Newspaper Page Text
the savannah museum
mblished near Whitaker-street, on the Bay,
Jay for eight months and three times a
eic for the remaining four months in the year,
noLtans per annum, if paid in advance,
nottAiis if paid after the expiration of the
jft, subscriptions are received for a period
; than six months, for which five hollars are
lie SAVANNAH MUSEUM for the Country
published to meet the arrangements of the
1 three times a week at five dollars per an-
n ’ if paid in advance, or liout dollars per
mm if not paid during the year,
advertisements not exceeding twelve lines are
jlished in both papers the first time, for 75
its, and continued in the city paper, unless
itrwise ordered, at 38 cents each continuation
advertisements ever twelve lines charged in
■ same proportion.
when an Advertisement is sent to the office
thont anv number of insertions being expres
cn the’ face of the order, it is understood,
uthe advertiser wishes it continued until fur
notice. Therefore, all Advertisements
ich are not originally limited to a certain num
rofinsertions, are continued and charged un
order for discontinuance is received. Ad
visements not continued oftener than once a
k are charged for each insertion, the same as
itw advertisement.
Lands for Sale.
•till be disposed of at a low price and on
\ accommodating terms, a valuable tract of
,and on Lewis’Creek and on the Altamaha river
miles above the town of Darien, formerly the
voerty of Mr. Wm. Joyner. The tract consists
1190’acres, 200 of which are cleared and int
oved with the ordinary Plantation Houses—
iere are about 800 acres of first quality tide
id suitable for the culture of Rice, Cotton or
lean tlie remainder high land, with ar, extern
reknoivl fine elevation on which the settle-
TheUmd is well timbered, and from its conti
utv to a market, will, in its clearing, instead of
curring expense, produce profit by the sale of
injlej and other lumber, the proceeds of winch
istlar exceed the expences of the labor. This
ictis one of the oldest surveys and consequent
best selection of River Swamp land, with an
cellcnt pitch of tide, suitable to any species of
j ( , lre _having a beautiful scite for a residence
dlocated at an agreeable distance from the
wn of Darien, for purposes of business or plea
re. Terms and a more particular description
iv be known on application to
map* 14 d62 No. 1, Commerce Row.
HUS Establishment well-known for some
time past, having been thoroughly repaired
dmany extensive additions made to it, is -
in opened for the rccommodation of boarders
It is in a healthy and airy part of the city, and
well calculated‘for giving comfort and t rt” to
! who may patronize the establishment. The
roprietorcan at any time accommodau pri
Kfamilies, having spare rooms for that pur
Travellers and constant hoarders wii! He we!!
tended to, as good stables and hostlers have \
ten procured—and the eating establishment
iii at all times be. furnished with the very test
imls the market can a!Ford. The bedding i>
the first order and attentive servants are pro
iredto provide every comfort that can be ha
irthose who may call for them. In the bar
oom the bert of Liquors will be furnished;—
lin the reding room department, to those,
no wish food for the mind, papers from every
inter of the United States will be found Ihe
ibsctiber trusts from the endeavors he shah
ike, to render every individual c importable
too may patronize the Georgia Hotel, that he
till receive a share of the punlie pVronagc.
Baptist Chu-ch Square.
april 27 lm
I'rav rtlin< fi- North to South
IUIOM four to six new, comfortably construe
. ed four wheel vehicles, drawn by four
tHej each, and driven by sober and careful
riveh, will set out from Trenton in New-Jer
ty ta Savannah via Augusta in Georgia, on or
bout the 15th of September next. The route
hrnugh Pennsylvania, Virginia and the Caroli
**s, will be confined as much to the neighbor
•wd of the mountains, as the good roads thru’
uc country will allow. The journey will he
eisurely taken, so as to consume from four to
iveor even six weeks, dependent somewhat on
tbe incli-ation of the persons who may become
Those who are disposed to engage seats for
’be shove described journey, can do so by ap
(dying to tlie Post-master at Savannah. Frior
,ly in the choice of seats will be regulated by
tiu'iuering the first applicant one, which w iii
entitle that person to tlie first selection, and so
in to the last. An entire carriage can be taken
tp by engaging the number of seats.
JMy23 hj 26
insurance against Fire’
r‘‘E -Etna Insurance Company, lfartfoid,
“iil insure houses and buildings, raerchan
furniture, and oilier property, including
vessels in the port, their cargoes, ike. against
‘Ms or damage by Fire, for any term from one
•hoiith to one or more yeat s.
