The Savannah museum. (Savannah, Ga.) 182?-1822, February 11, 1822, Image 2

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THE MUSEUM. ‘m ARtt3 Mr. Vanderlyn’s celebrated Paintings of , ‘MARIUS $ ARIADNE ARE now ready for Exhibition, next door east ■ of W. T. Williams’ Hook Store, from 9 o’- clock until 2, and from 3 until 5 Tin; following description will serve to ex plain the conceptions of the artist. ARIADNE, daughter of .Minos, King of Cre te, being enaniout ed of Theseus, and having as sisted him in escaping from the Labyrinth, at ter he had destroyed the Minotaur, accon panied him to the island of Naxos, ‘'here he abandon ed her. This subject has been frequently cho sen by the painter, and,she has always been re presented lit tears for lier destitution. 11l this painting Mr. V. has represented her as yet un conscious of her misfortune, asleep amidst the shade and deep foliage c f that heautifoi Island, and the bHfk w hicli is to bear Theseus from her, is seen in the distance, ft is a morning scene, and the smoke of the sacrifice for a prosperous voyage, (usual among the Creeks) is already ri sing above the shores .t the Island. Caius Marius, on the ruins of Carthage. This celebrated Prescript, after encountering a variety of misfortunes ar.d dangers in his flight, at. length arrived in Africa, and lauded at the ancient port of Carthage, oh the ruins of which City, he waited for, ard received the answer of the l'ropitclor Sextilius, tlicn Governor ot the Province. The Artist intended the interval of the mes sage the moment of time rey resented ir. his picture. The subject he thought, was ca pahle if exhibiting, in a double instance, the in stability of human grandeur, a city in ruins, and a fallen general In the cottinenunce if Marius he has ehdeaiored to express the disappoint ment of ambition, and the meditation of re venge ‘ • In the second gtpund is discovered a large ru in, in a degi e simwar to the ruins nt the public baths cf ancient Rome : beyond which, on an elevation, ia a Temple, resembling, in the style of architecture, those found at tVstum, sou'h of Naples, and part of an Aqueduct, in imitation, of those in the Cam; ania, about Kpme The remains of like Aqueduc's are still, to be seen ic the vicinity of ancient Carthage. ■ At the Exhibition of the Louwe, this picture procured Mr. V Napoleon’s gold medal, which may be seen with the paintings Tickets may be purchased at W. T. •Villimrs’ Book Store Admission during the Period that thev remain there, 1 dollar, for only one view 50 cents feb 7 3t To Country Merchants, Planters, dj*c. GEORGE RELPTT, Hjko. 3, (lit)buns’ Building, A8 received by the ship Drnmo, from Liv ej-pool, a good assort me't nf Seasonable Spring Goods , and is liady .xpectmg further mi]-plies by’ the ships Hercules, Emiiy an l Oglethorpe, which will make his assortment extensive and com plete;—an . well worthy the attention of all pur chaser-, both wholesale and retail. His G >oc3 are purchased on the most reason able term •, and well selected for this market, laving friends that select them in the different manliTaoturing towns in England. Scotland, and Ireland who have been regularly brought up to ‘fie h feb 7 ii 32 ——j —:: • Ijt 1T” ,> a sup-, tor edition of the Nautical Almanac and Ast:onomical Epliemcris for theyesr 1823—price gl 50 Kamtet’s Table of Interest, 1 vol- gB. Chapniti.’’, Table of Interest, calculate I le. cording to equitable, ml legal principle, (365 days to tilt yea. ) at tlie rale of 6 per cent, per anmitn ; Showing die interest on my sum, from ont cent to ten thousand dollars bom one lay tothree hu idred and sixty-nve days, fr m one to twelve montlis, and from ten >o tlu-.titn yi .'vs —with ’cvi ral other useful tables, 1 vol.