The Savannah museum. (Savannah, Ga.) 182?-1822, September 21, 1822, Image 2

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THE MUSEUM. DKATH. *Yif’ . \\hat art tliou, Death, that we should fear ‘l he shadow of a shade ? Vr'hat is thy name, t at rr.eets the ear Os wh ch to be afraid ? Thou art not cart,, thou art not pain, But thou a at rest and peace ; Tis thou make our terrors vain, Aud bid our torments cease. ‘Thv hand can draw the rankling’ thorn ■ From oiit the wounded breast; * Thy curtain’ screens the wretch forlorn, Thy pa fit trlves liiui rest. Misfortune's sting. Affl'cfioh’s throes, Detraction's poisonous breath', The world itself and all hs woes Are swallowed up ill death-. FAME. Oil! who shall Kgh‘ly.say that fame TANARUS, nothing hut an empty name! \VI.iVV ill that sound there is a charm The nerves to brace the heart to warm, i As thinking of ■ i e mighty dead, ■pile, i onr.g, f-om youthful conch will Start Anil vow with little hands outspread, hike th-in to act a noble part. TANARUS,, one nl the principal streets in Bristol is a spirit shop, curt irfnn-'ilia'fcly over it, ns an flu per sto'-y, a h mosoni - if.’ ( ' '<'vg-house; on this Was written ti e following ejiigrani; There's t spirit above, and a spirit below, * A spirit of joy, all” a s int iff! wot; The sii-rit above w a pirii divine, But the spirit: below is the spirit of w ine. Th compliance with the • yint of a Horieopon dent, the which foil-two. although ■me c vifiss'we are not entirely piea utl milk it H e could have wished ‘hat in the and. itrlbutinn nf light and think, the dwleer parts if the picatre had been touched with a]> ncil less 1 hiavy. -or that the aw her had fnruHh&t tepewie tMiiuptbons, And met us hiUliugin one hand the rote, while in the other lie grasped the Irini'tc oj thorns. History p emits ns ■wiiit numberless examples of great and good vs weli as had ll omati am white the whole gex are taunt ed with the crimes of a Cleopatra,it is unjust to pa. s overjhc virtues of a C’ineiiu?]~l'el Intel. WOMAN! Woman! tin') art the sonree of good”ami evil to man. ll* regards you with the eyes or admiration. You are riie main spring of his j ry;but the curse of Iris existence. \, ho is ae that i-* truly happy without you? a ~| yei, does, that individual exist, wlio In*, oof been displeased with jour cou ,| ~■:? You possi s'* the beauty .t (he full blown/r >sc; or a.e destitute of its thorns. Th* stare'y swan boasts not a whiter bo som;’lye gaudy peacock does not surpass vi i<i pride and vain glory. I) i ; U is the Ipstre of you., spu kliiig eye-.! they are the g filling * .ns of uiiio’.s nIV ciions: they fir.. Die suns t at direct hfoi through she shad./.; \ry epioon of life; j u too olle(i they p on- j it.i i‘ y 'rtit fatiius to the bewildered Wander-j er, who sumbits himself b tueir guida-nce; tney lead him into dangerous paths, and he fj.r ws dmw to his mv i dcstruciio i. Youi car.ti lips, so gracefully paruug, like the tn ee/.e fumed, dew wet tl AVer, tune few ters brond many a heat 1; they toe fumed to entice, and speck pretty things; they are possessed of teat power id attHicliuu wlticU cn comm ad a thnu;u,iU eyes in an in h aiit. But why does the. too cvdalnus s ‘ti of A lam believe the lips nf the daugb-j ter id live a, e sweet? Why is he led to imagine the molar of the Go's sprang from that's .;>c ? I'iiOfie chattering lips ol thipe, O woman! are like the rose leaves that conceal a serpent oridctieatli -then beiutuesr dingerou- as the fail burning ta p.i’s right to the unconscious mot!) t <at tl utters .around it, and meet* it, its ruin iti what it moat tid.nirred Your shiv.-*- tongue, is the mother 1 of-many words •—Eloquence is tire off-ptm of your voice*. 