The Savannah museum. (Savannah, Ga.) 182?-1822, March 15, 1822, Image 1

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p&L&SUfD DAILY BY COSAM EMIR BARTLET. TUF. SJ Fv3 JV) W9 II MUSK UM “liWishA near .Whitiker-street, on the Bay, verves’ for t ‘ i S +lt manths an(l thre . e time * a e A f or 'the remaining four months of the year, v EI , HT jkti.l\hs per annum, if paid in advance, 5 l r,otxAßs if mid after the expiration of the #r j No subscriptions are received for a period less than six months—for which five hollars are charged. THE SAVANNAH MUSEUM for the coun .... i s published to meet the arrangement of the ,i iree times a week, at five dollars per ®ium, if naid in advance, or eibht dollars if w t paid during the year. Advertisements not exceeding twelve lines areoublished in both papers, the first time for cents, and continued in the city paper, unless i t her*ise ordered, at 38 cents each continuation. Vcvertisements over twelve lines charged in the ame proportion. When an dvertisement is sent to the office without anv number of insertions being expres sed on the face of the order, it is understood that the advertiser wishes it continue-1 until further notice. Therefore, all advertisements which are not originally limited to a certain number of in sertions, are continued and charged until an or der for discontinuance is received. Advertise ments not continued oftener than once a week, arr charged for each insertion the same as anew advertisement. ‘ ________ DRY GOODS. TaIIIE subscriber has just received per Ship if John & Edward from New York, a fresh supply of seasonable Dry Goods, Among which are, Extra super queens mixture Casimercs Gentlemens Cravats Brittania Handkerchiefs Imitation Merino Dresses Green Ba.ze Gentlemens super Bull’ 8c Drab Buckskin Gloves. ALSO, 1 Case mens low priced Chip Hats £OOO Quills Which will be sold low for Cash, at No. 7, Commerce Row, F. L. SHAY, jan Id 16 (Q* Office for the sale of Ne groes, Land, Houses and Lots and General Brokerage. jypHß subscriber renews a tender of his ser il vices to his friends, and pledges his un remitted attention to the- sale and purchase of Negroes as usual, as also the disposal of Houses snd Lots, Lands and the negotiation of paper, sntl every other transaction m the Brokerage iiiie on commission. His acquaintance with persons most likely to purchase Negroes, af fords a facility in affecting sales, assiduity and iunctuality and candour, will ev; r be observed. Je will also procure hire tor Negroes, and use very precaution in securing the wages. A re ;ister for such will be kept open f r the inser ionofall Negroes sent for hire, and for appti ants for field lunds, House servants, and gangs to work on board of vessels, who will be sup died us far as the encouragement this estab may meet from the owners of that property. Strangers and others are informed, that they may obtain on application at his office, such in formation as may be requit ed and his means af ford, his fees moderate on all such occasions. A register of the Land Drawing, in the for mer awl last Lottery is already for inspection Small maps of the lands obtained, and a correct sketch of the counties and districts, water cour ses Sic to he seen. D. I’OLOCK. feb 18 38 The Communicant ’ Spiritual Companion : OR an Evangelical Preparation for the Lord’s Supper, in which are shewn the nature of the Ordinance, and the disposition requisite for a profitable participation thereof—by the liev. Thomas Hawes, D. 1) Price 50 cents. The new Week’s Preparation for a worthy receiving of the Lord’s Supper. 