— j g#. ‘For tale bv THOMAS LONCWOUTH. fob 7 Johnston’s square. Grape Robes. GEORGE >t . i. OE, is no .v opening a hand some assortment of lliae.k uud colored Crape Robes, and Velvet, ei Han ilk lolrtifs Wiihavanety oh- her Spring goods, which are dltied f .- vale at the corner of Uroug’itor, aiyl BjayuVd swee s i?e f’> 7 Litey’s Flute Melodies , and iO\ RAINING a choice collection ot Songs, Vt \n-s, Cotillon..:, Dances, Marche.*, Stc ar ranged lor the Flute, N Violin, and Patent Fla geolet, ip. 14 numbers at 50 cents each. Riley’s Fiut? Duetts —2 numbers, at 50 conts. J{i ej-’s Vocal tlelouies, a ‘.’s cts a number. Riley’s Precept >r ti r the Piano Forte, con taining a selection of Finger’d Lessons, Airs, Sot'::-, Waltzes,Marches, Sic—price sl. Preceptor's and Instruction Book for the Flute. Viol’ii, Clarionet. Flageolet and Fife, of Uu- most approved kinds The new Musical and Void Cabinet, heing a stlect’on of the most favorite English. Scotch, ami Irish Melodies, arranged for the Voice, Violin, Pint", Nc —2 vols. price §4. The Masuni Minstrel, a selection of Mason ic, Sentimental, and Humorous Songs, Duetts, Glees, Canons, Lc. sol to Music, with an appen dix contaiiuog !l short historical account of Ma sonry—l vol B vo price go. The Melodist a favri(e c Election, arranged for the Voice, Flute *>i V.*>lin—Jj2 25 A selection of cltiie -Soi'.g.,, with an Essay on Song Writing, by Dr Ail-in. For sale by THOS. Li'NiWOimi, fob 2 28 Johnston's sena e. Piano Fortes. QTkjHE subseiieer ; s opening and has for sales ol Piano Fortes all of which is warranted to be equal to any ever of fered ftn sale in this city, and will be sold low on application to J VV MORRELL, feh 5 . 30 ('Hutch Huihhnn. Found A “Quieter cask ol Wine, on Rice’s wharf, supposed to have been left through mistake. Tiie owner or owners ca.: ‘'iwe the same by pa> i ig.tb expenses. Apply to the printer. b 7 32 Office Receir r of Tux Re turns. r <IE subscriber ts t> w ready to receive the j Ii -.'u 11s ol 1822—his olfice is in the Kx cliar- west end, where the Post-Office was 1 fbruwrly kept. ADAM COFK.ji tb cv, 1 feb 7 s Spring Goods. the late arrivals from Liverpool, James Dickson Cos. Have received their supplies ot the most sea sonable articles of DRY GOODS and HARD WARE, which they offer by wholesale on the most reasonable terms FRANCIS J. LAY, VEllSj'tst received by brig Hope, captain CRi Cliamplin—and for sale Cologne Water Coburg Stiffners Fancv Soaps S H P I.ees New “London Billious Lills, di rect from Lees Dispensatory. —AMO — Doct PE Branding Anti Rheumatic Salve, for the rheumatics, tooth ach &c which is wor thy the attention of any one afflicted with these complaints. On hand, Lynch and Clark’s superior Soda Powders do do Congress Water Put up in the most pertect state by the doz or single bottle. English Powders Henry’s Calcined Magnesia Sic At his Druggand Chemical ware house, cor ner of Congress and Whitaker-strents, Shadd’s buildings . ‘ ’ jan 17 PETER DREGE, Three doors south of the City Hotel, FIWIANKS ,ns frienus and the public in gener- I al for tlie large support he has received in this city since he commenced business. He takes tilis opportunity to offe. 105 P ACK AGES Just received from England and the north, of the mom fasph • ab l ’ HATS AND CLOTHING, CHEAPF.iI THAN EVI.II. Extra superfine boys’ Waterloo Coats, full silk trimmings, at the low rate of jt,ls Fine and extra fine black Dress Coats, from §l6 upwards . Extra blue Saxony tie §2O, and upwards Extra li,,e and superfine double mill’ll lashiolia ble Pantaloons, of all colors, from tto 12 First rate g id lemen’s fine white linen Shirts, from §1 75 to 4 French Eiorehtii e Waistcoats. §>’J Extra “quality do. new pattern, §> Clue and other tuio.s Surf .