The Savannah museum. (Savannah, Ga.) 182?-1822, July 27, 1822, Image 1

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PUBLISHED BY COSAM EMIR BAttTLET. THE SAVANNAH MUSEUM Is published near Whitaker-street, on the Bay, every day fbr eight months and three times a week for the remaining four months in the year, *t eight holui9 per annum, if psnd in advance, or te* dollars if paid after the expiration of the year. No subscriptions are received for a period less than six months, for which five dollars are charged. The SAVANNAH MUSEUM for the Country is published to meet the arrangements of the mail, three times a week at five dollars per an num, if paid in advance, or eight dollars per annum if not paid duringthe year. Advertisements not exceeding twelve lines are published in both papers the first time, for 75 cents, and continued in the City paper, unless otherwise ordered, at 38 cents each continuation —Advertisements over twelve lines charged in the same proportion. When an Advertisement is sent to the office without any number of insertions being expres aed on the face of the order, it is understood, that the advertiser wishes it continued until fur ther notice. Therefore, • ail Advertisements which are not originally limited to a certain num ber of insertions, are continued and charged un >til an order for discontinuance is received. Ad lyertisements not continued oftener than once a .week, are charged for each insertion, the same as ■A new advertisement. GROCER IE S— Cheap. T ’ subscriber, intending to replenish anew • -r. on o’ Sugars, offers at reduced prices hisTeaJ ... ,f Gunpowder, Imperial, Hv his present • ck 1 ’eas ; also double and on. Y. Hyson an . rB , &c. Families wish treble refined Loaf themselves of pur ing supplies can now * Sharing them low. < AS CAMPBELL. IHUJ. >r o ughton street. Barnard near b. 6 july 16 c!6O ” Notice. MB. Wsckuff* Bhcex is our authoria V ’' 1 Agent. L. SAGE b CO. Who have for Sale, 4,500 busnels CORN july 9 57 • Notice. MESSRS. Gobdos & Pooieb are authorised Attornie* of the subsen. jers during their absence from this state. Mi l CHELL & BABTI.E l T. jflly 18 di6l Land for Sale. THE subscriber will sell for Cash or Goods, a Tract of Land in Early County, Ge> No 12, and 14th district— containing 250 acres. PETER HYNES, fork-street. june 29 453 New Looks. OrnHE Martyr of Antioch a dramatic poem by 44 the Rev. H H. Miltnan, price 50 cis. BBACEBRIDGB HALL. Practical observations oil Midwifery by Jotlii Samsbotham. Received al ’ d , THOS. LOXGVVOin ft. , -Johnston Square. jue 14 40 __________ Cortu~CiiT&c^ FOUR HUNDRED bushels Corn in tags of 2 bushels each 30 cases Sweet Oil ... , 20 boxes No 1 Chocolate, Baker’s brand 30 do Candles 50 do Hvdes Soap 21 bales phitl Corks 3 do Apothecaries Boxes A small invoice mens’ summer Shoes, whicn will be sold low. Apply to DANIEL CARNEY, Hunter’s IVhay. june 26 nis2 L. H. Sage S? Cos. OFFER FOR SALE, 3000 bushels Corn 30 bbls. Ale 100 do Mess and prime Beet 20 do Mess Pork 20 qr. casks Malaga Wine 30 pipes ‘ Jin 100 boxes Soap and Candle* 50 bbls. Loaf Sugar 20 kegs No. 1, Tobacco 25 do Lard 20 bbls. Navy Bread 10 thousand Dclpino So gars 100 do Common do 100 kegs Crackers 50 bbls. Sugar With a general assortment of groceries. june 1 Notice. THE Copartnership hitherto existingbetween John Gnswold, C. C Griswold and Samtte/ m Coates in tins city under the firm ot Guts- WOLDS & COATES, and at Savannah under the firm of C.C. GRISWOLD U CO and also between John Griswold and Samuel fV. Coat**, Under the firm of GRISWOLD & COATLS, having severalty terminated by their limitations, the same are hereby dissolved by mutual con sent The settlement and adjustment of these concerns are committed to JOHN GRIStt OLD and SAMUEL, W. COATS in this city, and to C. C.GRISWOLD at Savannah. New Fork, July 1,1822. JOHN GRISWOLD, C. C. GRISWOLD, SAMUEL W COATES, july 13 59 For Sale, A SMART, active, likely Negro Boy, about 14 years of age. Enquire at this office. July 9 d57 Notice. I HAVE appointed George R. Hendrickson my Attorney, during my absence. 