The Savannah museum. (Savannah, Ga.) 182?-1822, July 11, 1822, Image 1

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•>. !’ .> fT v •? J-, PUBLISHED BY COS AM ESJIR BAHTLET THE SAVANNAH MUSEUM I published near Whitaker-street, on the Bay, every day for eight months and three times a week for the remaining four months in the year, at sight dollars per annum, if paid in advance, or TSir dollars if paid after the expiration of the year. No subscriptions are received for a period less than six months, for which five dollars are charged. The SAVANNAH MUSEUM for the Country is published to meet the arrangements of the Bail, three times a week at five dollars per an num, if paid in advance, or eight dollars per annum if not paid during the year. Advertisements not exceeding twelve lines are published in both paners the first time, for 75 cents, and continued in the city paper, unless otherwise ordered, at 38 cents each continuation —Advertisements over twelve lines charged in the same proportion. When an Advertisement is sent to the office without any number of insertions being expres ■4*d >n the face of the order, it is understood, ! that the advertiser wishes it continued until fur ! t}) er notice. Therefore, all Advertisements ■ which are not originally limited to a certain num- of insertions, are continued and charged un 'hi an order for discontinuance is received. Ad vertisements not continued oftenerthan once a week, are charged for each insertion, the same as ’ln new advertisement. MOLASSES. WO hhds. prime retailing molasses For eale by LAWRENCE & THOMPSON, june 11 Ms Gin and Lamp Oil. 10i> bis Mason’s India Point Gin 11 casks ZJ 10 bis Lamp Oil 5 pipes Holland Gin For sale bv BAKER & MINTON jrnte 17 s.\-42 Bills on New-York, FOR sale oy C. C. GRISWOLD & CO. june 20 45 Happiness , A TALE for the grave and the gay, by tht u?Jk author of “ No Fiction,” 2 vols Just ‘received, for sale by THOS. LONG'vVOUTH, Johnson’s Square. may 13 13 New Rooks. SfpHE Martyr of Antioch a dramatic noem by 4* the Rev. lj[. H Wilma u, price 50 cts. RRAGEm inr-st-vAAi i. u Practical observations on Midwifery by John Bamsbotbain. Received and for sale by THOS. LONGWORTH. ,-Johnston Square ‘ jnel4 40 1 To Slaters, &c. 2D M Countesses 20 by 10-j 2® S *f( ies _ i best Welsh Slate. 50 Vt 14 by 7 \ 30 M Doubles on board the British brig Lady Robert. Wil liams, from Carnarvon, Wales, will be sold low and delivered at any wharf to suit the purcha ser, if applied for this day. JNO. H. RFID &CO. j'une 25 49 1 ‘ | - j ■ - .... ■ Flour and Corn Meal. swe et N. O. Flour 177 do Corn Meal Landing from scr Morning Star —for sale by E. V\ ILHAMS & Cos. june 25 49 Coffee § Sugar 300 Bags prime green Coffee 50 hhds do N. O. Sugar SO do do Mbs. do For sale by „ ~ E. WILLIAMS UCo , June 17 _ 42 Holland Gin. P'P eß Holland Gin, landing from brig Abeona, and for sale by E. WILLIAMS & CO. Runi , Brandy , §c. ‘YJECEIVED per Augusta, CoUon Plant and AX Native, 21 hhds 4th proof N O Rum 5 pipes Cognac Brandy . A quantity of Mahogany Plunk, Boards and Veniers. At private sale, by ay J. B. HERBERT St Cos. Notice. I HAVE appointed Mr. Geo. Coiiins, my at torney during my absence from this city. S. WANTON. July 2 m 54 Piano Fortes. THE subscriber has remaining on hand a few Piano Fortes, manufactured by Gibson 8s Davis— the reputation of which need no com wents; and if not sold in a few days will be re turned to the manufacturers. J. W. MORRELL, Whitaker-street, opposite Col. Shelmans Mansion KouseT june 20 45 STODDKK, Taylor's Wharf, offers for sale, 3 hhds high proof, warranted Jam. Hum 9 do 2d and 3d proof St. Croix llutn 20 boxes Sperm Candles 32 do bunch Muscatel Raisins „ 50 do No. 1, Chocolate 22 halfboxes do 15 bbls Cherry and Rose Cordial* 30 kegs spiced Salmon, and 18 firkins frrsli Goshen Butter, for family use m ne 22 i47 THE SAVANNAH MUSEUM, Shot, Hay, &"c. C. C* Griswold Cos. 2’aylur's Building. OFFER for sale Patent and Mould Shot—assorted sizes Richmond manufactured Tobacco—prime Rose Nails, Hay One elegant Gig and plated Harness ,7'une 