The Savannah museum. (Savannah, Ga.) 182?-1822, February 19, 1822, Image 1

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j B , -sitßa DAILY BY COSAM EMIR BAUTLET. j), ar f, ten’s Patent Balances, .. constantly ibr sale bv |F a ,UI/:es ’ C 7 T C HAYWARD. *r,v\j_ jt I>KT GOODS. -mp enh-criber has just received per Slop i? I ih'i Si Edward from New York, a fresh Jhnong which are , Extra surer queens mixture Casimerea Gentlemens Cravats Bfitunia Handkerchiefe imitation Merino Dresses StemS*super Buff & Drab Buckskin Gloves. ALSO, 1 Case mens low priced Chip Ilats u hHi will be sold low for Cash, at No. 7 Commerce Itow. F. L. SHAY. 2L - Vcw Medicine Ij Seed Store. OEMLEU 5 POSEY, Cormr of Broughton and Jeffei son-streets. Bt SIDES their general assortment ot Drops, offer the following’ PATENT MEDI- LlNKs> viz* Anderson’s Pills, Bateman’s Drops, British 01 Daffv’s Elixir, Thompson’s celebrated Eye fter, Godfrey’s Cordial, Harlem Oil or Med amentum, Henry’s calcined Magnesia, Hut’s torn of Honey, Jesuit’ Drops, tree’s Fibs, Opodeldoc, Pearson’s prepared Charcoal Tooth teller, Well’s do. Dyott’s Restorative Dentil fee, Thompson’s aromatic sooth Paste, Tur jJton’s Balsam, Whitehead’s Essence of Mus tl, Wheaton’s Itch Ointment, Bau son’s do Sjjre’s Grand Elixir, Stoughton’s Bitters. ALSO, Pomatum in pots and sticks. Hair Powder, Rise Snap, Transparent Soup, Wash Bails, Co lope Water, Court Plaster, Ink Powder, Lip Salve, Japan Shoe Blacking, Smelling Bottles, Hippie shells, Breast Pipes, Bougies, Dutch ileal, Fiesh Brushes, Ivory Enema Pipes, Spnng awl Crown Lancets, Phosphorus Match Bottles, Scaies and Weights, Silver Loaf, Sodaic tellers, Spatulas, fin Foil, Trasses, Tooth ln gumuits. Oft,ARDEN SEEDS th y have now on hand, Harrington, refugee, white and liver Beans — folton early frame, marrowfat and green im erial Peas —drumhead, early yorfe, sugarloaf, sIW savoy, flat dutch, red and baitersea aiibage—Asparagus —flat white and early inch Turnip—‘-Cauliflower—Salmon, long striet, and short top Ra fish—dark orange wot—dark blood Beet —white solid Cellery— iiried I’arslev—Endive—round, prickly and olfir.d Spiunage—Cresses —imperial, royal, inly green, large headed and cabbage Lettuce ■ail of which they warrant fresh. ALSO, The following HOOTS —Uanttncules, Ane tones, Tulips, Crocus, Narcissus, and Jo quite. Flower Seeds, Canary Seed, and l-’iower Pols. The fallowing articles ar” tLtily expected, Long, white and blue prussui Pea-—itmgpnd •dwicli, broad Windsor,*gret ii nonpareil, can- 1 tliiiry kidney Beans—fee, tennisba!!, green & Lite cos, silesia,’%!id brown .lutcn Lettuce — : arstiip—Leek—Shallot-- Bazil—Chervil—Hy- Cochiiaria—Marjoram—Balm —Sage Oil Thyme. an 24 fhi 1 Prime Green Coffee, fyc. SO lugs green Havana Codee [0 !>bls Uve Whiskey 30 do refined Sugar 40 bundles Hay—landing from sliip Gar- Ine . and for sale by Jan 29 24 JOH XL A THR,OP if Cos. nHVEN l Y bales Wuiliiaui Cottons at ledu ced prices 10 pipes Holland Gin, Chat bams cargo 15 Oiir.ijohns do Tims Fowler’s do • 8 bbls Sugar, 4 Idols do 2U Dimijolms Cognac Bramlv 7 t ears old 20 bags Almonds, Harris’s Tobacco 40 boxes fresh Muscatel Raisins < ItiO bbls Rye Whiskey A few pieces Cotton Bagging suitable for mending ■ J casks 2d quality Rice, For sale by P B PARKMAN N ian 40 nt9 • Hunters n'hnf. VTI AUIJN l)I : V 1 the Whim Whams and Opinions of J-wmcelot Langstalf', Esq and others. hoc esc hoax, vtn quiz itjokesez, At s muhem, loustem, v.astein folhesez, Pee, fine, Jinn. Psauscnazah. hitli baked, and broiled, nu ftewew.l, and toasted, ! And tried, and broiled, and smoked, and roasted, We treat the town. ‘l?