The Savannah museum. (Savannah, Ga.) 182?-1822, October 01, 1822, Image 3

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: _ ~~~~TUESD.iT MORATMG, October 1. AUf’UL VISITATION It will be seen by an account published in a n . other part of this paper, that a dreadful Ilurri cane has spread desolation and gl.ootn over the devoted city of Charleston. The storm arose on Friday night, about 10 o’clock, gradually in creasing till 12, when as one account says, it had assumed the desolating power of a West In dea ilu' Tac ' lrie: and at one o’clock, was at its ex treme height—shortly after 2 it began to abate in violence, ard by 3 was again a perfect calm. The loss of property by this tremendous tor nado las been immense, and many valuable live lost. Scarce a house has escaped injury; many entirely unroofed, and several prostrated -to the ground. The shipping in the harbor suffered severely. Several persons'were killed’ m Sullivans Is land,and houses thrown down. The lantern on the top of the l ight House received so much Injury that the light was ail extinguished be fore 12 o’clock. 1 here were many hair-breadth escapes from the fading of chim ics, which, in several ins tances, went down through he roofs and fi eel i bed-chambers, &c. with mas-es of bricks The 1-avoc occasioned by this tremendous j visitati nin the city, says’he editor of the Cour ier is without a pa -dleiin the memory of our o - dost inhabitants. The Tornado which passed . over a part of it, in the year 1811, was perhaps of eqi.a. or even greater vi ! e ce ; ba: its effects'’ re confined t-n vcy na row Imit, trhi’e the dew/ Ecu on this oicasion, is exten ded to every part of it. We have not lifavu h* w fa- tin ravage*e\ tend, hut t-robab y so :• > nsiderrule distance along the coast and in :h” country. FROM HAVANA 1 Tarersfr; ni the-.ib ve oit to the 20‘h lust j j. 4 v teen receiv dV ‘ barlesto ,by the aruv ; ofd.eschr Felix, ■i; and!. ‘hey IV •’ i nola’er accounts from Old Sr >'u titan h ■ vinusly been rereiveil. Tho nrrivfis from tin Peninsula g< n- rally having ‘• -up > assages. Marketsat Havana, lad declined in copse qv nee of several arrivals, [fee was heavy at 5 dollars. qa-. ptudrytK se brig 1 ;i go ?*aclone •roved at flavor ■ on t'*e 2d i:. I from Rio Jan eiro. was deta iled’or some time off Uayti Ro mano, by a piratical cruizer and plundered o* Sf.v< ral articles. The French • hip TRiroft do WtcMirt, Captain Martin, was robbed (place not. described) by two insurgent privateers, “inch oomdered her of cargo, sails, cooking utensil®, cabV fir iiiutre, boats; rigging he. The crew were trea ted cruelly. During tlwi month of August, 87 vessels en tered tiie port of Havana: of these 83 v ere Spanish, U4 l .Vacrictmr, la xteeliah, t Erene’i, 1 Thin.burg. 1 Dutch,! Sicilian, and 1 Portuguese, a 1 ’ .I 11 vessels of war —of which .5 were t'er eipn Sailnd in the tame period, 98, vi*:—2Bl Spanish, 44 American, 3 French, 1 Ifamhnrg, 3 Butch,2 R-etnen, h i 0 vessels of war, sos wliieii were foreign. Extract <f a letter io'the Editor -f the Charleston Mercury Havana, Sept 19, 1822. •‘TheuHtlmidc* of this place with the mer chants of influence are much in favor of mak ing the Havmn a port of deposit, admitting poods cn principles of the late Ilritish act re- \ guiding Jamaica, This will probably go into ef fect, as they have nearly secured from intlivkhi. pis the am mnt. required for a na”ti:il suspension if duties, nometiii'ig like 400,000 dollars. This | would b.: a