Newspaper Page Text
Dearborn's Patent Balances ,
. .* ,u .to f -j; “y WAItD .
nov 1 5 ?
dry goods.
milE subscriber lias just received per Ship
T j, ( h n & Edward from New York, a tresh
supply of seasonable Dry Goods,
Among which are,
Extra super queens mixture Casimeres
Gentlemens. Cravats
Brittania Handkerchiefs
Imitation Merino Dresses
Green Baize
Gentlemens super Buff & Drab Buckskin
l Case mens low priced Chip Hats
-GOO Quills
Which will be sold low for Cash, at No.
7, Commerce Bow. i. L. SIIAY.
jan 19 Id
HAS removed his shoo to llul'-street, nar
Broughton-street, where he co ,t>nuesthe
in all its various branches,
sml where will be happy to receive orders from
the town or country, and pledges hints, if that
they will be punctually and neatly executed
He constantly keeps on hand all kind of Taints,
Paper Hangings with fancy Borderfngs, &c and
Piper Hanging done on the shortest notice,
feb 20 <Kj
Office for the sale of.Ne
groes, Lund , Houses unci Luts and
General Brokerage.
JUiIE subscriber renews a tender of his scr
vices to his friends, and pledges his un
remitted attention to the sale and purchase of
Negroes as usual, as also the disposal of Houses
and Lois, Lands and the negotiation of paper,
and every other transaction in the Brokerage
line on commission. IBs acquaintance with
persons most likely to purchase Negroes, af
fords a facility in affecting sales, assiduity and
punctuality and candour, will ev r be observ and.
lie will also procure hire for Negroes, and use
evevvprecaution in securing the wages. A re
gister for such will be kept open for the inser
tion of all Negroes sent for hire, and for appli
i cants for field hands, House servants, and gongs
}to work on board of vessels, who will oe sup
plied as far as the encouragement this estab
| lishment may meet from the owners of that
[ property.
‘ Strangers and others are informed, that they
may obtain on application at bis office, such in
formation as may be requited and his means at
i ford, his fees moderate on all such occasions,
j A register of the Land Drawing, in the for
lineraiul last Lottery is already for inspection
Small maps of the lands obtained, and a correct
f sketch of the counties and districts, water coir -
I :es &c to be seen. D POLOCK.
I feb i8 38
For a few days only.
*]HE subscriber respectfully informs the In-
I habitants of Savannah of his arrival from N.
York with that valuable article
on THE
The above valuable article is an excellent
remedy against all inflammations in the head,
eyes, &c. rheumatism, gout, old inveterate ul
cers, or any local pain where blood-letting is re
quired, as they can be applied so near the part
iflfected, without the least danger.
Apply to T. A. BANNING,
At the Citv Hotel.
feb 21 44 ‘
IAS in addition to his former supply—
Superfine Muslin Kobes and Flounces
do 4 4 and 6-4 plain and lig’d mull mull
Muslin?, do do do Book do
do do do Nansojk Muslins
fine Jaconets and Cambric do
Superfine thread and bobinet Laces and cap
* 8 fine printed check and stripe Muslins
1-4 Caroline Muslin Plaids, (anew stile)
>•4 and 4.4 striped and plaid Cambric Ginghams
lair cord and 6-4. Cambric Dimity’s
fine white and col’d bordered muslin cravats
anu imitation Cambric do
Mtfigured and colored Irish Poplins
1° do do BombazeTs and Bombazines
w Nankins and Canton Crapes
Isdow and clue Nankins
Hark striped do
llussia drill and Long Lawn
‘•8 and 4 4 Irish Linens in whole and hf pieces
>■4lrish Sheeting
Hrown Ho ! ands and Scotch Dowlass
tong Cloths and white Homespuns
••4 button Checks
’"pfcifine !dk and blue cloths and Cassimeres
‘•atlies best quality white and col’d K;d Gloves
do wht and Irik English silk do
J a and Gentlemens do do do silk Hose
do Cotton do of every description
” do Castor and Heaver Gloves
and Nuns best- quality Tnreads
fawning* do do silver eyed Needles
1 quantity of the best Oznaburgs on hand
w ith sundry other articles, for sale low at
tile sign of the Golden Fleece, Gibbon’s
buildings, 47 feb 25
Ldt'. subscribers inform > heir customers and
4 fiends generally, that they have received
i" l '. the factory i,f Andrew Rankin, Newatk,
‘‘"’•Jersey, a general assortment of Mens’ and
‘'i lls’ HATS, as follows:
has’ fi. s t quality Beaver Hats
I | !> do lm.taGon do
and first and second quality Castor do
ao fine Roratn * do
‘With’s Fine and Fancy do
f ' r ’ s and Boys’ Wool Hats —all of which are
“"framed equal to any in the place,
reasonable terms bv
A 28 43h.