** edition, with plates, in 2v015.--g2 5l . “ e History of New-York, from the begirt "o'S the world to ‘lie end of the Dutch Dy ‘“' Diedriclt Knickerbocker —2 volumes, 50. ‘ ‘te lVorks of Lord Byron, anew edi'ion, all the Poems “hitherto published, in ‘*■ plates— S5. ’ U!l re’s Melodies and Songs, anew edition, the Melodies lately published—£jl. u bv THUS. LONG WORTH, jir. O•V r f l > Johnston s square. Loaf Sugar. Haltimore Ketined Loaf SUGAR, just • ‘inland for sale bv HUMMING & GW ATMMF.Y, T * Slate, , Yew York Slate company have for sale ‘j! p Vard, a tine stock of p inch Slate a g6A P, 18 and 2U inch CC nr square’ Uj“ ai, d 2 L do 9 j ■ ei, s left with the subscribers will be fbfwar- delay. J LATHROP&. Cos - jr 0[i jy ■ or c.,i h ! l:s!le ‘ s w bite .Maryland Corn afloat, and f:br y - „ HALL St HOYT. opp THE SAVANNAH MUSEUM. Frederic Selleck, HAS just received and offers for sale, Low tor cash, produce, or town paper only, 30 bbls prime Muscovado Sugar BO do Howard st Balt superfine Flour 20 do Rye Whiskey 29 do No 3 Mackerel 10 do N Gin 5 hhds Rye Whiskey 2 hhds imitation Jamaica Rum 15 bags prime Havana Coffee 1000 bush. I .iv'erp. Ground Salt 5 tons Swedes Iron assorted 5 do HoHow Ware, Eng. and American’ 30 ps Cotton Bagging 10 casks Cheese 1000 pounds Shave Moulds 40 small boxes No 1 Soap 40 doz Carolina W’eedingHoes , 100 reams Wrapping Paper 16-doz Am- rican Axes 20 kegs Dupont’s Powder Shot assorted 1500 wt prime new Bacon, saltpetred Brown Shirting, Plaids and Stripes Plains, Calico, Shoes, Hats AncJ almost every article suitable for town or country. ®To lient—h large ami convenient Store and Cellar fronting Barnard street, in C Gildon’s new brick Building, rent very Low. BILLS OF EXCHANGE, On New York and Providence, for sale as a bove. 35 dec 17 New Goods. JOSEPH KOPMA JV, H Johnston’s Square, AS received by the latest arrivals Extra fine and 2d quality Bombazines Figured French Crape licenses do Nankin do do Merino Mantles 3-4, 4-4 and 8-4 Merino Shawls Plain and silk lldkfs.Jbr Turbans Vi lute and black Crapes , Plaid Ribbons Gentleman’s silk Cravats Super French cloths and Cassimeres do Shepherds blue and oik do Blue ball Twist He He. Which wiih an extensive assortment ofSt-a. p!e and Fancy Goods, are offered bn accommo dating terms t wholesale or retail. N. B. The. remaining stock of white &c mix’d Plains, will be disposed of as cheap as any in market 4 jan 5 For Sale , a great bargain. |'^I YE hundred and seventy-seven acres oak 8. and hickory lands, about 26 miles from Sa vannah, on which there is a good dwelling house and other necessary out buildings, the above land joins the river and Ebenezer creek. ALSO, 5 prime field hands will be sold with the a bove property. Persons wishing to pui-chase, v. ill please call on J B ME (BERT iS Cos. jan 8 6 To Kent. Jindpossession given iinmediately. arswi TUaT elegant three story brick tene j4e>*l ment Dwelling house and Store, corner ofllamardst. and Bay Lane, the Dwelling-house contains seven laige and spacious rooms, Cellar Kitchen &e, the store is large, and an excellent stand for any kind of business, the rent will be very moderate until the first of NoV next. Also—a (trick Dwelling House hi Itryan-st. containing five rooms and Cellar Kitchen, new, and in complete order A so—a Dwelling House and Store, corner of Jell rson and St Julian-st. a good stand fora Grocery Store, rent iow, apply to jan 14- 11 FREDERIC SELLECK Cognac Brandii