beneficial tlrnpj for the interest of this glace. Qnr market is without change ex cept lo 1 be", which is new do wn again to 4 50.” THE NEW EMPIRE. Accounts from Mexico by way of IJavnen, do not so appeared favorable to the cause of the j new crowned R. might be imagined, from the | Mao? of-previous advices. According to the !la-1 vans papers the affair, of that Empire are far from being placed on a firm basis. A proclamation signed by Gtindaloupe Vic! oris, and addresed toj tliecitizens of Mexico, in which they ae called upon to unite with him the in overthrowing usurped power of iTunninr, speaks a language which cannot he mistake'"; and whiub,.if met bv a corresponding feeling on the part nf the fenp'e of that country, will soon overturn tile tinselled throne of that, aspirant. The master ofthc Spanish schr Callrgs, arri ved at Itavftona on the 3(1 ipst. in 14 dai s from J a Vera Cruzand T;nr •->, reports that a sc. ‘ere aw ion had hikenpiary between the troops undo f'eneral Gcadaloiwi. Victoiua and the imperialists, in which the la! ter were complele defeated, Gen. Victoria, It will lie recollected, is at tile the party in Mexico, who s— ’ opposed to the usurpa'lon of Rut-hide, end are favour of the esiliblb.hmcnt of a Republican °'f ?* |ov^rt)tnea^. Tlie Yellow Fever, it appears by a letter from Nur.Orleans, had made Us appearance in that o'-ty, the beginning of the present month. And ■ve regret to add, that letters by yesterday's mail from Philadelphia, speak of cases of fever-? aving occurred in that city, of at leastdoubtful char* aster. * Mr. Mathews was to make his first appearance before an American audience, at the ll.dtimore ‘Theatre,on the 23.1 inst in his celebrated enter tainment of “.? I'tp to Parte.” tA young man, in one of t!ie western ‘fairs, Was attacked with a violent fit of live nick'iteet, tnthav’ng i>:et with a suitable return from his fair one. Me ws advised to rat boiled eggs for a remedy, and actually eat 100 hard boiled eggs, every four days, for eight weeks ‘V h ct cr it killed or cured the patient, is not stated. vnn the savannah ausstnr. The hi,vinous remai ks of a writer in the Repub- Jean c Saturday last, over the ‘signature} of hnfue; ’ and the interesting and valuable apophthegms of his “Twin Brother” Justice, are well calculated, to mark the < uished talents of the authors. It is hoped however the brilliant coruscations of these two htminaril.i. will not have the effect of an ignis fatuns, and delude the intel ligent citizens of Chatham County. We are dis posed to believe, they are too weli informed to be thus “gulled,’ as the enlightened gull of a writer, emphatically remarks. That ungenerous spirit of local pro judicc, which is made so manifest in that elaborate compound of enormities labeled, Unitue” is of too venal a character not to be eas ly detected; and verily, it shall have its; reward. We would recommend Mr. “Unitue” to under go the operation of trepanning; or he will have to unite a better head to his shoulders, and have a mind differently constructed from that u hich now directs the machinery ofhis upper works,to force I on us the helic-f tha* all the talents integrity, &c are, and indigenous It is an j'liberal principle-- despicab e in its character; and c ould have had its origin only in motives no less con tracted and base. A disposition has often been shown, and wo f j Witness it on tile approach of the election r- ! i to monopolize all the distinguished tiahs of worth , and character, as of or.’ ,nl Tint tti’ud j must indeed he corruptly organized—th it head , meanly 1 stored, that could originate and bring ! forth such legcnc'-ate principles. . a- !w‘ • ‘ and who are they. we ask, that nave :\i’ on aas an:.-ih ‘a pr.:s ■ tihginfied stand? AVhat j is found who are they tha have elevated the mer*! c::iil iJ- an 1 ■ omnieteial u .por’ance cf kavannah?’ \* i ;re seal m r. ply, thu- its native productions; onb, have and me lliese that they are owing wbol l’ to the ve eiolhc and nnitoc/ creatwm of the soil) Or rather, hot As utterc* ■ rse “‘i'll other places an 1 e'her people Ivi- gi ■-,;!> it o eminent a station [amt ‘g the cotr.mcK ! title of America. Av.r.v vvi'h sec.!; ontempt. fie. principles. Rve jry Ingemiotis mind ran contemplate such local i p,lit-lcs only “’ h disgust jrn-lloathing. V. e hope to witness n<> more such impotent t.r’ihc cs oi ignorance t*> itirluencc our ; d -;t | in the clioice of men for public office. Let the leading question he “is he honest, is he capable?” Wi'-i these two qualifications every other requi siti is associated, and with them only, can we be faiihfufiy and respectab y represented. THE PEOELR. Mr Eartlctt- Many tickets have appeared in the pacers, for the approaching election; but no one of them “ill be supported by “The People,” if, by that term is meant a majority of the independent voters of the County. The following ticket, will be more generally supported than any other. A NATIVE. ron JOHN MACPIiEUSON BERRIEN Foil BBPaZRENTtTIVKR. j JO3. AY. JACKSON, esq. Col. STEELE WHITE. Dr. MOSES SHEET.'Lh, CO MUNI CAT K 7, | LEG!SI .ATI VE ELECTION. The People't Ticket, The fallowing Ticket for a Senator and three representatives to represent the comity of Chatham in the next Leg slat tire is submitted to the independent voters of the county, and th ;y 1 are earnestly solicited to give ii their undivided ; I support, It being composed of men warmly at tached to the interests and welfare of the coun ty, ard in whom ever)* cordi.Jcr.ccvcan he pla ced in fiir'y representing the niWof the pen file. i Let us than be undivided and the success of the entire ticket will surely be the result. SENATOR, JOHN i’-L BERRIEN. REPRESENTATIVES. M JSES SHEETALL, STEELE AVI ill E, LEVI S. DC LYON. j MOB 1 ’ PIRACY. The United States schooner Porpoise, Captain | Bamage, arrived on the 15th inst. at Havana, trum a cruise on the Spanish Maine, and sailed j „„ t j, e j'Jtli, in co r.psny with the United Slates’ | schr. Louisiana, Captain Jackson. Tits United j Sta’es’ slop of war Peacock, Captain Cassin, was , at Matanzas. A Frehch brig, from Tarragona for Havana, arrived four flays before the Felix j co it fed. She ha'l been robbed of all her cargo, sai'a rigging, cables, f-c. by Pirates. In her, j (•nroViti t’larrison, late of the schooner Mentor o< Philadelphia, his crew, and Mr. Halsey, (a i oassem’-erintln Mentor) arrived. The Mcn-j , ( , r <vas from f’ort-a-Platt tor Havana, with a val.j uah’c can-o ol tobacco. India goods specie, Sic. and captured by the same gang, who kept j vessel and cargo-thc Captain and all on hoard, robbed of every article belonging to them;, tlieir persons were most cruel y treated, it. ter. which lh' 3’ were put on board the French brig, with (.ve (lavs’ provisions, and arrived in a desti f,t- condition. The name gang had also ca'.tu ‘- cd Portugoso brigs, Iren Lmt! Dadcd jerked beef, for Havana, and finding no side for their cargoes, suffered them to proceed, aft'-r robbing them o! whatever articles they V.