Frederic Selleck,
HAS just received and offers for sale, Low
for cash, produce, or town paper only,
30 bbls prime Muscovado Sugar
SO do Howard st Balt superfine Flour
20 do Rye NVhiskev
20 do No 3 Mackerel
10 do N Gin 5 hlids Rye Whiskey
2 hlids imitation Jamaica Rum
15 bags prime Havana Coffee
1000 bush, i iverp. Ground Salt
5 tons Swedes Iron assorted
5 do Hallow Ware. Eng. and American
30 ps Cotton Bagging
10 casks Cheese
1000 pounds Share Moulds
40 small boxes ,\o 1 Soap
40 doz Carolina We ed:; ■ es
100 reams vV rapping Papt:
16 doz American A x.s
20 kegs 1) ‘pent’ ■ Powder
Shot assorted
1500 * t cuune new Bacon, sa'tfc • .1
Brown Shirting, Plaids a;.-1 Stripes
Plains, Calico, Sh- t-v. Cuts
And almost every article suitable for town or
To Lent —a large and convenient
Store ami Cellar fronting Barnard street,
in CGi on’s new brick Building, rent very
On New York and Providence, for sale as a
buve. 35 dec 17
New Hoods.
•f 5 Johnston’s Square,
i k AS received by the latest arrivals ‘
Extra line and 2d quality Bombazines
Figured French Crape Dresses
do Nankin do do
Merino Mantles
3 4. 4-4 and 8 4 Merino Shawls
Plain and silk lidkfs, for ’l'urbans
W bite and black Crapes
Plaid Ribbons
Gentleman’s silk Cravats
Super Trench cloths and Cassimeres
do ihetdierds blue and oik do
Blue ball t wist &<• ede
Which with an extensive assortment o*’Sta.
pie and Fancy Goods, are offered oil accommi.
dating terms t wholesale or retail.
X. B The remaining stock of white & mix’d
Plains, will be dispose 1 of as cheap ai, any in
market 4 jan 5
For Sale , a great bargain.
K Imnd'e't and -i venty-seven acres oak
and hickory lands, ab ,ut 26 miles from Sa
vannah, on which the e is a good dwelling house
and other necessary out buildings, the above
land joins the river and I benezer creek.
5 prime field hands will be sold with the a
bnve property. Persons wishing to purchase,
ill please call on J B HERBERT HJ Cos.
jan 8 6
To Lent.
Jlnd possession given immediately.
THAT elegant three story brick tene
!jn|s| ment Dwelling house and Store, corner
of i larnard-st. and Bay Lane, the Dwelling-house
contains seven large and spacious rooms, Cellar
Kitchen &c, the store is large, and an excellent
stand for any kind of business, the rent wilt be
very moderate until the first of Nov next.
Also —a Brick Dwelling House m Bryan-st.
containing five rooms and Cellar Kitchen, new,
and in complete order.
Aiso —a Dwelling House and Store, corner of
Jefferson and St Julian-st. a good stand fora
Grocery Store, rent low, apply to
To Planters.