and Jamaica Hum. 15 pipes superior 4tlyproof Cognac Brandy 11 hhds do dmJamaica Rum For sale bv jan 31 BAKER & MINTON. To Planters. if I'M IE Subscriber has on hand & will continue 3. to keep a const an Supply of FLOUR , COILY# PROVISIONS, With a general Assortment of such articles as are required for Planters. The Goods will be sold at Savannah prices, and Produce taken in payment —He Solicits the Patronage of those Planters in the vicinity of St. Mary’s. In St’ore, 200 C Bushels Prime Flint Corn, 300 bbls Superfine Flour, With a general assortment of Dry Goods, Hard ware and Groceries. GEO, W. MARTIN. St. .Marys, Nov. 17. 17 r'SMj'E subscriber has just received fror* New. £ York Superfine India and French Levantine Heavy Sincbews Nankin and Canton Crapes Black figured Naples Silk India lidkfs Merino i Shawls Linen cambric lidkfs,7s cts a1 75 Ladies superfine wt andcol’d kid Gloves do do col’d castor and beaver do Gentlemens white and col’d do do Sewed Tambburd and plain Muslins Fine flounc’d Muslin robes and trimmings Assorted braids and velvet Ribbons Super plaid Silks, for Tnrbands A few white and mixt Plains 011 hand which shall he sold low—with a variety of other arti cles at the sign of the golden fleece, by WILLIAM ROSE. ian 11 9 Turks-Is land Halt afloat, 2000 bushels superior quality Turks Island Salt, on board the schr. Sally, at Anderson’s wharf, for sale by DOUGLASS if SORREL, feb 12 c 36 Prime Green Coffee. JUST received—4l bags prime green COF FEE—for sale by fqb 13 Ji 36 TAFT & SIBLEYS. TUESDAY MORNING—FEBRUARY 19, 1822. Seasonable Dry Goods, ■4 |f Cheap fur cash ! ! ! ‘■A HE subscriber has for sale, at fits Ware room, No 7, Commerce Row, an assortment of the following Goods, which were purchased in New-York at auction by the package on the best terms, and which he will dispose of at a small advance: Extra superfine I.ondon Cloths, blues, blacks and drabs Middling do do Extra sup. Cassimeres, drab mixtures, white and buff [lities 4-4 Irish Linens in half pieces of variousqua -- Dowlas. 7-8 Droghedas, and 3-4 Long Lawns, 10 qualities 8- 9-4, 10-4, 11-4 and 12-4 Rose Blankets Blue Plains, Vestings, and \Y ire Cotion Irish Diaper Plain, pearl edge, striped, embroidered and pound Ribbons Floss Cotton Glass, Ivory, gilt and suspender Buttons Black and white plain and embroidered silk Hose, Silk Gloves Cotton and silk Webb Suspenders Velvet Ribbons, Ginghams add Calicoes Book Muslins, Scotch Lawns Inserting Trimmings Blue, pink and green figured Silk Gauze White and black Lace Veils Imitation Merino and Dresses Elegant striped Silks Cravats, worsted Trimmings, fancy Lace Hitfs Sistersoy llkfs Sftoty Komals Striped Leuos, Figured Book Muslins Britannia llkfs, Linen Cambric do Purple Shawls, Carlisle Ginghams Needle Work Ruffles, &c. &c. —also— -6 bbls of Cherry Brandy 6 do Columbian-Coff'ee, and 4 patent Balance Beams and Weights com plete. The subscriber’s arrangements will enable him to receive from New-York by every arrival, such other articles in the Dry Good line as the market may need. dec 5 n—ttf'26 FRANCIS L SHAY. Mahogany Furniture , Piano Fortes, Curled Ilair Matrasses Feather Beds, Chairs, Sfc. till IF, subscriber, agent for the well known I. Factory of I) PIIYFE, in the city of New- York, respectfully informs the citizens of Sa vannah, that he lias brought to this Sitv a large Si full assortment of CABINET FURNITURE, consisting ofthe following articles : Side Boards, with anil without Liquor Cases Sets of Dining Tabled, single do, a Sofas and Couches, Rosewood