The Savannah museum. (Savannah, Ga.) 182?-1822, February 12, 1822, Image 1

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THE SAVANNAH MUSEUM. ironsued daily by'.cosam EMIR BARTLEY Flour , Oil 6jc. ”00 bb Is superfine Howard Street Flour *l3 bbls Linseed Oil 5J Firkins Goshen Butter 100 Boxes Muscatel Raisins jOO Kegs white Lead ground in Oil J jo do blaok Paint 3 do Spanish Brown 2 bbls Putty ‘ Landing and for sale by jan 4 3 S HALL fc HOYT. flettrborn’s Patent Hal trices, .\u all sizes, constantly for sale by V an sizes, TC HAYWARD. nov 1 5 dm The store recently occupied by the subscribers in Bulloch’s buildings. Ap- MITCHELL Sc BARTLETT, ‘; an 4 e 3 Jones’ Building. Pork, die, Hay , Sjc. f ADDING from brig Hope, at Taylor’s whf. j 53 bbls prime Pork 31 do mess do 20 do do Beef 20 half bbls Fly-market Beef 58 bundles Hay, 52 bbls Apples 54 bbls Ale, first quality 160 casks Connecticut stone Lime vr sate by C. C. GItISWOLD & Cos. jan 9 t Jo PLffiters. iIE Subscriber has on hand & will continue IE keep a constair Supply of MFLouit, conv # puufmo.ys. Ifkli a general Assortment of such articles as Be required for Planters. The Goods will be Bil at Savannah prices, and Produce taken in Byment —He Solicits the Patronage of those ■inters in the vicinity of St. Mary’s. I In Store, I 2000 Bushels Prime Flint Corn, ■ 300 bbls Superfine Flour, Hili a general assortment of Dry Goods, Ilard- Breand Groceries. I GEO. W. MARTIN. ■..lfcryit, .V*w. 17. 17 I Douglass & Sorrel , ■iWE for sale —Sow Maryland while flint H Corn ■IOO barrels prime M iscovado Sugar ■lO hltls do N O do H 14 bbls Loaf Sugar at Low prices ■ 10 pipes Colmenar Wine ■ A lew hhds of prime Havana green Coffee Hlibls Howard street flour, selected for fam- E ily use ■ 120 do Baltimore Bye Wluskey ■ 6 tons Bar Iron ■ Hollow Ware I Spanish Segura leral very handsome Oil Cloth Carpets, dif i ferent* sizes | Spanish Tobacco, he. h 44 dec 28 “CAUTION. lIIE public are hereby cautioned not to I trade,for a note of hand for ninety Dollars ■interest, dated 20th June 1821, by John wm, and payable six months after date to iidge and Sikes, or bearer—Also, one note Pul for twenty one Dollars and interest, da- BMI June 1821,1 signed by James II Con 1, and payable on or before the Ist day of ft 1821, to Coo'idge an t Sikes or bearer.— ■ said notes having been stolen from the Icriber on the night of the Ist Dec. 1821. I JAMES H. NlitfMAN. ft 12 wnf 10 Stone Cutting. ■OORF. h. LYMAN, return thei r sincere ft- thanks to those who have encouraged the public in general, that they have B'ed from the North, a large assortment, B'-'him to their former stock— Biding Stone, Flagging, do. do Door Steps Be Places, &c. •—a large and elegant assortment of Mar- Monuments, ■J 'mb Tables HMruve Stones, ■icartl. stones, fee. Superior quality, which they offer for sale tnrms and at the sl.on.egt notice, Bishop in ISuil-st. orders will be thankfully received and ■P’Jy attended to. B - 10 wa+ ■ Look ing-G las ses. K offers for sale at his Fur repository (Church buildings,) an assortment of Mantle and l’ier Glus ■ ~ ,e ■•‘test fashions. B” dill be received for Glasses and for- B l ° tl,e manufacturer at New-York. I BUY goods. has just received per Ship I"? * Ldw l from New York, a fresh 1 0Tseasonable Dry F.oods, I Juiong ivhich are, H ft super queens mixture Casimeres ‘emens Cravats E*! ? ,a handkerchiefs Meriao Dresses liai2e ■ tiOTelf SUpe ‘ ; IJufi ' & ‘ Drab Buckskin w as „ AI.SO, tn3 ° W pilced Ch ‘P Wats E'w* ‘ ll be ,ow f°'’ Cash, at No. ■■jominerceßow. F. L. SHAY. ■ Spring ~ luclt rsl r e . just leceive(l by the H 1 varin/Tf 011 " 1 ’ ‘' eCe,,t arrival:i ' ‘ , oin J) nf G()od% Mm ,m S th n - JUar< * ll ' e ships Emily and B ■Jr o rlm l ; ,r . Way f,mn tsngianil will H ‘dent not only complete, but ■'* NI>UEW LOW & CO. s r r “ ,t ' u “ flagging, Porter, ■ y) m ° fGl^ and China. Frederic Sellcek, HAS just received and offers for sale, Low for cash, produce, or town paper only, 30 bbls prime Muscovado Sugar SO do Howard st Balt superfine Flour 20 do Rye Whiskey 20 do No 3 Mackerel 10 do N Gin 5 hlids Rye Whiskey 2 hhds imitation Jamaica ltum 15 bags prime Havana Coffee 1000 bush, l.iverp. Ground Salt 5 tons Swedes Iron assorted 5 do Hollow Ware, Eng. and American 30 ps Cotton Bagging 10 casks Cheese 1000 pounds Share Moulds * 40 small boxes No 1 Soap 40 doz Carolina Weeding Hoes 100 reams Wrapping Paper 16 doz American Axes 20 kegs Dupont’s Powder ✓ Shot assorted 1500 wt prime new Bacon, saltpetred ltrown Shirting, Piaids and Stripes Plains, Calico, Shoes, Hats And almost every article suitable tor town or country. Jlent —a large anil convenient Store and Cellar fronting Barnard street, in C Gil Jon’s new brics. Building, rent very Low. BILLS OF EXCHANGE, On New York and Providence, for sale as a buve. 35 dec 17 Flays. THOMAS LONG WORTH HAS just received an extensive assortment of SINGLE PLAYS, making lus present collection of Tragedies, Comedies. Operas, Me lo-Dramas, Farces, &c equal to any in America, among which are the following new ones : Miranthla, a Tragedy, by Barry Cornwall— price 374 cts. Damon 6’ Pythias, a Tragedy, by Richard- Shiel, Esq. author of the “Apostate,”—2s cts. The Forest of Rozenumhle, or Travellers Be nighted, a Melo-Drama, by J. Stokes—l 9 cts. The Warlock of the Glen, a Melo-Drama—l2 cents. Tiie Lady an lithe Devil, a Musical Drama, by W. Dimcnd—l9 cents. The Promissory jVole, an Operatta—l24 cts. dec 18 36 - New Goods. JOSEPH EOFMJJf, gfj Johnston's Square, 11 AS received by the latest arrivals Extra fine and 2d qualit- Bombazines Figured French Crape Dresses do Nankin do do M erino Mantles. 3.4., 4.4 and 8-4 Merino Shawls Plain and silk I idkfs, for Turbans \\ bite and black Crapes I‘iaid Ribbons Gentleman's silk Cravats Super French cloths and Cassimeres do Shepherds blue and oik do Blue ball Twist lie tie. Which with an extensive assortment ofSta. pie aud Fancy Goods, are offered oil accommo dating t erms t wholesale or retail. N. 15. The remaining stock of white St mix’d Plains, will be disposed of as cheap as any in market. 4 jan .5 For Sale , a great bargain. I.WVF hund ed and seventy-seven acres oaK and hickory funds, about 36 msies from sa-1 vannaii, on which there is a good dwelling house and other necessary out buildings, the above land joins the river and F.benezer creek. AI.SO, ‘5 prime field hands will be sold with the a bove property. Persons”wishing to purchase, will please call t*n .1 B HERBERT & Cos. Jan 8 6 To Lent. •Andpossession given immediately. @'t'HAT eleganttbree siory brick tene ment Dwelling house and Store,corner ofßarnard-st. and Bay Lane, the Dwelling-house contains seven large and spacious rooms, Cellar Kitchen &c, the store is large, and an txcellent stand for any kind of business, the rent will be very moderate until the first of Nov n£xt. Also—a Brick Dwelling House ill Bryan-st. containing live rooms and Cellar Kitchen, new, and in complete order. Also—a Dwelling Mouse and Store, corner of Jefferson and St Julian-st a good stand fora Grocery Store, rent low, apply to jan 14 11 FREDERIC Paper, Pork, oflee, d*c. Landing, 4 cases, containing common, superfine hot pressed Letter Paper, Foolscap, and Folio Post Writing Paper, 3 tons sand Sheathing do 1 case account Books. 