6 FRANCIS J. LAY. julyfi 53 THE SAVANNAH MUSEUM. i| \ y MACKURELL, No i, s, 8 PRIM*; POJiK ? BACON, JAM. RUM, GUNPOWDER, - for sale by roßfrt S. (.OFF, Exchange wharf July 19 cfs7 Piano Forte. OTb HE Subscriber lias remaining on hand v A superior Piano Fort, which he wi I dis pose of at a reduced price if applied for with) s few days. J. W. MORRELL Opposite Col Shelbnan's boarding house june 24 For Sale. The subscribers offer for sale, received by the Thomas p'owler. and other arrivals— iso b(u' dles r ,rime ;/ y 50 boxes od Fish 50 bbls Mackerel No. 2, 25 bbls Beef 20 Pork 100 boxes Soap and Candles, from John At insley’s Factory, Boston And a few ton Stone Ballast LEVISTON & ’ ANDLER june 14 _ _____________ Fork, 50 barrels prime: Pork, city insp. 29 do Mess d<> ,|(> , . , , Landidg from shin Garonne and for sale by C. C. GRISW GLD h ( O Taylor’s Building june 26 50 Hoots and Shoes JUST receive* 1 per Garrone, from Net. York, 3 trunks gentlemens’ first quahty light Sumner Boots 2 trunks ladies figured snd striped prune!- to Shoes 2 trunks ladies colored Shoes 1 trunk ladies plain black satin Shoes l trunk ladies plain black prunello Shoes S trunks ladies morocco Slippers and Ties 2 do childrens Shoes. The r-bove goods were all made in New-York per order, and are warranted * >f the first quality Mso in Store, Gentlemens Washington Ties, Buekjgkin, Calfskin, Seal skii and morocco Shoßee- Ca f skin, Seal and morocco Pumps Boys fine and common Shoes—and a general assortment of ladies Boots and £hoes— which will be sold wholesale or retail, on. the most reasonable tei ms, at Store No. 3, rtmfield’sßuilding, bv ’ D IMTUGLASS—nd 0. VANUERBOOL. jmre 28 Lamp Oil . THF. customers “f A. Cornwall can be con stantly supplied with the best Lamp Oil, on application to C Cannon, opposite, inly 6 56 _ Attorney's, Magistrate’s and Commercial Blanks , For ale by y THOMAS LONGWORTH, Johnson’s Square, july II 58 Notice. i- pHE copartnership heretofore, existing under I the firm of Kolfe & Nswjus, was dissolv ed by mutual consent on the first of January ib22, n n rolfe, W.M. NEWMAN. july 13 d59 Shot, Hay, &c. C. C’ Griswold ifs Cos. Tuulur’s Building. OFFER for sale Patent arid Mould Shot—assorted sizes Richmond manufactured Tobacco—prime Rose Nads, Hay One elegant Gig and plated Harness ,/nne 25 49 Sugar, Coffee, &c OEVERAL lots of New-Orleans Sugar of which is very superior 14 bbls St. Domingo Coffee A few boxes fresh white XVine simi lar to Champaigue For salt by J & C. BOLTON. i tune 22 ni47 For Sale, |'Tp w O prime Negro MEN. valuable field 4a bands, will be sold low, if immediate application is made 3. B. HERBERT £f CO. june 20 45 J. B. Herbert § Cos. OFFER for sale 100 hhds prime N. O. SUGAR 50 ditto Muscovado do 100 barrels do do 250 bags prime Green Coffee 200 casks assorted Cut Nails 20 hhds pure Jamaica Rum, 4th proof 7 pipes Cognac Brandy 20 hhds 4th proof N. O. Rum 80 casks B B S Porter 50 crates assorted Crockery ware 200 kegs fail'd 100 boxes Troy Candles 100 barrels Kiln dried Corn Mea? 20 bags Pimento 50 boxes Muscatel Raisins 50 ditto Crab Cider ALSO, 300 bushels Corn Terms, for approved endorsed paper will be accommodating. j ul y 9 Saturday morning—july 27, 1822. The subscriber respectfully submits to the public the following PROPOSALS, For publishing at ITHEJVB, in th- Stale