Die conditions, which are moderate, may be
nounion application to the subscriber, who is
•uthorized agent, and is empowered to issue
poncies without the delay incident to other a
gcncies of this nature.
‘hecompany undertake in all cases to pay
oe full amount of the actual loss, provided it
ooes not exceed the amount insured The
Bernmms are reasonable, anil should offer a
- rui 'i,’ inducement to any person having pro
l'ud *j hazard to place it in securitji.
To Let ,
of those Tenements in the rear
ti t ■*! t ’ U *’ S^e "man’s boardingshouse—.The
: ‘ “j“ be low and possession can be obtained
, tmately. For further particulars, apply at
ffice. ma 6-7 I
Notice and Caution.
Vt WHEREAS 1 have been informed that John
v/w Carnoclian Sml Peter Mitchell of this city
have by sundry deeds recently mortgaged and
assigned to divers persons either their indivi
dual creditors, creditors of the late firm of Car
nochan if Mitchell, or others, all or sundry the
property and estate, both real and personal, of
the said firm, as well as their ovfn individual
property anil estate, consisting together of
houses, lots, lands, stores, wharves, negroes, ife
in Savannah and Darien in Georgia, or thsneig-h
boi'hooti thereof, and elsewhere with their in
terest or share in the stock of the lower steam
mill near Darien, and sundry shares in the U. S
Bank and other banks, as well as sundry debts
due to them in various places, besides lands,
lots, negroes, &c. in the territory of Florida,
and particularly one large tract of land bought
of Forbes & Cos. lying between the rivers St.
Marks and Appalachicola in the territory of
Flo ida aforesaid.
These are hereby to caution the public against
purchasing any part of the said property or es
tate so conveyed, or anv property belonging to
the said Carnoclian & Mitchell,or either of them,
as I hold prior mortgages on the greatest part
thereof, which ate on record in die registry in
Savannah and Darien aforesaid and in Charleston
S. C. and equitable liens on all the property ot
‘said John Carnoclian and Peter Mitchell.
jane 11 j-37
To the Public. .
QJ sorrv to be again brought before the public,
by a second notice of Mr. Christie’s, who has
undoubtedly claims against th m, which, when
finally liquidated oil the decision of thesuitnow
pending, tliev wil ■ try to satisfy as soon as possi
ble thereafter.
The deeds under which Mr. Christie claims an
exclusive right to all the veal and personal es
tate of Cornochan Mitchell, are considered as
informal, unjust and illegal. Hence they have
been brought and are still before the court, and
other deeds have been executed and recorded,
conveying the property for tlie use of all their
creditors, Mr. Christie included, without anv
trust or reservation beneficial to C. St M or their
families, and if this be not agreeable to that
gentleman, it must nevertheless appear fair and
equitable to tlie public and all who have r. sense
of justice.
the Trustees under the late deeds are-atix iou
to sell the lands in Florida, alluded to in the no
tice of Mr. Christie, and to apply the proceeds
to the immediate payment ot part of nis ue.
maud, and deposit a sufficiency thereof to cover£
rdf his claim, subject to the decision ol the courts
—but his opposition to anv reasonable sale, as
one interested in his own right, v hilst injuring
all parties concerned, must he borne until a sale
can he made under an order of court.
june 11 \S7 s’
Vive DoPars Reward.
mAN AAV AY Tom the subscriber on the 11th
i June, a-negro AVOMAN oameil PUILLJS
and says that she belongs to Mi’s. Martinangah’
|she is abou l five feet five or six inches high, and
sfi,, has a ticket. All persons are forbid hiring,
harbouring or earring her away from this c iv
The above reward will be paid by delivering her
to Mr. Jessy Mount, or the subscriber in Bryan
jnnn 14 c*
One hundred Dollars Reward.
b fjll.l, be given for (he apprehension and
y delivery to the subscriber in Beaufort of
a ne-n-o fellow named LINEY, the pi iperty o
Geo.°\l. Gibbes esq. of Prince Williams Parish
south Ca or fifty dollars for Ids commitment to
jail, with due inlhrmaiion thereof, Lmey brokt
the Savannah Ja ; i in June 1 Id, aid has n j
since been heard of. He is a likely young f el
guv about 25 or2B y ears of age, and is supposed
to be working out’ in Savannah or on the nver
to r. boatman. , „
jur.e 15 fs4l _
Dissolution ol’ Copartnership*
ra vHE firm of Txrr & Sibleys Savannah, and
1 It Sinlei k Cos. Augusta, was dissolved on
first of June, by mutual agr emeiit
Tire business of the f i mar will be settled by
O. Taft, m Savannah, and of the latter by A am
ley, in Augusta, wiio ate duly authorised to close
the game. .
