The Savannah museum. (Savannah, Ga.) 182?-1822, February 09, 1822, Image 2

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• * *t- ** ft THE MUSEUM. in Mr. Vatiierlyn's celebrated Paintings of MARJUS $ ARIADNE 4 HR >:O0 ready for Exhibition. next door east J\ of W T. Williams’ Hook Store, from 9 o’- clock until 2, and from 5 until 5 The following description will serve to ex plain the conceptions of the artist. ARIADNE, daughter ofMinos, KingofGre te, being ettemoured of Theseus, and haring as sisted liim in escaping from the labyrinth, af tr he had destroyed the Minotaur, accompanied Itiin to the island of Naxos, where he abandon ed her. This subject has been frequently cho sen by the painter, and she has always been re presented in tears for her destitution. In this painting Mr. V. has represented her as yet un conscious of her misfortune, asleep amidst the shade and deep foliage of that beautiful Island, and the bark which is tobearTheseosfrom her, is seen ir the distance It is a morning scene, and the smoke of the sacrifice for a prosperous voyag. (usua : amongthe Greeks) is already ri sing above - he shores of the Island. Caius Marius, on the ruins of Carthage. This celebrated Proscript, after encountering a variety of misfortunes and dangers in his flight, - at .ength arrived in Africa, and landed at the ancient port of Carthage, on the rums of which City, be waited for, and received the answer of the Propiosior Stxtihus, then Governor of the Province * The Artist intended the interval of the mes sage *o b’ the moment of time represented in his picture. The subject he thought, was ca pai .!• f exhibiting, in a double instance, iheuy anility of human grandeur, a city in ruins, and ft f.dlen genenal In the countenance < f Marius he has endeavored to express the disappoint ment of ambition, and the meditation of re venge In the seemd ground is discovered a large ru in, in a degree similar to the ruins of the public baths of ancient licme : beyond which, c*n an elevation, is a Temple, resembling, in the style of architecture, Dios'*. found at P* itum, south of Nspies and part of an Aqneduct, in imitation, of those in the Campania, about Rome The remains of like Aqueducts are still to be seen in the vicinity of ancient Carthage. At the Exhibition of the l.onvre, this pic” uie procured Mr V Napoleon’s gold medal, which may teseen w ith *he paintings. Tickets may be purchased at W. T. Williams’ Ift.ok Store Admission during the Period that tU remain there, 1 dollar, for only one view 50 cents felt 7 31 To Country Merchant*, Planters, djfc. GEOHGE HELPTI, HJV'o. 3, Oibbono’ Building, * 5 received by the ship Dromo, from Liv erpool, a g ort assortment -if Seasonable Spring Goods , and iiMhtily cxpci ting fui thr r supplies by the slaps he.oules,, Emily, and Oglethorpe, winch w ■! inace hi# assortment extensive and com plete—an • v. ell worthy the attention of all pur chaser ~ both wholesale and retail. His Goods are purchased on the most reason able te:ms, and well selected for this market,! having friend* that selict them in the different! nmtuutactuiing towns in England, Scotland, am! 1 lr dand'. who have been regularly brought up to the btisiin ss feh 7 m 32 lTt.x'S superior edition of the Nautical JT Almanac nd Ast: onomffcall Ephemeris for the year 18J3—price gl 5U Itamlet’s Table of Interest, 1 vol— gB. Chapman's Table of lutnest, Cnlc late! ac cording to equitable,and legal principle. (365) day s , the year) at the rate of 6 per cent, per ai ‘ uni: Showing the interest on any sum, from one cent to ten thousand h liars, from one day ’ tnt ‘cee hundred and sixty five days, fr m one to twelve months, and from ten to thirteen years—with w-ral other useful tables, I vol.