The Savannah museum. (Savannah, Ga.) 182?-1822, September 14, 1822, Image 1

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published near \V hitaker-street, on the Bay,
■very day for eight months and three times a
I’eelc for the remaining four months in the year,
it eight dollahs per annum, if paid in advance,
, r tEa dollahS if paid after the expiration of the
ear. No subscriptions are received for a period
ess than six months, for which flve dollars are
The SAVANNAH MUSEUM for the Country
5 published to meet the arrangements of the
B iil three times a week at five dollars per an
um ’ if paid in advance, or eibiit dollars per
‘uni'in if not paid during the year.
Advertisements not exceeding twelve lines are
lublished in both papers the first time, for 75
ents, and continued in the city paper, unless
iilierwis? ordered, at 38 cents each continuation
over twelve iines cliarged in
[lie same proportion.
When an Advertisement is sent to the office
without any number of insertions being expivs
~m t he face of the order, it is understood,
bat the advertiser wishes it continued until fur
'! notice. Therefore, all Advertisements
vliich are not or ginally limited to a certain num
’ „finsertions, are continued and charged un
|lan , K der for discontinuance is received. Ad
•ertisements not continued oftener than once a
iupplc are charged for each insertion, the same as
r advertisement.
Notice and Caution.
CTWIIF.RF, AS 1 have been informed that John
\jj Carnochan and Peter Mitchell of this e.'tv
have by smulrv deeds recen'ly mortgaged and
assigned to divers persons either their ukl vi
dml creditors, creditors of the late firm of Car.
„oohan Si Mitchell, or others, all or sundry the
property and estate, hnth real and personal of
he said firm, as well as their own individual
property and estate, consisting together of
10 uses, lots, lands, stores, wharves, negroes, Sic
P Savannah and Darien in .? rgta,or the neigh
mrhood thereof, and elsewhere wit a their m
crest or share in the stock of the lower steam
mill near Darien, and sundry sh aves m ‘he L •
lank and other b anks, as well as sunnr da'its
l„e to them in various places, besules .ami,,
Pis, negroes, S>c. in the ter’-durv of Florida,
, n i particularly one large tract of lan.l oougli
of iforbes & Cos. lying between the riven. St.
Marks and Appalachian m the territory of
Vio i4a aforesaid. , .
These are hereby to caution the public acrams.
purchasing any part of th said propertj or es
tate so coined, w any property heh'nK .p: to
the said Carpocban & Mitehell,or either of them,
as I hold prior (Mortgages on the grca < s, pa;
thereof, which are on record I <le reyis.ry m
Savannah and Darien-aforesaid anti in that ol ’
S. 0. anil equitable liens on all the t>r;pertt i
ytilJohn Cerncch;i'intlPeter '.Jncliei.
* wyj- CHRISTIE. I
june 11 f37 _ _ I
To the Public.
sorfvtobe attain brought before the pubuc,
kv a second notice of Mr. Christie s, who Has
undoubtedly claims against th m, whic.i, when
finally liquidated on the decision ot the suit now
pending, they will try to satisfy its soon as possi
ble thereafter. ......
The deeds under which Mr. Ch:.sheclaims an
exclusive right to all the real and personal es
tate of Cornochan Mitchell, are const ~,
informal, unjust and rib-gal- i-l-'-nce *v > e
been brought and are still before the court, and
other deeds have been executed, and recorded,
conveying the prope ty lov the use ulcil
creditors, Mr. Christie included, * , '' l<nl - t a '\ v
jrust or reservation beneficial it ? OI ‘ K A
families, and jf this be not agree<o-v- jj “ u l
gentleman, it must nevertheless appear -ur am -,
equitable to the public and all vvno nave a■ u.a. .
of justice.
the trustees under the late deed-a;e ar.uom
to sell the lands in Florida, alludeu to in me no
tice of Mr. Christie, and to apply the proceeds,
to the immediate payment oi pari oi Ins do
loan i, and deposit a sufficiency thcrco. <o covers
all his claim, subject to the decision of the courts
—but his opposition to any reasonable .sale, as
! one interested in his own right, w.inst inj.inng
all parties concerned, must be borne until a sale
can lit made under an orde of court,
iune 11 +37
The Savannan Library,
IS OPEN fir the delivery f Books, ou Mon
day, Wednesday, and Friday, from 4 to 6
o’clock P. HI. ,
Tie fdlowin? Works hav> Iren luteni ■received,
Mamoivs of t ie Court of Queen Elizabeth, oj
.Miss Aikiu. , ...