-tits, §l2 0 towards Extra line • uteri 10 Coats, full trimui’d with silk ))22 ( ent'emen’s knit Drawers, from 63 j cts. to §2 Morin.* do. Shirts, from §1 to 1 j Superfine lamb’s wool Socks 3 pair for gt Little boy.’ Gn at Coat- ul :ni colors, §JJ Missies’ Felices from £4 to ti scat hr, c .iors Feanu-oglit Great Coats. §ss and upwards Warranted extra fine Watt r picol It.’ n g 8 Imitation Leavers, §3 Roy’s gli liitie, black, buff and White fashionable Waist coats Large size silk Umbrellas, f;nn> §34 to “j F.xtra large size tartan plaid Cloaks, with two capes Gentlemen’s silk Stockings nt glj Ladies” and genttenv-r.V patent elastic silk Stockings a. gfi per pan Cases fine and extra fine Irish Linen, from 25 to 87 j cents Cassunt re Pantaloons at §8 —A 1.90 — A great quantity of NEGRO i LOTTING, Consisting of Jackets and Trowscrs, from §4} to 6 a suit Superfine gentlemen’s Heaver Gloves, 75 cts. nov 30 22 Just Received, Per “bin Blucher , from Liverpool, \ few packages of Holland'and Imperial Tapes (Super round and patent Bobbin Loudon Quality and Shoe Binding, assorted c-. •iors Biack cotton Ferret White, blue, diamond and striped Bed Lace White Cotton Fringe Seal-let Worsted do Cambric Wires, Shirt do. and Moulds. Which will be .sold low, and on a commodating terms, by JOSHUA MILNE, jan2*4 20 ronpr Berk, SScef, Shot flje. 106 ‘ bis prime Pork, 25 do Mess do 14 <to Mess beet'. 37 do prime do 23 hi b’-li. Fly Market do 10 casks Shot assorted size, 38 bbls Gin 230 bbls superfine F -ur, 20 do boat Sugar 39 firkins prime Goshen Butter 50 boxes Soap, 40 do Candles 1 Marble Chimney piece 2 elegant Gigs with Harness, complete 160 casks Conn Stone Lime 50 kegs Rii-limond Tobacco, for sale by j-m 30 25 C C GRISWOLD & Cos The subscribers offer for sale, 1 caseCreas Linen 1 do flag silk Mdkfs 2 do double and single barrel Guns 3 do Rose, lairender and Cologne Water 4 hhds Flasks, SUO lb Sewing Twine 3, 63 7 j and 10 inch Cubles 4-4 lngraintd Carpeting BLANCHARD BROTHERS & Cos feb 5 3t Jtnderson's Buildings on the Uari. English and Classical School. JT JORDAN respectfully proposes to the citizens of Savannah, aid its vicinity, to open a School, as soon as sufficient encourage ment may offer tor the tuition of pupils, in the various branches, of Arithmetic, Re-Tog, tVi-i ----thigi English Grammar, Geography, tatio, and • Ruiiimpiirs ofthe Greek Language, at the fol lowing reduced prices. Writing, keadiog, and Arithmetic g 5 perqr English Graniin.n-. Geography. &c. §6 do and. Latin, Greek, E (.i-anim.,: 1 , §7 dodo. *;• ) pledges himself that every attention shall bej paid to the advancement of the morals, as well as other education of his pupils; and tliar i, e v.;i| use I,is utmo.s* endeavours to give general satis faction to hose who may honour him with their patronage As he is an entire stronger in Sa vannah, and his arrival here merel tor tuitions, (he can give no external pledges of the rectitude ;of his character, but hopes that he has within i him, what may entitle him ‘oAhe good opinions ! fb ail, who become thoroughly acquainted w*.h bis principles. These who are pleased to honour him with their patronage, mav find him at Mrs. Batty’t Uoardiug House, Johnston’s Square. Jan 22 18 je Samuel Stodder. Taylors Wharf —Das tor Sale Landing from Schr. Fairy. 