— §8 For sale bv THOMAS LONG WORTH, feb 7 Johntto’ ’ square. Crape JKobes. ROUGE W. COE, is now opening t hand le some assortment of I.lack and rV>red Crape Robes, am} Velveteen Handkerchiefs With a variety of ‘her Spring goods, which are offered fi r sale at the corner ot Broughton and.’ , .'rosrd s.'reets 32e ft l * 7 iiilfij'B Flute Melodies , CONTAINING a choice collection ot Songs, .Mrs, Cotillions, Dances, Marches, Ike. ar ra<t i for ‘he Fluie, Vi ‘tin, and Patent Fia geai-t, in 14 numb-.-s at 50 cents each. Riley** Flute Duetts—2nuinbeis,atsocnnts. IMey’s Vocal Melt dies, a 25 cts a number. Ui-.v’s Preceptor fir ‘he Piano Fo-te, con fat’ ii - ti selection of Finger’d Lessons, Airs, Sungs 1 altars, Marches,'itc—price Si- Precept r’s and instruction Book for the Flu’ ViolUi, Clarionet, Flageolet and Fife, of the *■!'<* approved kinds The new Musical and Vocal Cabinet, being a select nos vhe rtost favorite English, Scotch, and Irish Weiodies. arranged for the Voice, Vioh Flute, Stc —2 vols. pri e §4. Th Masouh Minstrel, a selection of Maann ;c, - ntituental, amt Humorous Songs, Duetts, r - (’anor s. Ac. sot to Music, with an appeo tli\ : i lining a short historical account of Ma s > v—l ycl Bvo- price 83. ■ iie M-lodist.a favrde collection, arranged for tht. Voice, Flute or \ i I ill— -5. A sclecH >n of choice Songs, with -.n Essay on So -g \ riling, bv l>r Aifctn. For sale by i. H'lS. I.OSMI b"TH, fen 2 2u John.ton's sruae. Piano Fortes. Ql |IHR subscriber is opening and lias for sale a ;.& large assnj'tuiei t of Piano Fortes all of vhmu is Warranted to be equal to anv ever of fe *•> . . .ale in this city, and will be sold low. on application to J W MORRELL, feb 5 30 r> hut cA Hnihhngs. Found AQv.arter cad Wine, on Rice’s wharf, st o’ ‘soil to ha*o be* n-est through mistake The owner or owners can hav e the name by pay :■'(? the expenses Apply to the printer, leb 7 d'J _ Ojp ce Receiver of Taac Re turns. n vjjr, subscriber is i,.w ready to receive the J g cturni ct 1852—his otbee is in the Ex chai'gt, we t end, where the Post-Office wa*, I formerly kept. ADAM COl'E, kr u cc. t feb 7 %‘S 82 j Spring Goods. the late arrivals from Liverpool, * James Dickson Cos. S Have received their supplies of the most sea sonable articles of DRY GOODS and HARD WARE, which they offer by wholesale on the most reasonable term? FRANCIS J. LAY, yraASjust received by brig Hope, captain 430 Champlin—and for sale Cologne Water Coburg StHPners Fancy Soaps S H P Lees New London Billions Lills, di rect from Lees Dispensatory. —also — Boct P E Hrandins Anti Rheumatic Salve, for the rheumatics, tooth aril &c which is wor thy the attention of any one afflicted with tliese complaints. On hand, Lynch and Clark’s superior Soda Powders do do Congress Water Put up in the most perfect state by the doz or single bottle. English Seidletz Powders Henry’s Calcined Magnesia L?*. At his Drugg and Chemical ware house, cor ner of Congress and jWhitaker-strects, Shaiid’s buildings * jan 17 PEYfcR DREGE, Three, doors south of the City Hotel, ’JPHANKS his friends and the public in gener- Jl al for the large support he has received in this city since he commenced business. He takes this opportunity to offer 105 PACKAGES Just received fr<*n England and the north, of the most fashionable HATS AND CLOTHING, CIIKAI’Kn THAN KTEB. Extra superfine boys’ Waterloo Coats, full silk trimmings, at the low rate of §ls Fine and extra line black Dress Coats, from §l6 upwards Extra b'ue Saxony do. §2O, ami upwards Extra fine and superfine double mill’d fashiona ble Pantaloons, of a** colors, from §4 to 12 First rate gentlemen’s fine while linen Shirts, fr - m §1 75 to 4 French Florentine Waistcoats, §2s Extra quality English do. new pattern, §5 Rlue and other colors Surtouts, §l2 & upwards Extra fine Waterloo Coats, full trimm’d with silk §22 Gentlemen’s knit Drawers, from 62A cts. to §2 Merino do. Shirts, trom §1 to 1 j Superfine lamb’s wool Socks. 