The Savannah museum. (Savannah, Ga.) 182?-1822, January 31, 1822, Image 2

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THE MUSEUM. SALAMAGUNJ.iI; OB the Whim Whams and Opinions of Launcelot Langstaff, Esq. and others. Jn hoc eat ho.ix, urn quiz etj.kesez, £t amokeni, ioustem, roustemfolkeiez , lee, faio,fnm. I'bdlm w zati With baked, and roiled, and rtcwed, and toasted, And fried, and broiled, and smoked, and roasted, We treat the town. Anew edition, with plates, in 2vols.—£2 The History of New-York, from the begin ning of the world to the end of the Dutch Dy nasty, by Diedrick Knickerbocker —2 volumes, plates—£s 50. The Works nf l ord B/ron. anew cdi'ion, containing all the Poems hitherto published, in 4. vols. plates—£s. Moore's Melodies and Songs, anew edition, containing the Melodies lately published— £l. For sale by THUS. LONGWOBTH, jan 28 23 Johnston's square. English ami Classical School. JT. JOUDAN respectfully proposes to the 4 citizens of Savannah, and its vicinity, to open a School, as soon as sufficient encourage theiit may ofl'erYorthe tuition of pupils, in the various branches, of Arithmetic, Heading, Wri ting, Knglish Grammar, Geography. Latin, and Rudiments ofthe Greek Language, at the fol lowing reduced prices. Writing, Heading, and Arithmetic £5 per qr Knglish Grammar, Geography, Wc. £6 do do Latin, Greek, E. Grammar, &c. £7 <lo do. He pledges himself that every attention shall be paid to the advancement of the morals, as well as other education of his pupils; and that he will use his utmost endeavours to give general satis faction to these who may honour him with their patronage. As he is an entire stranger in Sa vannah, and his arrival here merel’ tor tuitions he can give no external pledges of the rectitude of his character, but hopes that he has within him, what may entitle him to the good opinions of all, who become thoroughly acquainted with his principles. . Those who are pleased to honour him with their patronage, may find him at Mrs. Batty’s Boarding House, Johnston's Square, fait 22 18fc Loaf Sugar. SO bbls Baltimore Refined Loaf SUGAR, just received and for sale by jan 23 19 GUMMING Si G'\Tv*EY. Landing from Sclir. 11 f i^t. 1000 Bushels Corn 40 Bbls Navy, and Pilot Bread 20 Krgs Crackers 19 do Lard F'or Sale by jan 22 18 L 11. SAGE U Cos. CORN. ” 1200 bushels white Maryland Corn For rale bv PALMES & ROE. jan 26 22 , Fresh Root*. One Trunk Gentlemen* thick S’*! Boots suitable for wet weather, .Inst received per Ceres, from Boston, *r.d for sale by R L MILLING jan 26 c$ 22 Mackerel, 100 Bills No 8, Boston Inspection, Land ip,l; and for Sale by jan 25 cl 21 MITCH EL & 3AKTI KI T. New-Orlesms Sugar. 40 Hbds prime New-Orleans Sugar, For Sale bv jan 25 21 HALL & HOYT. N. E. jßuni. 50 Bbls N. K. Rum 6 hhds 3d ]irnof do For Sale bv jan 21 21 JOHN LATHRGP & Cos. M v Pepper. 