1 do Quills 20 bids No 1 and Miss Pork 20 bags prime green Coffee 100 boxes Soap anil Candies 50 bbisNo 1 and 2 Mackerel 2 tons Cordage 6 pipes pure Holland Gin For sale by ROBERT S GOFF, jan 15 12 Exchange -wharf. State & County Taxes for IH2I A] Jl : E subscriber informs the citizens ofChat •A tam county, that he is prepared ‘o receive the State and County Taxes for 1821 ; which are to be paid in Bills receivable at the Banks in this city, on or before the 16th of February next; after that day executions will be issued against all defaulters His Office is kept at the northwest corner of Market square. Office hours from 10 to 2o’ clock. JAMES FPPINGER. Tax Collector, Chatham County. jan 16 §wal3 Corn Afloat, 20.000 bushels white Maryland corn afloat, For sale by JOHN LATIIROP & Cos. jan 4 3s Cognac Brandy and Jamaica Burn. 15 pipes superior 4th proof Cognac Brandy 11 lilids do do Jamaica Rum For sale by jan 31 BAKER K MINTON. TUESDAY MORNING—FEBRUARY 12, 1822. Seasonable Dry Goods, r A Cheap for casket! ! ii 1113 subscriber has for sails at his Ware boom, No 7, Commerce ROw\-;.sm assortment of the following Goods, which iwere purchased iivNew-York at auction by tJiie package on the best terms, and which he Will dispose of at a small advance: Extra superfine London Clotas, blues, blacks and drabs -Middling do do Extra sup. Cassimeres, drab mixtures, white Rial buff [lilies . 4-4 Irish IJiv ns in half nieces of various qua -- Dowlas, 7-8 Drogheoas, and 3-4 Long LSwns, lb qualities 8- 94, 10-4. IL4 and 1-4 Hose Blankets Blue Plains,Nestings,and Wire Cotton Irish Draper Plain, pearl edge, striped, embroidered and pound Ribbons Floss Cotton . ’ Glass, Ivory, gilt and suspender Buttons Black and white plait and embroidered silk / * Hose, t?iik yjqv , Cotton and silk V ebb us.-.t riders Velvet Ribbons, G> igliams aod Calicoes Book Mus ms, Scotch Lawns Inserting Trimmings Blue, pink and grr 0 figured Silk Gauze White and black l.ace. Veils Imitation Merino and Dresses Elegant striped Siiks Cravats, worsted Trimmings, fancy Lace Ilkfs Sjstersoy Hkfs Sooty Hounds S riped Lenos, - Figured Book Muslins Britannia lfkfs, Linen Cambric do Purple Shawls, Carlisle Ginghams Needle Work Ruffles, Ac. he. ALSO 6 bbls of Cherry Brandy 6 do Columbian Coffee, ami 4 patent Balance Beams and Weights com plete. The subscriber’s arrangements will enable him ’it receive from New-V oi k by every arrival, such other articles in the Dry Good line as the market may need. dec 5 n—stf 26 FRANCIS L SHAY. Ma hoga ny Turn itu re , Piano Fortes, Curled Hair .Matrasses Feather Chairs, <sj*c. rgl'lF, subscriber agent for the well known ? Factory <f f> PHY IE, m the city of Neiv- York, respect fully informs the citizens of Sa vannah. that he I as brought to this city a large &. full assortment t CAIIINT. i’ FURNITURE, consisting oft lie following articles : s'ule Boards, with and without Liquor Cases Sets of Oi ilig Tables, single do Suf-sanil Couches, Rosewood and Mahogany Pier Tai'les, with marble tops, Card Tables ‘Pea Tables Breakfast. Fables, Dressing Ta bles, with a it without glasses Rosewood and Sahogany Work Tables do do \t riling do -etrctaries, Book Cases, Bureaus Don!lit anil single Wash Stands, iVard Robes Bi in rs’Travs aid Stand;., Piano Stools M osic Book Cases, Mahogany Chairs Curled Maple do, I lose wood do. High post Rosewood Bedseads, Fieldfdo do do Mahogany do. Field do. do do Curled Maple do field do Dressing Glasses, of every description Piano Fortes, the newest Music, Sic. Double and single curled Ini Matrasses do do feather Beds oh he best quality A large assortment of Chairs. 