The Southern watchman. (Athens, Ga.) 1854-1882, January 25, 1855, Image 3

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GENERAL SUMMARY. Hoot W. 'ted is announced Os an independent c unlitl r.e foe Gover nor of Two thousand dollars have hetn sub scribed by the Howard Association for the relief of the suiTering poor of New York. " ' ' ' The safe of the Georgia Railroad Bank at Cartersville, was robbed of the I sum of tour thousand dollars one night V last week. The rogue stole the . key from the agent’s pocket. 4 Tub Infant Drummer.—^-This Geor gia prodigy visited the White House a short time since, and played some of his most favorite airs. Tiie President and his lady both expressed themselves highly pleased with the performances, nnd Mrs. Pierce gave him a token of re- n^mbrnnee. ^Between eleven nnd twelve thousand «®grant passengers arrived at New slfork on Thursday 20th ult. ^ Mr. Webster's Kstate.—The exe cutors have asked leave to sell as much of his real estate as shall raise the sum of $102,206 72 for the payment of all debts nnd incumbrances thereon. ArrolNTUENT 11Y THE PUES’DENT. John C. Breckinridge, of Kentucky, to be envoy extraordinary and minister plenipotentiary of the United States, near her Majesty the Queen of Spain, in the place of Pierre Soule, recalled at his own request. Illness of a Georgia Member. "Wo learn from the Atlanta Intelligencer, that the health of the Hon. Mr. Dent, our representative from the fourth Con gressional district, is very poor at pres ent. “ lie has not yet been able to take his seat in the House this Session, and it is quite doubtful whether bis health will permit him to visit Washington at all during the present Session of Congress.’’ The election at Parkersburg, Va.. for Councilmen, resulted in the entire suc cess of the Know Nothing ticket by a majority of 113 to 17. At Fairfax Court House, \ a., at the election of Commissioner of Revenue for that county, the Know Nothing candidate beat bis opponent more than four votes to one. Jit® LI Arkansas Money.—A bill lias passed both houses of the Arkansas Legislature prohibiting the circulation of bank notes of a less denomination than five dollars. LATER PROM EUROPE. ill RIVAL OF TIIE STEAMER : CANADA. ••• The steamer Canada has' arrived at Halifax with Liverpool dates to the 6th inst. ' * *' ' LIVERPOOL MARKET. Liverpool, Ja-1 4.—Cotton.—Mil ligan quotes Cotton steady with an im proving tendency, in .Middling. Sales of - the week, 36,000, including S00 bales to speculators and 8,500 to' expor ters. Fair Orleans 5J, Middling 5, Fair Uplands,5^, Middling 4^d. Trade in Manchester unchanged, American stocks firm. , Consols 90^. THE WAR. The only items of general interest are that Vienna negotiations are postponed for two weeks, thus affording another ohance for peace. The Allies have now 300 guns ready to open fire on Sevas topol, aud after a bombardment of 4S hours will storm the place on the south side, only waiting a favorable oppor tunity. Rogers, an Iron Merchant in London baa failed for a large amount. FUKTII E«' EY THE- CANADA. Brown & Shipley report the demand for Cotton as chiefly confined to Mid dling. Other qualites are easier, - though not quotably lower. Middling Mobile 4£d; Inferior 3£d to 4Jd Sales of Friday 7000 bales, the market closing quiet. Stock, 540,000 bales, including 280,000 American. THE WAR. The London Time? advocates the immediate discharge of Lord Raglan incompetent, bitterly assails the Ministry, and says that Dalhousie, the present Governor of India, is the only proper person for the War Office. At the Vienna Conference, the repre sentatives of England, France and Austria, agreed upon and drew up an interpretation of the four points. The Austrian Minister carried the documents to GortchakofF. who was in company with the Prussian Embassador. V hen asked if he was prepared to accept the interpretation without reserve or modification, he replied, his instruc tions were only to treat on the basis of the four points, and ask two weeks delay to confer with the Czar, which was granted. The terras reported are neither hard nor humiliating to Russia. The Russian interpretation of the four points are said to differ but little from tlint of the Allies. The siege works of the Allies at Sevastopol are advancing, and reinforce ments arriving. Canrobert writes he is able to take the offensive and make good -his losses. The army is full of confidence. Scarce ly a night passes without an attack being made on the French lines. The French works extend to bottom Quaran tine bay, but the Russians contested every inch of the ground. LOCAL ITEMS. ■ New'Presbyterian Church.—We understand that Mr. Ross Crane, our enterprising;townsman, has secured the entire contract for building • the hew Presbyterian church in this town.