Newspaper Page Text
Amid the bustle and intrigue of our city and
county elections, the more important duty of
selecting* I representatives to the national con
gress; seems to be almost entirely overlooked
Ate there not seven patriotic, intelligent and up
right men in the state in whose success the good
people of this county may take an interest ?
The nest Congress will have many hi jh and
important duties to perform. ny subjects of
high concern to the commercial as well as the
agricultural and manufacturing interests have
long been suffered to lie almost neglected on the
tables of Congress These subject of national
importance, have been merged in schemes of
self aggrandisement, and party ambition.
The experience of every day tends to con
vince us, that our republican leaders have fallen
from those lofty and honorable principles,
which distinguished the first era of our republic
Instead of the firm and unyielding integrity, tne
disinterested patriotism of our early statesmen,
we have now in our national councils, nothing
but sordid self interest and bold schemes ot in
dividual advantage. The wisdom of our sages
bus degenerated into cunning; and that devoted
love of country which once distinguished our
public officers, is now merged in the overwhel
mg i iftuenc of party feeling and party ambition.
Our national capitol presents a spectacle, more
likeaii area of gladiators, where the heads of
parties are hotly contending tot prizes, than tne
seat of a simple republican government, where
the heads of departments are stationed for pur
poses of public duty ■
In the hubs of Congress, where we might
fir; eto find some redeeming principle; spirit j
of reg( nera ion; a corrective power; we find the 1
representatives of the people neglecting the ;
high interests of the country; and w asting their
time m petty elf cdoneering schemes, and in
writing long speeches, spoken at the house,’
hut really addressed to their partizams oat of
a- ors to further the vie -’ sos some aspiring of
flee seek'r, or secure their mvrn re-election.
The time approaches when all power return*
again, into the hand; of the peo ile An oppor
tunity will soon present itself, of cleansing gov.
eminent from all impurities We hope Geor
gia will set the example of sending to Congress,
men who will study their own popularity less
and pay more attention to subjects of a nations
Accident —A coloured girl belonging to Or
Read, was yesterday struck by lightning, and in
stantly killed.
Crops. —We have been informed that the
crops of Uice in this vicinity have proved un
commonly abundant; and that the favorable
weather f >r harvesting has enabled the planters
•in get in their graiu in better eider tlipn usual
About half the crops of Rice in this neighbor
hood it is supposed, are already ham sled
The Weather. —Since the shower on Wednes
day last, the wind has changed from a nrother'v
to a Southerly point of the compass, and the
weather has been uncommonly warm and op
presive for the season.
The fdlowjng gentlemen are candidates to
represent this state in the 13th Cos -gress. Se
ven only Can be elected.
JOEL. ABBOTT, of Wilkes,
GKOIIGK CARRY, of Columbia,
THOMAS W. COB'.!, of Greene,
EDWARD F TA I T.\ \LL, of Chatham,
JOHN FOtf.SY I’K, of Richmond,
Thom as ggas< ock, d<>
JOtl GOLDING. of Clark,
FTRrtiRV >V- HUGHS, of Putnam,
c - Ail! I S E H \YNRS, of ls in ?ock,
The following is contained in a postscript to a
letter dated t. Petersburg', July lAtb, received
by the Corinna. /
“The Imperial Guards (40,0''‘0) are on the their
march back to this city, and are expected in a few
days. Nobody here expects a war. ’
A ease ot crim. was lately tried in Dub
lin, wherein .Mr. Owen Geoghagan Nolan was
T’laiotilF, and Lord Glentworth defendant. In
the coiirse cf the examination letters from the
husband were red in defence, congratulating
his wife upon the birth nfa child, not li lS own,
anticipating another, and expressing tie ut
ntoit anxiety to behold the limits of her guilt!!
—The damages were laid at 10, 000/, in lieu
of which the jury gave a verdict of 49a. and 61.
The constituted authorities of Albany have
ordered an examination of ail vessels from New
below the city; and if 4ny on boatd be
found sick offever, they are to be removed to a
hospital provided for their rc oeptipn, and the
vessel purified as the health officer snail direct.
The following is contained in a postscript to
a letter dated St. Petersburg, July 14th, recei
ved by the Carolina, arrived at Boston.
The Imperial Guards, (40,000) are on their
niaich back to this city, and are expected in a
fetv days. __ Nobody here expects a war.”
