The Savannah museum. (Savannah, Ga.) 182?-1822, June 28, 1822, Image 1

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PUBLISHED DAILY BY COSAM EMIR BARTLET. * THE SAVANNAH MUSEUiI I* published near IVhitaker-street, on the Hay, every day for eight months and three times a week for the remaining four months in the year, at near dollars per annum, if paid in advance, or tex hollars if paid after the expiration of the year. No subscriptions are received for a period less than six months, for which five dollars are charged. The SAVANNAH MUSEUM for the Country is published to meet the arrangements of the mall, three times a week at five dollars per an num, if paid in advance, or eioht dollars per annum if not paid during the year. Advertisements not exceeding twelve lines are published in both papers the first time, for 75 cents, and continued in the city paper, unless otherwise ordered, at 38 cents each continuation —Advertisements over twelve lines charged in the same proportion. When an Advertisement is sent to the office without any number of insertions being e ves sel on the face of .the order, it is understood, that the advertiser wishes it continued until fur ther notice. Therefore, all Advertisements which are not originally limited to a certain num ber of insertions, are continued and charged un til an order for discontinuance is received. Ad vertisements not continued oftener than once a week, are charged for each insertion, the same as anew advertisement. Lands for date. WILL he disposed of at a low price and on accommodating terms, a valuable tract of land on Lewis’ Creek and on the Altanwlia river 4 miles above the town qf Darien, formerly the property of Mr. Win. Joyner. The tract consists of 1190 acres, 200 of which are cleared and im-1 proved with the ordinary Plantation Houses—, There’ are •about 800 acres of first quality tide ! laud, suitable for the culture of Rice, Cotton or Sugar; the remainder high land, with ait exten sive knowl fine elevation on which the settle aient is made. The land is well timbered, and from its conti nuity toa market, will, in its clearing, instead of -incurring expense, produce profit by the sale of Shingles and other lumber, the proceeds of which must far exceed the expences of the labor. This tract is one of the oldest surveys and consequent ly best selection of River Swamp- land, with an excellent pitch of tide, suitable to any species of culture—Uavi.i.y a beautiful scite for a residence j and located at an agreeable distance from the town of Darien, for purposes of business or plea sure. Terms and a more particular description fmav be known on application to GEORGE SCHI-EY, j march 14 d62 No. 1, Commerce Row. I GEORGIA HOTEL. lyrxHlS Establishment well-known for some [ i time past, having been thoroughly repaired Lnd many extensive additions made to it, is a fc&'tn opened for the rccommodatioa of boarders f-It is in a healthy and airy part of the city, and Is well calculated 'f or giving comfort and ease to ■ill who may patronize the establishment. The Proprietor can at any time accommodate ptt- Krate families, having'spare rooms for that pur ■ft ‘ ■ Travellers and constant hoarders will be well ■tfer.dec! to, as good stables and hostlers have Keen procured— and the eating establishment Kill av ail times be furnished with the very best Biands the market can atf'oid. The tedding is Hf the first order and attentive servants are pro- Kared to provide every comfort that can be had those who may call for them. In the Uai Hi ,am the best of Litjuofs will ire furnished;— in the reading room department, to those Hlio wish food Ft the mind, papers from every ■uurter of the United State's will be found The trusts from the endeavors he shall to render every individual comfortable Hid may patronize the Georgia Motel, that he receive a share of the public patronage. ■;§ HENRY BUFORD, ■ I JSaptist Church Square. iHapril 27 lm Eigu?feJS Unravellingfr. North to South BttOM four to six new, comfortably construe. ■ ed four wheel vehicle., drawn by’ four each, and driven by sober and careful willset out from Trenton in New-Jer |H) to Savannah via Augusta in Georgia, on nr the 15th of September next. The route |Kmuglt Pennsylvania, Virginia and the Caroli tt ill be. confined as much to the neighbor- of the mountains, as the good roads thro’ country will allow. The journey w ill be tasen, so as to consume from four to v or even six weeks, dependent somewhat on H inclination of the persons who may become .