. SAGE, £? Cos. O Bulloch's wharf FFER for sale 25 pipes 1 50 bbls 3 Country Gin select brands 30 do super N O Sugar, 25 do foiaf do 40 chests and half chests Hvson Teas 10 do Hyson skin and Souchong do 30 bags Havana and St Domingo Coffee 20 Kegs Tobacco No 1 100 boxesSorp and Candles 20 kegs Butter, 15 do Lard 10 bags Corks, 25 bbls Whiskey 50 bids Cider, 20 do double Ale Corn, flour, Sic 13 jan 16 Java Coffee, 20 bags this superior article, now landing from brig Sereno; from Boston, and particularly j recommended to the attention of families by I 14 n TUFTS & REED. CM ?atN. rCMIE subscriber Las lately received clarified A Citrm, of a very superior quality, also, Figs in Drums, which lie offers for sale at rea sonable prices. THOMAS CAMPBELL. Marshals Buildings, Barnard street, jan 16 i 16 Received, Per Brig Sereno from Boston 3 cases Straw Bonnetts 2do do Trimmings, very nice 2 do womens welted Shoes 1 do thick Boots, suitable for the season 3 do do cowhide Shoes 2 trunks morocco Shoes A few dozen pairs lambs-wool Socks 1 trunk fine wax calf-skin nail’d Shoes 1 do do do do sew’d do 1 do do do do do Boots 23,060 Spanish Cigars And a general assortment morocco and kid shoes, coarse and fine shoes, a general assort ment for sale low by MORSE &ST ONE jan 16 l3 Corn Afloat, f FIHE cargo of Mary & Hannah lying at Rices X Wharf, for sale by jan 16 13 L. 11. SAGE & Cos. To Planters. A Few sample Ploughs from the manufacto ry of Robert Sinclair Baltimore, of various patterns, are just received and will be sold low, apply to DANIEL CARNEY, Jr. jan 16 ah§ Hunters buildings. Valuable Lot. For sale—the lot No. 4, first tyth wjlnaal ing, Reynolds ward, on the Bay, with the improvements thereon; a capitalist would realize a handsome interest from the rents this property would yield. Apply to jan 17 14U4 Wm. BELCHER. Looking-Glasses. JW. MORRELL., offers for sale at his Fur niture repository (Church buildings,) an elegant assortment of Mantle and Pier Glas ses of the latest fashions. Orders will be received for Glasses and for warded to the manufacturer at New-York. jan 7 Kolloeks Sermons. PERSONS holding subscription papers for this work, will please hand them to the publishers on or before the 12th inst. Those who desire it may yet have an opportunity to subscribe to the work. The price immediately on publication will be advanced two dollars on each set. SC kJ SCHENK, jan 10 8s DRY GOODS. SrptlK subscriber has just received per Ship wl John & Edward from New York, a fresh supply of seasonable Dry Goods, Among which are, Extra super queens mixture Casimeres Gentlemens Cravats Uriltania Handkerchiefs Imitation Merino Dresses Green Baize Gentlemens super Ruff & Drab Buckskin Gloves. ALSO, 1 Case mens low priced Chip Hats 5000 Quills W hich will be sold low for Cash, at No. 7, Commerce Row. F. L. SHAY, jan 19 16 J UST received and for sale by the subscriber, 80 drums fresh figs 20 qr casks Teneriffc Wine 10 pipes Lolland Gin 10 do Cognac Brandy, first quality 8 purcheons old Jam. Rum 12 boxes white Havana Sugar 25 kegs Goshen Butter 20 boxes Negro Pipes 20 hhds N O Sugar, 50 bbls do do 50 boxes Muscatel Raisins W'ith a complete assortment of Groceries, jan 19 16c GAUDRY & DUEAURfi Seed Rye. r I'HE Subscriber has a few bushels first qual- I ily Seed Rye lor Sale, Likewise can furnish the citizens of Savanna!) with what Milk and Cream, they may want .at short notice. E. JENCKES jan 19 *i 16 Jenckes Ville. Fresh Goshen Butter. Just rec'd per brig Hope, Cnpt. Champlin, Ten 100 lb kegs Goshen Rutter, which will be sold low, by FRANCIS J LAY. jan 17 Corner of Congress li Whitaker-st. Stone Lime, Landing from ship Corsair, 150 casks, which will be sold low, If taken from the wharf. Apply to jan 17 14s* JOHN B. CRF.EMER. STOPPED from a Negro, supposed to have been stolen, a blue cloth Coat, auy person having los such a one, may have the same, by paying for this advertisement, and enquiring of JHOMAS M’CARTY. Tabby buildings West Broad street. jan 19 c 16 Just Received. 