The Southern watchman. (Athens, Ga.) 1854-1882, March 15, 1855, Image 3

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PILE UP THE PROOF. The Albany Organ of Seward—the Evening Journal—thus clearly points out, says the Richmond Whig, who fa vored and who oppose the re-election of Seward. Let it be read by every man in Virginia and the South. Mendacity itself cannot get around proof like this. Speaking of Seward’s re-election, the Journal says: “It is due to the Democratic members of either branch of the Legislature, to nay that no factious opposition came from them. On the contrary entertain ing the opinion that a fair majority of the Legislature desired M~ Seward’s re-election, they have been content sim ply to cast their own votes for men hold ing their own opinion. “Whatever of vitality the opposition possessed, came from Silver Greys This stripe of politicians assuming « Know Nothing garb, have worked with vftaglignant desperation ' There it is, continues the Whig: “No factious opposition” to Seward’s re-elec tion was made by the ‘Democratic mem bers of either branch of the Legislature.’ Rut the ‘Silver Grey’ Whigs fought «nd‘worked’ against the arch traitor ‘with Malignant Desperation/ That is the testimony of an eye-witness, and the warmest friend that Seward had. The American Organ, published at Washington, referring to the “ aid and comfort” the Democracy gave Seward, •asks: “Why was it, that on the first arrival ■of the telegraphic despatch at Washing ton, announcing Seward’s re-election, several administration Democratic Sena tors joyfully extended their hands, and congratulated that Senator upon the re sult ? Again why was it that, on the night of the same day, several Adminis tration Democrats visited Seward at his lodgings, and rejoiced with him upon his triumph ? Can ye answer these two last inquires ? We will answer them for you. It was because they were led to believe that Seward had entrapped the Know Nothings into his support, and that an opportunity would now be af forded for crushing them at the South !” The McDo&ocgii Estate.—The New-Orleans Delta complains tlvnf al though $100,000 of that city’s' bonds bonds were applied? to the attorneys who sustained the will of Mr. McDonough I^’The following communication .we find in : the At. Intelligencer : Mr. Editor—Sir: The Executive Committee of the Southern Central Agri cultural Society assembled in this place Special Notices. PLAIN AND FANCY* BOOK AND JOB PRINTING. the will is as faT from being executed I on the 6th ult., to consider the various now as ever. And it adds that at least propositions for holding the next Annual three hundred thousand dollars have Fair. They have decided In favar of been expended out of the estate and the I Atlanta—the bid from this city city coration, in the defense and admin- istration of this will, and thus far not a The Fair "will be held the week som- cent has devoted to the objects, of the mtencing Sept. 12, 1855. testator's benevolence—no child has " been educated; no paupor has been — - jelieved ; not a brick laid of the foun- ^ The Jonesboro* Journal begun dation of any academical or scientific an art ' c * e on l ^ e su Uject of Education institution. This delay the Delta at -1 with the following remarks They con tributes to the joint intrest of Baltimore ta * n a v olunje truth, and New Orleans, and suggests that I The manifest advantages of educa te estate be devided, so that each city ‘ion are too little regarded by most of may enjoy and administer it; Own our y° nn g men. A large portion of share. It adds: their leisure hours is spent in idle con ‘•Such an arrangement, it is beleived versation, in whittling sticks, in chew- could be made lawful, practidable and in g tobacco, and smoking cigars, which expedient, by obtaining from the States I might be more appropriately devoted to of Louisiana and Maryland their onun-| the pursuit of knowledge, ciation if the reversion of this property, in the event of the two cities not com KEM&B jfc ©EHEaSWo {“Solitary and alone,’*) V I S now prepared to execute any and all kinds of Let. ter press PRINTING, either plain or in colors, at his large and extensive Book and Job Printing Estab lishment, Broad Street, Athens, Ga. No establishment in the State possesses superior fa cilities for executing Printing of the lands usually in demand in this country—such as Book*, Pamphlet*, Newspapers, Magaxines,Cir- eulars, Cards, Tickets, Labels, Checks,Notes, Posters, Bill-Heads, Catalogues, Hand- Bills, Way, Stage andHorse Bills, Blanks of every description. And indeed almost every thing likely to be called for. JQr He will indulge in no extravagant promises, but content