Memoirs of the Court of King James I- by -LS’
Aikin. , r .
The Life of Maty Queen of Scots, by George
Gtirdmers F. It. S. .
Mem firs of the Life of Will-am Pitt, by George
Toraline, D it. F. U. 6.
The life of Wesley, by Robert Southey esq.
Memoirs of Thomas iloioroft, written by h;m-
Sketciies of the Hfo and correspondence of
M>j (Jen N. fivesue, by’ Judge J uinsoi
ufdouth tJnroliiia.
KflbcV’s Sermons
The Pirate, bv the author M aver.y.
Tiie Fortunes of Nigel do. do.
The Spy.
The Lollards.
Retrospection. ,
Helen de Touron, by Madame tie Sou za.
T’iie Vampvre by Lo ‘d By ron.
Cain ‘ do.
SirdanapalaSj do.
e Two Fo&cari do. , , .
2 dm&n’s .Journey from India to V,nr,and. Uc
Keating’s ‘l ravels through France and Spain
to Morocco. t
Morier’s second journey through Persia.
Parry’s journal of a voyage for the discovery o I
North West passage from the Atlantic to
tiie Paciiis, ?<c- . n i „
Latest numbers of the North-American. av
terly, and Edinburg Ueviews, l-*ort-Fouo,
Atheneum, tc.
aug 10
Tji XW ARD WILLIAMS offers Wsfervicesto
. J tlie friends of tlie late firm of • *‘
& Cos. in the transaction of Commv:s:an Bu —•
at Savannah.
*ugs 70
Fifty Dollars Reward.
|> AN t\ W, a Negro Man, by the name of
* WILKS, about 5 feet 7or 8 inches high-
Flack complected, round full faced, remarka
bly well built, square round shoulders with
good set of teeth, about 28 or 39 years of age.
has Feen accustomed to follow the boating busi
ness between this and Augusts, and is well
known k. Savannah, and formerly belonged to
Robert. Isaacs He may probably have changed
his name or endeavor to pass for a free roan.
Any person or persons who will deliver the said
eg.-o to the Subscribers in Savannah shall re
ceive fifty dollars reward, or if they will lodge
him in any jail in Hus state or ill South Carolina
so that the subscribers may gel him, shall re
ceive forty dollars reward by applying to the
suhscrihi is, as the said negro belongs to the
subscribers at this time.
june 7
The Augusta Examiner and Charleston Cotir
o-rare requested to pubfish the above twice i
•reek for two months and forward their ac.
rants to this office for collection
Recent Publications
X/'iu oh’.v (p are
Englishmen, F-ngiisi women, t ngh-h M-oners.
U-wals. Domestic l.ife, Aits ; ! Vi. .s, i.itei o
‘.tire, •-'riticism, Education, U live ties, Clerirv,
Sectarians, Nobility, Parti,s, Politics, Law.,,
l awyers, M u-riiants, Commerce, < harilie.-,
Fashions, Amusements, and a variety of other
interesting *u; jects, including memorials of na
ture and art, comprised in a series of free re
marks during ar sidenceof two years in Great
Britain bv C/irtHi ;n .hegHdus (1 dtUib Coede,
translated from the G&.nun by Thomas Home,
l vol. §5 23.
England Man 2 vls §2.
T’ '■ E EOUiU 1.-OF NTGF'Lf2vulsS2.
LJICON, or m nv things in a lew words, ad
dressed to ils >se who think, by the ttev C. C.
Cotton, 2 veils 75 cad).
MADELINE,a tale by Mvs Opie, 1 vol §l.
PATIMAitQHAI. TIMES,or the Land ol'Ca
nan in seven books founded on tl.e li'.ly Scrip
urcs t vol Jjl
SIR ANDREW. \VY> LIE of that Ilk, by the
ai'h irof “Annals of the Pad.ld’ 3 vuls $1 75
TDK VIO’.l; OF IVK’I, a v.iie by the audio
if ,c Italian Cnovetit” 44- cents.
MINS i’iiKt. I.OVJ-; from the Kerman of“t Tr
di e” by George Soaul, 1 vol gi
l UK iIF-f'i USE or “ ild m u of the Mow.
,„!, a trim s’ ‘ion of “Le Sobt.iire” by M L<
| Vicomto D* * v ! ii:. url, 1 voi 75 cents.
| H . PPI \ : a Hite for the g'avc. and tin
ig:n, 5 Vo!., SI 50
; YUK M‘ .’TYRGF ANTIOCH, a Dr.iniatu
.,.em by tit- Kev C. M Mihuaii, 1 vo! 50ctz.