/ vJIIE Subscriber has on hand & will continue
ii to keep a constat) Supply of
With a general Assortment of such articles as
are required for Planters. The Goods will be
sold at Savannah prices, and Produce taken in
payment He Solicits the Patronage of those
Planters in the vicinity of St. Mary’s.
In Store,
2000 Bushels Prime Flint Corn,
300 bbls Superfine Flour,
With a general assortment of Dry Goods, Hard
ware and Groceries
St. Marys, Xov 17. 17
ItllK subscriber has just received from New
• York . , „
Superfine India and French Le vantine
Heavy Sinciiews
Nankrin and Canton Crapes
Black figured Naples Silk
India flag Hdkfs
Merino 1 ShawD
Linen cambric hdkfs, 75 cts a 1 75
Ladies superfine wt and col’d kid Gloves
do do col’d castor and beaver do
Gentlemens white and col’d do do
Sewed Tambtmrd and plain Muslins
Fine flounc’d Muslin robes and trimmings
Assorted braids and velvet Ribbons
Super plaid Silks, for Turbands
A few white and mixt Plains on hand which
shall be sold low—with a variety of other arti
cles at the sign of the golden fleece, by
jan 11 9
fa MiE subscriber tenders lus services to tue
S. public itrthe sale of Houses, Lands, Ne
groes and-evert’ kind of property on commis
sion He will also sell for Executors and Ad
ministrators on the most reasonable terms, at
public sales, and discount bis commissions in
all cases where he is justly indebted. All let
ters post paid, will be duly attended to as well
as personal application, above the Auction store
of W Hotchstrasser, will be attended to with
imnctnality and dispatch.
1 feb 19 ‘ 42 R LUBBOCK.
Coffee. &C,
400 bags green Coffee
40 bbls do do
400 bbls No. 3 Mackerel
20 qr casks sweet Malaga Wine
Landing this day Lorn schr Caroline, at An
derson’s wharf and for sale by
feb is E. WILLIAMS & CO.
•Mahogany Furniture ,
Piano Fortes, Purled Hair Matrasses
Feather Beds, Chairs, Sfc.
r BYHE subscriber, agent for the well known
J Factory of D PIIYFE, in tlie cityof New-
York, respectfully informs the citizens of Sa
vannah, that be has brought to this city a large
& full assortment of CABINET FURNITURE,
consisting of the following articles :
Side Boards, with and without Liquor Cases
Sets of Dining Tables, single do
Sofas and Couches, Rosewood and Mahogany I
Pier Tables, with marble tops. Card Tables
Tea Tables. Breakfast Tables, Dressing Ta
bles. with ad without glasses
Rosewood and v’ahogany Work Tables
do do Writing do
Secretaries, Book Cases, Bureaus
Double and -ingle iV isl. Stands, Ward Robes
Butlers’Trays and Stands, Piano Stools
Music Rook Cases, Mahogany Chairs
Curled Maple do, Rosewood do
High post Rosewood Bedsteads. Fiekl|do
do do Mahogany do Field do.
do do Curled Maple do field do
‘■ ressing Glasses, of every Ascription
Piano Eortes, the newest Musis, &c.
Double and single curled Inn Matrasses
do do feather Beds oft he best quality
A large assortment ot Chairs.
All the above articles will he ~ arranted to
stand the climate, and the Subscribe, invites the.
public’ g ncrallv to calland view fort ierufelves
at his Repository,
Church h uialnigs, opposite Gibbons’ Buildings.
N B The subscriber lias brought out one of
the best workmen, ana will attend to those who
wish their Furniture repaired or varnished,
nov 12 6
goo I: ing * 0 la does.
JW. MOUREi.L, offers for sale a’ his Fur
niture repository (Church buildings,) an
elegant assortment of Mantle and Pier Glas
ses of the latest fashions.
Orders will be received for Glasses and for
warded to the manufacturer at New-York.
/an 7
Blank Accom t Hooks.
