The Savannah museum. (Savannah, Ga.) 182?-1822, February 22, 1822, Image 1

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.-ULiSUED DAILY BY CO SAM EMIR BARTLKT. miltarb° ril ’ s Pnteut iidluuccs , ei/.-s constantly lbr sale by ■ )’ can TO HAYWARD. m’ , 1 < i I ])lir GOODS. M—.r subscriber Ims just received per Ship lijm St Kdyard from New kork, a fresh seasonable Dry Goods, I Among which are, ■ yxtra super queens mixture Cs.siineres I Gentlemens Cravats ■ Uj.itr.mia Handkerchiefs I imitation Merino Dresses H / >pee n I Gentlemens super Hull St Dcab Buckskin ■ Gloves. I AI-SO, I i Case mens low priced Chip Hats I Which will he sold low for Cash, at Vo. ■ 7 Commerce How. F. L. SHAY. I jan’lJ _l6 I \'e\v Medicine £5 Seed Store. I OEMLEII POSEY, [j .Corner of Brmyhtdh and Jcffcrson-sireets. I IjSIDI’.S their general assortment ot Dmas, I () oiler the following HAT ENT Ml Dl- I ’ Anderson's I‘ills, Bateman’s Drops, Hritish I o|j Duffy’s Elixir, Thompson’s celebrated Eve I Water, Godfrey’s Cordial, Hurl* in Oil or Med- I amentum, H ury’s calcined Magnesia, Mill’s Iblsan. of Honey, Jesuit- Drops, we’s I’il s, opodeldoc, Pearson’s prepared Charcoal Tooth y,order, Well’s do. l)yoU ; s Restorative D*m i fee, l'liooipson’s aromatic l’ootli Paste, lur toon’s balsam, Whitehead’s Essence of Mu* td, Wheaton’s lteh Oi.rtment, Raw son’s do Sutiiiv’s Grand Elixir, Sun ghton’s Hitters. iI.SO, Pomatum in pots and sticks. Hair Powder, Rose Soap, Transput ent Soup, Wash Hills, Cos lujjne Water, Court Plaster, Ink Powder, lap Salve, Japan Sn-ie Blacking, Smelling Bottles, Nipple Shells, Breast Pipen, Bougies, Duteh Metal, Fiesh Brushes, Ivory Enema Pip'-s, Spring ami Crown Lancets, .Phosphorus Match llottles, Scales and Weights, Silver Leaf, Sodaic Pnvders, Spatulas, Tin Foil, t russes, Tooth In* annpents. Os GARDEN SEEDS th y have now’ on hand, Warrington, ivhigee, white and liver Beans Charlton early frame, niarrov. fat and green inw ’jeriri Peas —drumhead, eariy york, sugarloat, yellow savoy, flat dutch, veil anil balltrsea Cabbage —Asparagus—-flat while anil early ]J,itcli Turnip—Calilifiov Salmon, long scarlet, and short top Ra lisli—dark orange Carrot —dark blood Beet— bite solid Ce.’lery— cu. l v' l . Parsley--Endive—round, prickly and holla, cl Spinn-Jge—Cresset imoerial, roval, hai-uv green, large headed ai id cabbage Lettuce —all sf which they warrant f resit. AI SO, The following TP.JOTS- -Hanuncules, Ane mones., Tulips, Crocus, Narcissus, and Jo quils flower Seeds, Canary Seed, ami Flower Pois. The following a tides ar e <1 illy expected. Long, white and blue pnosia Peas—long pod sandwich, broad .vindsor, green nonpareil, can terbury kidney Beans —la-, teniusbali, green & white CoS, si,• sin, and brown hitch I mttuce Parsnip—t.eck —Shallot — II wil —Chervil—Hy- s*i|i —Cocliliaria—.Marjoram —B.iijn —Gage and Thyme an 94 *JO Loaf Sugar. 30 bids Baltimore Refined l oaf SUGAR, just received and foi sale by j:u, 23 19 GUMMING Ik (IWATHMEY. Slate, ‘ THE New York Slate company liaVe for sale; at their yard, a fine stock ot 14 inch Slate a §6 A 16, 18 and 20 inch 8 >pr square , 2.-and 24 do 9) Orders left with the subscribers will be forwar ded without delay. .! I.A l HliOP &. Cos jan >t) 25 cvhn. 1- 00 bushels white Maryland Corn afloat, and For sale by HALL & HOYT, feb 11 350 £j a ‘Office for Ike .sale of Ne grons, L ml Ifaiisas and Lots and General Brokerage. apin'. subscriber renews a tender *>l his set-j hi vices to his frit nds, and pledges his tm rsmitted attention to the side and purchase ot •Sic- r "!