; I*K UNF dl l U ‘-.VIT- ! tVKUS,or waif. sup
I instances of mtigtriric.l yoiifb, - x mitii g a so
,cs !?f disappointments aud mis'oi tuiu sa -isiug
from an indulgence of imprudent. attachments,
! voi 75cts.
THE l.O! I A RD3, a tide, II uiuled on the pei
ecutiwis which marked the early part of lb
;if t-tirtit cen.u; v. ! y idle author of “Mt stery o
■,.1 yif ai s ago’’ anil of “Calthorpe or f.iUer. for
uncs” 2 vols S
\ fresh *>.u p’v of superior ant. common LET
aug 8 70
New Flib lealions,
llec-ived per brig Gevlbn, bv
i iioMA.s long worth.
LIGHTS rnd r” ADO .VS id Sc dish lif , a se
lect ii-n from *tho papers of the late Arthur
\ U Still.
( HE (IK.XF.G VDF,tra slated from the French
i fM, i.r Vi urnpt* D’ArUncourt. author of
the Recluse, -• v.-i and mini >.j l\ - mountain. —
87h ce as
In cicaentari Xeatise on MINERALOGYio
i.tiOLtM.Y’d. -it'iied for the use of pupils—
f.,r pe”-.ons attending lectures on these sub
loots- —and as a Companion for travellers is
the United Slues, by Parker Cleveland,
prof.-asor : f mathematics and natural philoso
phy anti lecturer on chemistry and mineralo
gy'in Bor-.loin College—2 vols. 3vo S*-
Fl:e second < ditto i of counnoclnre Porter’s
journal of a Cruise made to the pacific ocean
in the U S. frigate Essex, in the years aBl
—ld and 14—2 vois. Bvo §4.
img 26 7S
3 HAVE just received from New-York, by the
JL arrival of the ships Augusta and Savaoah
■md brig Signal, a general assortment of DRUGS,
,V C sh and wholesome It is unnecessary that I
should detail the tvhoie, but l cannot refrain
from assuring mv friends that among them is a
complete park of French Artillery, and as I an;
known ;o be a skilfui engineer, I trust tliatl shad
““" ,r Y;r; ll Em. 1 .K 10T .
Or. 11- from Ills practice in the West India
I-‘tikis, and from the experience that he lias ac
ouired from along residence in this country, and
particularly in the unfortunate year nt 1820,
confidently appeals to the patronage of las le
fow citi ens.
augß 70
Prime Fork, prime green Cope
frvsh around flour. Holland din, Hu
car, Mackerel and JV. E Hum.
s UST received per schooner Hope & Esther.
Jf 03 tierces—and
70 bugs prime green Coitee
20 pipes Hollandtiin, sup. quality
22 hhds muscovado Sugar
p e , brig PantKea,
200 bbls fresh ground Fmur
100 do prime Fork. N. ¥. city inspection
Pertchr Ariadne.^
200 bbls new Mackerel, No o
Fo/iteS N B^B - HEKBBBT&co
aug 3 63
For Sale at this Office,
Saturday muring-September u, 1322.
The subscriber respectfully submits to the
public the follow mg
PROPOSALS, at ATJ/EJVSLdn the .' A ate of Geor
gia, anew weekly paper , Wbe If. entitled the
J’N a community of Freemen, and where a
disposition to patronise Literature and Sci
ence is extens'veiy manifested, tile importance
of a well conducted Newspupei, must, of ne
cessitv, be generally understood; and among
a reading people, such a paper van hardly fail
of being acceptable That the Atheneum will
iiea paper of this description, it might perhaps
be deemed presumptuous to assjrt ; but so far
as the efforts of the Editor can Wilder it useful,
so far as persevering industry aid attention can
insure success to his undertaking—so far, at
least, the subscriber can pledge himself, that
he will endeavor to render ttis paper worth
The growting importance of Athens, where
the ft risking University of )he State is loca
ted, and surrounded, as it is, )y an intelligent
and ealthy neighborhood, hafindneed a belief
that no plain in the upper.cofntn presented a
more inviting opening for ti e establishing a weekly paper—land tin/influence of this
opinion has led to the present proposals, ami
lu subscriber flal.i rs I imself, that, in tl < lib
era! paronage of an enbghteved community,
is undert iking will rv cviveSnapproving sane
im And . hilt: bis own exertions will be er
tttveringty employed to furnish a paper which
dial! be useful to Ins supporters, lie will ven
ture to ! o, e ‘ hut his columns nay be diversified
bv the occasional communications of such s. icn-
die and literary lih-ndsas nay be disposed,
tlirough tins medium, to aid him, and benefit
the community.