50 cents. Twenty-five Discourses, adapted to the l ord’s Supper, delivered just before the ad ministration of that Sacred Ordinance, by John Owen, S. O. $1 The Terms of the Christian Communion —by Isaac Watts, 1). D. 75 cents. A Companion for the Altar, or Week’s Pre paration for the Holy Comtnunioh —by John Henry Hobart, D. D. 75 cents. Tlie Communicant’s Companion, or Instruc tions and Helps for the right receiving of the ’ rd’s S upper—by Matthew Henry. S$L The Christian’s .Manuel, containing Dialogues ‘Jiu! Prayers, suited to the various exercises of the Christian Life, &c. gt 25. The Rise and Progress of Religion in the Saul, with a devout Meditation on Prayer ad ded to each chapter—by Philip Doddridge, D. A Method for Prayer, with Scripture Ex pres’ si’ir.s proper to be used under each head—by Matthew Henry. 87 J cents. Prayers for the use of Families, or the Do- Minister’s Assistant —by William Jay. 31- Prayers and Offices of Devotion for families, and for particular persons upon most occasions —by Benjamin Jenks. £l - collection of Prayer a for families and pri vate persons—by George Burner. 31" i cents. For sale by THOS. LONG WORTH, Johnston's square. feb 27 49 JYo. 3 Mackerel. Ij'IFTV hbls No. 3 Mackerel, Boston inspec • tion, landing for sale bv ROBERT S. GOFF, march 4 c Exchange-wharf. L amp Oil , THE Subscriber has received from Sami, Rod man’s Olt, Manufactory New Bedford, a fresh supply of his best Spermacetti Oil, of a ‘V-slity equal to any ever sold in this city. “I his Vil is warranted to burr, until it is exhausted - t'eeds no snuffing or picking up, and produces no more smoke than candles, and ?s by actual ex Periment as cheap as candles at. ten cents per pound—for Sale wholesale and retail bv feb 22 45 Augustus ownwall. . safe* TIE SAVANNAH MUSEUM. ►’lXHEsubscriber tenders his services to the I. pul-lie in the sale of Houses, Lands, Ne groes and every kind of property oil commis sion He will also sell for Executors and Ad ministrators on the most reasonable terms, at public sales, and discount his commissions in a 1 ! cases where he is justly indebted. All let ters post paid, will be duly attended to as well us personal application, above the Auction store of W Hotchstrasser. will be attended to with punctuality and dispatch. sch 19 ‘ 42 R Ud’TOCK. Coffee, Molasses, Oznuburghs Crockery, 100 bags prime green Coffee 50 libels prime retailing Molasses 10 bales superior strelitzs Oznaburghs 40 crates Crockery, consisting of plated Twitters and Muffins, Nor sale by mar h 1 JJ! HERBERT fc Cos. Lamp Oil, £sc. 40 bbls Lamp Oil Glass Socket Lamps and Wicks 10 bbls Loaf and Lump Sugar Landing from brig Telegraph and for sale by AUG. CORNWALL. march r 55 Hum and Sugar. 40 hlids West-India Rum 30 boxes brown Havana Sugar—for sale by HALL & HOYT. march 4 54 THE RECLUSE, OR the Mysterious Man of the Mountain, a translation from the celebrated French no vel entitled J.e Solitaire, by M le V ncente de Ailiucourt —Just received bv TIIOS. LONGWORTH, Johnston’s square. ALSO, A further supply of the New-York Edition of TIIE PIRATE, By the Author of Waverly, &fc. march 7 56 > , tmoved their Store to ,t s 5", square,fnext to Mr. Longworth’s Book store, where they are now opening a large and elegant assortment of HATS of every descrip tion, from the factory of HENRY COSTAIt.... JVbw- Cork, hich are offered on their usual terms. “march 9 58 Palmes & Roe, OFFER for sale—so bags Coffee 50 bhls Muscovado Sugars 50 boxes Mould Candles 50 do Son 2<j ke, v .j l wist Tobacco 10 do (10) ladies Twist 50 boxes Raisins 50 bbls No. 3 Mackerel 50 do No. 2 do. 20 do No. 1 do. 20 half bbls Nt. 1 40 do do No. 2 20 do Fig Fork 10 do Fly Market Beef 10 do pickled Tongues Whole and half bbls Salmon 40 7ih boxes Hyson Tea 50 kegs Lard 10 do Goshen Butter 10 qr casks Teneriffe M ine Hlids Jamaica Rum Pipes Brandy Do. Holland Gin 500 qr. boxes Segars 40 bbls prime and mess Pork 20 