The Savannah museum. (Savannah, Ga.) 182?-1822, June 20, 1822, Image 2
THE MUSEUM. llMiolf sale Price Current SAVANNAH, June 13. § cts. S cts ‘ •COTTON sea-island per pound 24 30 * upland do 11$ 15 1 Selections, prime 15 15$ ItTCF. 100 lb* 2| 3 TOBACCO geergialeaf lb 4$ 5$ cavendish Ist qual 30 35 richmond 12 16 FLOUR country barrel none richm. phila. and bait, alexandria 750 8 CORN bushel 90 95 •BACON lb 10 11 HOCK no. 1 barrel 950 10 50 n0.2 6$ 7 BEESWAX lb 33 34 BOARDS northern 1000 11 12 dull pitch pine 10 12 BRANDY cognac 4tli prf gal 150 1 65 peach ’none BREAD navy bbl 2 250 pilot 350 4 BUTTER Ist quality lb 20 23 2d quality 10 12 CANDLES georgia mould lb 20 23 northern do 14 15 spermaceti 40 45 CASTINGS lb 4 4 CHEESE best H 12 CHOCOLATE boston no. 1 lb 22 J uesales COFFEE best green 29$ 31 2d and 3d qualities 28 29 DUCK russia Ist quality bolt 22 2d quality 20 3d quality 14 ravens 12 GIN Hand . S nl 90 95 country 40 41 GINGER race lb no sa|f IKON’ russia and swedes csvt 450 5 LARD 16 9 10 LEAD bar lb 8 8$ M \CKERKL boston no. 1 bbl 9 9$ no. 2 6 50 7 no. 3 4 75 5 MOLASSES gallon 34 36 NAILS cut assorted lb 7$ 8 wrought 12 14 NUTMEGS lb •> OIL, sweet 1% but 7$ 8 sperm gal 125 150 fish 60 75 PARER wrapping ream 56 63 PEPPER lb 21 22 PIMENTO * J 28 30 PORK prime 55/11 11$ mess 15 15 50 PORTER londnn dozen 250 325 POWDER dtipont keg 6$ 7 * chelmsford 7 RAISINS muscatel fresh box 3$ bloom do 3 RANGING TIMBER 100 4 6 RUM Jamaica 4th proof gal 100_ 15 west-india 2d and 3d 65 70 no w-england 36 40 SALMON no. 1 55/ 13 SALT liverpool ground bushel 50 55 Cadiz turks island 50 nonr SEGA US Spanish box 16 17 SIJ AD Connecticut mess iiordi-carolina f“° W nolie • SHINGLES 10(Xf | A SHOT assorted lb “ 3*B -—r SOAP turpentine lb 3 SI AVES w. o. 1000 16 20 veil oak 12 STEEL german 100 lbs 17 blistered 12 13 SUGAR liavana white 100 lbs 14 15 brown 8$ 9 muscovado 9$ 10$ new-qrjeans • ‘ 11 loaf lb 18 24 lump * rather dull 16 17 TALLOW lb .16 | 17 TEA hyson lb 85 95 WHISKEY (scarce) gat 36 38 WINE madeira gal 275 tenerilf'e l 10 1 25 STOCKS. United States Rank none Rank State of Georgia SO, sale dividend ofi‘ Planters’ Bank 76a 77 Darien do 5s sales Ste..;n Company, 290divM on, no sales Insurance do no sales CHARLESTON, June 17, 1823. Jirp.rt of Actual buttes for the week past KOJia rttomrcTioxs. Cotton, Sea Island, 34 a 28; stained do 16 a 18; Santee 22 a 23 ; short staple, prime, 16 a 16$, do inferior to good, 12$ a 14$ ; Rice, prime, g3 ; good 2$ ; a 2# ; inferior, 2jf; Flour, Phila delphia, Baltimore and Richmond, superfine .7$ a 7s; Corn 5a 90 cts; Oats 50 a 5 ; Peas Si; .Hay northern, cwt. §l*. Whiskey, Penn. 4 a 35, N. E. Rum, 33 40 cts; Apple Brandy 37, a 40 cts; Tobacco, Charleston inspected, 4 ass; Georgia and Fayetteville do 4ass; Tar Wilmington, §is a 1$; Georgetown, li a 1$ ; P.tcii 1$ a 2; Rosin If a If; Turpttine, George town, hard, If; soft 2$ ; Wilmington, hard If; .soft 3 a 3s: white pine Board -clear, 535 per M; merchantable 15 a 17; pitch pine Boards 13 a 15; Beeswax, 35 a 36 cts; ‘Fallow 14 dull; I Beef, Boston mess, glO; No. 1,8; Prime and No.i 2, S5; Pork, Mess, 15; Prime 11; Bacon 8 j a 10 cents ; Hams 11; Lard 10 cts ; Soap, yel-i low, 9a 10 cts; Candles, northern mould tallow:’ 12 a 14; Charleston do 18 a 20; sperm 40,’ Bill to i*, Goshen, 20 a 22cents; inferior 8 a 10;! rtlHEIQif PRODUCTIONS. Baling, Dundee and Inverness, 28 30 acts ;| Cognac Brandy gl 55 a1 60 per gal; Holland. Gin Oj a 100 cts j Iron, Swedes, gli 10-> lbs ;; English do g 4; Jalt, Liverpool coarse, 45 cents; Turks Island 60 s St. Übes 46 a 43 ; Sugar, Ha vana white, gl2s a 141; brown “J a9; Muscova do 8 a 10 ; N. Orleans prime 10; inferior 8j a 9 renmidliuf Sugar 1/ a 22, dull; Codec, best green, 29 a 3'J; inferior to fair 26 a 28; Hy son Tea <ls i 95, dull ; Rum, Jamaica, 100 a IXO cents; West India, 65 a ,‘Q; Now-Orleans, 4th proof 75; Mu'asses (W 1.) 