To make his paper useful, will be the propri
etor’s principal aini; mid in (lie furtherance of
this object, he wii l end’ avor to give the earliest
Foreign and Domestic Intelligence, with such
portions of Congressional mat er, wi-.en the Na
tional Legislature are in session, as his limits
r ill allow—together with suefi original or se
iecti and Political Gommuuicauons, or Moral Es
says as have the public good in view, and are
free from personalities : but to articles intended
merely to gratify revengeful feeling's, and to
i-rovoke or continue personal contests, no place
will be given. And though m judging of these
•he editor may occasionally err, it is to be ho
ur.l > + :•( n improper motives may be supposed
ofiuence bis decision, as the right
f rejecting, a welt as of insertir.g communicu
miis, must >e reserved to himself.
As an editor it v ,11 t> his interest —as it will
lie, under ail circumstances, hs i.iclination—
so give general satisfaction. I'romtlie line of
mparlial duty, i>e will endeavor nut to depart i
and nolle shall have cause to accuse him • i'vul
uiuai il’ giving a needless oflence to a single in
E will scarcely be ner.esrary to say, that the
;.>o!iti‘.al conu’lesion of the Atfieoeum will be
Ht-rmblicrui. In this age ofhght uvivkooi'dedge, u uus country, nime other ought to a k, or
could he expected to receive, public patron
The Atl.eaeum will be published once a week,
ou a supor-rov a! sheet,and deli veved to subscri
bers or forwarded by mail, at Three Dollars a
year, payable in advance, or Four Dollars, if
payment is deferred to the end oftlie year.
All subscriptions will be fur one year at lea f,
and till a discontinuance is directed. No paper
discontinued, excep;t at the option ol the editor,
until all dues are paid.
Advertisements will be inserted at the usual
(Tj’Persons disposed to encourage the under
i .1: ,g, are requested to signify the same by
the first of September, as it is contemplated to
issue the first number early in thatmonth.
QYr Editors of newspapers in Georgia, are re
quested to give the above a few insertions.
Augusta, June 29 55
Lands for Sale.
fiTfril-Lbe disposed of at a low price and on
v f accommodating terms, a valuable tract of
land on Lewis’ Creek and on the Altamalia river
4 miles above the town of Darien, formerly the
property of Mr. Wm. Joyner. The tract consists
of 1190 acres, 200 of which are cleared and im
proved with the ordinary Plantation Houses—
There are about 890 acres of first quality tide
land, suitable for the culture of Itice, Cotton or
Sugar; the remainder high land, with an exten
sive knowl fine elevation on which the settle
ment is made.
The land is well timbered, and from its conti
guity to a market, will, in its clearing, instead of
Incurring expense, produce profit by the sale of
Shingles and Other lumber, the proceeds of which
must far exceed the expellees of the labor. ‘Ellis
tract is one of the oldest surveys and consequent
ly best selection of River Swamp land, with an
excellent pitch of tide, suitable to any species of
culture —having a beautiful scite for a residence
and located at an agreeable distance from the
town of Darien, for purposes ofbusiness or plea
sure. Terms and a more particular description
mav be known on application to
march 14 dS2 No. 1, Commerce Row
Sugur, Cope, &c.
100 bags prime Green Coffee
£0 hhds superior St Croix sugar
50 do 1 1 avana M uscov&do do
20 bags Pimento
5 pi .eS Cognac Brandy
5 gif’ do and 5 qr caks Pico Madeira
50 his prime Beef ,
2,00 bis fresh Baltimore Flour. For sale by
sept 5 82
Douglass & Sorrel.
Offer Jar Sale.
200 bis sup. Balt Howard-st. Flour
2r> pipes Holland Gin
50 b’.s Northern do
20 hhds Muscovado Sugar
10 bis Loaf do
100 bags prime Green Coffee
10 pipes Colmlnar Wine
10 seroons Spanish Tobacco
Spanish Cigars in half and qr boxes
Oil cloth carpeting, vatious patterns
Wire Sifters, assorted sizes
Window glass of all sizes,
sept 7 cB3
i-niKM-i county. S Clerk Cow l of Oulu,ary
, *• trix of all and singular tic goods and chat
els, rights and credits, which weic of Hervon
Ilond/ey, late of said county, deceased, applies
for and smission from her said administration
these are, theiefbre, to cite and admonish
all personscencemed, to file their objections,
it any they have, in my office, at Iticcborough,
wnlun the time prescribed tiy law ; olher.wisi
the said Clarissa Hundley will be dismissed from
her said administration.