All those who may have demands against ei
ther of t he late firms will present diem as above
ro',’ iqidchiion, and all those indebted are also
earnestly called upon for a settlement
U. I A 1.
A SiBI.r.Y.
june 15 c4l
THE subscriber intends continuing business
in Savannah on,his own account, and offers
his services to his friends and the P- b: ‘ c >
General Commission Merchant,
And solicits a share of
june 15
The subscriber being about
to leave this place for the north, returns Ins
thanks to his friends and former custnmeis lot
their liberal patronage, and respectfully n.-
tonus that he lias sold his enl re stock o
To Mr. John B. AVick, who will have constant
ly on hand, an assortment e: work made i
the best manner. \nr.L EVANS,
june 11 ui ______
bushels prime Maryland Corn,
iriaylS 13 ■
The Library,
IS open for the delivery of Books, Mundsv
Wedimsdav and Friday, from 4 to 6 o’clock
I’. * ‘ 30 ‘ , jJecW
Boston Glass.
rUST received per ship Mount Vernon, an
invoice of GLASS WARE and AVINDCAV
GLASS, consisting of
Quart and pint mol’d Decanters
do do do Pitchers
Pint and £ pint do Tumblers
do ldo ship do do
do 4 do flint do Flasks
Imp. welted Table Wines, fluted
do Castfoot do Jo fringed
Tumble) Bowl do do do
do do AVeltedfoot do do
Glostor Bowl ‘Fable do fluted
3 2 boxes of 8 by 10 Chelmsford Glass
8 do 12 by 14 do do
6 do 11 by 15 do do
12 do 12 by 16 do do
For sale bv
may 15 15
Executive Dtpartmext, Ga. /
Miiledgeville, 6th June, 1822. 5
Notwithstanding the act ol the last Legislature
to alter the Constituting of this state, so as for
the people to have die electing of Governor,
has been published and distributed with the
laws it is dee; ed proper by the Fxcu’ive, to
bring the subject of said alteration to the con
sideration of every citizen more imediately pre
ceding the next election of members who will
have die determining whether the said altera
tion shall be adopted or not
It is therefore ordered that the said act be pub
lished three times in each of the Gazette of this
(Attest,) F. AVOOD, Sec’iy.
To alter and amend the 2d section of the se
cond article of the constitution of the State of
Whereas, the 2d section of the 2d article of
the Constitution, is in the following words ;
“ The Governor shall be elected by the Gen
eral Assembly, at their second annual session,
after the rising of this convention, and at every
second annual session thereafter, on the second
day after the two houses shall be organised and
competent to proceed tojbusincss.,, —Atul -where
s, the said section requires amendment;
Be it therefore enacted by the Senate and House
of Hepresent'Uives of ike State of Georgia in Gen.
era! Assemb!y met, ctntl it is hereby enacted by the
authority of the same, that as soon as this act shall
have passed, agreeably to the requisitions of the
constitution, the following amendment shall be
adopted in lieu of tlie said section -
The Governor shall be elected by person*
qualified to vote for members of the Genera! As
sembly, on the first Monday in October, in the
year of our Lord one thousand eight hundred
and twenty three, and on the first Monday in Oc
tober, in every second year thereafter, until such
time be altered by law ; which election slul! be
held at the place of fielding general elections in
the e. verrd t i.titles vis til’s stole, in Ike ‘stole
manner as is pi escribed f u’ tlie election of mem
bers of th General Assembly. The returns of
every election for Governor, shall fie sealed up
by tbe presiding justices, separately from other
returns, directed to {lie President of the Senate,
and the -peakcrofthe l ouse of Representatives,
and transmi ted to his excellency the Governor,
or the person exercising the office for the
time being, who shall cause the same to be laid
before the’ Senate, on the day after the two Hou
ses shall have been organized, and by the Senate
sent to the House of Representatives.—The
Members of each Branch of the General Assem
bly, shall convene in the Representative Cham
bers on the same day that the returns are laid be
fore them ; and the President of the Senate and
Speaker of the House of Representatives, shall
open and publish the returns in presence of the
General Assembly, and the person having the
majority of the whole number of the. votes given
in shall be declared duly elected Governor of
this ■ tate, but if no person have such majority,
then from the persons having the two highest
number of the votes, the General Assembly shill
elect immediately', a Governor by joint bal ot ;
anil in all cases of election of Governor by the
General Assembly, a majority of the votes of the
Members present shall be necessary for a choice.