of'Geo-, gia, anew weekly paper, to be be entitled the ATHhNEUM. IN a community of Freemen, and where a disposition to patronise Literature and Sci ence is extensively manifested, the importance ot a well conducted Newspaper, must, of ne cessity, be generally understood; and among a reading people, such a paper . an hardly tail of being acceptable That the Atlieneum will be a paper of this description, it might perhaps be deemed presumptuous to assert ■, but so far ss the efforts of the Editor can render it useful, so far as persevering industry and attention can insure success to his undertaking- so far, at least, the subscriber can pledge himself, that he will endeavor to render .1 is paper worth The growing importance of Athens, where thetto nailing University of the State is luca. ted, and surrounded, as it is, by an intelligent and “ ealtby neighborhood, has iml need a be icf j that no place in .he upper country presented a more inviting opening for the establishing a new weekly paper—and the influence of tnis opinion has led to the present p oposals, and he subscriber ‘flatters bin self, that, in the lib erai patronage of an enlightened community, ins undertakd-y will n-ceive an approving sanc tion And while his own exertions .nil be per severingiy employed to furnish a paper which shah In* useful lo his supporters, he a ill ven ture. to hope 1 hat hisoiumns may he diversified by the occasional communications of such scien tific and literary friends as may be disposed, through this medium, to aid him, and benefit the common its. To rna'.e his paper useful, will ‘ e the propri etor's principal aim ; and in the furtherance of tins object, I t will endeavor to give tue earliest Foreign and Domestic Intelligence, with such portions of Congressional matter, wren ’he Na tional Legislature are in session, as bis limits nil! Allow—together with such original or se lected Political Communications, or Moral Es say's its have the public good ill view, and are free from personalities : but to articles intended merely to gratify revengeful feelings, and to j revoke or continue personal contests, no place will be given. And though in judging of these the editor may occasional!! err, it is to b< ho ped that no improper motives may he supposed to influence his decision, inasmuch as the right of rejecting, as well as of inserting communica tions, must lie reserved to himself. As au editor it will be his interest—ai it will be, under all circum,ranees, his inclination — to give genera! satisfaction. From tin line of impartial duty, he will endeavor not tulepart ; and none shall have cause to accuse hin f voi umarilv giving a needless of ance to asiigle in dividual. It will scarcely be necessary to say,(hat the political complexion of the Atheneum b ill lie Republican In this age of light and knovledge, und in tins country, none other might s, a-it, could be expected to receive, public patron *Ke- ‘ CONDITIONS The Atlieneum will bepjblishedonce s week, on a super-royal sheet, and delivered tosubscri bers, or forwarded by mail, at Three Dollars a year, payable in advance, or Four Dollars, it pay ment is deferred to the endofthe year. All subscriptions will be for one yearjat lea t, and till a discontinuance is directed. Nb paper discontinued, except at the option of the editor, until all dues are paid. I Advertisements wdl be inserted at the usual rates. ... ypA*Persons disposed to encourage the under taking, are requested to signify the name by On firs’ of September, as it is contemplated to issue the first number early in thatmojth. BENJAMIN BRAS ICY. gjpEditors of newspapers Georgia, are re quested to give >he above a lew insertions. Augusta, June 2 9 55 