Given under my ham! and seal tliiseighteentj
day of March, in the tear of our Lord one thou
sand eight hundred and twenty-two.
[c s] ELIJAH RAKER,c.c.o.i,.c.
april 15 S9*6m
IS hereby given, that the left hand halves o!
ten one hundred dollar notes of the Hank ol
the United States, signed by AV. Jones, Presi •
d-nt, and ,1m Smith, Cashier, of the numbers
and tenor (Ascribed b- low, were placed in tin
post-office at Philadelphia on toe evening of tin
loth December, 1820, inclosed in a tetter by J.
S k(, Hobson, to J; sfiua Milne a. Savannah in
Georgia, which letter was never received; and
as b entire mail of the 14d Dec from Phila
delphia to Savannah miscarried, the belief is
that the said letter and notes were stolen or
cobbed from the mail. Application having been
mavle to the b“nk by the subscriber far the pin -
meet of tlie whole of said notes, all persons
concerned are requested Intake notice.
Jan. 1 1817 A 1470 favor of 0 3 West jRIOO
“ . A 936 “ J Houston 100
“ B 903
“ D 1032 “ p Snip IcO
“ 0 426 “ \\ Rush, jr. 100
“ D 773 C Biddings 100
May2o,lßlß A 1868 “J- Peak, jr. 100
“ C 1797 • “ 100
“ 1) 1679
“ D 1335 “ lOO
Si 000
april 8 jtidß2
9 yl ‘UF.F. months afterdate, application will
kA be made to the Rank of the Statu of Geor
gia for the renewal of Certificate No. 408, for
luurteen shares Stock, the original being lost.
april 4 * nijSO
+YJINE months after date application will he
iv made to the Honorable the Inferior Court
of Rryan county for liberty to sell the Real Es
tate of William Road, deceased.
march 14 9ni*
Situation fßanted.
4 YOUNG M N who has resided several
years in this city, wish s a situation, either
in a Dry Good or Grocery Store. For further
particulars enquire of the Editor of the Mus
sept 5 82
Gin , Fork, Raisins, &c.
10 pipes Aineaican Gin
59 bbtsprinm Fork
4 * boxes Raisins
8 cases mens’and boys’ black & drab Hats
Just received and for sale by
jtily 25 64 AARON’ MORGAN.
The Fortunes of Nigel
BY the author of Wavarly—2 Vo sS I 75
Recieved by
fiu?'t 6
[HAVE appointed Mr Geo Coiiiks my at
torney during niy absence from this city
july 2 n>s4
Summer Hats & Clothing.
v|AHK balance of the Summer supply is jus: re-
S ceived and for sale, at cost, for the season
only —by IM-. IKU DREGE.
A great quantity of superfine Russia Dul’
Pantaloons, from 50 to 3 50
Plain and white striped Satlin “antalonns,
from S-* to 3 50
Fine white I.incn Pantaloons §2 00
Extra fine blue and black Bonibazeen Panta
loons S j <JO
Second quality 4 b 0
liktra quality Searsuclter and Jean Round
Jackets gs 50 to 3 00
Black Florentine Vests—fashionable patterns
from §“ 00 to 4 50
Fxtra quality white and sol’d Marseilles Vests
from jgj 50 to 3 00
Bombazeen Coatees 00 to 9 00
French Vigonis Coateas, ofali colours $7 00
Linen Frill Shirts *° 4
Linen plain Shirts 1 25 to 4 00
Four pair Cotton Socks for
Long Colton Hose , 0 50
French Vig mia Pantaloons 3 00
Black Silk Pimtaloons 4 50
Gentlemens’ Straw Hats 1 50
Boys’ Straw Hats, broad brim _ 1 25
Servants’ Corderoy Suits 00 to 6 00
Large sizes silk Umbrelias § ’ 50
P&villion Gauze 4 72
A great quantity of Negro’s clothing.
Crockery IVare $ Negro Pipes
100 Crates, well assorted Crockery ware
100 Boxes Negro Tobacco pipes
Landing from ship Lady Gallatin, from Liver
pool for sale by HALL & HOYT.
july 13
Flour & Shorts.