himself with the remark, that hereafter mberr tofore, he will endeavor to execute all work cnrtnrsletf to him In a superior style - -punctually—correctly—ex peditiously, and at modss&vc nuen. Grateful to bia friends and the public for past favors, he agaia solicits their orders, and trusts that be may be favored with a liberal share of public patronage. Athens, January 18,1855 if SYNOPSIS OF APRIL SALES. HABERSHAM COUNTY. plaining with the obsurd restrictions To be sold by Sheriff—Lot of land imposed by the testator. These States No. 39, in the 2d dist. containing 245. would doubtless relsnquish such preten- acrea * with storehouse and other im . . - , , . r. I provements; also, lot No. 15, 2d dist. lions in view of the great charitable ob- containing 250 acres ; also, 125 acres, jects, of the dispositions of Mr, Me- knwon as the Joe Hunt place ; also 215 Donough and of the impossibility of I acres, part of lot 62, known as the their realizing any benefit* from com-1 Cannon P- ,ace * - Levied ° n as the pro perty of P. B. Haralson, to satisfy sun dry fi. fas. Also, lot of land No. 39, in the 3d dist. well improved; one-half of No. 14, in the 5th district 1 yoke of steers, 1 two-horse wagon, 1 sorrel mare, 1 steer Until some arrangement 2 years old; 1 heifer 1 year old. Levied pelling the cities to adhere to the convenient system established by the testator. Such division being effected, each city would then administer its own share. if Lanes Vermifuge.—The effects of this truly extraordinary medicine are most satis- f ctory in all cases in which it has been tried No other medicine has ever produced such effects so instataneously. It has only to be administered, and relief follows as a matter of course. It has been used in the practice of the best physicians of oar country, and by them been pronounced equal, if not su perior taAny medicine ever offered for the ex pulsion of worms. Read the following:— George Maxwell, Augnst&,0. has used it with great offset in hi# family, and hue sold large quantities, which, have given the highest satisfaction. J. H. Cutter, merchant, Louisville, gave a dose to his child, who discharged a quart of worms. He had tried other Vermifuge in vain. IX J.& J.W. Cotton,Winchester, Ind. happen ed to get a lot from au agent which was soon sold out, and proving highly efficacious, bo- fame very popular, and sold more rapidly than any other Vermifuge. Sold m Athens by Dr*. Smith a. Hill. 2* as* ‘ 8 18 8 10 12 of this kind 1 is made, we shall despair of on as the property of A. Pitner. benefit Also, 200 acres of land, being part of . ,. . , lot No. 43, 10th dist. Levied on as from this large bequest. | the property of j ohn W . Martin . Also, lot of land No. 150, 10th dist. Naval Appropriation Bill.—This containing 220 acres, well improved.— bill provides for the construction of six I Levied on as the property of A. H. and steam friga’tes, authorized at the last S. S. Ramsey. session of Congress, and appropriates I Also, lot 144.2d dis. containing 240f CT* The attention of our readers is called to Professor Holloway’s Advertisement in an other part of our columns. The world wide renown, of bis Pills and Ointment are too well known to require much comment from us; but they are, without doubt, the mest efficacious remedies for many complaints. Many of oor readers have derived immense benefit from using the Pills in cases of bile and general derangement of the stomah and bowels and no cutaneous disease can resist curative powers of the Ointment—the offfect on the human frame is astonishing. Sold in Athens by C, W, & H. R. J. Long JOHN MITCHELL. We look occasion, in a previous and late issue of the Walehmrrii, to notice some of the suggestions of this individu al to his “ countrymen,” and we but bring his name forward again, for the purpose of contrasting the opinions of a few prints. Surely, no one acquainted with the course of Mr. Mitchell, recent ly, but wilt condemn it in unmeasured terms; and no American citizen can, with any grace, take up the cudgel in his defence. Bnt let us see hew the matter stands, with some of our public prints : John Mitchell, Esq.—This distin guished gentleman, with his wife and five children, reached Atlanta on Mon day evening, and remained over for the night at the Trout House. The Intelli gencer takes the occasion to pay him a very handsome compliment, and hopes the “ negroes and good plantation” will follow him in his settlement in Tennes see.