The Savannah museum. (Savannah, Ga.) 182?-1822, February 05, 1822, Image 2

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the museum. New Medicine £5 Seed Store. OEM LEU $ POSEY, Comer of Broughton and Jefferioii-streets. BESIDES their general assortment of D> “S, offer the following PATENT M#l -CINFS, viz. Anderson's Pills, Uateman’s Drops, Rritish Oil, Daffy’s Elixir, Thompson’s celebrated Eye Water, Godfrey’s Cordial, Harlem Oil or Med camer.tum, Henry’s calcined Magnesia, Hill’s Balsam of Honey, Jesuits Drops,’s Pills, Opodeldoc, Pearson’s prepared Charcoal Tooth Powder, Well’s do. Dyott’s Restorative Dentri fice, Thompson’s aromatic Tooth Paste, Tur lington’s Balsam, Whitehead’s Essence of Mus tard, Wheaton’s Itch Ointment, Kawson’s do. Sqtiire’s Grand Elixir, Stoughton’s Bitters. ALSO, Pomatum in pots and sticks. Hair Powder, Rose Soap, Transpaient Soap, Wash Balls, Co logne Water, Court Plaster, Ink Powder, Lip Salve, Japan Shoe Blacking, Smelling Bottles, Nipple Shells, Breast Pipes, Bougies, Dutch Metal, Flesh Brushes, Ivory Enema Pipes, Spring and Crown Lancets, Phosphorus Match Bottles, Scales and Weights, Silver Leaf, Sodaic Powders, Spatulas, Tin Foil, Trusses, ’1 ooth In struments. Os GARDEN SEEDS they have now on hand, Warrington, refugee, white and liver Beans— charlton early frame, marrowfat and green im perial Peas—-drumhead, early york, sugarloaf, yellow savoy, flat dutch, red and battersea Cabbage—-Asparagus—flat white and early Dutch Turnip—Cauliflower—Salmon, long scarlet, and short top Radish—dark orange Carrot —dark blood Beet—white solid Cellery— curled Parsley—Endive—round, prickly and holland Spinnnge—Cresses—imperial, royal, hardy green, large headed and cabbage Lettu ‘e —alt of which they warrant fresh. ‘ ALSO, The following ROOTS—llanuncules, Ane mones, Tulips, Crocus, Narcissus, and Jonquils. Flower Seeds, Canary Seed, and Flower Pots. The following articles are daily expected, Long, white and blue prussia Peas—long pod sandwich, broad Windsor, green nonpareil, can terbury kidney Beans—lce, tennisball, green & white cos, silesia, and brown dutch Lettuce— Parsnip— Leek—Shallot— Basil—Chervil—Hy sop—Coebliavia—Marjoram—Balm —3age— and Thyme. jsn 24 i2O Landing, ’ IPi'OTtt sfiip Gtironii6 t and for sflfc oil the ‘wharf 10 pipes Country Gin 6 bbls Mess Beef 6 do pvime do 1 MOSES W. MORG VN, Corner ofMwket-iq. and it. Julian-st. jan 30 25c _________ Pork, Beef, Shot £SO. 106 bbls prime Pork, 2 5 do Mess do 14 do Mess Beef, 31 do prime <lo 31 hf bbls Fly Market do 10 casks Shot assorted size, 38 bbls Gin 330 bills superfine Flour, 20 do Soal Sugar 39 firkins prime Goshen Butter 50 boxes Soap, 40 do Caudles 1 Marble Chimney piece 2 elegant Gigs with Harness, complete 160 casks Conn. Stone Lime .50 kegs Richmond Tobacco, for sale by jan 30 25 C C GRISWOLD ACo Valuable Lotr For sale—the lot No. 4, first tytli ing, Reynolds ward, on the Bay, with the improvements thereon; a capitalist would realize a handsome interest from the rents this property would yield. Apply to jan 17 lint Wm. BELCHER. To Planters. A Few sample Ploughs from the manufacto ry’ of Robert Sinclair Baltimore, of various patterns, are just received and will be sold low, apply to DANIEL CARNET, Jr. jan 16 ahs Hunters buildings. ~ “■ r;** English and Classical School. JT JORDAN respectfully proposes to the citizens of