kegs F.nglisli Mustard 20 boxes Sperm Candles 2 cases cut Tobacco, march 4 d§ MU. RICHARD TTTill commence giving lessons in the French T s and Italian languages, at the Academy, on Monday next. Parents who wish to place their children under his tuition, are requested to apply to him at the City Hotel. Mr. R. intends also to open a summer school on Tybee Island, where will be taught the La tin, Greek, French, and Italian languages, Ma th,ematics, History, Geography, lLawuig and Painting. As some previous arrangements are necessary, gentlemen and ladies willing to pat ronise such a school, are requested to make ap plication to Mr. Williams, at his book store on the Bay, where a list will be made for that pur pose. _ . . Reference as to his abilities, Re. to had ot Rev. W. Cranston. march 8— 57 To Rent, The Store occupied far two years H past by Messrs. James Neville & co as a hat store, an excellent stand ior retailing. It would be particularly worthy the attention of a person in that line of business. Apply to J. PENFIFXD ti Cos. march 13 c6l Landing from ship Cot sui r, 30 bbls Ale 10 half bbls Fly Market Beef 20 firkins choice Butter For sale by C. C. GRISW OLD St Cos. march 11 59 A Gin. 8 pipes and 9 hhds Smithfield Gin For sale by march !1 59d BAKER ft MINTON. FRIDAY MORNING-MARCH 15, 1822. Mahogany Furniture, Piano Fortes, Curled Hair .Matrasses Feather Beds, Chairs, <s*c. TIIF. subscriber, agent for the well known Factory’ of D. PHYFE, in the city of New- York, resp/btfiilly informs the citizens of Sa vannah, that he has brought to this city a large & full assortment of CABINET FURNITURE, consisting of the following articles : Side Boards, with and without Liquor Cases Sets of Dining Tables, single do. Sofas and Couches, Rosewood and Mahogany Pier Tables, with marble tops. Card Tables. Tea Tables. Breakfast Tables, Dressing Ta bles, with and without glasses Rosewood and Mahogany Work Tables do do Writing do Secretaries, Book Cases, Bureaus Double and single Wash Stands, IVard Robes Butlers’ Trays and Stands, Piano Studs Music Book Cases, Mahogany Chairs Curled Maple do, Rosewood do. High post Rosewood Bedsteads, Fiekljdo do do Mahogany do. Field do. do do Curled Maple do field do Dressing Glasses, of every description Piano Fortes, the newest Music, 8-c. Double and single curled hai Matrasses do do feather Beds oh he best quality A large assortment of Chairs. All the above articles will be •.. arrant ed to stand the climate, and the subscribe, invites the public generally to call and view fort lemselves at his Repository, Church Buildings, opposite Gibbons’ Buildings. J. W. MORRALL. N. B The subscriber has brought out one of the best workmen, and will attend to those who wish tlie : r Furniture repaired or varnished, nov 12 6 Looking-Glasses. JW. MORRELL, offers for sale at his Fur niture repository (Church buildings,) an elegant assortment of Mantle and Pier Glas ses of the latest fashions. Orders will be received for Glasses and for warded to the manufacturer at New-York. jan 7 Norwalk Academy. TIIE Trustees of this Academy would beg leave to recommend it to the attention of the public It is under the superintendence of Mr Hum Olmstead, a gentleman of distin guished reputation as a scholar and instructor. Stud ents will be instructed in the various branches of Academic Education, and every at tention will be paid to their morals. Terms from 4to §5 per quarter. Board in respectable families may be obtained at from gl 75 to 82 per week This Institution has been recently establish ed; the building is new and convenient, ant) delightfully situated in one of the most pleas ant and healthy villages in Connecticut. Thp Winter Term commences the first Monday in November—the Summer Term, the first Mm dai in May. Gentlemen desirous of further in formation are respectfully referred to Messrs. A. RICHARDS, Esq.? F SBLLKCK. 