10 Bags heavy Sumatra Peppper, Landing from Schr. Pilgrim, For Sale by jan 25 21 K. WIU.IAMS fc. Cos. S]ring Goods, QTpHF. subscribers have just received by the ii ship Blucher and other recent arrivals from l.ilerpool a variety of Seasonable. Dry Goods, Which with those on board the ships Emily and Dromo, now on their way fioin England will make their assortment not only complete, but extensive ANDREW LOW & CO. Now iN sfotir. —-Cotton Begging, Poi'ter, Crockery, casks of Glaze and tea China. §lm 21 - “ J William Inglis & Cos. YiT&AVE received by the ship BLUCUEU from , 4m. Liverpool, an assoi tn* nt ot flounced I MUSLIN ROBES, flounces and trimmings, some of which are very elegant, also, a variety of other seasonable goods. jan 23 dl? . Negro Pipes, 105 gross negro Pipes, landing from schr. Z EMUUCA, and for sale by R. A. PALMER & Cos. jan 21 c2O BUlter , Flour ft Gin 20 firkins fresh Goshen Butter 50 bbls superlioe Flour to hhds and 10 pipes Sniithfieid Gin Tor sale by BAKER id MINTON. jan 21 18 a. Liiiseeu Oil. 14 Bbls pure Linseed Od .lust received and for Sale by jan 24 20 E. WILLIAMS & Cos. I,oaf imii, la imp Sugar. vrviFTV bids for sale by H £l J MEIGS, [1 jan 24 2CGI TuHtcVs buildings. ‘ PETER DREGE, Three doors south of the City (total, THANKS his friends and the public in gener al for the large si pport he has received in this city since he commenced business. He takes this opportunity to offer 105 PACKAGES Just received from Kngland and the north, of the roost fashionable HATS AND CLOTHING , < lIKAPKR THAN F.VEII. Extra superfine boys’ Waterloo Coats, full silk trimmings, at the low rate of £ls Fine and extra fine black Dress Coats, from £l6 upwards F.xtra blue Saxony do. £2O, and upwards Extra fine and superfine double mill’d fashiona ble Pantaloons, of ah colors, from £4 to 12 First rate gentlemen’s fine white linen Shins, from £1 75 to 4 French Florentine Waistcoats, £2} Extra quality English do. new patlern, £5 Blue and other colors Stirlouts, £l2 h upwards Extra fine Waterloo Coats, full tvimm’d with silk, £22 Gentlemen’s knit Drawers, from 62$ cts. to £2 Merino do. Shirts, from £1 to 1$ Superfine lamb’s wool Socks, 3 pair for £1 Little boys’ Gteat Coats of all colors, £3} Misses’ Polices from £4 to 6, scarlet, colors Fearr,aught Great Hosts, £ss and upwards Warranted extra fine water proof Ilats, £3 Imitation Heavere, £3 Boy’s Hats, £ll, Blue, black, buff and white fashionable Waist coats Large size silk Umbrellas, from £2s to 3$ Extra large size tartan plaid Cloak:., with two capes . Gentleinen’e silk Stockings at £IJ Ladies’ and gentlemen’s patent elastic silk Stockings at £2 per pair Cases fine and extra fine Irish Linen, from 25 to 87$ cents Cassimcre Pantaloons at £3 —also — A great quantity of NEGRO CLOTHING, j Consisting of Jackets and Trowsers, from £4s 1 to 6 . suit Superfine gentlemen’s Beaver Gloves, 75 cts nov 30 22 4 0 casks Shot assorted, IAN DING and for sale by J A. MOHGAN, jan 7 n5 Junes’ upper wharf. R. A. Palmer Cos. Have for sale, now landing, 30 bblsbest Ityc Gin Also—6 do Cucumber Pickles jan 15 12s§ Law Office, Matthew hall mcAllistf.r, oilers his professional services to his friends and the public. Ilis office is on West Broad-street, directly in front of the old Market, jan 12 wa§ 10 •. E. Rum and lhiliast. 39 bbls N E Hum • ‘. 