Savj-inah, and its vicinity, to open a School, as soon as sufficient ‘encourage ment may offepdor the tuition of pupils, in the various bfatuities, of Arithmetic, Reading, Wri ting. English Grammar, Geography. Latin, and .Rudiments of the Greek Language, at the fol lowing reduced prices. Writing, Reading, and Arithmetic g 5 perqr. English Grammar, Geography, fife. g 6 do do Latin, Greek, E Grammar, Ac g 7 do do. lie pledges himself that every attention shall be paid to the advancement of the morals, as well as other education of his pupils; and that he will use his utmost endeavours to give general satis faction to those who may honour him with their patronage. As ho is an entire stranger in Sa vannah, and his arrival here mereh for tuitions, he can give no external pledges ofthe rectitude of his character, but hopes that he has within him, what may entitle him to the good opinions of all, who become thoroughly acquainted with Lis principles. Those who are please*} to honour him with their patronage, in-.y find him at Mrs. Batty’s DoOrdnig House, Johnston’s Square. jknV l|c lit fry's Flute Melodies , (iONTAI MKfl a choice collection of Songs, j ,Vi, s Cotillions, Dances, Marches, &c. ar ranged for the Flute, Violin, and Patent Fla geolet, in 14 numbers at 50 cents each. ’ Kilby’s flute Duetts—2 numbers, at 50 coots. Riiey’.s Vocal Melodies, * cts. a number. Hi ley’s Preceptor for the Piano Forte, con taining a selection of Finger’d Lessons, Airs, ‘Sffcgs. Wal•*<■*, Marches, &c—price §l. Preceptor’s and Instruction Hook for the Flute, Viol'n, Clarionet, Flageolet and Fife, of the most approved kinds The ue-v Musical and Vocal Cabinet, being a selection of the most favorite English, Scotch, and Ifish Melodies, arranged for the Voice, Violin, Flute, &c —2vols. price §4. The Masonic Minstrel, a selection of Mason ic, Sentimental, and Humorous Songs, Duetts, decs, Canons, &.c. set to Music, with an appen dix containing 1 a short historical account of Ma con'.",' — l vol Bvo. price S''* The Me! Hist, a favrite collection, artanged for toe Vo ce, Flute or Violin—® } 2 25. A selection of choice Songs, with an F.ssay on oeng Writing, hy-Or. Aikin. For sale by THOS,. LONGWOkTH, fob 2 23 Jakitito;*-: vjua- e. RECEIVED AND FOR SALE BY 8. MANTON, Bices’ WJtar f , 4 .\ 2 pipes prime Cognac Brandy 5 do Imitation do 10 do Old Gin 10 bhds do do ‘ 50 bbls cH Dutch Point do 50 do do Phelps do 50 do Clarkes do 100 do Mason’s best India Point do 30 do Rutenburg do 2 bhds Imitation Jamaica num 10 qr casks Tenerifle Wine 25 do do Currant Jo, superior quality!. 20 6 gallon kegs do. very nice 15 do do sweet and dry Malaga do 5 hlids Northern Rum 1000 lbs Loaf and Lump Sugar 5 half chests Hyson Tea 40 catty boxes do do 50 boxes Muscatel ltaisins 45 do Bloom do 10 do Sperm Candles > 25 do Tallow do 50 do and hf do Soap 25 kegs Tobacco, sup. quality 20 do Butter, for family use 10 do pure ground Ginger 10 do double refined Sait Petre 20 bbls Ale 100 do Potatoes 10 bags Pepper 10 bbls Greening Apples 2 bales Millinets 10 boxes Claret Wine 500 pair prime Shoes 2 trunks Bonnets 100 reams large and small wrappi g Paper 2 Jersey Waggons 5 Yawl Boats With a general assortment of Northern Home spuns. 