5, qi.ic-.y proceeds i.o:n your mouth— Ymir ‘a-'gouge, seldom in another’s praise; olt.:;’- in y tur own. Truth and innocence sometimes direct yniir conversation; scan d u ao<l del action oft timet. —You are moj its b t >i?d iti your own affdrs; t/e trs in I r*. Fair offspring of l?ve, v dvi;l fiid winds to praise jour xilfc-j „ Tiiev are b-antifiil to behold j . s t e cuilng in* ‘-,cf evening* there tin-1 ;|.*:>avtinj; su i their re. ael forms with; i . ( .s’ .mint; but tn** nowiiol?soma va-j j .!. ibat Irnmln contagion, may disguise! i v iirnn.ii unde ‘lie specious appearance] id ‘a. 1 ini v. Light-footed worn.;! graceful* 1,. ~ i sn thy step-: too mountain daisv cm bends beu'ealu the touch of thy elas tic toei “Grace is in all your s'eps; ‘itlt-avcn inyonr eye; ••In even gesture dignity and love. The vluve is inn ioi e iaithful and lovrrig) neilev is the wind of April more likleand changeable, n**r ‘he serpent more poison- Du . t than vo in oin the moment of anger. * You ;m* illy as til’- ievaet, hit cur.uirg as tnu !iw e .v>e i,the noise of liiu chase i, b iiml i-e ; the subtle hare, only shifts fully for h r own safety; but you shift your ways t • gain admirers. interest dwells in your heart —guile on your tongue—cunn ing in your look ami hypocrisy in your s n'ti *. ‘•O worn sin’ woman! whether lean or fat,- “In tar e an angel, anil in hi art a cat.” Yjur jjai ments vary their hues for every season; nay, fur every month aiul dty They are taore changeable than the Came-. leon. Th** stars hide themselves before the lustre of ypur courtly rolic: the rain bow vanishes asliaroert, f. oin thie variegat etf apfieaiance ofyout’ dress. Nature has almost exhausted her stores to make you engaging. Fashion is the daughter ot your linger—the fantastical oilsptingof your own invention. Vv hat have you not been capable > f doing. O woman?'ami what have you not beer capable of sdyitig? — Man lust Eden for thee, and by thee was man restored to the favor of offended Hea ven. Troy, proud-walled l'toy, was de str yeti so- thee; Mark Anthony lost the world for thee —you li3ve done much evil, you have many faults; still you ate engjag.j i'ig;this world is a desert, ;> gfothy region* niJiout tliee. Thou art honored, O wo man! because you are the mother >• hu man race. It is vour dear, thoVoely im- age, that makes solitude supportable; con versation is dull and spiritless in your ab senre; without thee, the Society <>t man i 'disquieted; lti discourse is insipid and un edifying. lie who lives without thee, lives alnnoj*be languishes and sig its for |your pleasing cyii i crse and sweet society. ! VV hv? because you are .to him a part ct hitti jycT—'constituting an essential part of his being. To day vou have given t Ifoicij t<>- iiiirrow you are forgiven, and y.Br t>- *or courted a- if you h-ttl riot -b eti the of f nijer. Are,you sad. Ife is sbo in grief; are yiiu uir ny, }•* rejoices; do you re buke, horror binds him to .ib-nce, a e y u angry, lie avoids your wrathful coiioteti ••!tic, and is toe fi st to sue for reconcili.i tion. Thou art, indeed. O’ woman! the -■mice of good ami evil to man:—.Subject to many fr ail ties and follies, for which you are par-lined because you are u<vian’ Woman! angelic, wonderful woman! the, favorite of Gpil; the id hi of man the hand-, maid of the Deify; the scourge of creation, j • In*object Hove & uderation; the cause oil st ife and disenfi’jii. Strange, eccentric, ’ woihaflj great, little,majestic,insignificant, virtuous, vicious, -industrious, pernicious, modest, impudent, jnuilent, ioctitilious, en vious, ambitious vvpmsn! Thou ait the i wonder tis wmiders. What is like fnyou? ! —Nothing! I can neither love, nor despise you; because you are consistent in diame ter, neither more nor less than WOMAN !