The Savannah museum. (Savannah, Ga.) 182?-1822, February 01, 1822, Image 2

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THE'MUSEUM. BALAMAGUN 1)1: tlie Whim Whams and Opinions of ®Jt Lauocelot Lungstaff, Esq and others. In hoc cal hour, via quiz et jokctez, Li sniolcem, touatcm, folkesez, tec, film, film. IN a imW sum. With baked, and broiled, ar.d Viewed, and toasted,’ And fried,'and broiled, and smoked, and roasted, We treat die town. Anew edition, with plates, in 2vo!s.— £2 SO. TheHlstory of New-York, front tlie begin ning of the w irld to tlie end of the Dutch t)y nasty, by Diedrick Knickerbocker —2 volumes, plates— §3 50. Ths.\V orks of t.oid Byron, anew edi ion, containing all the Poems “hitherto published, in 4 vofs. plates— $5. -Moore’s Melodies and Songs, anew edition, containing the Melodies lately published—§l. for sale by THO3. LONG WORTH, jan 23 22. J hnntov'c square. English mul Classical School. JT. JORDAN respectfully proposes to the • citizens of Savannah, and its vicinity, to open a School, as soon os sufficient encourage ment may oiler lor tlie tuition of pupils, in the various branches, of Arithmetic, heading, Wri ting. Knghsli Grammar, Geography, Latin, and Rudiments of the Greek Language, at the so! ldwing reduced prices. Willing, Heeding, and Arithmetic §5 per jr English Grammar, Geography, He. £56 do do La'iii, Greek, II Grammar, &c §7 dodo, lie pledges himself that every attetviion shall be paid to the advancement of the morals, as well as other education of his pupils; and tha*’ Iff will use his utmost endeavours to give generaWatis fuction to those who may honour him with then patronage. As he is an eptire stranger, in Sa vannah, and his arrival here m’erel for tuitio- s lie can give no t pft dges of the reclitn ft of his character, but hopes 1 luu lie has within him, what may entitle him to the good opinions of all, who become thoroughly acquainted wt-.ii his principles. These who are pleased to honour him with their patronage, may find him at Mrs. llatty’* Hoarding House, Johnston’s Square. 2'2 l&tc Loaf Sugar. 30 bhls Baltimore defined Loaf SUG AR, just received and for sale by jan 23 19 GUMMING V GW\THMJ-VY. Landing from Schr. Reporter. 10!.0 Bushels Guru 40 Bbls Navy, and Pilot Bread 20 Kegs Crackers 19 do l-ard Lor Sale hy ,/an 22 18 LII f AGP H Go. ~~ COHN. 1200 bushels while Maryland Corn For sa’e bv PALMES k ROE. jan 26 22 Ircsli Hoots. One Trunk Gentlemens thick Soal Boots suitable for net weather, Just received per Ceres, from Boston, jnd for sale by RI. MILLING I jM 26 c§ 22 Mackerel, 100 Bills No 8, Boston Inspection land ing and for Side by jan 25 and 21 MITCIIEI. Si BART* ETT. ___ 1 Ncw-Orleans Sugar. 40 Hlids prime Ncw-Orleans Sugar, For Sale bv 1 jan 25 21 li VIX & IIOYT.^ N. E. Hum. 50 I)Ms N. B Rum 6 hbds 3.1 proof do For Sale bv jan 25 21 JOHN I.ATHRCP & Cos. Pepper. 10 Bags heavy Sumatra Peppper, Landing from Schr. Pilgrim, For Sale by jan 25 21 K. Wll.llAMS St Cos. I Goods, gfTjjiF. • uiscriners nave just received by the ik rhip.Ulucher ami other recent arrivals from L.ilorp >.l a variety of ’ Seasonable l)ri Goods Which vvitli those on boaid the snips Emily and l)r<un< . now on tlu-ir way fiotn England will teak • their assortment not only complete, but t.vcftuve ANOUKW LOW & CO. Now IN STORE.