Travellingfr. North to South I ARUM four to six hew, comfortably construe ■ < ed four wheel vehicles, drawn by foun horses each and driven by ,obf.r and careful drivers, will set out from Trenton inNew-Jer sey to Savannah v ta Augusta ‘u Georgia, cn or about the 15th of September next, the route through Pennsylvania, Virginia and UieCaroli nas. will be confined as much to Um neighbor hood of Hie mount*: ns, as the good roads thro the country will allow The journey will be leisurely taken, #. u to consume from four to five or even six weeks, dependent somewhat on the inclination ofthe persons who may become P& Those who are disposed to engage seats for the above described journey, can do so by ap plying to the Post-master at Savannah. Fnor ity in the choice of seals will be regulated by numbering the first applicant one, which wtU entitle that person to the first selection, and so on to the last An entire carriage can be liken up by engaging the number of seats. may 28 h|26 dmes’ Spades for Bitching. 4 Few dozen just received & for sale ALSO 20 dosen Beers warauted axes and a few bags black pepper by 8 TUFTS & REED. july 13 d59 Boots and Shoes. JOHN B. WICK, hits'just received 1 trunk gentlemens’ fine morocoo Boots Ido ’ do wax calf do 1 do cheap copper nail do 1 do wooden pegs a® 1 do fine morocco walking pumps 1 do fine Sea! Skin do 1 do gentlemens’ calf skin shoes 1 do do Seal . 1 do l-adies blsck damask Sattjn figured Ido do colored do do The above goods have been made to order and can be confidently recommended to be equal to any in this city, june 18 **43 GEORGIA, } By ELIJAH BAKER, libsjitt couxtt. y Clerk Court of Ordinary \/f RS.CLARISSA HOAULBY, administr , * * rix all and singular ihe goods and dial els, rights and credits, which wet e of Her mo. hoacley, late of said county, deceased, applies for dismission from her saw! administration : ‘l hese are, theiefore, to cite and admonish all persons concerned, to file their objections, it any they have, in mv office', at Riceborough, wulnn the time prescribed by law; otherwis. the said Clarissa ifoadley will be dismissed from her said administration. Given under my hand and seal this eighteenth day of March, in the year of our I-ord one lliou sand eight hundred and twenty-two. [ L S ] ELIJAH B aKEIt, c. c. o. i,. c afn-il IS 89*6m Notice IS hereby given, that the left hand halves of ten ‘.ne hundred dollat notes of the Bank of the United States, signed by W Jones, I’resi de„t, and Jona. Smith. Cashier, of the numbers and tenor describe i bylow, were placed in the post-oiuce at Thdadelphia on the evening of the ’.3th December, 1829, inclosed in a letter by J S fct. Hobson, to Joshua -Milne at Savannah in Georgia, which lelter was never received) and as the entire nail ol the 14: h Dec from Plula delpiua to Savannah miscarried, the belief is that the said letter and notts were stolen or J -rom t- -v n *il Application having been mane to the b**nk by the subscriber for the pay ment of the whole of said notes, ail persons concerned are requested to take notice. (Signed) JOSHUA MILNE. Jan. 1,1317 7 1470 favor of C S West gi 00 ” -A -'l6 j Houston 10U ” H 903 * ioo I* 1052 • PSeip 100 c 426 \y Rush, jr. 100 ! “ I 773 <CF killings 100 May 20,1818 A IBC.B •< J- p e ule, Jr. 100 “ C 1 797 “ joi i “ i> 1679 • ifffj “ D 1585 gxooo apnl 8 fid32 Notice. 