, N assortment ot Blank account ljooks,
A made of the best paper, ani bound in the
best manner—For Sate by
Johnson’s Square.—Porte feuilles for the Counting Desk,
common and superior Quills, common and line
Letter and Cap writing Paper, Gilt and black
edge Letter Paper, Red amt black wafers and
Sealing wax, Backgammon and Chess Boards,
Playing Cards, together with a general assort
ment of
Boohs and Stationary,
All at the lowest Prices,
fell 16 JO ■
To Country Merchants, Planters, Jj'c.
j “g „V 3, Gibbons’ Building,
s"i AS received by the ship Dromo, from Liv
evpi cJ, a good assortment of
Seasonable Spring Goods,
and is daily expec ting further supplies by the
ships Hercules, Emily, and Oglethorpe, which
will make liis as ortment extensive and com
plete—anu well worthy tile attention of all pur
chasers, both wholesale ami retail.
ILs Goods are purchased on the most reason
able terms, and v eil selected for this market,
‘paving friends that select them in the different
manufacturing towns in England, Scotland,and
Ireland, who have been regularly brought up
to the business. feb 7 ni32
I f ATTBN’S superior edition of the Nautical
Almanac and Astronomical Eplten.eris for
the year 1823—price §1 SI).
Hamlet’s Table of Interest, 1 vol—
Chapman’s Table of Interest, calculate 1 ac
cording to equitable and legal principle, (365
day,s to the year) at the rate of 6 per cent, per
annum : Showing the interest on any sum, from
one cent to ten thousand dollars, from one day
to three hundred and sixty-five days, fr'>m one
to twelve mouths, and from ten to thirteen
rears —with several other useful tables, 1 vol.—
SG. For sale by
feh 7 Johnston’s square.
Norwalk Academy.
’ JMIK Trustees of this Academy would beg
1 leave to recommend it to the attention of
the public. Uis under the superintendence of
Mr. llAwi.r Olmsteab, a gentleman of distin
guished reputation as a scholar and instructor.
Students will be instructed in the various
branches of Academic Education, and every at
tention will be paid to their morals.
Terms from 4to §5 per quarter. Board in
respectable families may be-obtained at from
§1 75 to $2 per week.
This Institution has been recently’ establish
ed ; the building is new and convenient, and
delightfully situated in one of the most pleas
ant and healthy villages in Connecticut. the
Winter Term commences the first Monday in
November —the Summer Term, the first Mon
day in May. Gentlemen desirous of further in
formation are respectfully referred to Messrs.
A. RICHARDS, Esq.? Savannah
11. LOCKWOOD, >Trustees.
S. B. Sl'. JOHN,
Nonealk, Conn. Jon. 14, 1822. feh 19
Whiskey, Flour, §c.
30 hlids Rye Whiskey
50 bbls Balt, superfine Flour
30 do N York city Inspection prime Pork
20 do do do Beet
6 hlids rectified Rum
20 bbls N E Gin
50 boxes mould Candles
3 hf pipes ?
3 qr casks 5 Superior old Fort Wine
8 boxes No 10 Cotton Cards
For sale by
feb 26 48 J. LATIIHOP Si Cos
The Library,
18 open for the delivery of Books, Monday,
VV edeesday and Friday, from 4 to 6 o’clock,
p M 31) dec 10
Just opened,
i CASE of elegant Inserting and Scolloped
trimmings sewed anil tamboured FLOUN
CES, Book Frills, Collaretls and j I Idkfs
Paris Tippetts, Stomachers, cfc.
jan 15 12 Johnson’s square. J
Joseph Kopman,
H Johnston’s square,
AS just received per ships Georgia and
Pallas, from Liverpool,
10 bales white l’liins, sdo mixt do
1 do tartan l’laids
2 cases blue and red Union Stripes
2 do 4-4 I landke. chief's
3-4 and 6-4 cotton Checks
With a variety of other tilings, which will be
sold on accommodating terms. 26 dec 5
Fry Goods cheap for Cash !!!