5 Savannah WM LOCKWOOD, ‘ CH VS GH DON, WM ST JOHN, B LOCKWOOD, y Trustees] SYLV. EATON, S. B Sf. JOHN, C BISSELI. JVonualk, Conn Jan 14. 1822, fob 19 42 Alt*, Butter, 6jc. Just received per ship Packet ‘ii brig Telegraph, 20 bbls Double Ale, (Boyd & M’Culloch’s brand) 20 do do (Law ii Burrige’s do) 56 tubs superior Butter And in store, 20 qr casks Malaga Wine, pure as imported 20 M first quality Spanish Segars—and a gen eral assortment of Groceries and Provisions, for sale on liberal terms bv GIBUS 8i ALEXANDER, march 5 c 54 Taylor’s wharf. l)ry Goods. ffYHE subscriber has just received from New l York, per ship Augusta and other late ar rivals, a large supply of Staple and Fancy Goods well worth the attention of city and country merchants, will be sold at reduced pric.s .for cash—viz : Super blue, black, and drab Cloths do do do and > Cassimeres do 4-4 Irish Linen in half pieces do damask Table Cloths, from 8-4 to 10-21 LACE GOODS. An assort ment of English and French black 8t white Silk Lace Shawls Do do do Veils Do do silk Hose 4-4. 5-4, 6-4, 7-4 and 8-4 rich Silk Shawls —also— Super black Nankin Crapes Black silk Florentine Black and mixt Canton Camblets, for gentle men’s summer wear Black India Sarsnets Bombszines ALSO A complete assortment of Domestic Goods, viz: V. S. u rown and white Sheetings I)o do Shirtings Checks, Plaids, (Jc. —For sale by F.L SHAY, feb 19 42 No. 7, Commerce Roto. For Sale, LANDING at Telfair’s wharf, from the Scotch brig Ariel— -40 tons first quality Coal 200 bushels excellent Potatoes Apply on board or to LEVISTONE & CANDLER. march 7 c 56 Cotton Hanging. ONE hundred pieces 42 iucli Baltic HEMP BAGGING— for sale bv j. B. HERBERT & CO. march 6 55 Camming § (hvithmey. Bulloch’s Buildings, OFFER for sale—29o bbls Richmond FLOUR Mago’s brand 50 kegs do manufactured Tobacco, march 12 c The Library, IS open for the delivery of Books, Monday, Wednesday and Friday, from 4 to 6 o’clock, H M 30 dec 10 ifry Goods cheap for Cash !!! ‘Die subscriber has received by the Cotton-Plant, Cloths and Casimeres, cf various qualities 11-4 Marseilles Quilts Superb Jaconet Cambric embroider’d dresses Inferior do do do S’riped Silks (new patents) Black Siik Velvet 3 ps English ingrain stair Carpeting ALSO, A few cases gentlemens’ Mack Si white imita tion beaver Hats—with his former supply of V nlleii, Linr.en and Cotton goods makes ft com plete assortment. Country merch uits are invi ted to call F. L SHAY, jan 8 6 JV„. 7 Commerce nov. Insurance against Fire. The /Etna Insurance Company, Hartford, v ill insure houses and buildings, merchandize, fur niture and otlier property, including vessels in port, their cargoes, &c. againit loss or damage by Fire, for any term from one month to one or more years. I’he conditions, which are moderate, maybe known on application to the subscriber, who is aut horiztd agent, and is empowered to issue policies without tjie delay incident to other a gencies of this nature. The Company undertake in all cases to pay the full amount of the actual loss, provided it does not exceed the amount insured The pre miums are reasonable, and snould offer a stron, inducement to any person having property at hazard to place it in security, jan 7 5 - S. MANTON. Mahogany Flank Boards and Venears. JTSIIIE subscriber has received by the late ar 4JL rivals from New-York, a general assort ment of the above articles. Also, Sattinwood, Venears, and Whitewood, which will be su'd low by J W MORRELL, feb 5 do Church Unitdings Boois and Shoes, At Reduced Prices. THE subscriber intembr g ‘o close bis busi ness early in the spring, offers for sale his stock of