4TIHREE months after date, application will be made to the Bank oftlie State of Geor gia for the renewal of Certificate No. 408, for fourteen shares Stock, the original bj'ng lost. MARY SLFJGH. april 4 • nifSO Notice. \JSNE months after Hale application ftfintrt i “ made to the Honorable the Infe p a 'j jj 3 . of Bryan county for liberty to scß ‘ tate of William Road, decease'; ~, UA- Hi i- “Tr'(V, Executor. i 1 a. * One hundred Dollars Reward. tj&nu be* given for the ai prehension and fi delivi ry %o the subvert bes in Beautort <>t a negro fellow and UNBV, the property of Geo. M.Gibbe* o-q. of Prince Williams Parish South Ca ,ov fifty dollars for hi* commitment to Jail, with due information thereof, i .tiu y brokt the 3avat..ah .lad in June DjlS, Ami has not since been heard of He is a lik h young fi - low about 25 0r23 years of age, and is supposed to he working out in Savannah or on the nvc. as a boatman. _ ■ „ EDWARD BUTLER june 15 fsll frxFUR SALE. rBHIE sulrscriber “tiers tor sale his entire i Stock ns Trade —consisting of a complete assortment of GUdCEniES, If not sold previous to the -Sth July, they shall positively on that Hay be sold sv public auction. Bor further panicuiav* enquire of THOMAS I.UCF.NA, j few rods west of Thus. Yount's, and oppo site 01rs. Garnet’s, july 11 53 Slimmer Hats & Clothing. fgVIE balance of the Summer'supply is just re- II ceived and fur sale, at S'ost, for the season oniy—by PETEK DItEGE. A great quantity . superfine Russia Unh Pantaloons, froiyj $2 to 350 Plain and white striped Satlin Pantaloons, from 83 to 3 50 Fine white Linen Pantaloons S” ’ J o Extra fine blue and black Uombazeen Panta louns S5 00 Second quality 4 u 0 Ektra quality Searsucker and Jean Round Jacket* 50 t 0 3 00 Black Florentine Vests—fashionable patterns from , 83 90 *4 I Extra quality white andcol’d Marseilles Veats from S3 *> *0 3 00 Bombazeen Coatees French Vigonia Coatees, of all colours §7 00 Linen Frill Shirts 00 to 4 00 l inen plain Shirts 1 25 to 4 o 0 Four pair Cotton Socks for 81 00 Long Cotton Hose 0 50 French Vigonia Pantaloon* 3 00 Black Silk Pantaloons 4 50 Gentlemens’ Straw Hats 1 50 Buys’ Straw Ha's, broad brim Servants’ Corderoy Suits 8-* 00 to 600 I.arge sizes silk Umbrella* 8^ Pavillion Gauze 1 72 A great quantity of Negro’s clothing, july 11 58 ... Crockery Ware $ Negro i ipes lUO Crates, well assorted Crockery ware 100 Boxes Negro Tobacco pipea Landing from ship Lady/Jallatm, from Liver pool for sale by HALL it HOYT. july 13 Flour & Shorts. 130 bbls Baltimore Howard Street Flour 1500 bushels Maryland Shorts landing & for sale by DANIEL CARNEY Jr. 10 3 Hunters wharf , b July 2 154 ADMI m.. i liATOUS’ r-.ALE. % Baker $ Miiifpn. On the first I uesd vin August next, at 12 o'clk Wharf if v U w ,)n ’i se t in th,s ci, y. Will be sold on Lot No. 8, and the improvements there- Also, the lot and buildings thereon, late in the occupancy of Patrick Shun on, deceased, situat ed in St James square, Heaihcote ward, soldi y ! Permission of the Hon. the Inferior Court of the county of Chatham. Ihe above is the property ot the estate of Patrick Stamen deceased * r i cims cash. . order of the Adnriinistrator. lne 1 ** By Georgu Schley ADMINIBTKA 1 OJI’S SALE. .?. n r tl .' e <irst * uesilay in August next. \\ , ■ ! ; e soltl at t,le f-onrt llonse in Savan f v nan, between the hours of 10 and 12 o’ clock, an undivided naif of all that valuable nee plantation, with the improvements thereon in Chatham cty. being the upper part of Islay Island and containing 77.5 acres, 48c of which are under dams now in the possession of I It,oh Rose Esq. bounded south by the estate of Gen. “‘hw sides bv the Savannah i.ter, being formerly par. of the real estate of I r-ncis levelt, am! after a regular division ahoueil to heirs of John Levett, deceased, old’ by order of the honorable the Justices ul the S3- T\ P* Lhatham County , for ik© benefit of the heirs of said John Levett, dec CHRISTINA LEVETT, Aeim’rx.” by liei attorney John Carnochan. JOHN CARNOCHAN, Ailrn’r ;n ne 4 rt 2 f Am late, John Levett- Mmimstrator’B