3 pair fur §1 Little boys’ Gieat Coats ol all colors, §3s Misses’ Felices from §4 to 6. scarlet, colors Fearnaught Great Coats, §ss and upwards Warranted extra fine water proof Hats, §8 Imitation Beavers, §3 Boy’s Hats. §IJ Blue, black, butt’ and white fashionable Waist coats Large size silk Umbrellas, from §’s to 3J Extra large size tartan plaid Cloaks, with two capes . Gentlemen’s silk Stockings at §IJ Ladies’ and gentlemen’s patent elastic silk Stockings at §2 per pair Cases fine and extra fine Irish Linen, from 25 to 87A cents ’ Cassimcre Pantaloons at §8 —AJ.SO— A great quantity of NEGRO CLOTHING, Consisting of Jackets and Trowsers, from §ls to 6 a suit Superfine gentlemen’s Beaver Gloves, 75 cts. nov 30 22 Just Received, Per ship Rlucher.from Liverpool, A FEW PACKAGES OF Holland and Imperial Papes Super round aiul patent Bobbin London Quality and Shoe Binding, assorted colors Black cotton Ferret White blue, diamond and striped Bed Lace White Cotton Fringe Scarlet Worsted do Cambric Wires, Shirt do. said Moulds. Which w 11 be sold low, and on accommodating term?, by JOSHUA MILNE, ,ian?4 20 Williamson's r vj-e Fork, Beef, Bhot £SO. 106 Mils prime Pork, 25 do Mess do 14 do Mess Reef, 37 do prime do 25 hfbbb Fly Mark-1 do 10 casks Shot assorted size, 38 bbls Gin 230 bbls superfine Flour, 20 do Soaf Sugar 39 firkins prime Goshen Butter 50 boxes Soap, 40 do Candles 1 Marble Chimney piece 2 elegant Gigs with Harness, complete 160 casks Conn Stone Lime 50 kegs Richmond Tobacco, for sale by jar 30 25 C C GRISWOLD &Cos The subscribers offer for sale, 1 case Creas Linen 1 do flag silk lidkfs 2 do double and single barrel Guns 3 do Rose Lavender ami Cologne Water 4 lihds Flasks 500 lb Sewing Twine 3, 6s, 7$ and 10 inch Cables 4-4 Ingrained Carpeting RLANCII AltU BROTHERS & Cos feb 5 3’ .Indt'ion's Buildings on the Bay. English and Classical School. IT JOCDAN respectfully proposes to the • citizens of Savannah, and its vicinity, to ope- a School, as soor. as sufficient encourage ment may offer tor the tuition of pupiis, in the various branches, of Arithmetic, Reading, Wri ting, English Grammar, Ge*graphv, Latin, and Rudiments ofthe Greek Language, at the fol lowing reduced prices Writing, Reading, and Arithmetic S5 perqr. English Grammar, Geography. £fc. J-,6 do doj Latin Greek, K. Grammar. &c g 7 do do. He pledges himself that every attention shall be paid to the advancement ofthe morals, as well as other education of his pupils; and tha* he will use his utmost endeavours to give general satis faction to those who may Honour him with their patronage As he is an entire stranger in Sa vannah, and his arrival here merel-. for tuitions he car no external pledges ofthe rectitude of his character, but hopes that he has within him, what may entitle him to the good opinions ! to a'l, who become thoroughly acquainted with j his principles. j Those who are pleased to honour him with I their patronage, mav find him at Airs. Batty’s • Boarding House, Johnston’s Square, jan 22 18fc Sli&re Moulds, Pork, Gin Ssc. Landing from, ship Corsair, 3 tons Share Moulds 50 bblg prime Pork 73 do Union Gin In Store, 60 bblsprime Pork, 26 do Mess do 15 do mess Beef, 47 do prime do 20 do Loaf Sugar, 50 boxes Soap 50 boxes Candles £6O bbls superfine Flour 39 firkins prime Goshen flutter 15 casks Shot, well assorted 40 hf bbls fly market beef 8 bbs Cherry Brandy 3 marble Chimney Pieces 161 casks Connecticut Stone Lime 50 kegs manufactured Tobacco 2 elegant Gigs at E Denslers, fur sale by jan 16 C GRISWOLD & Cos RECEIVED A.