Newspaper Page Text
fM'MK subscriber lias just received from New-
X York
Superfine Wia ana French Levantine
Heavy >inci:ews
Nun It n ami Canton Crapes
Black figured Naples Silk
India fla ; . Hdkfs
Merino J Shaw Is
Linen cambric lulkfs,7s ts a1 75
Ladies superfine wt and ced’d kid Cloves
do do coPd castor and beaver do
Gentlemens white and col’d do do
Sewed Tamfbpuid and plain Muslins
Fine flounc’d Muslin robes and trimmings
Assorted braids and velvet Kibhons
Super plaid Silks,.for Turbands
A few white and mixt Plains on hand which
shall be sold low with a variety of other arti
cles at the sign of the golden fleece, by
jan It 9 ___
Take Notice.
NINE months ..flcrdaie, 1 snail apply to the
lion the Judge of the Inferior Court of
Chatham County, for leave to sell the reales.
tale of W.(i Kune, and for the benefit of the
heirs and creditors of said deceased
8. (i. TIIREADCK AFT, Adm'r.
aog 9 62
Valuable Lands for Sale.
fTMIK Subscriber offers for Sale his Plantation,
JL lying in Liberty Count., adjoining lands of
Gen. Daniel Stcwait, Dr Samuel J Axson, and
others The tract contains four hundred and
sixty Acres; about two hundred of winch is un-
cultivation, and generally all well adapted
to culture of Corn and Cotton. There are about
ione hundred acres of good Cotton or Corn land,
uncultivated. The residue pine land, affording
timber for building and fencing. There are on
the premises a comfortable dwelling house and
oth-r necessary outbuildings, Terms of sale,
to the purchaser, will be made easy,and if no
sold, previous to the First of January next, will
he rented for tire en uing year.
sept 6 t
N otiee.
A 'LL persons indebted fi> the estate of John
Chuce, late of St. Marys dec. are request
ed to make pay ment ti the subscriber within
30 days from this date, the debts not. then paid
will be put iii suit, and those having demands
against said estate are requested to present
them for payment to
CEO. W. MARTIN, Adm’or.
Jan 22 §ui Iff
■VTINE months after it te application will be
il made to the Mon. Inferior Court of Chat
ham t.ountv for leave to well a Tract of Lend
in Jefl’erson County, about nine miles below
Louisville, ad|oiuing Lands iff Baldwin Uuift rd.
estate of Ingrufn de.eeas'id, and others ; con
taining 300 acres, more -rl css, as part of the
Ileal Estate of Philip Uaiford, deceased.
R. KA’FORDj Jidm’r.
- jay 29 f 9ar
Wanted, .
MTUATIttN in a Store or Counting-
louse, by a young Man w ho wiiti s a good
hand, bus sonic knowledge of accounts, and
can be welt recommended, apply 10
Stale County Taxes for I^2l
Lfai’ l- a:Un>criber.i forms the citixnis of Chat
'Ll tarn ri unity, that he i- prepared to receive
the Slate and County ‘faxes for 1821 ; which
are to be paid in Bills receivable at the Ranks
in this city, on or before the 16th of February
next; after that day executions will be issued
against ■■ ‘ defaulters
His Office is kept at the northwest corner of
Market square. Office hours from 10 to 2 o’
Tax Collector, Chatham County.
jan 16 §w;il3
Wants a Situation,
AS Teacher in an Academy or Piivate Fami
ly, in anv part ol this state, a gentleman
who has hail the best of education, of which
and of his moral character, lie can produce sat
isfactory testimonials. Letters addressed li
L. L. M to the care of the Editors, will.mee’
* ith attention. jan 10 n8
For Sate,
Ailing of NEGROES, consisting of about 80
or 90, who have been accustomed to the
cultivation iff Rice Fur terms ap|>ly to
THOMAS OGIKR, Charleston.
If noPilist used of at private sale before TueS*
dav, 12th February next, they w ill on that day
be sol-l in Ciiarlesion at Public Auction, hv Mr.
Ggier. By order of the executoi'6 of Doctor
M'm. Wat ley. §wwt!4
For Private Sale,
A PLANTATION upon Savannah River, in
the Parish of St Luke, know n by tlie name
of tli’ lately belonging to Mr. Willi.un
Wilson, deceased, and affjoing the plantation
of Mr. James 11 Ancrtun For particulars ap
ply tp M M DR AY I ON, )
JAMES Kl-.R!(t XON, C C'.urleston.