^■ssengers. Those who are disposed to engage seats for above described journey, can do so by ap to the Post-master at Savannah, i'rioi- | in the choice of seats will be regulated by the first applicant one, which will that person to the first selection, and so ■ the lust. An entire carriage can be taken eng ring the number ofsegts. ■“ay ?S 1,J23 - Insurance against Five ■ VIE -T.'j.a Insurance Company, Hartford, vill Insure bouses and buddings? tnerchan e, furniture, and other property, including *ela in the port, their cargoes, J*c. against *or damage by hire, for any term from one Mil to one or more years. The conditions, vdiich are moderate, may be ,J, * n on application to the subscriber, who is iWizeil agent, and is empowered to issue liata without the delay incident to other a- of tins nature. ‘he com puny undertake in all cases to pay full amount of the actual loss, provided it s hot exceed t'ac amount insured. The wniums are reasonable, and should ofler a %’ inducement !to any person, having pro* tyat hazard 10 pjace it ill security. %2a 26 ’ 6. MANTOX. The library, for the delivery of Hooks, Monday (Wednesday and Friday, from 4 to 6 o’clock THE SAVANNAH MUBEI ■HR". • s . • iune 11 -fT7 To the Public. f|. CARNOCHAN and P. Ml TO II ELL, are | ~IJ sorry to be again brought before the public, |bv a second notice of Mr. Christie’s, who has |undoubtedly claims against them, which, when ! finally liquidated on the decision ot the suit now pending, they wifi try to satisfy as soon as possi ble thereafter. The deeds under which Mr. Christie claims an exclusive right to all the real and personal es tate of Oornochan A Mitchell, are considered as informal, unjust and illegal. Hence they have been brought and are still before the court, and other deeds have been executed and recorded, conveying the property for the use of all their creditors, Hr. Christie included, without any’ trust or reservation beneficial to C. & M or their families, and if this be not agreeable to that gentleman, it must nevertheless appear fair and equitable to the public and all who have a sense of justice. The Trusteesuiulef the late deeds are anx iou to sell the lands in Florida, alluded to in the no tice of Mr. Christie, and to apply the proceeds to the immediate payment of .part of his de. mand, and deposit a sufficiency thereof to cover ali his claim, subject to the decision of the courts} —but bis opposition to any reasonable sale, as one interested in his own right, whilst injuring all parties concerned, must be borne until a Sale can be made under an order of court. june 11 %27 o:ie hundred Dollars Reward. given for tl'.e apprehension and y v delivery to the subscriber in Beaufort ot a negro fellow named LTtjEY, *h ; property of Geo. M.Gibbes esq. of Prince Williams Parish South Ca or fifty dollars for his commitment to Jail, with due information thereof, l.iney broke the Savannah Jal in June 1818, aud has not since been heard of lie is a likely young fol low shoot 25 or 28 years of age, and is supposed to be working out in Savannah or on the river as a boatman. EDWARD BUTLER. june 15 j's4l ‘ Dissolution oi Copartnership |SHE linn of Taft & Sinters, Savannah, and 1 R Sinter & Cos. i’lngurta, was dissolved on first of June, by mutual agreement. The business of the former will be settled by O. Taft, in Savannah, and of the latter by A Sib ley, in Augusta, who are tltdy authorised to close the same. All those who nay have demand’ against ei ther of the late firms will present them as above for liquidation, and ail those indebted are also earnestly called upon for a settlement. 