\T) FOR SALK BY S. MANTON, ’ Hice*’ Whar f . ’ 2 pipes prime Cognac Brandy S do Imitation do 10 do Old Gin 10 blnls do do 50 bbls old Dutch Point do 50 do do Phelps . do 50 do Clarkes do 100 do Mason’s best India Point do 30 do Rutenburg do 2 hhds Imitation Jamaica Rum 10 qr casks Teneriffe Wine 25 do do Currant do, superior quality 20 6 gallon kegs do. very nice 15 do do sweet and dry Malaga do 5. hhds Northern Rum 1000 lbs Loaf and Lump Sugar 5 half chests Hyson Tea 40 catty boxes do do 50 boxes Muscatel Raisins 45 do Bloom do i) do Sperm Candles 25 do Tallow do 50 do and hf do Soap 20 do Butter, for family use 10 do pure ground Ginger 10 do double refined Sail Petre 20 bbls Ale 100 do Potatoes -10 bags Pepper j 10 bbls Greening Apples 2 bales Millinets to boxes Claret Wine 500 pair prim*. Shoes 2 ‘ru.iks Bonnets 100 reams large and small wrapping Paper 2 Jers< v Waggons 5 Yawl Boats With a general assor*r-ent of Northern Home spuns. 26 jan 31 For 30 Bbls pilot B ead 30 do Boston r.ickrra 111 do nets Beef 30 do N 1 Mackeael 300 Bushels Irish Potatoes 40 qts Codfish Super quality Onions by the barrel or bunch Butter in half barrels, Tubs or Kegs 15 bbls fall strain’d Lamp Od 20 boxes sperm Candles No 4 5 Si 6 10 do Soap 10 bbls Train Oil Cider by the Barrel Vinegar do Apples do 2 hhds Whiting Leaf Tobacco by the cwt or hjid. ALSO,— 1 Trunk of Gentlemens Fine Boots very low by ISAAC R GIFFORD fcf Cos jan 17 nl4 Telfair's Wharf. J DST received and for sale by the subscriber, 80 drums fresh figs 20 qr casks Teuerifle Wine 10 pipes Holland Gin 10 do Cognac Brandy, first quality 8 puncheons old Jain. Rum 12 boxes white Havana Sugar 25 kegs Goshen Butter 20 boxes Negro Pipes 20 hhds N O Sugar, 50 bbls do do 50 boxes Muscatel Raisins With a complete assortment of Groceries, jan 19 16c GAUDKY Sc DUFAURE Just Received. 10 puncheons Jamaica Rum, imported direct 25 lihds N F* Rum, and JO bbls do 20 qr casks Malaga Wine 30 bags Coftee—so ooxes Soap 50 boxes Candles—l 2 chests Hyson Tea TOO do Windsor Soap. —ALSO— -2 bales blue Plains 1 case Choppa Romals 1 bale Broad Cloths 1 do Cissimeres. fancy colors 1 do Bordered Handkerchiefs 1 bale Russia Sheeting 1 do Virginia Kerseymeres For sale on accommodating terms, bv J. B HERBERT £f CO. Flour, Gin <sc. l-T) Bbls Superfine Philad F our 40 do Richmond City mills do 47 do Phelps Rve Gin 30 do prime Beef ‘ Landing and for Sale by ’ samuel s ronni'R, jsn °4 c2O Taylor's kf/iarf. Gutter , Chocolate , &?c. 10 Firkins fresh Goshen flutter 5 boxes Chocolate Bakers brand No. 1 said to he of a very superior quality 4 boxes do Dopbams Brand No 1 2 boxes Catsup 3 do Mustard 3 half barrels Mutton Hams 2 barrels Connecticut mess Shad. Landing from the Ship Corsair, and for sa e low if taken from the Wharf. AUGUSTUS CORNWALL, jan 18 15 Salmon &e. Landing from Brig Sereno t£ Sloop Sapid, 15 bbls Salmon 75 kesrs Pickled do 6 lihds pure Jamaica Ruin 5 do St. Croix do 100 boxes Cd half do No 1 Chocolate bo bbls No 3 ),, u ,.. vi)r , 25 half do do 2 £ MACKEREL, For sale by SAMUEL STODDF.R. jan 12 slO Taylors Wharf, For