| u i tli So much of Heaven an l ofTIoH about rARrj ‘There is no living with th e, nor -niUmtt ■ ihnei #’ AFRICAN DANCEIIS. From Ctiiitj.buV’s Journey ritu Htulhern Africa. Awer suppor vee hcawi the mm'um) of music rtearlh - king’s tic, see \Y\ walked over to the place from woeoce the sound Cause, ami (outlet a far, e party da erg, and in tins way expnsfes iig lived',; av.m account of the lute f’.-rt-iizin,: ‘isiiis About !;> men were .dancing, in n circle, :ac|i holding aid bio. a reed. They leaned h!r.- fi-o s, round an I round the circle, keeping time, Thu . kin directed the dance, leaping nul playing upon a revd exactly uke tli.i id isei a, from tv lions i 6 cruidonly he distinguished try a long rod which hecavried, reaeffing ci'.iuKlrra hty r than His liesl Hee iao v his eldKri! >o, was the o-.ty :>ung person engaged -in the dance M.i-v vi-im-n hi bed fir -- Itj|pi tin.- crowd vs -p c aliii y r and leaped tar’ <st;c;v!i'.’ afound die uaucurs* smjieg and el.tpj i.ig -their hands. Tlie.ilaoi’e bsoao about 4 P M \ye looked >t them for a short ti ne About 1 : women rood m a row under the imo-a tree, clappuij: U-. ir panda and .J. g-i ig,- or rather . iinrpng t. • ‘one Abort the same mi be. f m.:n ‘ cic •.iuncihg in two ,mv’. before them, making now antic motions Withaliiir hands, anil each aitsum •Off a C ufoenance <Xp • s&ive of idiptism; the wo •.•'ii, by t iru.> >t. :> iajr r ,u rheir row, ,p. pioachyd to and receded!’ oiii h oanceig, m..a fog similar motions with their hands and ieet as • the men, and tniUim; on si.nil r motions and s'ii '.nidity of couiitcnanoe. relation of .'(ateebe’a had Iter face strangely p.ented. Like the oili tliers it tv n smeared with red cclire, hut an inch ‘above and below her eyes was painted across wiib orange color, and her lygs will) the same, Many ot’ their attitudes and motions dye signiti-! cant; some timesthey pVvate their hands above the head, hs it gently nuliitifj off a revering, sometimes they streich them out behind, as if'o. nreicnt a 'person pressing upon them, then oe fore as if wrapping ribbons round tile arms Again they appeared as if throwing smaething 1 to toe ground with which they aro disgusted~ ! Other mot inns resemble those of ;\,nefs ui p.iss ing_b> some di-agreeable ob-jer.i, which he was lesirdus that even Itii clothes should not touch Vi ovi'ig ‘.lie scene again about twilight, l ob-f servcdxiYftituration''huitiakt n pjace in t he dtftige. j i’he women were now and .hah stepping from] ■ heir rows, rustling towards the men, an,l push ing Kj-ai-ist them, like b ills, with their headr; iti the man who was attacked, and who was eudea vi>: ring t*> keep his step in tiie dance was over t-.u'O'-d, it ’ xcitc-da unh crsal laugh’ against, him l oh* rv*. d-a yoditg man intentiona ty Call beh>-e the attach ofayomvT Fem-afe loaded with heads. She was universaily chem ed tonne victory she h:al pi litincd. I’he features of the scope a ett t:x:iw?ne*y satagt-, an.lsifipcareil so shocking,; . ihat I IhiMight if an Km-opt.-in army hid 00-.imi uiiawart S. at the same hour in t v - ! uin.c, they would hava- been fora inoni.- u;ip ,al led, sapposing d>e hioutli of the utfcn:::i ixig.'ians were opened before them. The dancing ended sbnni tea ni id. h* ; con .* hmirs wi.'liout iuie.anit- i'm, which was c nsidcrcd a sho. t time Had it been inoot!- j light hi • would probably have been pro ! tracte-l till brcakol day, v heuihe wainertw'niii; I have pr> ree.h'd to toeir work in the field a*. : brisk ut.d as lively us if they b id slept tiie whole (night. They arc-never ob-e-v:ed to reifo- v ■ ill .ait on such ecassions, notwlthstar.di'.g the ; perapuatio;! ecc.uioncd by their great e.\e, lion. Violation of the 11,: venue f .