1 All the above articles will be .. arranted to stand the climate, and the subscribe, invites the public generally to call and view fort ‘eniselves at bis Repository, Church Buildings, opposite Gihhons ’ Buildings. j. W. MORRALL. N B The subscriber lias brought out one of the best workmen, and will attend tothose who wish their Furniture repaired or varnished, nov 12 6 The American Gardener. < kR, a Treat sc on “ e situation, soil, fencing / and la ingottt of Gardens, or the making and managing Hot Beds and green houses, and on the pierugation and cultivation of the seve ral sorts of Vegetables, Herbs, Fruits and Flow; era, by Wm. Cobbett, nrice jgl. PRACTICAL, THE AMERICAN GARDENER, exhibiting the time for eve; y kii~’ of work in the Kitchen Garden, Fruit Gulden, Orchard,Nursery, Shrub ion, Pleasure ground, !■ lower garden. Hop yard, hot house, anil Grape Vines, for every month in he i ear §1 25 THE FARMER’S MANUEL. Being a plain practical treatise on the art of Husbandry,, designed to promote an acquaint ance with the modern improvements in agricul ture gardening, and the management of Bees, Frederick Butler, price 75 ecu's A view of the cultivation of FRUIT TREES, illustrated by cuts of two hundrt ■ t kinds of fruits of thenalur I size, by Wm. Coxe Esq. go. An epitome of Foisytli’s treatise on the cul tivation and management of Fruit Trees, §2. PEILOLOGIA or the philosophy of Agri culture and Gardening, bv Erasmus Darwin, M. D F U S g i 50 For sale by TIIOS LONG WORTH, jan 12 :0 Johnson's square. Music School , MISS VICTOIItO BOUDET, a native of this city Tutiess ut the Piano Forte, of the Harp and singing in the various stiles of the French and Italion Bravuras has the honor to inform her friends and the public that she will teach the above branches as soon as sufficient encouragement will offer. Particulars to appear In the next advertise ment. jan 7 5 Cut Nails. 55 casks Cut Nails, assorted sizes, landing from schr Phoebe, For sale by ,an 14 11 E WILLIAMS & Cos. Prime Green Coffee, §c. 20 bags green Havana Coffee 70 bbls Rye Whiskey 50 do refined Sugar 40 bundles Hay—landing from ship Gar onne, and for sale by jan 29 24 JOHN LATIIROP &Cos Drug Sj Chemical Warehouse, ilt the Corner of <1 in taker and Congress streets, Shad’s Buildings. FRANCIS J. LAY, OFFERS JIT WHOLESALE OR RETAIL, Genuine Drugs, ‘Medicines, Perfumery, etc. IV AIIRANTED Fresh, and of tlia first qua , T htv, at the Lowest prices. Amongst which are 4 ntimony crude Rhubarb root* A Icohol do powdered Aloes soct. do hepat Red Percipifale’ Arrowroot, Annisseed Rose water, Rosin’ Assafetida, Alum Rust of Iron Ange lica root Gum elastic, Spatulas Angostura bark Seales and Weights Aquafortis Marble mortars Antimonial vine! Composition do Iron do Arsenic Ivory rejection pipes Acid muriatic, do nitric do syringes do nitrous, do tariaric Syringin quarts in boss do sulphuric do pints, do 4 pints Hark yellow, do red do male and female dp pale, do in quill Congress fc. spring watr balls Capeva Lemon acid do Canada, do Peru Soda powders do Tolu Salts of Lemon Barbados tar Cologne water Borax refid Wash balls Burgundy Pitch Windsor soap Bole Armenia Transparent do Beeswax yellow Liquid do do white ’Lowsperfumed do Brimstone roll Naples do | do ref‘d Pomatum in sticks faster Oil American do in pots assorted do do IV India Rosewater Castor Russia Lavender do Camphor refnl Fancy vials Calomel ppt Essences ass’d Canthnrides, do pulv Sal Ammoniac Cammomile flowers do Volatile Caneiia alh. do soda Caraway seed do Rochelle Cardamon shed do Tarter C&scarilla bark do Epsom Cassia, Cinnamon do Glauber Castile soap white do Niter refined do colored Solut