— This edifice will, when completed, be an honor and an ornament tu the place. We understand that quite anum ber of elegant private residences will be erected in Cobbham the present year,for gentlemen of fortune who contemplate at least a summer residence among us, and some of whom will make this town a permanent home. Among the latter, we understand, is the Hon. James Jack- son," Judge of the Superior Courts of the Westerm Circuit. • There is perhaps no other town in the State which offers as great attractions to gentlemen of leisure and means as- Athens presents—particularly to those who have children to educate. We hope to have it in our power to announce ere the occurrence of another Special Notices. THE RESPIRATORY ORGANS are n peculiarly sensitive part of the human frame and their susceptibility to disease manifests itself in various forms, such .as Coughs, Colds, Croup, Bronchitis, Asthma, and that' most fearful scourge of our race, Consumption. To remedy these diseases, STABLER’S ANO DYNE CHERRY EXPECTORANT is offered to the public, with the assurance that it k no empirical compound, but a pre paration sanctioned by medical science and commendation. Its beneficiul effects in all the above* forms of disease, have been certified to by incontrovertible testimony. You are advised to give it ai trial stabler,s diarrhea cordial is also a remedy which has been tested nndupproved by hundred of physicians and others. See descriptive pamphlets, to be had gratis of the agents. Price of each, only 50 cents, or six bottles for §2 60. E. H.Stabler & Co. .Proprietors, wholesale Druggists, - Baltimore. For sale oy C. W-. A R. R. J. Long, Athens, and by druggists generally. Holloway's Ointment and Pills, certain Remedies for Bad Legs, Sores-and Ulcers —Henry Read of Brooklyn, New York, (35) suffered for nearly eight years mailignant character, and terribly swollen. He had consulted a number of medieal men # who were unanimous in their opinion,' that amputation ofthe limb was the only thing likely to save him, and oven then” his re recovery was dubious as his health was so much shattered. The loss of a limb to a man at this period of life was too great-a sac rifice, and he refused to submit to the operation. He used Holloway's Ointment aud Pills for nine weeks, and the leg is fire, that engines have been purchased! so ¥, n ^- , , ■ . _ „ - , . * | I or sale at the E rug Stores of Smith & and lire companies organized for the ! Hill and C W. A H. R J. Lon"- ATHENS PRICES CURRENT. CORRECTED WEEKLY, 28SSS AND ENGLAND ATHENS, JAN. 24. Bagging (Guftny) yd,;.;--: to 20 ' protection of the property zens. of our citi* What has become of the new cemetery project which was debated, dis cussed and talked of, both in the Council Room and on the streets during the past year? Has that been permitted, like a great many other contemplated improve ments heretofore talked of—to die for want of vitality ? Is it not high time looking to the present and prospective wants of the town—that a decent, quiet resting-place should be secured for our ieparted and departing friends? Littlefield, the janitor, who was the chief witness against Professor Webster, the murderer of Dr. Park man, in Boston, lias become insane. Ex-Puksident Fillmore’s Vote.— The Bath Advocate says that while the ex-Presidunt was sojourning in that vil lage, he assured a gentleman resident there that he did not vote for Clark, but that he did vote for Ullman. The special message of the President in relation to the alarming state of our Indian affairs, was to have been sent into Congress on Wednesday. Secretary Davis is of the opinion that the present emergency demands the immediate en rollment into the service of ‘ the United States of 3000 volunteers. The whole cost of the capital at Washington, including the great exten sion, is nearly seven millions and three- quarters. A newspaper devoted to the propaga tion of the doctrines of the Latter-Day Saints, is about to be established in New York. y A number of the most influential Mexi cans, resident in Lower California, are preparing to revolutionize the Province, and assert their independence of Mexi co. A Monster Hog.