25 49 Sugar, Coffee , &c. lots of New -Orleans Sugar bJ on*’ of which is very superior 14 bbls St. Domingo Coffee A few boxes fresh w hite Wine simi lar to Cbampaigne For sale by J &. C. BOLTON. june 22 ni47 Bacon , Corn, £jc. 30,009 pounds assorted Bacon 60 ■ bushels ( orn 0 0 American Segars ’ ow lauding from sloop Resolution and for by PALMES & ROE. june 14 dU) Real Rye high proof Whiskey. * FEA barrels his superior article just rc- I ceived from the Pensylvania Mountains, bv TUFTS & REED ‘ lun- 2 r(45 For Sale , QTpWO prime Negr.i MEN, valuable field bands, will be sold Jew if immediate application is made J B. HERBERT & CO. june 20 45 N. O. and St. Croix Sugar. 10 hlids prime N O Sugars i 5 lids do Si Croix do Jj bis do do For sale by BAKER & MINTON. june 17 542 •Mackerel 6; ZJ erring 1< 0 >aiTtls No 3 M- ckeicl 200 boxes D'gby Herring Landing from sloop Income, and for sale by A MORGAN june 14 5d40 Mackerel. <65, FV’Si'k bbls Mackerel, No. 3 For sale by I AMPS CONKOY, A, Jerson’s Wharf June 23 47 For Sal l bust]. !s w ! i in*, flint CORN on Wi/ board the brig ‘ eona—apply to the Captain at Anciersons -vliu-f, or to E. IVIL.UA VS A CO. june 20 46 Drafts on Charleston ami NEW'-YORK, at short sight For ah’ -\ A. L. MOLYNAUX. june 21 Sir Andrew Wylie , of that llk , By the Author of‘-Annals of the Parish” 2 vols, Just received and for sale by THOMAS LONGWuIi I'll Johnston’s Square. june 18 43 Notice. a UGUSTUB CORNWALL will have the .1 stale on the 20'li inst. for a few months previous to which all persons Having demands will present them, and all indebted are re quested to make immediate settlement. my 18 23 llay and Corn. 50 bundles Hay landing from sloop Income Ia .TOHE 3000 bushtia prime white Maryland Corn, for sle bv. HALL & HOYT. june 14 40 P. Me I ter mutt. riflAS receved bv t o- bh.p Augusta from New iRi York 12 half bbls. of beef. Put up ex > rests for family use. june—i4l Earthemcare fv hhds china wate selected particularly this market, just recti'-ed per ship Emily and for sale by JOHN LATHKOP & june 6 33 NOTICE. ‘■'HE undersigned have disposed of their I Stock in 1 rade, corner of Jefferson and Smte-st to H Champion. All persons having demands will please present the same, and ail those indebted are earnestly requested to set tle their respective accounts They have at their Store, south side Market Square, a gen eral assortment of CHOI: E GROCERIES, Together with DRY GOODS, &c Z/c. Being thankful for oast favours, they solicit from their friends and the public a continuance of the same. A . &J- CHAMPION. june 21 n§47 - : . Hills on New-York and Phila delphia, poll >*le by , OHNS rO N Sc HILLS, june 19 h 44 Prime Pice —at retail. i y. b ’ % hRII ° f Hunters'wharf. june 26 t . i THURSDAY MORNING—JULY 11, 1822. Corn Afloat. . busi *'-' ,s Baltimore CORN for sale ■wv/ vi/vS/ in lots to suit purchasers Ap. to PALMES & ROE. IS STOll*. 15 hhds prime retailing Tobacco june 19 sh 45 Cheese , Molasses, &c. ENG Ll.'ll pine apple Cheese 10 hlids and 20 tierces Molasses 3000 pounds Hams 1510 do Newbolds do 200 kegs Lard 5 pipes Cognac Rrandu, (Seignetle) 30 boxes white Havana Sugar 100 bbls prime Muscovado do 15 qr casks L. P, Teneriffe Wine 10 hhds Jamaica Rum 50 boxes Muscatel Raisins Summer Candles, Soap. Cracker* Butter Biscuit, prime Beef, mess do Mess Pork, and a complete assortment of Groceries, by ’ GAUDRY t* DUFAURE. june 19 c 44 PRIME FORK, 37 Rarrels Prime Pork, New York city in spection landing from Brig Native, ALSO, A few cask Linseed Oil for sale bv ISAAC COHEN Jnue 17 e Watt & Smets HAVE removed to Pooler’s Dock, recently occupied by Messrs Brown A Overstreet, w> ere they continue the Lumber, Factorage and Commission Business, june 20 h 46 For Sale. Tiie subscribers offer for sale, received by the Thomas Fowler, and other arrivals— -130 bundles prime It ay 50 boxes od Fish 50 bbls Mackerel No. 2, 25 bbls Beef 20 Pork 100 boxes sj.ap anr | Candles, from John insley’s Factory, B. .ston And a few ton Stone Ballast REVISION & CANDLER. june 14 John Lathrop Cos. Jftntvr's fVliarf. OFFER FOR SALE, 4000 bushels prime Maryland Corn 100 bundles May 40 hhds. prime Muscovado Sugar 75 bbls best double refined do 50 Cnitnn..Bagging. 