28 a3O cents. New- Orleans, 33 a 34; black pepper, 23 a 24; Pi mento 32. HE.It.IHtS. COT TONS.—Sea-ls'ands continue unusually dull; very few sales are effected —fair parcels offering at 2d cents.-- 16 a 16J cents are still ob tained fiv selections of the bed Uplands; but the infeiior qualities i t; acc Juy.i'ating, arid sales of them effected with difficulty. Much of that which has come inducing th- week has suffered from die late rainy weather to which i; has been expnu-d. imir,. -.Very little of trims quality in market —no sales this week ove. 9 dollars ; inferior des criptions go off very slowly. FLOUR.—Quotations nominally the srire last week.—the stock on hand heavy, and sale very dull. COHN.—The best white Corn still sell 9 at 90 cts. ia lots of one or two hundred bushels. GROCERIES, &c.—Sugars and Goffee re main much the same as for the two prece eding weeks—some few sales are makingfor the coun try trade, hut they are small in comparison with the supplies on hand. Foreign spirits sell slow ly as quoted ; When ‘broui, ht to the hammer they go off at still lower prices. Molasses is of dull sale—a cargo-of New-Orleans is offered at 33 a35 cents. Whiskey and N. E. are without variation in price. New York, June, 10. FROM SOUTH AMERICA. The brig Horatio, Snow, has arrived at New-Bedford from Rio Janeiro, which place she left oil the 15th April. The whaling ship Golconda, Bennet, has also arrived at New-Bedford. last from Valparaiso, which place she left Feb. 12th, and has brought letters from the Franklin 74. The New-Bedford Mercury furnished an interesting narrative, from Capt. Ben net, of his capture by the pirate Benebedas, bis sufferings, and providential escape. On the 9th of January, Capt. B. arrived and anchored under Point Romaine, for the purpose of obtaining vegetables for his, crew, most of whom were sick with the scurvy. Early the next morning he land ed with one boat. Seeing no inhabitants, he, with his boatswain, went about half a mile into the country, w’.ien they were suddenly surrounded by a about 20 Span iards, made prisoners of, and sent under a strong guard for the interior. The rest of the boat’s crew seeing this, made for the boat, and fortunately escaped, one mao only being slightly wounded. CapL B was told by the partj who took him, that their purpose was convey him to the strong hold of Benebedas, 20 leagues in the interior. After excessive travelling, on mules, a distance of about 50 miles, over mountains and through almost impassible swamps, he arrived at the river Lebo, and at dark was carried about 2 miles from the path into a swamp, where he found an en campment of about 250 soldiers, comman ded by an old Cacique. This detachment appeared to be a wandering party, having no provisions and being otherwise hi a wretched condition. Here was held a counsel ol war, and it was agreed to put Capt. B. and his boatswain to death imme diately, least they should escape in the night. Capt. B. remonstrated against this cmol conduct, declaring to them that he was an American ; but to no purpose ; they only laughed at his entreaties, and asked it Capt. Russell* and Capt. Clark See. were nui Americans? Through lire in fluence of in officer, however, with whom C,q>t. B. was acquainted, they agreed to ifteVSjri.'ifi “ TV *.