-uv.i—YViJl. iani Johnson and William K fgar were Ii ned 400 dollars each at the ITstrict Con i of the U. States, held at Utica on the 2-2d ultimo, for a volotioii of the revenue, Law. They are a!s<> liable to be disqualified from holding any office of honour or profit under the G. iiates, for seven years. From the Bo m Palladium, Sept. 6. from Africa. Ky captain .1. Could, jun. f the brig Vru , debt, from Africa, we b arn, that its April, the English Government took possession „f the forts and estblisheaments on rhe Coast of Africa, lately Selnnitig lo the “African Company.” and immediately pla ced them under colonial laws and restric tions! _ , Sir Charles McCafthy, Giiv. Gen. s*.d Commander of Western A Irica, arrived in the Iphigenia, and nn the si!i ot A; ril is sued the"ting’s proclamation, and closed the port to all foreigners. The Prudent was generously supplied wills an anchor, by com. M. who evinced a disposition to do any thing consistent with his duty for the protection of American commetee on the coast. Cons. Sir U. T. Mends, with the Iphige liia, , Myrmidon, Pheasant*and Morgiana,. s ud a Poituguese brig captmetl, weie at Accra, >n April. Com. M. had information, that a vessel, said to be an American brig, had bee cut uli’hy the natives, at a place near tit. An d t-ws, on the \Vjnward- Coast, the captain am! mate killed—vessel ron on sliore, and crew made slaves, ilo intended sendirg ja sloop us war up, to olitain the property land survivors, or punish the natives by des- | tr ying their town. Tin.* -quadron under Com- short space of tv.o months captured exceed ing 2000 slaves, principally in the Calabar and 15 nny Rivers, ts is a subject of re gret th itour ciuiiers and i not visit the Lve vvard Coast, where our coininerce wants protection,and tlteslave trade is most ex tensively carried tin. Com. M. fell in with a U.’S. Gov, sebr jin charge of lient. flunfe , and supjili-d jharwith 30 men and an officer, by teques! [of Ct 11. of vi iiom iiir Robert spoke in t it* ihighest feints of comureridatiou as an utfi* cer of uncommon merit. Fro m the Gold C’ ust Ga. May 21 We have the higl) grutificatinn if *n r nftuncins tiic roiui n to t!iis anchorage,-of , !I M frigate Ipl igenia, Cum. il. Mertls, from a bi dliant and successful cruize to ibt; fiver ilunrtv, Uavicg cnpturwl 6 lave vessels, with no loss than 1056 slaves on [board. The cintnted vcnsels have beet* ’ sent to Sierra Leone for adjudication.— IWe understand from the best authority, that the boats of the [pbigiM-.ia end Myr midon, under command id Lt. Mildmay, net with great resistance, the slave vex std-* were so moored acrossd’ie river that me? preheated a formidable battery, and although the Kn dish colors were displayed ii the boats, the brutd and pi atica! slaves dealers opened a lire upon there, which they incessantly kept up, till vanquished by the intrepidity and bravery of our ta r s li’be Ijwtigmiia and MyniiUltip, ha! ‘ each one min liilled and several severely woun ded; tiie loss on the side of the iniquitous slave dealers vas v.-ry gr at: many “f I'lem leaped overboard and were iastuntly •k-voured by the sharks. We reg et to sly (hat a few of the sluves, vvlso were on (be decks of the slave vessels, during the ■iclion. were severaly wou mletl, and a poor female lost both leg-, and another her right arm. The Myrmidpn was afterwards sent tn the river Calabar, wherp it is fully ex pected ‘he will fell in withs me more of these robbers of these population of Africa. The Morglana captured, oil’ Cages, a Portuguese'skive vessel, with 112-laves. It is scarcely four months tuner the gal lant Commodore arsivod mi the wes tern shores did in that short period lie ha captured 8 slave vessels with 1356 slaves. A few iliys ago a Pdi tngue-e slave ves-’ sel was seen St u i;hnr <• ft” tYionebah We have just heard of another I’orta gitese slave vessels at uncboi offCommen <! .