—Sav. Georgian. fF John Mitchell, the brawling Exile, it is said, has reached Charleston with his family, on his way to Tennes see, where he expects to take up his $S5?,090 for the Collins line of Liver- acres ; also 75 acres of the the north east corner of 121, 2d dist. Levied on pool steamers, together with the usual l a g the property of Edward Ferguson, provision for the support of the Navy, j Also, 1 iron-grey mare 7 years old— The whole amount covered by the bill as f P ro P ert y °f William Mince. .. ». tr , j .I Also, 1 lack, 1 bay mare, 1 sorrel it passed Ihc two Houses and fcaMw ,'^J w ; g0 „_iievied in ..the received the President’s signature, is property of George Mills. 815,000,000 or upwards. Tho Senate’s walton county. amendments incorporating the Texan Fifty acres of land, joining David J. Thomson and others—property of Isaac Navy with that of the United States levied Cook. permanent abode. Such agitators as tf/y ccn cents, if made by machinery Mitchell, will receive but little coun- ^ tenanee in this State. His advice, re cently given to his couiftrymen in Mas sachusetts, to resist the laws of our appropriating Si00,000 for a naval depot j Also,' one hundred acres of land, at New Orleans, and a farther sum for whereon Deborah Boman now lives- Ihe establishment of t. navy yard at levied on as the property of Thomas Ro- Memphis, were stricken out by the Com- ma "» deceased. . ’ „ , Also, one negro woman, named Ann, mittee of Conference, and so were lost 122 years old, one 1 boy Raily, about 5 Also the Sena’e’a amendment .regulat years old—property of R. A. Johnson f ing the mode of steam navigation npon Also, 265 acres of land, 2d dist. the navigable waters within the limits of whereon defendant now resides , tt n r» 1. a • on as the property of Matthew the U. S. Balt. American. | hall county. Lot of land No. 49, in the 9th dist Burning Mud for Coal.—Dr. I containing 200 acres, levied on as the Thomas Hooker, of New Orleans, has property of James P. Echols. discoveriAacbemicalpreparation.which, i. a Also,Iotof|Oods belonging to Wil- mixed with mud as as bricklayers would No sales in Jachson, Madison or mix lime with sand, makes an excellent Franklin, for April. coal!—coal that can be made and sold Synopsis of She.iff's Sale*.—We in the New Orleans market fbi thirty propose publishing, hereafter,a synopsis centi per barrel, if made hv hand, or of Sheriff’s sales in counties where onr It I paper has an extensive circulation.— lights easily; there is no offensive smell This we do for the information of our emitted; but little smoke, and but very I readers, little dust or cindeTS. What little country, shows that his feelings are <]er3 are left, is good for cleaning silver, foreign to our Government.— Chat, Gazette. Upon his advice, in regard to dis banding foreign volunteer companies in Massachusetts, the N. O. Bulletin re marks “ It makes no sort of difference wheth er the action of the Governor of Massa chusetts disbanding eight or ten Irish volunteer companies was wise or unwise just or nnjust, commendable or crimin al, proper or atrocious, so far as the principle we urge is involved. He is an American Governor; was elec ted by a majority of the. American voters ■of a sovereign State ; is invested with certain legal and constitutional powers, among which the authority to disband military companies is embraced. He chose to exercise his prerogatives is manner unpleasant to Mr. Mitchell—an alieu and a refugee—hence the forego ing bitter and abominable effusion, .which ought to separate him, and will .separate him, from every true Ameri can heart, as though a wall of adamant intervened. Admit every thing that pan he brought against the Governor, and there is no justification for Mr, Mitchelj. Of all the men on the earth \vI19 Ifavp been afforded an asylum, he is the last who should indulge in such .ungrate 1 ;!! and incendiary language The Courier sustains Mr. M. That js none of oar busines. If our cotem porary thinks it all correct for an alieu to advise his countrymen to arm against the natives of the land which has afford ed them all an asylum, he has a right to his opiniou. But, we do. not envy him the possession of such opinions! And thank God, we feel sure not oqe out of a hundred thousand will envy him.— We opine his claim to supremacy McCarty. W. G. DELONY, brass or other metals ; and the ashes j ATTORNEY JLT 1* A. W make a tolerable sand paper, and is also TXT} IjL 8*^® 8 P e ? 1 ? 1 tocolleet- 1 r YY ing, and to the claims of all persons en good for scrubbing floors, &c. ‘‘ The patentee, also assures us,’ ’ sa; s the American Exponent, “ that it will not only burn well in grates (where we saw it burning) but in stoves, furnaces, for smelting, and for making steam. In fact, it can be put to all the piratical uses of wood or coal, except for the pur pose of generating gas. The Secret League.