The Savannah museum. (Savannah, Ga.) 182?-1822, February 20, 1822, Image 1

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PUBLISHED DAILY BY COSAM EMIR BAKTLET. Dearborn's Patent Balances. OP all sizes, constantly for sale hv T C HAYWARD. nov 15 b 9 DRY GOODS. f'rlE subscriber hs just received per Ship John & Edward from New York, a fresh j ijiply of seasonable Dry Goods, Among which are , Extra super queens mixture Casimeres Gentlemens Cravats Brittania Handkerchiefs Imitation Merino Dresses Green Baize Gentlemens super Buff k Drab Buckskin Gloves. ALSO, 1 Case mens low priced Chip Ilats tGOO Quills Which will be sold low for Cash, at No. 7, Commerce Row. F. L. SIIAY. jan 14 16 New Medicine Seed Store. OEM LEU POSEY, Comer of Broughton and Jeffet son-streets. BESIDES their general assortment of Drugs, offer the folio wing CATEN'I* MELd- U.VfiS, viz. Anderson’s Pills, Bateman’s Drops, British Oil, Daffy’s Elixir, Thompson’s celebrated Kye Water, Godfrey’s Cordial, Ilarlem Oil or Meil cameiiturn, Henry’s calcined Magnesia, Hill’s Balsam of Honey, Jesuits Drops,’s Pills, Opodeldoc, Pearson’s prepared Charcoal T oith fou’der, Well’s do. Dyott’s liestorative Dentri fee, Thompson’s aromatic Tooth Paste, Tar. lington’s Balsam, Whitehead’s Essence of M is tard, Wheaton’s Itch Ointment, Rawson’s do Sipire’s Grand Elixir, Stoughton’s Bitters. ALSO, Pomatum in pats and sticks, H.-dr Powder, RoseSosp, Transparent Soaj>, Wash Baris, Co lognfc Water, Court Blaster, Imt Powder, Lip Sake, Japan Shoe Blacking, .Smelling Bottles, ■tipple Shells, Breast I’ipes, Bougies, Dutu;; IIto!, Flesii Brushes, Ivory Enema I'ipes, Spring and Crown Lancets, Phosphorus Match Joules, Scales anti Weights, Silver L‘-af, Sndaic. ’o'J'dcrs, Spatulas, Tin Foil, Trusses, Tooth In truments. Os GARDEN SHEDS th> y have now on hand, Varrington, refugee, white and liver Beans— harlton early frame, marrowfat and green im eml l’eas —drumhead, early york, sugarloaf, ellow savoy, flat dutch, red aiui battersea aWage \sparagus—flat white and early “tcli Turnip—Cauliflowei Salmon, long nrlet, and short top Radish —dark orange irrnt—dark blood Beet—white solid Cellery— tried Parslev—Endive—round, priokly and tiiatid Spinnage—Cresses—imperial, royal, nly green,.large headed and cabbage Lettuce ail <jJ which warrant Jreth. AISO, __ S” fte n CrotV, Narcissus, and Jo quils iower Seeds, Canary Seed, and Flower Pots. The foil owing cvtirhi are daily expected, Long, white and blue prussia Pea? —long pod ixlrvicli, broad Windsor, green nonpareil, cau r|)..ry kidney Beans—lce, tenivisball, green & ijjte cos, silesia, and brown iutcii Lettuce ,es lip -Leek—Shallot- Bazil—Chervil— Hy )>-.Uochliana—,oiam— Ba'-n-Sage wi Thyme :in 74 Loaf Sugar. 30 bbls Baltimore itefmed Loaf SUGAR, jtist ttived and for sale by jan 23 19 Cli .MMIXG & OWATHMKS ■ hlate, THE New York Slate company have for sale I their vard, a line slock ot 14 inch ‘■date a 8)6 ) 16, 18 and 20 inch 3N pr square 22and2-1 do 93 Orders left with the subscribers wilt be torwar ed without delay. J LATUUOP&. Cos in 30 ‘ 25‘ _ cioUx. 