and Mahogany Pier Tables, with marble tops, Card ‘fables Tea Tables, Breakfast Tables, Dressing Ta bles, with and without glasses Rosewood and Mahogany Work Tables do do Writing do Secretaries, Book Cases, Bureaus Double and single Wash Stands, Ward Robes Butlers’Trays and Stands, Piano Stools Music Book Cases. Mahogany Chairs Curled Maple do, Rosewood do. High post Rosewood Bedsteads, Fieldjdo do do Mahogany do. Field do. do do Curled Maple do -field do Dressing Giasses, of every description Piano Fortes, the newest Music, 6ic. Donnie and single curled hai Matrasses do do feather Beds of i be bebt quality A large assortment ot Chairs. All the above articles w ill be .. sfranted to stand the climate, and the subscribe, invites the public generally to call and view fort lemselves at liis Repository, Chui'th Buildings, opposite Gibbons’ Buildings ‘ J. W. MOKRAU.. N. B Tlie subscriber has brought out one of the best workmen, and will attend to those who wish their Furniture repaired or varnished, nnv 12 6 • ‘llic American Gardener. OR, a Treatise on the situation, soil, fencing and fating out of Gardens, or the making and managing liot Beds aiid greet# houses, and on the prerogation and cultivation of the seve ral sorts of Vegetables, Herbs, Fruits and Flow ers, by Wm, Cohbett, price 551. PRACTICAL, THE AMERICAN GARDENER, exhibiting the time for every’kind of work in the Kitchen Garden, Fruit Garden, Orchard,Nursery, Shrub bery, I’leasure ground, Flower garden. Hop yard, hot house, and Grape Vines, for every month in lie vear gl 25 THE FARMER’S MANUEL. Being a plain practical treatise on the art of Husbandry,, designed to promote an acquaint ance with the modern improvements in agricul ture gardening, and the management of Bees, by Frederick Butler, price 75 cents. A view of the cultivation of FRUIT TREES, illustrated by cuts of two hundred kinds of fruits of the nator I size, by Wm Coxe Lsq. §3. An epitome of Forsyth’s treatise on the cul tivation and management of Fruit Trees, 552- PI iILOLOGI A—or the philosophy of Agri culture and Gardening, by Erasmus llarwin, M. D. F. li. S. S3 50. For sale by TIIOS. LONG WORTH, jan 12 10 Johnson's square. \ Spring Goods, 4THIE subscribers have just received by the 4i sliip Blucher and other recent arrivals from Lileipool a variety of Seasonable Dry Goods, Which with those on board the ships Emily and Urnmo, now on their way’ hom England will make their assortment not only complete, but extensive ANDREW LOW & CO. Nows IK store —Cotton Bagging, Porter, Crockery, casks of Glaze and tea China, jan 25 §lm 21 Looking-Glasses. JW. MORRELL, offers for sale at his Fur niture repository ("Church buildings,) an elegant assortment of Mantle and Ficr Glas ses of the latest fashions. Orders will be received for Glasses and for warded to the manufacturer at New-Yqrk. The Library, IS open for the delivery of Hooks, Monday, •V ednesday and Friday, from 4 to 6 o'clock, lJ V| 30 dec 19 - , Just opened, 4 CASE of elegant Inserting and Scolloped trimmings sewed and tamboured FLOUN CES, Book Frills, Collaretts and h lldkfs Paris Tippetts, Stomach Os, FJc,. JOSEPH KOI*MAN. jan 15 12 Johnson's square. Me , Pork , Gin , be. Landing from brig Levant, 29 bbls Ale In store, > 111 do prime Pork 25 do mess do 37 do prime Beef 14 do mess do 23 halfbbls Fly-market Beef 269 bbls superfine FloUr 73 do union Gin 20 do Loaf Sugar 50 boxes Soap 5tJ do Candles 39 firkins prime Goshen Butter 11 casks Shot assorted sizes 5 tons Share Moulds 1 Marble Chimney Piece 80 kegs manufactured Tobacco 160 casks Connnecticut stout- Lime 2 Gigs with Harness complete For sale by C. C GRISWOLD S: Cos. jan 22 . 