C G. I lM KM Y, Jr 5
Or to TUFTS ix REED, Savannah
jan 17 414
Lorn A flout.
20.000 bushels white Maryland corn afloat,
For sale by JOHN LATUUOP i Cos.
jan 4 3s
Nails, etc.
72 casks Nails, B ads, anti Tacks
H>o kegs mi. 1 & 2 Tobacco approv’d brands
20 tubs swet Butter . *
Printing. S', eathing 8-- W raping Paper
boxes of < urrant A toe in bottles
kegs of fresh Crackers
Now landing and for sale by
jan 8 bd W I.IPPITBICO
Cut Nails.
■55 casks Cut NaiL, assorted sizes, landing
fi-om scltr PiioeV’e. Fur saie'by
jAn 1-1 . 11 F WIEUAVB & Cos.
4 White or.col, and; to do tlie vvork of a
Jt sma l family where her werk would he
light— ‘-n5 ’.hat couM come well recommendeil
it w lfling to devote her w hole attentitfti .0 her
emr o> <-.• omd meet good w ages, by applying j
to the Fruiters- Jau 26 “22
Jtte. Pork. Gin , ?-
Landing Jr urn brig L rant,
29 bhls Ale In store,
111 do prime Pork ,
25 do mess do y
37 do prime Beef
14 do mess do
23 half bbls Fly market Beef
260 bbls supertine Flour
73 do uiuoi Gin
2u do Loaf Sugar
50 host s Soap
5” do Caudles
39 fiikins prin.e Goshen flutter
11 casks Shot assorted sizes
3 tons Share Moulds
1 Marble Chimney Piece
30 kegs manufactured Tobacco
.160 casks (.OTiiiuecticut stone Lime
2 Gigs with Harness complete
For sale by C. C GRISWOLD Sc Cos.
jail 22 Iff
Medicines, Dye Staffs. Jfe
HUS just received per ship Corsair, and for
sale at his Ding and Chemical Ware-Mouse,
Jit the corner of Congress ami 11'hhaker-streels,
Shut Id i HuiltUng,
Gum Opium, do Arabic
Oil Lavender, do Peppermint, Nutmegs
Cinnamon, Ground Logwood
Coperas, A Hum, &c Jan 22
Steam Heat For Sale.
The well known, fast
dtr— - going and stanch Steam
no at ATAI ANTA, which
formerly tun between Eliz
abeth.; ;■ roi.A. and New-York., will be soirl
at public auction, by Franklin Sc the
routine Coffee Mouse, in New York, on Friday,
the first day of March next, unless sooner dis
posed of at private sale. Her tonnage is lOff
65-95; het dimensions9sfeet keel, and Iff feet
h- ail’ ; she has a forwatd and two after cabins,
finished in handsome style —her engine is of a
■■.tipet ior structure ; she has two copper boilers,
in one of which is a copper flue, anil in the nth
err new iron fine. The Boat a.ut Engine are m
complete Older and fit for immediate use lor
further particulars, inquire of Jam< s Crane, Esq
i ashier of the State Hank at, N ■
Jersey. JVeio.Yurlc, Jan 5. diff
Joseph Kofman,
Johnston's square,
1 ? AS just received per slops Georgia and
Pallas, from Liverpool,
10 Sales white Plains, sdo mixt do
1 do tartan Plaids
2 cases blue anil red Union Stripes
2 do 4-4 Handke.chiefs
3-4 anil 6-4 cotton Checks
With a variety of other things, which will he
sold on accommodating terms. 26 dec 5
Kags and old Hope.
I FAMILIES aid coun'ry merchants are infor
med that cash will be paid for any quantity
,ff clean linen Rags and old 1.0 a, at the stori
Congress ft. opposite Francis J. I.ay.
jan 1 1 wa
! ry Goods cheap tor Cash !!!
The subscribe) has received by the
Cloths and (asimere:, of various qualities
11 4 Marseilles Quilts
Si'perh Jaconet < ‘amhric embroider’d dresses
Inferior do do do
S'tiped Silks (new patents)
Bhick Silk Velvet
3 ps English ingrain stair Carpeting,
A few cases gentlemens’ Mack 81 white imita
tion beaver Hats—with his former supply of
Wolleii, Liunen and Cotton goods makes a com
plete assortment. Country merchants are invi
ted to call F. L SHAY,
jan 8 6 J\o.7 Commerce /tow.