1000 bushels white Alary land Corn afloat, and Tor sa'e by HA’LL ta lIOY 1 ■ feb It 350 __ jbr the sale of Ne groes', Lrrtd, Houses and Lots and Ganeral brokerage. inyiF. subscriber renews a tender of his ser <ki vices to his friends, and pledges his un reniitted attention to the sale and purenase <> Negroes as usual, as also the disposal ot Houses and Lots, Lands and the negotiation ol paper, snd every other transaction in the Brokerage line on commission. IBs acquaintance wit > versons most likely to purchase Negroes, at fords a facility in affecting sates, assiduity ami p'lnelualitv and candour, will ever be o iservti.. iic will also procure hire tor Negroes, and use every precaution in securing the wages. A re gister for such will be kept open f< r the inser tion of all Negroes sent for lure, ami tor npp.i cants for bel l hands. House servants, and gangs to work on board of vessels, who wi oe sup- V lied as far as the encouragement tins estab ili'ne;it ipiiy meet fVoiti the owners o 1,1 property. t Si runners and others arc informed, that t.iey /nay obtain on application at his, sucii m f'vmation as may be requited and lus means at, his fees moderate on all such occasions A register of the Land Drawing, in the jor raeraml l ist Lottery is already tor inspection Small maps of the lands obtained, and a correct sketch of the counties and districts water corn ;j*s &c to be seen. i) lU hh i8 33 ; Fotutocs &c. §f> Bbls Potatoes 26 bags tin 4 llhds N fi Rum l do W t do’ 50 bids Roof 21) do- l’ork 10 do Vinegar 20 pules Lea -or 10 Vests Trunks Now Landing and for Sale by CLVGItOUN &. BASSE rr, i. : c 5) 15 *J*SO JinUins Kbvge, THE SAVANNAH MUSEUM. Which with an extensive assortment of'Sta. pie and fancy Gcods, are ofim-ed on accommo dating tern-s t wholesale ut retail. N. B. The remaining stock of white h mix’d Plains, will be disposed of as cheap as anv in market 4 i . ‘ x /’’oi* Sale. a great bargain. R hundred and seventy-seven acres oak and hickory lands, about 26 miles Sa vannah, on which there is a good dwelling bouse and other necessary *otit 1 build ngs, the’ above ‘and joins the river and 1* frenezer creek. ALSO, : •* prime field hands will lie sold with the a oove property. Persons wishing to purchase, v ill please call -in f iiF.trjmJwwi-e-.-*- .iui.h,_ -- j.. -j o lient. Jlndpos r - ssion given immuhately. THAT elegant three story brick tene nflnP! ment Dwelling house and Store, corner of Barnard st. and Bay lame, the Dwelling boos contains seven large and spacious rooms, Belli Kitchen &c, the store is large, and an excellent stand for any kind of business, toe rent will be very moderate until the first of Nov next. Also —a Brick Dwelling House in Bryan-st. containing five rooms and Cellar Kitchen, new, and in complete order. Also—a Dwelling House and Store, corner ot Jefferson and St Julian-st a good stand fora Grocery Store, rent low, applv to j au 14 tl FREDERIC SELLRCK. Cognac Brandy and Jamaica Hum. 15 pipes superior 4th proof Cognac Brandy II hhds do do Jamaica Bum For sale by j., n 31 BAKER & MINTON To Hunters. jTpTIF, Subscriber has or hand h will continue, il r keep a co- Stan’ Mu of F LOU It, coil V # Finn With a general Assortment of such articles as are required for Pku-tm-s. The Goods will oe sold at Savannah prices, and Produce taken in payment —He Soli its the Patronage ot t.mse Planters in the of St. Mary's. In Store, 2f:QCI Bushels Prime Flint Corn, 309 bbls Superfine Flour, , With a general assortment of Dry Goous.Hard -’"“"(JBft w. MARTIN. St. .Marys, .Vov 17. 