18 Josfcrii Kopman, H Johnston’s square, AS just received per ships Georgia and Pallas, front Liverpool, 10 bales white Plains, sdo mixt do 1 do tartan Plaids 2 cases blue and red Union Stripes 2 do 4-4 Hand he. chiefs 3-4and 6-4 cotton Checks With a variety of.other things, which will be sold on accommodating terms. 26 dec 5 Rags and old Rope. FAMILIES and coun’ry me chants tire infor med that cash will be paid for any quantity of clean linen Rags and old Rope, at the store of WILLIAM FREE Congress st opposite Francis J. Lay. jan 1 1 wa Dry Goods cheap for (’ash !!! The subscriber bus received by the Cotton-I’lnnt, Cloths and Casimeres, of various qualities 114 Marseilles Quilts Superb Jaconet Cambric embroider’d dresses Inferior do do do Striped Silks (new paterns) Black Silk Velvet 3 ps English ingrain stair Carpeting ALSO, A few cases gentlemens’ black ft white imita tion beaver Hats —with his former supply of WolJen, I.innen and Cotton goods makes a com plete assortment. Country mereh. Hts are iuvi ted to call F L SHAY, jan 8 6 JVo. 7 Commerce Itow. Insurance against Fire. The ./Etnalnsurance Company, Hartford, will Insure houses and buildings, merchandize, fur niture aid other property, including vessels in port, their cargoes, &c against loss or damage by Eire, for any term from 011 c month to one or more years. The conditions, which are moderate, maybe known on application to the subscriber, who is authorized agent., and is ewLowered to is-ue policies without the delay incident to other a geiicieg of this nature. The Company undertake in all cases to pay the full amount of the actual loss, provided >t does not exceed the amount insured. The pre miums ar* reasonable, ands loukl offer a strong inducement to any person liavi g property at hazard to place it in security, jan 7 5 S. M'.NTON. Fresh Hoots. One Trunk Gentlemens thick Soal Boots suitable for wet weather, Just received per Ceres, from Boston, ->nd for sale by It L MILLIN G. ,/au 26 c§ 22 Mackerel, 100 Bbls No 8, Boston Inspection, Land ing and for Sale bv jan 25 d2l MITfiHEL & BARTLETT. For Sale, 25 boxes fresh Raisins 3 casks Carolina Hoes Hessians , Gold Threads Oil-cloth Carpeting 1 Gig and Harness For sale by J- HAMMER, fell 6 e 31 Tanner's Building. Fresh Goslieu Gutter. Just rec'd pefbrig Hope, Vnpt. Champlin, Ten 100 lb kegs Goshen Butter, which will be sold low, by FRANCIS J LAY. jan 17 Cartier oj Congress if U hitahcr-st. L. 11. SAGE, OfTer for sale, 70 bbls Mess and Prime Pork 72 do Whiskey 50 pipes and bbls Northern Gill 30 bbls NO and Wl Sugar . 100 do Mess and Prime Beef 50 boxes Sbap and CaniNes 50 kegs Lard 10 chests and 20 half do Hy son Tea 5 do young Hyson, 10 do Souchong do 100 qr boxes Spanish and Am. Sigars 20 kegs No 1 Tobacco 20 bbls Loaf Sngar , 20 boxes M & B Raisins 25 bbls Flour 10 bags prime green Coffee 12 j 0 bushels Corn &c. Notice. ALL persons indebted to the e ‘ate of John Chace, late of S'. AJaiys dec. are request ed lo make payment tt li.e subscriber wjtl.iu o 0 days from this date, the debts not then paid will be put :n suit, arid those having dem.uids agai -ist said estate are requested to present them for payment to GEO. W. MARTIN, Adm’or. Jan 22 §ni 18 “—— .4’ “ i “ * j %■> Notice. TkTINE months after d-te application will be i_x made-to the Hon. Inferior Court of Chat ham County for leave to sell a Tract of Land in Jefferson County, about nine miles below Louisville, adjoining