-,.i The’ arrivedbehivethe l elix railed. i lii-'had also raptured two Fitglisl. schooners, f-o-r Nassau for Keuvitas, w.tli <ry goods, j which the Captains ransomed tor t.iree.t.-on- X ' ll . ... i. tyorp men .ii o'vetl D) ivine,i te *. i sand do'lars each, and were Mien allowed to nroeeeil. The fmee ot tl is piratical fleet is one K>oner ofS Mens, 5 guns am. >0 men and nn - !linos 1 trim o a pivot and 2a men—: ISioVc-vs nU sVu?*!. rod iVtugucse Their | ...... ; s crenerallv between hey Gmjma. 35,“ ™si( w InVt wlverc thev lav at anchor, and capture all nc ) .. tl, i a through the channel. L iptam Uar-is'in and Mr. Halsey informed, that all the ; ;!Xv nrt nr are hsposed of to met cai goes •- ..r , m Ktmvitasand Principe, fW u.r;ri't B))t . dtt< mke their wl "’ them direct to tkeir places pmclvasi aiu -, lritann ; o Majesty's brig of of residence ■ United States’ sclioouers “r ; “'""’•V” **. M-2 ■’ £cjcn board the Louisiana, v.Ua.,9 toc&lUlfMatansavjoii'uhe Pea cccir ard ret fr ™'■, Philadelphia Water Wor/U—U is s(a- p < in Mie Philadelphia papers, that the ?*7 * V.l: Moanf.'for ,h mi i „ , h c „,„,. 0 i„ iW h ich>relo -U A’' 1 U cosf . linis'lPtl, ah',,,l o8(if),000. Notwithstanding this im- is calculated that the works ‘ll be a great saving to the citizens. [ n . lependent oi obtaining a regular supply themselves the machinery will be able to ed‘Tl' ,, ‘/ 1 r ,y i, a SUr P ,us of six a halt ut gallons. Tl.e U a brig Snark, Cant. Wilkinson, ,7vVr P . lon - 67 ’ 30 > o,lt I ‘ lioiii Norfolk, on a cruise. Ikn.nxATic Contiiovebst.—Mr- Secretary JKf, a?* ,hi ” sub^ct ’" e understand, “id oc forthcoming on Monday next,in an octavo ’ oumc contaimhg upwards of 250 pages. W* C. Gaz 20th ins!. It is understood that the Navy Denart ment is in possession of sufficient evidence (to esiabhsh the piratical ehaiacter of the rue iita, alias Palmyra, recently captured ’ .b. Grampus, anil ordered to tl.e Uni [Washington City Gttz. 20D inst. Krntii Montevideo. —lsy the brig Toy. (.apt, Ch.n'dler, (laving at quaratine) ! ! ’ -;•-* Monte video, we have re jc.::vedacc.-urH: of the foss of the ship Ten 'r s,” , ot. riamiftan, belonging to Phil •.>! i\.e i'ennesgee was bound (e ••L.utevi e. and was cast wav on the 20<h July, (ii ; leagues to the eas'tward of that P 1” !. Mr. Flock'ey, tire Sapercai g ■>, and .me Seaman, were drnwoed. The ship Meat enii ely'to pieces, and the beach fur nu!s war st"hwed with the wreck and cargo A pan of the latter had been sa .•ml, and had arrived at Montevideo. [_lirMimare Jbnerintxn, 20 th inst. j \ letter from u gentleman iti Pensacola, to ai:, Mom! ,n (Jo! urn hi a, !.t ted 15ih inst. says, “ f;io Yci'ow Fever which has been raejng in this place with unusual violence, Hts nearly depopulated the city. Not fifty Amirirans now remain in the place, rhose that could fly have gone, the rest are numbered with the dead; rnar.y of the Spaniards have shared the same fate; no ie that have been taken have as yet recovered —it usually carries them off the sth dsv, sometimes sooner, and appears to oe more malignant than any disease that has ‘ ere tofort; made iu appearance in laouisiann. -—l* mu it stop soon (or the want of vic tims.” Murder.