—The Cambridge (Md.) Democrat states that Samuel l*ati- £oo, Esq., of that county, killed a hog, last week, 28 months old,which weighed :815 pounds. If anybody wishes to confer a gold watch or a pair of lint-irons on us, they will find us in the oificc from eight to six Come early, so as to avoid a crowd. Mrs, Partington says, that because dancing girls arc stars, it is no reason why they-should be regarded as heavenly bodies. ’ > It is stated tliat the Panama railroad will be open from Ocean to Ocean, in the month of January next. A more glorious victory cannot be gained over another man Ilian this—that w 4 ben(he injury began on his part,,the kindness should begin oa ours; ' • ■ At a skating match lecently held at Madison, Wisconsin, a mile was run in one miuute and fifty-six seconds, starting included. It is said to be the swiftest time on record, and is equal to ordinary railway express trains. UTTiif. population of London, it is said, increases at the average rale of 59,001' souls a year. ISPMost persons boil ham. It is much better baked, if baked right. Soak it for an hour in clean water and wipe it dry, next spread it all over with thin hatter, and then put it into a deep dish with sticks under it, to keep it out of the gravy. When it is folly done, take off the skin and bolter crusted upon the flesh side, and set it away to cool. You will find it very delicious, but too rich for dyspepties. Naturalization Statistics. During the year 1854, the number of foreigners naturalized in New York city was 3163. Strange to say, there is in Ptnladelahiu no way of finding out how many persons are naturalized, A)ear ago we directed one of our reporters to make inquiries at the office of the proper Court, but lie was informed that no record was kept of the number.—Ex. Sine * the ddalli of her father, Fanny TENTH GRAND GIFT DISTRIBUTION or THE ART UNION SOCIETY 500,000 Gifts VALUED AT 8300,000111 Certificates for this Year, ONE DOLLAR. T HE members of (lie Art Union Society, on the oc casion of this the tenth distribution of the WORKS OP ART Accumulated by the Society during the past year,would respectfully call the attention of its patrons to the fact that, being about to remove to the buildings in course of erection for llie Society in the city ot Washington,they will add the leal estate and other landed property be longing to the Society, to the DISTRIBUTION. FOR THIS YEAR. At the last meeting of the Society, it was determined to reduce the certificate of share tor this Grand Enter piisc tu one dollar each, thinking thereby that it will be the means of a more general diffusion of the works ot artists throughout the country, and will enable the Society to extend their labors for the advancement ofthe ARTS AND SCIENCES In this country. The certificates of shares will be issued (istDiuii, accompanying which each purchaser ill receive free of ch irge, by return mail, a beautiful Line and Stipple Engraving, entitled The Encampment at Valley Forge, Representing an eventful period in the history of our country. 5^- It will bo seen, by referring to the list.tliat there are many valuable pieces of property,many costly paint ings, superb statuary, beautiful engravings, costly jew elry, magnificent s awls, and other beautiful gifts,such as clocks, watches, illuminated works. Ac., to the num ber of five hundred thousand—worth $300,000. As the Society expects to remove to the New Hall Washington by the middle of . tine, the distribution will take place on the FIRST OF JULY, 1855. The same rules and regulations that have heretofore guided the Society’s distributions will be adhered to in this, and on no account will there be any postponement from \)ie day named. All letters and communications, "post paid] for certificates, or on business, are to bs ad- ressed to tiie Southern Office In Baltimo. c. Medical Testimony cannot be controverted— One of the most startling cases is narrated of Dr. M‘ Lane's Vermifuge, by Dr. J< hn But ler, of Lowell, Trumbull county, Ohio. The case was that of a young lady who had been very sick for eight years, and had consulted . ,. number of physicians, who had treated it as | one of prolapsus uteri. Dr. Butler was then ” called in, and for a time believed with his pre decessors that it was a case of prolapsus. He was, however, soon forced to the conclusion that his patient was suffering from worms, and after much persuasion, prevailed upon her to take two doses of Dr. McLaue’s- Ver mifuge. This medicine had the effect of re moving from her a countless number of the largest size. After she passed them, her health immediately returned. She is since married, and continues to enjoy excellent health. Sold in Athens by Drs. Smith <t Hill. OPB ALDNESS.—Few people believe that baldness is a natural consequence, arising from a long course of incipient disease inci t to carelessness regarding cleanliness o the scalp. To remove dandruff and othoi Kemble, it is said. 1ms decided to return permanently to America, and live iri quiet retirement for the re-t of her life at her beautiful cottage in Lenox, Mass SUorvirt, Tn Atlanta, on Wednesday morning last, Mr- Cmablks Kennedy Jahuett, of Haber sham county, and Miss Lizzie Lucas, of this place. (JcJ-The editor acknowledges tho receipt of the customary fee,'and hopes the happy pair may be abundantly blessed. CASH AND SHORT CREDITS W. L. II ALLOW ELL Si CO. SILK WAREHOUSE PHILADELPHIA. Halo Hope, per lb. l. ’.’