10 puncheons Jamaica Rum, imported direct 25 hhds N F. Rom, and 50 bbls do ‘2o qr casks Vlalaga Wine 30 bags Goiiee—so boxes Soap 50 boxes Candles—l<; chests Hyson Tea 100 do Windsor Soap. —ALSO— -2 bales blue Plains 1 case Choppa Romals 1 bale Broad Cloths 1 do Cassimeres. fancy colors 1 do Bordered Handkerchiefs 1 bale Russia Sheeting 1 do Virginia Kerseymeres For sale on accommodating terms, by J. B. HERBERT li CO. .fan 21 14 ■r£*r The fast ship GAR CNNE, .Wolf? master, will meet with no delay. For freight of Cotton on deck or nassatre, apply to ian 29 24 JOHN LATHRQP & Cos. Freight for Liverpool. ££Xr 50 to 70 Bales of Cotton only wanted to complete the loading of the Ship MARY ALMY, to be despatched immediately, Apply to Capt. Hudson on board at W illiansonS Wharf or to ANDREW LOW & Cos. jan 25 c2l . For Liverpool. Th* s fc nown regular trading sl)if> Nc T & JAN F.. James Drummond, master, has commence 1 loading, and will be despa'clied without delay. For freight, apply to captain D on board, at Bolton’s wharfor to jan 9 7 JAMES IHCKSON & Cos. For Greenock. x&r The copper fastend ship HARRIET, Capt Reed, has half her cargo engaged. For freight, applv on board or to jan 10 8i MITCHELL & BARTLETT. For Havre, The remakably fine coppered British t#Xl> ship WESTMORELAND, Wm. Smith, master, has 3-4ths of her cargo now going on board, and will be despatched early. For freight of 200 bales, apply to Capt. Smith on board at Frazer’s wharf, or to WILLIAM jenner (rJ*Neither master nor consignee will be ac countable for any debt contracted by the crew, jan 23 * _l9 For Liverpool. 300 bales are wanted to fill lhe ship LYCURGUS, J B Haley, master, apply on board, or to MITCHELL & BARTLETT, jan 22 o 18 For Liverpool. CCJT 200 bales are wanted to complete the tSjLfs cargo of ship HARMONY, L woodward, master, apply on board, or to jan 22 018 MITCHELL & BARTLETT. For Wilmington N. C. . THE fast sailing Schr. PHEBE Capt. Cummings, having half her freight en gaged, will sail for the above port on Thursday next, for re ainder of freight or passage, apply on board at Rices Wharfor to jan 22 18 S. MANTON. For New-Orleans. Akf&\ The Schr ELIZA, Trowbridge nv'* Jfisaife ter will m .et witli dispatch. Foi freight or passage having excellent accommo dations, apply to capt T on board at Moores wharf, or to HALL &. IIOYT. jan 1 18 For Sale , Freight or Charter, I’iiottioa* Schooner MARY M’- , ’■yfi&iv- KOV burthen 35 tons, three years old, built io North * arr li .a, of the best mate rials. Foru.t le-msappn ’•> iai 26 22 J /’ H ‘.PRERT &CO. Tor Norfolk, The sloop RKPoKI HR. Capt. Lewis, wdl sail in a few days For freight or passage, apply on board at v’s Wharf, o jan 25 21 to L. H. SAGE li Cos. For New Orleans. THE fast sailing brig ORION, Mav- BfcjtAr Lew master, will sail on Tuesday next, (wind and weather permitting) for passage only having good accommodations, apply to Hie mas ter on board or to ISAAC COIIEN. jan 26 i22 For Liverpool. ’l l |r well known epper dship COM .Vp*' v -iT MERCK, capt Gardner, Will bare im mediate dispatch, haring part of her cargo ready to go on board For freight apply to JOHN I.ATHROP &. CO. For sale, landing from sa:d hip 15 coils Coir Cordage, assorted si: es 50 bbls Potatoes 100 tons Shingle Ballast 80 boxes Mould Candles 20 jan 24 Freight for New-i ork. (£3* Vessels bound to i\ew- York can have Cotton on Freigli by applying to SAMUEL Vi UK.H E. jan 24 20 03“ 200 bales Cotton are wanted on freight to fill the barque SPARTAN, for Liverpool. Apply to july 17 14 CUM MING & GWATHMEY. A Situation AS Teacher in a Public School or private fam ily, is desired by a young gentleman of good education and fair moral character. Letters addressed to P. V. O. C P. lod :ed at the Museum office, will meet with prompt- at tendance. 