fresh Boots and Shoes, ‘ bolesale am) retail, at unusually low prices—amongst which are— -1000 pair ladies’morocco Slippers, plain Laces, village Laces, bridle ties and broad straps, with and without heels 300 pair failles’ superior quality black moroc co broad straps and village, heel and spring heel walking Shoes 500 pair women’s black roan morocco Slip pers, of various qualities 700 pair gentlemen’s fine nailed and sew ed calf skin Shoes, of a superior qua’ity 800 pair children’s morocco and leather Shoe s and Boots, thick and thin Soles ALSO, Ladies’pnmello ami umask satin Shoes White and colored kid do Gentlemen’s line Washii gt m Boots and dan cing Pumps Men’s good strCilg lined and bound Shoes Negroes’ thick Brogand and coarse Siioes Boys’ fine Shoes, nailed and sewed Misses’ black and colored mo-ocro and Ica'h er thick and thin sole Shoes Day & Martin’s Paste Bliiaking, &c. Bic (rJ-Country dealt” s will find it i<> their ad vantage to call. JAMES ADAMS, South side O’d .Mai ket Square. feb 21 ni44 Dll. FUUTIL HAS remove 1 from Y ark-street, to Col. Dr.- nis’ house in Congress-strec opposite the Merchants* Hotel. * *■ 19 “Dearborn*B Patent Hahtnces , * a F ail sizes, constantly for salt t.v | T C II \Y' iKD. nov 15 4 _9 For fe, V LIGHT second-hand CARRIAGE and pair of well broken HORSES, with Harness. Inquire at this office. march 5 54 Notice. A LL persons having demands against the es -7V tate of James Peto, late of South Carolina, deceased, are requested to render them prop erly at tested according to law, and those in debted, are requested to make immediate pay ment to the undersigned qualified administra trix. , MARY A. PETO. march 12 60 Notice. a LL sale of Property belonging to the estate ■ of the late Capt. TVillicm Pelham, late of the state of Georgia, deceased is hereby for bidden, as suits will tie instituted for the recov erv of the same by the subscriber, who is the -sole heir. ANN PARKER. Savannah , .March 8, 1822. qJ* I he Editors of the Milledgeville, Nash ville and Charleston papers, are requested to publish this notice for one month and forward their accounts to Joseph Parket, of Savannah for payment. march 11—60 THU HAD LACES. WILLI. .M ROSE, has just received a very large assortment of ENGLISH DOUBLE GROUND THREAD LACES and CAPE CROWNS, Fine Bobinet Laces t rimmings, Flounces and flounc’d llobe9 Fine Linen Cambric atul Cambric Hdkfs, 2 cases fine 4-4 Irish Linen and Sheeting. Together with his former assortment makes the Stock very compleat and for sale cheap at the twgu of the Gottien Fleece. mii-eh 6 55 Thomastown Lime. ItNDINu at Hunter’s lower wharf, from the J sch.-Jane—2oo casks Tlnmastown LIME —For sal* by ISAAC COHEN, march 11 c Ko. 53........ Vol. ißj &uctfona. Administrators Sales. By J. P. Herbert &* Cos. Ort the first TUESDAY in April next, he sold before the Court-House in * * this city, between the usual hours. The personal property of Mr. Daniel Hotch kiss, deceased, consisting of the following ar ticles. nne half of the line of Stages running between Savannah and Augusta, viz: 2 well built Stages,- with all necessary Harnesses, 24 prime Horses, selected for the purpose, the Stables at the different stands on the road, al so, one Gig and Fames, one Waggon and Har ness, sundry articles of Household Furniture. 