...—. J4 Manilla Rope ...... . 25 . aggiug Twine 25 t aeon Sides. .........— ...— - 8 Hams. 10 “ Shoulders...— -—r— 8 Lard......... 10 Butter......................... 12 Tallow...., - 10 Tallow Caudles.......... ...... 18 Sperm do... ...— 45 Star dt>..... ? ............ 30 Coffee Rio .................... 14 Coffee Java - 1& Tea 100 Rice.......... 8 Sugar,Brown...... ...... .. 8 “ Clarified................. 10 “ Crushed ... I 12j “ .Loaf..., 12* Molasses, per gal........ 1. ...... 33 N. O. Syrup..... 40 Salt, per.Bushel 80 Salt, Liverpool Sack ..........225 Steel,Oast .......... ....... 21 “ German ................ 15 “ Blister.................. 10 “ Spring. .......... 10 Iron, common size ...... 6 “ 7inch wide .... 7 *• Band ..... 7 “ Nail rod. ................ 8 •* Sheet ... ........ 8 Castings 5 Nails, perKeg 6 Powder,Rifle,— .......— 65 Blasting ...... 550 Lead ---- — ... — . 10 Shot, per Bug..25U Cottou per Bale ...— 5 Flour per bbl ............ 900 Wheat per Bushel ............ 125 15 25 . SO to 12 10 12 15 12 20 50 35 15 16 125 8 12* 10* 12* 14 35 50 90 237 25 16 12 12 6 8 8 10 9 6 7 *10 60 124 275 6* 100 135 READY-MADE CLOTHING, HADE TO ORDER ! Chu be found the largest assortin'at of • ■■-r* tttojp • MEN’S, YOUTH’S & : i j'.KgfojL - Eyer offered iu this market. Also, FURNISHING GOODS: Trufika, Valises, Carpet-Bags aA& \5m\rce\las, Of all styles and qualities. It is useless to enumerate' all the articles we have on bond* but would cordially wclcon e all to 09-comc and examine for themselves, Athens, ApriU3,1854. R. L. BLOOMF 1ELD’8. New Books. T HORN WELL’S Discourses on Truth, $1.00 The Sonthsido View of S’ .very, 16 Way Down East, by Jack Downing, 1.25 The Newsboy, 1.25 Wood’s Nat. History, 1-50 Bancroft’s U. S. vol 6, 2.25 Dana’s Mineralogy, 4.50 Out-Doors ot IdleWild, t.26 W averley Novels, 12 vols. 12.00 do do with 2600 illustrations, 40.00 Abbott’s Fhyrrhus, 60 ■ “ Caroline and Agnes, each 50 Boswell’s Johnson, 3.00 Lofty and Lowly, 2 vols. 1.60 Jan 18 WM. N. WHITE. Corn “ “ — - 90 loo Meal '■ “ . 90 100 Oats “ “ 60 60 Rye “ “ ...— .— .— 75 100 Indigo,Spanish .. — - ...... .. .. 125 150 Madder lb ........ 16 25 Copperas. .................... 4 5 Blue Stone .............. 18 20 Oil, Linseed ...... 137 150 *• Lamp, Winter 150 175 “ “ Fall................. 100 125 “ . Train 90 100 White Lead, Keg 25 lb 225 250 Glass, Box 8 by 10 275 300 i Mackerel. No. 3 bbl 1200 1400 ibblsNo.2 1100 1200 “ JbblsNo. 2 ‘400 450 1 Beeswax 20 22 Feathers 35 40 Wool 25 80 I Tobacco 25 40 1 Yarn perbale,4C bunches...... 85 85 “ Retail 90 90 I Osuaburgs, per Bale 9 10 | “ Retail 10 11 1 Shirt'ng J, per bale 84 9 Retail 9 10 IRON AND BRASS FOUNDRY AND MACHINE WORKS I RON and Brass Castings of every variety; Improved Iron Frames, Circular Saw- Mills—warranted equal to the best. Steam- Engines, Fordlbg-Pumps, Gold-Mining Mills, Gin, and all ether kinds of gearing. Mill- Irons and all kinds of Machinery made to order. Iron Fencing of select patterns; Plough and Wagon Castings and Dog-Irons. Every variety of Repairing and wrought-iron work promptly executed. Our general assortment of patterns are the accumulation of years. A fist will bo sent those addressing (pest paid,) REUBEN NICKERSON, Agent j&n 18 Athens Steam Co. N. B. Old copper, brass and iron castings wanted. ly Madison Female College. fliHE Spring Term of this Institution, for 1 1855, will be opened on the 8th lAStmar next, under the direction of the full miatr Faculty: Rev. J.H. Echols, President, and Pro fessor Moral Phil osophy, «tc. . ... AjX. Wm.B. Carr, A. M., Professor Natural Sciences and Languages. Rev.“ J amis L .'Pianos, Professor English Literature. Bev. W m. C. Bass, Professor Mathematics. Professor Geo. C. Taylor, Teacher Music and Oil Painting. Miss A xxa E. Rosmsox, Instructress Vocal Mnsio, Guitar, &c. Miss Margaret Robinson, Instructress Piano; the. Miss Maugarettk K. Shebman,Principal Preparatory Department. Board, Washiug, Books and Tuition, without Mnslc, will cost only $150 per an num. H. J. OGLEBT, Scc’y. Dec. 14,1854 iu HARD TIMES. A LL persons indebted to mo by note or acconnt, are respectfully requested to call and settle without delay. Jan.-18,1355. D. N. J UPSON. PUBLIC NOTICE. New Grand Duchy of Baden LOTTERY LOAN. Capital 14.000.000 Fiorina. T HIS LOAN is guaranteed by the Govern. raent, and will be drawn in different priz es, as follows: 54 of40.000 Fla. 14 of 50,000 FIs. 12 of 35,000 “ 66 of 10,000 58 of 4,000 " 23 of 15,000 “ 40 of 5,000 a healthy capillary action favorableto growth and preservation of color, use the Hyperion Fluid, invented by William Bogle of Boston. I Its virtues are acknowledged to be unequaled. Sold iu Athens by C, \V. «fe H. R. J. Long ] $S=*LOOK !