.Music School,
MISS VICTOIUO BOUDET, a native of this
city Tulress of the Piano Forte, of the
Harp and singing in the various stiles of the
French and Uahon Bravuras has the honor to
inform her friends and the public that she will
teach the above branches as soon as sufficient
encouragement will offer.
Particulars to appear in the next advertise
ment. jan 7 5
20 lihds Whiskey, landing from sloop Oliver
Wolcott, and for sale by
jan 12 10 HALL 81 HOYT.
Insurance against Fire.
The JEina Insurance Company, Hartford, will
insure houses and buildings, merchandize, fur
niture and oilier property, including vessels in
port, their cargoes, he. against loss or damage
hv Fire, for any tern from one month to one or
more years.
The conditions, which £re moderate, maybe
known on api lication to the subscriber, who (s
authorized igent, and is empowered to issue
policies without the delay incident to other a
gencies of this nature.
Tlie Company undertake in all cases to pay
the full amount -of the actual loss, provided it
does not exceed the amount insured. The pre
miums are reasonable, and suoultl off! r a strong
inducement to any person having property at
hazard to place it in security,
jan 7 5 S. MANTON.
Dancing School,
% SU. BOUDK I, jr professor of Dancing, for
lvl merly from Paris and lately from New-
York, has the honor to inform his friends anu
the public tliat he has arrived in this city with
his family, with the intention of becoming a per
manent resident, and ‘hat he will open his Dan
cing School here This Evening 14th inst in the
Long Room uuder Solomon’s Lodge Room, near
the Old Presbyterian Church, the room having
been fitted up so” the reception of Ladies where
lie will introduce the most fashionable Cotillions
and other Dances now in vogue in Paris, and in
the most popular cities in the union and tlie
greatest attention paid to the carriage and ('le-j
portment of Pupils entrusted to his care.
Days of Tuition-, Monday, Wednesday, and
Friday Evenings.
Hours of tuition, viz for young Ladies from 5
o’clock until 7, and from 7 o’clock until 9 for
young Gentlemen jan 14
A Wet Nurse Wanted T
Apply at this olficq. jan 16 fi3
THE subscribe) s having connected them
selves iivbusincss under the firm of GIBBS &
Al GXANDEH, offer for sale on gwod terms
Just landing from brig Levant, at Jones’ upper
40 bbls Albany .doubly Ale, expressly prepar
ed for this climate
10 firkins superior Goshen Butter
10 bbls Corn Meal
10 do buck wheat do
13 casks best kind Goshen Cheese
10 boxes bloom Raisins
25 VI Spanish Segars
12 kegs sweet scented Virginia Tobacco
3 do ‘ladies’ twist do
5 hags Coffee ; Mustard by the box or doz.
14 bbls country Gin j Cognac Brandy
Jamaica, St Croix and N E ltum, by the
hhd. or barre
Holland Gin ; Young Hyson Tea, in ten
, catty boxes ; Sugar by the hhd. or bbl.;
Loaf and Lump do ; and in store, a gen
eral assortment of Groceries
Taylor's wharj.
They would also inform their friends that
they are sole agents for this city for two of the
most celebrated ortuingestablishments in the
state of New-York namely. Law & Porridge’s
New Burgh and It Dm,lop’s-Albany, a supply
of whose Aie will bt kept constantly on hand
anil warranted good Also. BoydhM’Culloch’s
Albany V <• dec 3
Brow u ■ ’ av.-mna Sugar and
Green Coffee.
BEVEN l’Y-FOLR ‘xos super quality Hava
na itrown Sega 22 bags prime Green Cof
fee, la ding fr- n- brie Tom, for sale bv
Jan 22 ‘ clB DOUGLAb & SORREL. •
The Library,
IS open for the delivery of Books, Monday,
Wednesday and I rlday, from 4to 6 o’clock,
P M :1b dec 10
Picked Up. adrift,
a Small Huai, wine;, the ovvtiei can have by
*■ provu g property uid paying lor this ad
vertisement, on applying to ca-t Tucker on
board th- .rip- H ‘ d< 27 43
‘leu Hollars Reward.
tb AN AW aY uoni die subscnbci in Scriven
k County, on tt.e l6lli Dec Jiiv negro fellow
°eter, about 47 years old, 6 feet high, and has
one ton'll oui in from. I he above reward w ill
be paid tor the appreln nstoii and se tiring him
in any jail, so that 1 mav gei him
dee 28 if 44 ‘ J.NO JACKSON.
\\ his key, Wine £s.