Contested elections shall be determined by both
Houses of the General Assembly, in such man
ner as shall be prescribed by law.
Spelter of the House of Representatives.
President of the Senate,
Assented to, 21st December, 1821.
JOHN CLARK, Governor.
State of Georgia.
By his excellency John Clark, Governor snd
Commander in Chief of the Army and Navy,
of this State, and of the Militia thereof.
AA’hereaS, in and by an act of tlie Legislature
of this state, passed 2lst December, 1821, enti
tled “An Act to regulate the future elections
ofjMembers of Congress in this state,” it is de
clared “that so soon as his excellency the Gov
ernor shall obtain tbe law of Congress fixing the
ratio of’ Representatives to be elected for the
National Legislature, agreeably to the late cen
sus, it shall be his duty to issue his proclamation
announcing the number of Representatives this
state is entitled to and whereas the Congress
of the United States have by an act for the ap
portionment of Representatives among the se
veral states according to the forth census, pas
se 3th March, 1822, declared that the State of
Georgia after the third day ol March, 1820, shall
be represented in the House of Representatives
of the U. States bv seven representatives.
1 have therefore thought proper to issue this
my proclamation, hereby announcing that at the
next annual election for members ot the Legisla
ture. and every two y ears thcreader until alter
ed bv law the citizens of this state shall be enti
tled to elect seven Representative to represent
them in the Congress of the United Sta es.
•Given under my hand, and the great seal of
the State, at the State-House m Milledge
villc, this sixth d>y of June, in the
ve?r of our Lord, one thousand eight nun*
dred & twenty-two, and in the forty-sixth
year of the Independence of the United
States of America.
* * The Editors of Gazettes in tui state are
requested to give to the above three insertions
in their respective papers.
Lliusii’rr citl’.XTT. A Clei'h Court of Ordinary
■** S trix ol sii and singular the goods and clut
els, rights and credits, which note of Her mu.
Iloudtey, late of said county; deceased, applies
for dismission from her said administration ;
I hese are, therefore, to cite Sml admonish
all persons concerned.’to file their objections,
it any ilir.y have, in my office, at Iticeborough,
within the time prescribed by law; otherwise
the said Clarissa lloadlcy w ill be dismissed fVon.
her said administration.
Given under my hand aiul seal this fcigliti cut 1
day <>( March, in ilie ye.Vr of our Lord one thou
sand eight hundred and twenty-Uvo.
[a s.] ELIJAH BAKER, c. c. o. r.. c.
apiil 15 89*6m
IS hereby given, that the left hand halves o!
ten one hundred dollar notes of the Bank of
the United States, signed !>y W. Jones, t’resi
and *nt, o.ud Jona. Smith, Cashier, of me numbers
and tenor described below, were placed in the
post-office at Philadelphia on the evening ol the
13th December, 1820, inclosed in a letter by J.
S. & (1. Hobson, to Joshua Milne at Savannah in
Georgia, which letter was never received; and
as the entire mail of the 14ili Dec. from Phila
delphia to Savannah miscarried, tlie belief is
that the said letter and notes were stolen or
robbed from the mail. Application having been
made to the b*nk by the subscriber for the pay -
meat of the whole of said notes, all persons
concerned are requested to lake notice.
(Signed) JO.iliUA VULNE.
Jan. 1,181? A 1470 favor of C S West *SIOO
“ A 936 “ ,1 Houston lbO
“ It 903 “ lOO
“ I5 11J52 •• rsfip 100
“ C 426 “ Yv Rush, jr. 100
“ D 778 “ Ol* hidings 100
May 20,1818 A 1868 “ J- Beale, Jr. 100
’ “ C 1797 •• 100
“ D 1679 “ “ 100
“ D 1535 ** • 100
S’. 000
april 8 jid32
K uttce.
iiTpiIREE months after dal.-., application will
45. be made to the Bank of the fitate of Geor
gia for the renewal of Certificate No. 408, for
fourteen shares Slock, the original being lost.