1 he above property sold by permission of the honorable the Inferior Court, and by order of the administrator. Terms Cash. F. S Persons wishing to purchase the Stages, should visit the line and see the respective; team of Horses, as they will be’ sold as they stand upon ihe line, the continuation of the running of the mail requiring it. feb 13 Dy J. 11. Herbert & Cos. ADMINISTRATOR’S SALE. On the first TUESDAY in May next will be sold before the Court-House in this city, between the usual hours of 10 and 3 o’clock, 611 that valuable Lot, No 20, Trustees Gar dens, in the city of Savannah, front on East Broad street, sold as the property of Mr. Samuel iJav enport, deceased, for the’ benefit of the heirs and creditors, by permission of the Honorable; the Inferior Court’of Chatham County, and by order of the Administrators. Terms at time of ‘ ; l e - march 1 Administrator Sale, By Baker and Minton. f )*i Dip first Toesrlav in May next Jit 12 o’clock, in front oj tt.e Court House, The wharf Lot No. 8 called Stanton’s wharf, with the buildings thcron.— Also, the lot and buildings thereon, lately in the occupation of F. Stanton, deceased, situated in St. .Tames square, Heathcoat Ward, sold by per mission of the honorable the Inferior Court, by order of the administrators—'Terms Cash, feb 28 ADMINISTRATOR’S SALE! By Baker Minton. On TUESDAY. 16th April next, in front of their Auction Store. Part of the personal estate of Col. Wm. Kellv, deceased, consisting of Carpets, Rugs, Chairs, Looking Classes, dining and card Tables, Bu reaus, Books and ‘ ook Case, Beds and Bedding, Matrasses, Curtains, Shovels and Tongs, Fenders, Crockery and Glass Ware, Knives Forks, l’la* ted Waae, Plantation Tools, kc. Sold by order ot the administrator. march 5 A dministrutors Sales. unit, of the Honorable the Court of Ot> P:'inary, for ihe county of Chatham, will be sold a: the Court House in this city, on the first Tuesday in May next, at 12 oclock, the ioflowii.g property, being the remaining part of the rent estate of llazen Kimball, deceas ed. One vacant Lot of Ground, designated in the plu of the city as No, 16, Jackson Ward, 60 by 9 ■ r-*etj fronting on Orleans square and on Ha va: o reet continued, opposite house of It Hal- rsAum, E-q. s :b;ect to annual ground rent to tie ei y of gjs 6b 100. One halt 1...,, known and designated in the plan of iheity as No 15, Warren ward, with U.c improvements thereon, consisting of a good two story House and out buildings, recently occupied h\ Mr J Lawrence, subject to ground rent of gr 50-100 per annum. f erms of sale—for the vacant Lot, one t. ird cash, one third six months one third 12 months, with interest—payment secured By mortgage on the propetty. The half Lot, with improvements cash—purchaser paying for D,- JAMES JOHNSTON; ? . , , HENRY W. HILLS. C Aom trt - GEORGE RCIILEY, Auct’r. n arrh 9 58 Notice. PERSONS desirous ts disposing of Lands in Monroe, Houston, and Henry Counties, and lanih in the Counties generally, of the two 'asi I „w,d Lotteries, will please .give information to the subscriber by letter, post paid, through •ue medium of the post office, stating the low est ptice for such, will promt tty be answered feb 16 28 DAVID POLOCK. Notice. \LL persons indebted to the estate of John Chace, late of St. Marys dec are .request ed to make payment tc the subscriber within >0 days from this date, the debts not then paid will be put in siut, and those tyj}fving demands against said estate are requested to present them for payment to GEO. W. MARTIN, Adra’or. $ jm 22 §ni 18 4 Take Notice. NINE months afterdate, I shall apply to the Hon. the Judge of the. nferior-Court oi’ Chatham County, for leave to sell he realesj rate of W.G Enoe, and for the benefit of the. heirsa rrd creditors of said deceased S. G. PURE ADC RAFT, Ailm'r. if 62 Notice. PERSONS having demands against the late Mr. Archibald McLerau,dec arerequesteo to render thei’.v properly attested agreeable to law; and those indebted are requested to make immediate payment to the undersigned qualifi - ed executors. JAMES Wallace,t HENKYviIoAI.PIV Cex’vs. THOMAS MU,ROSE A feb 14 ill 38 C m. jtTkHE Cargo of thfe gchr. Decatur, or sale by 11 L. H. SAGE & CO, march 5 54