—A corres pondent of the Baltimore San writes from Washington as follows: “ I have the most positive reasons for s.ating that there is not a word of truth in the statements going the rounds of the Notlicrn press that a secret league exists between England and France against this country. Emperor Nicholas* auto graph is, of course, attached to any treaty concluded by any power with Russia. So it is to many sentences of political criminals exiled to Sibera,” It is stated that almost every ship which leaves New York for England takes out from 30 to 50 passengers, prin cipally Irish, and it is very certain that emigration to this country from Ireland has considerably decreased. Whether Know-Nothingism has had anything to do with the change, we cannot say—it seems, however, to be the general impres sion that it is caused mainly by the opera- titled to Land Warrants, under the late Bounty Land Bill of the last Congress. Eg* Office on Broad Street over tho store of I. M. Kenney. March 15—1855—tf. RMOYAL. W M. M- MORTON & SON have removed their Stock of Goods to No. 12, lately occupied by Mr. L. J. Lmnpkin, Franklin House building. All persons owing ns will please call and settio. new comfortable dwelling, with 8 rooms and out houses, lately occupied by Mr. Sledge, opposite the Methodist Church, to rent by Wm. M. Morton. March 16—1855—3t. jggTTHE Press.—Mnch has been said in the public prints regarding the virtues of Bogle,s Hyperion Fluid, and Bogle’s Amole, eing respectively unsurpassed, the one for cleansing and regenerating the hair and the other for shaving and washing. These articles have now stood the test of the stric test scientific investigation, and been used by thousands of our citizens and are now pro nouneed the only articles really worthy of place at the toilet- For sale at the Drug- Stores of Smith <b Hill and C. W.iH.R. J. Long: Consumption is, without doubt, the most fearfully fatal of all diseases, (except epidem ics) annually carrying thousands to untimely graves. How often could the ravages of this arch destroyer be prevented if timely reme dies were used in allaying the inflammation produced by an ordinary cold. For Coughs Colds, Sore Throats ana all other similar dis eases, Stabler’s Anodyne Cherry Expectorant has no equal. It is not recommended as infallible, out medical men and others, who have used and administered it. bear testi mony to its extraordinary sftetry. It is known to be a “good medicine,” and as such is offered to the public; as also Stabler’s Diarrhoea Cordial, for diseases of the bowels, See descriptive pamphlets, to be had gratis of the agents. Price for each, only 60 cents, or six bottles for $2 60. E. H.Stablor & Co. .Proprietors, wholesale Druggists, Baltimore. For sale by C. W. & R. R. J. Long, Athens and by druggists generally. ATHENS PRICES CURRENT, CORRECTED WEEKLY, BY PITKE& AND ENGLAND ATHENSVjMarch 14. Bagging (Gunny) yd... 18 to 20 Bale Ropei per’lb.* 14 15 ManillaRope** “ Ragging Twine Bacon Sides Harris..... ...... bsnouldei s Lard....... Butter Tallow .... 10 Tallow Candles.... ...... ...... 18 Sperm do......... 45 Star do.. 30 Coffee Rio .............. ...... 14 Coffee Java.... 15 Tea... — 100 Rice 8 SogaPi Brown.... 8 ” Clarified..—. 10 **■ Crashed 124 “ Loaf..— 124 Molasses, per gal—.. 33 N. O. Syrnp—40 Sail, per Bcrsfref. 80 Salt, Liverpool Sack 200 Steel, Cast 21 “ German,.—...— — IS “ Blister................... Iff “ Spring Iff Iron, common size ............ 6 “ 7inch wide .............. 7 *• Band 7 “ Nail rod 8 -‘ Sheet 8 Castings J 0 Nails, per Keg 6 1 Powder,Rifle,.... 65 70 Blasting 550 60 Lead - 10 Shot, per Bag.. 250 275 Cotton per Bale ........... 5 J 74 Floorpetbbl ——...... 900 loo Wheat per Bushel 125 135 Corn “ “ - 90 100 Meal .‘* “ 9o 100 Oats “ “ 60 60 Rye “ 75 100 Indigo, Spanish — 125 150 Madder lb.. 16 25 Copperas. .— 4 5 Bine Stone 18 20 Oil, Linseed 187 150 Lamp, Winter 150 175 “ Fall 100 125 Train 90'100 White Lead, Keg 251b. 225 250 Glass, Box 8 by 10 275 800 Mackerel. No. 3 bb] 1200 1400 4 bbls No. 2 1100 1200 £ bids No. 2 400 450 Beeswax.. 20 22 Feathers 35 40 Wool 25 80 Tobacco 05 40 Yarn perbale, 4C bunches 85 86 Retail 90 90 Osnabnrgs,per Bale 9 jo “ Retail lo jj Shirt'ng J, per bale 84 9 “ RetaiL. 9 jo READY-MADE CLOTHING* AND CLOTHING MADE TO ORDER! 