0 tons excellent stone Ballast Apply to capt Harding on board brig Scrcno, ovtu E WILLIAMS & Cos Who have for sale, A few pieces low priced Plains and Choppns jail 17 14 This Day Published, * • Y THOMAS LONG WORTH, ii , Johnson square, LACON; Or many things in few words, adilrcsscdto those who think, by the Rev C C Colton, “’The noblest study of mankind is man. ’ This wotk is most highly recommended by all the Literary Reviews, having within a short period gone through eight editions in London, and is a book that ought to be in the hands of every one who reads. The edition now offered for sale is but half (lio price ot the former American copy, neatly printed on a small type, in a large 18 mo. voi umc, handsomely done up in boards, at 75 cents jan 7 5 Prime Cotton i.and. hundred acres Prime Cotton LAND, 1 near White Bluff Meeting-house—for sale by GARDNER TUFTS, jan 10 in 8 Picked up Adrift. ON the 7th of this month, between St. Johns and Amelia Island, a green painted clinker built boat, containing a sailors chest, with some womens and childrens clothes, without oars, mast or sails. The owner may hear of her by applying on board the Smack Rainbow, at Ty hee creek jan 15 i* tehare Moulds, Pork, Ginftc. Landing from ship Corsair, 3 tAns Share Moulds 50 bbls prime Pork 73 do Union Gin Tn Store, 60 bblsprime Pork, 26 do Mess do 15 do mess Beef, 47 do prime do 20 do Loaf Sugar, 50 boxes Soap 50 boxes Can.ties 261 bbls superfine Flour 39 firkins prime Goshen Butler 15 casks Shot, well assorted 40 hf bbls fly market beef 8 bbs Cherry Brandy 3 marble Chimney Pieces 161 casks Connecticut Stone Lime 50 kegs manufact tired Tobacco 2 elegant Gigs at F Denslers, for sale by jan 16 C C GRISWOLD & Cos L. H. SAGE, & Cos. OlhtUich's -jhwf FFETI for sale 25 pipes j SO bbls 5 Country Gin select brands oO do super N O Sugar, 25 do Loaf do. 40 chests and half chests Hyson Teas 10 do Hyson skin and Souchong do 30 bags Havana and St Domingo Coffee 20 Kegs Tobacco No 1 100 bokesSoap and Candles 20 kegs i’ntter, 15 do Lard 10 bags Corks, 25 bbls Whiskey 50 bbls Cider, 20 do double Ale Corn, flour, &c 13 jan 16 Java Coffee , 20 bags this superior article, now landing from brig Sereno. from Boston, and particularly recommended to the attention of families bv ’ 14 n 12 TUFTS & REED. CITRON. f i’ ifF, subscriber lias lately received clarified gj_ Citron, of a very superior quality, Fits in Drums, which be off ers for sale at rea sonable prices. THOMAS CAMPBELL. Marshals Buildings, Barnard street, jan 16 i 16 * Received, Per Brig Serena front Boston 3 ca3cs Straw Bennetts 2do do Trimmings, very nice 2 do womens welted Shoes 1 do thick Boots, suitable for the season 3 do do cowhide Shoes 2 trunks morocco Shoes A few dozen pairs lambs-wool Socks 1 trunk fine wax calf-skin nail’d Slices 1 do do do do sew’d do 1 do do do do do Boots 20,000 Spanish Cigars : And a general assortment morocco and kid shoes, coarse and fine shoes, a general assort ment for sale low by MOUSE £a S’IONE jan 16 g 13 Corn Afloat, THE cargo of Mary & Hannah lying at Bices W harf, for sale by jan 16 13 L. 11. S AGE & Cos. To Planters. 4 Few sample Ploughs from the manufactn l\_ ry of Robert Sinclair Baltimore, of various patternsjwe just received and will be sold low, iapply to w DANIEL CAKNF.Y, Jr. j jan 16 ah§ Hunters buildings. Valuable Lot. SFor sale— the lot No 4, fust tyth ing, Reynolds ward, oil the Bay, with jibe improvements thereon; a capitalist would realize a handsome interest from the rents the i property would yield. Ap- ly to i jan 17 lint Wm. BELCHER. Looking- G lasses. JW. MORRELL, offers for sale at his Fur niture repository (Church buildings,) an elegant assortment