105 Kegs Spiced Salmon for families 10 Barrels Pickled Salmon In Store 6 Puncheons high 4th proof London Jamaica Rum 10 Hhds 3d & 4th proof St Croix Rum 20 Barrels 4th proof Imitation jama, do 20 qr. Casks Sweet Malaga Wine 10 do Dry do do 35 Barrels Jenckes Gin 20 and > Cherry Brandy 10 do Cinnamon ZJ Rose Cordials 142 bids Richmond & Philadelphia super fine Flour 50 Boxes Bunch Muscatell Raisins 50 do Not Chocolate 25 Barrels No 3 Mackerel 20 half do No 2 do 30 bbls No 1 Beef , 20 do prime do Also, Fords playing Cards, by the grnce or dozen. feb 8 c 33 The Subscriber Has just reeeined, and offers for Sale, 20 boxes Parmelee’s superfine mould Candies 18 boxes Soap 5 kegs cavendish Tobacco 10 do Goshen llmter . A few dozen superior Brown Stout ALSO, 30 casks Lime sold low if taken soon, BKNJ R SMITH, Brick buildings, Jones's lo wer -wharf. feb 9 l* 34 Seed Oats, a Few hundred bushel* heavy OATS, land .Ti ing from schr. Washington, and for sale in lots to suit purchasers by PALMES k ROE, feb 9 c 34 ‘Exchange Dock. N. E. Rum, Landing froir. Stlio. tier General Hawes, ’ 50 l>bis V E Run,- For sale by f fc! , .j c 34 TAFT A SIBLEYS. .iust Received, An,Hof salt b. s MANTLN, Rice’s wharf. 10 kegs Coloring. fcbO ‘ Si __ bhiire Moulds, i*ork, Gift tpi. Lauding from ship Corsair, 3’ - * - it,’ VlOulda 50 b, Is vin e Dork 7. and Union Gm In Store, 6’ ‘ bbls prime l’ork, 26 do Mess do 15 vlo mess Beef 47 d*> prune do 20 do Loaf Sugar, 50 boxes Soap 50 boxes Cano cp S3 ) nbis super fir e Flour 39 firkins prime Goshen Butter 15 casks shut, veil asFir‘ed 40 hi” bbls fly ir.’-ket beef 8 bbs Cherry Brandy 3 marble Chimney Pieces 161 casks C0ii..,,-licut Stone Lime 50 kegs manufactured Tobacco 2 elegant Gigs at !•’ Denstcrs, for sale bv jan 16 C GRIS WOLD & Cos TV Side. ( SO Bbls pi bit Bread 30 do fiosU-rf Crackers “ 111 do n-.esßeef 30 do No l sKck<-ael 300 Bushels Irish Potatoes 4; qts C.-dfiah Super quality Onions oy the barrel of bunch Butter in half barrels, Tubs or Eegs 15 bbis fall str- ni’d Lamp Oil £0 boxes .sperm Candles No 4 5 & 6 10 do Soap 10 bbD “’•’rair Oil Cider by the nu-rel Vinegar do Apples do 2 hl.ds Whiting Leaf Tobacco u\ the cwt orhhd. —ALSO,- 1 Trunk of Gentlemens Fine Hoots very low by IS LA R. GIFFORD ZJ Cos. jan 17 i> 14 Telfair's Wharf. Just Received. 10 puncheons Jamaica *va-.n, imported direct 25 hhds N E Rim, and 50 bbls do 20 qr casks Malag 1 W'ine 30 bagv Coflfee— n0 boxes Soap 50 boxys Candles—l- chests Hyson Tea 100 do Windsor Soap —ALSO— 2 bales blue Plains 1 case Choppa Koir.als 1 bale Uroati Cloths 1 do Cassimcres. fancy colors 1 do Bordered handkerchiefs 1 bide Russia Sheeting 1 do \ irginia Kerseymeres For sale on accommodating terms, by J. B. HERBERT & CO. Jan 21 18 Flour, Gin t\c. l’ O Bbls Superlin, Din lad F our 40 do Richmond City mills do 47 do Phelps Rye Gin 30 do prime Beef * Lauding aid Sir Sale by SAMUEL STODDER, jan 24 c “10 Taylor's II harf Butter , Chocolate , c^c. 10 Firkins trash Goshen Butter ”5 boxes Chocolate Bakers brand No. 1 said to be of a very superior quality 4 boxes do Dopliams Brand No 1 2 boxes Catsup 3 do Mustard 3 hrif barrels Mutton Hams 2 barrels Connecticut mess Shad. Lauding from the Ship Corsair, and foi sa e low if taken from the W ii-arf. AUGUSTUS CORNWALL, j.m 18 15 Salmon Cffc. Landing from Brig Sereno Zi Sloop Rapid, 15 bbls Fai non 75 krgs Pickled do 6 hhds pure Jamaica if-ini 5 do St. Croix do 100 boxes ZJ half do No 1 Chocolate 25 half 2? M ACKEREL, For sale by SAMUEL STODDER. jan 12 slO Taylors Wharf. For Providence R. I. rtfH regular Packet Schr. General