Richard 11. Thompson, Esq. of Philadelphia,
nas been appointed by the President Consue of
the United States at Canton, in the place of
benjamin C. Wilcocks, Esq. resigned.
> Our fall ships have begun to arrive this season
m excellent tune, bringing a full supply of Eu
ropean goods, which, as heretofore, we are con
fident our country dealers can be supplied with
on very reasonable terms. And it may be im
proper to mention, that the supply of Domestic
Goods in Baltimore, equal at this time to any
market it the United Stantes for beauty or va
riety, and can be had at very reasonable prices.
We can but indulge the belief, that
himnal market, opens under the happiest auspi
oos —the great quantity ofgoodd on hand, and
toeir excellent qualities, recommend them to
the special notice and regard of the Western
merchants— Rah, Chronicle-,
t. S Schr. Grampus. — A letter was received
ye-erday, from a- < ffieer on bosrd the Gram
predated at St. T homas on the 12th nit. . It
motions that they made their ntr from this
pot to St. Barts, in 11 days. In exchanging sa •
luts on entering that harbor, one of the soldiers
mhe fort had his arm shattered through care
lemes", in not effectually spongin'” his gun.
an the Surgeon of *he'Grampus was invited,
bydirection of the Governor, to assist the bur
gen of the fort in an.pining it. The officers,
generally, rece-ved. many civilities from th.
Gvemoi, he. *>f St Barts—The trade of St
nAs and St I'lmmas is expected to suffer ma
teiallv by the opening of the British West In
dia to foreign trade.—’Hie li tter mentions
tlur sassing in wish the celbrated Spanish. p- i
vneer brig Pane hit o', oil the their passage from.
S’ Barts to St Thomas, who was desirous of
b oding a brig then tinder convoy of the G a
pv; but this was unhesitatingly refused by Capt.
Gegory, when she made oif- !l was quite
halthv at St. Thomas at the above date. While
thare, a dinner was given to the officers of the
snootier, bv the American merchots and ship
msturs—ln the course of her cruise, previ. u-.
tther return home, the Grampus was l<> touch
a'llavnn i. Her crew were remarkable healthy
athe late of this letter—not a man having been
rported on the sick list for a week.
Ch Courier.
From the Nenr-Yorlc, Daily Advertiser.
AVe leant from Capt. Davis, of tlie brig Des
tit’ li arrived yesterday- from Rio Janeiro, that
tit- Portuguese troops had taken possession of
.1 Salvadore, and had driven the troops back
‘lie Brazillians had sent to Rio Janeira for assig
tiiice, and one frigate, two Corverts, and 1000
sand of arms had been sent them In a battle
Ictween the Portuguese and brazillians,- the
*tter lost 200 men.
Melancholy & Unfortunate —On Thursday last,
woof the Deputy Sheriffs of ibis district, who
la la Bench Warrant arid four Slate AVa-rants
•gainst Mr Jesse Corbin < f he district, hav
ing ascertained ‘fiat he bid not intend to beta
ken, they applied lo Capt Hamilton, command
log a troop of cavalry, to render them some as
sistance. He very promptly joined them, with
some of his men—the whole parly amounted io
nine persons They proceeded u> the place in
the night, and jus* before day broke, rode up to
the house when- .*!* Corbin was, with the in
tent of surrounding - it, but lie had heard diem;
anti in attempting to make I,is escape, was silo’
at, bv one of the party, as be ran, and killed
tdfc'ud on the spot A Jury of Inq eat war held
and a verdict of lYiifut Uunl- r returned A war
ant was dren issued against tins whole party, a on
Saturday they all sm rendered In inselves amen
able to the law, sr-1 Were admitted to bail
, Pendleton Messenger , 28 ih ult
From the date of Illinois, partial returns of
the iate election are received, w hich tad trs to
mfer that Thomas C. Browne is <4£cted Govern
or of that state, a-d J-hn McLean its R pro
si ntativ.e in the F.ighteenth Gong-ess The ag
gregate of votes shall be published when re
ceived.—Mat Intel.
Ji Curiosit;/. About five weeks sinre,a
parcel of Alligator’s eggs, (14 or 15 in
itumb‘t) were bi ought to town and pine
ei in an open keg amongst some shavings,
in an exposed situation in a Copper’s yard,
on Kast Bay. On Sattmlav last, iimo
citation was observed in tin? keg, and on
inspection it was fund that one of the
eggs had brought forth a young Alligator,
i ml that several others were on the eve of
doing the like. Between that time and
yesterday, ten or twelve young ones had
made tli it appearance; and being pat into
, rnb of water, and placed in the sun, were
snorting themselves with all (lie life and
activity usually displayed by that creature
when in his appropriate element —the wa
fer. The young ones a<e fom 4 to 8 in
c e* in length; the eggs were auout the
size of those of a Turkey.