25 80 10 12 10 12 15 12 20 50 35 16 16 125 8 s* 35 60 90 225 25 ie 12 12 6 8 8 10 9 irw w is Can be found the largest ossortnn ni of MEN'S, YOUTH'S & MFS CLOTHING Ever offered in this market. Also, FURNISHING GOODS-:. Trunks, Y aWscs, ¥ m^teTta.s y Of all’ styles and qualities. It is useless-to enumerate-all the articles wc have on band'.. but would cordially weicon e all to co*coitt<i and examine for tlwiMelva, Athens, Aprils, 1854. ® fA'ON A N£ BRASS FOUNDRY ND MACHINE WORKS I RON and Brass Castings of. every> variety; Improved Iron Frames, Circular Saw- Mills—warranted equal to the best. Steam- Engines, ForciugrPumps,-Gold-Mining Mills, Gin, and all other kinds of gearing.. Mill- Irons and all kindri of Machinery made-to order. Iron-Fencing o£ select patterns, Plough and Wagon Castings-and Dog-1 tons. Every variety of Repairing anti WTOUght-icoa west, promptly executed. Our general assortment of patterns are the accumulation- of years. A list will be sept those-addressing (post paid,) REUBEN NICKERSON, Agent jan 18 Athens Steam Co. N. B. Old copper,. brass and iron eastings wanted. .ly #3=*L00K 14# REYNOLDS & BROTHER, (Over Sansom <t* PUtards,) BOOK AND JOB PRINTERS, ATHENS, GA. Invite the attention of the public to their preparations for PRINTING, in all its de partments. They are prepared for the execution of Bills, Circulars, Cards, Tickets, Pamphlets, <kc and are Printers of Cobb’s Repohs . Sept. 21,1854. ly R, A B. Auction and Commission House Athens, Ga. T HE undersigned, having taken the old stand of L. J. Lampkin, for the purpose of doing a general Auction and Commission business, respectfully solicits the patronage of bis friends, and the public generally.— He is now prepared to receive produce or merchandise on consignment, which will be closed out with despatch, and to the best advantage our market will afford. March 1,1855. T. M. LAMPKIN. tio-i of the “ Encumbered Estate’’: bill weupuie ms claim to supremacy in . ... a. .... e T • . , , . these respects will never be disputed. J>y which the condition of Irish lands 1 For our part, when Mr. M friends, proclaim a ‘ war of exterrmna- 4ion,’ we shall‘-stand to onr arms,” fruitful to the “ alligiance” we owe native land, which can never nulled,” and remain, unto the to that glorious flag under (too many treachor<>u*(»ung presumptuous persons, have iccliuu at)4 hospitality. or. If the law now* jnt, with reference to , and to the increased derm befon — - P** , be sanctioned, it is presumed mat a to this country wilLbe still icr checked. _ We were visited with a fine skqw- , Monday night last. EXECUTOR’S SALE OF NE GROES. P URSUANT to an order of the Honora ble the Court of Ordinary of Clarke Coun ty, will be sold at the Court house door, in Wakinsvilte, on the first Tuesday in May next, seven likely Negroes, to wit; Lawyer, a man about 45, Sam, ipan about 22, Nancy, a woman about 81, Averilla, her daughter about 16, Fanny, a woman abjut 22, and her son, Bill,: about 7 years old, and her infant son, Doctor, about 7 months old. Sold as the property of Evaline S. Thurman deceased, for the purpose of division among the legatees (all minors) on a credit until 25th day of December next, the purchaser giving note with approved security. JNO. CALVIN JOHNSON, Ex’r. Mar. 15. CLARKE SHERIFFS SALE. W ILL be sold on Saturday the fifth day of May next, before John I. Huggins’ store, in the town of Athens. Clarke county, within the usunl hoars of sale, the following property, to wit: One large road wagon, four muleE and a set of harness for the same. Levied on as the property of John Royal, to satisfy a fi. fh. issued from the Inferior court of the county of Clarke, in favor of Martha Field a,nd James Morris, administrator of Srunm-1 Field. Property pointed out by plaintiffs -tomey-^lv'"'■ LEWIS J. LAMPKIN, D. Sh’ff. arch 15. ' ' REMOVAL! !! N. WHITE has removed from No. 2 College Avenue, to the corner store lat ely occupied by J. S. Peterson, where he will bo happy to furnish customers with anv- tliing iu the Dock and Stationery line at low rates. Terms Cash, or :t months: 1 ’ STARTLING, BUT TRUE! AT COST FOR CASH t O WING to a change in our business, we of fer our stock of Dry Goods, Shoes, Httrdi- ware, Hats, Caps and Crockery ware, and many other desirable goods, at cost, for cash. Persons wishing bargains will do well to CALL SOON. jgrAs there will be a change in our busi- I ness, we desire all persons indebted to us, ei ther by note or open account, to call soon | and settle. Respectfully yours, jan4 W. P. & J. C.TURNER. FA s HHK)NA B LI Ready-made Clothing, BAYNON~& RICH A RE now receiving and offering for sale a large and beautiful assortment of ready- R. L. BLOOMFIELD’S. ARNOLD, CONSTABLE & CO.,. : 62 Canal, and 49 4- 5l Howard-Streets, NEW YORK, I MPORTERS and Jobbere of French.