Jjgyg Hawes,” J. Paine master, will sail on the I3ih inst. for freight or Passage—Apply to S. MAN TON. It ices Wharf. Who has for Sale Landing from said Schoon er. 50 Barrels Masons Best Rye Gin 20 do Ale 30,0t0 Spanish Segars 20 Boxes Mould Candles 5 Casks Cheese. feb 8 33 _ For Liverpool. The staunch and well known brig FAVORITE, capt Williams war ts on ly 100 bales to complete her cargo, and wil! sail the 15th Feb. For freight, apply on board or to jan 30 250 MITCHELL & BARTLETT. For Greenock. The copper fasten! ship HARRIET, fefv. fS Capt Reed, has half her cargo engaged. For freight, apply on board or to jan 10 8i MITCHELL & BARTLETT. For Havre > £.j3Jr The remakablv fine coppered British ship WESTMORELAND, Win. Smith, master, has o-4ths of her cargo now goingou beard, and will be despatched early. For freight of 200 bales, apply to Capt. Smith on board at Frazer’s wharf, or to WILLIAM JENNEII master nor consignee will be ac countable for any debt contracted by the crew, jan 23 19 For New-York, The ast s:,l >ing packet ship GAR UUkt ONNE, Mott, master, wiil meet with no delay For freight of Cotton on deck or passage, apply to jan 20 24 JOHN lATHROP & Cos. For Charleston, THE Re S"hir Packet Sloop RAPID, Jfcg;,®'? Perry, master, w ill meet with despatch For freight or passage, having superior accom modations Apply to tlie master on board at the Exchange Wharf or to feb 4 c 29 ISAAC COHEN. For Liverpool. 300 bales Cotton art: u anted to fill the Ship Commerce, Thus,, mas ter, Liverpool— Ap, ly to feb 4 2k JOHN LATHROP ZJ Cos. For Nerc-York. £>psr THE Regular Packet tship CFneral aLdWSir CARRINGTON, T. Wood, master, will meet with dispatch,— For freight of Cot ton on deck or passage—Apnly*to capt. \V. on board at Jones’ Upper Wharf, or to feb 4 29 HALL Zj HOYT. For Baltimore. HE regular packet sloop PACKET, NrelLr W Beebe master, will sail on Sunday next, wind and weather permitting For freight of 50 bales Cotton, or passage, having good accommodations apply on board at Jones’ upper wharf, or to ‘ HALL Si HOYT, feb 6 31 For Charleston. Jbh ' T,,e regular packet sloop MARY Aa&fa:. Brown, master, will meet with dispatch. For passage, having good accommodations, ap ply to tlie master ou board, at Exchange wharf, ort-o ISAAC COHEN, feb 6 ‘ 3lc Fassage for New-Orleans: 2 or 3 passengers ca,, be handsomely accommodated on board the brig ORI ON, to sail I omorrow 7th inst. wind and weath er permitting. For terms, apply to the master on board, or to ISAAC COIIEN. feb 6 51 n For Sale. THE Schooner ECHO, burthen 107 Sfiftff 23-95 Tons. Can be sent to Sea at a .trifling Expence—For terms, Apply to RICHARDS !k BANKS, feb 6 §c3l Boltons Central It harf 200 bales are watted to till the fine new ship Lycurgus, for Liverpool, to sail in three or four days feb 4 MITCHELL & BARTLETT. Freight for New-York. C3*Vessels bound to New- York can have Cotton on Freight by applying to SAMUEL WRIGHT, jan 24 20 New-Orleans Sugar. 40 Hhus prime New-Orleaus Sugar, For fcaie bv jan 25 21 HALL & HOYT. Whiskey and Gin. 2tio bbls \\ hiskey 20 pipes aiv.i hhils Smithfield Gin Just received and for sale by jan 31 BAKER &. MINTON. Landing, From ship Caroline, and for sale on the wharf 10 pipes Country Gin 6 bbls Mess Beef 6 do prime do MOSES W. MORG \N, Corner of .Mark et-sq. and •’ t. Julian-sf. jan 30 25c N. 0. Rum, Whiskey, &jc. The cargo of the brig Fame—Consisting of 600 bbls N O YVhiskey 1-0 kegs Kentucky Lard 10 hhds 4th proof N ORum For sale by E WILLIAMS 81 Cos. jan 12 10 Landing from Brig Chatham. 