—*e toon Bagging, Porter, Crocket ), casks of Glaze and tea Chin;. jan 25 SLn 21 William Inglis & Go. YliT VYE received by the ship from Liverpool, an assortment of flounced | MUSLIN HOURS, flounces and trimmings, j some ol which are very elegant, also, a variety j of other seasonable goods, jan 23 dl9 Negrg Tipes, IC6 gross negio Pipes, landing from schr. ZLMBUOA, anil for sale by It. A. PALMER Si Cos. yin 24 020 Butter , Flour § Gin 20 firkins fresh Goshen Butter 50 bbls superfine Flour 15 hluls and 10 pipes Smithfie’d Gin For sale bv UAKt.iIMIN ION. Mil Ya , iiinsccu Oil. 14 BbU pur. Linseed Oil Just receiver ami for Sale by inn 24 20 K- WILLIAMS & Cos. f.oat’au.l Lump Sugar. [Mf I V blils 10* < , J MKIGS, ian 24 kGsd Fu’ltch's built! ng*. * PEJER DREGE, Three doors south of {he City Hotel, It HANKS his friends and the public'in gener al for the large s pport he has received in this city since he commenced business. He takes this opportunity to offer 105 PACKAGES Just received from England and the 1 north, of the most fashionable HATS AND CLOTHING, CHRat-Klt THAN EVJilt. Extra superfine boys’ Waterloo Coats, full silk trimmings, at the low late of §ls Fine and extra fine black Dress Coats, from §l6 upwards ‘ Extra blue Saxony do. §2O, and upwards Extra line and superfine double mill’d fashiona ble Pantaloons, of a” colors, from §4 to 12 First rate gentlemen’s fine white linen Shirts, front §1 75 to 4 French Florentine Waistcoats, §2J Extra quality English do. new pattern, §5 Blue and other colors Surtouts, §l2 k upwards Extra fine Waterloo Coats, full tritrim’d with silk. §22 Gentlemen’s knit Drawers, from 62 j cts. to §2 Merino do. Shirts, from §1 to 11 Superfine lamb’s wool Socks, 3 pair for §1 Little boys’ Great Coats of all colors, §3J Misses’ Felices from §4 to 6, scarlet, colors Peareaught Great Coats, §5 j and upwards Warranted extra fine water proof Hais, §8 Imitation Reavers, §3 Boy’s Hats. §1 J Blue, black, buff and white fashionable Waist coats Large size silk Umbrellas, from §2£ to Extra large size tartan plaid Cloaks, with two capes Gentlemen’s silk Stockings at §l^ Ladies’ and gentlemen’s patent elastic silk Stockings at §2 per pair Cases fine and extra fine Irish Linen, from 25 to 87$ cents Cassimcre Pantaloons at §8 —also — A great quantity of NEGRO CLOTHING, Consisting of Jackets and ‘Browsers, from §4s to 6 a suit Superfine gentlemen’s Beaver Gloves, 75 cts nov3o 22 10 casks Shot assorted, Landing ami for sale bv J A. MORGAN, jail 7 n5 Junes’ upper -wharf H. A. kalhi or Cos. Have for sale, now landing, 3U bbls best I<) <• Gin Also—6 do Cucumber IV kies jan 15 12s§ Law Office , Matthew hall mca luster, offers his professional serv ices to his friends and the public. Mis office is on West Broad-street, directly in frbnt if the old Market, jan 12 wa§ 10 N. E. Rum and Ballast. 