1 O. TAFT. A.SIBLEY. It. SIBLEY. junels ell Notice. raMIF. subscriber intends continuing business 2 in Savannah on his own account, and offers his services to his friends and the public, as a General Commission Merchant, And solicits a share of their patronage. ORRAY TAFT. june 15 The subscriber being about to leave* his place for the north, returns his thanks to his friends and former Customers for their liberal patronage, rnd respectfully in forms that he has sold his entire stock o BOUTS Sf SHOES, To Mr. John U. Wick, who will have constant ly on hand, an assortment of work made in the best manner. ABEL EVANS. june 11 td Situation Wanted. t By a gentleman, cither in an Apothecary Store, or in ar.y other avocation that would give him support during the summer. Res pectuble references (if required) can be given. A line addressed to E. C- and left at tins office, will indiscriminately and peremptorily be at tended to. june 19 44 NOTICE. e-gv URIN(? the absence of the Subscriber JJ Messrs. J B- Ilurbert Si Cos. are theire a genU THOMPSON & RONNEY. june IT ni42 To Rent. * SMALL house consisting of three rooms, iIL in a pleasant ar.d airy situation, rent low. Enquire at this office. yme 7 35 Notice anil Caution. 1 have been informed that .Tohn Carnochan and Peter Mitchell of this city have by sundry deeds recently mortgaged and assigned to divers persons either their indivi dual creditors, creditors of the late firm of Car nochan & Mitchell, or. others, all or sundry the property and estate, both real and personal, of the said firm, as well as their own individual property and estate, consisting together of houses, lots, lands, stores, wharves, negroes; yc in Savannah and Darien in Georgia, or the neigh borhood thereof, and elsewhere with their in terest or share in the stock of the lower steam mill near Darien, anil sundry shares in the U. S Bank and other banks, as well as sundry debts due to them in various places, besides lands, lots, negroes, B>c. in the territory of Florida, and particularly one large tract of land bought of Forbes & Cos. lying between the rivers St. Marks and Appttlacfcicdla in the territory of Florida aforesaid. These are hereby trt caution the public against purchasing any pait of the said property or es tate so conveyed, or any property belonging- to the said Ctirnochan & Mitchell,or either ot them, as I hold prior mortgages on the greatest part thereof, which are on record in the registry in Savannah and Darien aforesaid and in Charleston ‘S. C. and equitable liens on all, the property of isaid John Carnochan and Feter Mitchell. AVM. CHRISTIE. FRIDAY MORNING— -JUNE 28, 1822. Executive Dtpartmkxt, Ga. > MiUedgfviUe., 6th June , 1822. 5 Notwithstanding the act of the last Legislature to alter the Constitution of this state, so as tor the people to have the electing of Governor, lias bccit published and distributed with tilts laws it is dee” ed proper by the Excutive, to bring the subject of said alteration to the con sideration of every citizen mtye imediately pre ceding tlie next election of members who will have the determining wliellier the said altera tion shall be adopted or not. It is therefore ordered that the said act be pub lished three times in each of the Gazette of this state (Attest,) F-. WOOD. Sec'nj. AN ACT To alter and amend th e ,2d section of the se cond article of the constitution of the Stale of Georgia. Whereas, the 2d section of the 2d article of the Constitution, is in the following words ; “ The Governor shall be elected bv the Gen eral Assembly, at their second annual session', after the rising of this convention, and at every second annual session thereafter, m the second day after the two houses slit'll be organised and competent to proceed to‘buslness.