«=<£$ REYNOLDS & BROTHER, {Over Sansom tb PitlariTs,) BOOK AND JOB t’RINTERS, ATHENS, GA. Invite tho attention of the public to their preparations' for PRINTING, in all its de partments. NEW GOODS. I H AVE just received a large stock of choice *Family Groceries, and a general assort ment of Crockery, which I will sell for cash or prompt payment at the end of each quar ter! D. N JUDSON. Jan. 18, 1855. — British Periodicals. EARLY COPIES SECURED. LEONARD SCOTT & CO.. New York, con tinue to re-publish the following British Periodicals: 1. Tiie London Quarterly, (Conservative,) 2. The Edlnb.itgh Review, (Wliig,) 3. The North British Review, (FreeClmrch,) 4. The Westminster Review, (Liberal,) & Blacltvrood's Edinb’gh M»yazlne,[Torj ] CHOICE POULTRY. r|1HE subscriber has on hand, a few pair more of those celebrated Braham Pootra and Shanghai fowls for sale. Call soon, on the corner of Broad aud Jackson Streets, Athens, Ga- D. N. JUDSON Jan. 18,1855. They are prepared for t!io execution of TlHE present critical state of European af- Mupy arc aiabuinus of saying grand thing?; tliat Is, of Feing' gj-andilo^uent. Eloquence is Vjinking out—a quality few esteem and Fewer aim nt. TERMS. C ASH buyers will receive a discount ofilIX per cent, if the money be paid in par funds, within ten days from date of Mu. Un-urrentinoney only taken at its par value on the day it is received. To merchant* of undoubted standing, acredit of SIX months will hs given, it desired. . Where money is remitted in advance of maturity, a discount at the rate of TWELVE per cent per annum Viil be allowed. PRICES FOR GOODS UNIFORM. In again calling the attention of the trading commu nity to the above terms, we announce that ootwith»tan- fling the general deiiresjdon in commercial affaire tbro’- out the country, the system of business adopted by tie' more (ban a year since, and to which we .ball rigidly adhere, enables ustoofforfbr the coining Spring season our usual assortment of • New aa4 Fancy .Goods, Comprising-one df the largest aniHnnet splendid stocks Jo bo found in America; to which we will receive eon- Kt.vit addui .r.s throughout the season, of new and (lest ^ab!c goods from our jf • •HOUSE IN PARIS. * Jan 23 ' Si Directed to tire Secretary, who will answer by return mail, single subscribers, remitting ten dollars, will re ceive one year’s subscription to any of the Magazines they may name in their letter, to be forwarded free of I charge for the time of subscription, ene year. The following list constitutes a part of the GIFTS FOR 1855: The splendid House and Lot of the Art Union So- ciety, situated in Broadway, $10,000 A superb dwelling, the residence ol the late An- snn Suilzer, Esg. 15,000 Tho beautiful summer residence, Gothic cottage, and grounds, at Hawk’s Nest, on the Hudson, 510,000 small dwellings, situated on Uie lot belongingto tho Society, in 02d street, 10,000 10 magnificent camel’s hair shawls. They are the most beautiful work of art ever beheld, 10,000 4 sets of diamond jewelry—consisting of 7 pieces each—all antiquo patterns, in a beautiful pearl jewel box, 10,000 10 sets ot pearl jewelry, consisting of 7 pieces each, all different styles, and of Persian man’f 5,000 12 gold watches fur ladies, very beautiful and cu rious works of art; one tho size of a hall dime, 700 10 watches for gentlemen, all very heavy of dif- "(erent styles and patterns, 1,390 50 Boudere, Toilet and Dre si i g Cases for ladies, some finished in pearl patterns—Louis XIV. 2,500 1 large clfiek. a very beautiful work of art, made hy Lipordi at Cologne, finished in a style of beauty and art unsurpassed, 1,000 1,000 gold thimbles, all different patterns, very heavy, • 2,000 39,000 illSininated albums, different etyles and patterns, 59,000 00 copies of the lives of great painters, superbly bound, with ail engraving nt each artist, 2,000 200 copies of Griswold’s Republican Court, splen didly bound, with tinted engravings, 4,090 100 copies of Boydell’s iilustrationsot Shakspcare. To tho admirers of the great poet, this wo:k will he an acquisition. 10,030 PAINTINGS. Venus sending fonh'Cupid and Hymen—Titian, 2,099 Beggar Boy—Murillo, 1,000 Tubil and tho Angel—Salvator Rosa, 1,000 Night View—Claudio, 1,000 Madiinna—Corrcgio, 1,030 A Head—Titian, 500 A Head—.Vandyke. 590 Landscape—l’ouisain, 500 A Piece—Guiotto, 500 Battle Piece—tVonverm'an 500 Landscape—by Claude, 500 There are others by the same artists, all original, be sides some splendid pictures 6y Atlston, Sully. Rey nolds, Noaglo, Doughty,Cole, Chapman, I)avid»Vcmet, Stuart, Herbert,' Tack, Bennington. Read, Bartlett, Schluss, Huntington Johaneh, Schmidt, Rembrandt, Sehaub, Perkins, Lewis. Ellis, Hamilton, and others fully described in the catalogue, which will be forward' ed on application by letter, post paid, to the Secretary, who will answer by return mail. TERMS FOR CLUBS. dubs of 10, 1 extra certificate, Clubs of 20, 3 “ ** Clubs of 59, 8 " “ The money in all cases to accompany the application tor certificates.