39 bbls N K Rum 20 tons excellent stone Ballast Apply to capt Harding on hoard brig Sercno, or to K. WILLIAMS & Cos IVhn have for sale, A few pieces low priced Plains and Choppns j ian > ’ 1 4 This iMy Published, If! Y THOMAS LONG WORTH, v i Johnson square, LACON; Or many things in few words, addressed to those who think, by the Rev C G Colton, “The noblest study us mankind i.v man. ’ This work is most highly recommended by all tlie Literary Reviews, having within a short period gone through eight editions, in London, and is a book that ought to he in the hands oi every one who reads. The edition now offered for sale is but half the price o* the former American copy, neatly printed on a small type, in a large 18 mo. vol ume, handsomely done up in boards, at 7n cents jan 7 5 Crime Cotton Lund. i §'WO hundred acres Prime Cotton LAND, L near White Bluff’ Meeting-house—for sale j by* G AItDNKU TUFTS j ian I<> snß Bilked up eld rift. &N the 7th of th s month, between St. Johns 7 ami Amelia Island, a green painted clinker built boat, containing a sailor; chest, with some w omens and childrens ■ clothe;, without oars, •nast or sails. The o • tier may hear of her by applying on board the Smack Rainbow, at Ty bee creek jan 15 s* &liwe Moulds, Pork, Gin £jc. Landing from ship Corsair, i 3 tin s Share Moulds 50 hbls prime Pork 73 do Union Gin In Store, 60 bbls prime I’orlc, 26 do Mess do 15 do mess Beef, 47 do prime do 20 do I-oaf Sugar, 50 boxes Soap 50 boxes Candies 26') bbls superfine Flour 69 firkins prime ‘Goshen Butter 15 casks Shot, well assorted 40 hf bbls fly market beef 8 bbs Che rry. Brandi’ 3 marble Chummy Pieces 161 casks Connecticut Stone I.ime 50 k’ gs manufactured Tobacco . 2 elegant Gigs at F Uenslers, for sale by jata 16 C C GRISWOLD & Cos L. il. SAG M, OliulUch'a svharf FKRR for sale 25 pipes 1 50 bbls Country Gin select brands 30 do super N () Sugar, 25 do Loaf do 40 chests and half chests Hyson Teas • 10 do Hyson skin and South,lug do 30 bags Havana and St Domingo Coffee 20 kegs Tobacco No 1 100 boxes Soap and Candles 20 kegs butter, 15 do I.ard 10 bags Corks, 25 bbls Whiskey 50 bbls Cider, 20 do double Ale Corn, flour, &c 1:5 jin 16 Java Coffee, j 20 bags this superior article, now landing i from brig Screno, from Boston, and particularly i reeonii,.ended to the attention of families by H n 12 TUFTS & HERD. citron. 11l IF, subscriber lias lately received clarified Citron, of a very superior quality, also, Figs in Drums, which he offers for sale at rea sonable prices. THOMAS CAMPBELL. Marshals Buildings, Barnard street, jan 16 i 16 Received, Per Brig Sereno from Boston 3 cases Straw Bonnetts 2 do do Trimmings, very nice 2 do womens welted Shoes 1 do thick Boots, suitable for the season 3 do do cowhide Shoes 2 trunks morocco Shoes A few dozen pairs lamns-wool Socks 1 trunk fine wax calf-skin nail’d Shoes 1 do do do do sew’d do 1 do do do do do Boots 23,000 Spanish Cigars And a general assortment morocco and kid shoes, coarse and fine shoes, a general assort ment for sale low by MORSE Ei SLONE jan 16 “ 13 Corn Afloat, fBTIF. cargo of Mary k Hannah lying at Rices 3l Wharf, for sale by jan 16 13 L. H. S AGE fe Cos. To Planters. A Few sample Ploughs from the manufacto ry of Robert Sinclair Baltimore, ofv.irious patterns, are just received mul will he sold low, apply to DANIEL CARNEY, Jr. jan 16 ah§ Hunters buildings. r — 1 YutyaUlc Lot. ®For sule-Mlte lot No 4, first tyth-l ing, KeynojU ward, on the Bay, wi'hl the improvemeo's hereon’ a capitalist would realize a handsome.merest from the rents this property would i ied. Ap. ly to jan 17 14nf Wni BELCHER. Lonkhg- Glasses. JW. MoRRi 1.1. idle vs for sale at his Fur niture reposifiry (Church buildings,) an eicgnnt assortment of Mantle and Pier Clas ses of the latest fahions. Orders will be riceived for Glasses and for warded to themamfacturerat New-York. jan 7 Kollotks Sermons. PERSONS luildlig subscription papers for this work, wiJ please hand them to the publishers on or before tlie 12th inst. Those w ho desire it may .