Lands of Baldwin Rail! rtl, estate of Ingriim deceased, and others; con taining 300 acres, more nr ess, as part of the Real Estate of Philip Raiford, deceased. li, HA'FOKJ), Jldm’r. may 29 9rn Take Notice. ’ NJ INE months after date, I shall apply to the I -c-v lion, tlie Judge cf thet nferior Court of j Chatham County, fur leave to sell: he reales ;°f W. G. Em e, and for the benefit of the | beirsxad creditors of said deceased [ ‘ S, (~ THREADCIiAJT, Jldm'r. ff 2 i— A Notice. v|MIE subscriber having taken John * An ? drews into copartnership, the Auction and •Commission Business, will henceforward ble conducted under the firm of Thompson & An dre ws. ISHAM THOMPSON. Augusta, jan 12 lm Notice. I HEREBY give notice that I have a claim, arid no doubt the oldest and best ore, for one hundred and fifty ncres of land in the fork if ihe Large and l.ittte Sa'illa Rivers, adverti sed for sale by Mr. Z. Kingsley, GEORGE .MORRISON. Camden Co> Dec. 23. 4o§* Notice. *RM!E subscribers are prepared to Discount 1 promptly every day, approved Paper, not having more than ninety days to rimy at 6 per cent and pay the proceeds of such discount by Checks on An u-ta, if preferred bv die offerer; dec 18 36 CLAIMING & GWATHMEY. • Notice, ALL persons having demands against the es tate of G. B. Richard, widow late of Cam den County, will hand them in properly atteet t and, slid those indebted to said estate are reques ted to make immediate payment. JOHN C. RICHARD, Executor. St. Mary’s, dec 23 sj * 48 j Notice. r gM]E copartnership heretofore existing un 9. der the firm of C Kelset if rn. is this day dissolved by mutual consent. C. Kelsey and Charles M’lntyre are fully authorised to settle the business of said firm. C KFI-SEV, A M HOBBY, feb 9 CHARLES M’INTYRE, The undersigned will continue the DrY Goods business under the firm of C K I.SF.Y if Cos at their old stand in Judge M’Al'.ister’g buildings Johnsons squ ire C KKI.SF.Y, 36d§ CTI ‘RLES M’TNTYRE. Notice. IJERBONS having demands against the late Me. Archibald McLeran, dec are requested - to fender them property attested agreeable to law; and those indebted are requeste ! to make immediate payment to the undersigned qualiffe ed executors. JAMES WAU ACE,T HENRY vicAl.PtV LEx’rs. THOMA MILROSEJ feb 14 ill 38 For Private Sale , * PLANTATION upon Savannah Diver, in the Parish of St. Luke, known by the name fthr,Recess —lately belonging to Mr William Wilson, deceased, and arljoing the plantation nf Mr. James H Ai For particulars ap ply to WM. DRAYTON,. -) JAMES FERGUSON, k Charleston. ’ C C. PINC KNEY, Jr. J Or to TUFT'S & REED, Savannah. jan 17 §l4 Butter , Chocolate , ftfe. 10 Firkins fresh Goshen Butter 5 boxes Chocolate Bakers brand No. 1 said to be of a very superior quality 4 boxes . do Llophams Brand No 1 2 boxes Catsup 3 do Mustard 3 half barrels Mutton Hams 2 barrels Connecticut mess Siiad. Landing from the Ship Corsair, and f>’ sa'e low if taken frnn. the Wharf. AUGUSTUS CORNWALL, jan 18 15 Just Received, Fer ship Blucher, from Liverpool , A FEW PACKAGES OF Holland and Imperial Tapes _ Super round and patent Bobbin London Quality and Shoe Binding,, assorted colors Black cotton Ferret White, blue, diamond and striped Bed lace White Cotton Fringe Scarlet Worsted do Cambric AVi res, Shirt do. and Moulds. Which will be soil low,, and on accommodating terms, by JOSHUA MILNE, jan24 20 It Uliamson's range Herringyj & Apple Brandy. 50 bbls Sv Herrings, Nos. I is. 2 10 do Apple Brandy Landing andfor sa'e by DANL. CARNEY, Jr. feb U 2 b 36 No. 42 Ybiu 28;