Arsenic flours Cloves, Cochineal Spts Ammonia Columbo root, do powil do hartshorn Chalk prepared do Lavender compn’d Coriander seed do Wine ('ream Tartar pulv do eamplior Corrosive sublimate do Nit. Dulc Carmine Sassafras bark Conserve roses Sassaparilla Caustic Lunar , Sponge fine, do course Dragons blood * Saffron Spanish Digitaies do English Dovers powders do American Epsom salts Eng. Savin, senna Alex Ether sulph. Ergot Spermaceti Elder blossoms Snake root Virg Emery fine do sencka, squills do No 1, 2 and 3 Storex, salts hartshorn Elixir pariigoric Sugar Lead do vitriol Syrup squills F.xtract cicuter do simple do gentian, do Lead Tart Emetic, Tapioca Flour sulphur Tinct Aloes compil’d do benzoin do Myrrh, Flaxseed. Fennel do do Valerian Filings steel, do Iron do snake rout Frankincense do Assafastida Glauber salts do Benzoin comp’ll Galls Aleppo do Cantharides Galbanuin, Ginseng do senna Gold Thread do Khuharb Gentian root do bark huxhams Glass Antimony do Peruvian bark Ginger race do Opium, do castor do powdered do Muriat Iron Grains paradise do columbo rout Gum ammoniac do Kino, do Jalap do Senegal do guiar, do Valerian do avabic, do povd do Gentian comp’d do kino, do benzoin Vinegar distilled do tragacanth do squills do guac, do Myrrh Vilerian root do shellac, do Copa Vitriolataled Tartar do mastich Vitriol white, do blue do gamboge do green do scamony Tateut medicine &c Helebore black Batemans drops do white British Oil Hiera Picra I'issence peppermint Honey, do of squills Stoughtons bitters Hoffmans anodyne Godfrey’s cordial Isinglass Steers Opodeldoc Ipecacuanha or hippo Turlingtons balls Jalap, Juniper berries Dalbeys carminative Laudanum Dalis Elixir Liquorice root H'aflem oil or medeca do powdered, do ball mentum do refined Oil Wormseed Lime water, Lead do Pills, Lees New London Magnesia Lump do do V/indhain do powdered do Andersons do small square do Hoopers do calcined do Calomel Manna flake, do sorts do Opium Mezereon, Musk Prussian Blue, 12 & 3 Mustard seed, Mace Fig blue, Kings yellow Nutmegs, Nux vomica Drop Lake, No jL & 2 Opium. Orange peel Flake white, Carmine Oxymel squills Ivory blacic, lamp do Oil pennyroyal Indigo Spanish do turpentine Black Lead, red do do tansey, do olive Litharge do peppermint Terri de senna do spearmint, do savinJCaster Oil, in phials do rosemary Peragoric do do origammn Laudanum do do cinnamon Antimonial wine do do worm seed Tinct Rhubarb do do Lavender do Assafcetida do do wormwood Hals capevia do do arnfis seed Sweet Oil da do juniper SptsLavend, com. do do Cloves do camphor do do almonds, do LemonJ do hartshorn do do bergamot do sweet Niter do do sassafras do Turpentine do do hemlock Calomel do Oil Fenneli| Jalap do do Spruce Tartar Emetic do do Wintergreen ts mottles, do Vitriol Wine bitters Ointment mere Spts hartshorn do Balsicon do Sweet Niter do Cerate do Turpenftne do Simple Sweet Od do Red percipitate castor do do Spanish Flies American and W 1 Pink root, Pearl Ashes Spav.isn wiring Pearl Barley Rotten st( me Powdered tin Pumice do Plaster mercurial Powdered blue do Burgundy pitch Copperas do Adliesive - Vermillion, Chinese no strengthening do Eng. do Drachvlon Verdigris, Irish Glue do gum, do bfisteriDg is vrsL*. Quassia Ess cinnamon do rasp'd Quicksilver do 1 .avender Lemon Clown do do Ewufi’s Lalc’d .Magnesia Bergamott Epsom salts, rhubarb Spring Lancets Peruvian bark Tooth instruments 1 Cheltenham, salts Bougies, Galia pots Henry's calc’d magnetMacaboy sm if Stomachic bitters Liquid blacking Worm Lozenges French do Aromatic 1 ooth paste Black sealing wax Hi nek leys remedy limited wafers, ass’d do the piles Tooth brushes com Fever Powders do silver wii c 3 and* 1 hompson's eye water, rows large and small Cupping and Trepanim* Patent licli ointment instruments Kef’d Liquorice Male ond female silver do in boxes, do com catheters Patent spring Trusses White leather skins common do Eng. mustard by the fi>. Durable Ink ir> canisters Red ink powder Ground Ginger, race do Black do Pillboxes Clove.