— A man named James Boyd was f in; and murdered nri the 10th of August, j within fdieen miles oi Vincennes, Illinois. Hie murderer wag afterwards appre hended, and proved to he a person of the name of James McKinney. Fie was taken ‘o the grave of (he deceased, where he made a full confession, anil stated that he j was induced to kill Boyd, to prevent him I'oni turning States’evidence. It appear* •hey were both countc fetters, and had a quarrel about (lie division of the counter- I••it money, ‘vlr*n McKinney, taking the opportunity ot the deceased being a-leep, [nut att end (■> Ids existence by shooting Atm through llie head with a pi>tol. Cos ivumdc"t'on with the Ohio. —Our prccnccts brighten—and new hopes are indulged that, at no very dN'a it per;od, our Potomac will have i become a trarn of perpetual intercourse hc- I as. n it- r.ari ilie Western states, la this ~-iornirg’s Intelligencer, niaj be seen an - xtract from a letter dated Shepbrr stowri, Sept. 4th—which contains “authentical fkets, j shewing the auspicious result of the minute sur ; v. y made by the commissioners, under the state lof Virginia and .Maryland.” We have only room :to refer to this gratifying statement; and to [express the deep solicitude we feel in thespee jdy accomplishment of an object which makes so direct an appeal to our interests—and not to ouv’s only, but also to the interests of .so large z portion of cur western brethren. Wash pa. Mevj'v try port, Sept. 13. Thejislfip Clifford I Cay ne, was launched on Wednesday from the yard of Mr. Elisha Briggs, of Newbury. She is not excelled in beauty of model, or m excel lence of'materials and workmanship, by any of those first rate ships, which have recently been built: on the .Merrimac. We understand she is designed for a regular packet between New- York and Savannah. ! Jin Lnilveiil —As a Peruvian, who was deeply i involved in debt, was walking in the streets, ! with a very ‘melancholy air, one of his acquaint j snees asked him why he was so sorrowful? — i Mas!’ siid he, ‘lam in a state of insolvency.’ ’ ‘We!!,’ said his friend, ‘if that is the rase, it is ; not you, hut your cryditots who ought to wear ! a woeful ceuntcnanc. L* „ , . . DIED. —Jr. la's city on Uie koto mst, Mr Ste pHCX Ttmmox :. a get! 63 j cars and 9 intt iths Mr Timmons for many years past has been a Branch Pilot of this port, and was one of those revolu tionary characters who aided in the glorious struggles of our now free a .and happy govern ment!’ tie was a man who possessed a free and I open heart, U was distinguished as a pa,riot and ! a soldier, lie was a native of South Carolina, ! [,ut at an early period of Ins life came into this | slate, and has since resided here, lie has left a | disconsolate widow and four children to hemuan ■ his loss—may peace and happiness attend Uis le ’ mains. i DIKII— AT Miiledgeville, on the 13th inst ’ Mr Oliver llolmdn, merchant oflloston. On the i tilth inst. Robert Rutherford Esc;. Port of Savannah. y*f|> Alt HIVED, Schr Thorn, Vernard, Darien, 4 days in baL IflSt • Schr Opposition, Martinalla from Havana, With EllS ar Molasses Fruit he to Hall and Hoyt. 1 C. ICIH.SEY Cos. HAI E received by ‘he Cor.,a.r • other late arrivals FIF TrV .7 C JCJI G/;s oc DRY GOODS, - . Jlmohg are, Plains and Blankets Cloths and U .ssiint res Super Valencia Vestings 3Y|it green and blit F'annel Roll’d flat fig'd and plain Bnmhrzcttes FigM Rattfnetts, plaid do Tartan Plads, Carolina do B!k. blue and mix’d Satiinelts Plain and printed C.issimere -bawls Irish Linens and Long I atvns Uotton Cambricknnd Shirting Super and com |frints and Ginghains Plain and figM Jaconet mull leno and i bonk .Muslins Linen Cambrirks, Union stripes A-4 checks, <'mmterpains, !