-?&£. — put a strong guard {of about 20) over them,; the soldiers went to their different watch r vs. Between the hours of9 Si 10,the par lj 4t \l? r " ,c and b J the* discharge of about 100 ca-. 0. , n . niure than 15 yards dis tant. 1 Ids hi t oceded from a body of Patriot troops, wW* ,1 c ome upon them by surprise, and on tl.xS>Yf§iDg from the ground, the Patriots kept uV'; Trowstant fire and cut them down by dozens. For tunately for Capt. B. his guard were ail ei ther killed, wounded or deserted, which gave him a chance to escape. According ly he land his boatswain crawled under the cane breaks about half a mile, and conceal ed themselves The firing continued a b'jut three quarters .of an hour. The at tack was so sudden that Cant. B. coul I not then learn by whom it was made, and therefore thought it most prudent to keep concealed and if possible find his was back to the shore. Considering himself in great danger of being discovered rn his place of conceal ment by thu numerous hordes of dogs that infest this country, Capt. B. consulted with his boatswain on the best measures to be adopted. It was concluded to endea vor to regaui the sea shore, distant about 10 miles, as they judged they might secrete themselves more securely among the rocks that bordored on tne sea. According, with this intent> they set forward, group- ing their way, (the night was ve<y dark) sometimes on their hands ami knees, over rocky mountains, and swamps and through streams of v/utcr—brusing and tearing i their bodies in a most shocking manner ; ’ the only means of guiding their course was by following the current of rivers. Capt. B ! relates that while fording a river they a ! roused the dogs in a camp at a few yards distance, and that they were obliged to re j main perfectly quiet in the water for half | an hour, until all was again still, Atday j light, discovered the sea shore, and con | coaled themselves in a cavity of the rocks, during the,whole day. As soon as it was I dark, commenced their journey as nearly as they could calculate for Point Romaine, in hopes io lind the ship there. After tra velling the whole night, encountering diffi cult! less than those of the night preceding, at day light in the morning, arri ved at the top of a mountain, from which they discovered the point where they left’ the ship, 10 miles distant—Fearfull lest: they should again fall into the hands of- Benebedas’ men, they concealed them-1 selves among the rocks, but suffering much i from hunger, they resolved to put all to! hazard, and about 9 o’clk, renewed their j journey. About 12, arrived at Point Ro \ maine and found the ship had gone,!—’ Their situation now appeared hopeless in deed All the miseries they had endured, were now surpassed by the anguish of their disappointment. Their ooly possible chance of escape was in reaching Aruco,! distance 20 miles; and after having rested about an hour, they continued their jour ney for Aruco. On this rout the travelling was good, being over a sand beach, lhey arrived in Aruco about dark’ Here they found the ship, she ha iae; been taken by a Patriot sloop of war. The town of Aruco was then in possession of the Patriots, who received them with the utmost hospitality and kindness. From tien. Prietor, (he Patriot commandant, Capt. B. states that he received every possible kindness and assistance that his situation required ; and attributes to the humane exertions of Gen. •P. the preservation ol his life and that of his fellow sufferer —they having been three days without sustenance, their bodies dreadfully lacerated