MARY SLl'iGli.
april 4 * liifSO
Take Notice.
‘VTINE months afterdate, 1 shall apply to the
i’ll Hon. the Judge of the uteri or Court
Chatham County, for leave to sell he rea'es
tate of W.G. F.noe, and for tile benefit of the
t.cimnd creditors of said deceased’
S. G. Tll REA ECU AFT, Adm'r.
r n
-IYIIE copartnership of Hao & J.uivrs expir
* ed on tlie 18th inst. by mutual consent. —
Those having demands will please present
them for payment ; and those indebted will call
and settle their accounts with cither ot the
may 23 22
4 LL persons having demands Against the cs
iV. late of James I ’em, late of South Carolina,
deceased, are requested to lender them prop
erly attested according to law, and those in-
Uebtedj'are requested to make immediate pay
ment to tbe uiidcrsignee, qualified administra
trix. MARY A. I’ETO.
march 12
ATT I Nil months after date application will be
I.x made to the Honorable the Inferior Court
of Bryan county for liberty to sell the Real Es
tate of William Road, deceased.
march 14 9m*
Notice to Travellers.
PERSONS travelling to Augusta by the way
of Mill Haven and Coutte-au’s, will keep
up the old road from Jaoksonborought, 2 miles
and Ihrec quarters, and then take the light
fiand road, as the former ro;,d which takes off
at Jacks Miborough, is stopped up, and a sign
is put up at the forks of the road,
may 4 §ni
Receiver Tax Returns.
VgtXTRACT of an act passed at the last meet
e-Kihig of the Legislature.— ‘And be it fur
ther enacted by the authority aforesaid, that the
like sum of thirty one and a quarter cents shall
he levied and collected, after the first day of
January next, upon every hundred dollars
value of stock, owned by any individual of lids
state, in the Bank of the U. S : provided noth
ing herein contained shall be so construed as
to require the Auctioneers of Darien and St.
Mary’s to pay more than twenty five dollars.”
All ugcuits and ow ners of the slock subject to
this tax will take notice—assented to 25rh De
cember, 1821.
ADAM COPE. B. x. n. c. c.
june 8 fh3s
< Tir’d Nature’s soft -cstorer balmy sleep,
lie like the -world, his ready visit pays
Where fortune smiles s the wretched hejnrsakes
Sm,ft on his downy pinions flies from bed
With liugs infested ; and gilds the Couch
Os Prudent house wife :
After the most minute research and experi
ments made on its efficacy, Dr. Berthelot now
confidently assures the public, that he has in
vented a mixture which will most infallibly des
troy those unwelcome disturbers of our repose,
by applying it to the furniture which they infest.
There is no danger'n i's use, and it. is perfectly
free from ungrateful smell.
As Dr. B. is desirous that which he now offers
to suffering humanity may commend itself by
its use, he abstains from all that panegyric too
of ten accompanying the most ocntewptible no s
trums. __
jdr.e 12 38
No 145 Vot. 28
By Sriikcr Minton.
On the first Tuesd y in August next, at 18 o’etk
before the court house in this city, will be sold ,
W nai f Lot No. 8, and the improvements there
Also, the lot and buildings thereon, late in the
occupancy of Patrick Stanton, deceased, situat
ed in St James’ square, Heathccie ward, sold by
permission of the Hon. tile Inferior Court of the
county of Chatham. Tlie above is the property
cf the estate of Patrick Stanton deceased.
Terms cash.
By order of the Administrator.
june 1
By linker aiid .Minton,
On tlje first Tuesday in July next, will be sold
in front of tlie Court-Hpuae in Savannah, be
tween the usual hours,
The Buildings on Lot No. (40)
” a^ ren Vv'ard, in said city, together with the un
cxpiiyd term of the lease of said lot, being the
remaining part bfthe estate of U. Heison, dec.
‘’ Old by virtue of an order of the hon. the Infe
x’ioif Court ot Chatham County, by order of the
administrator. 1 erms cash. , april 6
By George Schley
. n .” ll, e first Tuesday in August next.