„ — .hul where as, the said section requires amendment , lie it therefore enacted by the Senate and House of JiepresentativeS of the State of Georgia in Gen eral Assembly met, and it is hereby enacted by the. authority of the same, that as soon as this act shall have passed, agreeably to the requisitions of the constitution, the following amendfd&it shall be adopted in lieu of the said section- The Governor shall he elected by persons qualified to vote for members of the General As sembly, oil the first Monday in October, in the year of our Lord, one thousand eight hundred and twenty three, and on the first Monday in Oc tober, in every second year thereafter, until such time be altered by law which election shall be held at the place of holding general elections in the several counties t>f this state, in the same manner as is prescribed for the election of mem bers of the General Assembly. .. The returns of every election for Governor, shall be sealed up by the presiding justices, separately from ether returns, directed to the President of the Senate, and the Speaker ofthc House of Representatives, and transmuted to his excellency the Governor, or the person exercising the office for the time being, who shall cause the saute to be laid before the Senate, on the day after the two Hou ses shall have been organized, and by the Senate sent to the House of Representatives.—The Members of each Branch of the General Assem bly, shall convene in the Representative Cham- berson the same day that the returns are laid be fore them ; and the President of the Senate and Speaker of the House of Representatives, shall open and publish the returns in presence of the General Assembly', and the person having the majority of the whole number of the Votes given in shall be declared duly’ elected Governor of this state, but if no person have such majority, then from the persons having the t .v<f highest number of the vot es, the General Assembly shall elect immediately, a Governor by joint bal.ot ; and in all cases of election of Governor by the General Assembly, a majority of the votes of the Members present shall be necessary lor a choice. Contested elections shall be determined by both Houses of the General Assembly, in such man ner as shall be prescribed bv law. ‘DAVID ADA MS, Speker of the House of Representatives. MATHEW TALBOT, President of the Senate, Assented to, 21s. December, 1821. JOHN CLARK, Governor, PROCLAMATION. State of Georgia. . By his excellency John Clark, Governor snd Commander in Chief of the Army and Navy, of this State, and of the Militia thereof. Whereas, in and by an act of the Legislature of this state, passed 21st December, 1821, enti tled “An Act to regulate the future ejections ofjMembcl'S of Congress in this state,” It is de ela'.eil “that so soon as his excellency tie Gov. ernor shall obtain the law of Congress fixing the ratio of Representatives to be elected for the National Legislature, agreeably to the late cen sus, it shall be his duty to issue his procUmation announcing the numbe of Representatires this state is entitled to j” and whereas the Congress of the United States have by an act for the ap portionment of Representatives among the se veral stati s according to the forth census, pas se 3th March, 1822, declared that the State of Georgia after the third day of March, 1828, shall be represented in the House of Represestatives of the U. States by seven representatives. 1 have therefore thought n.oper tc issue this my proclamation, hereby anr ouncing that at the next annual election for members ol lhe Legisla ture, and every two years thereafter until alter ed by law the citizens of this state shall be enti tled to elect seven Representative to represent them in the Congress of the United Slates. Given under my hand, and the great seal of the State, at the State-House 111 Milledge ville, tliis sixth day of June, in the year of our Lord, one thousand eight hun ‘dred ii twenty-two, and in the forty-sixth year of the Independence of the United States of America. JOHN CLARK. By the Governor. Aiineu llam.iosd, Secretary of State. *,* The Editors of Gazettes in this state are requested to give to the above three insertions in their respective papers. BUG DESTROYING TINCTURE. Tir'd A ature’s toft restorer balmy sleep, He, like the -world, his ready visit fays Where fortune smiles; the -wretched hejnrtakes StrJft on his downy pinions flies from bed With Bugs infested; and gilds the Couch Os Prudent house wife: After the most minute research and experi ments made on its efficacy, Dr. Berthefot now confidently assures