-et have an opportunity to subscribe to the wink. The price immediately on publication will fe advanced two dollars oil each set. S C & J SCtIKNK. jan 10 is DRY GOODS. 4 pHF. subscribe! has just received per Ship —A John & Edward from New York, a fresh ‘ supply of seasonable Dry Goods, Among which are , Extra super q ecus mixture Casimeres f!ei tfemens C'ravms tnitoinia Handkerchiefs Imitation Merino Dresses Green Baize Gentlemens super llulf Si Drab Buckskin Gloves. ALSO, 1 O ise mens law priced Chip flats 5000 quills 6 liicli will be sold low for Cash, at No. 7, Commute Row. F. L. SJIAY’ jan 19 .6 J I‘ST received and for sale by the subscriber, 80 drums fresljfigs 20 qr casks TiWriffe Wine 10 pipes I'ollujil Gin 10 do Cognac I randy, first quality 8 purcheona dd Jam. Ruin 12 ix xes v\ hitejllavana Sugar 25 kegs Goslief Butter 20 boxes Negr* Pines 20 hluls N O Sfgar, s0 bbls do do 50 boxes Muscatel Raisins With a complete ipsorlment of Groceries, jan 19 16c lIAUDRY & DUFAURE Seal Rye. ’£’HK Subscriber bis a few bushels first qual- I ity Seed Rye fot'Sale, Likewise can furnih the citizens of Savannah with what Milk and /ream, they may want ‘at short notice. E. JENCKES. ‘ jan 19 *i 16 Jenckii Viile. Fresh Gtslien Butter. dust, ree'tl per brigllope, Capt. Ciiamplin, fen 100 lb kegs (tislien Butter, wliic i will be sold low, by F.iANCIS J LAY. jan 17 Corner oJCungress & iVhiUiker-st. Stoni Lime , Landing from ship Ctsair, 150 casks, which vll be sold low, if taken from the wharf. Apjfr to jail 17 14s* JOHN B CREEMER. STOPPED from a Tpgro, supposed to have been stolen, a bluet cloth Coat, any person having lust such u one, nay have tire same, b\ paying for Ibis adverd .•mem, and enquiring Jf T DMAS M’t AItTY. Tabby biiiltrigs West street. jan 19 c *6 Just deceived. 10 puncheons Jamsca Rum, imported direct 25 blids N E Hum,sand 50 bbls do 20 qr casks Malaga Wine 30 bags Coflee—sGb<txes Soap 50 boxes Candies—l 2 chests Hyson Tea 100 do W indsor Reap. —Al^O— 2 bales blue Plains 1 case Choppa Romals 1 bale Broad Cloths 1 do Cassimeres. fancy colors 1 do Bordered Handkerchiefs 1 bale Russia Sheeting 1 do Virginia Kerseymeres For sale on accommodating terms, by J. B. HERBERT & CO. jan 21 18 For Neiv-York, The fast sailing packet ship GAR GNNE, Mott, master, will meet with im delay For freight of Cotton on deck or passage, apply to jan z 9 24 JOHN LAL IIROP & Cos. Freight for Liverpool. 5<J u ‘ 70 l4lllcs of ( -' <,ttrn on! . v vented to complete the loading of the Ship MARY AI.MY, tube dispatched immediately, Apply to Capt. Hudson on board at Williinsons Wharf or to ANDREW LOW &. Cos. jan 25 c2l . For Liver pool. fNpsr Tlie well known regular trading ship s£r?i&<* JANE, James Drummond,master, has commence loading, and will be despa’ched without delay. For freight, apply to captain L> on board, at Bolton's wharf or to jan 9 7 JAMES OICKSON H'o. For Greenock. f fLE The copper fastend ship HARRIET, SfeaJ&w Capt Reed, has h: lldier cargo engaged. Fortreight, apftlv on board or to jan 10 8i MITCHELL k BARTLETT-. For Havre, The remakably