Charles. Mer.
From the (Yt.) lieperton Aug 97.
‘ieizure oj ths SY mi in- liocti Phoiuix.—-
Wp *fnp the press to give the following
pa'ticul'ars. which are all that have come
to h ind, of the seizure of the Steam-Boat
Pf-Qniz, at St. Johns, anti her escape. It
appears that on the last arrival of the
Phamiz at St. Jo ns, the revenue'officer
j at tint place discovered <>n board, and sei
!z and, several bales of contraband goods.
The Boat, in consequence, became foi f-i
----♦ed. She was accordingly seized at 7
o’clock yesterday morning, and a guard
placed n board “for her protection. Capt.
Sherman immediately proceeded to wait
on the Governor to obtain her liberation.
In his absence, however, the hands suc
ceeded in overpowering and disarming the
guard ; ar.d, the steam having been kepi in
operation, they immediately left the port.
The Boat arrived here at 10 o’clock last
evening, bringing the guaid who had been
secured. These are simply the particulars
as we have heard them ; and, as they are
l oin authentic sources, ,vve presume they
mav be relied on as nearly correct.
By a gen'leman, who arrived from the
north this morning, we are informed that
ihe *rnods consisted of several bales of silk
which had been secreted in the cook’s
room, without the knowledge of Captain
Sherman, who was wholly ignorant that
any contraband articles were on board his
English awl Jmericam .Ambassadors.—-The A
merirans, it is universally allowed, have had
their diplomatic concerns conducted with unri
valled ability; and yet they pay ete
of foreign ministers no more than §9000,12000
per annum. Phis shews at how moderate an
expense the real business of a nation can be
manage J. So far from thinking that the a lairs
of the Americans suffer from this low scale of
salary, we are convinced that it is one reason
why they are so ably conducted. I heir minis
ter is a man of business—ours a man of ton—the
one is in his bureau, while the other is in the
bad room—the one is famous for successfull ne
eociations-the other for brilliant entertainments
and choice wines—ihe one is labouring for the
solid advantage of his country—the other is
feasting or fiddling for “the honor and dignity
of his.”— Scotsman.
Ifarrid JlTirrder. —pn Tuesday last, in’
’ ■hazy, Lewis Starr, a Canadian, murdered his
wife in a most shock ng manner. It seems that
Starr was very poor, and lived in the same room’
with another Canadian family. F.idier from inrio- j
lence or indisposition lie loitered away histone,
whilst his family were in want of the necessaries
of life; andthe other Canadian reported lnm to
the poor masters, lie was highly incensed at thisj
and charged h;s wife with being- accessary to it, j
and swore lie would kill her. between 10 and 11
at night, he went out and got a scythe, and soon
after he came into the house, his wife went to tied
to lav down her child, about three’months old,
and while stooping down for this purpose, he
drew the sci the across the back part other neck,
with such violence as to cut tie spine and she di
ed instantly Me then threatened to kill the wife :
of the other man- she ran oi.t of the house and |
jbe pursued her- herhusbaiidFoPowedandstmck 1
| Starr in tire hack of the neck, yhich knocked him
j down, as lie tel the other mad drew the scythe j
through his clinch and hands which nearly cut
thc-m off lie let- home and secreted himself tn
a swamp on,the south side if the great Cliazv
riyer, near its mouth. The ithab*tants were ral
lied, and on Wednesday he Vas found nearly ex
hausted with loss of blood, aid holding grass in
his hands to sup the blood. On I'huvsday lie was
brought to this place and sedm-ly lodged in gaol
where he must probably lie ntil next June.
He had three childrtn- the two oldest had
gone to sleep, before the htj-rid deed was done.
Vi hen the Jury of Inquest asemiihd.wv are told,
the two children were yet sleeping, while their
mother had been murderel, and lay near them,
weltering in her blood.— .Montrealpaper.
In every community thftc exis s a class ot per
sons who while they do Hire mischief than ma
ny other miscreants are i'iov. ed to escape the
strictures of the press.
It is composed of male gissipping Tale Bear
ers, while every village, torn and city is infested
with these mischief maker it cannot surprise
that Savannah should have ter share.