>es as usual, as also the disposal of ileuses and Lo's, Lands and the negotiation of paper, v-ud every olhe” transaction in toe Brokerage hue f a commission. lbs acquaintance with persons most likely to purchase Negroes, af fords a facility in afl’-cting sales, assiduity ami punctuality and c andour, will cv r be observe and. flew ill also procure hire for Negroes, and use eve v precaution i* securing tlie wages. A re* irsier so. such will be kept qien f r tin; inser tiuuofall Negroes sent fur hire, ami for uppii Cants for flel 1 hinds, House servants, and gangs ■'< work on board of vessels, who wi'.i be sup pl'cd as far as the encouragement this estab lish neat may meet from the owners ol that property. Strangers and others arc informed, that t!;-*y may obtain on application at his office, such in f nnatUi as nr ay be rcquheil and his means al inrd, h s fees moderate on all such occasions A registerf tiie Land Drawing, in tne for ■n.erauu 1. - a I.lievv is already H r inspection 5 mall maps of the Kinds olil .ined, anil a correct sketch of the counties and districts, water cour- S--S .he to bo seen. D POLOCK. feb: 8 S3 Potatoes t- c. 60 M'lls Putt-toes ‘ 26 bags do ‘ ■1 Minis N K Bum t do W l do AO bbis Beef 20 do Pork 10 do Vinegar ’•*o fiides I .cut her 10 Nests Trunks Now I sliding and for Sale by L’LAGIiQUN & BASSETT, u-b 15 *d J 9 liuHani Bangs. Frederic Selleek, S"ITAS just received and offers for sale, Low M.M. lor casii, produce, or tow u paper only, 3<t Phis prime Muscovado Sugar 80 do Howard st Halt superfine Flour 20 do Rye Whisker 20 do No 3 Mackerel 10 (hi N Gin 5 hluls Rye Whiskey 2 hhds imiiaticn Jamaica Bum 15 bags prime Havana Coffee 1000 bush, t.iverp. Ground Salt 5 tons Swedes Iron assorted 5 do 11 1! flow Ware, Eng. and American 80 ps Cotton Bagging 10 casks Cheese 1000 pounds Share Moulds 40 small boxes No 1 Soap 40 doz-Carolina Wee ding Hoes 100 reams Wrapping Paper 16 doz American Axes 20 kegs Dupont’s Powder Siiot assorted 1500 wt prime new Bacon, snltpetred Brown Plaids and Stripes Plains, Calico, Shoes, Mats And almost every article suitable lor town or country To /lent —a large and convenient MUSS!Store anil Cellar fronting Barnard street, in C Gddon’s new brick Building, rent very Low. MI.LS OF EXCHANGE, On Nexv York and Providence, for sale as a bove 3.5 dec 17 New Goods. JOSEPH KO PALIN, ” jt Johnston's Square, a f. AS received by the latest arrivals Extra fine and 2 1 quality Bombazines Figured French Crape Dresses r do Nankin do do Merino Mantles 3 4. 4 4 and 8 4 Merino Shawls Plain and silk dkfs, /'vr Turbans While and black Crapes Plaid Ribbons Gentleman’s silk Cravats Super t'leuch cloths and Cassimeres do Shepherds blue and ulk do Blue ball Twist ife Me. Which with an extensive assortment of'Sta. pie and Fancy Goods, are offered on accommo dating terms t wholesale or retail. N. B. The remaining stock of white & mix’d Plains, will be disposed of as cheap as any in market 4 jan 5 I'ov Sale, a great bargain. P^l\ E lunul'ed and seventy-seven acres oat 5 and hickory lands, about 26 miles from Sa vannah, on which there is a good dwelling house and other necessary out buildings, the above land joins the river and Fbenezer creek. * ALSO, 5 prime field hands will be sold with the a bove property. Persons wishing to purchase, will please call on J B HERBERT Cos. jan 8 6 Do Lent. Jlndposts s*iougiven immediately. (aft Til .x f ciegaat three story bribk tehe tiiiiil meni Dwelling li mse and Store, c mer ot Laniard si and Hay Lane, the Dwelling-house contains seven huge and spacious rooms, Cellar Kitchen Sic, the store is large, and an excellent stand for any kind us business, toe rent will be very until the first of Nov next. Also—a Brick