30 bb! , prime Beef, New-York Inspeetio -10 hhds. 3d proof Neutral Rum 10 boxes No 10, Cotton Cards 3 quarter casks March’s superior Madeir: \V ine SO bb's. Glauber Salts 100 boxes No. 10 and 12, Window Glass June 1 30 Pork , 50 barrels prime Pork, city insp. 29 do Mess do do Landidg from ship Garonne and for sale by C. G. GRISWOLD & CO. I'aylor’s Building june 26 50 Boots and Shoes. JUST receive per Garrone, from New-York, 3 trunks gentlemens’ first quality light summer Boots 2 trunks ladies figured and striped prunel io Shoes 2 trunks ladies colored Shoes 1 trunk ladies plain black satin Shoes 1 trunk ladies plain black prunello Shoes 3 trunks ladies morocco Slippers and Ties 2 do childrens Shoes The above goods were all made in New-York, per order, and are warranted of the first quality. Also in Store, Gentlemens W ashington Ties, Buckskin, Calfskin, Sealskin and morocco Shoelees Calf skin, Seal and morocco Pumps Bovs fine and common Shoes—and a general assortment of ladies Boots and Shoes— which will be sold wholesale or retail, on the most reasonable terms, at Store No. 3, Penfieid’s Building, by D DOUGLASS—and D. VANDEBPOUL. jnne 28 552 Travellingfr. North to South FROM four to six new. comfortably construe ed four wheel vehicles, drawn by four horses each, and driven by sober and careful drivers, will set out from Trenton in New-Jer sey to Savannah via Augusta in Georgia, on or about the 15th of September next. The route through Pennsylvania, Virginia and the Caroh nas will be confined as much to the neighbor hood of the mountains, as the Rood roaus thro’ the country will allow. Tjie journey will be leisurely taken, so as to consume from four to five or even six weeks, dependent somewhat on the inclination of the persons who may become Pa Thofe who are disposed to engage seats for the above described journey, can do so by ap plying *o the Post-master at Savannah. Prior ity in the choice of seats will be regulated by numbering the first applicant one, which will entitle that person to the first selection, and so on to the last. An entire carriage can be taken up by engaging the number of seats. may 28 h|26 . The Library, IS open for the delivery of Books, Monday Wednesday and Friday, from 4 to 6 o’clock p 30 dec 10 GEORGIA, l By ELIJAH BAKER, libmitv coiiktt. s Clerk Court of Ordinary. MRS. CLARISSA lIOADLEY, adminislr.i tnx of all and singular the goods and chat* • els, rights and credits, which weie of Herman Hoadley, late of said county, deceased, applies for dismission from her said administration : These are, theiefore, to cite and admonish all persons cencerned. to file their objections, it any .they have, in my office, at Riceborough, within the time prescribed j otherwise the said Clarissa Hoadley will be dismissed from her said administration. Given under my hand and sea! this eighteenth day of March, in the year of our Lord one thou sand eight hundred and twenty-two. I*’ 8 ] ELIJAH BAKER, c. c. o. i. c. april 15 89.6 m Notice IS hereby given, that the left hand halves of ten one hundred dollar notes of the Bank of the United States, signed by W. Jones, Presi dent, and Jona. Smith, Cashier, of the numbers and tenor described below, were placed in the post-oflice at Philadelphia on the evening ofthc loth December, 1820, inclosed in a letter by j. S. & G Hobson, to Joshua Milne at Savannah in Georgia, which letter was never received; and as the entire mail of the Hih Dec. from Phila delphia to Savannah miscarried, the belief is that the said letter and notes were stolen or robbed from the mail. Application having been made to the bank by the subscriber for the pay ment of the whole of said notes, all persons concerned are requested to take notice. (Signed) JOSHUA MILNE. Jan. 1,1817 A 1470 favor of C S West RIOO A 936 J Houston 100 “ B 903 “ D 1052 P Seip 100 ” C 426 •• \v Rush, jr. 100 “ D 773 CP hidings 100 May 20,1818 A 1868 “J- Peale, Jr. 100 C 1797 lOO “ D 1679 “ D 1535 .. 