17 Frederic Selleck, HAS just received and offers for sale. Low Tor cash, produce, or town paper only, oO hliis prime. Muscovado Sugar SO do Howard st Balt superfine Flour JO do Rye Whiskev 20 do No 3 Mackerel j do N Gin 5 hhds Rye Whiskey i ‘ 2 hhds imitatim Jamaica Rum j 15 hags prime Havana Coffee j 10UO bush, l.iverp. Ground Salt 5 tons Swedes Iron assorted J * ffo Hollow Ware, Eug. and V meric? n oO ps Cotton llagvinu -10 casks Cheese ‘ 1000 pounds Share Moulds 40 small boxes No 1 Soap 40 doz Carolina Weeding Hoes 100 reams Wrapping Paper 10 doz American Axes 20 kegs Dupont’s Powder Shot assorted 15JO wt prune new Baco:.. saitpetred Brown ‘flirting, Pl.fds and Stripes Plains, Calico, Shoes, tints And almost every article suitable for town or country. a tient —a large and convenient ‘kCS*. Stojx end Cellar fronting Barnard street, inC Gildon’s new brick Building, rent very Low. ° - BJLT.S OF EXCHANGE, On N<-<,v \,;iv ad Providence, lor sale as a. h ' ,ve - dec 17 New Goods. JOSEPH KOP MAN, i | Johnston's Square, * * AS received by the latest arrivals l.xr'.a fine anti 2-.I q,i;d't’ Bombazines Figure.-. French Crape Dresses do Nankin do do Merino Manth h J 4. 4-4 and 8 4 Merino Shawls Flair, and . ilk f’dkfa, for Tubuns White and black Crapes Plaid li.tjbons Gentleman’s silk Cravats Super French cloths and Cassinreres do Shepherds blue and -oik do Bine ball T wist &'c S?c. uHB subs jriber has just received bom Aew i York Superfine India and French Levantine Heavy Sinci.cws fcank-n and Canton Crapes lJlack figured Naples Silk India Ha,; lldkls Merino i Slmvts Linen cambric hdkfs, . 5 cts a t . ■> Ladies superfine wt and col and kid Gloves do do col’d castor and heaver do Gentlemens white and col’d do do Sewed Tambourd and plain Muslins Vine flounc’d Muslin robes and trimmings Assorted braids and velvet Ribbons Super plaid Silks, for Turband# \ lew white and mint Plains on hand wine! shall be sold low-with a variety ot other art. <**•> ‘•“sisav jan tl 9 / Turks-1 si and Salt afloat, °OOO bushels superior quality Turks Island Si J,n board the schr. Sally, at Anderson s wharf, for sale by mUGLASS y SORREL, feb 12 ‘c 36 Prime Green Coffee. JUST received—4l bags prime green COF TAfT k Slßtem WEDNESDAY MORNING—FF.BRUAUY 20, 1822. Ala hog a fiy Furniture, Piano Fortes, Curled Hair .Matrasses Feather lleds, Chairs, #c. * U'subscriber, agent for the well known c Factory of l) PHYFE, in 1 heapiiy of N< w \ ork, respectfully informs the citizens of Sa van nab. thaift-e bits brought Jo this city a large * lull assortment of CABINET FyitNITUIIF. consisting ot the following articles : Bide Boards, with and Without Liquor Cases .-'••;sot Dining Tables, single do. Solas and Couches, Rosewood and Mahogany P ''; p Tables, with marble tops, Card Tables, labits. Breakfast Tables, Dressing la- ! bles, with and without glasses ’ Rosewood and Mahogany Work Tables do do Writing do Secretaries, Book Cases, 1! i eaus Double and single \X ash Stands, Ward Robes But i-rs Trays and Stands, Piano Stv/iols Mus-e Book Cases, Mahogany Cbaits Curled Map'e do, Uosewoqd do. - I High pest Re a. wood Bedsteads. FiekGdo 1 do do Mali gaiiv do Field do. ‘ do . d.r Ctiried Maple do iitld do rtssing (, ‘asses, of every description Piano I'orUs, the new eat Music, be. Dofiiilc ami single cm u and lni Matrasses do do feather Hedso'h, he best qttalitv A Targe assortment of Chairs. - ‘ All the above articles will bo ~ arranted to Stand 1 tie climate, and the s .bscribe invites the pul l;c generally to call anti view fort >emtelve.s at liis Repository, Church Buildings, opposite Gibbons’ Ttviltlines J. W. MORIiALI,: N B Ihe subscriber has brought out one of ti;e best w -.rknu-n, and will attend iothose who w sii their Furniture repaired or varnished, nov 1 2 fi Spring 1 Goods, 4 pDE subscribers have just'received by tlie ship Blitcher and other recent arrivals from Guerpool a