130 bbls Baltimore Howard Street Flour
1500 bushels Maryland Shorts landing is
forsaieby DANIEL CAHNEY Jr.
10 * Hunters# i vt
UJulf 2 154
No ]b6. Vox,. :-:
•ddmhiistrator’s Notice.
subsreriber lias been appointed bv
** ol tirdinaiq. „f Scriven Count
I'Ui.istrator of the estate and effects of I Ai,mac deceased, late of said county,
having been qualified as such, he requests if
peisons \v,io may be indebted to the said 1.... ,
l homa, to make payment to himself, and li
*' ho ,a '’ c ‘hiß'auds against her, must pica. - r
hem to him legally attested, at h.s residence c.
the coiintv of Scnven.
1 :iy 21
— “
oldministrator's Notice.
subscriber has beer appointed and
v ijualified as de honig non of
’ ir estate of r Jheoptlus ‘J'ftvmas deceased, lale
of Scnven county, and he request? these per
sons vho hays demands against the estate to
present them to himself properly attested, and
such persons as are indebted to the deesased,
art- requested to make payment
GEeti-t.f POI fhCR, .'ldniinistrntor.
rr ■ \
UiiutrtsD'iifor’s .Sole.
hy in her <N*. Minton.
On the first li/KSIIAY, in Nov. ne-'t.
M ill be sold before ti e f ourt House in this cittf
at 11 o’clock.
M liars 1 ot No. 8, and the improvements there
■i” belonging to the estaf. f Patrick Sfo.ton.
dec. sold b permission of the bun the Inferior
Court ,q the County ot < hathsm by ordei of
‘lie Arfnuiq t ftors.
2P 76
•liiliniiiL iimot's Suits
On the first Tu- stay in Or,?ol) t next.
RS/ILI. be sold before the (h urt Doc e in
f t Savannah; between the usual hours of
ten and two o clock, sundry articles of house
hold and kitchen fun iiure, biii g pan of the
jieißonal property of M dham ( otiios deceased,
sold t,y order oftlie Court of Ordinary for Chat
ham Cour.ty.
Flt ANCF.3 COM INS, F.xecvtor.
SI'UiKY COLLINS, lx-tutor.
Ang 20 76f
PRICES reduced
1 he New.York Slate Company have on hand
a large and excellent assortnitm of the first
quality Slate at the following reduced prices.
12 inch 4 75 N
14 do 6 \
16, 18,20, 7 Vper square.
22 &24 8 J
Orders left with the subscribers, will
nislied immediately.
june .5
, f
IACOX on many things in uy. words, ac.V
idressed to those wi;o think. By the Rtv, C.
* ■ C<< ton. A. M. 2 vo I — 75 cents. Just
published by
august 1 67
Esiential Oil if spruce.
4 SMAI L invoice if th Kstutiai Oil q,
.V Spruce—just received and for sale,low by
Corner of Congress ar.d Whitaker stieeta.
aug l 67
Prime Fork ,
w -y ,jrk c ’ l . v m-pection prime
POIiK landing from ship ‘-avannah For
rale by JOHN LA I HKOP it CO.
July 17 61
Bills on New-Fork,
For tale by F SELLECK.
july 20 152
Boarding tv noted
GENTLEMAN wishes to be Boarded in a
4 private family a letter addressed to W.u dls
the terms and left at this office wdl ue alien,
ded to. july 27
The Subscribers
HAVE received by late a;rivals
*IOO humlles Hay, Ist quality
25 bbls Mackerel, No 2
25 do prime Reef
15 do prime Pork
100 boves Soap if Candles—from Win
ship’s manufactory, Huston
30 bokes excellent Cod Fish
12 piecr-s Duck fit for light sails for ves
Hunter’s Brick Butiidinrs.
july 27 65
. Notice.
4|R. J. V. Heath and Messrs. J B. Hehbebt
,\ | &Cos will act as Attorneys for the sub.
scribers during their absence from this city.
july 9 57 •
MR Isaac Cohew is appointed the subscri
ber’s Attorney during his absence.
july 9 c 57
[HAVE appointed Vlr Geo. Collixs, my
agent during my absence ‘rom this ci y.
july 2 m 54
Lamp Oil.
*T*HE customers of A. Cornwall can be eon
II stantly supplied with the best Lamp Oi), o
application to C Gannon, opposite-,
july 56