26 jan 31 For Sale. 30 Bbls pilot Bread 30 do Boston Crackers 111 do mess Beef 30 do No 1 Vlackeael 300 Bus!.els Irish Potatoes 40 qts Codfish Super quality Onions by th< barrel or bunch Butler in half barrels, Tubs or Kegs 15 bbls fall strain’d Lamp Oil 20 boxes sperm Candles No 4 5 & &■ 10 do Soap 10 bbls Train Oil Cider by the Barrel Vinegar do Apples do 2 lihrls Whiting Leaf Tobacco by the cwt or hhd. —ALSO,— 1 trunk of Gentlemens Fine Boots very low by ISAAC R. GIFFORD y Cos. jan 17 nl4 Telfair's Wharf. Share Moulds, Pork, Gin £se. Landing from ship Corsair, 3 tons Share Moulds 50 bbls prime Pork 73 do Union Gin In Store, 60 bbls prime Porte, 26 do Mess do 15 do mess llecf, 47 do prime do 20 do Loaf Sugar, 50 boxes Soap 50 boxes Cand Iqs 260 bbls superfine Flour 39 firkins prime Goshen Hotter 15 casks Shot, well assorted 40 bf bbls Hy market beef 8 bbs Cherry Brandy 3 marble Chimney Pieces 161 casks Connecticut Stone Lime • 50 kegs manufactured Tobacco i 2 elegant Gigs at F Denslers, for sale by 1 jan 16 C C GRISWOLD ?; Cos ®J UST received and for sale by the subscriber, 80 drums fresh figs 20 qr casks TenerifTe Wine 10 pipes Gotland Gin 10 do Cognac Brandy, first quality 5 8 puncheons old Jam. Hum t 12 boxes white Havana Sugar 25 kegs Goshen Butter 20 boxes Negro Pipes 20 lihils N O Sugar, 50 bbls do do 50 boxes Muscatel Raisins With a complete assortment ofGroceries. jan 19 16c GAUDRY & DUFAUItE Just Received. 10 puncheons Jamaica Rum, imported ’ direct 25 lihds N L Rom, and 50 bbls do 20 qr casks Malaga Wine 30 bags Coflee—so boxes Soap 50 boxes Candles—l 2 chests Hyson Tea ’ 100 do Windsor Soap. —ALSO— -2 bales blue Plains 1 case Choppa Romals 1 bale Broad Cloths 1 do Cassimeres. fancy colors 1 do Bordered Handkerchiefs 1 bale Russia Sheeting 1 do Virginia Kerseymeres For sale on accommodating terms, bv J. B. HERBERT if CO. ,/an2l 18 Flour, Gin fyc. 1 (1 0 Bids Superfine Philad. Flour 40 do Richmond City mills do 47 do Phelps Rye Gin . 30 do prime Beef Landing and for Sale bv SAMUEL STODDER, jsn 24 C2O Taylor's Wharf. Butter, Chocolate, &c. 10 Firkins fresli Goshen Butter 5 boxes Chocolate Bakers brand No. ‘1 said to be of a very superior quality 4 boxes do Dophams Brand No l 2 boxes Catsup .1 do Mustard 3 half barrels Mutton Mams 2 barfcls Connecticut mess Shad. Landing from the Ship Corsair, and for sa.c low if taken from the Wharf. AUGUSTUS COHN WALL, jajiis 15 The subscribers offer for sale, 100 bbls Flour 40 do prime Beef 25 do do Pork 100 bundles Hay 100 boxes S„ap ls‘ quality 20 do Port Wine do do Received l>v late, arrivals LS VISION & CANDLER. jsntO $8 Jintt’-wharf. DRY GOODS. XnTIE Subscriber has just received per Ship 41 John & Edward from New York, a fresh supply of seasonable Dry Goods, Among which are, Extra super queens mixture Casimeres Gentlemens Cravats ’ Britlania Handkerchiefs Imitation Merino Dresses Green Baize Gentlemens super BulT & Drab Buckskin Gloves. ALSO, 1 Case mens low priced Chip Hats SCOO Quills Which will be sold low for Cash, at No. 7, Commerce ltow. F. L. SHAY, jan 19 16 FRANCIS J. LAY, YlsTASjust received by brig Hope, captain Uti Champlin—and for sale Cologne W'ater Coburg Stifihers Fancy Soaps S H P Eees New London Billious Lills, di rect from Lees Dispensatory. —also— Doct P E Brandins Anti Rheumatic. Salve, for the Rheumatics, Toot ach &c which is wor thy the attention of any one afflicted with these complaints. On hand, Lynch and Clark’s superior Soda Powders do do Congress W’ater Put up in the most perfect state by the doz . or single bottle. English Seidletz Powders Henry’s Caleined Magnesia Sic At his Drugg and Chemical ware house, cor ner of Congress and Whitaker-strecss, Shadd’s buildings * 1 j an 17 Spring Goods, STpHE subscribers have just received by the 41 ship Plucher and other recent arrivals from Lilerpool a variety of Seasonable Dry Goods, Which with those on board the ships Emily and Dromo, now on their way fiom England will make their assortment not only complete, but extensive ’ ANDREW LOW & CO. Now is stork —Cotton Bagging, Porter, Crockery, casks of Glaze and tea China, jan 25 §lm 21 Cognac Brdndy and Jamaica Hum. 15 pipes superior 4ih proof Cognac Brandy 11 hhds do do Jamaica Rum For sale bv jan 31 UAKER & MINTON. PETER DREGE, Three doors south of the City Hotel, 1' IHANKS his friends and the public in gener . al for the large support he has received in this city since he commenced business. He takes this opportunity to offer 105 PACKAGES Just received from England and the north, of the most fashionable HATS AND CLOTHING , CREAPin THAU EVEII. Extra superfine boys’ Waterloo Coats, full silk trimmings, at the low rate of §ls Fine and extra fine black Dress Coats, from gl6 upwards Extra blue Saxony do. S2O, and upwards Extra fine and superfine double mill’d fashiona ble Pantaloons, of aP colors, from g 4 to 12 First rate gentlemen’s fine white linen Shirts, from gl 75 to 4 French Florentine Waistcoats, g2J Extra quality English do. new pattern, g 5 Blue and other colors Surtoul.x, gl2 & upwards Extra fine Waterloo Coats, full trimm’d with silk. g 22 Gentlemen’s knit Drawers, from 62$ cts. to g 2 Merino do. Shirts, from gl to 1$ Superfine lamb’s wool Socks, 3 pair f'or gl Little boys’ Gieat Coats of all colors, g.3s Misses’ Felices from g 4 to 6, scarlet, colors Fcarnaught Great Coats, gss and upwards Warranted extra flue water proof Hats, g3 Imitation Beavers, g3 Boy’s Hats, SU Blue, black, buff and white fashionable'Waist coats Large size silk Umbrellas, from g2s to 3$ Extra large size tartan plaid Cloaks, with two capes Gentlemen’s silk Stockings at gls Ladies’ and gentlemen’s patent elastic silk Stockings at g 2 per pair Cases fine and extra fine Irish Linen, from 25 to 87$ cents Cassimere Pantaloons at g 8 —also— A great quantity of NEGRO CLOTHING, Consisting of Jackets and Trowsers, from g4s to 6 a suit Superfine gentlemen’s Beaver Gloves, 75 cts. nov 30 22 Landing from Brig Chatham. 350 Casks Thoirastown Lime 100 .VI. Lath 4 pipes pure Scheidam Gin For Sale by S. D. PAIIKMAN, Jan 24 c2O Hun let ’s Wharf. T. C. HAYWARD Has for Sale, Just received, 25 half bbls No 1 Mackerel I 26 Jo No 2 do 4 pipes Holland Gin 5 hhds Jamaica Hum ALSO, —50 packages Boots and Shoes, which will be sold low Jan 24 and 20 Holland Gin, 12 pipes Holland Gin 5 boxes Havana brown Sugar 10 bbls L Oil—Landing this day. , Apply to E. WILLIAMS & CO. jan 11 9 Seed Bye. IVIIF, Subscriber has a few bushels first qual ity Seed Uye for Sale, Likewise can furnish the citizens of Savannah with what Milk and Cream, they mav want at short notice. E.JENCKES. jan 19. MG Jcncfca f r i7!e. , For Liverpool. The well known regular grading ship SfjfJiC JANE, James Drummond, master, has eommence - ? loading, and will be despatched without delay. F'or freight, apply to captain D on board, at Bolton’s wharf or to jan 9 7 JAMES DICKSON fc Cos. For Liverpool, The well