100 giooo april 8 f>dß2 Notice. uTjpiIREE months after date, application will 41 be made to the Bank of the State ol'Geor gia for the renewal of Certificate No. 408, for fourteen shares Stock, the original being lost. MARY SLEIGH. april 4 • nil SO Notice. NINE months after date application will be made to the Honorable the Inferior Court of Bryan county for liberty to sell the Beal Es tate of William Road, deceased. DAVID KENNEDY, Executor, march 14 9m* One hundred Dollars Reward. given for the apprehension and delivery to the subscriber in Beaufort of a negro fellow named LINEV, the property of Geo. M.Gibbes esq. of Prince Williams Parish South Ca or fifty dollars for his commitment to Jail, with due information thereof, Liney broke the Savannah Jail in June I.HIB, and has not since been heard of. He is a likely young fel low about 25 or 28 years of age, and is supposed to be working out in Savannah or on the river as a boatman. EDWARD BUTLER. june 15 fs4l Dissolution of Copartnership. it HE firm of Taft if Sibi.f.ts, Savannah, and B Siblf.t h (Jo Avgusta, was dissolved on first of June, by mutual agreement The business of the former will be settled by O. ‘Taft, in Savannah, and of the latter by A Sib ley, in Augusta, who arc duly authorised toclose the same. All those who may have demands against ei ther of the late firms will present ih..’m as above for liquidation, and all those indebted are also earnestly called upon fur a settlement. O. TAFT. A SIBLEY. It. SIBLEY. june 15 c4l Notice. THE subscriber intends continuing business in Savannah on his own account, and oilers his services to his friends and the public, as a General Commission Merchant, And solicits a share of their patronage. ORUAY TAFT. june 15 The subscriber being about to leave this place for the north, returns his thanks to his friends and former custnmei s for their liberal patronage, and respectfully in forms that he has sold his entire stock of ~ , BOOTS $ SHOES, To Mr. John B. Wick, who will have constant ly on hand, an assortment of work made in the best manner. ABEL EVANS. june 11 ni , BUG DESTROYING TINCTURE. ••Tir’d Nature’s toft -estorer balmy tleep, He, like the world, his ready visit pays Where fortune smiles ; the wretched hejnrsakes Sirtift on his downy pinions flies from bed With Bugs infested ; and gilds the Couch Os Prudent house wife.- , After the most minute research and experi •Rents made on its efficacy, Dr. Berthelot now confidently assures the public, tliat he has in vented a mixture which will most infallibly des troy those unwelcome disturbers of our repose, bv applying it to the furniture which they infest. There is no danger in its use, and it is perfectly free from ungrateful smell. As Dr. B. is desirous that which he now oners to suffering humanity may recommend itself by its use, he abstains from all that panegyric too often accompanying the most contemptible nos trums. . ■* June 12 38 No 158 VOL. 23 Auctions; ADMINISTRATORS’ SALE. . % Baker § Minton, On the first Tuesday in August next, at 12 o'etk bt ;; or ® court house in this city, will be su'd ” bar * ot 8, and the improvements there. . Also, the lot and buildings thereon, late in die occupancy of Patrick Stanton, deceased, si( Dat ed in St James’ square, Heathcote ward, sold i.y permission of the Hon. the Inferior Court of the county of Chatham. ■ The above is the property of the estate of Patrick Stenton deceased. Terms cash. : ~ ■ By order of the Administrator. june 1 By George Schley ADMINISTRATOR'S SALE. be sold at the Court House in Savan ▼ v nah, between the hours of 10 nnd 12 clock, an undivided naif of all that valuable rice plantation, with the improvements thereon in Chatham cty.; being the upper .part Os lalay island and containing 775 acres, 48C of which are under dams notV in the possession of Hugh Rose Esq. bounded south by the estate of Gen. 1. Read, and on other sides by. the Satanindr nver, being formerly part of the real estate of krancis Levett, and after a regular division, allotted to heirs of John Levett, deceased, sold