- Bills, Circulars, Cards, Tickets, Pamphlets, tic, and are Printers of Conn's ReroRs. Sept. 21, 1854. .ly - R. <& B. Just Received, T ARflE additions to our stock of L GROCERIES, - ....lXCLIJBIXGi..... Sugars in great variety, Choice ncw-crop Rio Coffee, Fine Northern Cheese, New Raisins, iu whole, half and quarter boxes. New English Currants, Soft-shell Almonds, Pearl Starch, A good assortment of Candles, jail25 T BISHOP A SON. EXTRA No 1 MACKEREL, A ND smoked Halibut, just received hy jatj25 T. BISHOP & SON. «iVAEIDIAN’S SALE. ILL be sold before the court house in Walkinsville, Clarke county, on the first Tuesday in March next, alt that tract ofland, lying on both sides of Middle river, adjoining the Princeton Factory, and known as the place formerly owned by the late Mr.William Williams. The whole tract contains about six hundred acres. That portion of it lying on the west side of the river will be sold sep arately, and that on the ea9t side will be sold X fairs will render these publications unu sually interesting daring the forthcoming year. They will occupy a middle ground be tween the hastily wtftten news-items, crude speculations, anu flying rumors of the daily Journal, and the ponderous Tome of the futuro historiau, written after the. living; interest and excitement of the great politica l events of the time shall liave passed away. It is to thssc Periodicals that readers must look for the only really intelligible and reliable history of curreut events, and as such, in ad dition to well-established literary , sci entific and theological character, we urge them upon the consideration of the reading public. ^"Arrangements are now permanently mado for the receipt.of EARLY SHEEIS from the British publishers, by which we are enabled to place all our Repriuts in the hands of subscribers, about as soon as they can be furnished with the foreign copies.— Although this involves a very large outlay on our part, we shall continue to furnish ihe Periodicals at the same low rates as hereto fore, viz : per For any one of the four Reviews, $3.00 For any two of the four Reviews, 5 00 For any three of the four Reviews. 7-00 For all four of the Reviews, 8,00 For Blackwood’s Magazine. 3.00 For Blackwood and three Reviews, 9.00 For Blackwood and the four Reviews, 10.00 Payments to be rahde in all cases in ad vance. Money current rn the State where issued will be received nt pdr. CLUBBING. A discount of 25 per cent, from the above Negro Girl for Sale. '• WILL offer for sain, at, public outcry, at X Watkinsville, on the first Tuesday in Feb ruary next, a mulatto girl about 16 jrears of age—a good house servant and field hand. To be sold by the Sheriff, within the usual hours of sale. She can be bought at private sale, if any person wishes to purchase between this time and sale day. Jan 13, ELI B-TUSK. in two lots, as it is divided by the road. The tract on the north side of tho Watkinsville 1 prices will be allowed to clubs ordering di road includes tiie valuable dwelling house reel from L. Scott & Co. four or more copies and other improvements recently occupied of any one or more of llie above works. Thus: by Mr. George Williams. ‘ I Four copies of Blackwood, or of one Review Sold pursuant to nn order of the Ordinary | will be sent to one address for ijj9: four- cop- of Elbert couuty, as tbc pr >perty of the chil dren of George Williams, and for their bene fit. Terms, credit until 25th December next, the purchaser giving bond wi*h approved se curity. JANE L. ALLEN, Guard’u jan25 of the children of Geo. Williai^. C RANBERRIES and White Onions, just received by jun25 T. BISHOP & SON. Carter Potatoes^ A FEW barrels just received by jan25 T. BISHOP & SON. DISSOLUTION: T HE copartnership in tho Franklin Job Office, here tofore existing, under the finr ol Christy & Kelsea, is this day disselved hy inutuareonsent. The business .... .. .... •• -by w nd wi Still Here! 2 of 12j)00 “ 2 of 4,900 « 866 of 2,000 “ 1944 of 1,000 w - &c. Ac. «Jec, The lowest prize being 42 Fla, 12 Floriua are equal to 5 Dollars. The next drawing takes place at Carlarhua. under the direction of the Baden Government On the 28th Febiuary, 1855, when every drawn number must obtain one of the above mentioned Prizes, which will be paid iu cosh, at the offices of the undersigned Those fortunate Shareholders not residing on the spot, will have their amount of Prizes gained, paid to them through an established Bank. The Lists of the result will be sent to each shareholder, and the successful numbers published in the