>. ’ TThe Iphige.nia has since the West Indies, on her way to K iglaml 3 From the York, Daily Advertiser Police. — Fofr receivers of ato.ea gnmls aid ten thieves were brought up ami com mitted, oi held t* atistyei yesterday, A casta of-ih.diyid i si mi*fortune Jknl dis tress came out incidentally in the Mive-ti ration of an aTTne before tiie police yysier >l ry. A hquiLenie yutuig married woman, witos .* appearance and manners were quite interesting, (though unaided by the atr. ee-; [fimi yf dreas,) and rendered still more so by t'-.e grace ami propriety of hi-r conver sation, cauie b the m i;* ; Mrates and gave toe fob owing *>r! f but torching reci tal of her'* and tier husband’s recent loss of their property, ami roductiou Cmo ease tad et.j ijjnent to biller petiuiy. i'iiey had lived i*i Boston, secure in Die future, t while bicsicd with ail tlm meaiH of earthly ieii-■’ y r.louud tfe-n. In the coarse of butanes*, froyyever, his funds were fr the iittte oi;tii', yio top hands <d t tnan in this •fci*j. and -v came on togolher to lake Gift)) op- V word ends Hie painful na-ra v::—-tie *>>:!. who held them, yet still iolcli lift;, (with what peace of conscience :lie 'best c'n know) roiosed to refund a far thing. andrio’.v Strusf Broadway a rich and [dashing lihkropf. The urifoitutiate man aid hi* a daWe if * leave their elegant ,j lodgings i anguish atjd despair, lie him- -If i*i tiieplaioi'sl garb of a labourer, toils it any ei!ij))oyinenthe can, and she contrputes what;si)e can to .their mutu al sopporj, with t,he needle. Surely. •‘Thure isso'UP chosen curse, some hidden thinder,” -eserved lor such and all such barbarians infraud aid knavery. Whether the Police will find it a case in which they can interfere, remains for fu ture investigation. Froth ll.e Lvn.ccrhlic Frets* In the North ‘nierican Hevlewm i one of'.he last volumes publrslieq (>y tho Acstlc-ilnc ans of Tortici, are some tacts ami remarks lespycung 11KUCULAN F.t! M, wepuipf • to embo dy Afjer regi etiing the disappointment the l.Hei-ary would has ixpeneiiccd fn-nt the wotksyt published, tne Kcvievvers say—“ Vet there remains the certa n fact,that m >ie t cm thousand .MSb a-e in existence troin an age lur ohler tbkh the oUlra‘, which leave cnUerwi-e come down to us, aiid wliich, however tlHieult to ijy cypher, are still p roved by expeiio re to l:e'.e sible.” ‘Tins is beaming a oclightlirt i'ppc >u the world of h-itt rs, and, v. fc cann ‘-’it expect that to able, attentive and laborious a i. >.u as 3ir Ilumplirey Davy, >vi!l rive Iht world come of those MSS. It was the diseovei’V ot a bui.'- ry of MSS. amonjj tlmsc rums w liicll ) v -- s heard with most interest by the literary world. Herculaneum city on the !lalia. ‘of some note, which m diy tuue of LMfny the el der, A. I) Tri, was buried beneath eruption from Mcuuit Vesuvius. of Pumped and some smaller places veie, buried i t the same lime. Uercijiaoeuin ,wh covered in iKe tbst n.- stabce by th .wet's ofcind. rs and hot asltca, u on which tae boniiog, streams of lav i poured and filled the city With a mass, vvb ch, M ■ pool ed passed into sto e. Tha- the iojiabitan’S hr a time; to save thoinsiviyes and ‘.heir ui 3t vuitlv'd possessions appears from the cu- u nsimict that few skeleton.*-, jewels or nrt c.ious iv'ich sos any kind, have been found “At ritaNne three fe male figures were di covered,.oneot which- was apparently a servan id wash r. ting a worked cuv/Cet; the two other figures,huleoldtn brae - lets and ear rings. hicu are now pres rved iu the mu emn M. <a. I s.” At IVmpeil accord ing to Eustace, ah..ut s xiy skeletons have been r*nd file reviewd-s give an in'eres iug and elabo rate account A the mp..n ‘.kvised ’.run rol avn! dervjiher ill.