>)k sinchnws Fig’d and plain Nankin & Canton crapes Crape Robes, Haitian Crapes Company flag Utlkfs. German do Blk silk and plaid Madras* do Merino Shawls an.l t rinls Blk and “ lit Lambs wool, worsted & cot ton Hnze and half tleze Wht and col’d Sattins Saltin and Tartan fring’d fig’d and plain Ribbons, do pa in setts Silk Velvet, blk anil wht silk Stockings and Gloves Wht blk blue and assorted Italian tew ing silks Wht Mk ad green fl ore nee St levantines Woodstock, buckskin brwti & silk gloves Suspenders, extra gift coat and vest hut tons, Threads a-sorted Cap “ire Pins, Tapes Qu dity binding, Nc 6’c. Which they effer for sale at their store in Judge McA’isi, rs Builc ings, northwest corner of Johnstons ‘■qnare A! 8:> MIME BOXES COTTO V CJ3BU3. ver ! l> I'vh: t. <$ ,ud, . i .'ur C. r. u* jron ’or 1 i dor <or hale on 1> :a ’ll*, schr. o{ positioi f’Oni Hruannaat Holtons vvli.i’f. October 1 G. Hams 25.0 11:3 Super o Hsinsput un in Bags for suie by iIAKL* y MINTON oct 1 9 ’ Commission linsincss. The subscriocr* i dorm *h*-i. ri'-iu's and t'u public that the will nitCnd *.•> anv coneignmen* of goods intrusted ’n their;- for sal' 1 cn con. mission ainl every exertion o ade. for th in!eras’ of those who may liivmn ‘hem with ‘ht-ir bn i ness RGB I & HEN. TANG. References, Messrs. Dciiam.? & ait.k } Cuaklls r. 5 oct t ni9 > Jtiolmscs. 43 bis F 9 furkii s prime Molasses landing from schr. Opposition ii’ lor -ale by. HALL & HOYT net 1 93 To Rent. Possession can be given immrdiaUL. CwTwo ‘tores situated on Lie wharf, voy excellent Stands, the Stores well fitted up. and admirably calculated for the Grocery busincs.i Apply to LF.VISTONE & CANDLER, net 1 93 - yllrule’s ftiiildinrs. J\‘olice. a Quarterly meeting of the Young Mens’ Mis sioliavy Society of Savannah will be held to morrow evening at 7 o’clock P. M at the Me thodist Church. By order of G. WHITE. Recording SfcreCartJ : A Situation is desired for n [young man in a Crockery, Gr eery or Coin mi.v sioe Store for ore or two years, fur his board and clothes. He will come well recommended A line addressed to G. 11. through the Post Of fice, “ill be attended to. net 1 93 For St. Augustine. rUT The schr OPPOSITION, Mabtixt.iiv Master, will sail the last of the “nek f-r freigtit or passage apply the master on bord |at U dtons wharf or to HALL H>-Y For fioston rSR The Brig MUNROE, Kldridge, Mas Wx’i&'er. For freight or passage apply to the Capt. on board or '6 ‘ II\:l. ft I” \T sept. 28 .Tone's psi - Whir For New- Fork. The fast sailing coppered andjeopper fastened packet ship GOBS \IR, D. I master, will meet with despatch For freight or passage having very s penor nccorn. mods'ions, apply to cant. Porter on board at Taylor’s wharf or to c C GaIsWO LD. sept 26 ; For Liverpool, 4 If. ‘JTie substantial s?-ip Wffi MONTGOMERY, Capt. Wisto.v, j Is now ready to receive a cargo and “ ill meet Wh dispatch. For freight or passage,, !",„ e lvlo JOHN LATMROP& Cos. ; ‘ iep 24 cl 90 | ~7>j> During my absence from Sasaiinah, the editorial depa trnent of the Savannili Muei.... will lie under the direction of my brother, Doe. tor Myron Ilartlct, who is fully authored to transact any business in my name. G RBARTLKT. s ?pt. Iff, 18?’i . Lime. ITJkEItIsONS wanting Lime in small rplanlitios 3 y t 0 clean their privies and yards, are in.or nied that tltev can obtain it upon application to .sai.h Davenport, ames MORRISOX> MayaP . sept 28 6 3 TUP OLIVA HHJIJWH TS now opened for (he accommodation of the I peaceable, under the residence of Lapt (.ale, •md nearly opposite the State Bank. Relishes, Refreshments, he. he. maybe had at all times, A ,. s „ f —oyster Suppers, Soups, and all sn-U re quisites, at the shortest notice, sent 28 92 i AUCTION *H_ T>p John Shirk Jr. THIS DAY, Ist Oc.i at 12 i.’clocj, ill be sold in front <1 hislAuctian room, No Commerce Uoiv. AN ASSORTMENT CF Liquors and Grocer ha, A 1.80 85 bis No 3, Mackerel 2 Idirhi .M(dosses T> his Flour 29 His Ale. Conditions Cash, oct It?,; Ly J. Herbert , Cos. _ TO-.MORovv, 2d inst. at 11 o’clock At ill be sold before our Store, at U o’clock A General assortment cf Groceries, &c. ALSO, 6 cases of Glass Wnre ■ coxsisTivo or Cuart and pint Decanters, Tumblers, tvi-.- (■ lasses, Sugar Bowls, Lamp, Salt Ceilcrs, ? e ALSO, 1,080 lbs. prime Bacon 14 boxes Codfish 7 kegs Pickles obis Beef yc. Terms cash, oct 1 93 •id mini strn tor’s Sales , On the fir,t Tin s-ay in October next, a D.i. ‘e su'd before the Court UoiKh in xnanna:; between the usual h<firs 0 f u i am. two o’clock, sundry articles of h nx,. !I,! ’ uru ‘ kitchen ‘urri-uif., bring paw of ,(, pi property of Will,am Collins tlr.c.or id .-v order of the Court of Ordinary for Gout iiuin County TR VN'ES COM INS, Executor. Si r -KY COM INS, Executor. A-.g2i‘ 76f To a tut, \ SM ALf, CM wn.iit bouse in Reyo- Ids ward., Apply to S’ t>: 26 91s .1 r. vwiu ‘xCE. 150 pieces pri ue < uti.r, Bugging, just reev’i per Ctusair, aid lor sale by C. C GHISWOCD. sent 26 Q| Race Ginger 20 hags cf gi i'd qiiNtity. For rale by LAWRENCE ft THOMSON. Sept. C 4 c9o built 8, ! I'hi* Company nave >.• bard ( m lire as or men* <•{’ Mate winch they offer for ‘■'•'de ii‘- folio’,vi; g reduced lutes, >'2 Inch 4 75 “) V, 6 t 10 18 20 7 to )-per sqitare. 22 24 , 750 J Orders for Slice will be receive;! & forwarded by the Subscribers •JOHN’ LATUItOP &. Ca se!) 24 90 GKOttGK~HELPH"” his nrrv.ivvn Bathe slop Richard Plaskct,from Liverpool. Grundy’s ivh.te and blue Plains] Mixt and Drab do Bed .and ltire Flannels Gauze do r.ristol defile Blankets ‘ 9-4 to 12 4 IJose do Pelisse cloths and Cassimercs Plain and lieu red llombazette Carolina Plants Cambric Plates _ Furniture do do Dimities Black Sarr.eneits Plain and figured Cambtidt 9 India Muslins Damask Shawls .Muslin Dresses Union Stripes Derr; zs, Apron Checks Bed l icks, s. c SiCt r.ept 19 88 Kills on Jfew- l ork. For sale by C. C. C HIS WOLD. szptlO St Just Received. fit bis East Windsor Point Gin 12 pipes do do do 27 casks Cheese If boxes do 29 bis double refined Loaf Sugar do N Orleans do ‘ and 29 kegs Tobacco 6d boxes Yellow Soap 50 do Candles do Hyson Tea. Also in ,ftofc 100 bushels Corn. For sale by L. H SAGF. Sc CO, sept 24 90 Hams, din, tzc. l.tmdvi"f tim Bchr. Sea /Jen, 2000 lbs Northern Hams in bags IN SI'OIIK. 20 h’s Gin 20 do Albany Ale. IQ kegs Goshen Putter. For safe by CHIPS & ALEX \NlHilf, Taylor’s whn _srpt 24 c9O _ Oemler & Posey, ? | AYR moved their store to the S. W.cor” 1 8 of Jefferson and fit Julian streets wl they sell all those articles which are usually t. i merated in the long advertisements of Apolh<: caries. As they reside in the same house where the carry on 1 heir business; tiny can at all time, day or night, accommodate their customers. Thev always keep on hand a complete assort, ■mentof warranted Garden Seeds. Also Card. . Tools and Flower Pots, sept 19 88 JY* Burn, Butter , tsc. 40 b's N E Hum. 20 do do Gin 16 firkins first quality Butter 150 bushels Plastering Ilair Just received and for saledsy sept. 24 (190 G. CQLI IN4