JUS’I received per sliin Augusta and scltr.
25 bbls Whiskey
5 qr Casks Samos Wine
3 hai* pipes Malagado
10 boxes Soap
1500 bunches Onions
In Store,
Gin Rum, Brandy, tobacco, Soap, Candles,
Potatoes, Apples, Butter, l.rtriitigs anda gener
al assortment ot Groceries, For ■ah by
jan 3 i 2 Hires’ Wharf.
viMMKiUGH mistake 1: on vioore’s wharf, on
1 board hrij. Savannah, the latter part of Oc
tober, and carried to Providence, one bale Up
land Cotton, v liirh is now returned and the
owner can have the same by identifying marks
anil prov'u-g property on app ication to
jan 11 9 TAFT & SIBLEYS.
The Subscriber
yiJJAVING opened a store in one of those two
uu story buildings west of the Market, known
as Hogg’s Lot, under the superintendaiice of
Mr v. m C Vines, offers for sale, a general as
sortment of
Consisting in part of Sugar, Coffee, Tea, Cog.
Brandy, .lam Bum. \V I. and N. K. do. Holland
Gin, Whiskey, Flour in w hole and half barrels,
Soap. Salt, and a lot prime Georgia Bacon
ALSO—Homespun, Cutlery, Crockery, Stc.
d-c 29 tt 45 THOMAS VI. KENZIK.
The Subscriber offers for sale,
*fvtiUEK thousand bushels of heavy rough
dec ‘,'.9 45 JOSEPH STILES
t'.HE subscriber takes pleasure to inform his
iriemts and the public tliat he has removed
from the Merchants Hotel in bank square, to
the Bay, over the-tore of Mr. John Hunter,
East of the Exchange, where he has good ac
commodations in a complete fire proof building
and would be happy to serve those who please
to call. Also, good stables to accommodate
country friend’s horses
jan 9 7n JOHN Y WHITE.
Flour, Pork isc.
280 bbls superfine Flour
50 do prime Pork City inspection
90 do d<. Beef
20 kegs patent shot assorted sizes
5b do first quality Tobacco
50 do Soap, 50 “do Candles
39 firkins fit si quality Butter for family use
2u half bbis Fly Market Beef
20 bbls Loaf Sugar
3 Marble Chimney Pieces
2 Gigs, complete at Uenslers
For sle by
jan 4 3 G C GRISWOLD & Cos.
Just opened,
\CASF. of elegant Inserting and Scolloped
trimmings sewed and tamboured FLOUN
CES, Book Frills, Coliarells and J llilkfs
Paris Tippetts, Stomachers, &c
jan 15 12 Johnson’s sqyare
InVENTY bales Waltham Cottons at redu
ced prices
10 pipes Holland Gin, Chathams cargo
15 Dutiijohns do Thus Fowler’s ilo
28 bbls Sugar, 4 hlids do
20 Dimijohns Cognac Brandy 7 years old
20 bags Almonds, Harris's Tobacco
40 boxes fresh Muscatel Raisins
100 bids Rye Whiskey
A few pieces Cotton Bagging suitable for
30 casks 2d quality Rice,
For sale by
jan 19 nf9 Hunter's wharf
Killams, Hills Wells,
Hjyfir. chant Tailors.
AYE removed to the brick st re on the
Bay, next door below the,
they have opened,.an extensive assortment of
Extra Sirjjgr and Cum mint
Broadcloths, Cassinleres. Ven
tings, &e.
Tlsey hare procured from New-York, and else
where, the latest, fashions and the best of -woik
men ; and flatter themselves that they will be
able to give general satisfaction to aitvflio luvor
them with their custom.
Also, Received,
A large assortment of Gentlemen’s ready made
of their own manufacture, and in the newest
fashion. 96 ori'.Jj
Removal. - f
EDWARD COPPER has removed - to the
wi st corner of Market square, in tW store
adjoining that of Messrs. Cleland & Fraser,
where he offers at wholesale and retail, a com
plete assortment of Fresh DRUGS and MED
ICINES, on the Lowest teriris, for cash or ap
proved paper. 39 dec 21
r|MIE subscribers are prepared to Discount
I promptly every day, approved Paper, not
having more than ninety days to run, at 6 per
cent and pay the proceeds of such discount by
Checks on An usta, if preferred bv the offerer,
4 LL persons having demands against the es
l\ tate of G. B. Richard, widow late of Cam
den County, will hand them in properly attest
ed, and those indebted to said estate are reques
ted to make immediate payment
JOHN C. RICHARD, Executor.