known copperedshlp CO\l yffir- MERCK, capt Gardner, will have im mediate dispatch, having part of her cargo ready to go on board. For freight apply to JOHN LATHROI’ & CO. For sale, landing from said ship 15 coils Coir Cordage, assorted sires 50 bbls Potatoes 100 tons Shingle Ballast 80 boxes Mould Candles 20 jan 24 For Liverpool. &££\ The staunch and well known brig FAVORITE, capt Williams wants on ly 100 bales to complete her cargo, and will sail the 15th Feb. For freight, apply on board or to jan 30 250 MITCHELL 8t BARTI.F.TT. For Greenock. The copper fastend ship HARRIET, Capt Reed, has half her cargo engaged. For freight, apply on board or to jan 10 8i MITCHELL & BARTLETT. For Havre , .cfar The remakably line coppered British ship WESTMORELAN O, Wm. Smith, master, has 3-4ths of her cargo now going on board, and will be despatched early. For freight of 200 bales, apply to Capt. Smith on board at Frazer’s wharf, or to WILLIAM JENNEIt (Jj'Neither master nor consignee will be Ac countable for any debt contracted by the crew. , jan 23 19 For Amsterdam. THE fine New Brig SERENO, capt. S&Sjic Harding, will Sail on Tuesday next, and can handsomly accommodate two or three Passengers—Apply on beard at Andersons Wharf or to E. WILLIAMS &. Cos. feb 1 27 For Nere-York, VijSr The fast sailing packet ship GAR- KjOwV OXNE, Mott, master, will meet with no delay For freight of Cotton on deck or passage, apply to jan 29 24 JOHN LATIIROP & Cos. Bor Norfolk , The sloop REPORTER,-Capt Lewis, kfe-gAI will sail in a few days. For freight or passage, apply on board at i'tillbch’s Wharf, o >n 25 2L to L. H. SAGE U Cos. For Wilmington JV*. C. v&jpf\ THE fast sailing Schr PHEBE Capt. Cummings, having half her freight en gaged, will sail for the above port on Thursday next, for re- ainder of freight or passage, apply on board at Rices Wharf or to >n 22 18 S. MANTON For Sale , Freight or Charter, v&lfli THE Pilot Boat Sell inner MARY M’- jßs&te KOY, burthen 35 tons, three yeats old, built in North Carolina, of the best mate rials. For the terms apply to jan 25 22 J B HERBERT & CO For Charleston, TIIE Regular I’ack-t Sloop RAPID, A.U? Perry, master, will meet with despatch For freight or passage, having superior accom modations Apply to the master on board at the Exchange Wharf or to feb 4 c 29 . ISAAC COHEN. For Liverpool. SCO bales Cotton are wanteertofili the jEssKe Ship Commerce, Thus. Gardner, mas ter, Liverpool—Apply to feb 4 21 JOHN LATHROP £jf Cos. ■■ For Satilla Turtle Diver. £4*: THE good Sloop ALBERT, captain Brocklingtor, will sail on the 6th inst For treight or passage—Apply on board or to feb 2 i2B MILLER & FORT. For JV* ew-York. S&fl THE Regular Racket Ship General tt&JP CARRINGTON, T Wood, fluster, wilt meet with dispatch,—For freight of Cot ton on deck or passage—Apply to capt W. on board at Jones’ Upper Wharf, or to feb 4 29 HALL HOYT. OT The Letter Bag ofthe ship HARMONY for Liverpool w.l! beoloavdat 2 o’clock This Day, at the Counting House of feb 4 MITCHELL & BARTLETT. SOO bales are waited to fill the fine new ship Lycurgus, for Liverpool, to sail in three or four days feb 4 MITCHELL & BARTLETT. Freight for New- York. £j°Vessels bound to New \ ork can have Cotton on Freight by applying to SAMUEL WRIGHT, jan 24 20 Qj* 200 bales. Cotton are wanted on freightto fill the barque SPARTAN, for Liverpool. Apply to july 17 14 CUMMIKG & GWATHMEt. J New-Orleans Sugar. 