Dwelling House m Hryan-st. containing live rooms and Cellar Kitchen, new, and in complete order A so—a Dwelling House and Store, corner of Jefferson and Si Julian-st a good stand fora i.r cei - ’ Store, rent low, apply > > ■jan 14 11 FREDERIC SELLECK. Cognac IS rami it anil Jamaica Haw. 15 pipes superior 4ili proof Cognac Brandy 11 libels do do Jamaica Rum For sale bv ■ jau 31 BAKER & MIVTOtf, ‘i’o Flutitcrs. FBH E Subscriber lias on hand N will continue 10 keep a coustan Supply of FLtJira, COlt.VSp PlittClHKhYS, With a general Assortment of such articles as ire required for Planters. The Goods will be sold at Savannah prices, and Produce taken in payment —He Solicits tiie Patronage of those Planters in the vicinity of St. Mary’s. In Store, 2000 Bushels Prime Flint Corn, SOU bbls Superfine Flour, With a general assortment of Dry Goods, Hard ware and Groceries. GEO. VV. MARTIN. St. .Ifarys, .Yov. 17. 17 ’jjjMlK subscriber has just received from New- IL Y Tk Superfine India and French Levantine Heavy Smchews Nank 11 and Canton Crapes Black figured Naples S.ik India flag lldkfs Merino -A Shawls - Linen cambric hdkfs, 75 cts a t 75 Ladies superfine wt andcul’d kid Gloves do do col’d castor and beaver do Gentlemens white and col’d do do Sewed Tailibourd aittl plain Muslins Fine ffmmc’d-Miislin robes and trinmiings Assorted braids and velvet Ribbons Sneer plaid Silks, for Turbands A few white and mixt Plains on hand which sluili be sold low—with a variety of other a;ti des at the sign of tile golden fleece, by WILLIAM ROSE. inn 11 9 Turks-lsluiul Salt afloat, > 2000 bushels superior quality Turks Island I Salt-, on board the schv. Sally, at Anderson’s I wharf, for sale by DOUGLASS y SORREL, fob 12 c 36 Prime Green Coffee. JUST received—4l bags prime green COF FEE—for sale by feb 12 h 36 TAFT & SIBLEYS. FRIDAY MOIIXIN'J—FEBRUARY 52, i^2. Alahognn // Fnrnitnre , Piano Fortes, Purled flair Matrasses Feather Beds, Chairs, <^’c. ‘STUE subscriber, agent for the well known f Factory of 1). I’HYPE, ru the city of New- Vork. respcctfullv informs the citizens of Sa vannah, that he has brought to this city a large Se full assortment of CABINET’ FURNITURE, consisting of the following articles : Pine Boards, with and without Liquor Cases Seis of Dining Tables, single do Sofas and Couches, Rosewood and Mahogany Pier Tables, with marble trips, Card T abb- Tea Tables, Breakfast Tables. Dressing T a bles, with and without glasses Rosewood and Mahogany Work Tables do do Writing do Secretaries, Bookcases, Birfaus Double and ‘■ Wasli Stands, Ward Robes Butlers’ Trays and Stands, Piano Stools Music Book Cases, Mahogany Chairs Curled Maple do, Rosewood do. High post Rosewood Bedsteads, Fieldjdo do do Mahogany do. Field do. do do Curled Maple do field do Dressing Glasses, of every description Piano Fortes, the newest Music, fkc. Double and single curled hai Matra-sos do do feather BedsoU he best quality A large assortment of Chairs. All the above articles will be v. arrented to stand he climate, and the subscribe, invite, the public generally to call and view fort lemselves at his Repository, Church Buildings, opposite Gibbons’ thuddings ‘ J. W. MOURAJiti. N. B The subscriber has brought out one of the best, workmen, and will attend to those who wish their Furniture repaired or varnished, nov 12 6 Spring Goods, linaifE subscribers have just received by the 4n ship Rlucher and other recent arrivals from Lilei pool a variety of Seasonabte Jfrij Goods, Which with those on boa’ and the Ships Emily an ! ilromo, now on their way ft rim England will make their assortment not only complete, but extensive ANDREW LOW & CO. Now ts Stour —Cotton Bagging, Porter, Crockery, casks of Glaze and tea China, jan 25 §lm 21 Looking’ Glasses. B W. MORKFI.L, offers for sale at his Fur <t‘lt mtiive repository (Church buildings,) an elegant assortment of Mantle and Pier Glas ses of the latest fashions. Orders will he received lor Glasses and for warded to tiie manufacturer at New-York. /an 7 Hi ley's Flute .Melodies, zptOXTAINING a choice Collection of Songs, A,’ Airs, Cotil! mis, Dances, Marches, fsc ir ■ ranged for lire Flute, V ‘oltriyant I'a'eut Fla geolet. in 14 numbers at 50 cents each. Riley’s Flute Duetts—2 numbers, at 50 conts. Riley’s Vocal Melodies, a 25 cts a number. Riiey’s Preceptor fr Ihe Piano Forte, con taining a sHcctii nos Finger’d Lessons, Airs, Songs, AS abzes, Marches, No.—price Si. Preceptor’s ami instruction Book for the Flute, Viol’ll, Clarionet, Flageolet and Fife, of the most approved kinds The new Musical and Vocal Cabinet, being a selection of the most favorite English, Scotch and Irish Melodies, arranged for the Voice, Violin, Flute, Stc.—2 vols. price §4. The Masoni ■ Minstrel, a selection of Mason ic, Sentimental, and Humorous Songs, Duetts, Glees, Canons, &.c. set to Music, with an appen dix containing a short historical account of Ma sonry—l vol. Bvo price S3. The Melodist, a favrite collection, arranged for tlie Voice, Flute or Violin—S‘2 25. A selection ot choice Stingy, with an Essay on Song -Writing, by Dr Atkin. For sale by THUS. LONG WORTH, e g o 28 John ton’* square. Blank Account Books, 4 N assortment ot Blank account Books, ?. made of the best paper, and bound in the best manner—For Sale by T. LONG WORTH. Johnson'i Square. aiso—Porte i'euiilcs for the Counting Desk, common anti superior Quills, common and fine Letter’and Cup writing Paper, Gilt and black edge I .elter Paper, Red and black wafers and Scaling wax, Backgammon and Chess Rourtls, Playing Cards, together ui lia general assort- 1 merit of Hooks and Stationary, All at the lowest Prices, feh 16 ■! To Country .Merchants, Planters, sc. GKORBK HKLPH, f : g ,Xo 3, Gibbons’ Building, HAS received bv the ship Droiao, from Liv erputd, a good assortment “f Seasonable Spying Goods, and is daily expecting further supplies by the ships Hercules, Emily, and Oglethorpe, which will make hia assortment extensive and com |.lele—an t well worthy the attention of all pur chasers, both wholesale and retail. His Goods are purchased on the most reason able terms, and well selected for this market, having friends that select them m the different manufacturing towns in England, Scotland, and Ireland, who have been regularly brought up to the business. PATTEN’S super ior edition of the Nautical Almanac and Astronomica*Ephen.eris for the year 1823—price S l 50 - Hamlet’s Table of Interest, 1 vol- S3. Chapman’s Table of Interest, calculate J ac cording to equitable and legal principle, (865 days to the year) at the rate of 6 per cent, jier annum : Showing the interest on any sum, from one cent to ten. thous old dollars, from one da’ to three hundred and sixtv-tive days, fr tn one to twelve mouths, and from ten to thirteen v. ars— with several other useful tables, 1 vol.