St. Marv’s, dec 23 s-j-* 48
Old Irish Whiskey,
A fev, demijohns supt nor Old Irish Whiskey
—-applyto JAMES MAGEE,
nov 20 S2B
Cheese , Wine , £^c.
Just landing from on board Sloop Harlequin.
20 casks Goshen Cheese
20 qr ilo sweet malaga Wine, pure as imported
20 bbls Boy’d & M’Citlloch’s Ale, prepar’d for
150 boxes Digby Herring this climate
1 tierce Scotcli Snuff', in small bladders
1 do Macuba, in half lb bottles
400 lbs New-Yotk cured Hams
All of which will be sold low if taken frtlie whf.
find in Store,
An extensive assortment of GROCERIES, for
sale on the most reasonable terms, by
jan II s9 Taylor's wharf.
Just Received,
AND landing from scltr. Cygnet and sloop
96 bbls assorted Loaf Sugar of superior qual.
50 kegs Butter selected for family use
20 qr casks Malaga Wine s
J A few bbls Shad
Which are offered for sale by
Who also offer,
150 bags prime St. Domingo Coffee
7 lihds prime Havana do
50 bbls muscovado Sugar
16 lihds N Orleans do
200 bbls rye Whiskey
200 do sup. llow arii-street Fleur
1 pipe French Brandy
25 seroons Spanish Ti |>scco
Spanish Segars in half boxes
Oil Cloth Carpets
Window Glass assorted. jan 11 h 9
Ml*. - ■ - - -X
To Kent or for Sale.
Three Tenements two storie9 high,
*4Bl/ between Mrs. Devtmt’s and Mrs. Gugle’s,
opposite the new Market. These tenements
are each thirty feet front and forty feet dee;;,
and contain Cellar and Cellar Kitchen, and a
store and back room on Hie first floor, with fire
places ; and three rooms on the second floor
with fire places: a garret and convenient yards
I hese were lately erected, in a neat and sub
stamial manner, and w ill be rented on reasona
ble t -rms to good tenants. Apply to
jan 4 M H MG’A LISTER.
Gold & Silver Enamelling on
Glass for Pictures, <Sfe,
(‘'HR public is respectfully “iuformed that
work of 4 ‘lkinds in the above line will be
executed in the neatest manner by JOHN EV
ANS, who intends staying in this citv a few
weeks for that purpo e—apply at the store of
Mr. Win. Free, corner of Congress and Whita
ker streets, where Glass of every description
can be supplied.
All orders will meet with punctuality,
jan 12 10
Lime and Lumber.
Landing from Brig Hat riot and Lucy
Hunters Lower Wharf.
300 casks Thomastown Lime
25 \I feet norlherd pine Lumber
For sale by ISAAC COHEN.
jan 18 s 15
ft otice.
THE subscriber having taken John P An
drews into copartnership, the Auction and
Commission Business, will henceforward be
conducted under the firm of Thompson & An
Augusta, jan 12 j m
I HEREBY give notice that I have a claim
and no doubt the oldest ami best one for
one hundred and fifty acres of land in the’fork
ot the Large and Little Satilla Rivers, adverti
sedfor sale by Mr. Z. Kingsley,
„ . „ tx ® EOUUJi MORRISON.
Camden Cos. Dec. 23. 4o§*
Just .Received,
qpilE Georgia and S.outh Carolina Almanac,
i for 1822, containing much useful informa
tion both of a private and public nature,—neat
ly printed. For sale at theAluscnm Office coun
ting room, by the gross, dozen ov single. A li
beral discount made to those who purchase by
wholesale. dec 19
Valuable Beal Estate for sal,
ElvWO LOTS fronting on B-y am! -lii! i>.. lr
M streets, with the impiovcn ■ tils I uni-,;,
consisting of two range sos Buildings, w c ;. cw ‘
structed for a Public Boarding House on r}
side, anil on the oilier for SIl-1-.-s or Com,;.,
Rooms, . 1 4
‘I hese Buildings, from their situation, tl, ,
extent, and their ‘constriction, me well
yoI for a Hotel-, they were planned for thisi.j
pose, and have been so used under the i.a; : ,
Washington Hall.