and reduced by hun ger and fatigue. They proceeded with the ship to Valparaiso, where Capt. B. wrote a letter to the Supreme Director, infor ming him of his misfortunes, and of the very great humanity he had experienced from Gen. Prietor. There was a rumor current at Valparaiso ! previous to Capt. B’s leaving there, that the monster Benebedas had beer, taken and brought to St. Jftgo, where he was to be shot, Capt. Bennett reports that during his voyage lie has cruised among the Marques sas, Society and Friendly Island, and dis covered some island of considerable extent uninhabited and abounding in wood, water, encoanuts, fish and green turtle—valuable places for the resort of ships that iisit these seas—both as affording supplies and the means of curing the sick. * Capt. Russell of the ship Hero of Nantucket , who fell a victim to the treacherous barbarity of , Benebedas at Aruco the Bth March, 1321. - . Selling off at Cost. BfpHF. subscribers will sell their remaining JL Stcc kof CLOTHING, consisting of Wool ens and thin goods at cost Those wishing ar tides in their line, will find it their advantage to call, as their business for the season, will be closed on the 15th By which time those in debted are requested to settle their bills. E. L. U J. WHITLOCK. june 4 32 c Mackerel Herring. lf'O barrels No 3 M ckerel 290 boxes Digby Herring Landing from sloop Income, and for sole fcy A MORGAN. june 14 §dlo ■ Jtay anti Oats. ICO bundles i lay 30J bushels Oats. For sale by A. MORGAN. Jones’ upper wharf. june 13 cf3t Fruit. /i\ general assoi ament of Fruit of the elioi cest kind toil sale by T. BOURDON. Conn :r if Broughton and Uull sts. jutffT3 c 34 Planters Bank. DIVIDEND NUMBER 19 snip. Board of I Directors having declared a 9 dividend of 3j per cent on the capital Stock of this Bank for the last six months, the same will be paid to thje Stockholders thereof or their order, on and aftier Thursday 6th inst JOB'S’ FLLOYI), Cashier Pro tern. june 4 £3 and Cut Nails. nffTidfTj Ke K s I’ atent Lu r Nails, from 3d to iAvJrf/vli/ 2CM, assorted sizes, just received per ship Mount Vernon, capt. Rawson, from Boston, for sale by PATRICK M'DEKMOTT. may 14 cf Dearborn's Patent Balances , OF all sizes, constantly lor sale bv T C HAYWARD, novls § 9 Shot and Bar Lead. 43 casks Snot, assorted from mould to No. 9. 10 casks Bar Lead, landing from ship Geor gia, for sale bv LAWRENCE li THOMPSON, may 21 -o Hay and Corn. 50 bundles Kay landing from sloop Income IN STOUR. 3000 bushels prime white Maryland Corn, for sale by. HALL & HOYT. June 14 40 Fringe Knitting , fyc. ft ADIF.S and Gentlemen are respectfully in. M formed that ail kinds of knitting, such as Fringes an 1 GENTLEMEN’S SASHES, Can be done opposite Mr. John Gribbon’s in York-st. june 11 37 F. McDermott, ’ TBIAS receved by the Ship Augusta from New sill York. 12 half bbls. of beef. I'ut up ex presly for family use. june—i4l | * Earthenware (§\ hbds china ware selected particularly sS/ this market, just received per ship Emily and tor sale by JC-JN LATHROP & , june 6 S3 V- ; Corn Afloat. 3000 bushels corn, cargo of schr, Hamilton and Hiram. For sale by june 14 JOHN LATHROP & CO. Summer Hats & Clothing. fJ’ HE subscriber has just received by the la- JL test arrivals from New-York and Charles ton, the most fashionable Hats and Clothing, w hich wilt be sold at cost and charges, conse quently great bargains may be bad four doors east ol the City Hotel. HATS. 30 dozen men and boy’s Straw Hats 4 cases fine drab broad brim Hals Extra fine broad and narrow brim do And a great quantity of fashionable summer garments PANTALOONS. Consistng Camlaits, Con can, Florentine with aattiu, blue Searsuckers, while and color’.; drab colour and white Janes. COATEES. Black, blue, green, Brown, Liloque, Bomba zetts, Bombazeene, and Searsuckers VESTS. English Florentine, fashionable Stripe Val encia Toilenett, black, blue and buff Cassi mere Vests Extra Vest of England blue and black dress Coats. SHIRTS. 