- and British Dry Goods, consisting in-part oft French and English Prints,., “ ** Scotch Ginghams,, “ Printed Jhconets, “ “• Organdits,-. “ “ Barege, “ “ Tissues,. “ *’ real. Grenadines, Plain Bareges and' Tissues. Ronss in Organdy, Barege, Tissues, Res-' Grenadine and Silk. Sicks in endless variety, from low pricer.i to the very richest and most elegant manu factured. Also, lOOOpkees of Plaid Iudia Silks of very high lustre aud confined to patterns. Shawls—in Canton Grape, Barege, Cash- mere and Stella. Mantillas—inLiace, Applies, and Silk, both imported and of our own- , manufacture. Now patterns received by every steamer. Also,. French and Scotch Embroideries, Black English Crape Veils, Hosiery, AiexandcrV Silk Gloves, Fillet Mitts, Ribbous, and-other fancy articles. A. C. & Co.., have one or more buyera-con- stantly iu the- European markets, and their, arrangements are such, that, they ate foe-- quently enabled to place- before their custo mers novelties” simultaneously with tlitif appearance iu Paris and Lyons. Six months buyers avo invited to examinee onr stock. Feb. 14, 1865. 3tn "What every w Oman §llOl|ld made clothing, for men and boys, of the latest KNOW. fashion, and of the most approved style of , , . goods, suitable for the fall and winter trade. r-ADER, are you a husband or a father! I Among them will be found a fine supply of a wife or a mother ? Have you the sin- gentlemen’s coats, pants and vests, very fine, cere welfare of those ypu love at heart 1 Prove and of the most fashionable style, made to your sincerity, and lose no time in learning I order, and of the best work, frilly equal to what.causes interfere with their health and 1 customer work, happiness not less than your own. It will I ALSO manJ a/a?„?l^„ U Inl aitb “i t0th r 0 n A S**** 1 ^so^ment of Fusing goods, many a day of pain and anxiety, followed sach a8 hats, caps, shirts and drawers, under for it^ P ir^i D Br ^ ,0Ca f aCltatl !i e ^ “ , . nd U 1 ** 8 °f Turious qualities, stocks, cravats, for its ordi >ary avocation and exhausting handkerchiefs and ties, collars, gloves, half- thosemeans for med'ea 1 attendance,medtetnes hose and umbrellas. Also, Trunks, valise*, and advertised nostrums, which otherwise and carpet bags, would provide for declining years,tlie infirmi- ties of age and the proper education of your I •»»»ALS0. hi STAPLE DRY GOODS. Carter Potatoes,. A FEW barrels just rcceived'hy jan25 T. BISHOP &. SON: Oats, Oats. OAA BUSHELS of fine seed oats, for' OUU sale by Feb. 15,1855. T. BISHOP & SON. Farmer’s Cradles. S CYTHE Blades, Grass Scythes, Reaphooks and Scythe Snathes, for sale by April 13 P. A. SUMMEY & BR01 BLACKSMITHING. 7 T HE subscriber continnes to carry op the. Blacksmithiugbusiness,in all its brunch, es, athis old stand, near the Town Spring»ini the rear of the Franklin House Row—where. ~ good tools, good material, and very superior- workmen await the orders of the publio. lie has in his employment an axe-maker and horae-shoer, who cannot be excelled. Work warranted to be done well and at. moderate prices, A share of publie-patrannge respect fully, solicited. Mi E. McWIIORTER. Athena; Feb 1 tf, children. How often it happens, that the wife lingers from year to Year in that pitiable condition. 1 Among which -w»f be ftnmff Mfrflt Kfrwwa, as not even for one day to feel the happy | plaid and checked ginghams, plaid and check- and exhilarating influence incident to the I e< * muslins, calicoes and sbirtiags, 5-4, 10-4, enjoyment of heath, arising from ignorance °f a very fine quality. Red, blue and of the simplest and plainest rules of health white flannels, all Vool. Brown and bleach as connected with the marriage state, the I *=4 Uaafon flannel, 3-4,7-8,4-4. Shirtings of violation of which entails disease, and mise-1 v arious qualities, Irish linen for diapers^ black, white,mixed and made hoes for tadiesT and Misses; also a fine lot of ladies plaid long shawls, very fine, all wool, and many other articles not mentioned. All of the above goods will be sold as cheap as they can be bought in Georgia, and wc re spectfully solicit a liberal portion of public patronage, and would invite all our friends and former patrons to give us a call and ex amine onr goods arid prices, we shall not fear the result. Be sure to call at the Nets Cloth ing Store, on Broad street, Athens. Gji. Oct. ISC SKY-LIGHT DAGUERREAN GALLERY.. T HE subscriber bas recently opened tho Sky-Light Daguerrean Gallery nearly -opposite the Bank, where he is prepared to take LIKENESSES in nil kinds of weather,, and iu the most beautiful style of tbe art. The publio are invited to call and examine.