Newspapers. The. price of one Ticket is Two Dollars. The following advantages are given by tak ing a number of Tickets, viz: 11 Tickets cost only '20 I 50 tickets only #80 28 “ “ “ 40 J 100 “ ** Iff# The price for Tickets can be seal in Bank Notes or Drafts,payable in any of the commer cial towns of Germany, Holland, Frat 0 ,Eng land, Scotland or Ireland. For Tickets and Prospectuses apply to the undersigned Banking House,which is appoint ed for the sale of Tickets. MORIZ STIEBEL SONS, Bankers, Frankfort-onthe-Maine, Germany. N. B. Letters to be directed, “per steamer, via Liverpool,” to Mouiz Stikbel Sons, Bank ers, in Frankfort-on-the-Maine. Remittances which arrive after the Day of Drawing, will be returned, or invested in the next Drawing, at the option ofthe sender. Dec 7 t2?j T HE-subscriber tenders his thanks to his friends and customers for the manner in which they have sustained him the past year —and hoping that their kindness will not abate, he has determined to continue busi ness at his old stand, selling Goods XaO\YEIt THAN EYEtU, For cash or cash terms. He will do his best to let no one go away tin- suited in quality or price. So, come on with your cash—settle up. if you owe any thing— “ be sure you are right, then go ahead.” I am selling my Dry Goods, Hardware, <fcc. to suit the times, agaioss auctions, cost houses and every thing else. ISAAC M. KENNEY, jattll Opposite No. 2, Broad street. RIO COFFEE AND COFFEE SUGARS Of the best quality, always on hand, at Dee7 I. M. KENNEY’S. 100 Barrels Fine Northern Potatoes, P OR planting, just received, aud for sale low, by T. BISHOP & SON- Dec2l EVERY TH NG GOOD, UU\ver to liat or Drink, Thnt the taste could suggest or the appetite crave, can be found tit JUD SON’S Decl4 CHEAP CASH STOKE. FOR SALE, A HOUSE and LOT in Athens, now occo- , pied by Mrs. Coppee. Also, a few bouaa Servants—one a good cook; and some house hold Furniture. All belonging to'the eatato of the late Dr. Edward Coppee, and now ill the possession of Mrs. Coppee. Dec7 6 Private Boarding. A FEW young gentlemen can be accommo dated with board at the residence of the undersigned, in the tenement building of Mr. Win. Brown, a few doors below Mr. Morton’s, jaull 2t T. M. LAMPKIN. LADIES FORMING CLUBS Will berntitlcd to the.same terms as above, with the will be continued by 1. H. Christy—by whom tho debts of tbc late concern will bo paid, and who a'one is au thorized to collect the demands duo to it. JOHN II. CHRISTY, Athens, Jan 11, 1855. WILLIAM KELSEA. PLAIN AND FANCY BOOK AND JOB PRINTING. dJsiaMo issiepWa (“Solitary and alone,’*) I S now prepared to execute any and nil kinds of Let ter press PRINTING, either plain or in colors, at his largo and oxtensiv.o. Look and Job Printing Estab lishment, ilroad S(rcet, Athens, Ga. No establishment in the State possesses superior fa cilities for executing'Printing of llio kinds usually in demand in thin country—such as Books. Pamphlets, Newspapers, Magazines, Cir culars, Cards, Tickets. Labels, Checks,Notes, Posters, BilUHeads, Cataloguc*,Hand- Bills, Way, Stage aud Horse Bills, Blanks of every description, it s of the four Reviews and Bluckwood for £30, and so ou. POSTAGE. In all the principal Cities andTowns, thc9e works will be delivered, through Agents, Fkee of Postage. When sent by mail, the Postage to any part of the United States will be but Twenty-four Cents a year for “ Black wood,” nnd bnt Fourteen Cents a year fur each of the Reviews. Remittances and communications should always bo addressed, post-paid, to the Pub lishers, LEONARD SCOTT S-CO., 64 Gold Street, New York. N.B.—L.S. &Co.have recently published’, nnd linve now for sale, the " Firmer’* Guide,” by Henry Stephens, ot Edidbnrgh, and the late Prof. Norton, of Yale College, New Haven, complete ini’, vols., royalootavo,con taining 1600 pages, 14 steel nnd 6u0 wrod engraving.-*. Price, in muslin binding, $6. This work is not tho old “ Book of llie Farm,” lately kesushtaYed and thrown upon the market. mWO months after date application will bo _L made to the Ordinary of Jackson county, for leave to sell tiie undisposed lands ol Tapley Benuet, late of Jackson county, de ceased. GIDEON SMITH, Admr. Decl4 WILLY BENNETT. Admx. NAILS AND IRON. A LARGE lot of Iron and Nails, for sale April 13 P, A. 8UMMEY & BRO BLUESTONE. 