15 trunks fine and extra fine plain and frill’d Linen Shirts, -of all sizes. A great quantity of Ladies’ andtlemens’ Silk and Cotton Hoziery Four pair fine Gentlemens’ Socks can be had for one dollar. Oznaburgs. The very best quality can be had at the most reduced prices 13 cents. Negroes Summer Cloathirig. Silk Umbrellas At two dollars and fifty cents. Puvillion Gauze. Blue, white and green at two dollars a piece, also, A few boxes Prunes, at three dollars and fif ty cents. PETER DKEUE. june 6 33 SLATE. PRICES REDUCED. The New-York Slate Company have on hand a large and excellent assortment of the first quality Slate at the following reduced prices. 12 inch 4 75 V 16, *lB, 20, 7 Wcr square. 22 &24 8 J Orders left with the subscribers, will be fur nished immediately. JOHN LATHROP & CO. june 5 L H. Sage ft Cos. OFFER FOR SALE, 3000 bushels Corn * 30 bbls. Ale 300 do Mess and prime Beef 20 do Mess Pork 20 qr. casks Malaga Wine 30 pipes l iin 100 boxes Soap and Candles 50 bbls. Loaf Sugar 20 kegs No. 1, Tobacco 25 do Lard 20 bbls. Navy Bread ’ 10 thousand Delpino Segars ” ~ JOtT do* Com in dir “ xj 100 kegs Crackers 50 bbls. Sugar With a general assortment of GROCERIES. june 1 John Lathrop § Cos. Harter's tlliarf. OFFER FOR SALK, 4000 bushels prime Maryland Corn 100 bundles Hay 40 lilids. prime Muscovado Sugar 75 bbls best double refined do 50 pieces Inverness Cotton Bagging 50 kegs Lard 30 bbls. prime Beef, New-York Inspection 10 hlids. 3d proof Neutral Rum 10 boxes No 10, Cotton Cards 3 quarter casks March’s superior Madeira Wine 30 bbls. Glauber Salts 100 boxes No. 10 and 12, Window Glass June 1 30 New Summer Goods. BY the ship Georgia, just arrived from Liver pool, the subscriber have received a vari ety of seasonable articles, which with those recently received from England, make their assortment of BUT GOOBS more extensive and general than usual, an will be sold at moderate advance and long creni for undoubted paper. ANDREW LOW &Cos •ALSO, Ciates Crockery ware and tea China London Porter in pint and quart bottles Casks Glassware, Sheet Iron, &c. &c. mav 20 2m Lemons § Mackerel. 40 boxes fresh Lemons £0 bbls No 1 Mackerel 30 hlf do do just landed and for sale by NEWMAN Sc BLAIR Moore’s Wharf. june 14 e4O Bacon, Com, Bjc. 30,000 pounds assorted Bacon 600 bushels Corn 100,000 American Segars Now landing from sloop Resolution and for sal . e , PALMES Si ROE. june 14 dfO NOTICE. ~ OrpHE Copartnership heretofore existing be -4A tween the Subscribers under the firm ot KGillet & Cos. in Savannah, and R. Ladeveze & Cos in Charleston, was on the 9di of April dis solved by mutual consent, those having anv de mands against them will present them and those indebted make payment to R Ladeveze who will continue the business and is duly author ised to settle all the concerns of s&id'firm. R. LADEVEZE. F. GILLET. R. Ladeveze having taken in partnership, G. Breittmayer, the business w ill hereafter be conducted in this place under the firm of G BREITTMAYER St Cos. R. LADEVEZE. - G - breittmayer. juue 6 ni34 £pTlie slilp Three Sisters, James Bell master, for Greenock, can still take 100 bales Cotton on freight if early application is made to the master