- specimens. J- F. O’KELLY. Athens, Feb 1 tf «y- “ And must this continue f Must this be) Is there no remedy} No relief! No hope!' The remedy is by knowing the causes and avoiding them, and knowing the remedies and benefiting by them: These are pointed out iu THE MARRIED WOMAN’S PRIVATE MEDICAL COMPANION, BY DR. A. M. MAURICEAU, raoFEssou of diseases of women. One Hundredth Edition (500,00pj ISma, pp. 230. I ON FINS MK», mu BINDING, $.100.] A standard work of established reputation, found classed in the catalogue: of the great trade sales iu New-York, Philadelphia, and or prompt payment at the end of each quar ter. D. N. JUDSON. Jan. 18, 1855. D. N. NEW GOODS. I H A VE just received a large stock of choice Family Groceries, and a general assort- otber cities, and sold by tne principal book-1 ment of Crockery, which I will sell for cash sellers in the United States. It was first '■“*'**- published in 1847, since which time Five Hundred Thousand Copies have been sold, of which there were upwards of one hundred thousand sent hy mail, attesting the high estimation io which it is held as a reliable popular Medi cal BOOK FOR EVERY FEMALE the author having devoted his exclusive at tention to the treatment of complaints pecu- liarjtn females,in respect to which he is yearly consulted by thousands, both in person and by letter. Here every woman can discover, by com paring her own symptoms with those de- Pickles, V INEGAR, s. s. almonds, raisins, soda bis cuit and candies, of the best qualities, nt feb8 KENNEY’S. M ackerel—Nos. i. 2 3, at retail, at fcb8 ’ KENNEY’a •REMOVAL.. MOORE & CARLTOH ||AVE removed to No. 74, Granite Row). ITU ruiuuvuu MI HU. IJJ, utuuitv HVhj. Athens, Ga., where they will be pleased' to wait apon all tlieir oldtfriends and hosts- of new ones. - They have on hand a very complete assort ment of Stapleand Fancy Dry Goods, which- will be sold at prices corresponding with the* hardness of the times. and examine the stock. Athens, Feb 1 tf DISSOLUTION. J M. BILLUPS' withdrawal from the firm; . of Lucas Billups, renders it necessary, to settle up all the business of th e old firm ;■ aud this is to request. Tall persons indebted to* us lo come forward .and make payment, or. close the accounts by note. The regular business will be confined bv, F. \\. Lucus. LUCUS S; B1 Lp 1*8, * Fob. 22, 1855. COFFEE, COFFEE. Proceedings of Council, COUNCIL CHAMBER,) Athens, March 3, JS»5. j A REGULAR meeting of the Board of Wardens was held tl\is day. Present, Peoples, Intendant; Messrs- Mitchell, Sumtncy, Carlton, Delony and Cobb, War dens. Upon motion of Warden Delony, it was unanimously Resolved, That, whereas the 6th General Ordinance of our Town is continually viola ted at tbe Town Hall on all publio occasions whenever our citizens are there assembled for recreation aud amusemeut, by certain disorderly and reckless persons, contrary to tbe good order and reputation of our Town, for remedy thereof, Be it therefore, Resolved, Tbat William Patman, E. S. Billups, JacobTweedy, Adrew Lindsey, John Yarborough and Samuel Hardy, be, and they are hereby appointed aids to tbe MarehaU and Deputy Marshall, be, aud they are here by required to attend,with tbe above named aids, at the Town Hall at all and every Con cert, Lecture, Show or Public Performance, or Exhibition of whatsoever character the same may bo there, hereafter to be given, then and there to suppress all riotous and disorderly conduct on the part of all and every persons whatsoever. Resolved, That, in addition to the above named aids, tbe Marshall and Deputy Ma - shall, be each empowered and they are hereby instructed, required and empowered to sum mon such person or persons to their assist ance as they shall deem necessary on such occasions to^preserve order and prevent any violation of the 5th General Ordinance, and that such person or persons so summoned be hereby constituted lawful officers of the Town for such purpose. Resolved, That the Marshall and Deputy Marshall be instructed and required to arrest and keep in custody all and every such per son or persons ns on such occasions shall violate the aforesaid Ordinance until the Board of Wardens bo called together and their case disposed of. Ordered, That the foregoing resolutions bo published in the Gazettes of the 1'own. A t»ue extract fr r ’in the minutes. ’ Match .8,1855. ' W. G- DELONY, Sec. scribed, the nature, character, causes the proper remedies for, her complaints. The wife about becoming a mother bas often need of instuction and advice of tbe almost importance to ber future health, in respect to ^hich her sensitive^— foimas consulting a medical gentleman, will find such iristruction and advice, and also'explain many symptoms which otherwise would oc casion anxiety or alarm, as all the peculiari ties incident to her situation are described. How many are suffering from obstructions which^undern)ine the health, the effects of which they are ignorant, and for which their delicacy forbids seeking medical.&dvic6 !