From maiij’ circumstance which have come to
my knowledge of late, I discover that a lew of this
class, are mure than usual);active at the present
They are now busily engiged in Circulating ru
mours which they adroitly nagnify to alarm the
weak minded, and those particularly* whose do
mestic distresses require fl their ordinal vcom
posure and firmness of mini. The sick man in
his bed is no: secure from heir intrusion, nor is
his family a lowed in a Iminstering die means of
his recovery, to enjoy the satisfaction which hope
inspires, but they must bt cast down by the
doubts which these gossips jxcite.
I have heard of one of tlesc mischief makers 1
i who conceiving die safety <f the city dependant
| on ins tongue, lias been body engaged in circu
| laling and fro'i'i the man no which bis ingenuity
! supplies, exag. eiating 1 alarnjng reports, to which
those who are unacquaint el with his practices
gve read* credence. He aas even bad the ef
frontery to introduce himsaf upon a family, and I
disturb i's peace by tales 0 which his own evil j
acquaiirance gave birth, tad excite groundless
apprehension of danger wSch existed hut in his
own brain.
It will be perceived tliatpy allusions are poin-
I ledly personal - my objects to endeavor to put
a stop to the evil machinations of this male gos
sipping Tale Hearer and A/1 associates. Perhaps
’ the coimnunity may from tlese remarks identify
him and them.
yH Port of Sfa'annah.
gjp „V arrivals since o<r last.
The sloop Susan, capt. filler, from New Or
leans, spoke on the Ist ins'Wf the \loro Castle,
U. S. sloop of war Peacocj, all well.
CIIAKLF.STON.Sept T—ArPerfect, Prince,
Liverpool 47 ds.
Schr John Stone.v, Smhi, Georgetown 1 <lav
Cl’d ship President, Fan|ing, N York; sci/r Lit
tle Jack, Davis, Georgetown.
Beacon Office,
Nrrfolk, Sept 5.1322.
NORFOLK, Sept s—Jrr ship Trajan, Lang
don, 70dsf;n iverpool.
Brig eorge. Harris, fmPortsmouth
■ ebr Post Bov, Otis, Baton, 7 ds.
Schr jEolus, Anderson, it Augustine, via Char
leston 7 ds.
Sloop Regulator, Chadwick, fm Alexandria.
Sloop Mary Ann, Church -• days from Philadel
phia. *
PHILADELPHIA, Sep 3 Avr ship Moss,!
Turley, 4fi ds fm London. July 20, lat 41, lon j
24, 30, spoke barque Mary.of and from London, j
35 ds outbound to Que'iA. Aug 9, lat 41, lon j
35, spoke ship Gen Kid. Vams. fin Canton, bound j
to London. Aug 28, lat 39 54. lon 70, 00, spoke
schi Zealous, Baker, 16dsfci Havana, for Boston.
Sept 4.- Capt Bye of tin] Albert, left at Police,
18th Aug the schr Ei-anldin.Fearo, for Baltimore,
3 days: also, the following vessels, prizes to the
Spanish privateers, schr Eagle, of Washington,
condemned sometim- since; English brig Ze la,
Oliver, of London, from Cidiz, bound to Vera
Cruz, condemned; also, Eng brig Phoebe, Mac
kie, of Sr. Johns, N B from Laguira, bound to
Hamburg, w as captured off tie east end St Croix,
by a Spanish felucca, who fired three 18 poun
ders and several vollies of musketry into the brig,
after she hove too, which ett away two ot the
shrbuds. much of the i milling rigging, and went
through her sails, fortunately no one on board
was it,lured. At the time of capture, the capt.
was in an ill state of bea'tb, after being three ds
in the port of Ponce, without any medical aid or
communication with the shore, Mr. VVitStine, a
merchant and planter, went along side of the |
prize, to offer *he captain any assistance he might
need ’ but was ordered off and not allowed to see
him; capt. M hearing someone enquiring for
him, attempted to get on deck, but was preven
ted by the prize master. A representation being
made to the Judge, he ordered the captain bro t
before him, having asked what he had to say in
defence of his vessel, he replied, nothing, his
soul was of more concern to him. On the 16th,
(3 days after) he departed this life, leaving a wife |
and 7 children The brig is condemned and car- j
go landed Also brig Gen. Andrew Jackson,
i amnion, from N York, for Curracoa and a mar- j
ket, was captured off the east end of St. Croix on’
the Bth inst by the Spanish privateer schr. Gen. ;
Perrira. and brought into Ponce, the captain rob-.