The subscriber has received by the
Cloths and Casimeres, of various qualities
11 4 Marseilles Quilts
Superb Jaconet Cambric embroider’d dnesses
Inferior do do do
Striped Silks (new patents)
Black Silk Velvet
3 ps English ingrain stair Carpeting
A few cases gentlemens’ black & white imita
tion beaver Hats —with liis former supply <,(
Wollen, Linnen and Cotton goods makes a com
plete assortment. Country merchants are invi
ted to call F. L SHAV,
jail 8 6 Ao 7 Commerce /| U.v.
insurance against Fire.
The JEtna Insurance Company, Hartford, w ill
insure houses and buildings, merchandize, fur
niture arid other property, including vessels in
port, their cargoes, &c. against loss or damage
by fire, for any term from one month to one or
more years.
The conditions, which are moderate, may be
known on application to the subscriber, who is
authorized agent, and is empowered to issue
policies without the delay incident to other a
gencies of this nature.
The Company undertake 4i all cases to pay’
the full amount of the actual loss, provided it
does >t exceed the amount insured. The pre
miums are reasonable, and;S lou'd offer a strong
inducement to any person having property’ at
hazard to place it in security,
jan 7 5 S. MANTON.
L. 1L SAGE, $ Cos.
Offer for sale,
70 bids Mess and Prime Pork
72 do Whiskey
50 pipes ami bMs Northern Gin
30 bbls NO and Wl Sugar
100 do Mess and Prime Beef
50 boxes Soap and Candles
50 kegs Lard
10 chests and 20 half do Hyson Tea
5 do young Hyson, 10 do Souchong da
100 qr boxes Spanish and Am. Sigars
20 kegs No 1 Tobacco
20 bbis Loaf Sngar
20 boxes M & B Raisins
25 bbls Floor
10 bags prime green Coll'ee
1200 bushels Corn Sic.
feb 13 37 Bulloch’s vharf.
Mahogany Flank Boards and
£pIIE subscriber has received by the ’ te ar
il. rivals from New-York, a general assort
ment of the above articles. Also, Sattinwood,
Venears, and VVhitewood, which will be soul
low by J VV MORRELL,
feb 5 30 Church Buildings.
Boots and Shoes,
At Reduced Prices.
THE subscriber intending to close his busi
ness early in the spring, offers for sale his
stock of fresh Boots and Shoes, wholesale and
retail, at unusually low prices—amongst which
-1000 pair ladies’morocco Slippers, plain Laces,
village Laces, bridle ties and broad straps,
with and without heels
300 pair ladies’ superior quality black moroc.
co broad straps and village, heel and spring
heel walking Shoes
500 pair women’s black roan morocco Slip
pel's, of various qualities
700 pair gentlemen’s fine nailed and sewed
calf skin Shoes, of a superior qua'to
, 800 pair children’s morocco ami leatnei Shoes
and Boots, thick and thin Soles
Ladies’ prunello and amask satin Shoes
White and colored kid do
Gentlemen’s fine Washington Boots and dan
cing Pumps
Men’s good strong lined and bouad Shoes
Negroes’ thick Brogand and coarse Shoes
Boys’ fine Shoes, nailed and sewed
Misses’ black and colored morocco and leath
er thick and thin sole Shoes
Day & Martin’s Paste Blaaking, &c. &c.
(Ur’C-nuntry dealers will find it to their ad
vantage to call. JAMES ADAMS,
South side Old Market Square.
feb 31 >94
HTIHESE Paintings will remain in the city on-
TJL ly a tew days longer, therefore such of the
public as have not been gratified with a view
of them, would do well to avail themselves of
every fair day that occurs, otherwise they may
indulge too much in delay. A portrait of Gen
Jackson, by Mr. Vanderlyn, reputed to lie a very
faithful likeness, is received and added to the
collection. 37 jan Li
HAS removed from York-street, to Col. Den
nis’ house in Congress-street, opposite
tho Merchants’ Hotel. „ feb 19
I LT. persons indebted to the e3tale ofJohh
iw Clutce, hue ol St. .Marys dec. are request
ed to make payment to the r.obscnher willful
50 days from this date, the debts not then paid
will be put in suit, and those having demands said estate are requested to present
them for payment to
GEO. W. M ARTIN, Adm’or.