- M S. 1 tiejr were touiui in cases, the wood of htii ‘he cases were made Vv a in a ?taie of coal and dropped to. pie ces vhanii was toiichcd The eases were till e l will, black yolk, which at fn'3 .weir thmight t> In- t.its of wood of in value and mini of them were v(io\vn .-.-.vay o treMen u alerfool as uch The t-egu arity. ef their.pos ition, avvakv red te buspicion of vt list t* *.y .Wore, and lb* j vore car- fully coOecteyJ to th. nuni her of v)00, and deposited i • the Museum of j riici Those n.amiscrij'S w T eri!t on p-apyius, mostly if nnb'.irm viimer.s.-ons, v.ct a spa-i long anvHhrce or four fi .yeis illicit; sonic were inn twlf a span long. • ihui was the iiia’dj, and so frail u;-s it made by tit'* onrcH'u.-n ofheat and lion;, t i... h a loc Th j fffccls it, Tbe td-itkor the Jolla arc, arid :hA mjf :’, charred, the more easy a.e tbvy'tu be utirot cd and dc^yphtied. Becl-rosr.i vaitUance -~Mr, klcknAl Pem;, a jimalt,ei'ierty, quiv.t boh ot a guntejuiaw was placed at the bar, <;1 1 . u .1 1 . tile iw tmg4)u tcef livCt nf steaUnu his friends” bad-dress. rt Sirs tli'i;-: —Mr .latues Warner, a. young gentleman who unniscs Ids i-.uicv and repttmi.-n ----es h s purse by kecp.njt tac-li.iir of other gen, tlero.iu i<i,m'des, was pmse t-i a very sp cndid bail given st, the aswmm y rooms oi Vii Much ct, Giare-mai ktt, .on monday nifthl AI.. Kiciurd I'enn was cur mg the non-iisto}', .vii made liirrsclfso agieeablC, lb .1 Mi. dairies Wal ker iv nVgliiily taken with him; so,"rim".!i co, tiiat wlit n ihe aa.scOibly broke op lie i tleeait him i.fbiahei-. Tin < •'•r was . cepfeu, and >ncy r. liml to Mr JaTt.f Walker’s aiwn meets the dial floor down vae chuouey., iu ilu ii of sirs. Uichardso.i, ot I.VunU s-emm Sliaud. t’ere (liey so a. Fn'd , c cp, ruid,io t!i morning Mr. dames Weil cr rosuatid ana - td li. useif in oi. or>Uoa y li >.:iu;e;;lw-lli taa in tention of Calling upon S vm- peel noiKiii wnmsc chins were u*"i.y her e:, .’ r wares and Ix-i'-nx, he went, he ec.dc-avouVed r> ’pruvan u >oti- .Mr JJicha'd i’vrii to lire ;Ws*i dint 1 1 >,t g.-: t e:i:i|n j prii'tsse<l liiuisetf e;;cee<i ag f t g'e ! wifo ‘tie 1 ikdighlTitl exen.i ci of the jit* t*., ini;- e; enmg, and c.j ‘. s'flt :m r.m sioi'i t*> i.v- u ‘!Mi;.- r. Mr. ‘arnes jV’a.kci’.s muid rii-.nve him i-..'J,i’.tnu Oe was to.'.piijile * ay aty tliiy.-} .‘in J sc, inv mg v.ii.tiod h:s . v friend a,refreslirhgsi imber, he and parted to take lik snurmug calls. !>c imd n;t lire i goo a tiyr, iu.i’d an hour, bow ev r when the wleked- Mi. iiaehard Peon shook of; owiiiess; pose fro n the bei, lu'c.i .-c.d bimsc If, ;;p<t gather’ <|. together his kin I’s ha. ilciss; with -cvora! ;.!uu’ 1L lie things, j.. |i.u ‘.i.;-d tin m.a-it up in ids hvndiic’rdnef, mnt crept-nio down stairs, tbiliklng. ub du:u ;.i Htek, oil’ vyitht eni Hut in this i,e {'..hed,,f..r he .to’.ped in die passage by Mrs ‘tid.isr son. (J.e ven< r..!e propriutoiess, of the ma. . sion iino l-M oiw-xairii*!.; ids imiulie before he w. ot h ’biding ir it’hi-; props-ct. of her wane mmatsn- toUt d.eha .1 I'enn that vac }i ...j co U, U e he had ibivinl. ; ai iia.i vi,!ijt,;i . she should lw;:h),'o Send for a oo'.i.siahie. Tins i Wat -die Soindy [lerfofmcd, and \!r. Uichawl I’enn v.’-is brought heiore the magistrate.; [ \ tl< f :c s .id in was really so “itivs ifiso’: wiic’i he :) at finding h fm. a .tlauge ce.!, I'r.t lie di I aoi know exr.ctly Wiiaf he -i i <b;.iul had no idea but. what they ‘. e. C his V’ - -•• ti:; I-C'S fn> Was packing up. Ihs v, oip to in i’ he iiid in tDeln ve him ai'.dPji y- o- on l •t - 1 hi-nv *>!'i;r ins t:;a’ lor the tolo-iy. Solt a’ it is a i.uudiel to ones .heevv er uu> ‘s,lf ;:; s ieeaj'e Vo M - AS- •.