H.L be sold attlie Court llmise in Sayan-
T f nah, between the hours of 10 ahd 12 o*
clock, an undivided naif of id! that valuable
nee plantation, will) Ilie improvement*thereon
in Chatham cty. being the upper part of Islay
Island a id containing 775 acres, 480 ol which
are under dams now in the possession of llogh
Rose Esq bounded south by the estate of Gen.
I Read, und on other sides by the Savannah
river, being formerly part of ilie real estate of
Francis l.evelt, and after a regular division,
.tlloUed to heirs of John I.eVttt, deceased, sold
t>y older ot the lionoivihle tiie Justices of the
inferior Court of Chatham County, for the
Len Cot ol the heirs of said John Levett, dec.
by hei attorney John Carnnchan.
ot the late, John Levett.
j une4 132
Administrator's Sale.
By Baker Minton,
On the first 1 uesday in August next wil! ba
sold at the Court House in this City between
the usual hours
1 Negro Woman belonging to the estate of
Lewis D. Ac.lord, sold by permission of the
Honorable tile Inferior Court of Chatham Coun
ty oy ouler of the administrator.
june 8 35
By Baker ‘ Minton.
Administrator’s Sale,
On the first Tuesday in July next, win be sold
in from of the Court Hom e in fiavatmab, be
tween the usual hours.
The Buildings on Lot No. (40)
W anvn Yt aid, it> said city, together wiin the
un-expired term ot Hie lease of said lot, being
‘.ln: Uniuiniog part of the estate of H. lierson
dec.-—Soi-J by virtue of an order of the hon.
the Inferior Court of Chatham County, by or
•lerol the administrator. Terms cash.
June 8 35.
Mom s shef.all and * ~ ~
Cohen, I rurtecs I
vs. )-rn equity decree.
i ho Executois of
Icvi She!tad, deceased. J
By virtue of a decree of the Hon. the-Su
perior Court of Chatham County , in equity,
will he soid at the Court House in tlie city of
savannah, on the first Tuesday in July i ext,
between ilie usual hours ot saie, all the follow,
ing property, ;o vv it
Tne undivided n oiety of a tract of land con
iainuig one hundred acres lying and being in
scriven County .
7 Negroes; I t art Horse; 1 S lver 1. a Urn;
1 da Coffee Tot; 1 do Sugar Dish; 2 do Mugs;
1 do Bowl; 1 Tea l’.it; 1 doz silver Table
Spoons; ha l doz do Tea do; 1 do sugar Tongs
2 large china Bowls; 1 Manogsi.y B<dsie and; 3
‘■ ahogany dining Tables; 1 do 1< a cio: I Piano
Porte: 1 Sofa; I large Picture and Glass; bi ass
Dogs, Fender and Shovel, steel dogs and Tongs;
1 v. alter; 2 pair plated Candlesticks; 1 Featner
Bed; Clicst with draws; 2 mahogany Standi and
sundry articles ol Kitchen furniture.
By Order.
june 12 38 GEORGE SCHLEY Auc’t.
Administrator's Sale.
orderof the Hon the Jus
. tices of the Inferior Court of the county of
Chatham sitting for ordinary purposes will be
exposed for sale at the Court House in the City
of Savannah, on the 4th day of July next,
between the usual hours, one Negro Man and
one Negro Woman, part of tiie personal pro
perly of John A. Casey, deceased.
Ey ord£r of the A-lmjnistrator.
june 4 n32 GEORGE SCHLEY, Auct.
Administrator's Notice.
JIAHK subsreriber has been appointed by the
Court of Ordinary of Scriven Couhly, ad
ministrator of the estate and effects of Mrs.
Lucy Thomas deceased, late of said county’, and
having been qualified as such, he requests all
persons who may be indebted to tlie said Lucy
Thon.aSj to make payment to himself, and those
who have demands against her, must present’
iliem to him legally attested, at his residence in
the county of Scriven.
GEORGE POLLOCK, Administrator.
aiay 21
Administrator's Notice.
v’iYUK subscriber has been appointed and
to. qualified as administrator de bonis non of
us the tat ate of ‘1 heopilvs Thomas deceased, late
•>f Scriven county, and he requests those per
,ons who have demands against the estate to
present them to hlnueif properly attested, and
ueb persons a* are indebted to the deesased,
are requested to make payment.
GEORGE Pit IX.OCK, Ajunrjftrqtyr.
n*y9 .