bed of his wearing apparel, quadrant, charts,
spy glass troncy, kc. End most inhumanlybeat,
the captain arrived imhe pert w ith his dotli’-s
nearly torn of!’ him, both his eyes black his face
most inhumanely cut and otherwise much injured
| his vessel is not yet condemned The Genera)
Perrira is owned by a Catalan, who says he has
two vessels captured by the Americans under the
patriot flag-, and lie now means to retaliate on
- them, he now has three large privateers The
j Gen. Perrira has arrived here to convoy the y.el
ia round tn St. Johns, where Ue intends fitting her
out also. The itella was formerly a letter of
marque belonging to N. \ork. and is a very line
vssel Alsou banish s’ooti, and a Swedish sloop
both prizes Sept. 1, 9 >1 passed at anchor
about the ISuoy of the I .edge, ship Morgiuna, and
seln- Hannah U Elizabeth, both bound out, wind
j b. K.
Capt. tsarel, left at CAe Havtier, 19th Aug.
brig Galaxy. Johnson, for Boston, 5 dsj s; rchr Ex
periment, Raker, Baltimore. Id days. Accounts
arrived the day the Adeline snU-d, from Port an
Prince, and proclaimed through the streets of
Cape Havlien that Gen. Homane, had been shot
bv <he guard sent to arrest him. he (Gen. R J be
ing accused of an attempt to raise a Revolution
A it male s from 14 to 64 years were ordered to be
come soldiers. Mai-ketsratherdulltpr American
produce, and that of the country high and scarce.
NKW-YOKK. ,ept. 2.- Cl’d ship Debby A
F.liza. Sprague, Turks Island: brigs Buck, Hutch*
son, P*uV:iu-P-ince; Marv. Allen, Bridgeport;
.schrs independence, f'oie, Petersburg; Tanta
mount Allen, I.ub ‘c.
Ait ship Favori.e Beams, 45 ds fin I.iverpool.
Spoke, dug lat 42, 19, lon .31. scbi- Four Bro
thers, tis Boston, 194davsout. with 134 bis. sperm
oil. 23th. lat 42, lon 58. ship \\ il'iam, 49 ds from
Bri i'ol, of and for this port.
Ship AVi'liaio M> fl'art, 4 5 days from Bristol.—
Left, Aug 33 ship Concordia, to suit 17th; schr.
j Nancy, of Newport, unce’-'ain. Spoke, Aug 17,
jlat 73, lon 28, 50, brig dire Branch. Blackburn,
jls das from N Orleans for Port-au-Prince, and
; brig !{om-, Compton, 17 ds tin Wilmington, for
t Domingto. 29tb. off ape I'enrv, winding
- schr. Sa'o e, ftn Mar-'ha’s Vineyard; with 55bbls
od. The schr Jane, Gibbs, was spoken within 2
ds sail of Turks Is'aml.
yShipt’nttdn Plant, Russell, 9 ds fin Savannah.
Spoke, in lat 33, 14, lon 77,40, the Fr. ship Feli
city, 1);- !a Roche, 21 ds fm Port-au-Prince, with 1
loss of rudder, bound to fn-s’ port. Put on boat’d
Air John Green, a passenger, to pilot her
Bi ir Prince & Eduard, Sears, of Dartmouth.
49 da sfm Buenos A) res. Left at Montevideo,
ships Medora, sot- Phi lad. 30th July; Little Che
rub, iust.arr. fm Hhilad; br g N. Orleans. Brown,
forN A’ork. Spoke, Aug 29, ofi Cape May,schr
Caroline, 14 dsfm St. Thomas for Pliil -.d.
Brig Thomas, Sampson, of Duehury, 52 dsfrn
Cadiz. Spoke, Aug 10. lat 39, 40, on .52. brig
Sarah Morrill, 45ds fm St. Übes for Boston and
supplied her with provisions 24th, lat 42 55,
lon 60, ship Trajan, of Portsmouth, .59 dsfm Li
verpool for City Point 16th lat 40, 11, lon 71,
30, brig Ospra. 6ds (in St Harts for Bo- ton.
Brig Edw. I>. Douglass, M'Cormick, 12 ds from
St. Thcjlias.