■ i ’ assctHoU roi-k'S ogam. J,j ,tipaper miTOCAYELL;). Letters from Per I • G. vei.'o ftcslyrd Gun am , id toe 10th Auc'.sf (1,.- General Morales had ‘c- icv-.m! sml angned tbe ganis n sfioi-tly after |,i. l)nj vhl, and futihil it to cen-i -t of 2,5t;0 ,ie ■ ilaving received some rehifoicemeuts. three thousand, with sixty ca t ‘itmes p Ct > man, and provisions for eight il.ivs, were to march at day break on tiie morriing ofth- I Otis; but it is in.t -aid for what dedin-ifir.o A paragraph of tiiat date’ says, iha{ the squadiot> sailed at two i*i the after n :) o i, cAnsis|i<i of a fiigale, brig, five ar-net! schrs. and II Ji*che*-its; their destination i tbs oast nf Li Guayi-a.” ‘ F om this it would see n, timogfi the ioteliigence is ra ther obscurely conveyed, that Morales had i withdrawn a I the Spanish troops form I’or [to Cave!ln, where, indeed, they were f no juse to hi* cattse,fur the jmpose nf omnluy ling the m in some afore active service. •* V,n* jluue little doubt that the ”va"abond*,” a* ! he vanntingly called the victorious patriots will give a good account of tld* last re nr nan-tot royal hirelings, whenever tliev ven ture to show their faces on the main land. Com. Jig, AVR3T INDI A lit M -st ol our rrattei'.-i tilnb I’.d,t.| : i? i ish Acts of P.ii ri nr.* t.-t, and he jh, lautdtinn of the Fresitb-'d, that rl.e j- r , < . cinjisa between tl-.e 1.. c- 1 the Ji- Ctdonks, is fdacril upun irv ipioyal i , . Jing, (otheves-ais < t both nations. I Prcclatnation, however, tines not min.'; , | Shis cdfistrucliot: J’hrre is nn'.iiiii< mj i which vyould exempt n H ib’-li v•„*[•’ Co!{ .. j ing from one of hr V&toflie-An the l’, > j fruis lb*’ charge !; ! b’D ij;ti tunn.igit, v hj tl hre are inlormetl, ill k*rwrir i ht-te, - lies'* lostnic.'tim* to the cimfrrirj r**>-. , 4p j j from ha Treasury Ddpars merit—We ca*;- | nus ‘tjr a mometil iiirigtne, that, ai’ei t?;. 1 13 itish Acte have placed this cniont r ,- K i vip'ii! so liberal a busing, it can b* die i ; . ifentin.h of our guvcrrinirnf. |;> cuntinuc to.* idiscritnioaring tnnnngc duty, which would ‘v, in r‘!eti, to cot-fine the nb* to our uv. n vt>>> c l?* viiti’gi. us sorti) as the fret sliuuH b.*kt:nvvi‘? t<> i'-° i’liti h f. veriunenU tlt-a intercourse woui'. ly in Order ,ti Cviuocil, tvi'.liogether'in of t> ininon, that tile s d'-j el onty tv.mtj an jexpl iint.iou, or lia-5 esc:'‘t’o the attenliun jif evil governnien’; it is hov.Wt •*, d* sitstf-l.*” the res’.mativin •! tiiis iic°icMlis.* fshould ‘.ml be attended vviih at.y ucph'a. uit J feeling, that might lead tn teaulis, b ■[> ly injurious to our interests. A ldtr. I’l-'.i.r.vsT (M .) Aug. cvj, Ti<e fishingsebr. Diie.n, id’ Kciintbuijk IloflF muster, 13 tuns bo; then, v. is 4 *;a;.ftn--* ed on the 30th ult. by Hiiiisb ;u iritti ini-"’ Argus, of 20 guns, and sent into St. .b.infj i(N. I!) T>e all< dgpxl catfse for l.n Cap jtri'V vv.i* the taking <>/ Fh>a in the Uni. j tish wai/rs —when in Ue! die whole aincuni ! "cru.iiiy taken in their juri*-,fiction, was a . bool one yvedfcof siiell lirh c.illfcii OI..VMS, in i harbour near Ltvm pou!, whirr- tnev went lo obtain water, j. vio-as In their ivl iiu hofne. Cajil. H.'iiid cretv itave a:i iv eu ,it • hi;, port i;i bu sc’ r. Venus. I 1 ; .1 FossilSlrft, it i. s-.i.l 10-.3 lately .been •Jiscov errtl in Movtl Bsxb mt. in digging tblTaarid?- !ti"u tor • bonding It 16 J-.'eUi', Iniul &i. !<*..?— ‘ib.tcrm lias mt l en4fc -.s'l-.d, ’ owing to tl ‘i- p(liit h. i.un'u.i, ~o % dictiu ;; i.- lv die ago. ,*u country to slnt-i ‘ i.dr-n:;--;!, , conjrntvii U ..‘s Jie i.,srio<! to ai.i-.coc i.a .