— Many suff er from prolapsus uteri (falling of the womb), or from fiuor albus (weakness, debility, &c.) Many are in constant agony for many months preceding confinement— Many have difficult, if not dangerous delive ries, and slow and uncertain recoveries.— Some whose lives are hazarded during such time, will each find iu its pages the means of prevention, amelioration and relief. It is of course impracticable to convey fully tbe varions subjects treated of, as they are of a nature strictly intended for the mar ried o.* those contemplating marriage. In consequence of the universal populari ty of the work, as evidenced by its extraor dinary sale, various impositions have been attempted, os well on booksellers as on the publio, by imitations of tbe title page, spuri ous editions, and surreptitious infringements of copyright, aud other devices and decep tions. it has been found necessary, therefore, CAUTION THE PUBLIC s of, and /CHOICE Coffees and Sugars, on cash terms, ints. \J cheap, at fcb8 I. M. KENNEYV to buy no book unless the words “ Dr. A. M. Mauriceau, 120 Liberty Street, N. Y.” ie-qo' (and the entry in the Clerk’s Office on the back of) the title page; and buy only of raspectable and honorable dealers, or send by mail, and address to Dp. A. M. Mauriceau. Upon.receipt of One Dollar, “THE MARRIED WOMAN’S PRIVATE MEDI CAL COMPANION” is sent {mailedfree) to anvpartot the United States, the Canada** ami British Provinces. All letters must be post-paid, and addressed to Dr. A. M. MAU RICEAU, box 1224, New York City. Pub lishing Office, No. 129 Liberty Street, New York.' ‘ ' March 15. 1853 CHOICE POULTRY- 'I'tHE subscriber has on hand.a-fow pair more 1 of those celebrated Brabam Pootra and Shanghai fowls for sole. Call 6oon, on the corner of Broad and Jackson Streets, Athens, Ga- D. N. JUDSON. Jan. 18,1855. RIO COFFEE AND COFFEE SUGARS Of the best quality, always on baud, at Dec7 I. M- KENNEY’S. Stall Here 1 rpilE subscriber tenders bis thanks b»-Ri*- 5 friends and, customers-for. the manner in> which they have sustained hint the past year,- —and hoping that their kindness will tint abate, be has determin'd' to continue bu*i; ness at his old.stand, selling Goods LOW Lit YHAX EYEJC., For cash or cash terms.-. He willdn his best to let no one go away un- suited in quality or price. So, come oq'with. your cash—settle up, if vou owe anything.— Ue-sure you are right, then go alieadi’-' I am seHing*mv Dry Good*. Hkrdiswe,,4c. to'suitlbe times, agaiftssantr.ibns, oost-Iioures end every thing eho. ISAAC M. KENNEY, jun 11 Opposite No! 2, Broad sf reel BUCKETS AND PAILS. W HITE and red cedar, oak, and a variety of painted buckets and pails, for sale low, by P. A. SUMMEY & BRO. FOR SALE, T WO dr three first rate Two Horse Wa gons. Cheap. M E. MoWHORTER. C RANBERRIES and White Onions, just received by janz-r T. BISHOP &0DN. BUCKWHEAT FLOUR. A choice article “Holt’s best, at Dec7 I. M. KENNEY’S. SPRING I S upon us iu all its glory, and summer is is fast advancing. With these seasons also come disease? peculiar to them, iu the fi rm of and certainly the most agreeable, shall’s Ring-worm and Tettor Lotion.” Tt will .ccrl, tinly cure, and quickly—it does not stain the skin, aud is an agreeable perfume. For sale by the Druggists generally, and by W. H. & J. TURPIN, Dealers iu pure Family Medicines, Juncl5 Broad street, Augusta, Ga. )RESERVES-G ingcr and Chow-chow ?resbrves. and all sort* of PICKLES,for lie by P, A SUMMEY & BRO. FfoarL Flonr! V lARQVlst of superfine and wtltm fistnllri j[L Flour, in sacks and extra tiai'ri ls, t*fr\ sale- hy P. A .-SUMMEY & KlUh HARD A LL persons indebted lo me by note or account, are respectfully requested to call and settle without delay*. Jan. 18,1835. D. N. JUDSON.. -T-*—T“" ' NOTICE. H M R. Vnt N WHITE, having my entire st ck of Books, .Stationery,. Fancy Goods, &c. T succeeds to the- bui-i* ess* bUherto me. In retiring*, the undersigned-Uk :.- oeeasiitot to return his thanks for. the patronage ex^ tended ;. and to solicit a contiousnce of th*- same to Mr. White, who, he feels assu will use liis best efforts to return theirs will and confidence, if transferred t Feb. 8,1855. J S. I* ETUI H AVING purchased Mr. J. S. Peterson’*- ontirn su*ck, as above, the unridangned: will endeavor to merit any paUounge the former customers of the establishment may kindly bestow. ; 11c offers them their choice from a large and diversified stock of Books, Stativuerv and Fancy Goods, at the lowest rates. His own customers, also, whose for mer favors' he gratefully acknowledge!*, he will be happy still to meet either at *bc. corner, or at No. - jfiffjlcjjo Avenue, as thev mav prefer. V M N WHITE Feb. .3,1855,.