Liverpool. The staunch and well known brig Sji&X. FAVORITE, capt Williams wants on -1) iOObales to complete her cargo, and will sail the 15th Feb. For freight, apply on board or to jan 30 250 MITCHELL & BARTLETT. For Greenock. t4.Fr The copper fast enri ship HARRIET, Cant Reed, has half her caigo engaged. F<"i freight, apply on board or to jan 10 8i MITCHELL £c BARTLETT. For Havre, The re makablv fine coopered British tffl> ship VV F.STMOREt GV- Wm. Sh, master, has 3 4ths of her cargo now going cn beaut, and will he despatched i m Iv. For freight of 200 bales, apply lo Capt. Smith on boai and at Ftaze ’’s wharf, or to WD.LI.AM JENYKR QTj'Neither master nor consignee win be ac countable for any debt contracted by the crew. jan 23 19 For Neiv-lork, The fast sailing packet ship G.4R CXNE, Mott, rrasli r, ./ill nit: With no aday For freight of Cotton op deck or passage, apply to jan’ 2B ‘24 JOHN LATIIROP h Cos. For Chdrhston, THE Regular Paakt? Sloop RAPID, tgifYy Perry, matter, ‘-ill meet with d-.-spa ch For freight or passage, In- ring superior accom modations A ; - !y to the muster on board at the Exchange V.harf or tc feb 4 c 29 ISAAC COHEN. For Liverpool. 300 IvA.-sCi.. n a-*- wanted to fill the Jggpr. Ship Commerci. Thus. Gardner, mas ter, Liverpool—A lv to ft > 4 23 JOHN LATIIU P cri Cos. For New-York. J ‘ r U* Rc-guis- i’ac. et -hip General I CAita.M. I OX. T W ‘od, master, } wilt meet uith d.spatch.— : - , r freight of Cot iton on deck or p - sage—Apply to capt W. on board at Jones’Upper Wharf or to feb 4 29 ‘ HALL if HOYT. Tot’ Jkslti more. THE reguia? p.ickM p •.•> PACKET, j W Bebe rr ifoi wi. : il >n Sunday next, wind and weather p-riv.itfing EV; freight fSO bales Coif - . • , .-is . • na'.. g it ‘accommodation;: pply - - bnai>’ > n-s* upper wharf, or to “llA’-I tx hnY 1. feb 6 31 For Char! ston. 1.. e regular -a <. si - y SrisSSi.Brown,master, > illmet r .>tc . For passage, having go ,and acco,ri, od .tions. !• ply ‘• the master on board, it Exchange v■, f. or to 13 VAC C> -i fell 6 31c Passage for Neic-Orlea ns. S&l 2or 3 passengers can be hu unel SjfiKv? accommodated on board the hri - OKI ON, to ail Tomorrow 7h wind and wea'i. ; er periuitu ig For terms, apply to the master on board, or to ISAAC CO TEN feb 6 51 p For Male THE Pchoone’ - ECHO, burthen 107 23-95 1 ops. Can b< sent to Sea at a trifling Expence- Fo-tour's. Apply in RICHARDS & BANKS, feb 6 §c3l Oot'ons Cent-at h'/urf I 200 bales are wanted to iiii the fine new ship Lvcuigus, for Liverpool, to sail in three or four days feb4 MITCHELL c BARTLETT. Freight for Nr rv- York. Q3° Vessels bound to New- York can have Cotton on Fro-glr, by a, mg to SAMUEL WEIGH . jan 24 20 CJ* 200 bales Cotton are wanted on freighttofiil the barque SPAR I'AN, for Liverpool Apply to july 17 14 CUMMING & GWATHMEY. New-Orleans Sugar. 40 Hluls prime New Orleans Sugar, For Sale by jan 25 21 HALL & HOYT. Whiskey and Gin. 200 hhls Whiskey 2 ! pipes and hhds Smithfield Gin Jus • eceivedand for side bv jan 31 BAKER & MINTON. To Planters. \ Few sample Ploughs from the manufacto -> tj of Robert Sinclair Bait'nrtbre, of various patterns, are just received and w ill be sold low, apply to D \NIBL CARNEY, Jr. jan 16 aus Hun” “ v beddings. Landing , from ship Garonne, ant! fir sale on the wharf. 10 pipes Country Gin 6 bbls Mess Reef 6 and j prime do MO3KS W. MOiiG \N, Corner of Markelsq. and ‘Y Juhc.n-st. jan 30 25c JV*. 0. Rum , Whiskey , &sc. The cargo of the brig Fame—Consisting of 600 bbls N O Whiskey , l'-’O kegs Kentucky Lard 10 hluls 4th proof N ORum For sale by K WILLIAMS & Cos jan 12 10 Landing from IJiig Chatham. 