variety of Seasonable J)r% Goods, A htcli with those on board the ships Emily and Drum-,, now on their way fmm England will nuke their assortment not only complete, hut extensive ANDREW LOW & CO Now ,* store— Cotton Bugging, Porter, Crockery, casks ot Glaze and lea China, jan 25 §lm 21 Looking-Glasses. JVv. MORlti LL, offers tor sale at his Fur. mlure repository fChurch buildings,) an elegant assortment of .Mantle and Pier Clas ses ol the latent fashion-. Orders will be received for Classes and for warded to the manufacit-rer at New-York. jan 7 .•^U’sf'Th.uTh'>ii.-t ‘ lances, Marches, Sic. ar ranged for the Flute. Violin, and Patent Fla geolet,'in 14 numbers at sl> cents each. Kilev’s Flute Duetts—2 numbers, at 50 cunts. It,ley’s Vocal Melodies, a 5 its a number. Itiiev’s Preceptor for the Piano Forte, con taining a selecti nos Finget’d Lessons, Airs, Songs, Waltzes, Marches, „c price SL Preceptor’s and Instruction Book for the Flute, Vioi'ii, Clarionet, Flageolet and Fife, of the most approved kinds. I The new Musical and Vocal Cabinet, being a s< leeiiio of the most favorite English, Scotch and Irish Melodies, arranged for the Voice, Violin, Flute, Ac.—2 vols. price $4. The. Mastoul Minsv, t:l, a seltruou of Mason ic, Kentimi.-mal, and Ihi morons Songs, Duetts Glt-i-s, Cauo. s, Ac. set to Music, with an appen dix coiitaiu,ug “• short hisinrical account of Ma sonry — l vfd. 3vo price 553. t he Melodist, a favrite collection, arranged ibr the Voice, Flute or Vi din—&2 25. A selection of choice Songs, with an F.ssav on Song Writing, by Dr. Aikm. ,or sale by THUS. LONG WORTH, , e j, j 28 Jolart'in's square. Blank Vccount Books. I N assortment ot Blniik account books, A I. made ot the best naner, and bound in the best manner—For Sl " e .;>- v I ONf;WO „TU. Johnson'e Square. Al , S! >_p <)r tc feuilles for the Coui.t'iig Desk, common and superior Q ulls, common ar.d nne Letter and Cap writing Paper, Gilt and black edge Letter Paper. Red and black walers am, Sealing wax, Backgammon and Chess Hoards, Playing Cards, together with a general assort ment of Books and Stationary, All at the lowest Prices, feb 16 40 To C<m ulv <j Merchants, Fla lit a is, dyf. GEORGE HELI’H, 3, Xo 3, Gibbons’ limhhng, I AS received by the ship Drnmo. from Liv erpool, a g >od assortment “f Seasonable Spring Goods, and is daily expecting further supplies by the ships Hercules, Emily, and Oglethorpe, which will make his assortment extensive awl com plete—ana well worthy the attention of all put chasers, both wholesale and retail. H.s Goods are purchase.! on the most reason able terms, and v eil selected fi;r tl* market, having friends that select tnem in > e < 1 manufacturing towns in England, “ .’ _ Ireland, who have been regularly brought up to the business. ,ch 7 PATTEN’S superior edition of the Nautical Almanac and Astronomical Kpheu.eris tor the year 1823 —price gl 50. ■ Hamlet’s Table oflnterest, 1 vol—• Chapman’s Table of Interest, calculate l ac cording to equitable and legal principle, (oho day s to the year) at the rate of 6 per cent, pel annum : Showing the interest on any sum, from one cent to ten thousand dollars, I roin one day to three hundred and sixty-hve days <r_m one to twelve months, and from ten to thuteen years —with several other useful tables, 1 voi. 3 5. For Ia,e^ O MAS LONG WORT 11, - Johnston's square. The Library, X \Vcde/"l tlie fl l elive, ’- v of Books, Monday, l> v , ‘-fcsday and J t-iday, from 4to 6 o’clock, M dec 10 Just opened, A ”felegant Inserting and Scolloped st "' e ‘ l a! ‘d lanuioured I'I.OCN • •• UOk Fl ’ 1,ls ’ UoHaretts and !j Hdkfs 1 ai ls * J PP e tts, Stomaoiiers, &c jam 5 12 JWSBI’H kopman. jQhustni s square. \ Ale, Pork, Gin , be. Landing from brig Levant, ‘ 39 üblsAle Instore, 1H do prime Pork 25 do mess do “7 do prime Beef 14 do mess do 23 half bbls Fly-m.