*-,cinnamon Vial corks, bottle do Balm Quito Wax tapers ClmTches cough drops Nurenbergh do fur coughs,colds,con i’? 1 ® 11 * Lint sumptions, asthmas, I liumb Lancets kctc do common Cephalic snuff, for ca do clewleys tarrhs. Shipmans Garden Seeds, assarted, in boxes. ALSO A general assortment of Surgical Instruments, Shop Furniture, Phials, assorted,from half dram to 8 oz. <8’ c * All those who wish to purchase, will phase call aid examine for themselves. j ; /1 j Paints, Oil, Window Glass, &v. TIIE subscriber keeps constantly for sale, at his store in Whitakei-street, nearly opposite Col. Shellman’s Mansion House, a large and general supply of Paints , Painters’ Articles, Window Class, Varnishes, Oils', Which he offers at wholesale and retail, at tike lowest prices for cash, produce or approved paper—viz. 400 kegs London ground white Lead, in 28, 56, and 112 1b kegs 100 kegs American do 100 do Spanish P.rown 100 do Yellow Ochre 100 do Venetian lied 50 do Black Paint, 20 do Verdigris 500 gallons Linseed Oil, in bbis and tierces 2uo do spermaceti Lamp Oil 100 do Spirits Turpentine 60 do Copal Varnish 50 do Japan do 60 do Rosin do 20 packages Gold anil Silver Leaf 3 tons Whiting, 1 do Paris'White 50 lbs Chrome Yellow, 100 do blue Smalts 200 do Dutch Pink 50 do Chinese Vermillion, 500 do red Lead 300 do powdered Litharge 2 hhils English Lamp Black, in 1 lb 4 lb and j lb papers 30 boxes 10 by 12 English Crown Window 6 do 11 ”16 do do I Glass 6 do 11 ”18 do do ro 6 do 12 ’’ 15 do do do 2 do 12 ”16 do do 4 do 12 ”18 do do ‘ do 4 crates Jo do do 40 boxes 10” 12 French Glass 10 do 7 ” 9 American Glass, branded Bristol 10 do 7” 9 do do Elliott SJ Go. 10 do 8” 10 do do Bristol 10 do 8” 10 do ilo Elliot & Cos. 20 do 8” 10 do do Peterborough 10 do 8” 10 do do Cincinnati 5 do 9 11 do do Bristol 5 do 9” 11 do do Elliot cifr. 40 do 10” 12 do do Briso. 10 do 10 ”12 do do Elliot Ji to. 16 do 10 ”12 do do Peterborough 20 do 10 ”14 do do Elliot &. Cos. 1 do Large Picture Glass Flake White Ochre White Lead, dry Spruce do White Chalk Yellow dopotvd’d Kings Yellow Gamtiago Patent do Carmine ■ Orange Orpiment Prussian blue No. 1 F.nglisc Vermilion Blue Paint Drop Lakes, Pose pink do Verditter Venetian Rfd, dry Powder blue Red Chalk Distilled Verdigris Ivory Mark, Blue do Blue Vitriol Black Lead Pencil do dry Spanish Brown, dry Green Verdi'ter Purple Brown Mineral Green Terra de Sienna French do do do buret Olympian do Turkey Umber Copperas English do| Glue Rotten Stone Pumice Stone Gold Bronze Rosin Copper do Sandpaper Dutch Metal Putty nish Brttshss Paint Brushes assorted Fine Camels Hair Yai - Sash Tools do do J oels White-wash Brushes do do Pencils Scrubbin do Japan Gold size Sweeping! do Oil do do Hearth do Pallet Knives Rust do Gum Copal Clothes do do Shellac Shoe do do Arabic Fine Roman Ochre Sugar of Lead Orders from the country will be thankfu y received and punctually attended to XT „ ... AUGUS rus CORNWALL. N. B. All sorts ot Colors prepared for use, and directions given for using them if required, jan 1 1 Gin, liaisins £je. Just received per schr Gen Hawes, 50 bbls liutenburgh Gin 25 do Clarke’s do 85 boxes Muscatel Raisins sup quality 60 do blootn do 10 bbls Greenings in prime order Tor sale by 45 S .MANTOX No. S'6 V cl. 28 ,