by order of the honorable the Justices of the Inferior Court of Chatham County, for the benefit of the heirs of said John Levett, dec, CHRISTINA LEVETT, Adm’j*. .by her attorney John Carnoclian. - JOHN CAUNOCHAN, Adm’r . ‘ ’ „ of the late, John Levett june4 132 -- | , Administrator's Sale. By Baker § Minton, On the first Tuesday in August next will be sold at the Court House in this City between the usual hours , 1 Negro Woman belonging to the estate of Lewis D. /.chord, sold by permission of the Honorab e the Infe-ior Court of Chatham Coun ty by older of the administrator, june 8 -- 35 Administrator*B Notice. 14 IkllE subscriber has been appointed by the Court of Ordinary of Scriven County, ad ministrator of the estate and effects of Mrs. Lucy ‘l homas deceased, late of said county, and having been qualified as such,, he requests all persons who may be indebted to the said Lucy Thomas, to make payment to himself, and those who have demands against her, must present them to him legally attested, at his residence hr the county of Scriven. . .. __ _GEORGE POLLOCK, Administrator. Administrator'B NotioZ~ ~ JrpHE subscriber has been appointed and ‘LI qualified as administrator de bonis non of, of the estate of 7 heopiiut Thomas deceased, laic of Scriven county, and he requests those per sons who have demands against the estate to present them to himself properly attested, and such persons as are indebted to the decs used ; are requested to make payment. GEOBGE POLLOCK, Administrator. may 9 ~ UKI VerJW 1 £ 7!toTt<r( Athens, Joke 19, 1822. 5 THE exaibination of the present senior class will begin oh Monday the Bth July next, in the College Chapel, on which occasion tier Trusteei of the University are particularly re quested to attend-. The Parenta and Guardian* of the Candidates for Collegiate honors, and literary gentlemen in general are invited to hr present- , • On Thursday, the first day of August, the Semi-Annual Examination of the Freshman Class will take place. On Friday the 2d, the Sophomore Class will be examined.—On Satur day the 3d, flie Candidates for admission into College from the Preparatory School, will be examined—On Sunday the 4th, a Commence ment Sermon will be delivered in the Chapel On Monday the sth, the Junior Class will be ex - amined.—On. Tuesday the 6th, the Junior Class will deliver original Orations, and on Wednes day the 7th, will be the Annual Commencement. By order, ASBURY HUt.L, Secretary of the University of Georgia. jnne 22 47 , SLATE. - PRICES REDUCED The New-York Slate Company have on hand a large and excellent assortment of the first quality Slate at the following reduced prices. 12 inch 4 75 “V • 14 do 6 I 16, 18, 20, 7 f P er ~?2 k 24 8 .i. .. J . . /. . Orders left, .with the subscribers, will be fur nished immediately.. • JOHN LATHROP & CO. june 5 t * ‘■ ■ ■i— ‘ ii ■■■■■ 11 m ** Lands for Sale. WILL be,disposed of at a low price and ot> accommodating terms, a valuable tract of land on Lewis’ Creek and on the Altamaha river 4 miles above the “town of Darien, formerly the property of Mr. Wm. Joyner. .The tract consists of 1190 acres, 200 of which are cleared and im proved with the ordinary Plantation Houses— There are about 800 acres of first quality tide land, suitable for the culture of Rice, Cotton or Sugar; the remainder high land, \yith an exteii sive knowl fine elevation oh which the settle ment is made. , The land is well timbered, and from its conti guity to a market, will, in. its clearing, instead of incurring expense, produce profit by the sale of Shingles and other lumber, the proceeds of which must far exceed the expcnces of the labor. Thia tract is one of the oldest surveys and consequent, ly best selection of River Swamp land, with an excellent pitch of tide, suitable to any species of culture—having a beautiful scite for a residence and located at an agreeable distance from the town of Darien, for purposes of business or plea sure. Terms and a more particular description mav be known on application to J GEORGE SCHLEY, martfh 14 d62 No. 1, Commerce Row.