-trlcet Beef “"l “his Supei fine Flour <’ J do union Gin 2d do Lo;;f Sugar 50 boxes Soap 5” do Candles 39 firkins prime Goshen Butter „ ca 'As Shot assorted sizes o tons Share Moulds Marble Chimney Piece ■>o kegs inanufactured Tobacco lw casks Connnecticut stone Litrve 2 Gigs with Harness complete b >’ C. C G ItISWOLD & Cos. J an 22 is Joseph Kopman, j! . Johnston's square, k *AS just received ships Georgia a „d Pallas, ft ■ora Liverpool, 10 bales while Plains,* 5 do mixt do 1 do tartan Plaids 2 cases blue anil red Union Stripes 2 do 4-4 Handke.chiefs 3-4 and 6-4 cotton Checks With a variety of other things, which will be sold on accommodating terms. 26 , dec 5 Dry Goods cheap for Cash !!! r Jhe subscriber has received by the Cotton-Plant, Cloths and Casimeres, of various qualities 11 4 Marseilles Quills Superb Jaconet Cambric embroider’d dresses Inferior do do d u Sniped Silks (new paterns’ Black Silk Velvet 3 ps English ingrain stair Carpeting | A I SO, A few cases gentlemens’ black & white imita tion beaver Mats—with his former supply of W nlletl, I.inrven and Cotton goods makes a com plete assortment. Country merchants are invi. ,ed ‘'iris'nranee against Fire. The JEtna Insurance Unrifni’d, will insure liouscs and biiiklings, merchandize* fur niture arid other property, inchidirg vessels in port, their cargoes, &c. against loss or damage by h ire, for any term from one month to one or more years. T he conditions, which are moderate, may oe known on application to the subscriber, who is authorized agent, and is empowered to issue policies without the delay incident to other a gencies of this nature. The Company undertake in all ca#es to pay the full amount ot the actual loss, provided it does not exceed the amount insured. Ihe pre miums are reasonable, ands lould oiler a strong inducement to any person having property at hazard to place it in security. jan 7 5 S. MANTON. For Sale, 25 boxes fresh Raisins 3 casks Carolina Hoei Hessians Cold Threads Oil-cloth Carpeting 1 Gift and Harness For sale by M * -> febfi e 31 Tamiet’s Building. L. H. SAtiE, Offer for sale, 70 bill- Mrs* atul Prime Por* 72 do Whiskey 50 pipes and b-ds Norlbem Gtn 30 bbls NO and Wl Sugar 100 do Mess and Prime Beef 50 boxes Soap and Candles 50 kegs Lard 10 thesis a-d 20 half do Hvson Tea 5 do young Hyson, 10 do Souchong do 100 qi boxes Spanish and Am. Sigars 20 kegs No 1 Tobacco 20 bbls Loaf Sngar 20 boxes M St B Raisins 25 bbls Flour lO bags prime green Coffee 12)0 bushels Corn &c. . fe h 13 37 Bulloch sv/harj Mahogany (Tank Boards and Venears. jmilE subscriber lias received by Hie late ar il rivals from New-York, a general assurt meiit ot the above article,;. Also, Sattviwood. Venears, and Whitewood, which will be sold , 0 W b v ’ J W MOHR ELL, feb 5 30 Church Buildings. Bills on New-Yoyk, For sale by C. C. GRISWOLD. jan 23 19 - Vt 8 tings, 1 bale Valencia, ToHinett and Fancy Vest ings, just received from Boston, and for sale by Jail 29 24 E WILLIAMS & Cos. Cut Nulls* ONE Hundred and filly Casks Cut Nails and Brads, assorted,— Landing from Bng Chat -24 20 K, WILLIAMS V Cos. • / 1 Notice. j A rr P ers " ns mdebted to the estate of John !