of Mantle and Pier Glas ses of the latest fashions. Orders will be received for Glasses and for warded to the manufacturer at New-York. jan 7 Kolloeks Sermons. PERSONS holding subscription papers for this work, will please hand them to the publishers on or before the 12th inst. Those who desire it may yet have an opportunity to subscribe to the work. The price immediately on publication will be advanced two do**crs on each set. S C & J SCHENK, jan 10 8s , DRY GOODS. iVpiIF, subscriber has just received per Ship wl John & Edward from New York, a Iresii supply of seasonable Dry Goods, Among which are, F.xtra super queens mixture Casimeres Gentlemens Cravats HriUnnia Handkerchiefs Imitation Merino Dresses Green Baize Gentlemens super Buff Si Drab Buckskin Gloves. ALSO, 1 Case mens low priced Chip Ilats 5000 Quills Which will be sold low for Cash, at No. 7, Commerce Row. F. L. SHAY, jan 19 16 <3 UST received and for sale by the subscriber, 80 drums fresh figs 20 qr casks Tenerifle Wine 10 pipes Holland Gin 10 do Cognac Brandy, first quality 8 puncheons old .lam Rum 12 brxes white Havana Sugar 25 kegs Goshen Butter 20 boxes Negro Pipes 20 hhds N O -Sugar, 50 bbls do do 50 boxes Muscatel Raisins With a complete assortment of Groceries, jan 19 16c GAUDUY & DUFAURE Seal llye. THE Subscriber has a few bushels first qual -1 ity Seed Rye for Sale, Likewise can furnish the citizens of Savannah ’ with what Milk and Cream, thev mav want at short notice. ■ E. JENCKKS * jan 19 *ilo Jenckes Ville. Fresh Goshen Rutter. Just vec'd per brig Hope, Copt. Cliamplin , Ten 100 lb kegs Goshen Butler, which w ill i be sold iow, by . FRANCIS J LAY. jan 17 Corv.crof Congress id U hitaker-st. Sterne Lime, Landing from shipjCorsair, ISO casks, which will be sold low, if taken from the wharf. Ajiplv to jan 17 14s* JOHN'B CIiEEMKR. STOPPED from a Negro, supposed to have been stolen, a btie clotii Coat, any person having lost such a one, may have the same, bv paying for this advertisement, and enquiring of THOMAS M’CARTY- Tabby buildings West JSroud street. jan 19 cl 6 Just Received. 10 puncheons Jamaica Rum, imported direct 25 hhds N E R im, and 50 bbls do 20 qr casks .Malaga Wine 39 bags Coflee—so boxes Soap 50 boxes Candles—l 2 chests Hyson Tea ICO do Windsor Soapi. —ALSO— -2 bales blue Plains 1 case Choppa liomals 1 bale Broad Cloths 1 do Cassimeres. fancy colors 1 do Bordered Handkerchiefs 1 bale Russia Sheeting 1 do Virginia Kersej meres For sale on accommodating terms, bv J. B. HERBERT £# CO. jan 21 IS For New-York) r£3r The fast sailing packet ship GAH ONNE, Mott, master, will meet with no delay For freight of Cotton on deck or JOHN LATIIROP fc , Freight for Liverpool. r&Sr 50 to 71) bales of Cotton only wanted to complete the leading ot the Shi;) iMARY*AI.MY, tube despatched immediately, ’ Apply to Capt Hudson on board at Williamsons Wharf or to ANDREW LOW &. Cos. jan 25 c2l For Liverpool. The well known regular trading ship VafXlt JANE, James Drummond, master, hast !commence! loading, : 'iul wid he despa'cited ! without delay. F'or freight, apply to captain i> i on board, at Bolton’s wharl or to j j„ 9 7 JAMES DICKSON & Cos. For Greenock. .gofpS- The Copper fastend ship HARRIET, Capt Reed, has half her cargo engaged. For freight, applv on hoard, or to