the public, that lie has in vented a mixture which will most infallibly des troy those unwelcome disturbers of our repose, by applying it to the furniture which they intest. There is no danger in its use, and it is perfectly free from ungrateful smell. As Dr. B. is desirous that which he now oners to suffering humanity may recommend itself by its use, he abstains from all that panegyric too often accompanying the most contfmjv!e nos trums. . JtTtft 12 3* GEORGIA, l By ELIJAH BAUER, ÜBt.Rvr colt NTT. f Clerk Court of Ordinary Y| ItS; CLARISSA lIOADLKY, administra i. trix of ail and singular the goods and elmt els, rights and credits, which were of Jle< won Uoadley. late of said comity, deceased , applies for dismission from her said administration : 1 liese are, therefore, to cite and admonish personsconcerned, to file their objection*, if any they have, in my office, at liiceborougli, within the time prescribed by law; otherwise tne said Clarissa lloadley will he dismissed from 1 her said administration. Giu-.ii under mj hand and seal this eighteenth day of March, in the year of our Lord one thou sand eight hundred ami twenty-two. [L.S.] ELIJAH BAKER, c.C. c. l. april 15 89*6iti Notice Is hereby given, that the left hand ! ahva of ten one hundred dellrtr notes of the Bank ( .i the United States, signed by W. Join- ;, !“r:-si dent, and Jona. Smith, Cashier, of the numbers and tenor described i>* low, were | laced in the post-office at Philadelphia on luc evening of the 13th December, 1820, inclosed in a letter by J. S. h G. Hobson, to Joshua Milne nl Savannah in Georgia, which letter was never received: and as the entire mail of the 14! h Dec. froth Phila delphia to Se.vannah miscarried, the belief is that tile said letter and notes were or robbed from the mail. Application having been made to the bank by the subscriber for tiie pay ment of the whole of said notes, ail persons concerned are requested to take notice. (Signed) ‘JOSHUA MILNE. Jan. 1,1817 A 1470 favor d.GS \\ est gl'OO “ A 9:>6 “ J Houston 100 “ H 903 “ <■ Joo ” Id 1052 • PSo ip 100 “ C 426 *■ W Rush, jr, 100 “ D 773 “ C P hidings 100 May 20,1818A 1368 • J-IV-ale, Jr. 100 “ C 1797 •• •* 100 “ D 1679 < < ioo *• 1) 1535 “ lOO giooo april 8 |id*32 Notice. S"p!IRF.K months after dale, application vvili i* be made to the Hank of the Stute of Geor gia for the renewal of Certificate No. 408, for tourteen shares Slock, the original being lost. MARY SLF.IGH. april 4 , • liij-SO Take Notice. NINE months afterdate, I shall apply to the Hun. the Judge of the. nlerior Court Chatham County, for leave to sell he iea\es late of W.G. Enoe, and for the benefit of the lieirsa ad creditors of said deceased S. G. TUUEADCRAFT, AiMr. ■r r-2 Notice. ALL persons baying demands against the es tate of jautes Pelo, late of .Soul h Carolina, deceased, are requested to render them prop erly attested according to liw, and those in debted, are requested to make immediate puy mentto the undtrsigiif; qualified administra trix. MARY A. PETO. niarih 12 Notice. NINE months after date application will be made to the Honorable the Inferior Court of Bryan county for liberty to sell the Real Es tate of William Road, deceased. DAVID KENNEDY, Executor, march 14 9m* Notice to Travellers. PERSONS travelling to Augusta by the way of Mill Haven and Coutteau’s; will keep up the old road from Jacksbnborouglit, 2 miles and three quarters, and then take the light hand road, as the former road which takes oil’ at Jacksonborough, is stopped up, aild a sign is put up at tile iorks of the roail. may 4 6ni NOTICE. QrpUF. Copartnership heretofore existing be- Ia tween the Subscribers under the firm ol F. Gillet & Cos. in Savannah, and R. Ladeveze 81 Cos in Charleston, was on the 9th of April dis solved by mutual consent, those having any de mands against them w ill present them and those indebted make payment to U Ladeveze who will continue the business and is duly author ised to settle all the concerns of said firm. It. LADEVEZE F. GILLET. R. Ladeveze having taken in partnership, G. Breittmayer, the business will hereafter be conducted in this place under the firm of G BREITTMAYER tc Cos. n. LADEVEZE. G. BREITTMAYER. juue6 ni34 Receiver Tax Returns. SR* XTRACT of an act passed at the last meet tiding of the Legislature.