‘* Cha b wieof St. Marys dec. a *_* r ,X ed to make pat ment tc the subscriber w.thin „ •,! \ iy& debts not then paid Ss “■ r 1 ‘•‘■■■■•••k cs __ w ;- MAlmx - >***■ Notice. VTIKfc months after rt .te application will he made to the Hen. Inferior Court of Chat” ham Ciumi’ for leave to sell a Tract of n . ellerson Co.'i ty, about nine mile, below l.ou sv.lle, adjoming Lands of Baldwin Ratlrrd of • ‘>eceasr.,|, am l ot | iers . con .‘ taming.-,00 acres, more or ess, as part of the Real Estate of Philip Raiford, deceased. R. HA’FOlU),Mm’n may 29 y { . Take Notice. \ TI h K T' 11 ’, 5 :l^tep<| ate, i shall apply to the rhat| H ° n r> t ,C Jll % eof the[ nferior Court of ,i JVr?’ >r le ; r ’ e ‘<> serf; he re.-des. ’ eir S * ed V ,', tl,e be,lcfit of the • eirs& na crtaitdrs of said deceased r 331READCRAJT, Adrn'r. Notice. f 5 ,,, . E s " b crii)er having taken Jolm P An ft drew s into copartnership, the Auction and Commission Business, will henceforward be conducted under the firm of ‘Thompson & An <lrA"S’ ,• „ ISHAM THOMPSON. Atignsia, jan 12 Notice. T f ’L S^ CriberS T prc f ,are<! Discount I promptly every day, approved Paper, no* haung mere than ninety days to run, at 6 per P 7 the of such discount^bv Cnecks on Au usta, if preferred bvthe offerer dec 18 36 CUMMINGAGUAiTHMEY. Notice, il. talc ot G B Uic .ard, widow late of (Jam den County, wdl hand them in properly atletit ed and .hose indebted to said estate are reques ted to make immediate payment ** St Mar Executor. St. Mary’s, dee 23 s f* 4S N oticc. ‘laving demands against the late i Mr Archibald McLerar, dec are reqnested to lender Miem _ properly.aLtcateiL ’ ” HENRY McALPIN CEx’rs. THOMAS’ MILKOSEj) ft-b 14 ih 38 Notice. & LL persons are cautioned against ptircha- J\ sing any pioperty belonging to Mrs Jane Uourke. ARCHIBALD SMITH, Executor to ihr tvill of .Mrs. Elizabeth Smith. feb 16 d4O ‘ 03* Notice. fjERSONS desirous cf disposing of Lands in % Monroe, Houston, and Henry Counties, and lands in the Counties generally, of the two last Land Lotteries, will please give information to the subscriber by letter, post paid, through toe medium of the post offipe, stating the low est mice for such, will promptly be answered feb 16 38 DAVID POLOCK. For Private Sale, V PLANTATION, upon Savannah River, iit the Parish of St Luke, known by the name fthi .Recess—lately belonging to Mr. W illiam Wilson, deceased, and adjoii.g the plantation ..f Mr James H. Ancrum For particulars ap nlvlo WM. DRAYTON, T } JAMES FERGUSON, U Charleston , C C. PINCKNEY, Ji; 3 Or to TUFTS & REED, Savannah. jan 17 414 - Just Received, Per ship Bhleher, from Liverpool, A FEW PACKAGES QF Holland and Imperial Tapfes Super round and patent Bobbin, London Quality and Shoe Binding, assorted colors Black cotton Ferret White, blue, diamond and striped Bed Lace. White Cotton Fringe Scarlet Worsted do Cambric Wires, Shirt do. and Moulds. t Which will be sold low, and on accommodating’ terms, by JOSHUA MILNE. ian?4 20 Williamson's range Verrings &* Apple Brandy. 50 bbls Susquehanna Herrings, Nos. 1 &. 2 10 do Apple Brandy Landing and for sale bv b D.VNL. CARNF.Y, Jr. feh 12 h. 36 Umttet's Uuihlinr*. Pork. 40 Bids mess ? {>ork Landing 50 do Prime A , „, , From Ship Garonne ami for Sale by feb. 1 27 L. H. SAGE & Cos. Just Received, And for sale by S. MANTON. Rice’s whan, 10 kegs Coloring. feb 9 34 Prime Sugars and Coffee. 16 hbds prime Jamaica Sugars, in large hlids 112 bbls St. Croix Sugar 200 bags prime Green Coffee L Tebli from Alm R a, WIULUMS & C* -fi Yol. cS,