2Jcf j., 28 Flour, Gin Bbls Superfine Philad Flour 40 do Richmond City mills do 47 do Phelps Rye Gin 33 do prime Beef Landing and (or Sale by SAMUEL STODDER, jan 24 c2O Taylor's Wharf Cut Nails, 101 casks 4d 5d 5d 6L iOd 12J and 20d—just * ieceived from the manufactory, and for sale’ low at Williamson’s store bv jan 25 n 22 ’ E CRANE Jr. N. E. Rum, 80 bbls just received, for sale by DBLAMAIEIt &. STARK, jan 26 i 22 Prime Green Cojf'et, §c. 20 hags green Havana Cofiee 70 bbls Itye Whiskey 50 do refined Sugar 40 bundles Hay—landing from ship Gar onne, and for sale by jan 29 24 J UHN LATHROP S3 Cos. j T. C. HAYWARD Has for Sale, Just received, 25 half bids No 1 Mackerel 26 Jo No 2 do 4 pipes Holland Gin 5 lilids Jamaica Rum ALSO, —50 packages Boots and Shoes, y;_ will he sold low. jait 24 a- 0 Bills on New-York. ; For sale by C C. GRISWOLD. jan 23 19 Cut Nails. ONE Hundred and filly Casks C it X.ti] s !s ,i Brads, assorted, —Landing from Brig Ck r barn, —For Sale by jan 24 20 E. WILLIAMS li Cos. Landing from Brig Chatham 350 Casks Thomastowu Lime 100 M. Lath 4 pipes pure Scheidam Cin For Sale by S. B. PARK MAX, Jan 24 c2O Ihmtet's ft'hwf. Butler, Chocolate, &c. 10 Firkins fresh Goshen Butter 5 boxes Chocolate Bakers brand No. 1 t,y to be of a very superior quality 4 boxes do Dophams Brand Xo J 2 boxes Catsup 3 do Mustard 3 half barrels Mutton Hams 2 barrels Connecticut mess Shad. Landing from the Ship Corsair, andTi. sale low if taken from the Wharf. AUGUSTUS CORNWALL, jan 18 15 Paper Hangings. AN assortment of elegant Paper Hanging?, and fine Board Paper, just received and for sal: by THUS LONGWORTH, jan 15 12 Johnson i/juuic. I Family Flour. 200 bbls Howard-street superfine flour, fresii ground, and suitable for families, for sale by DANL. CARNEY, jr, ‘ jail 17 14s Hunter's builthnp. Salmon £ ?c. Landing from Brig Sereno li Stoop Rapid. 15 bbls Salmon 75 kegs Pickled do 6 hhds pure Jamaica Rum 5 do St. Croix do 100 boxes li half dm No 1 Chocolate 25 half do do 2 j MACKEREL, For sale by SAMUEL STODDEI! jan 12 slO Taylors Wharf. Cognac Brandy Ja. Rum 18 pipes Cognac Brandy, (Otanl. Dupi and Cos) 22 hhds 4th proof Jamaica Rum For sale by BAKER li MINTON, jan 21 18 Whiskey. 76 barrels Whiskey Landing from brig Levant, for ss’e by L. H. SAGE & Cos. jan 21 18 Drafts on Baltimore, At any sight, For sale bv jan 15 12 JAMES MAGEE. Whiskey £5 Apple Brandy. 30 barrels of superior quality, receive* and will be sold low —Apply to DANIEL CARNEY Jr jan 21 hlB Bills on Boston, For sale by jan 7 5e MITCHELL & BARTLETT FRANCIS j7TAYr YjTlASjiist received by brig Hope, esptau wJ Champlin—and for sale Cologne Water Coburg Stiff’ners Fancy Soaps S II P Lees New London Billious Life - rect from Lees Dispensatory. * —also — , H Duct PEBrandins Anti Rheumatic for the Rheumatics, Toot ash &c which is thy the attention of any one afflicted complaints. On hand, Bj Lynch and Clark’s superior Soda do do Congress Water ■ Put up in the most perfect state by the or single bottle. ■< English Seidletz Powders * Henry’s Calcined Magnesia &c At his Drtiggand Chemical ware house, ner of Congress and W’hitaker-stress, buildings “ * jan For Sale. ft 50 Bbls pilot Bread ftl 30 do Boston Crackers ■ I 111 do mess Beef _ H 30 do No 1 Mackeael fl, 300 Bushels Irish Potatoes K 40 qts Codfish Super quality B; Onions by the barrel or bunch Butter in half barrels, Tubs or Keg*-’ ; 15 bbls fall strain’d Lamp Oil . 20 boxes Sperm Candles No 4J ■ B 10 do Soap B, 10 bbls Train Oil K, Cider by the Barrel K Vinegar do Apples do K 2 hhds Whiting Leaf Tobacco by the cwt or hlnl- H —ALSO,— 1 Trunk of Gentlemens Fine B ls very low by ISAAC R. GIFFORD and C°V jan 17 nl4 Telfair’sJlZC Lost or Stolen , , OUT of the Augusta stage office on inst. a small red, white and black 00 ’ TRUNK, a split in tire bottom and the l° c ters an S key. glO will be paid to any P who will deliver the said Trunk to the c the office or to the owner _ „ nr * jan 25 21 PHILIP roWU^