One Lot fronting on Joachim-street, with-!,
improvements thereon, known as the
Hotel There are two spacious UweHijigipj’f
two slories each., with suitable back bail, ;, ?
calculated fi r the accommodation of families ‘
for a house of entertainment, as heretofore 1,,/
This Property vvili be sold low and on ic ‘
commodating terms, if early application 1,
made to GEORGE SCHLEY, “
dec 20 lm3B .Mo. Coinoiei'ce.Jtf.
For Rent,
Those two fire-proof Stores, opposite \-
drew Low 8z Cos. Johnson’s square, into, f
pressly for Dry Good Siores, and deserve ij,'j
attention of such as are connected in that W
ness. Rents moderate. For terms apply t<>
nV 8 8
> hi 1 born Beviil,
INFORMS lus friends that lie ha- leased the
Georgia Hotel, and that he will
the superintendence of the same from t!;e loth
He hopes that his arrangements will be such
to meet the approbation of the cdu friondi of
the Establishment,ami ensure him a portion,f
’ - 1 ’ :ir ‘ or, j
Livery Stables.
ken the Stables attachdu
the Georgia Hotel, and have made such ai.
rangeinents that their customers mav rest L
smvd that the greatest attention will" continue
to be paid to Horses-placed under their care.
Carriages, Chairs and Gigs, with good Burs,
es well broken to tLe harness and saddle, will
always be furnished the public on reasonable
Expresses will be despatched at short nonce
to any part of the country. E~ < )C i g
Gi FORGE NEWHALL has removed to tie
* new Store in Whitaker street, opposite
-h-s'-.ih Fcnfield’s, where he has fur sale ex
tensive assortment of
Boots and Shoes,
at low prices, for cash or city acceptances.
2m nov 19
STIHK. subscriber ha> now open ana .'Ol saiest
u lus store in Wiiilaker-st. near Got Shell
man’s Mansion House, a choice assortment of
Spiritous Liquors, the best of old “ iocs, Ten
of the latest importation, and double refined leaf
Sugar, w liich are offered at reasonable terms.
Cognac Brandy, J unaica Spirits
St. Croix do. Portland Uiua
llollai and Ciu.
Brig Hope’s cargo iff 1819,
Pierpoints Gin
M ideira Wine, Cordon’s brand
Imported in the brig Oriental, in 1816.
Lisbon Wine, Port do
Bet3ey and Berthia cargo.
I.un Powder, Huntress cargoT
Imperial, London Traders ilo (.
Hyson, Ontario’s do f 1
Young Hvson, Huntress doJ
nov 28 20
Whiskey , Pork, §c.
220 bbls best live Whiskey
50 do prime Pork
20 caiks Goshen Cheese
u 0 firkins do Butter, m double firbiss
20 casks Shot, assorted sizes
20 hf bbjg flymarket Beef, warranted
2 C springs Leather top Gigs with pit
ted Harness
landing from brig Belviden at Tailor's wharf,
for sale by C C GRISWOLD If Cos.
ilec 27 43
cl most choice assortment
JVewiy imported K
“fpMb subscribers have just received dirtctl
from France, b , the ship Imperial, via XI
York, an extensive assortment of Marino Sliiis'isl
ami Scarves, Linen Cambrics, French I.awn,B
Gam brie Hdkfs, all descriptions of silk Gookl
Embroidered Muslin bands, Plain Figured awil
plaid Ribbons, Uombaiine, Gloves, baperJ
Bobbins, Floss Cotton, extra super blue
and Perfumery, which they offer, wholesale,*l
a moderate advance. I
.hide’ soti's Buildings on the £&• I
—also— I
10 cases Paper Hangings ,1
1 do double and single barrel Guns, sajt-1
rior quality I
3 do 64, S4 and 10 inch Cables I
An invoice oi lugruine Carpeting. I
jan 4 3 t I
Gin Mackerel. I
25 bbls Smitlilield Gin very superior
113 bbls iNo 3 Mackerel landing di*
14 half bbls 3 day and for sale bv I
jan 12 10 JOHN LATHROI’sCo- ■
Beef,, I
40 bbls mess Beef, for
Received by ship liluchef. B
Jlndfor sale by the subscribers, I
50 hampers English Potatoes B
50 jars English split Peas B
6 kegs London Mustard B
jan 13 la Jones’
Real Estate For Sale. ■
SEVERAL convenient and well*"®
ted Houses and Lots will be sold
derate prices. >■. H
ALSO— ‘ ■
That valuable Lot in Broughton-strcfb
posite the residence of Doct Shcftall.
Apply to GEORGE SG’UL<‘
jan I*7” 14 ■