— S6. For tale by THOMAS LONG WORTH, f e b 7 Matin's square. Tiie Library, IS open for the delivery of Books, Monday, \A edeesday arid Friday, from 4 to 6 o’clock, Jr m £ do dec it) •lust oneni’d, I CASE of elegant Inserting and Scolloped j T.r t ritnmii'gs sewed andianiboure I F LOGS’- GK>, Book Frills, Coliaretts and A lldkfs Paris Tippetts, Stomachers, JOSEPH K( a\l AN. I jan 15 12 Johnson’s squir e. Ale, Porh, Gin, cc. Lending from brig L rant, 29 bbls Ale Jo store, 111 do prime Pork 2 V do mess do 37 do prime Beef 14 do mess do 23 halfbbi., ITy-nenkrM Beef 26(J bbls superline Flour 78 do union Gin 2(1 do Loaf Sugar 50 boxes Soap s'i do Candles 89 tiikics prin.e Goshen FtiUer 11 casks bliot assorted sizes 6 ton share Moulds l Marble dummy Piece 80 kegs manufactured T'obacco j ICO casks Counnecticiit stone Lime 2 Gigs with Harness complete For sale by G.G GRISWOLD & Cos. | jan 22 18 Joseph Kopm vn, ’ ?j 3 Johnston's square, I ‘* SAS just received per ships Georgia and j Pallas, from i iverpool, Iff bales white Plains, sdo mixt do 1 do tartan Plaids j 2 cases blue and red Union Stripes 2 do 4-4 I landkc.chiefs 3-4 and 6-4 cotton Cheeks Wilh a variety of other things, w'-ieli will he j sold on accommodating terms. 26 dec 5 j Dry Goods cheap for Gusli!!! | J ite subscriber has received bj the Cotton-Plant, ! Clo* hs and Casintere-r, of various qualities I II 4 Marseilles Quills j Superb Jaconet Cambric embroider'd dresses Inferior do do do j Sniped Silks v i ,v paterns) j Black Silk Velvet ! 3 [is English ingrain stair Curp&ling AISO, A few cases gentlemens’ black & white imita tion beaver Hats—with his firmer supply of Wolltn, Linnon anu Cotton goods makes a com plete assortment. Country merchants are invi j ted t(‘ call F l. SH AY, jun 8 6 -Ao. 7 Commerce Hate. Insurance against Fire. The /Etna Insurance Company, Hartford, w ill insure houses and buildings, m - .-hatabze, liir niture and other property, including vessels in port, t heir cargoes, ?4C. against, loss or damage by I-ire, for any term from one month to one or more years. The conditions, which are moderate, may be known on ap hcilion to the suhsciiber, who is nut hurized agent, awl is ein’iov ered to isue policies without the delay incident to other a gencies of ibis nature. The Company undertake in all Cases to pay the full amount of the actual loss, provided it does not exceed the amount insured. The pre miums are reasonable, ands uudd off’, r a strong inducement to any person having property at hazard to place it in security, jan 7 5 S. M ANTON. For Sale, 25 boxes fresh Raisins 3 casks Carolina Hoei Hessians Cold Threads Oil-cloth Carpeting 1 Gig and Harness For sale by J- HANMF.Ii, feh 6 e 31 Tanner's Hnild ng. \„ 11. SAGE, § Cos. Offer for sale, 70 bI.L Mess and Prime Pork 72 do Whiskey 50 pipes and b Is Northern Gin 30 bbls NO and AVI Sugar 300 do Mess and Prime Beef | 50 hox.-s Soap and Candles 50 kegs Lard Id chests and 20 half do IB son ‘tea S do voting Hyson, 10 do Souchong do 100 qr boxes Spanish and Am. Sigars 20 kegs No l Tobacco 20 bbis Loaf Sugar 20 boxes M Ik B Raisins 25 bids Flour 10 bags prime green Coffee 12 0 bushels Corn &o. f,.i, j3 37 Bulloch's n’mrf Mahogany Flank Boards and Venenrs. VV)If E subscriber has received by the late ar il rivals from New-York., a general assort i-.eiitot the above articles. Also, Sattinwooil, Vent-ars, and Whitewood, which will be sold |<,w by J W MORRV.I.L, fel> 5 30 Church Buildings, Bills on New-York, For sale by C. C. GRISWOLD. jan 23 19 Ft stings, 1 bale Valencia, TuHiutt and Fancy Vest ings just received from Boston, and tor sale by fan 29 24 E WILLIAMS & Cos. Cut Nails. ONE Hundred and fifty Casks Cut Nails and Brads, assorted,—Landing from Brig Chat hum, —For Sale by jan 24 20 Ev WILLIAMS L* Cos. No. 45 Vin,, i.B; Notice. %I r. pet :on- : <.u.t to the es'fe ojr.ToLr) I Chaw, Kite ot .St. Mivs dec it.piesL jO'l to ni..':e p.e m.-nt u -J e stibM - .: iher wili.iu I ;'••*>> i’roiii ti'isiiaie, the debts not then pad 1 j uni tie ?