Brig Dispatch. Davies, 44 ds fm Rio Janeiro
Spoke, Aug 30. lat 37 30. lon 73. brig Emetine, of
Boston, 54, ds fm Malaga for Philad.
Brtg Dolphin, Forest, ‘ of Nobleboro) 17 ds fm
Havana. On Friday, off’ Cape May, spoke schr.
Diana, fm N York for the Spanish Maine.
Prig Swiftsure, Knowles, 22 ds fm Fay ale
Brig B’ tseo, Simingtnn, 10 ils ra'-t. Andrews.
Schr. Fdiza Jane, Aheille, 18'ds fm Mavagjies.
Schr Flash, “A ilkins,2dsfm the Delaware.
Schr Cherub, I'ieftc, 20 ds fm I.aguira. Osf 1
the pt ocos, was chased for 2 hours by a schooner,
which could not come up with me and give up the
Schr Almira, Beers, 13 dsfm Halifax
Sloop Macdonough. Lewis, 4 ds fm Boston.
Skpt. 3— Cl’d brig Indian Chief, Vve, New-
Bedford; sehr Decatur Hopkins, St. Andrews.
Arrship Hesperus. M’Corkle, 34 ds fm Liver
pool. Spoke Aug 7, lat 45 30, lon2l, ship Can
ton Packet, 14 o dsfm Manilla for Cowes, ail well.
3d, lat 33 14, lon 45, 50, brig Ann, Snow, from
Liverpool for Boston Same day, saw a ship with
No. 8, in her signal, supposed the Robert Burns,
hence for Hamburg. On the Banks of N Fa
Marblehead schr3 months out, with47oo fish, and
schr Two Sisters, with 2'>oo. Aug 30, lat 40,
brig Ospra, fm St. Barts for Boston.
Ship Braganza,Rodgers. 35dsfm Liverpool.—
Spoke. Aug 12, lat 42 54, 10n37 30, ship Eclipse,
42 ds fm the Cane of Good Hope for London.--
21st. lat 42. lon 48, passed ship Dido, fm Philad.
28th, lat 4u 2, ion 65, brig; Jane, of Kennebunk,
10 ds fm Richmond for Glasgow.
Ship Rufus King, Badger, 35 ds fm Liverpool
Spoke, July 29 off Holy Head, ship Lady Gor
don, fm Quebec for Liverpool. Aug 1, lat 68 3,
lon 12,25, ship Sachem, fm Philadfor Amster
dam. 16th, lat 4610, lon 2430 Br ship William,
Kitts, both for Lodon. 27th, lat 44 10, lon 49 12,
passed an Am ship with No 8 at the mizen peak.
20th, lat 40 56, lon 68 43, rship Superior, from
Trinidad, lor St John.
Shi]> Dublin ’’acket Newcomb, 38 ds fm Dub
lin. Snoke, Aug 6, lat 47,30, lon 24, 30, Br brig
Rolla, fm Nas au for Liverpool. 11th. lat 45, 10,
’ lon 33, ship Atlantic. Taylor, 16 ds fm New York
j for Liverpool. 16th. lat 45,30 lon 4 12, brig
i Ann, Storer, 12 ds fm Liverpool for Norfolk,
’ Shir) Agricola, Meek. 3 3 ds fm Campeachy.
Barque Mary Augusta, Miller, 49 ds from St.
B’ ig William, Stevens, of Newburyport 24 ds
fm Ponce, Porto Rico. The William was boarded
off the S side of Porto Rico, by a three masted
felucca privateer, which belonged to the W side,
having on board 120 men. well armed They
broke open the letters, stole the mate’s watch,
and some other small articles, and permitted us to
• Brig Champion, Morse, of Wa’doboro, 24 ds
fm Fayal. Spoke in lat 39, lon 48, brig Laurel
, on a whaling voyage, with 45 bis oil
Brig Yamacraw, Bates 45ds fm Livetjioo'.—
Spoke 24, lat 14 41, lon 5039, schr Octavio 47 ds
fm Amsterdam for hilad. 30th saw an En. brig
of war steering eastward
Brig Betsey, Cunningham, of Wiscassett, 18ds
fm Watanzas
Sloop Express, Bulkley, 3 dsfm Boston.
Office of the Boston Patriot,
Saturday, Aug 31, 1822 noon
! BOSTON, Aug 31—Arrived brig < Orinna. La
throp, 46 ds fm Cronstadt, and 41 fm Elsinore.—
Spoke, July 28, lat 58, lon 11 brig F< rvest, of
! Kennebttnck, 40 ds out. Aug 25, lat 42 25, Jong.