on board,'or to J 11. REID U CO. june 19 44 For New- Vork. The fast sailing packet schr. SE A LT CN, Totten, master, will positively sail on Thursday 20th inst. For passage only, having handsome accommodations, apply T.on hoard at Boltons Central Wharf or to HALL U HOYT, june 19 44 For providence, The fast sailing Regular Packet Brig HOLLA, If. Harrington master —v ill positively sail on SUNDAY, the 23dinst. For passage on/j having handsome accommodations, apply to the capt. on board at Moore's Wharf, or to S. MANTON. june 19 44 For Providence , jUSv Sloop RESOLUTION, Capt. Brown, JjgUjja will sail with dispatch fur freight or passage apply on board at Rices wharf junel7 42 For New-York , £|X’ The fast sailing Packet Brig atXl> NATIVE, V. Cole, master —will sail on Wednesday next, for freight or passage having good accommodi. turns apply to Capt. C. on board at joues upper wharf or to june 17 42 HALL & HOYT. For Providence. Siiip RISING STAES, capt. Pearce, ■ABitaßk will sail with despatch for freight or passage having good accommodations apply on board at Rices wliarf or to ORRAY TAFT. june 17 042 For Baltimore, The fast sailing ‘ r *ZrC Schooner BARACOA, Raymond master —will meet with dispatch. For freight or passage, apply to the capt. on board atß ultou’s Central Wharf, or to HALL St HOYT, ICho have for sale on board said vessel, Baltimore Howard-st superfine Flour Prime white Maryland Corn 25 boxes mould Candles, 4toß’s june 15 L For BostSii. The staunch sclir. LEANDER, capt. Baker, will sail on Thursday next, hav ing all her freight engaged. For passage only apply on board at Anderson’s wharf or to E. WILLIAMS & CO. june 15 41 tfor Liverpool, SH&— . -Ship PALLAS, C'apt. Land —lias one half of iier cargo ready • :v.l now taking on board. She will be uis. patched without delay—for freight, apply to J. Wood, or JAMES DICKSON & CO. june 15 41 For New-York, •ST-.T'Er The fast sailing ‘-e.gulv packet ship GEN CARRINGTON, thos. Wood, will be immediately diap.-ched, fr freight passage having excellent accommodations apply jto Capt W. on board at Jones’ upper wharf or to HALL S. HOYT. junel4 40 For New-Fork, .Mt\ The fast sailing packet Schr. SEA MON, Totten master, will be immedi ately despatched for freight or passage havin’ handsome accommodations apply to Capt. T. on board at Bolton’s wharf or to. HALL IS HOYT. june 14 40 For New-York, viait The fast sailing ‘packet sloop iNt COME, S. D. Vail, master, will mee with immediate dispatch. For Ireight or pat sage, having handsome accommodations, apply to capt V. on board at Jones upper wharf, or to HALL & HOYT, june 14 40 For Alexandria, vst a Port in the Chesapeake. Tire JHHSStfi're fast sailing schr HAMILTON ad HIRAM, Capt. Turpin, fur freight orpassige l.aveing excellent accommodations, apply on board at Ancieaux’s| wharf or to JOHN LATHROP & Cos. june 14 40 For New-York. ■teXSIY The fast sailing packet sloop EMILY, Brower, Master Will positively sail on Sunday next, (wind per mitting) passage, only, apply to the Master oj board at Bolton’s wharf qr to Ct.AGHORN & BASSETT, june 18 43 For Sale. The subscribers offer for sale, received by th* Thomas Fowler, and other arrivals — 150 bundles prime//aV 50 boxes Cod Fish 50 bbls. Mackerel No. 2, 25 bbls. Beef 20 Pork 100 boxes Soap and Candles, from Joi-i Winsley’s Factory, Boston And a few ton Stone Ballast LEVISTON & CANDLER, june 14 _ Landing from brig JUmirtt 431 bags Sugars, of a superior quality 17 lihus. Muscovado do 40 cases fresh London Mustard 3 pipes utard Dupey & Cos. Brandy For sale by i LAWRENCE £4 THOMPSON', may 29 27 nf