line coppered British ’SIZJ> ship WKSTMORKLANL.Vi m. Smith, master, has t> 4ths of her cargo now going on beard, and will be despatched early. For freight of 2CO bales, apply to Capt. Smith or. board at Frazer’s wharf, or to VI LI JAM JENNF.It (Pj’Neither master nor consignee vvili be ac countable for any debt contracted by the crew, pan 23 19 For Liverpool. JSffis 300 bales are wanted to fill lhe ship j I.YCURGUS, J B Haiev, master, apply jon board, or to MITCHELL &BA R 1 LET i - . jail 22 o 18 For Liverpool. 200 bales are wanted to complete the cargo of ship HARMONY, L woodward, \ master, apple on board, or to jan 22 oiß MITCHELL & BARTLETT. For Wilmington JV. C. I HE a-,1 sailing Schr PIIEBE Capt. ! ummings, having half her fr ight eu j gaged, will sail for the above port, on Thursday ] next, tin-re aimler of freight or passage, apply 1 on board at Bict s Wharf or to ,/an 22 IS S. MAX TON For New-Orleans. vim. The Schr KUZA, Trowbridge w* 0 ’ ter, will meet with dispatch. F tia ightor passage having excellent ac-emmu dations, apply to capt T on boaid at Moores wharf, or to HALL k HOYT, jan ’1 18 # For Sale , Freight or Charter, >1 IE Pilot Boat Schooner MARY M’. i KO\, burtlien 35 tons, three years old, built in North Carolina, of the best mate rials. For the terms applv to jan 26 22 J B HERBERT kCO Par Norfolk , ! he s'oop REFOII i 1.1 t., Capt Lewis, will sail in a few days For freight or passage, apply on hoard at. Bulloch’s Wharf o ,/un 25 21 to L. 11. SAGE H Cos! For New Orleans. Jt§K 7 HEfast sail, "K br '? I'RION, May *H\v n.sier, will suit on I’uesday next, (wind and weather permitting) for passage onh having good accommodations', apply to the mas ter on I. ard or to ISAAC COHEN, jan 26 i22 For Liverpool. ‘-ftjf’V hhe well k limvn coppered ship COVI -- V ‘ M LRCE, capt Gardner, will have im mediate dispatch, having jmrt of Her cargo ready to go on board For freight apply to „ , JOHN LAT IIROP & CO. h or sale, landing from said chip 15 coils Coir Cordage, assorted sires 50 bbls Potatoes U‘o tons Shingle Ballast _B° boxes Mould Candles . 20 jan 24 Freight for New- Fork . bound to Nctv \ork can have Cotton on Freight by’ applvtm to . SAMUEL WttlGHr. ‘ 03* 200 bales Cotton are wanted on freightlo (ill the barque SPARTAN lor Liverpool Apnlv to jiffy 17 14 CUMMINC Sc GWATIIMEY. A Situation 1 3 feacher in a I’nl lie School nr private fam , ‘v’ lS desired by a young gentleman of good educalion and fair moral character. Letters addressed to P V. O. C P. Indeed at the Museum office, will meet with prompt tendance. 23cy * 28 Flour, Gin be. l n o Bbls Superfine Phi lad. Flour 40 do Richmond City mills do 47 do Phelps Rye Gin 30 do prime Beef Landing ami fi>r Sale by . SAMUEL STODDER, * c2 O Taylor's U harf | Cut Nails, 101 casks 4d 5d 5d 8d 10c! l2d and -20*1— just received l from the manufactory, and for sale 1 !o\v at Williamson s store by jan 26 n 2 2 E. CRANE Jr. N. E. Rum, 30 bbls just received, Lor sale by DELAMATER St STARR, jan 26 i 22 Prime Green Coffee, be. 20 bags green Havana Codec 1 0 bbls live Whiskey 50 do refined Sugar 40 bundles Kay—landing from shin Gar- j onne, and for sale by jan 29 24 JOHN LATHROP & Cos. j T. C. IIAYWAkD I lias fftr Sale, Just received ■ 25 half bbls No 1 Mackerel ’ B 26 do No 2- do A 4 pipes Holland Gin I 3 hbqs Jamaica