—“ And be it fur ther enacted by the authority aforesaid, that the like sum of thirty elite and a quarter cents shall be levied and collected, after the first day of January next, upon every hundred dollars valise of stock, owned by any individual of this slate, in the Bank of the U. S: provided noth ing herein contained shall Le so construed as to require the Auctioneers of Darien and St Mary’s to pay more than twenty five dollars.” All agents and owners of the stock subject to this tax will take notice—assented to 25th De cember, 1821. ADAM COPE. b. t. k. C. c. june 8 fli3s ** - - k-A 1 & . Fringe Knitting , fyc. rj ADIES and Gentlemen are respectfully in 4£j formed that all kinds of knitting, such as Krinires and GENTLEMEN’S SASHES, Can be done opp oß ' l ® Mr. John B ribbon's in York-*. June 11 37 1 Negro 11 oman belonging to the estate of ..ewis U. Acnord, sold by permission of the ..0 notable the In fo-ior .Court of Chatham Coun ty by oider ot the administrator. June 8 35 Mniinistrator’s Notice. ji)HE subsreriber has been appointed by thi ~ Court of Ordinary of Scriven County, ad mnustrator. of Hie estate and effects of Mrs, t ~ uc y 1 homus deceased, late of said county, and hat ing been qualified as such, lie requests all persons who may be indebted to tile said Lucy l honms, to make payment to himself, and those who have demands against her, must present t hemic him legally attested, at his residence in Hit county of Scriven. GLOIICE ,BULLOCK, .iuminiitrator. <’ay 21 1 ‘ Administrator’s Notice. spHt siihsiqilnr has been appointed and •ik qualified vs Administrator de bonis non of of the estate ot ‘lheopilut “J'homut deceased, late of Scriven county, and he requests those per . sons who have demands against the estate ut present them to himself properly attested, and such persons as are indebted to the deesased, are requested to make pay ment. GEORGE BOLLOCK, Jfdmiiuttrator. may 9 UNIVERSITY OF GEORGIA, Aruxrs, J uax 19, 1822. 5 BjnilE examination of the present senior class J. will begin on Monday the Bth July next, in the College Chapel, on which occasion the Trustees of the University are particularly re quested to attend. The Parents and Guardians of the Candidates for\Collegiate honors, and literary gentlemen in general ure invited to be present On Thursday, the first, day Os August, thd Semi-Annual Examination of the Freshman Class will take place. Gd Friday the 2d, the Sophomore Class will be Examined.—-On Satur day tlie 3d, the Candidates for admission into College from the Preparatory School, will be examined.—On Sunday tlje 4th, a Commence ment Sermon will be 4*d|’ stred in the Chapel. On Monday the sth, the Junior Class will be ex amined.—On Tuesday the 6th, the Junior Class will deliver original Orations, and on Wednes day the 7th, will be th a Annual Commencement, By order, ASUUUY HULL, Secretary of the University of Georgia. june 22 47 Dissolution. BAIIE copartnership which has existed be- I. tween the subscribers under the firm of John Leiffer & Cos. was dissolved this day by mutual consent All persons having claims will present them for payment, and those in debted are requt sted to settle their accounts. JOHN LEIFFER. JOHN D. SEITS. june 25 c*4B SLATE. PRICES REDUCED. i'he New-York Slate Company have on hand a large and excellent assortment of the first quality Slate at the following reduced prices. 12 inch 475 S “A 20, 7 Vper square. 22 A24 8 J Orders left with the subscribers, will be fur; nislied immediately. JOHN LATHROP & CO. june 5 Superior Soda Powders. £\ few dozen of fresh Soda Powders, put- XJk up in the best manner in portable tin box es, equal to any in this city, and warranted to keep in all climates. For sale low. JILSO, A fresh supply of Sedlitz Powders, and Lynch and Clark’s Soda Powders, direct from his manufactory, New.York, to be had at FRANCIS i. LAY’S Drug Store, corner of Congress and Whita kar-sts. Shadd’s Building's Havana#!). wie 47