56, ship franklin; 32 ds from Liverpool for Balti
For New-York ,
I The packet ship
I ffirgj AUGUSTA,
Lkgoett, master.
Will meet with dispatch. For freight or
passage, apply to the captain on board or to—
: 1 6 HALL & lIOYT.
( sept 12 181
v auctions
By J li. He > beri, Cos.
Jn THURSDAY. 19ti> iust.
The sloop Stisnn, burtheiied 83 ri rvs
iHi£; with her sail, iiggir.g, £-c. i-c in ton -
piete i t adiness for sea.
I t-rms at tune < f sale,
sept 14 86
For New-1 ork.
Tlie packet brig Levant,
•S'A-aiC AVm. iirehb, master, will meet with dis
patch. For freight or passage having good ar
commodations, apply to captain B. on board or
all g 51 80 Jones’s Upper wharf
For Liverpool ,
£§ The Substantial .Stop Montgomery,
M&br Capt. AVeaton, is now read} t > re civet
a ca.-go and Vviil meet with dispatch.— For
freight or passage apply to
aug 31 cBO
just n>;csiv*i> i*mi i. r str-AX.
150 bills Wliiskoy.
For sa'e by J B I'E*RBF.RT & Cos.
sen 12 85
Cotton Bagging.
20 pieces prime Cotton Bagging.
For sale by
sept 14 86
N~E. lhivi. Whiskey , &c.
8 hhds N E Rum
50 bis Whiskey
200 bushels Oats. For sale by
sept 14 cB6
W. Ivglis Cos.
HAVE received by tlie brig Ceylon from N;
An assortment Umbrellas
Choppa fly, Handkerchiefs
India Sarin and Satin Levantines
Plaid and figured Florence assorted colors
- Mandarin Robes -latin figured
Nankin Robes Shawls and Scarves
aug 7 c7B
IJ-F.RSt'NS having claim* agains’ the estate of
Augustus F Hand late ot Richmond couna
ty deceased will present them duly attested with
in the time prescribed by law, and those indebt*
ed make immediate pa\ ment in Savannah to
ang 13 f72 adm’of
cl few pipes Northern (Hu and
Hr a ml y.
For sale by JOHN I*. WILLIAMSON.
aug >1
~'; ■ ■
IVanted to hire,
A GIRL to lake i a eof a joung child—onej
l2 (ears of age would be prefered auplsr
at this ■ Uice.
stp. 19 i 184
To Rent.
a Three stores on the Bay. Apply t(N
sept 5 82
Hams , h\c.
Just received by bint; Levant.
10C0 v.’t Superior Not hern liaq>* put upm can**,
vass Bags
A quantity of Virginia Com which will b&
sold low ,
20 b ! s M >auy Ale
10 Kegs Tobacco
10 Firkins Goshen Butter
Tor sale by GIBBS &. ALEXANDER,
aug 29 79c Taylors wbai
flay, Tobacco and Shot. s
27 bm,dies prime Hay
26 kegs do manufactured Tubacco
18 do patent and rn.iuld Shot assorted sizes*
For rule by
sept 7 83
Hams , ttc.
©'FiY'lfiVTri *‘ >s ( small size) North Carolina*
si J'+etT'Or Hams. VV ith a general assort,
ment of Groceries, fur sale by
South side Market Square.
sept 10 cS ,
Hills on New-York.
For sale by
sept 10 84
D> mestic fluids.
8 bales Domestic Plaids
3 kegs No l Tobacco “Wight's”
10 do Ladies Twist do “Enders.” for sale >■
sept 10 cB4
Ur andy Lump Sugar and To
34 ke£s Starr's No 1 manufact’d Tobacco old
23 do do 2 do do do
-14 do Labbay’sCut do
5 do Cavendish
14 bis Lump S gar
2 puncheons 4th Proof Brandv,for sale by
’ J MEIGS, -
aug 13 f72 Bulloch’s buildin g
fly 3 Doctor Bartow, has re
moved to the lions- lately occupied by William
Davies esq. Orleans square
aug 19 75 ‘
JVew Flom
V| AN DING from Schr. Tea Piant, from Rich
200 Barrels Flour “form New Wheat” (Ci
ty Mills)
80 Kegs Manufactured Tobano No. 1
For sale by ISAAC COHEN
aug 13 c 72