1 ARE3H supply, just received by T. Bishop ? A Son. Nov* NOTICE. AT COST FOR CASH! extra inducement of the present of a magnificent «et of A »d indeed almost every thin g likely to bo-called for. Boudoir Furniture, with ncli colored India hanging*, I ... . , L„„ .rtftfami.t kh, fine India Laco Curtains arid every thing of the most {£T will indulge in no promnes.bnt splendid description, to Ihe Ladies’ clut who will send eonteBt Hmaelfwilhtte retmufc SffinJitmraif th» remittance for certificates. tofore, he will endeavor to execute an work entrusted Jrt-Postmastere are authorized to act os agents, ana to him iu a superior style pune^aly—correctly. tliepoft m aster re mit ting tho largest amount for share. | pedhlouslly. ” nuh * will receive a handsome Gold vV ateh and Chain,valued at two hundred dollars. The money must accompany the application | by letter, post paid) in all eases, and the eertiftcite, with the engraving, will be forwarded free of charge by return mail. Correspondents are requested to write their address, with tlia County, Town. Post Office and State, plainly, in order to avoid mistakes. AH letteit answered by ce- turn mail. Catalogues of all the Gifts, with value and explana- lltiuuaiy, tuna Grateful to his friends and tho public for past favors, he again solicits their orders, and trusts that be may be favored with a liberal share of pubuc patronage. Athena, January 18,1855 tf v„. — — —: Pay np I .Pay up! T HE undersigned most earnc-rily requests all persons indebt-'d to the late firms of l hoistt, Kiuct Sc and CHOis-rr fc Kauai—»» *l»o those owing tio'nl canhe obtained on application to the Secretary,to 1 him individually—to Pay up once: Many of whom all letters for certificates, doe. must be addressed, theso claims have boon outstarndtUa along tunc, and ALFRED JOUKDAIN, Secretary, 1 must nbsnlutcly bo settled without delay. ...i He trusts that a sense of ngbt and justice will lead every one indebted to settle up immediately. If, how ever. It shall thru out that heism stskonm this, he will A.U23.Rocm»,238 Montgomery st. Baltimore, Md. Math,no brrn, \ fsisCulsia, > Directors. Fsbrihdo Livihustox, J Jan 23 T. W. BAUER, Treasurer. 0 FASHIONABLE. Ready-made Clothing. rnaa notes and accounts belonging to Iks L estate of John A Martin, have been pla ced in our hands and in the hands of John Kirkpatrick, E-q ,f-»r collection. Personal n- debted to that estate ou claims which are due, will save cost by calling aud making pfornpt payment. CAW.,1. PEEPLES, Dec7 Attorneys for R. Moon, adm’r. A few Fine Baggies, jto !S. ly riTNBK 4 ENGLAND BOOK-BINDERY, ATHENS, G A. BAYN03 & TtICH A RE now receiving and offering for sale a I mjiE'undweigned is prepared to do :>11 kinds large and beautiful assortment of ready- ,1 0l ‘jj ini jj n g, from the pVmcatahi-eptu (he made clothing, for meu and boys, ofthe latest j- l|CSt m orocco. Books hound to any pattern, fashion, and of the most approved style Of; p ergon8 rt . s j,nug in the country cun direct goods, auitoblc for the fall and winter trade, t r. ^ books s below, nnd hove them well Among them .will be found .a fine supp.y ot i. uu ^ „ a j returned without delay. ‘ * N.ivl6 L£ ALFRED HEN&ERFO&/. WING to a change in onr business, we of fer our stock of Dry Goods, Shoes, Hard ware, Hats, Caps and Crockery ware, and many other desirable goods, at cost, for cash. Persons wishing bargains will do well to CALL SOON. gjJf*As there will be a change in onr busi ness, we desire all persons indebted to us, ei ther by note or open account,‘to call soon- and settle. Respectfully yours, jnn4 W. F. &J. C. Among — gentlemen’s coats, pants nnd vests, very line, and of the most fashionable style, made to order, and of tho best work, fully equal to customer work. ....ALSO.*.. A general assortment of Furnishing goods, such as hats, caps, shirts and drawers, under shirts of various qualities, stocks, cravats, handkerchiefs and ties, collars, gloves, hnlf- hose and umbrellas. Also, Trunks, valises, and carpet bags. : ^ ^ - • *••ALSO• MRS. VONDERLIETH, H AVING procured’ the service iff a first- rate Milliner, nil work in that line en trusted to kbr care, will he executed In the most elegnn , and fashionable style A liberal slnre of publio-i fidently anticipate be fon:c<i t . huwttver reluctantly, t,i ‘‘ tnr wHqr virtue tlicrcbin” law! ' janlfi J- H. CHRISTY Blank Declarations, O F both forms, (long and.abort) together with the process attached—just printed and for sale at this Office. Alaos, various other Blanks. {gg”Any Blanks not on hand—as, indeed, almost any kind of Job printing—can befur- nished on a.few hours’notice. calicoes and shirtings, 11-4, of s very fine quality, lied, blue and white flannels,all wool. Brown,and.bleach.. ed Canton flannel, 3 4,7-8, 4-4. Shirtings of various qualities, Irish linen for diapers black, white,mixed and made hoes for. ladies, and Misses,- also a fine lot of ladies plaid _ - fljgny ^ . che«p as they can be bought in Georgia, and wfe re spectfully solicit a liberal portion of pnblic patronage, and would invite all our friends and former patrons to give us a call and, ex amine onr goods and prices, we shall uot fear the result. Be sure to call at the Neir^eioth- ing Store. on.Broa^fifr ° Ct ‘ i A fresh supply at