40 Hhds prime New-Orleans Sugar, For Sale by jn 25 £1 HALL & HOYT. Whiskey and Gin. 200 bbls Whiskey 20 pipes and hhds Smithfield Gin Just received and Tor sale by jtn 31 BAKER’ & MINTON. JOB PRINTING JYtatly executed at the Museum OQkf Bills on New-Yoik, For sa’e by C GRISWOLD jan 23 _ 19_ Bills on Boston, For sale bv jan 7 5e MITCHELL & BARTLEY Drafts on Baltimore. At tnv sight, For sale bv jan 15 12 JAMES o^. DRAFTS On Boston and Philadelphia At short sight, in sums to suit purcha* r> <•', ale by JOHNS TON Si nil’ s an 24 020 ‘ ,-S Vestings, I bale Valencia, Toiiinett and Fancy Y e ings, just received from Boston, and >n 29 24 E WILLIAM-; Lr, Paper Hangings, AN assortment of elegant Piper Hanm n and fine Board Paper, just receive and and fW,’ by THOS LON G WORTH, ■j- m 12 Johnson stj.iar.. Family Flour. 200 bbls Iloward-street superfine flour, f~, ground, and suitable for families, lor salt C, ‘ DANL. CARNey, j r ‘ jan 17 14s Hunter's /nduii,’--. Whiskey. 76 barrel Whiskey Landing from brig Levant. f ■ by L. 11. SAGE & Cos >n 21 18 Whiskey § Apple Bramhj. 30 barrels of superior quality, received and will be sold low.—Apply to DANIEL CARNEY J r .fan 21 118 Cut Nails. ONE Hundred and fifty Casks Cut Nails an ) Brads, assorted, —Landing from Brig Chat ham, —For Sale by jan 24 20 F.. WILLIAMS IS Cos. A Situation Wanted. BY a young man, either in a Counting house or respectable Dry Coeds Store, Satisfied lory reference can be given, Enquire at this Office. fob 1 57 Pork. 40 Bbls mess ? „ . , 50 do Prime From Ship Garonne and for Sale by feb. 1 27 L. II SAGE k Cos. Negroes for Sale. SIX women anil two men, prime field hands Apply to f h 1 c 27 GEORGE SCHLEY I Corn Afloat, fIN'IF. cargo of .Mary & Hannah lying al Rices A Wharf, for sale by jan 16 13 L. W. S AGE Si Cos. Cut Nails, 101 casks 4d 5d 5d 8d lOd l2d and 20d—just teceived from the manufactory, and forsilr low at Williamson’s store by jan 26 n 22 E. CRANE Jr. N. E. Rum, 30 bbls just received, for sale by DELAMATER & STARR, jan 26 i 22 / Prime Cotton Land. rWO hundred acres Prime Cotton LAND. near White Bluff Meeting-house—for sale by GARDNER TUFTS, jan 10 tnß Linseed Oil. 14 Bbls pure Linseed Oil Just received and for Sale by >n 24 20 E. WILLIAMS & Cos. Loaf and Lump Sugar. ” IFTY bbls for sale by J MEIGS, jan 24 20§<1 Bulloch's: building!. Fresh Goshen Butter. Just rec'd, per brig Hope, Capt. Champß, Ten 100 lb kegs Goshen Butter, which will be sold low, by FRANCIS J LAY. jan 17 Comer of Congress & Whitaker-st. Butter, Flour £5 Gin 20 firkins fresh Goshen Butter 50 bbls superfine Flour 15 hhds and 10 pipes Smithfie'd Gin For sale by BAKER t£ MINTON. >n 21 18 William Inglis & Cos. ■JSIAVK received by the ship BLUCIIF.Rfron . • Liverpool, an assortment of flounces MUSLIN ROBES, Bounces and trimmings ■ some of which are very elegant, also, a varietj’ of other seasonable goods, jan 23 dl9 Law ■ Office , MATTHEW HALL McALLISTER, n ffer ? his professional services to his friends anu I the public. His office is on West Broad-streeh ! directly in front of the old Market, r .jan 12 wa§ 10 Paints. 50 kegs white Lead 56 do Verdigris 34 do black Paint 20 do Spanish Brown 16 bbls Lamp Black 4 do black Varnish , Landing from ship Gen. Carrington, at wharf, and for sale bv feb 4 29 C C GRISWOLD, & Co in Store, , Mess and Prime Beef do do Pork.