>■ 1 1 in suit, aa.l tie-ie iuivuig dymanda ’ agai ■si said estate are requested to present I them f r payment to GEM \Y. MART IN, A.lm’oix _ van 22 §i i 18 Not icc. IXF months utter and ie application will I f.. * v made to the ‘ on. Inferior ( t int of Chat ham County for leave to sell- a Tract of I rmj iu Jt (It i'son County, about nine miles below I ouisville, adjoining Lands of Baldwin Raiferd, estate of Ingrmn cleceased, and others; con •rinieif 31*6 acres, more r ess, as part of the Real Estate of Piitliu Raiford, doer asv,! K. !4A'F()I,I), Adm’r. mv 29 9,. I jike Notice. YflAh mouths afterdate, ! shall apply to the is Hon tffe Judge of the: iiferior Court of .Chatham County*, for leave to sell: hi reaGs Tate of \V G Knee, and fir the benelit of the .hciissnd t tecitors of said deceased S. G THKEAI9C If A JT, Jfdm'r. f 62 Notice. f|MtF. subscriber having tiken John P An il. drews into copirtnershi;> the A net ion and Commission Business, will l.eicefeward he conducted under the firm of r rp - m ,g df<" LSHAM THOMPSON.’ Augusta, jan 12 j,,, Notice. , i’JAHE stihscrihers are r.rcparad to Discount S piomptly every day, approved Pape r.’ wit having than ninety days to run, a. 6 no: eer.i and pay the proceeds of such (hsconn> ; Chocks on An uaia, if preferred lyv'he olio ‘ ■ dec 18 86 GUMMING & GWATHMFA Notice, k I-L persons iiaving demands against the es d\. late of (i. 5 Din>iard, u’lhnv late <>i f!gin '■m wil’ l.iiml tlicrn i*, properly and, and those indebted t<> said estate are reques | ted to make immediate payment JOHNy C. RICHARD, Executor. St. Mary’s, dec 23 s+* 48 Notice. KJEUSONS having demands against the !;te fe Air. Archibald McLevan, dec. arc requested to rend, r thorn ’uoperiy attesi and agreeable to law; and those indebted are requested to nuke immediate payment to the undersigned qualifi ed executors. JAMES WALLACE, 1 UENiiV ate.Af pin ( Ex’r3. TGi'V A r MiUiOSE A feb 14 ih 88 Notice. S 1.1. persons are cautioned apai-st l tirclia \ sing any properly belonging to a s Jatie Hotirke. ARCIIIH VI.I> b' ! l I'll, E rrcutor to the \ci'i us Mrs Edit .beth /Smith feb 16 (140 ((j°Nolice. PRISONS desire'.s ii disposing of t r> ( l s Muirue, Houston, and How C iunties, and lands in th- Counties gem a iy, <4 the two last Lam! Lotteries, w;P please give iaforrnatiori to the subscriber by letter, post laid, through tije rrie.hum of tiie post office, stating t'a !•- price for such, will promi.tlv he an >• •••/.(! feb 16 38 DAVID Pi 1.0 t. For Private Sale. \ PLANTATION upon Savannah ! w, the Parish tis St 1 tike, km;'.vn by ’ f tiie jllect ss—lately belonging n> Six • Wilson, deceased, and adjoing the fda: of ATr. Jar es 11. A| com For pariieulai ...lyto WM. DRAY I ON, T JAMES FERi.USOV, C Chu let ton. C c. I’INL K’ ‘ Y. J . 3 Or to TUFTS N REED, Savannah. jan 17 614 __ Just Deceived. Per ship Blacker, from Liverpool, A FfiW I’Al'K. AGES OF llollaud and Imperial Super round and patent l*(t bin London Quality and Shoe Binding, assorted colors Black cotton Ferret White, blue, diamond ami strljicd Bed I.trco White Cotton Fringe Scarlet Worsted do c Cambric Wires, Shirt do. and Moulds. Which n 11 be sold low, and on accommodating’ term-, by JOSHU A MU.NE, jan24 29 Williamson's range Herrings &“ Apple Ilrainljj. SO bills Susquehanna Herrings, Nos. i it 2 10 -do Apple Brandy 1 anJtne and lor sale, hv DANE. CAR'T V, Jr. feb 12 1186 //"'b >’ ihtintr*. Fork. zO IVTs mess j Pork l.anding 5(1 do Prime !> From Ship Garonne aid lor Sale by lt . () j 27 L. 11. SAGE & Cos. Just Deceived, And for sale by S MANTON. Krx’s wharf, 10 kegs Coloring. feb 9 3 Prime Sugars and Coffee. 16 hhds prime Jam uca Sugars, in targe Idulm 112 bbls st Croix Sugar 200 bags prime Green Coffee Horn Me **£"susi8 r s k ~