Hunt fl ALSO,—SO packages Boots and S'ioes will be sold low. I jan 24 U-0 ■ 351!is on New-'Voi’k, I For sale l* ■ C. C. GfflTVOi,.) I | jan 23 19 _ ■ Gut Nnils. I ONE Hundred and filly Ca. ks C g \ ■ I Brads, assorted, —Landing fVmii j ham, —For Sale bv I jan 24 20 ‘ F„ WILLI \ms ?r l i from rhiilij 3io Casks Thonrastovvii Lime I 100 M Lath I 4 jiipes [ ttre Scheidam Gin I For Sale by I 6- B. PA!:KM A y I jan 24 c 20 Ifwitm’s Jinlter, Chocolate, 1 10 Firkins fresh Goshon Butter I 5 boxes Chocolate Rakers hrarnl No, ‘.J to he of a very superior quality J 4 boxes ,do Dophams Brand Xal I 2 boxes Catsup I 3 do Mustard I 3 half barrels Mutton Hams I 2 barrels Connecticut mess Shad. I Landing from the Shin Corsair, and I sa c low if taken from the Wharf. I AUCUSTUS COBNW\i J jan 18 1’ I Taper Hangings. AN assortment if elegant l*:;.er Isan<rii| and fine Board Paper, just received and J j by THUS LONG WORTH, | jan 15 12 Johnvm ayn.-J Family Flour. 200 bbls Howard-strcet t-npufiiie flour,fi-e ground, ami suitable for families, for v few UAN'L. C\KM.V.,r, | jan ,17 14-s Hunter's l,mU,ngt Salmon &c. Landing fi om Brig Sereno & SVA Unhid, 15 hbis Sain o i 75 kegs Pickled do 6 lihds pure Jamaica Rum 5 do bt Croix do 100 boxes H half ilo Nn l Cjiocohk bo hbis No 3 25 halt do do 2 S For sale by SAMUEL Si ODilf.!.’. jan 12 slO Taylors Wharf. . Cognac Brandy § Fa. Rum. 18 pipes Cognac Brandy, (Otanl, l>ijn anil Cos) 22 hiids 4th proof Jamaica Item For sale by BAKER £f MINTOY jail 21 18 Whiskey. 76 barre’s Whiskey Landing from brig Levant, fur by L. 11. SACK f;Co. Jan 21 IS Drafts on Baltimore, At any sight, For sale by jan 15 12 JAMES M <f.KC.‘ Whiskey § .Ippie Uvandij. 30 l>arre!s of superior quality, received and will be so!d low —Appivto DANIEL CARNEY Jr. Jan 21 lilS BiMs on Boston, For sale by jan 7 5e MITCHELL & BARTLETT. F RANCIsT jTlayT mi AS.i ust received by brig Hope, capta:a Clianipliu—and for sale Cologne Water < ohitrg Sti liners Fancy Snaps S II i 1 Fees New London Biliious I.ills,di rect from Lees Dispensatory* —ALSO— I _ Doct P E Rrandins Anti Rheumatic Salve, j ‘or die Rheumatics, Tool acb Ac which is 1 "> r ’ | thy the attention of any one afflicted with'to complaintsT On hand, L} nch and Clark’s superior Soda Pontic* do do Congress Water Put np in the most perfect state by the <1 | or single bottle. English Seidletz Powders Henry’s Calcined Magnesia Stc 1 At his Druggand Chemical ware house, cor ner of Congress and Whitaker-strecss, Shadiis buildings jan 1” , For Hale. 30 P.bis pilot Bread 30 do Boston Crackers 111 do mess Beef 30 do No 1 Mackeael 300 Bushels Irish Potatoes 40 qls Codfish Super quality Onions by the band or bunch Butler in half barrels, Tubs or Kegs 15 bbls fall strain’d Lamp Oil 20 boxes tsperm Candles No 1•> k ’ • 10 do Soap 10 bbls Train Oil Cider by the Barrel Vinegar do Apples do 2 lilids Whiting Leaf Tobacco bv the cwt or hhd. —ALSO,— 1 Trunk of Gentlemens Fine Boots very low by ISAAC U. GIFFORD & Cc. jan 17 11 14 Telfair's Wharf Lost or Stolen, OUT of ihe Augusta stage office on lhe Jl | mst a small red, white and black coveree j TRUNK, a split in the bottom and the lock eu ; ters an S key glO will be paid to anv P elso: ). j who will deliver the said Trunk to the clerk or j the office or to the owner I jan 25 21 PfHTjp POWLEDGF,