Sale. By Baker $ Clinton, On t©e first Tuesday in" August next wil! sold at the Court House in this City between Lie u'.ual hours 1 Neg-o Woman belonging to the estate of ,j e ”' ls , • Achord, sold by permission of t> Mono; able the Inferior Court of Chatham*’ ty by older ol die udiLinistralor. june 8 35 — ; Administrate appointed by hi li||TJ fc. Subsrcribeial'y of Striven County,al ii Court ot (,Ve estate and effects of Mrs. Mn.istraUigj deceased, late of said county, and l.uey ffe-n qualified as such, he requests all hafifiis who ms) be indebted to the said Lucy fhomas, to make payment to hin,self, and those who have demands against her, must present them to him legally attested, at his residence in the county of Scriven. GEORGE BOLLOCK, Jidmlnistrator. way 21 Mininistrator’s Notice. ijpttE subscriber has been appointed and Jl qualified as administrator de bonis non ot ul the qstuU: of If Heopibis I'hurtias deceased, late •it ncriven county and he request* those per utns who have demand* against the estate to present them to himself properly attested, and ruth persons as are indebted to tlie deceased, .ire requested to make payment. GEORGE BOLLOCK, J,ldminisirator. rr.f.y 9 CMYKL.'ITV > f GEORGIA. > Atuxws, Junk 19. 1322. > iVIIE examination ofthe present senior clas* 1 will begin on >1 unday the Bth July next, in the College Chapel, on which occasion the Trustees of the University are particularly re* quested to attend The I J ..Tents ami Guardians of the Candidates for Collegiate honors, ami literary gcnil.e'meu m general are invited to be present On Thursday, the first day of August, the Semi-Annual Examination of tlie Freshman Class will take place On Friday the. 2d, the Sop’ionioiw Class will be examined. —OnSatur* day tiie 3d, tlie Ca dilates fur admission into College from tlie Preparatory School, will be examined—On Sunday the 4tli, a Commence* went Sermon wili be delivered in the Chapel. On Monday the sth, the Junior Class will be ex amined—On Tuesday the Sth, the Junior Clas* will deliver original Orations, and on Wednes day the 7th, will be the Annual Commencement. By order, ASllUßlf HULL, Scci'etui y of the Vnivertity of Georgia. june 22 47 ~J^ F ~ VuiCES REDUCED. The New-York Slate Company have on hand a large and excellent assortment of the first quality Slate at the following reduced prices. 12 inch 4 75 “l &.*>.? 22 &24 8 J ‘Orders left with the subscribers, will be fbr nished immediately. JOHN LATHROP & CO. June 5 ■ Lands for Sale. WILL be disposed of at a low’ price and on accommodating terms, a valuable tract of land on Lewis’ Creek and on the Ahamaha l iver 4 miles above the town of Darien, formerly the properly of Mr. Win. Joyner. The tract consists of 1190 acres, 200 of which are cleared and im proved with the ordinary Plantation Houses— There are about 800 acres of first quality tide land, suitable for the culture of Rice, Cotton or Sugar; the remainder high land, with an exten sive knowl fine elevation on which the settle ment is made. The land is well timbered, and from its conti guity to a market, will, in its clearing, instead of incurring expense, produce profit by the sale of Shingles and other lumber, the proceeds of which must far exceed the expenses of The labor. This tract is one of the oldest surveys and consequent ly best selection of River Swamp land, with an excellent pitch of tide, suitable to any species of culture —having a beautliil scite for a residence and located at an agreeable distance from the town of Darien, for purposes of business or plea sure. Terms and a more particular description mav be known on application to J GEORGE SCHLEY, march 14 d62 No. 1, Commerce Bow. JfJ > 1 65 „.Vc-L. 28