jan 10 8i MITCHELL &. BAKTLKT F. Fop Havre, The remakably fine coppered British &IS> ship AVEST,MORELAND, Win. Smith, master, has 5 4lhs of her cargo now going on beard, and will be despatched early. For freight of 200 bales, apply to Capt. Smith on board at Frazer’s wharf, or to V ILL! AM JENNKH master nor consignee will be ac- I countable for any debt contracted by the crew. | jan 2.3 19 ! For J Aver pool. 300 bales are wanted to fill lhe ship 3s%*, I.YCURGUS, J 15 Haley, master, apply on board, or to MITCHELL Si UARTLET f. jan 22 o 18 For Liverpool. 4r£3Er 200 bales are wanted to complete the cargo of ship HARMONY, L woodward, master, applv on hoard, or to jan 22 oiS MITCHELL Si BARTLETT. For Wilmington N. C. I ME fast sailing Schr PH EBB Copt. ( timrr.ingS, having half her freight eii-1 gaged, will sail for the above port on Thursday next, for re aiiuler of freight or passage, apply on board at Rices Wharf or to jan ;2 IS S. MAN'TON. * For New-Orleans. The Schr ELIZA, Trowbridge m*- sSPitf. ter, will meet with dispatch. Fm freight or passage having excellent accommo dations, apply to capt T on board at .Moores wharf, or to HALL & HOYT, jan .1 18 For Sale, Freight or Charter, I ..fei&’Sy TUI? Pilot Boat Schooner MARY M’- ) KOY, burthen 35 tons, three years jold, built in North Carolina, of the best mute j rials, For the terms apply to j jan 26 22 jit HERBERT & CTT. Cor Norfolk, Jptfjh The sloop REPOltl'l R. Capt. Lewis, -sSjgsS& will sail in a few days For freight oi passage, apply on board at dullO'h’s W harf, o jan 25 21 to L. 11. 8 VGK id Cos. For New Orleans. j f THE fast sailing bpg ORION, Mav hew master, wit. sail on Tuesday next, (wind and weather permitting) for passage on.’, having good accommodations, apply to the mas ter on b .aid or to ISAAC CCIIEN. jan 36 i22 For Liverpool. The well known coppcmlslop COM MERCK,, caplGwdner, will Lave im mediate dispatch, having part of her cargo ready to go on board. For j'rtight apply to JOHN LA 1 DROP S. CO. For sale, lauding from said ship 15 coils Coir Cordage, assorted 50 bbls PotaVes 100 tons Shingle Ballast 80 boxes Mould Candles 20 jan 24 Freight for Neiv- lark. CtTVessels hound to Xew- York can have Cotton on Freight bv applying l <> SAMUEL \V HIGHV. jan 24 20 03° 200 hales Cotton are wanted on freight to fill the barque SPARTAN, for Liverpool. Apply to July 17 14 CUM MING & GWATHMEY. ij A Situation | 4 3 Teacher in a I’ubhc Schorl or private fan i"V ily, isdesired by ayounggemleman ofgood education and fair moral character. I letters addressed to P V. O. C P. lod.ed at itlie Museum office, will meet with prompt a t- 23ct 28 Flour, Gin tSc. Bbh Superiine Piiilnd P our ‘lO do Richmond City n iils do 4T do Phelps II) c tiin HO do prime Beef Lauding and for Sale by SAMUEL STODDER, Jn 24 C2O .Taylor' t Wharf. I Cut Nails, * 101 casks 4dSd ad Hd lOd I2d and 20d-just received from the manufactory, and for sale : low at Williamson’s store by j l ' l ’ 26 n 22 E. CRANE Jr. j N. E. Hum, 30 bbls just received, for sale by DEL A MATER Si STARR. (an 26 i 22 Prime Green Coffee, &c. 20 bags green Havana Cvtiee 7u bbls live Whiskey 50 do refined Sugar * 1 40 bundles flay—landing from ship Gar onne, ami for sale by 1 jan 29 24 JOHN LATHRGP & Cos. T. C. HAYWARD lias for Sale, Just received 25 half bbls No 1 Mackerel 26 do No 2 do 4 pipes Holland Ciir 5 hhds Jamaica Rum ALSO, —50 packages Boots and Si.ees will be sold low /an 24 d-0 Bills on New-York. For sale by C. C.CKmvOL’* jan 23 19 ’ thrt Naik “ A XK Hundred and fifty Ca-djs Xd! .1 v/Brads, assorted, — Landing from g,.,,,'L ham, — For Sale by jail 24 2d E. \YILLr.