/an. 22 §ni 18
Tiike Notice.
NINE months afterdate, 1 shall apply to the.
Hon the Judge of the ( nferior Court of
Chatham County, for to sell', he reales
tate of VV.G Enoe, and for the benefit of the
heirs?, ad Creditors of said deceased.
T 62
rgVRE subscriber having taken John P An
t. drews into copartnership, the Auction and
Commission Business, wifi henceforward be
conducted under the firm of Thompson & An
Augusta, jan 12 im
rgVHE subscribers are prepared to Discount
I promptly every day, approved Paper, not
having more than ninety days to run, at 6 per
cent and pay the proceeds of such discount by
Checks on Au usta, if preferred bvihe offerer,
IJERSONS having demands against the late
Mr. Archibald McLeran, dec are requested
to render them properiy attested agreeable to
law; and those indebted are requested to make
immediate payment to the undersigned qualifi
ed executors.
feb 14 ill 58
(ts Notice.
PERSONS desirous of disposing of Lands in
Monroe, Houston, and Henry Counties,
and lands in the Counties generally, of the two
last Land Lotteries, will please give information
to the subscriber by letter, post paid, through
tqe medium of the post office, stating the low
est price for such, will promptly be answered
feb 16 38 DAVID POLOCK.
r jIHE subscribers to the Washington Ball who
1 did not obtain Tikets, are requested to
call and pay their subscription to Messrs Nesler
&. Grigs at the Bar of the Exchange,
feb 26 48
For Private Sale,
1 PLANTATION upon Savannah River, in
f\ the Parish of St. Luke, known by the name
i.f the -Recess—lately belonging to .Ylr. William
Wilson, deceased, and adjoing the plantation
of Mr. James H. Ancrum. For particulars ap
ply to WM. DRAYTON, A
Or to TUFTS St REED, Savannah.
ian 17 %14
Dry Goods.
IVIIE subscriber has just received from New
York, per ship Augusta and other late ar
rivals, a large supply of Staple and Fancy Goods
veh worth the attention of city and country
merchants, will be sold at reduced prices for
cash—viz :
Super blue, black, and’ drab Cloths
do do do do Cassimeres
do 4 4 Irish Linen in halt ieci.s
do damask Table Cloths, from 8-4 to 10-22
An assortment of English and French black Sc
white Silk Lace Shawls
lio do do Veils
Do do silk Hose
4-4. 5-4, 6-4, 7-4 and 8-4 rich Silk Shawls
Super black Nankin Crapes
Black silk Florentine
Black and mixt Caelon Camblets, for gentle
men’s summer wear
Black India Sarsnets
A complete assortment of Domestic Goods, viz:
V. S. ,ro\vn and white Sheetings
Do do Shirtings
Checks, Plaids, Zfc. —For sale by
feb 19 42 .<Vb. 7, Commerce llo'.o. ■
Just Opened
At PETER DREGE’s London Ware-House, ,
trunks extra fine white Cassimere fasli
-5 ionable PANTALOONS, at Eight Dollars,
feb 23 46
Family Butter Lard,
30 firkins best Goshen Dairy Butter, which
is recommended to private families & boarding
20 firkins Lard, landing from ship Augusta
and for sale by A CORNWALL,
feb 15
.V. O. Flour,
500 bbls superfine N O Flour fresh fr the mill
150 kegs Lard—apply to
feb 21 44 E WILLIAMS Sc Cos.
Prime Green Coffee trc.
70 nags Havana green coffee
10 bbls prime Sugars
Landing from ship Clio—and for sale by
feb 21 44 E. WILLIAMS Sc Cos.
JV. E. Rum 8) Domestic Goods
35 bbls N. E Rum
3 bales Domestic Goods, consisting of Plaids,
Stripes, Checks and Shirtings—landing from
brig Frances, and for sale by
feb 25 ‘ c4S Taylor s -wharf.
No. 31 Vol. 28-