- jandlii ty-twhen an iintiujui'uii Ita : n -d, sil'i.t it icas been t. nr c.cit ~k-s m.:! t : grotiod ! ‘i bt servant of \ Mr Taker, at Gibraltar kite, v took an o;;p-rlio , in tin; absence td l.ts lntvcler, to cimrnit a i-niif -ry. Havirig f.,.i* key cf the iron <’h"..t, in whicn ; he his ni:i'.t;'i'Was arcualtonetl t dt.-posit vary <--"inii I - un-s, *ie ora l eti it. and helped liimc-iflo J jl; ands. He left tic gaiiisou w.ik his body and escapud- into Spain.’ A few vlavs ..ttyrwarils lie was tbiTml ci ucllv niiirdered. Ir is bupriosed that he ha.i an accomplice, who ■'ihk this ‘mo te of posses inj; himself of the vvho't* of tne property which bad been purloin -11, I n-vv acii lne tt. ..a.*., e l ... a', i’ lunl, m, ixirli-an of th : money was d.iscovt rod ',.-ut bi-: persvm. r e.."— A ■ llirt. of-in th< vie. ... ty Oi au'Cncoler, not bmg fvino:;, kd-e ii: cow, end sent nan of die beef nod a quioititg of suet to lbs .on, a weaver, in Blakely,- who hung it up so near tne v tnt'.oa- ihatsrone oi:c, in ll.e i-iglu, broke a pine and can ltd ufl the so t. 1., ih-5 m ¥oii.', the weaver, niisttotc ins suet, went to the me house,tvli-rebe | < s’e-1 lip the following five. liaeibein, which still remains ao c-vi leuco I ■■ die vigil* John thill gcnevosi v an.l u..i it:— .“Wherea last eight, a quantity of lie- f suet was ‘• iken fryip tin: li use ot Tii-mia'i Wolstoncndt —this is to lvk- m-tce,that if the. peis nv.ho io ■ ir ■■.vo wit* appear and prove that he was ■ ’reed to do so by distress, the said • homas T o tttqti. croft v,ill yr. e.l.inri u and .zsn of flour tu iviake tlic surl info dumpling*, but it be cannot ■eove tluu. lie was to tin- t-ss wh'e-i he it lo it, the * eld ’i nos YV of . o icud't will tight him, ami ‘give hen bvckhilt.-ngH if he ‘* iiim"’ A-rousbroOm vu* !it Jly galhcyeifin a field at Ciiurcidiill r.ear UewnLury, batlofigi.rg io Mr. Isaac ii ay, jviiicb measured 12 iocUes in circum ference, and wt igbed H uuiicesl!! A (veu’ wink by tl.jt author ofAYaverly, ’ i : > ii “Po>eitl . 1 iiC ST .-is aiirnuiic ul i- speedily (ori".r innio. It is said that ‘V . fScQtt p.iHdc i soir.e lid.'c in iXiiby -‘-ire I ist year, anil < wan thoiUios* .-.tnicic Ay fli grand uml f'/culur lea ure.s of that p:otnr*-scje country, itsjif intckablc caverns, mins*, u.d!*, omdutains, &c. li the lit* branrli i.f-ihe information he correct, it !;or fur. to -vs ti e rest pa bivu.< —wi.u A the author of YVCiseiley. Judicial [tlr-a-diitfy. — A. lawyer, now <k ceasru a celebrated wag, \va pleading b; - fore h Bcotcli fudge,will) who.a be wusup on the ino-* iiiuiuate terms, liappcin;; t * have a rlieut. a female, defendc:‘ io #n Aetiun, of the name •! Tit k!e, he coition: • ced ‘d* fejieeeh it*, tile fujlowitig hunior: ; ; s r:a:■: —Tickle, may client, the defend'", my f.ard.” Tiie an lit.r-, anu-i and wi;h i ■’liuity (;f the *)pei-i h, Were ala.o-t dtivr ; i i!i y-ie. i-s ei'f rhi'-r, !.v tiie. J i ~t; njr— - i’ickle her yom at if, ii u-rt: j < u’n a* able to do it as i.” A'u'tiif oj the Lata. —At ‘’tn- late sc--i": -. tl*ui l l“x arid Ji>*cp Klauks, were.cha*-- g ‘-l with sf.-.iliag a duel;-; lut i!-.e du* .. ..i-iving to baa drake, they were arqa.’ ted. JJ'olverh a mriton C.'i rot:. j svo o-enfloniei) ob ;e'ving an advert-i.-e ----'n-’t't for the sale of fdount ijabia \Y im it: Qu bee, one asked the other, kii” of vine it was? the orther replied “lie did not know,but supposed it ivas fiery stair ’•at all even’s (” joined the other,) “Ism . p--iff it will taste a deal of the Crater. An ignorant fellow being about te r • married resolved to m-ik --himself perfect mi the responses of tiie service, hut ov in 1 - take got by heart the tdß.e of.baptism fur taper year*; so when he was asked in the church—“ Wilt thou have this woman? &c. he answered, “I renounce them all-” The clergyman said, “I think you are a fool,” to which he replied, ff AU this I stead fastly believe)