\ Ms y (; # Landing from 15;ig Cliatliat 3 ;0 Casks Ttioiv.astown Lime 100 M. Lath 4 pipes pure Scheidam Gin For bale lit b. 1L PARKIiAS ,/an 24 c2O Unmet’ t Ui.' a Rutter, Chocolate, Crc. 10 Firkins fresh Goshen Butter 5 boxes Chocolate Bakers brand N'j. ; , to be of a very superior quality 4 boxes do Dopliams lii and Nol 2 boxes Catsup .3 do Mustard I 3 half barrels Mutton Hams 2 barrels Connecticut mess Shad Landing from the Ship Corsair, ar.d| sa e low if taken from the Wharf, A CGUSTUS OOILV.VtLL jan 13 _35 Paper Hangings, AN assortment of.elegant F.q.< r Hirmr. anel fine Board Paper, just received an ! (is by TIIOS LONGWOKTII, jan 15 12 Johnstn ..r-., Family Flour. 200 bbls Iloward-stroet supeifine Hour,fn ground, and suitable for families, for salek DANL. CARM-Ajjr, jan 17 14s I!timer's biiHiiinA Salmon £rV. Landing from Itrig Sfcreno id Stoop Itaphi 15 bbls Salmon 75 kegs Pickled <!;> 6 hhds pure Jamaica limn 5 do St. Croix do 100 boxes id half do No 1 CiiocuUe 25 half For sale by SAMUEL STODDKI, jr.n 12 slO Taylors What Cognac Brandy ft .Fa. lhm 13 pipes Cognac Brandy, (Otard, l).| and Cos) proof Jamaica lluta For sale by BAKER id MINTO jin 21 18 Whiskey. 76 barrels Whiskey I andSig from brig Levant, furs by L. 11. SAGE kCo jail 21 13 Drafts oil Baltimore, At anv sight, For sale bv jail 15 12 JAMES AIAf.Er, Whiskey ft* Jpple Brandi). 30 barrels of superior quality, ream and will be sold low—Applvto DANIEL CARNtI'Jr. jail 21 M3 Rills oil Boston, For sale by jan 7 5e MITCHELL & BARTLETT F HAN CIS J IA V ill AS just recc ' v ed by brig Hope, cap’ and Cliamplin—and for sale Cologne Water Coburg Stifliiers Fancy Soaps SH P Eees New’ l.on don Biiiious LillV rect from Lees Dispensatory. ALSO Doct P E Branditis Anti Rheumatic Sa ( for the Rheumatics, Toot a all Cc vx-liich is thy the attention of any one afflicted with the complaints. On hand, Lynch and Clark’s superior Soda Pow do do Congress Water ( Put up in the most perfect state by tac or single bottle. English Seidletz Powders Henry’s Calcined Magnesia J-c At his Drugg and Chemical ware housfcjj*: ner of Congress and IVhitakei , -stre.S3,_Sn j -j buildings ‘ 4 jan For Sale. SO Ebls pilot -Bread 30 do Poston Crackers 1 111 ‘ do rr.ess lleef 30 do No 1 Mackeaei 300 Bushels Irish Potatoes .40 qts Codfish Super quail!; Onions by the ban el or bunch Cutler in half barrels, Tubs or ib’i? 15 bbls fall strain’d Lamp Oil 20 boxes sperm Candies No •• -’ 10 do Soap 10 bbls Train Oil Cider by the Barrel Vinegar do Apples do 2 hhds Whiting Leaf I'obacco liv the cut —ALSO,— 1 Trunk of Gentlemens Pine Bat ls very low liv ISAAC R. GIFFORD U c f . jan 17 nl4 Telfair' 3 Lost or Stolen, OUT of the Augusta stage office on “ l£ inst. a small red, white and black c 0 ' k e ’ TRUNK, a solit in the bottom and the > ocll , ters an S key. §lO will be paid to any j ,e -. who will deliver the said Trunk to the cW* the office or to the owner „ rt jan 25 21 PIULIP POWI* EDGt ’