350 Casks Tbomastown Lime 100 M. Lath 4 pipes pure Scheidam Gin For Sale In S. Bi PACKMAN, jan 24 c2O Hunter's Wharf Corn Afloat* 1000 bushels prime new corn, for sale by feb 6 3li PALMES t ROE, T UPPER L WOODBRIDGE. Jvhnstn squa- Offer for sale at Reduce and prices, Fresh Brandy fruits, Olives and Capers A general assortment of old Cigars Superior Liquor cases Teas, Coffee, Loaf a: and brown Sup,;. Soap, Sperm and Tallow Candied Richmond superfine Flour Half bids Buckwheat Floor London Porter, boll led Cider K gs Crackers, do w hile Lead&x feb 6 old % Molasses Cider Rraiidv. y 0 hhds prime retailing molasses new"cron 35 bbls Cider Brandy 10 do Suoer fine Flour I'*o Bags Pepper —For Sale by feb 5 i 3(1 DELAMaTER k. STAUP Bills on New-York, For sale by C C. GIU3WOLL). jan 23 19 Bills on Boston, For sale by j ~'7 5e MIICBKLL & 11ARTU.TT. DRAFTS On Boston and Philadelphia, At short sight, in sums o suit r , n has,:; j - , *!e by JOHNSTON & HIU.S ‘ an 94 o2H Vi stings, 1 bide Valencia,'T( lii’ -ls and Fancv v a . tops, just received from Boston, and for sale t _>n £9 24 E's ILHAMS k Cos. Paper Hangings. AN assortment of elegant P:> er Hsr.gtnes ard fine Board Paper, just received a; ands i sri by THOS LO: GWOltl!', ’ jan 15 12 Johnson sr'.ii - Family Flour. 200 bbls Ho ward-street supe; !i - .e flour, f-s E ! ground, and suitable for fan ilies. for sale w *” DANL. CARNEY, ir,’ jan 1 1 14s Tfnn'ev's building. Whiskey. 76 barrels Whiskey Landing from brig Levant, for sa’e by L. H. SAGE'. & Cos. jan 21 18 Whiskey & Apple Brandy. ju barrels of superior quality, received and will be sold low —Apply to DANIEL CARNEY,If .it n 21 blB Gut Nails. . t NE Hundred andfif y Casks Cut Nails art! t i Brads, sorted, —Landing from Brig Cilai im,—For S..!r- bv ian 24 20 E. WHXIAMS if Cos. —- . V W. nted. j ll’ a yoina mar., eilhrin a CoiuiU'ghouse kJL.r icrneovable Dry Gocds. Store, fLtiskc reference can he given, Enquire ai tlijs Iffioe- feb 1 Pork. - 40 r.bis me3s } „ , , 50 do Prime J Pork Landing From Ship Garonne and for Sale by feb i 27 L. H SAGE k Cn Negroes for Sale. SIX women and two men, prime field lianas. Apnly to feb 1 c? GEORGE SCJ-’.EY Com Afloat, TMF. cargo of Mary k llaunah lying at Rices At harf, for sale by >‘l6 13 L. H. SAGE - Cos. *- _ . i'liuie Cotton t- iiiti. i ‘WO hundred acres Prime Cotton LAND, 9. near White Bluff’—ti-r sale by GARDNER TUFf’S. jan *0 . *nß I*inseeu Oil. 14 Bbls pure Linseed Oil Ju3t received and for Sale by m 24 20 E. WI LIAMS & Cos, Loaf and Lump Sugar. 1 fIFTY bbls for sale by i J MEIGS, jn;i ~'.o§d Bulloch's buildings- Fresh Goslien 13utter. Just rec’d per brig Hope. Cnpt. ChnripH ", T 1.100 lb kegs Gosh lutter, which wili he s ‘Mow, by F.iAXCfS J LAY. j >l7 Corner of Congress & B Intakor-st, Stone Lime, Lauding from ship Corsair, 150 casks, which will be sold low, if L& es Irom die wharf. Appiv to jar. 17 14st jO'N B C)IRF.MOT^ Lansingburgh Vie. 5 bbls T ‘ppin’s Lansing u g Ale of a ? n P f ’ ri >r qti dity, landing from ship G a |ia * o ‘ sale cheap by AUGUSTUS Lc-UN WAI-h jar 30 25 William Lngiis & Cos. , TfSTWE received by the ship !ILUC ,! EB f Liverpool an assu .r..eni .4 H° u .” MU..LIN ROBES, fl winces and seme of which arc verv elegant, also, a var ‘” of other seasonable goods, jan 23 dl9 Valuable Lot. , For sale—th’ lot No 4, “liUIS ing, Reynolds ward, on the !sa -'"’ the ;m >rovemeirs thereon; a capitah**- ‘■ realize a handsome interest from the re ,lts property would toeld. Ap lv to ja'i 17 Hr.t Wm BrT.C'd'.h^ JOP. FBI?, i ING Neatly executed at the Museum Ofiict