350 Casks Thoir.astown Lime 100 M. Lath 4 pipes pure Scheidam Gin For Sale by S. B. I’ARKMAN, Jan 24 c2O Hunter's Wharf Com Afloat 1000 bushels prime new cc rn, for sale by feb 6 3li PALMES &. ROE- •TVLTPER Sc WOOLDRIDGE, jl. Johnston sguai-'e Offler for sale at Reduct and prices, Fresh IJrandv fruits, Olives and Capers A general assortment of old Cigars Superior Liquor cases ‘leas, Coffee, Loaf and brown Sugal - Sperm and Tallow Candies Richmond superfine Flour Haif bbls Buckwheat Flour ! London Porter, bottled Cider Kegs Cracker?, do vrhtte Lead Sic feb 6 31,1 1 ■■■- ■ “ ‘ “ ‘■•*— M Molasses fij Cider .Brandy. iG hhds prime retailing molasses new ertp, 35 bbls Cider Brandy 10 do Super fine Flour 100 Bags Pepper—Far Sale by feb 5 i3O DEL A MATE it HST A lIP,. Dills on New*York. l-’or sale by C C-G Ills WOLD. jan 23 19 Dills on Boston, For sale by jan 7 5e MITCHELL & BARTLETT. Drafts On Boston and Philadelphia. ’ At short sight, in sums tp suit purchasers, („; sale by JOHNSTON Si HILLS, an 24 o 20 Vestings, 1 bale Valencia, Toilinett and Fancy Vest, ings, just received from Boston, and for ss> i JV Jan 29 24 _ E WILLIAMS ft Cos. ’ Taper Hangings. AN assortment of elegant Paper Barging*, ’ j and fine Board Paper, just received ai.J forsak by THOS LONGWOh l 11, jan 15 12 Johnson square. Family Flour. 200 bbls lie ward-street snpeifiiie flour, t'-esli ground, and suitable for families, for s.le by DANL- CARNF.V, jy, jan 17 14s Hunter's buildings, ~~ P - -i . _ —■* “ # Whiskey. 75 barrels Whiskey Landing from brig Levant, for sa'u by L. 11. SAGE Si Cos. ,/un 21 18 Whiskey Apple Brandy. 30 barrels of superior quality, received and wilt be sold low.—Appiv to DANIEL CARNEY Jr. Jan 21 hlB Cut Nails. ONE Hundred aid fifty Casks Cut Nails ard Brads, assorted, —Landing from Brig Chat ham, —For Sale by jan 24 20 E. WILLIAMS SJ Cos. A Situation Wanted. BY a young man, either in a Counting house or respectable Dry Goods Sture, Satisfac tory reference can be given, Enquire at tint t’tfice. ~ feb 1 :7 Pork. 40 Bids mess 50 do Prime $ 1 ork U From Ship Garonne ard for Sale by feb. i 27 i L. H. SAGE & Cos. Negroes for Sale. SIX women ua<J two men, prime field hands Apply to feb 1 c 27 GEORGE RttllLF.Y. Corn Afloat , fJTIF. cargo of Mary ix Hannah lying al Rices 3. VV hart", for safe by jan 16 13 L. H. SAGE U Cos. 1 —- ITimc Cotton Land. f|’*TVO hundred acres Prime Cotton LANP, 1. near White Bluff Meeting- house—for sale by GARDNER TUFTS, jan 10 inß Lin seen Oil. 14 Bbls pure Linseed Oil Just received” and for Sa'e by Jan. 24 20 E. WILLIAMS & Cos. I Loaf and Lump Sugar. . J IFTY bbls for sale by I 2 J MEIGS, j jan 24 2C4d Bulloch's buildings. _ I Fresh Goslien Butter. Just rec’d per brig Hope, Capt. Champlin, I Ten 100 lb kegs Goshen Butter, which will I be sold low, by FRANCIS J LAY. I jan 17 Comer of Congress Zi Whitaker sl. I Slone Lime , Landing from ship Corsair, I 150 casks, which will be sold low, il I from the wharf. Appiv to I jan 17 14sj JOHN B. CKEEMKR. ■ Ale. 1 5 bbls Top,pin’s Lxusingtiurg Aleofa*P e I rior quality, landing from shi Garonne* SI, “ u ■ side cheap by AUGUSTUS CORN WAL- ■ jan 30 25 I William Inglis & Cos. I nrt ‘-VE received by the ship BLU( d i! I Wi Liverpool, an assoitment ol ■ MUSLIN ROBES, flounces and tlimn "" e ;y I some of which are very elegant, also, a ‘ -■ of other seasonable goods. I jan 23 dl9 _ I Yaluable Lot. . I For sale—the lot No 4, fifstt ;.‘ th l ing. Reynolds ward, on the tlie improvements thereon; a capitah* realize a handsome merest from the rc ’ H property would yield. Apt ly to „ H jan 17 14n t 1 Wm JFffiLCPbgl ■ JOB PRINTING I Neatly executed at the Museum op<* B